The ACS Group Earns € 574 Million in 2020, Affected by Abertis' Reduction
2020 RESULTS The ACS Group earns € 574 million in 2020, affected by Abertis’ reduction of € 280 million Sales stood at € 34,937 million, a reduction of 10.5% that was mainly due to the impact of COVID-19. EBITDA stood at € 2,397 million, a reduction of -14.2% without considering Abertis, whose average traffic dropped 21% as a result of COVID-19. The adjusted net profit, excluding non-recurrent impacts, amounted to € 602 million, down € 360 million from 2019, € 280 million due to Abertis. Not considering Abertis, the decrease was 11.2%. Backlog stood at € 69,226 million, down 11% due mainly to the depreciation of the US dollar. In comparable terms, the decrease was 3.7% Grupo ACS Key operating & financial figures Euro Million 2019 2020 Var. Var ex-ABE* Turnover 39,049 34,937 -10.5% -10.5% EBITDA 3,148 2,397 -23.9% -14.2% EBIT 2,126 1,433 -32.6% -18.9% Attributable Net Income 962 574 -40.3% -15.1% Adjusted Net Income ** 962 602 -37.4% -11.2% Backlog 77,756 69,226 -11.0% -11.0% Total Net Debt (54) (1,820) n.a. n.a. * Without considering the contribution of Abertis, whose traffic figures have been strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Excluding non-recurring impacts (the sale of Thiess, reversal of provisions and financial derivative results). 1 2020 RESULTS 1. Consolidated Results The Group’s 2020 ordinary net profit accounted for € 602 million, € 360 million less than the previous year. This decline is mainly due to the evolution of Abertis, whose traffic was heavily affected by the lockdown measures related to COVID- 19, reducing its contribution by € 280 million.
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