1 2019 Uzbekistan Memo to File (MTF) and IEE Amendment for USAID-Funded Agriculture Value Chains (AVC) Programmatic PERSUAP Face

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1 2019 Uzbekistan Memo to File (MTF) and IEE Amendment for USAID-Funded Agriculture Value Chains (AVC) Programmatic PERSUAP Face 2019 Uzbekistan Memo to File (MTF) and IEE Amendment for USAID-funded Agriculture Value Chains (AVC) Programmatic PERSUAP Face Sheet MTF Information TO: Will Gibson, BEO THROUGH: Nina Kavetskaya, MEO Andrei Barannik, REA CC: MEO Tracking FROM: Bahtiyor Mirzabaev, COR SUBJECT: 2019 Uzbekistan P-PERSUAP analysis of all 2018 Uzbekistan-registered pesticides and use sectors for current EPA active registration and restriction data. Also, this study includes new sectors, crops, pests, diseases, weeds updates and new preventive IPM information for each. ISSUE FOR DECISION: You are requested to approve the new 2019 Uzbekistan P-PERSUAP, which analyzes all 2018 Uzbek registered pesticides, and adds links to MSDSs for “same or similar” pesticide products. IEE Amendment and P-PERSUAP Face Sheet Information PROGRAM/ACTIVITY DATA Activity Location:/Country Code Uzbekistan/Central Asia Activity Name: All USAID/CA/Uzbekistan programs Activity Number: Multiple Life-of-Activity Funding: $17,039,595 (Agricultural Value Chains, AVC) Period Covered: Present date to 2020 IEE and PERSUAP Prepared by: Alan Schroeder, PhD, MBA; Sunnat Jalolov, MSc Funding Period: FY2015 - 2020 IEE Amendments (Y/N): YES – amends Asia 15-047 and all current USAID/CA and USAID/CA/Uzbekistan IEEs covering activities with potential pesticide use in Uzbekistan Dates P-PERSUAP Prepared, Reviewed and Edited: April to December 2018 1 SUMMARY This Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the 2019 USAID/CA/Uzbekistan Programmatic Pesticide Evaluation Report Safer Use Action Plan (PERSUAP) addresses the requirements of 22 CFR 216.3(b) (“Pesticide Procedures”) regarding the assistance in procurement or use or both, without restriction, of pesticides on all USAID/CA/Uzbekistan programs. It amends all current USAID/CA IEEs covering activities that may involve the use of pesticides in Uzbekistan. These include: Health IEE amendment #2 (DCN: Asia 19-009); Democracy and Governance IEE amendment #8 (DCN: Asia 18- 076); Economic Growth IEE amendment #4 (DCN: Asia 18-079); and Memo to the File for Central Asia Competitiveness, Trade and Jobs Activity to the Asia 18-079. Recommended Action: The activities under review are recommended for assistance in the procurement or use, or both, for same or similar uses by USEPA without restriction of pesticides across the regional and local USAID/CA/Uzbekistan portfolios, subject to compliance with the Safer Use Action Plan that comprises Section 4 of this document. 1.0 BACKGROUND AND ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1.1 The Purpose of PERSUAP: This PERSUAP (1) establishes the set of pesticides for which procurement, use or support for use is authorized across all USAID/CA/Uzbekistan programs; and (2) establishes the conditions under which the authorized pesticides may be procured, used, or their use supported to best ensure user, consumer and environmental safety. It also supersedes, replaces and exceeds coverage in the 2009 Uzbekistan Agricultural Linkages and 2012 Uzbekistan Agricultural Linkages Plus PERSUAPs. 1.2. PERSUAP brief description Activities covered by the PERSUAP: Since it began in 2015, the AVC project used the 2012 Uzbekistan Agricultural Linkages Plus PERSUAP to advise and guide its decisions on pesticides. In 2018, with potentially several months of important AVC activities and funding left, USAID made a decision to replace the 2012 PERSUAP. Six years of pesticide registration and restriction changes had passed, locally, at EPA as well as in international agreements. Furthermore, over that same six years, many new Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools and tactics had been tested and developed in other countries for the same sectors, crops, pests, diseases and weeds as those present in Uzbekistan. In addition to AVC activities, as noted above, several on-going mostly regional programs, projects, initiatives and activities may include future pesticide use in Health, Democracy and Governance Economic Growth, Feed the Future, Local Governance Program, GDA Multi Input Area Developmental Financing Facility, Competitive Trade and Jobs, as well as Central Asia Competitiveness, Trade and Jobs Activity. To be proactive, efficient and preempt the need for drafting additional PERSUAPs in the near future, a decision was made to make this 2019 PERSUAP programmatic, to include the sectors that follow. Types of Sectors/Services considered in PERSUAP include: Pesticide use in Agriculture (seed, field and greenhouse, and locust control, food processing and post-harvest pest control for a large number of crops); Food Security (food treatment and warehouse fumigation); Veterinary (livestock and feed additives); Water and Sanitation; Avian Influenza; and Health and Malaria (microbial disinfection); Construction (termite and ant control); and Rights of Way Treatment (weed control). 2 Uzbekistan and US EPA Registered Pesticides: This 2019 document addresses chemicals registered in 2018 for import and use in Uzbekistan and excludes any pesticides from the region that are not legally approved by the Government of Uzbekistan (GOU) for import and use. The list of unrestricted, Uzbekistan-registered and EPA-approved list of registered for the “same or similar uses” by USEPA, “without restriction”) pesticides is available below in Table 1. Pesticides are rejected by this PERSUAP analysis if they are not EPA registered for “same or similar uses”, with restrictions (Restricted Use Pesticides, RUP), or are classified as extremely toxic (Class I); this list is included at the end of this PERSUAP in Annex 15. All pesticides which are not on the approved list, shall not be procured or used on AVC or other USAID/CA/Uzbekistan programs, projects or activities. Uzbekistan registers pesticides in the following groupings: insecticides, fungicides, seed treatments, nematicides, bioproducts (plant extracts and microbes/microbial extracts), pheromones, rodenticides, herbicides, defoliants and desiccants (primarily for the cotton sector), Plant Growth Regulators, PGRs/growth regulating hormones, for warehouse storage facilities. EPA no longer considers pheromones as pesticides, and thus does not regulate them. PERSUAP Recommendations (conditions): In summary, Implementing Partners (IP) conditions require that: Only pesticides with PERSUAP-approved active ingredients can be procured, used or recommended for use with USAID funds. Pesticide products procured, used or recommended for use must be labelled in a national language (Uzbek or Russian) and include specified essential usage and safety information. Basic training in safer pesticide use (SPU) must be provided broadly to those using, selling, financing or providing extension services involving pesticides with USAID funding. Training must be reported to the AOR/COR. Pesticides for crop protection, as well as other sectors, must be part of an IPM plan including numerous preventive tools and tactics to manage and reduce pests/diseases/weeds before the decision to use pesticides is made. Projects must assure SPU per pesticide label specifications, including the correct use of appropriate PPE for each pesticide use under their direct control. Otherwise, projects must assure access to, proper use and maintenance of appropriate PPE and use per label to the greatest degree practicable. In addition to any other procurement requirements, projects seeking approval to purchase pesticides must certify that such procurement is compliant with this PERSUAP and provide other specified information for AOR/COR review and clearance via a provided form (Annex 14) Record-keeping, reporting on compliance with the above conditions as part of regular project implementation reporting, and pass-down of all above requirements to subcontractors, grantees and sub-grantees is required. In summary, conditions for USAID/CA/Uzbekistan require that: 3 USAID/CA/Uzbekistan put in place effective internal procedures to review pesticide use plans and pesticide procurement requests submitted by IPs. The MEO must review and approve all procurement requests. Per ADS 204.3.4, AORs/CORs must assure that the requirements established by section (IP Conditions, summarized above) are funded, implemented, and monitored. Technical Offices, working with Office of Acquisition and Assistance (OAA), must ensure that contract and award language requires compliance with the conditions established by this PERSUAP for each relevant project. USAID/CA/Uzbekistan must assure that all relevant mission staff receive an internal short-format (~1–2 hour) training on the requirements established by this PERSUAP. Annual review of the approved pesticides list in this 2019 PERSUAP: The lists of pesticides approved by Uzbekistan and analyzed in this PERSUAP is dated May 2018. To ensure that this PERSUAP stays current & compliant with US EPA registration status, the list of chemicals should be reviewed annually. Substantial update every 3-5 years of the PERSUAP. In order to distill lessons learned and ensure that all requirements are up-to-date, this document should be substantially updated at least every 3 years. Thus, the next major update should occur not later than 2022. Regular training for USAID/CAR and USAID/CA/Uzbekistan, IPs, collaborating GOU officials. Do regular annual training on use of this PERSUAP for all stakeholders so that they understand how to interpret and use it. The next training will be due in May of 2019. Recommended Next Date to Amend the PERSUAP: November 2019, or sooner, if GOU registers new pesticides. Unrestricted, Uzbekistan-Registered and EPA-approved
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