

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2020 On This Date 1534 – The Ottoman sultan Suleiman Quote of the Day the Magnificent captured Baghdad and took control of the important “I think of myself as a singer. trading hub between the Tigris and The acting is just something Euphrates rivers. I have to do between songs.” 1783 – New York City’s Fraunces ~ Deanna Durbin, actress Tavern hosted General George Washington and Continental Army soldiers for a “turtle feast” to celebrate the evacuation of British Happy Birthday! Troops from New York. Deanna Durbin (1921–2013) was a 1909 – Ambrose O’Brien founded Canadian actress and gifted singer who the Canadian Athletic Club. The specialized in musical uniform was a navy blue sweater films and roles as the with white bands at the shoulders perfect teen daughter and a white C on the chest band. In and girl next door. 1917, the club became a founding Some of her most member of the NHL, as the Club de popular films include Hockey Canadian (CHC). (1936), Every Sunday (1936), and (1941). In 1938, at age Did You Know? 17, she received an Academy Juvenile Award. She retired in 1949, and in 1950 In colonial New England, “turtle she married film producer-director feasts” were elite dining experiences. Charles Henri David. The couple Sea turtle was a high-status food, moved to a farmhouse near Paris where and eating it affirmed social they raised Deanna’s two children from bonds among men. a previous marriage, Jessica and Peter.

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