The Uuiversitj Musical Souietj of the University of Michigan
The UuiversitJ Musical SouietJ of The University of Michigan Presents ANN ARBOR THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA E UGENE ORMANDY , Music Director and Conduct01' WILLIAM SMITH, Assistant Conductor EUGENE ORMANDY, Conducting Soloist BEVERLY SILLS, Soprano SATURDAY EVENING , MAY 4, 1974, AT 8 :30 HILL AUDITORIUM , ANN ARBOR , MICHIGAN PROGRAM Five Pieces for Small Orchestra, Op. 42 SHOSTAKOVI CH Moderato Andante Largo Moderato Allegretto Symphony No. 88 in G major HAYDN Adagio; allegro La rgo Menuetto : a llegretto Allegro con spirito Motet, "Exsultate, jubilate," K. 165 MOZART Exsul tate, jubilate Tu virginum corona Fulge t arnica di es .-\lIelu ja BEVERL Y S ILLS IN TERiVIISSION " Depuis Ie jour," fr om Louise CHARPENTIER Fin al Scene from Anna Bolena DON IZETTl MISS SILLS ';'Roman Festivals R ESPIGHI *A vailable on Columbia R ecords RCA R ed Seal F ourth Concert Eighty-first Annua l May Festi n ll Complete Conce rts 3885 PROGRAM NOTES by G LENN D. MCGEOCH Five Pieces for Small Orchestra, Op. 42 DMITRI SHOSTAKOVICH (1906- ) The Fi ve Pieces, written by Shostakovich at the age of twenty-nine, were never mentioned or listed among his major works, until Ivan M artynov, in a monograph ( 1947) referred to them as "Five Fragments for Orchestra, 193 5 manuscript, op. 42." A conflict, which had begun to appear between the compose r's natura l, but advanced expression, and the Soviet official sanction came to a climax in 1934 wh en he produced his "avant guarde" opera Lady Ma cbeth of Mzensk. He was accuse d of "deliberate musical affectation " and of writing "un Soviet, eccent ric music, founded upon formalistic ideas of bourge ois musical conce ptions." Responding to this official castigation, he wrote a se ries of short, neoclassic, understated works, typical of the Fi ve Pieces on tonight's program.
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