The RSS Feed Five Cs for the future hen you try and take a loan, a bank music, you’re Consuming content. This is what or a lender looks at five Cs for devices today are best at achieving – your PC Wyou – Character, Capacity, Col- and your phone are equally capable of satiating lateral, Capital and Conditions. Character is this need of yours. your reputation – do you have a history of bad Communication is what is responsible for credit? Capacity is your ability to repay – a big Facebook, cell phones, emailing, IM-ing, video enough salary, existing debts, etc. Collateral is conferencing, etc., Regardless of whether we what you’re putting up to minimise the risk to communicate using PCs, phones or tablets, all the lender – property for example. Capital is form factors of devices of today seem to excel similar, in the sense it refers to how much you at Communication. have, and are risking from your own pocket. Creation is the real chink in technology Finally, Conditions define the loan amount and armour, and has always been. There’s always the interest rate, based on your age – how close some device that’s better at creating certain or far away from retirement you are… types of content than another. Your phone can Robert Sovereign-Smith No, I’m not going to give you a finance lesson click a photo like a dedicated camera can, make Executive Editor this month, especially since I consider myself a call as clear as a landline, video chat like on
[email protected] to be pretty terrible on the subject.