Clam (Polymesoda sp.) Density at Various Habitats of Mangrove Forest in Kendari bay Southeast Sulawesi


Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Halu Oleo *Corresponding author: [email protected]


Clams are bivalves that have been associated with mangrove forest in Kendari Bay for decades. These clams have experienced ecological pressures as their exploitation is increasingand degradation of mangrove forest occurred extensively. This research was conducted from November 2013 to October 2014 in mangrove area of Kendari Bay to determine its density in various habitat conditions of the mangrove forest. Three sampling stations were chosen based upon the mangrove density, namely station I was a thick density of mangrove, station II was located in areas with low density of mangrove, and station III was a medium density of mangrove with intensive clam exploitation. The clam and substrate sampling as well as measurement of mangrove density were done using quadratic transects that were taken perpendicular to the sea during low tide. The clam density was analyzed using standard formula, whereas the suitability of clam habitat was analyzed using principal component analysis and cluster analysis on multivariate statistical packages program. The result showed that the clam density was found higher at station I (13.65±3.74 ind.m-2) than station II and III that was 6.62 ± 2.46 ind.m-2and 5.72±1.53ind.m-2, respectively. The high density of clam at station I is characterized by the high mangrove density of each category of seedlings (3,200 ind.ha-1), saplings (2,960 ind.ha-1) and trees (180 ind.ha-1).At station I, there was higher silt fraction (3.454) and soil organic matter content compared to other sampling stations, suggesting that those factors contributed to the high density of clams.

Key words: Clam, density, mangrove, Kendari Bay

Introduction Mangrove is a source of nutrients in coastal areas and provide a convenient place for the growth and development of various macrobenthos biota (Nagelkerken et al., 2008; Nordhaus et al., 2009) including clams (Polymesoda erosa) (Ingole et al., 2002). Like other bivalves, clams are filter feeder organism whose play an important role in the ecosystem including deposit the organic material into dissolved inorganic in the water column and the bottom waters directly (Allen and Vaughn, 2011) and be used as bioindicators in heavy metals polluted water (Dsikowitzky et al., 2011). The clams are capable to decompose organic matter that strongly associated with mangrove habitat.Therefore, if the mangrove degradation as habitat of clams occurred, it will be followed by the decline and even loss of this organism. In general, bivalves extinction may be caused by two condition: habitat degradation and exploitation of bivalves itself (Lydeard et al., 2004). Based on data of mangrove forest in Kendari Bay, there has been significant loss that was estimated around 300 ha in the 1990s to 10 ha in 2012 (Alwi, 2012). Rapid conversion of the forest into land function to public facilities was suggested to contribute to the loss of decent living habitat for these bivalves. On the other hand, uncontrolled activities such as illegal logging, littering and other public activities in the upper land and around Kendari Bay are expected to accelerate decrease of clams population in mangrove habitat. Clams from the genus Polymesoda are known for their delicious meat that drawn a high consumer demand. Some species of Polymesoda have been massively exploited due to their high economic value (Clemente & Ingole, 2011) such as: P. solida and P. arctata (Severeyn et al., 1994). The increasing demand from the regional and local marketis other factor contributing to the decrease of clam’s population in Kendari Bay (unpublished data, 2014). Based upon the ecologically and economically important roles of clams in mangrove area, research on clam density in various conditions of the mangrove habitat of Kendari Bay becomes critical. This aim of research was to determine the density of clams in various habitat conditions of the mangrove forest. The results of this study are expected to provide basic information for the management of clam resources in Kendari Bay and in other mangrove areas in Indonesia with similar condition.

Materials and Method Sampling and data collection This study was conducted for one year from November 2013 to October 2014 at the mangrove forest of Kendari Bay, Southeast Sulawesi. The stations were determined by purposive random sampling which were based on mangrove density: station I was an area with considerably thick density of mangrove, station II was located in areas with low density of mangrove, and station III was an area with medium density of mangrove and intensive utilization of clam by local community (Figure 1). There were three sub-stations at each station, located at the beginning, middle and end of the line transect in a perpendicular position toward the coast. The clam samples were collected using quadratic transect (5x5 m2) with 3 replicates at each sub-station which were done on monthly basis. Sampling of mangrove density was categorized by tree, sapling and seedling (10x10 m2, 5x5 m2 and 1x1m2), respectively, taken in the same area as clams station. The number stands of tree, sapling, and seedlings in each quadratic transect was recorded. The substrate sampling was taken approximately at 15 cm deep and then put them into labeled plastic bag. Subsequently, texture and substrate organic material were analyzed at Texting Laboratory of University of Halu Oleo. Substrate texture was divided into 7 parts i.e.: very coarse sand(PSK), coarse sand (PK), medium sand (PS), fine sand (PH), very fine sand (PSH), clay (Le) and dust (Li) (Sousa et al., 2008).

Figure 1. Map of clam sampling at mangrove forest of Kendari Bay. Sampling stations are marked in black dots

Data Analysis The density of clams was as a function of the sampling area occupied by the clams (ind.m-2), whereas the mean density was analyzed using Mann-Whitney (U) test (Ocana, 2015). The relationship between environmental quality and clams density in each station was analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Musin et al., 2015) and Cluster Analysis (CA) on Multivariate Statistical Package Program (MVSP).

Results and Discussion Results The result of Mann-Whitney (U) test showed that mean density of clams in station I was different from station II dan station III. The highest density of clams was found at station 1 with a value of 13.65±3.74 ind.m-2, whereas in stations II and III, the density wasfound to be relatively unequal with values of 6.62±2.46 and 5.72±1.53 ind.m-2 respectively (Figure 2).

20 ) 2



5 Clam density(ind/m Clam

0 I II III Station

Figure 2. Density of clams in mangrove forest of Kendari Bay

The highest mangrove density of each category (seedlings, saplings, and trees) were found in station I, respectively by 32,000, 2,960, and 180 ind.ha-1. Furthermore, at station III, it was found that each category of seedlings, saplings, and trees was 14,000, 2,400, and 160 ind.ha-1. Lower mangrove densities were found in station II by 6,000, 1,040, and 40 ind.ha-1. Among all categories, seedlings were the densest that were found in all stations (Figure 3).

35000 30000 25000 Trees Saplings Seedlings 20000 15000 10000 5000

Mangrove Mangrove ( density ind/ha) 0 I II III Station Figure 3. Density of mangroves at each station of Kendari Bay

The mangroves species found in Kendari Bay were belongs to 4 species consisting of Soneratia alba, Rhizophora sp., Xylocarpus sp., and Avicennia sp. In general, the 2 most dominant species found were Rhizophora sp. and S. alba. It was found that Rhizophora sp. and S. albain station I had higher density than other stations. Three species was found in station II with dominant speciesbeing S. alba and Xylocarpus sp., whereas low density species wasRhizophora sp. Similarly, in station III 3 species werefound that wasdominated by Rhizophora sp., Avicennia sp. and S. alba (Figure 4). The results of the PCA showed that the Eigenvalue was explained by 99% of the axis I and axis 2, by 83% and 16%, respectively. The large contributing parameters to the axis 1 was dust and clay, with values respectively by 4,197 and 2,294. Subsequently, some variables contributed in small amounts and distributed evenly across the stations namely medium sand (-0.554), fine (-0.454), and coarse sand (-0.098). The large contributing parameters to the axis 2 was dust (3,454), medium sand (1,543) and clay (-1.091), whereas the small contributing parameters was coarse sand (-0.556) and fine sand (-0.299) (Figure 5). Stations I and II contributed to the 2 axis and station III contributed to the 1 axis.


20000 Trees Saplings Seedlings


10000 Density (ind/ha) Density 5000



Figure 4. Density of mangrove species at each station in Kendari Bay. A = Soneratia alba, B = Rhizophora sp., C = Xylocarpus sp, and D = Avicennia sp.

4.4 De 3.5 2.6 PS1.8 I 0.9 III PH PK Sumbu2 -4.4-3.5 -2.6 -1.8 -0.9 0.9II 1.8 2.6 3.5 4.4 -0.9 Li -1.8 -2.6 -3.5 -4.4 Sumbu 1 Figure 5. Principal component analysis on water texture at each station in Kendari Bay

Furthermore, the values of substrate texture variables and stations were grouped by Cluster Analysis which were divided into 3 groups. Group I (station 1) was characterized by a fraction of dust, group 2 (station II) was characterized by clay fraction, andGroup 3 (station III) was characterized by moderate sand (Figure 6). The clams densities increasedwith the amount of mangrove density and soil organic matter. Station I had thehighest mangrove densities of seedlings and trees categories compared to other stations. Similarly, soil organic matter in this station showed a higher value and higher density of clams compared to other stations (Figures 7 and 8). I II III 90.4 92 93.6 95.2 96.8 98.4 100

Percent Similarity Figure 6. Cluster analysis on water texture at each station in Kendari Bay

35000 200 Seedlings Saplings 180 30000 Trees Clams 160 25000 140 20000 120 100 15000 80 (ind/ha) 10000 60 40 5000

Mangrove density (ind/ha) densityMangrove 20

0 0 and clam density Mangrove I II III

Station Figure 7. Relation of clam density and mangrove density in Kendari Bay

16 5.3 ) Density Organic matter 2 14 5.2 5.1 12 5 10 4.9 8 4.8 6 4.7 4.6 4 4.5 2

4.4 (%) matter organic Soil lm esy(ind/m densty Clams 0 4.3 I II III Station Figure 8. The relation of clam density and organic matter in Kendari Bay

Discussion Sediment type is an important factor for the existence of benthic communities (Van Hoey et al., 2004). This study showed that clams are found to be abundantin mangrovehabitat with substrate texture dominated by dust. Habitat with high dustwill provide stability to clamsfor digging during burial period (Lyimo et al., 2002) and it is also provide the clams to breathe in air during the protruding phase for a long time compared to clay and sand substrates. Substrate that supports respiration in air will provide higher clam density and play an important role in their distribution thanin substrates which inhibit its activity (Clemente and Ingole, 2011). In addition, this texture will make it easier to bind the organic matter needed by clam (Lopez & Levinton, 1987) compared to other textures. Through the mechanism of the pedal feeder, clams sweep all the food contained in the ground floor of mangroves. According to Box and William's (2000) substrate textures greatly determine bivalve density, which provides sediment stability and the presence of organic matter (food) for bivalves. Ecologically, substrate size determines the density of some bivalves. P. erosa was also found at high density in fine mud substrate but not inhabitant of high sand content (Clemente & Ingole, 2011). Preferences of certain substrates was also found in some species of freshwaterbivalves such as Dreissena polymorphawhichfavored of sand and clay fraction, whereas D. bugensis favored of clay fraction (Jones & Ricciardi, 2005) and Corbicula flumineawas found abundant in the sand fraction (rough and medium sand) (Sousa et al., 2008). It is known that the substrate provides a strong attachment point in the denser surface hence making it as a suitable ecosystem for biological activity of the clams,thuscolonization of adult bivalves (Vaughn et al., 2008). However, the sediment is not always directly related to habitat preferences of theclams, given that some other environment quality variables also affect theirpresence. For example, the large grains of sand content in sediment are associated with food availability, stronger currents associated with increasing phytoplankton abundance and small grain but slow current associated with benthic algae density (Snelgrove & Butman, 1994). The highest density of Polymesoda sp. was found in thick mangrove areas of seedlings, saplings and trees. It is suggested that the thick mangrove area has a high productivity characterized by the high organic materials that produce food for the organisms associated with it. In addition, clamsare taking plankton as food and filtering the detritus from mangrove leaves decomposition. The lower density of clams at mangrove habitatcan be caused by several factors: 1) lowdensity of mangrove only provides relativelysmall/limited food in the ground, 2) direct exposure to the sunlight making clams must adapt to high temperature in thin mangrove areas (Paschoal, 2015); and 3) over harvesting of clams by local communities contributed greatly to the decreasing of clams density, although the environmental quality of the area was favorable for its growth such as in in station III where low density of clams was observed although mangrove density was at medium level. The clams densities were found to be higher in mangroves where Rhizophora sp. and S. albawere dominant. Although this finding is not in agreement with Skilleter and Warren (2000) who discoveredthe densities of Polymesoda sp. were higher in Avicenia sp. habitat but Capehart & Hackney (1989) stated that theunique root systemof Rhizophora sp. and S. alba, their rhizome and rootstock may provide a comfortable environment structure for the survival of Polymesoda sp. Some studies showed that Avicenia sp. had the ability to oxidize sulfides higher than other mangrove species (Lyimo et al., 2002; Thibodeau & Nickerson, 1986); 2) Also, pneumatophores structure in Avicenia sp. makes the substrate denser to support the mechanism of resuspension filter and they also provide higher supply of organic materials. Chapman, 1998; Skilleter & Warren , 2000). In contrast, in the present study, it was found that in station III where Avicenia sp. was dominant with lowerclams density. Therefore, it can be concluded that the low density of clamsin this station was not due to unfavorable environmental condition but because of the high harvesting in this area. The clams density in the present study was relatively not much different with those of P. erosa (Clemente & Ingole, 2011), but was significantly different from P. caroliniana (Duobinis, et al., 1982). Also, this study showed a much lower clamsdensity compared to freshwater clams from lakes and rivers (Table 1).

Table 1. Densities of clams species in various types of waters Density Location Species Reference (ind/m2) Cermin Bay, Riau Anadara sp 2.07 Suwondo, et al., 2012 Pharus sp 2.75 Geloina sp 2.53 Pernaviridis 2.32 Irupe Lake Limno pernafortunei 2,765 Musin et al., 2015 Mini Lake 981 Missisipi Estuary P. caroliniana 126 - 136 Duobinis et al., 1982 Chorao Island, India P. erosa 7 - 12 Clemente and Ingole, 2011

The high density of freshwater clams can be attributed to continuous distribution of organic materials as food for clams. This food is directly absorbed by freshwater clams through filter feeder mechanism resulting in higher productivity of freshwater clamscompared to marine and brackish water clams (Musin et al., 2015; Suwondo, et al., 2012).

Conclusions Clams density in mangrove forest of Kendari Bay was found to be in medium category due to high harvesting by local people. Habitats preferences of clams in the present study were in high density of mangrove (seedlings and trees), with dominant dust fraction and high organic matter in the sediment.

Acknowledgements The author is thankful to Muhammad Ashar, Nirwana, Sabaruddin, Jalil, and Nurmin who helped in sampling and data collection.

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