Noaa 13648 DS1.Pdf
r LOAI<CO Qpy N Guide to Gammon Tidal IVlarsh Invertebrates of the Northeastern Gulf of IVlexico by Richard W. Heard UniversityofSouth Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688 and CiulfCoast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, MS39564" Illustrations by rimed:tul""'"' ' "=tel' ""'Oo' OR" Iindu B. I utz URt,i',"::.:l'.'.;,',-'-.,":,':::.';..-'",r;»:.",'> i;."<l'IPUS Is,i<'<i":-' "l;~:», li I lb~'ab2 Thisv,ork isa resultofreseaich sponsored inpart by the U.S. Department ofCommerce, NOAA, Office ofSea Grant, underGrani Nos. 04 8 Mol 92,NA79AA D 00049,and NA81AA D 00050, bythe Mississippi Alabama SeaGrant Consortium, byche University ofSouth Alabama, bythe Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, andby the Marine EnvironmentalSciences Consortium. TheU.S. Government isauthorized toproduce anddistribute reprints forgovern- inentalpurposes notwithstanding anycopyright notation that may appear hereon. *Preseitt address. This Handbook is dedicated to WILL HOLMES friend and gentleman Copyright! 1982by Mississippi hlabama SeaGrant Consortium and R. W. Heard All rightsreserved. No part of thisbook may be reproduced in any manner without permissionfrom the author. Printed by Reinbold Lithographing& PrintingCo., BooneviBe,MS 38829. CONTENTS 27 PREFACE FamilyMysidae OrderTanaidacea Tanaids!,....... 28 INTRODUCTION FamilyParatanaidae........, .. 29 30 SALTMARSH INVERTEBRATES ., FamilyApseudidae,......,... Order Cumacea 30 PhylumCnidaria =Coelenterata!......, . FamilyNannasticidae......,... 31 32 Class Anthozoa OrderIsopoda Isopods! 32 Fainily Edwardsiidae. FamilyAnthuridae
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