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Conan the Victorious Robert Jordan

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Conan the Victorious

Robert Jordan

Conan the Victorious Robert Jordan In the fabled, mysterious land of Vendhya, Conan seeks an antidote to the unknown poison that threatens his life. Entangled in the intrigues of Karim Singh, advisor to the King of Vendhya, pursued by the voluptuous noblewoman Vyndra, threatened by the evil mage Naipal, Conan has yet to conquer the most terrifying adversaries of his life--the Sivani, demon-guardians of the ancient tombs of Vendhyan kings. To survive, he must be Conan the Victorious.

Conan the Victorious Details

Date : Published March 15th 1991 by (first published 1984) ISBN : 9780812513998 Author : Robert Jordan Format : Paperback 288 pages Genre : , Heroic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy

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From Reader Review Conan the Victorious for online ebook

Charles says pastiche

Georgene says

One of the better Conan novels.

Matthew says

I enjoyed this Conan but, it was not my favorite. To me there was one to many things going on at once with different characters. There was quite a bit of action like all Conan books I've read with a bit of sorcery and evil plots. I still look forward to reading more Conan just this one to me falls a bit short in epicness.

Robert Fenske says

[It is only revealed at the end of the book that a wizard tricked Conan into thinking he was poisoned. In truth, he had been cured almost immediately after being p

Josh says

The last set of the Further Chronicles of Conan, I read this one mostly to compete the Robert Jordan set and see just where he had taken the character after this sextuplet of stories.

Up until now, the other five books in the series had some semblance of continuity, but I felt that this one was more of a standalone, and more than that, had a lot of continuity problems that I had to ignore. For one was Conan's age - he's supposed to be what, 19? And that after ALL of the other stories he had written? But the biggest problem I had with this one was that it just simply went too far. The evil was taken way too far, the villain made to do things so cruel it felt as if he was simply doing it for the shock factor. The female nudity was amped up to the max, with enough misogyny to melt a liberal's brain like butter in a frying pan.

Ultimately an ignominious way to end the Robert Jordan sequence of Conan novels.

Mike S says

I really enjoyed this story, it wasn't the best Conan story I've read, but it was still interesting and fun and it kept me looking forward to reading each chapter or two a night. If you love the Conan books I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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Jefferson says

An entertaining adventure that shouldn't be taken too seriously.

Capitalismissexy says concepts again good but action n plot not intricate or realistic enough so deus ex machina has to kinda swoop in and end things for you. Many interesting characters and good idea just they were watered n given subnlight.. Like pizza even cold a conan is good.

Mark says

My first Conan novel I've read and probably the only one I'll read. The problem with a book like this is you know Conan survives. Whatever happens to him you know he's going to live through it. And yes, this is true for all comic book hero's but I'd rather read about it in something that takes me a hour to read instead of in novel form. To be honest, I was only reading this to find out what that Demon was on the cover and I was disappointed. I won't give it away but the Demon isn't in it for long and he talks like you or I would. It was kind of weird reading it. Anyway, what's good about this novel is how well RJ stuck to the comic books. I felt like I was reading a comic book at times and it held true to one right to the very end. This was a good read overall but I prefer the ole black & white comics personally.

Dantegideon says

This was actually pretty good right up until the end, which stank. As soon as he started going on about round breasts again I knew it was going to go downhill. But the part where he’s not indulging himself with describing nude ladies is good.

Robert Day says

The books I'd take to a desert island. The books I'd save from a house on fire. The books I read over and over. The best of the best.

Chris says

A literary triumph.

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Bart Hill says

Not one of the best Conan books. Not even one of the better Conan books written by Robert Jordan. This one got weighted down by too many characters and too many plots within plots. Looks like Jordan wanted to delve into ideas of "world-building" and fanciful schemes among royals and wizards, and those who desired to become rulers of people. Also, I thrown by some of the language used in this novel. Conan is a barbarian, but also a brilliant military strategist. However, in this book he uses vocabulary that doesn't seem appropriate to an uneducated warrior. Example: he says he won't become someone's "montague". Since when does Conan speak like this? Also, there were several sentences that read so poetic that I just shook my head. Oh, and before I forget the mention of "fish" as a code word for smuggled goods and "fishermen" for smuggler was SO over-used that unless one is a Conan fan, they'd stop reading the book very early on. On the other hand there were plenty of fawning wenches.

Stuart Dean says

Conan is in Turan living the life of a successful smuggler. As per usual, an argument over a wench ends up with a city guard dead and Conan on the run. While trying to get out of town Conan is poisoned by a man from far Vendyha. This poison, which makes Conan occasionally feel bad and sometimes gives him a headache but otherwise has no effect other than being eventually fatal, can only be counteracted by an antidote found only in Vendyha. Conan hooks up with a caravan to Vendyha, angers the two most powerful men in the caravan and the most powerful woman, all individually. Although he has already killed the man who poisoned him, Conan swears to kill his employer and that man's employer in turn, and anybody else peripherally involved, which includes a wizard. He also spends a lot of time riding around on horseback with naked women.

Jordan does an excellent job portraying Conan, though the women seem to all be somewhat psychotic. He manages a travel story without it being a tedious trudge but also without suddenly teleporting the group across the world. If you mixed Robert Jordan's plotting and themes with L. Sprague de Camp's use of words you would have a truly exceptional writer, someone like Robert E. Howard.

Clint says

It's so weird that the best Conan books weren't written by Robert E Howard, but that's the way it is. I can't remember how many writers have contributed to the pretty sizable Conan canon (yuk yuk), but I'm guessing that Robert Jordan was probably the best. His Wheel of Time books are awfully mighty and well-written.

This is a pretty regular Conan story: Conan, while drinking and whoring around town, gets embroiled in a plot involving assassinations, double-identities, wizards, multi-limbed demons, hot chicks who throw daggers, an army of dead warriors, a lost city in the jungle, double and triple crosses, magic weapons, and tons and tons of blood and corpses.

But the BEST part of this book, this particular edition, at least, is the thirty-page summary tacked on at the

PDF File: Conan the Victorious... 5 Read and Download Ebook Conan the Victorious... end of all Conan's exploits by all the authors who had written Conan stories up to that point, written by L. Sprague De Camp. It was 30 pages of the most badass, exciting adventure ever. He must have had a huge ass task of fitting all the stories together in a somewhat chronological form. It really really makes me want to read every single Conan book.

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