6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67408-9 - Nazi Empire: German Colonialism and Imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler Shelley Baranowski Index More information Index Africans/Afro-Germans Arrow Cross, 312, 347 impact of Nuremberg Laws on, 208–09 Artaman League, 181 sterilization of, 227 Association for Germandom Abroad Afrika Korps, 336 (Verein für das Deutschtum in Agrarian League, 25, 44, 168 Ausland), 154 Ahlwardt, Hermann, 24 Atlantic Charter, 287 Ali-Husseini. Amin (Grand Mufti of August-Wilhelm, Crown Prince, 168 Jerusalem), 336 Auschwitz-Birkenau, 191, 307, 331, 332, Allianz, 307 335, 342 Alsace and Lorraine, 17, 19, 22, 78, 86, Austria, 131, 132, 133, 152, 175, 203, 217, 110, 131, 145, 260, 290, 302, 309 222, 223, 262, 296, 298, 303, 305, Alvensleben, Ludolf von, 236, 237 308, 317, 318, 320, 331 Anglo-German Naval Agreement (1935), anti-Jewish measures introduced in, 203 223–24 antisemitism German annexation of, 223–24, 312 and anti-Marxism/anti-Bolshevism, 267, Pan-German demand for annexation 280, 326–27 of, 131 boycott of Jewish businesses (1933), Papen’s attempted customs union with, 183–84 160 in Imperial Germany, 24–27 Austro-Hungarian Empire/Austria in prewar Third Reich, 326–27 Hungary, 19, 31, 35, 61, 79, 94, 103, Crystal Night (Kristallnacht) pogrom 104, 132, 217, 322 (1938), 224–27 antisemitism in, 26 Nazi radicalization and aryanization, as Imperial Germany’s one ally, 41 of German Fatherland Party, 101–2 disintegration of, 110 of Pan-German League, 45, 46, 130 harsh measures against Serbs, 85 under the Weimar Republic, 124–26, military defeats of, 79 129–31 threat of Serbian nationalism to, Anti-Socialist Law, 34 62 Antonescu, Ion, 314, 323–24 ultimatum to Serbia, 62, 71 Arendt, Hannah, 1, 8 Autobahn, 196, 201 Armenian Genocide, (1915) 91–93 Auxiliary Service Law.
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