A Translation of Dante's Eleven Letters

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A Translation of Dante's Eleven Letters .M.-X:V m '>':> IC'i^^' '^i-;-; :^. iv'^i-:^^^: m ^y^ m<^V<i d>^^?ni^ A TRANSLATION OF DANTE'S ELEVEN LETTERS WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES AND HISTORICAL COMMENTS BY CHARLES STERRETT LATHAM EDITED BY GEORGE RICE CARPENTER WITH A PREFACE BY CHARLES ELIOT NOR TO// ^tuDent'0 (SDition BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Copyright, 1891, By HENRIETTA M. DWIGHT. All rights reserved. PREFACE. The work here printed was done under con- ditions which should be known to the reader. In 1883 Mr. Latham, then a student in Har- vard College, in the full flush of youth and health, was stricken by complete paralysis of his lower limbs. The blow was the heavier, because up to the time of his seizure he had been distinguished for physical vigor and activity. The attack put a sudden end to the enjoyments of youth, and to the hopes of life. All the resources of med- ical art were vain; and it became evident that there was hardly a chance even of partial recov- ery, that the prospect before him was of perma- nent bodily disability, and that his days were henceforth to be passed monotonously upon the bed, with the little variety of a change to the couch or the invalid's chair. A common spirit might well have been subdued by such a calamity. Mr. Latham faced his fate with composure and determination. He deter- mined not to be mastered by it. iv PREFACE. It was in the autumn of 1885 that I heard from my friend Professor Child that he had seen Mr. Latham at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where he had spent the summer, and that he had been much interested in him by his cheerful fortitude and manly resolution. He had taken up his studies and was pursuing them so far as his strength al- lowed, with the hope of ultimately passing the examinations requisite for the attainment of the bachelor's degree. A year or more later Mr. Latham asked to be enrolled as a member of the class under my in- struction. It was arranged that notes on the lec- tures, and directions for reading, should be regu- larly sent to him ; the stated examinations were held at his bedside, and his examination papers gave evidence not only of diligent and intelligent study, but also of such maturity of thought as was a natural result of the conditions of his life. In 1888 he had the satisfaction of obtaining his degree as of the Class of 1884. One of the studies which he had taken up dur- ing the preceding year was that of Dante. In writing to ask for some special advice, he had said, " In this course I have had a very great amount of pleasure, and much hard work besides." And " later, after obtaining his degree, he wrote : Al- PREFACE. V though this year's work has been completed with a fair amount of success, I feel that my work has only just begun, as I have become very much in- terested in some of the subjects of study. I am very anxious to write for the Dante Prize, . and if I may be allowed to compete for it I should choose (out of the subjects proposed) the trans- lation of Dante's Letters, with historical com- ments." Being encouraged to go on with this project, he wrote, in August, 1888 : " I expect a great deal of pleasure from my work, and I am willing to work hard, if my health will only permit. I am just about to take up the study of German, in order to get back what I once knew, as I see that a knowledge of the language is in- dispensable. I hope that two or three months' faithful study may give me enough to enable me to read the necessary books." From time to time afterwards he wrote of the progi'ess of his studies. There was never a word of complaint or repining in his letters. No one reading them without knowledge of the conditions under which they were written would have had a suspicion of what those conditions actually were. He was animated by the sense that he had entered into a competition with men of his own college standing who were in full enjoyment of health. He felt the stimulus vi PREFACE. of work undertaken with a free choice and with a definite aim. The scope of his studies widened from month to month. " It is all absorbingly interesting," he wrote ; " as soon as the books come from the Library I shall take them in hand, and hope soon to be able to report great strides." The books he was looking for were books from the library of Harvard College, without which he could hardly have accomplished his work. He was one of the many scholars in all parts of the country who, of late years, have rejoiced in and been grate- ful for that liberal administration of this great library which has enabled them to carry on studies otherwise impossible. In a letter written at the end of January, 1889, from Washington, where he had established himself " for the winter, Mr. Latham said : For a number of weeks I have wished to tell you how my work progressed, and to consult you on some doubtful points, but since my arrival here on December first, after a short iUness in New York, my health has been such as to prevent my doing anything for days at a time, and when I have felt well I have given all my energies to my translations and to the necessary reading. Now, however, I am glad to say that I am quite weU again, and the work goes bravely on. It is needless to say that I PREFACE. vii am disappointed in my translations ; that they fall far below what I had hoped to make them, but I am afraid I can do nothing to improve them." Again, early in April, after mentioning that his work had been interrupted by illness, and by an attack of neuralgia in his eyes which compelled him to give up reading or writing, and in fact de- prived him of any desire to do either, he said : — " Thus far I have made a finished translation of all the Letters, and have written comments to three of them, and would be prepared to write comments to as many more in a few days. My showing perhaps seems poor, but I have worked very hard, and what I have done has been as conscientious and painstaking as I knew how to make it. My comment on the letter to the Cardinal of Ostia comprises the entire history of the origin of the Bianchi and Neri and of their fight for supremacy, ending with the coming of the cardinal. It is long, but I could see no way of shortening it and making it com- prehensible. The comment on the letter to the Counts Alberto and Guido da Romena is a summary of what others have found out, with a discussion as to whether the Alessandro mentioned by Maestro Adamo (Inf. xxx.) is the same to whom the letter of condolence refers, or another. In the comment to the letter to the Italian Cardinals I have given as concise an account as possible of the election of Clement V., the removal of the Apos- tolic See to Avignon, and the election of John XXII. vin PREFACE. " My plan in regard to the other letters was as com- prehensive. In regard to the letter to Moroello Mala- spina I had determined to find out as much in re- gard to the family as I could, and to try to decide to which Moroello the letter is written, as there is some controversy in regard to this point. I have thought for some time that in the future I should like to write a few essays on the early Italian Poets, and it seemed to me that I could well begin my studies with the comment on the letter to Cino da Pistoia, which I should try to make critical to some extent, after giving the few bio- graphical facts that I could collect. " In regard to the letters about Henry VII. and his descent into Italy (v., vi., and vii., in Fraticelli's edi- tion) I had made up my mind that it would be much better to write one continuous comment, giving a full account of what he did and of the state of Italy at the time, of his failure and vacillation and final death. Do you not think this a much better method than trying to divide the comment into three ? " I wish to discuss the genuineness of the letter to Guido da Polenta, to give some points in regard to Venice at the time to show that its condition was not so barbarous as the letter would lead one to suppose, and to say something in regard to Guido, as also in regard to the date of the letter. " The comment to the letter to the Florentine friend is to be made up of an account of the various decrees against Dante; and I thought it would be well to gather these bodily in an appendix. PREFACE. IX " The comment to the letter to Cangrande is to give an account of the Scaligeri, of the court of Cangrande, and of what is known of Dante's sojourn there." There is little need to dwell on the character dis- played in the passages I have cited from Mr.
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