The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research Volume 8 Article 9 2006 Extramarital Sexuality, Monogamy, and Mate Poaching: Evolutionary and Societal Forces that Define Sexual Behaviors and Roles for Men and Women Jason Northrup St. John Fisher College,
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[email protected]. Extramarital Sexuality, Monogamy, and Mate Poaching: Evolutionary and Societal Forces that Define Sexual Behaviors and Roles for Men and Women Abstract Through the discussion of prevalence of extramarital sexuality (EMS), jealousy, domestic violence, monogamy, marriage, evolutionary theories, and mate poaching, a theme emerges as human sexuality finds a medium between social and cultural constructs and evolutionary constructs within the context of male and female differences. It is suggested that mate poaching has transpired due to monogamy and marriage being the defining factors of human sexual relations where needs are not being met. Also, there exists several significantly diverse sexual roles and behaviors between males and females.