A Iview of Cemetery Legislation
Mortuary Industry and Cemeteries Administration Committee AIVIEW OF CEMETERY LEGISLATION Seventh Report to Parliament April1987 MORTUARY INDUSTRY AND CEMETERIES ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Seventh Report to Parliament A Review of Cemetery Legislation April1987 Ordered to be printed No. 21 The M.I.C.A. Committee Public Hearing on A Review of Cemetery Legislation (From Left) Committee Members Tom Reynolds, David Cunningham, Carl Kirkwood, Jack Culpin, John Miles and representing the Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of Victoria - Ian MacGill, Tony O'Connor and Ian Keith. MORTUARY INDUSTRY AND CEMETERIES ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Carl Kirkwood, M.P. (Chairman) Mr. Tom Reynolds, M.P. (Deputy Chairman) Mr. Jack Culpin, M.P. Mr. David Cunningham, M.P. Mr. Bruce Evans, M.P. The Hon. John Miles, M.L.C. COMMITTEE STAFF Mr. Mark Roberts, B.Bus., Secretary Mrs. Helen Simmonds, B.Sc., Administrative Officer Mrs. Laurel Keith, Stenographer. (Hi) COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Carl Kirkwood, M.P. Mr. Tom Reynolds, M.P. Mr. Jack Culpin, M.P. The Hon. John Miles, M.L.C. Mr. Bruce Evans, M.P. Mr. David Cunningham, M.P. CHAIRMAN'S FOREWORD This Report of the M.I.C.A. Comrryittee is the culmination of a long and extensive study and examination of the present Victorian Cemeteries Act 1958. As part of the inquiry the Comn]littee released a detailed Discussion Paper in November, 1986 which dealt with all aspebts of the present Victorian and Interstate cemeteries legislation. The Committee's conJments and proposed amendment to the Victorian Act and a brief for a new Act encompassingi the M.I.C.A.
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