DRUMS ACROSS ONEIDA Oneida Elder Services Senior Center-Meal Site 2907 South Overland Rd. 134 Riverdale Dr. Oneida, WI 54155 Oneida, WI 54155 Ph: 920-869-2448 Ph: 920-869-1551 Fax: 920-869 -1824 Fax: 920-869-1526 Tsha>tekohs#lha> W<hn$=tale> Mid-Winter Moon January, 2010 "Come forward and join hands with us in this great work for the Creator." Traditional Circle of Elders, NORTHERN CHEYENNE The Elders have spent years learning to pray and communicate with the Great Spirit. Their job is to pass this knowledge onto the young people. The Elders have told us we are now in a great time of healing. The Creator is guiding them to help the young people figure this out. We must get involved and participate. We should pray and see what it is the Great Spirit wants us to do. We need to sacrifice our time to help the people and to be of maximum use to the Creator. Every person is needed to accomplish this great healing. DRUMS ACROSS ONEIDA Linda F. Douglas Contact me with any acknowledgements, concerns, etc. Thank you for your attention. Telephone number: 920-869-2448 or 1-800-867-1551 E-mail
[email protected] Yaw<ko, Thank-you for all the contributions to the Elder Christmas Party Jane Salzman……………………….Pillows and Center pieces ONCOA………………………………….Pendleton blanket Appeals Commission…………….Two Tsyunhehkwa Coffee Baskets Jan Herwald………………………….Gift Basket Purchasing……………………………..Gift Cards Oneida Bingo and Casino….. Match Plays and Gift Bags Elder Services would like to extend to you and your family lots of gratitude for all the wonderful donations to the Elders Christmas Party.