BIG THINKING ACROSS DISCIPLINES BIG THINKING FOR THE NEXT GENERATION CREATIVE. URBAN. BOLD. ENGAGED. MOVING IN NEW 2 DIRECTIONS t’s with pleasure and pride that I invite you to A diverse atmosphere. Community leadership. read this year’s report on the momentum we Alumni engagement. Strong and growing pride. continue to build at Concordia. All these Concordia hallmarks continue to help Concordians make a difference in the world. As we cap off our best year ever for research funding and for university rankings in Canada and around the To share your ideas with me or learn how you can globe, like all universities, we face big questions about help Concordia and our growing network of partners the role of higher education in the 21st century. achieve our mission, I would love to hear from you at
[email protected]. Are we here to provide qualifications or a broad MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT education? What’s the best way to deliver Bonne lecture! instruction? How should we engage with our 3 local community? The international community? Our planet’s biggest problems? All of those questions informed our Strategic Directions planning process. After consulting with Alan Shepard faculty, students, staff, alumni and outside experts, President we boiled their inspired input down to nine directions Concordia University succinct enough to print on a coffee cup. As you can see in this report, these Directions chart our future while honouring our past. Top research and scholars. Hands-on experiential learning. OUR NINE 4 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS THE NINE DIRECTIONS: DOUBLE OUR RESEARCH: Pursue bold goals in research that reflect our talents and our ambition to tackle big challenges.