A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from www.A-PDF.com to remove the watermark An Introductionto the Studyof MorphologY Vit Bubenik fulltext research abstractsofall titles monthlyupdates LINC.OMwebshop 2003(2nd Printing) www.lrncom-eulopa.com' LINCOMEUROPA Publishedby LINCOMGmbH 2003 (2nd printing) 1stprinting: 1999 All correspondenceconcerning LINCOM Coursebooks in Linguisticsshould be addressedto: PREFACE LINCOMGmbH Freibadstr.3 Thrs introductorytextbook to the studyoflinguislic morphologyis basedon four prcvious D-81543Muenchen vcrsionsof a nranuscriptentitled An IntroductirlttIo thc Sntly oJ Nlorphologt'.They were publishedin a mimeographedform by Mcmorial University of Newlbundland(St. Johr's, Canada)in 1978,1982, 1986 and 1997,and were used at thc third-ycarlevel rn the Deparlment
[email protected] of l,inguistics. http://home.t-online.de/home/LINCOM. E U ROpA Its currentversion is designedfor usc as a second-or third-yearuniversity level introductory www. lincom-europa.com textbookto lirrguisticmorphology. Bcfore taking this coursc.students should have previously introductorycourses to the whole disciplincof linguisticsat their first or webshop:lincom.at completedone or two sccondyear at the university. major tuming points in the recenthistory of morphology All rightsreserved, including the rightsof translationinto any Its argumcntationis built aroundthe foreignlanguage. No partof this bookmay be reproducedin any linkedwith Europeanand American scholars such as C. Ilockett, P. I{. Matthews,J. Bybee,W. way withoutthe permissionof the publisher. Dressler,A. Spencer',A. Carstairs-McCarthy,M. Aronoil and others.Its primary data are taken lrom representativeIndo-European (English, Gcnnan, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Russian, Sanskrit), Alro-Asiatic (Flebrew,Arabic, Berber)and sevcralother languages(Turkish, Chinese,Algonkian Printed inE.C. andothers). Printedon chlorine-freepaper The book consistsof ten chaptersexplicating fundamcntal principlcs of morphologyby mcansof (numbered)examples.