Data Specifications and Collection V2
D2.3 – Data specifications and collection v2 st May 31 , 2019 Author/s: Thomas Lidy (MMAP), Rémi Mignot (IRCAM), Manos Schinas (CERTH), Christos Koutlis (CERTH), Vasiliki Gatziaki (CERTH), Polychronis Charitidis (CERTH), Manios Krasanakis (CERTH), Symeon Papadopoulos (CERTH) Contributor/s: Quimi Luzón (BMAT) Deliverable Lead Beneficiary: MMAP This project has been co-funded by the HORIZON 2020 Programme of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. FuturePulse D2.3 Data specifications and collection v2 2 Deliverable number or D2.3 – Data specifications and collection V2 supporting document title Type Report Dissemination level Public Publication date 31-05-2019 Author(s) Thomas Lidy (MMAP), Rémi Mignot (IRCAM), Manos Schinas (CERTH), Christos Koutlis (CERTH), Vasiliki Gatziaki (CERTH), Polychronis Charitidis (CERTH), Manios Krasanakis (CERTH), Symeon Papadopoulos (CERTH) Contributor(s) Quimi Luzón (BMAT) Reviewer(s) Eva Jaho (ATC), Quimi Luzón (BMAT) Keywords music data, data collection, API, REST, database, music platforms, broadcast data, social media, music content, music knowledge base, data management, data exchange formats Website CHANGE LOG Version Date Description of change Responsible V0.1 29/03/2019 First deliverable draft version (based on v1) Thomas Lidy (MMAP) V0.2 02/05/2019 Second deliverable draft version Thomas Lidy (MMAP) V0.3 06/05/2019 Additions/comments
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