Volk Elterthe Limits of Community—The
Downloaded from The Limits of Community—The http://oaj.oxfordjournals.org Possibilities of Society:vol On Modernk Architecture in Weimar Germany at University of California Santa Barbara on April 28, 2010 elter Volker M. Welter Downloaded from http://oaj.oxfordjournals.org at University of California at Santa Barbara on April 28, 2010 The Limits of Community – The Possibilities of Society: On Modern Architecture in Weimar Germany Volker M. Welter Downloaded from 1. Ferdinand To¨nnies, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft. Abhandlung des Communismus und Socialismus als empirischer Kulturformen (Fues: Leipzig, 1887). In the historiography of early-twentieth-century modern German architecture 2. Ferdinand To¨nnies, Gemeinschaft und and urban planning, the idea of community has been a major analytical Gesellschaft. Grundbegriffe der reinen Soziologie (Karl category. Whether garden city, garden suburb, workers’ housing, factory http://oaj.oxfordjournals.org Curtius: Berlin, 1912). The third edition was estate, or social housing estate, the often unified architectural forms seem to published in 1920, the combined fourth and fifth edition in 1922, the combined sixth and seventh suggest community. Any enclosing geometric urban form is often understood in 1926, and an eighth edition in 1935. to strengthen the introverted character that clearly separates such settlements from the big city. In short, these communities are depicted as shining beacons 3. Helmuth Plessner, Die Grenzen der Gemeinschaft. Eine Kritik des sozialen Radikalismus of a new social order in the otherwise harsh urban surroundings of society. (Friedrich Cohen: Bonn, 1924). In the following I Stylistically, such communities were designed in both traditionalist and use Helmuth Plessner, The Limits of Community.
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