Passport/Transport/Quarantine Lists from Germany to Russia
Passport/Transport/Quarantine Lists from Germany to Russia Prepared by Gayla Aspenleiter (comments in red are those of the preparer) Arrived in Name Russia Arrived From Village in Russia Age Occupation Traveling with: Comments Source wife Maria Katharina age 36, sons: Georg 21, Bernhard 17, Michael 10, Died enroute, 1816 Sudak/Crimea Fond 1-220-13-Second Aberle, Michael 1803 Dettenhausen/Tübingen-Wü Sudak/Crimea Died in route David 1, daughter Salomea 23 RL:3,4, and 5, Stumpp pg 934 Transport Ackermann, Caspar 1809 Erlenbach/Germersheim-Pf München/Odessa wife, 3 daughters, 1 son Stumpp pg 990 Ackermann, Heinrich 1809 Erlenbach/Germersheim-Pf Rohrbach/Odessa wife Stumpp pg 999 1816 Odessa RL: 53, Stumpp pgs Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Ackermann, Johann Michael Nov 1803 Stettin 27 Gardener 205 & 960 Transport Possible connection: 1816 Grossliebental/Od RL: 8, Stumpp wife Anna Katharina, age 41, son pgs 205 & 577. Anna Katharina Johann Peter 14, daughters Anna 15, ACKERMANN died 25 Feb 1834 Fond 1-220-13-Third Ackermann, Kasper 1803 Grossliebental/Od ? 41 Carpenter Katharina 11 and Magdalena 2. in Grossliebental ( Transport 1816 Grossliebental RL: 20. Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Ahner, Johann Heinrich Nov 1803 Erlingsheim/Ludwigsburg-Wü Grossliebental/Odessa 27 Blacksmith wife Anna Katharina age 17. Stumpp pgs 206 & 578 Transport wife Katharina and child Eva Rosine Albrecht, Michel 1809 Daisbach/Sinsheim-Ba Worms/Odessa age 6 months Stumpp pg 977 Fond 1-220-13 - 5 Jun Albrecht-Berg, Johann Jun 1804 40 Baker 1804 1816 Feodosia RL: 3. Stumpp pgs Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Almendinger, Philipp Nov 1803 Feodosia/Crimea 25 Carpenter wife Elisabetha Juliana age 28.
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