Rs. 10/- | Vol. 13 - Issue 3 | March 2020 LORD WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1-10-28/247, Anandapuram, Kushaiguda, E.C.I.L. P.O., Hyderabad-500062. ) 27125557.
[email protected] This Mission journal from Vishwa Vani is being published in Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Odia, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE: Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi, Bengali, 20, Raghul Street, T.M.P. Nagar, Pudur, English, Kok Borok and Soura Languages. Ambattur, Chennai-600053. ) Yearly Subscription Rs. 100/- 26869200.
[email protected] Sections 2. Points to ponder 12. Bible Study 3. From the Executive Director 14. From the Network Chairman 7. Special Feature 20. From the Director - Prayer Net 10. A Conversation 24. Field News 11. A Prayer 32. Petite feelings Points to ponder Those created by the Father Are created only to do the will of the Father! For those who want to get all they desire at their time Do not desire to know the will of God! The will of Satan is to make God the Father angry! The plan of Satan is to make the people of God to work against the will of God! All those who run behind the greenery like money, property, worldly pleasures, and worldly desires cannot run toward the plan of God! Decisions taken in ministry without the will of God Do not give happiness, the peace do not last long and do not yield fruit! All those who have the confirmation that they are– doing the will of God Will not be afraid even when the earth tremors and the waters gush out! Though they were in Job's situation, they will sing the song of Habakkuk; Finally they will shine as gold! To see the glorious gospel of JESUS CHRIST VISION: blessing villages in INDIA.