Rs. 10/- | Vol. 13 - Issue 3 | March 2020

LORD WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1-10-28/247, Anandapuram, Kushaiguda, E.C.I.L. P.O., Hyderabad-500062. ) 27125557. [email protected] This Mission journal from Vishwa Vani is being published in Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Odia, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE: Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, , Bengali, 20, Raghul Street, T.M.P. Nagar, Pudur, English, Kok Borok and Soura Languages. Ambattur, Chennai-600053. ) Yearly Subscription Rs. 100/- 26869200. [email protected] Sections 2. Points to ponder 12. Bible Study 3. From the Executive Director 14. From the Network Chairman 7. Special Feature 20. From the Director - Prayer Net 10. A Conversation 24. Field News 11. A Prayer 32. Petite feelings Points to ponder ­ Those created by the Father Are created only to do the will of the Father! ­ For those who want to get all they desire at their time Do not desire to know the will of God! ­ The will of Satan is to make God the Father angry! The plan of Satan is to make the people of God to work against the will of God! ­ All those who run behind the greenery like money, property, worldly pleasures, and worldly desires cannot run toward the plan of God! ­ Decisions taken in ministry without the will of God Do not give happiness, the peace do not last long and do not yield fruit! ­ All those who have the confirmation that they are– doing the will of God Will not be afraid even when the earth tremors and the waters gush out! Though they were in Job's situation, they will sing the song of Habakkuk; Finally they will shine as gold!

To see the glorious gospel of JESUS CHRIST VISION: blessing villages in .

Vishwa Vani Samarpan - March 2020 - ENGLISH FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

We greet you in the sweet name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The past days, we were able to enjoy the grace, presence and blessings of God. Praise the Lord for His sweet name! The Great Plan of God in the life of God's People: The Biblical Truth to know about 'Complete Plan' that God has for His children make us to feel awestruck. We know very well how an engineer plans his building in detail. But above that, the Almighty God has prepared beforehand in details the plan of our life from the very beginning (Eph. 2:10). The small encounter that Saul who was later called as Apostle Paul had with Jesus on the way to Damascus made him say “Lord, what do you want me to do?” (Acts 9:1-6 NKJV)) and made him commit to the will of God! It was not an ordinary incident but it was a plan designed by God to carry the gospel to the gentiles (Acts 9:15). Likewise, the aims of people like Noah, Abraham and Moses were also great (Heb. 11:7-10; 24-27). Finding the Great Plan of God and Accepting: It is a sad thing that many children of God do not know the plan of God, they fall short in accepting his plan and suffer disappointments, failures, loss and frustration. The main reason for it is that they live focussing on their own thoughts. They are proud; they are very firm all that they do are correct. They waste their life without humbling themselves to others. The day when they accept the love of Jesus in their heart totally then God's will starts working in their life! Generally, the plan of God has three functions in the life of man. Firstly, it belong to each individual (Acts 9:4, 6; Gen. 22:11-18; Ex. 3:1-10). Because, you are created for a special purpose. Secondly, the plan of God in your life is perfect. It is; explained in Romans 12:2, as, it is good, pleasing and perfect. Thirdly, it is applicable in day today life. That is God has planned for you what you can accomplish. Do the best of what you can do! How to fulfil the plan of God in our life? God reveals His plan step by step to His people whom He knew (Acts 8:26,29; 9:6; 10:19-20). God does not give the blueprint of the building

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH totally but He gives then and there so that we could obey and follow. God expects to obey to His command daily and be under His perfect will. When we remain in prayer and when we fill the heart with the Word of God and give ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we can fulfil the plan of God little by little in our life. When we work according to the will of God then we will stand firm (1 John 2:17). That will help us to sing the song of victory, “Father, I have completed the work that you have assigned for me'. Amen. Here I am Send Me: Our vision is that the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ blessing the villages in India. Our approach in reaching the unreached villages is only through native workers with the prayers and contribution of Indian believers. 23 new workers have completed their training in Andhra Pradesh and have gone to the fields; they are followed by 25 new workers in Gujarat and 24 new workers in Rajasthan. As the Ezras from North Eastern states are waiting for the training saying, “Send Me”. Pray that the Master of the Harvest will send them soon. National Meet – 02, January 14-16, 2020: 568 believers from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, North India and North East India attended National meet held at Dhyana Nilayam, Hyderabad. They were inspired by God to move towards the goal. The Sandhya Prayer Time and early Morning Prayer Walks were beneficial! The vision news, sharing about the fields and cultural songs helped to involve in the ministry at a deeper level. I thank P. Selvaraj Annan who counselled and encouraged at different levels and co-workers who cooperated. Love and Support of Churches of C.S.I. Madurai – Ramnad Diocese: I thank Rev. V. Prem Christhu Das who presided the vision meeting that was held at Schwartz Matric High School Campus, Ramanathapuram on 25.01.2020 and Mr. D. Anbalagan who is the leader of the District Ministry Development Team, representatives, pastors and co-workers. I thank the pastorate committee, Secretary, Treasurer and the church members for giving me the opportunity to share the Word of God. The New Year

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH meeting that was held at the house of Mr. Henry Manoharan under the leadership of Rev. K. Vedamuthu, Pastor of Emmanuel church was of great blessing. I thank the pastor, representatives and the workers. Finance and Administrative Works and Needs: In the gospel work, “finance – administration – ministry” are twined together. In order to move through the vision, we need finance and administration. Prayer and faith are our investment. Along with the representatives, the ministry partners give speed to the wheels of the ministry. In order to take the souls to heaven, the workers are accompanied by the ministry partners, development workers and the administrative staff. In particular, the publications department, public relations, Missions-Sponsor link, Finance-Administration, Training, Human Resource, Pastoral Care and the Community development workers need your prayers. We need Rs. 11.5 crores to meet the needs of the present ministry by 31.03.2020. We lovingly expect the donations from the savings boxes, monthly village contributions, and special contributions. We request you to send Rs. 100/- as the subscription for Samarpan magazine. Come forward to donate bicycles, Holy Communion vessels, musical instruments, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, P.A.Systems and Holy Bibles. Come forward to donate Rs 2,000/- per square feet to purchase land for the construction of churches in North India. May the Lord richly bless you. Vishwa Vani Member Care: It is a privilege to support the workers in prayer and attend to their families in their good and bad times. In particular, when the worker has fallen as a kernel at the field, we raise a particular amount for their family. Our missionary Sunil Kumar passed away at the landslide in 18.08.19. His family was supported through this great deposit. Moreover, we are supporting the family of the workers every month. Our prayers and support enable that family to continue the ministry. After this incident we have lost 5 more missionaries. If God puts in your heart the burden to support such workers' family, send your amount through the representatives or the development workers. Let your hands comfort the families of the missionaries and strengthen them. As workers, we are also separating a particular amount for the concern of the missionaries. Jesus said: What you do unto the least you do unto God.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Special Melas for Jatapu and Soura People Groups: The mela for the Jatapu people group in Andhra Pradesh was held from February 7 to 9 at Rella mission field of Vizianagaram district. More than 5,000 Jatapu believers attended it. The mela was held for three days. There were faith confession services, medical camp and children's camp. The ministry partners from Guntur, Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram in Andhra Pradesh attended the mela along with the development workers and encouraged the new believers. Likewise, Soura believers' Mela was held from February 14 to 16 at Sandhimanuguda field of Veeraghattam Mandal of Srikakulam district. The Word of God was shared with thousands of people. We got new contacts for the ministry and it gave new blessings for the villages where the gospel has not reached! I greet the workers who have coordinated the melas and the field elders and fellowship leaders who worked for the mela. Join us in Prayer: We are praying for our children who are writing exams. We are praying for the families that are at the verge of death and are dead because of Coronavirus in China. If God is not for us there is no one to stop the spreading of the disease. Hence fast and pray. Also pray for the revival meetings planned during the Lenten season, Vishwa Vani Vacation Bible School during April and May and the planning meeting for the new financial year during the first week of April in every province. May God's blessings be upon you - the ministry partners. “But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear you”. (Acts 26:16) Chennai Yours in His Ministry 15.2.20 W. Wilson Gnanakumar

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Republication of Emil Annan's Special Feature published in Samarpan May 2000 LORD, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? Acts 9:6 (NKJV)

The Creator has the authority over the creation. It must be used for the cause, it was created. The Creator will know the reason for the creation of our spirit, soul and body. “Lord, reveal me why I was formed in my mother's womb. I commit myself to do only that” should be the prayer of every person who was created by God. But, who does pray so? Who realises that the Lord has created him and he was created to do the will of God? There are people who say, “it is my life, my body I have the authority to live as I wish!” There are people who say “I know everything; I am educated. I have the authority to discern what is wrong. There is no need that I must discuss with others and take decision. Who can question me?” Even today and in those days, people prefer to take their own decisions. From the days of Noah to the present time, people take their own decisions. The decisions that we take shape our future! Every decision takes us to the next step! Our decision becomes our action! Every action leads us towards construction or destruction! The decision of Eve was not God’s will; It was taken by her as she was provoked by the enemy of mankind! If she would have left from Satan for that five minutes and would have asked God, Then the Lord would have said, “Dear, do not believe what is told by the person who speaks to you and you do not do what he says”. Eve took her own decision! She lost her relationship with God! Sin entered! Satan became her master! Her generation began to murder, lie, have lust, Calves instead of the Holy God, other gods instead of the One to be worshipped, Other desires than rejoicing in God, other doctrines instead of truth sprouted out!

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Men felt correct to take their own decisions! All the glamour of this world like making fun, drug addiction, lust, immoral relationships, shortcuts, positions, praises of men and becoming famous and all that attract people stuck mankind as a glue. The prayer, “Lord, what you want me to do?” became unnecessary for many! All those who pray such a way are rare! People say “Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” Their lips say but their heart is far from it! A man came from Jerusalem to Damascus on a horse and he said “My desire, my will and my determination is one thing! It is to warn all those who proclaim the name of ‘Jesus'! If they do not give up after warning them it is imprisonment!” Damascus is 150 miles from Jerusalem! It is a 4-day travel! The power of God touched the person who started with vigour! Whom are you going to handcuff? Is it to those who gathered at the Upper Room to fulfil my will? Saul, how will you handcuff them? Look, I am going to pluck your eyes? When man walks away, God intervenes It might be the people during the days of Noah who took their own decision leaving God, Or it might be the people living during the times of Lot Or it can be Saul who had the zeal for the Jewish religion! He said, “education gained at the feet of Gamaliel is waste and dust!”; He said, “Jesus, let my education begin at your feet! The education that is suitable for me is to know Your will! Lord, what do you want me to do!” All those who do not pray this prayer, are running in the path of Damascus! It is the path of enjoyment, path of vigour, path of anger, path of strength, path of power and authority! It is the path where God will pluck our eyes! It is the path where He makes a man fall upside down to the floor who rides on the horse with pride! Dear brothers and sisters who read this article, you were not created for yourself! You were not allowed by God to put into practise what you have dreamt about yourself! The Lord has not allowed you to fulfil your own desires. All that He asks you is one thing!

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Son, daughter, surrender! Lift both your hands and kneel down! Confess, it's not me but Christ! You will live well more than what you imagined! You will receive more than what you expected! Let my desire be your decision says the Lord. He looks unto you and says this! If you reject He says it will be hard for you to kick the thorns! If you will accept then you will grow and flourish in the hand of God! 1 Thess. 4:3 says “This is the will of God to be holy”. Let your prayer time be filled with tears asking Lord, “I am unholy, make me holy”! Holiness protects you in this world. It will lead you to the eternal life! Not only you, my son and daughter All men must be holy and must be saved; they must have the knowledge of Jesus Christ who is The Truth. This is the will of God says 1 Timothy 2:4. Lord, as I have surrendered to do your will, let all the knees bow down and surrender! Let this desire increase in you! Let the desire for souls and the knowledge of Jesus Christ increase in you! Then you will pray for all men in your prayer time! You yourself will go to proclaim Christ! You yourself will give generously to proclaim the gospel! You will bring those who are at the path of Damascus to the path of the Cross! It's not His will, that mankind should perish! Before he meet death, he should receive the forgiveness of sin To receive the forgiveness of sin, he should meet the cross of Calvary! To know, “What is the cross of Calvary? Who is Christ who has shed the blood? It should be proclaimed, this became the goal of St. Paul! Saul changed his pathway! He ran on the way to Damascus, but he began to run in the path of God's plan! How many were the cities and villages that were reached through him! How many were the fellowships and churches that were raised through him! How many are the blessings that we receive through the epistles written by him! How many are the blessings for those who surrender as St. Paul And say, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”! Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH A CONVERSATION Solomon - Angel of God 1 Kings 11th chapter

Angel : Solomon, change your life! Solomon : (silence) Angel : Protect your heart so that it will not turn away from God! Solomon : (silence) Angel : Solomon, you have come to the end of your life. Understand it! Realise the sins that you committed and change your heart! Solomon : (silence) Angel : Solomon, the grace of God has sent me here. I came earlier and I am sent again! Do not desire what your heart wants. Do not desire what your body needs. Do not look to the desires that will spoil you. Put an end to it. Turn to your God! Solomon : (silence) Angel : Solomon, The God is Holy! His desire is that you must be holy! You became the king of kings and wisest among the wise! You became the richest of the rich! But Solomon, know that you became the worst sinner among the sinners! Repent! Solomon : (silence) Angel : Solomon, you have built the temple Why haven't you make your body as the temple of God? You prayed during the dedication of the temple; Why you did not dedicate yourself? You sacrificed many goats and bulls; Why haven't you not given yourself as a living sacrifice? Solomon : (silence) Angel : Solomon, why are you quiet? Heaven intervenes so that you can escape hell But you are quiet! Your time is nearing, your time is coming, You were given a chance, yet you are quiet! Solomon : (silence) Angel : Prince of knowledge, if you are quiet There is no loss in heaven, but loss is for you!

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Solomon : (silence) Angel : Solomon, The one who have written many proverbs, have rotten The one who discoursed many sermons, have sinned Is there no word for you to talk to the Lord? Don't be afraid that you cannot rise! The Lord thought of you because of your father! Hence He has sent me for the second time! The Lord, who does not throw the sinners, will not cast you away Open your mouth; confess the sins that you have done; Time has come, when you will close your eyes; Give honour to the voice of the Lord! (Solomon is quiet and the angel went away)

Those who said “my will, my desire and who could question me” never lived! Those who said “Lord, let your will, your desire, be done and I will do nothing without asking you” never fell down! Construction and destruction of a man depends on himself! Until he executes himself he will be the one kicking the thorns. When he commits himself so that God will execute things in his life Then he will live a happy life! A Prayer Most gracious Lord, Let not the vanity of this world pluck our eyes and mind. The world and all its vanity will fade away. Lord, help us remember that the one who does the will of God will last for ever. Lead me daily by the Holy Spirit and through the Word of God Help me run towards the eternal blessings And not towards temporary blessings of this world. Give me time of prayer where I can check what the plan of God for me for everyday. Give me the knowledge to know your will. Help me to do the will of God and one day to be present at your presence with the white robe, a crown, a harp and be eternally with joy. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ who has given life for me. Amen.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH BIBLE STUDY LOGOS - PON SUBARSON Genesis 1:1 starts as “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Everything was created by Him. He is the first of everything; that same Word starts in John 1:1 as 'In the beginning'. Who was in the beginning? It was Jesus. John calls Him as Word. He was with God in the great creation. He did not have just a part in the creation, but was fully involved in the creation, says John when he starts the epistle. Here the Greek word ‘Logos’ is used for this Word. This word is generally used by the Greek. It has several meanings like, Word, report, importance, news, declaration. But the way it has been used in John 1:1 has a deeper meaning. It says that it has a separate personality. This word tells us about God and His power. We can understand this through John's letters. “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.” (1 John 1:1). He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God (Rev. 19:13). John writes these words clearly. It is to emphasize that Christ is the Only Son of God and He has equal portion with God from the beginning of the world (John 1:1-3;14)! He re-emphasizes it in verse 18. No one had seen God. It was His only Son who was on His lap revealed to us. Today many Jehovah Witness say that the Word was in the beginning. It was with God. That the Word was divine. This is how they translated and they say that Jesus Christ is not equivalent to God but He is divine! Saying so, they take many people towards them! But the words of John make it clear that Christ was God. Yes, He is powerful, He is with God and is the reason for all creation and He became flesh. This is a miracle that is the highest of all the miracles that is said in the Bible. This is a wisdom that cannot be comprehended without the help of the Holy Spirit. Satan opposes this truth! That is the reason that he opposes this truth in all angles. Arius preached in the fourth century that Jesus Christ is not equivalent to Father. It was nullified at the First Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. A confirmation was also written that Christ is the Son of God. Following that

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH the Council of Constantinople was held in A.D 381 and Council of Chalcedon was in A.D. 451. The same faith was confirmed at these councils. It is even used by us even today (John 5:23-38; 10:30). Yes, the One with God became flesh – He became one among us! What was the reason? The bloodshed of man is needed to take away the sin of man. A man must be slain. The sacrifices that we saw in the Old Testament must end with the blood of the Son of Man. The blood of animals cannot give permanent redemption of sin. But in the Old Testament times, the animals were sacrificed all the time and the blood was sprinkled. It was sacrificed morning and evening and every day. The blood of Christ brought an end to it. His blood is Holy. He chose the womb of a virgin for that. The Word became flesh – why? To dwell among us! “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14). John says very clearly that instead of saying Christ lived with us, he said Christ dwelt among us. It literally meant that He made tent and dwelt among us. This we must see in the light of the Old Testament that says about the Ark of the Covenant. There it is the shadow of the presence of the Lord. He chose it to dwell among His people. We read that wherever they went, the presence of the Lord also went. The Israelites considered it as their glory. That is the reason Christ is the centre of the church and He is the reason for all glory. This was clarified by John. The Ark of the Covenant and all that was in it revealed Christ to us. How did He reside there? The Bible says “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,” (Exodus 34:6). John says the same thing. Yes, beloved! We are going to start the Lenten season. There are no direct commands from the Bible to follow it. But we can spend these forty days for our spiritual growth. Let us meditate about Christ who was with God in the beginning. Let Christ fill our thoughts. Let us confess the Son of Man- [Christ at all places wherever we go. Yes, how much glorious it is to fall at the feet of the Holy One who became flesh for us. Let this Lenten time become the days of witnessing God and let the heavens rejoice! Let the flag of Christ be flying high.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. My heart is gladdened to bring you the fruits of our ministry and the great works that the Lord does through our ministry. It brought us great joy that ministry partners from all the states attended the two National Meets that were held during the early days of 2020. As a result we can see through the eyes of faith, that the ministry partners will be blessed in their family and social life. The Lord reigns. May the Holy Spirit do great things in the nation! The Lord enabled me to attend the workers' meeting that was held at different fields in 6 different states starting from the capital city Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu Kashmir from January 29 to February 6. I am sharing with you about Punjab as you need to pray earnestly and know more about the ministry and involve in the ministry: The first Vishwa Vani church building in the state of Punjab was dedicated on 25 May 2008 at Paghlana field in Hoshiarpur district. I along with Bro. Suresh and his family and other ministry partners were present at the church dedication. After 12 years, I went to attend the morning service at Paghlana field on February 2, 2020. The effort by our missionary John Masih, his wife and daughter, field believers have increased the members of the church to 1000. All that has life will grow. Yes, when we have Christ Jesus who is the life in us, we will grow outwardly. The church that does not move forward and grow will backslide by itself. I was astonished by the growth of Paghlana church. The Sikhs were really blessed in all things and everything were in order. The Lord is using our field Pastor John Masih mightily. The church orderliness, their faith in Christ, their strong root in the Word of God – Let all this grow till the second coming of Jesus. Praise the Lord. My heart urges for the day that all the 2,846 field churches

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH that are in India will one day become as the Paghlana field church. I also visited the other two church buildings that were dedicated in Punjab during 2010. Their spiritual growth is so amazing! The Lord is blessing the Vishwa Vani Ministry at every village in the state of Punjab. He increases the harvest; He also gives us new workers in great number. Pray without fail for Bro. Rakesh Kumar, the State Coordinator and other workers who are working with him in Punjab. The state office in Jalandhar is functioning with the vision. Their aim is to bless 3000 villages with gospel and bring glory to Jesus. Fruits that we have received in the State of Punjab: Ministry Districts – 9 Mission Fields – 40 Ministry Villages – 209 Bible Study Groups – 205 Worship Groups – 146 People confessed new faith – 6 612 People getting ready to confess new faith – 242 Church buildings Constructed – 7 Churches Under Construction – 1 Churches to be constructed by 2020 - 6 Pray with burden for the state of Punjab that has 2.77 crore of people, 12,278 villages and 22 districts. We thank the believers and the churches from the districts of Tirunelveli and Tenkasi who are praying and supporting the ministry. We also pray that three thousand more families from these two districts are needed to pray for the villages that has not seen a worker. The reason is, it is spring time to take the gospel to the villages in Punjab and those who use the opportunity are wise. Let us stand at the breech for Punjab. Let us adopt of the needy villages to send many more missionaries. Our contribution and involvement will bring great blessings for the state. May the Lord bless you and your family. Hyderabad In His Service 10.02.2020 P. Selvaraj

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Committed to the Will of God

We praise the Lord for all the goodness that He has done in our life. We were inspired to build a church where there were more than 40 believers and there was no church. We had the opportunity to raise a church building at Lidikivalasa field, Andhra Pradesh. According to the verse, ‘What the Lord desires, it will be done through His Hand', the church was dedicated on 19.1.2020. As we travelled through the hamlets we saw the churches through the fields and praised the Lord. We heard through the field workers how the churches were planted and how miraculous signs are happening in the fields, we praised the Lord. The believers welcomed us with garland and expressed their love. Praise the Lord as we worshiped the Lord along with the children at Atchapuvalasa Children's Home! We glorified the Lord on witnessing the great work of the field workers. Our prayer is that all villagers in Lidikivalasa shall taste the love of Christ and the church should over flow! May all glory and honour be unto God as He adds people to His church everyday. – Mrs. Pramila & Team, Nazareth. We greet in the name of Jesus all the 8 people who came to the fields of Andhra Pradesh without considering their distance and tiredness. We greet and pray that the family of Mrs. Pramila who supported us to construct the church be filled with great blessings. - E. Isaac

THANKS FOR Dedicating and Sending

We thank Rev. R. Augustine Samraj and Pastor Moses S. Mariadoss for conducting the village adoption and ten workers' dedication service at Punniyavalanpuram on 23rd January 2020. We greet the families that have adopted the ministry villages of the field workers. We pray and believe that all the representatives, ministry partners and their families will receive great blessings from the Lord. - Gnanadoss

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Parents’ Prayer Greeted For children who prepare for exams and Sent The Almighty God who generously provide wisdom, in the Name Lord of lords who give without reproach to those who ask you, of Jesus The One who protected our children during the last educational year, Missionaries were We praise and thank you! dedicated and sent to 10 When they were sick, villages that are in great need of gospel in the states troubled with tiredness and depression, of Uttar Pradesh and You have comforted our children and Haryana during the special counselled them, service held on January 19 We praise your holy name! under the leadership of As they have studied the whole year Rev. Asir Jabez, and prepare for the final exam C.S.I. St. John the Baptist Saviour, look unto them! Church, Coonoor, All those who are with tears saying Nilgiri District. we studied day and night and We thank and greet the it does not stay in our mind pastor, committee Lord, tell them “I will hold your hand”! members and Father protect them from vain fears, the congregation that sickness that enemy sows! adopted the ministry Let the present situations, depressions villages of these and burdens of our family ten missionaries. do not pressurise our children; – Suresh Kumar Help them to write the exam with hope and great confidence. Let them sing songs of praise that our Lord was with us at all our exams! The Lord who does far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, do the same to our children. We ask in the name of Jesus who gives us victory. Amen.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which VISHWA VANI NATIONAL MEETINGS God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:14) @ Emil Annan Dhyana Nilayam, Hyderabad Following the first Meet, the next day that is the 13th January was the Vishwa Vani's National Meet is held once in three years. This year day of preparation for the second Meeting. But on that very same day considering the accommodation and the number of ministry partners, the believers from Himalayas were present in the campus. Believers it was held as two meetings. The ministry partners from six states in the from 19 states brought glory to God. Though it was foggy by 5 in the West and South Central regions of India attended the first meeting. mornings, prayer walk was held without fail. People throughout our Their commitment revealed their decisions in Christ. The prayer time nation represented the Meet and this reminded the visionary phrase of with tears was time of intercession with the Master of the Harvest! Emil Annan that Indians will fill heaven. Yes, powerful is the fellowship The believers who were motivated through the theme verse to reach among the believers from Kerala to Jammu Kashmir. It is powerful to the regions beyond, have joined as representatives in the gospel work. send the glorious gospel to all villages. This was realised by all those We were able to see in faith that through their efforts a group of Indian who were led by the Holy Spirit and glorified God. Hallelujah! villages will be changed in Christ and will develop. Praise the Lord!

National Meet 1...... National Meet 2

Jan 10-12...... Date...... Jan 14-16

6...... No. Of States Participated...... 19

623...... No. Of Ministry Partners ...... 568

104...... No. Of Workers...... 112

22 ...... Ezras who worked ...... 22

61 ...... No. Of New Villages Adopted...... 170

24....No. Of Workers who Received 25 Years Completion Award....21 DO WHAT HE SAYS! - Rev. Emmanuel Gnanaraj, Director – Prayer Network

1. If you know Him, you can't be without doing what He says: This is the second question that Saul asked when he lay flat on the road to Damascus. “Lord, what do you want me to do?” His life was with vigor and his youth was vibrant. That youngster was willing to do something for the Lord. He was working against the name of 'Jesus'. He had a wrong opinion that through this he could please God and went to Damascus with the permission of the High Priest. When he neared Damascus, Jesus met him through a great light. He fell on the road. Jesus talked with him. Jesus called him by name and asked “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” He realized that God is hindering the work that he is doing. So with great interest to know who God is, he questions, “Lord, who are you?” Lord Jesus patiently and clearly introduces Himself in Acts 9:5. Jesus introduces Himself saying, “Saul, you are working against me with zeal and have come to tie my people and take them to Jerusalem. I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.” What happened to Saul when the God of gods met him through a great light and introduced Himself? He trembled and shattered. He knew that he has committed a great mistake and realized that he was working against God. Then the second question that he asked God was, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” Saul calls the Lord for the second time – “Lord” - In order to know Him and the power of His resurrection, I count all other things as rubbish (Phil. 3:10-11). He considers it as His goal to do God's will. Who is this Jesus whom Saul knew? 2. If we see what He does, then we cannot stop asking what to do This 'Jesus' was called for the wedding at Cana. Mary, the mother of Jesus knew who He was. She knew He can take care of the need in the wedding and so she approached Him in John 2:3. She was not regarded by Jesus as we read, “Women, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come”. She did not care about these words. She had great faith that He can do this work and so she instructed the servants: “Do what He says to you”. This we read in verse 5. Who is He? Who is Jesus? If we know Him, then we cannot stop ourselves without

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH listening to Him. If we see what He does, then we cannot stop asking 'what do you want me to do Lord?' Who is He? He is Almighty. He is the Lord. He is the Master. He is the One who has created everything. Who is He? He commanded and it stood firm (Psalm 33:9). He created everything from nothing (Rom 4:17). He holds the earth through His Word (Heb. 1:3). He calls the stars by name (Ps. 147:4). He sets boundary for the sea saying that not to cross it (Job 38:11). His voice trembles the wilderness of Kadesh (Ps. 29:8). His voice makes the deer give birth (Ps. 29:9). Who has seen the mighty works of creation? Who can stand against the chillness? (Ps. 147:17). There is none in the world who can command Him. He is Almighty. Who is He? He rules and leads. He has created authority. He created Sun to rule the morning and moon to rule the night (Gen. 1:16). He created the works of the heaven. He has kept them to rule the earth (Job. 38:33). He has created the authority to rule for those whom He likes (Dan. 4:17, 25, 32). He rules the kingdom of man and He places the person He desires over them (Dan. 5:21). He turns the heart of the kings as the stream of water (Prov. 21:1). Who is He? He is the Judge – He Decides. He does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number (Job 5:9; 9:10). He crushes the powerful and places others at their position (Job 34:24). The number of His days are uncountable (Job 36:26). He searches the heart (Ps. 139:1,23). There are many ways that are perfect in the eyes of man. But they lead to death. God is the Judge. He is able to lead us in the right path. Who is He? He knew tomorrow. He is eternal – He owns the earth. The days of man are short and are with trouble. But He rules and lives eternally. He promised Abraham that He will give him and his generation this earth (Gen 12:7). He promised the same to Jacob (Gen. 28:13). He did the same to the Israelites and fulfilled it. He knew that His people will be troubled for 400 years and He prophesized (Gen. 15:13). He knew everything about our life and He has a clear plan. Do as He say to you! What does He tell you? There are people who are kept for destruction. But you are saved. Those who are kept for destruction resists what the Lord says. They are disobedient. But the believers are obedient. He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the people of Israel (Ps.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH 103:7). He desires to tell you God's plan for your life. Do you want to know it? What must you do to know it? We must wait to know what He says. The servants who waited for His command according to words of Mary witnessed the miracles. Wait at His feet every day. Do as He say: The servants did what He said without questioning. What did He say to them? 1. He asked to fill the water; they did not question. 2. He asked to give it to the 'master of the feast' – they did not ask Him why. Obedience brought miracle. What do you want me to do Lord will change us as Paul. Speak Lord, your servant is listening will make us Samuel. He did all that God commanded will make us as Noah and Moses. Kneel down and ask: “Lord, what do you want me to do today” The Harvest is increasing; the Will of God is fulfilled! We have read the word 'Fields' at many books but we had the desire to see the fields with our own eyes. God fulfilled it, for His glory. As a team of youth fellowship of St. Patrick's church, Tuticorin, under the leadership of the church worker Mr. Gnanamani, 37 people travelled to the fields of Gujarat on 12th January with the prayer of Rev. Sudhakar. We saw the believers who are increasing in the fields by gospel. It was a tough thing to visit all the fields of Tapti and Surat district in 3 days. But we travelled day and nights; to visit the churches that were raised as a witnesses of the sweat of the workers and the tears of the people who pray! For the families to grow in the society through the gospel, the English School, Hostel and Training Centres are helpful! On 15th January, we visited 9 churches that are raised at 9 fields where Chaudhary and Kotuwalia people group reside. It is important to note that all are first generation believers! There are many fields in the interior parts of the forest. When Worker Vikesh Bhai Gamit's wife Bhavna Ben from Kherwada village was on knees and

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH praying, a snake climbed over her. The worker saw it and started to pray for his wife. The snake that climbed did not bite her but went away from the tent! Yes, Jesus who answers the prayers is protecting them day and night! We visited 10 fields of Surat District on 16th. We saw churches at all these fields with believers with great zeal and praised the Lord! There are 85 believers at Rundiya; as they are interested to worship the Lord, they have raised a church with mud wall! We have carried the burden to construct a church at that place. When we intended to know the prayer point of Lambapet field believers, “60% of the villagers are believers; the rest 40% often visit the church whenever they are in need; Jesus must reside permanently at their hearts”. Jana Ben had a tumor for 10 years and was healed through prayer. Hence, 90 people are following Jesus who healed her. One who does great miracles, is leading others through the one whom He has healed. He is raising new churches. We attended the communion service at Keloie field church with 450 believers. We sang a song and shared the Word of God. May the blessings of God be upon the members of St. Patrick church, respected pastors and Vishwa Vani workers who prayed for our travel so that it will be for the glory of Jesus! – On behalf of the Tour Group, St. Patrick Church Youth Group, Tuticorin. We thank you for setting your foot at the fields of Gujarat. We greet the Presbyter-incharge of St. Patrick's church, Rev. Job Ratnasingh, assistant pastor Rev. K. Sudhakar, church worker Mr. George Yesudasan, Mr. Gnanamani and the church members as well as worker J. Daniel and his family who travelled with us to the field. – Gnanasingh, Coordinator. God's Will is to deliver from the Clutches of Satan

My father was disturbed for 6 months by the unhealed wounds in his mind. This was because, I was studying 10th grade and was unable to attend the school for the past 6 months! As I was under the clutches of evil spirit, I used to scream, cry and run away from home. My dad spent money with many people who said that we will chase evil spirit and your child will be normal. But it was all in vain and our money was spent! Worker Kanji Patel from Bildi field, Rajasthan came to our village Balasindur. He had a Bible in his hand. There was power in the Word that came through his mouth. I was delivered from evil spirit in the name of Jesus! Today, my father rejoices and there is true peace at our home. I am going to school after 6 months and the name of Jesus is glorified! Hallelujah! – Divya

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH FieldFieldField NewsNewsNews Praise and Prayer “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit' says the Lord of Hosts. (Zech. 4:6)

01 Jammu Kashmir Bible Study Groups: 175 Sudesh and Bento Devi who heard the gospel have stopped using drugs. The name of Jesus is glorified through Vikas in Poundaria field as he was healed from mental illness through prayer. 11 people confessed their new faith in Jesus. Praise the Lord. Marta and Sukha Talab villages to be evangelised through the gospel… Najwal villagers to be evangelised through the witness of new believer Suraj… the people who hear the Word of God at Kalounta and Krimachi to be renewed in their hearts… Pray. 02 Punjab Bible Study Groups: 204 15 people have confessed their new faith and show great interest in worshiping the Lord. The Lord has given 10 more souls through the Seekers' Meeting. Night meetings were held at 25 villages; it has given new contacts in the ministry. Praise the Lord. Geeta who met with a road accident, to be healed… As Manga is addicted to alcohol for 10 years his family is depressed… the preparatory work for the dedication of the 1000th Vishwa Vani church at Chak field… Pray. 03 Uttarakhand Bible Study Groups: 160 15 new villages were identified for the ministry through field survey. New worship groups were established at Bamanpuri and Nakuliya. 33 people gathered at Dudhadhari and are interested to hear the Word of God. Praise the Lord.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH 31 people who have committed themselves in the Seekers' Meeting to be strengthened in Christ… the Word of God sown Rushafarm and Khaddri villages to yield great harvest … to get proper place for the construction of the church at Bhangla and Aichta… Pray. 04 Haryana Bible Study Groups: 84 Raghul who was addicted to alcohol for 27 years was changed by gospel as a new man. Deborah fellowship was started at Jajanpur; 27 women grow in Jesus. The house of the new believer Ajay has become a Bible Study Centre where Jagdishpur villagers learn the Word of God. Praise the Lord. The field survey that is continued at Sonipat district… training for 10 youth who have come forward for full time ministry…land for the construction of the churches at Hodal, Savli and Kundli fields to be purchased… marriage ceremony of the first-generation believer is to be held at Bakner Worship Group… Pray. 05 Delhi Bible Study Groups: 12 Gaurav who was about to commit suicide gave up by hearing the gospel. 3 families have joined Kanjankunj believers fellowship. The youth who are attending the fellowship are interested in the gospel work. Praise the Lord. 12 people who are getting ready for the faith confession service… Savithri who is bedridden because of backache should be healed in the name of Jesus… the peace of God to prevail among the people of God residing at Shaheen Baug and Priyanka Camp… Pray. 06 Rajasthan Bible Study Groups: 404 9 people confessed their new faith in Jesus. Nanji Patel at Kharsana village was suffering from T.B. was healed through prayers; and the gospel is spread through him. We have received opportunities for the ministry at the interior villages of Bagidora taluk. The people who hear the Word of God at Vadaliya and Badla are responding to it positively. Praise the Lord. The follow up ministry of Wagdi mela, for the believers at Udaipur district… Megha Pargi who is mentally ill to be healed… Keshav Damor who is opposing the ministry at Jalampurato be touched by the Lord… Registration of the land are in progress at Charpota Bada, Nal, Javanagar, Padla and Thapda fields… Pray. 07 Uttar Pradesh Bible Study Groups: 260 17 new families have born-again in christ as a result of the Seekers' Meeting. Medical Camp was conducted for 9 villages. Mahesh Kumar has repented and so the entire family is interested to know Jesus. Praise the Lord as He has enabled us to start Bible Study Groups in 10 new villages.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Mental illness of Bhaiyalal to be healed… Pray for the land registration in two villages, for the construction of the church building… Raja Talab villagers are facing opposition and they need the strength of the Lord… 14 people are getting ready for the faith confession service…. Pray. 08 Bible Study Groups: 144 The family of Bhura Devi tasted the love of the Lord as she was healed from skin disease. 16 people confessed their new faith in Jesus. Lalu Kumar's family has come forward to serve Jesus. Praise the Lord. The spiritual growth of the new believers Laxmi Kumari and Rajiv Kumar and their families… the number of believers at Maner and Yogipur fields to increase… Sangeeta Devi to be healed from Tuberculosis at Bakri field… Pray 09 Bible Study Groups: 239 The Lord has given open doors for the ministry among the Mundari people group at Torpa region. 15 new people attended the Bible Study Group at Bharna. The Holy Spirit worked in the heart of Muchiram, Rutati village leader who was once working against the ministry. Praise the Lord! People of Bandgaon region who are addicted to drugs to be redeemed… 4 who confessed their new faith to grow in the Lord… The Word of God to work among the youth in Totadag village… Pray. 10 (Kolkata Region) Bible Study Groups: 150 19 people have confessed their new faith. Lord Jesus miraculously saved Karthik Kisku from road accident. The Lord Jesus has given clear vision to Pani Kisku who is a farmer at Jamalpur field. Praise the Lord. Young Satish Bera who is unable to walk and talk though he is 6 years… Nalagola and Chenchrakuri villages to be filled with the knowledge of the Lord… Open doors for the gospel among Jhabursing village… Pray. 11 West Bengal (Cooch Behar Dist.,) Bible Study Groups: 170 The special meeting held at Kadambini village, helped 45 people to know the gospel. 17 people confessed their new faith. The Lord has opened doors for gospel at Dharia. We have received Kartik Mondal's family as the vessel of peace at Ramthenga. Praise the Lord. 5 people who are getting ready for the faith confession service… the neighbouring villages of Mainabari village to be evangalized as a new church is established… the efforts taken to start worship group at Darikamari… the Holy Spirit to work at the hearts of the people who listened to the gospel at Khowarline… Pray.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH 12 West Bengal – Darjeeling Dist., Bible Study Groups: 57 Missionary Rohin Soren who went to ministry by boat was saved from boat accident. New believers Teophil Xaxa and Bikash Oraon are standing in the forefront to share their testimony. Church construction at Bijlemoni is proceeding as planned. Praise the Lord The family of Gumna Toppo is bereaved as he is addicted to alcohol… Jyoti Basumata, the daughter of worker Baljit is suffering from lung disease … the Lord needs to give 30 new Ezras for the full time ministry through Ezra camp at Matigara field… Pray. 13 Sikkim Bible Study Groups: 53 The door to proclaim gospel at Sudung Lakha is opened. The family of Bidhan Rai has become the vessel of peace. Pashang Tamang was healed from sickbed through the power of Jesus. Dilurai, Samba and Lepcha families have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Praise the Lord The Lord to remove the obstacles in the spiritual life of Ganga Lepcha and Sushana Rai… the Word of God sown at Hathidunga field to be beneficial for the new souls… Laku Tshering who has lost his father to be comforted… neighbouring villages of Rakdong and Rakshey fields to be evangelised… Pray. 14 Bible Study Groups: 134 New Bible Study Groups were formed at Ashram and Dusurapara. 6 people from Danswrang Goyari family have confessed their new faith. 3 families at Maijlipara have heard the gospel for the first time. Praise the Lord Madhu Goyari and Jamal Ali who are mentally ill to be healed… the number of believers at Narayanpur and Saharpur to increase… A worship group to be formed at Nuwabasti… Pray. 15 Manipur Bible Study Groups: 160 Iboiyam's family of Khurason village has come forward to serve the Lord. Young man Ajit has got new life through the gospel and has joined Kongpal Believers' Fellowship. As a result of Seekers' Meeting, 19 souls were brought to the Lord. 4 people have confessed their new faith in Jesus. Praise the Lord 2209 people who heard the gospel through Seekers' Meeting to get new life… 94 people who are getting ready for the faith confession service at Keinou and the neighbouring villages… the Bible Study Groups that function at 180 villages to flourish as worship groups… Pray. 16 Bible Study Groups: 286 58 people have confessed their new faith in Christ and have glorified God.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Gatirung who opposed the gospel at Dulkai was touched by the gospel. The church building that was dedicated at Tauka Kami was a blessing to the neighbouring villages. The witness of Sabita who was healed by Jesus has brought new contacts at Chandra Kami field. Praise the Lord. Santirani should be delivered from the clutches of evil spirit… 130 people who are attending the preparatory classes for the faith confession service…Completion work of Church construction in 16 villages. Pray 17 – Ho, Santali Region Bible Study Groups: 91 5 people have found new life in Jesus through the faith confession service that was held at Ashanbani field. Raja Munda's family has joined the Khadibahali Believers' Fellowship. The number of people attending the fasting prayer at Murgapet has reached to 100. Praise the Lord. The Lord to work at neighbouring villages of Bainsnali, where the revival camp has started… the Lord to meet Shikharghati people who are standing against the ministry… worker Purusotham Murmu to be strengthened as he is affected by malaria… Pray. 18 Odisha – Kandhamal District Bible Study Groups: 64 The Lord has opened doors for the ministry at Ganjuguda. Tumbe Mallick has accepted Jesus. Sunita Nayak's family has got new life though the gospel and has come forward to serve Jesus. Praise the Lord. Darka Digal's family to be blessed with the gift of child… Bhaskar Nayak whose kidneys are not functioning… Rabi Nayak and Mamata Digal who are paralysed, may stand and walk in the name of Jesus… Pray. 19 Odisha – Paralakhemundi Region Bible Study Groups: 283 The meeting that was held for the church elders at Barakudi field was beneficial for 50 elders. 15 people confessed their new faith at Ganjam province. The Word of God was proclaimed at Kantabaunso; the family of Obeda sabar has become the vessel of peace. Praise the Lord. The spiritual growth of Kruti Sabar and Elari Sabar… the Word of God that was proclaimed at Gutama village to work at the heart of the people… the Lord to stand with the new believer Dama Raita as he is facing opposition… Pray 20 Odisha – Sambalpuri Region Bible Study Groups: 58 6 people confessed their new faith at Bargarh jilla. Subasini Naik has redeemed her husband from the addiction to alcohol through her witness. Jesus has changed the sick bed of Maha Dev and Tini Kaunri through continuous prayer. Praise the Lord. Good health of Basanti Tandi as she is anaemic… Jagdala who is getting

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH ready for faith confession service… Gobinda Jal whose is suffering from nerve weekness… Pray. 21 Bible Study Groups: 215 Worship group was started at Mirzapur field. 15 people confessed their new faith in Christ. Dev Charan who was delivered from the clutches of evil spirit is sharing his wpitness. Praise the Lord. The family of Dinesh Kumar is bereaved as he is addicted to alcohol… the Lord to open the deaf ears of Jitendra… the families of Shital Manikpuri and Mitthu Kumar to stand firm in the Lord and to share witness… Pray. 22 Madhya Pradesh Bible Study Groups: 283 Hirapur Special meeting was beneficial for the spiritual growth of 14 families. Elu was healed from paralysis through the healing hands of Jesus. Krishna was saved from the road accident. 6 people have confessed their new faith in Jesus. Praise the Lord. The Lord to comfort Girdhari's family as they have lost their father… the Lord to give new life to Ganesh who fell down from the third floor and in coma… the burns of Aayee who met with a fire accident to be healed… Munna Patel who is getting ready for the faith confession service… Pray. 23 Gujarat – Bharuch District Bible Study Groups: 127 Vani Ben who was saved from the poisonous snake bite is sharing his witness. Geeta Ben has decided not to take alcohol and so the whole family has received true peace. The Lord has opened doors for the gospel through the Dolatpur village leader. Praise the Lord. Worship Group to be formed at Kesargam village… Bhagat Singh to be healed from the clutches of evil spirit… the completion of the construction of church at Amlidabra… Pray. 24 Gujarat – Dahod District Bible Study Groups: 175 The people at Suliyat and Metral villages are interested to listen to the Word of God. Church at Kalapan field is waiting for dedication. The Bible Study Group was started at Mori and 5 families were saved. Praise the Lord. The Lord to protect the people at Vankadi field who are moving with faith in the midst of opposition… Field survey is to be completed at 35 villages in Mahisagar district… the Seekers' Meeting that is continued at Thelord and Margala, to yield new contacts… Pray. 25 Gujarat – Narmada District Bible Study Groups: 58 The whole family of Ratilal Bhai was saved and have joined the Indlavi

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Believers' Fellowship. The tumors of Sevanti Ben vanished through prayer and the name of God was glorified at Kakadiyamba village. Laxman Bhai who was mentally ill was healed miraculously in the name of Jesus. Praise the Lord. Fulsingh Bhai who is opposing the church members in Surpan field to be touched by the gospel… the spiritual growth of Kavagap village believers… to get new contacts through the special meetings that are continued at Sorapada… Pray. 26 Gujarat – Tapi District Bible Study Groups: 265 Amsiya Bhai and Himat Bhai who were addicted to alcohol have given up after listening to the Word of God. Arvind Bhai's family is blessed with a gift of child after 8 years through prayer is praising the Lord. The family of the new believer Atul Bhai is interested to listen the Word of God through him. Praise the Lord! Suman Bhai and Gaman Bhai's family that are backslidden… Ajit Bhai who makes liquor to repent… The hearts of Kishore and Chiman Bhai who heard the gospel to be renewed… Pray. 27 Bible Study Groups: 284 The oppositions that were seen at Mahijalgaon were removed in the name of Jesus. 16 people have confessed their new faith in Jesus. New Testament was distributed to the believers at Jambhali village. Praise the Lord! The people who heard the Word of God at Kodelohara to be renewed… the Lord to meet the people who are working against the ministry at Ekodi field… the Lord to choose His people for the ministry through the Ezra camp that is held at Aurangabad… Pray. 28 Telangana Bible Study Groups: 259 14 people confessed their new faith in Jesus. 50 villages that have not seen a gospel worker were identified for the ministry. Praise the Lord for the believers who have come forward to give 5 bicycles to the field workers! Churches to be constructed at Pothireddypalli and Boath…. workers are needed for the interior villages of Khammam and Adilabad districts… Please pray for the completion of construction of rooms for field pastors in Kistarainpalli and Kondamadugu mission fields. 29 Andhra Pradesh – Vizianagaram Dist Bible Study Groups: 563 31 people confessed their new faith. The open-air ministry conducted by Maripivalasa church members has reached 5 villages with gospel. The children's camp held at Bommika was beneficial for 75 children. New

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH believer Yadla Gangulu has given his land for the construction of the church at Godevalasa. Praise the Lord The Lord to heal Sridhar who was bit by a snake… worship group to be formed at Koradavalasa… Ramanamma who is battling with cancer at Padrivalasa... land to be purchased at Dongabadravalasa where the number of believers are increasing… Pray. 30 Andhra Pradesh – West Godavari Dist. Bible Study Groups: 127 Bible Study Group is started at Tanalakunta as they are interested in the Word of God. Suryakumari was healed from paralysis through prayer and she is sharing her witness with Gajulagondi villagers. The construction of the church at Muthyalraopeta field is proceeding as planned. Praise the Lord. 12-years-old girl Manga is often suffering with fits… village elders at Ippalagumpu are opposing the ministry… churches are needed at Irlapalli, Buradakota and Daddanala fields… Pray. 31 Karnataka Bible Study Groups: 177 19 people have received new life in Christ and confessed their new faith. Kotresh was working against the work of God at Kallubande village and now acknowledges the love of Jesus. 20 families have opened their hearts for the gospel at Gowrasamudra. Praise the Lord. 160 people who are getting ready for the faith confession service… the works of darkness at Chikkahalli to be vanished... land to be purchased for the construction of church at Bomma Gondanakere where there are 40 believers... Pray. IT IS GOD'S WILL TO GIVE NEW LIFE

Gautam is a young boy from Bhogpur, Jalandhar district, Punjab. He was addicted to alcohol and this habit was eating him day after day! He was not only giving trouble to his family but also to the villagers. Hence his parents were in great trouble. Punjabi missionary Sandeep was sharing the gospel at Bhogpur. Gautam's mother came to him and shared about the condition of her son with tears. The missionary replied that prayer would change things. Yes, prayer for three months continuously and fasting prayers has changed Gautam into a new creation in Christ! He has become a witness with new life as he confessed his sin and stared a new life. Praise the Lord! – Rakesh Kumar

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Petite feelings...

he field has a special fragrance. Forest has its own fragrance. When we Ttravel by boat in the waters, water's fragrance enters our nostrils. Even when we travel by bus in the forest we get an aroma of different trees in the forest. We feel many aromas every day. But the fragrance of the fields is unique! The fragrance of the soil when we plough the field after a rain, the fresh green smell when the seed rises and give its shoot, the aroma of the plants that comes up, when the harvest is mature and when it is ready for harvest, we get the aroma of the harvest. Likewise there is none who hates the different aromas of the field! Jacob wanted to take the blessings in a shot cut. So he wore the garments of his brother and kissed Jacob. We read in Genesis 27:27, that Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that the LORD has blessed. The field blessed by God will be filled with shoots and it will smell good. The field that is ready for harvest, is a blessing from God! The chill breeze that comes in the evening when the sun is spreading its golden rays, says us the harvest is ready! The aroma of the harvest that we receive as a result of the efforts of our workers who go down to the forest and the mountains in search of the souls, can be felt when we visit the fields! We read in Psalm 107:37 “They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest;” The fields that were started many years before are now ready for the harvest. It is because of the hardship of our workers! During the last days when the coming of the Lord is at hand, we need workers to gather this great harvest! In Vishwa Vani, workers have completed their training in 40 training centres and we are in a state where we are unable to send them to the field for the harvest! If we visit the fields, that we visited 15 years ago, our eyes will be filled with wonder! There were thatched sheds everywhere. The mangers were dirty. The gutter water used to flow through the streets. The children were malnourished. The youth were illiterate. The family leaders were drinking all the time and were unstable. The women and the children were in dirty torn clothes. There were booths for alcohol everywhere. Totally, they

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH were decayed! Today most of the thatched roof houses have become concrete houses, the streets where the gutter went has become cement roads and almost every house has electricity, fan, television and basic needs. The reason is that a family that has heard about the vision of a missionary organization, has reduced their expenses and sent a sacrificial amount from their income and through that a field worker is sent! Wherever, the vision of a missionary organization is shared, there some families reduce their expenses and send their income to the regions beyond where the gospel has not reached yet! Today, there are church buildings in about 1000 fields to gather and worship the Lord and the prayers and praises are raised all the time as fragrance. It is because of the sacrifice of some families and the missionaries who worked hard! This is total transformation of the village! Today, the social development of the villages where the gospel is preached and where they have accepted it has grown compared to the villages where it has not preached! Today the children of our believers in the field have become doctors. They are reaching greater heights in engineering and science. They are trained in civics and are waiting to be future collectors. News about these villages that are without alcohol and adultery is published in the dailies. The Lord is coming soon. We can feel it when we read the dailies every day. Can we be quiet after realising the need! I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. (John 4:35) Is not the smell of the field calling us to send the workers ? - Haris Prem, Vishwa Vani Media Donate online It is now made become easy to donate online for Vishwa Vani Ministries. You could send your donations through our Web Page You could receive the receipt of the same immediately through email. For those who donate through banks, our details: Bank : State Bank of India A/C Name: VISHWA VANI A/C No. : 10151750252 IFS Code : SBIN0003273 Branch : Amanjikarai, Chennai - India.

Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH If the Spirit of the Lord leads you to reach the unreached villages of India, you may kindly join us As prayer partner, volunteering representative, village adopter or full time worker. AGARTALA: Palace compound, Jaganathbari, Krishna Nagar, Agartala, West Tripura - 799001. Ph: 7005891955. AHMEDABAD: 2, Rajshilp Apartment, Deepak Circle, Mani Nagar East, Ahmedabad-380008. Ph: 07818028250. AMBARNATH: 20/141 (D), M.H.B. Colony, Ambarnath West, Thane Dist. - 421501. Ph: 08888318884. AURANGABAD: Baban Colony, Behind Life Touch School, Padegaon, Nasik Road, Aurangabad - 440 014. Ph.: 9960105702. BENGALURU: 24/2, Bore Bank Road, 4th Cross, Benson Town, Bengaluru - 560046. Ph: 08023333509. BANSWARA: Mission compound, Banswara, Rajasthan - 327001. Ph: 9414725164. BONGAIGAON: C/o Birendra Boro, Januma Medhi Road, Chapaguri post, Bongaigaon Dist., Assam - 783380. Ph: 9954796394. BHOPAL: 101, Good Shepherd Colony, Kolar Road, Nr. Banjari, Bhopal - 462042. Ph: 7987376762. BHUBANESWAR: "Swapnapuri", Plot No. 754-760/4, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar - 751013. Ph: 06742360726. CALICUT: 33/233-B, Mas Corner, Malaparampu P.O., Kozhikode - 673009. Ph: 9446161770. CHENNAI: 12, East Club Road, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai - 30. Ph: 9600888375. COCHIN: Manaloor house, Changampuzha Nagar Post, Kalamasserry, Cochin - 682033. Ph: 9447521933. COIMBATORE: 45, Ansari Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 641009. Ph: 9442006614. DEHRADUN: Near Prathiba Shishu Niketan School, Mehuwala Mafi, Chauhan Gali, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248007. Ph: 9897175917. DELHI: F-11, 1st Floor, Vishwakarma Colony, M.B. Road, New Delhi-110044. Ph: 26365928, 9910762447. HYDERABAD: 1-10-28/247, Anandapuram, Kushaiguda, ECIL PO, Hyderabad- 500062. Ph: 04027125557. IMPHAL: Komrem Colony, Opp. Mary Kom Boxing Academy, Games Village, Langol, Imphal, Manipur - 795004. Ph: 9856083151. JAMMU: H.No.: 165, Lane No.: 2, Christian Colony, Jammu - 180005. Ph: 9419287712. KOLKATA: 44, Kalagachia Road, Hanspukur, Joka, Kolkata, - 700104. Ph: 9433263705. LUCKNOW: 485/31, Mohan Meakin Road, Nirala Nagar, Daliganj, Lucknow - 226020. Ph: 9839102011. MADURAI: 29A, Vilachery Road, Bethany Nagar, Pasumalai, Madurai - 625004. Ph: 9865352272. MUMBAI: A-501, Sunstone, Rajhans Dreams, Behind Bishop’s House, Stella, Vasai Road (West) - 401202. Ph: 9890223355. NAGERCOIL: 199, Joshua Street, Nagercoil - 629001. Ph: 9444343180. NAGPUR: Plot No- 124, Kukde, Rameshwari Rd., Nagpur - 440 027. Ph.: 9370405227 NASIK: H.No.: 36, Ward No.: 23, Suhas Cottage, Sharanpur, Nasik, Maharashtra-422102. Ph: 9881200860. PARALAKHEMUNDI: Vishwa Vani, Ram Nagar, Paralakhemundi, Gajapati District - 761200. Ph: 9337254062. PATHANKOT: 2-A, Ward No.13, Dev Nagari, Lamani, Pathankot, Punjab - 145001. Ph: 9915681266. PATNA: CA/59, P.C. Colony, Malahi Pakri, Kankarbagh, Patna, Bihar - 800020. Ph: 9507845613. PUNE: Azad Colony No-2, Panchpir Chouk, Kalewadi, Pimpri, Pune - 411017. Ph: 8600925527 RAIPUR: H.No.: D-4, Shatabadi Nagar, Telibhanda, PO: Ravi Gram, Raipur - 492006. Ph: 9826452343. : New A.G. Colony, Radha Bagan, Kadru, PO: Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834002. Ph: 9431927472. SECUNDERABAD: H.No. 12-14-18, Post Office Building, Lalapet, Secunderabad - 500017. Ph: 9848015247. SIKKIM: Jorethang Bazar, Vill: Gairy Gaon, PO: Naya Bazar, Dist: Namchi, South Sikkim - 737121. Ph: 9733284076. SILIGURI: Bhuban Jote, P.O: Nemai, P.S. Matigara, Siliguri, Darjeeling, West Bengal-734010. Ph: 8900321640. SOLAPUR: Plot no-52, Amol Nagar, Behind Valshankar Hospital, Ramwadi, Solapur, - 413 001. Ph.: 9689126734 TIRUNELVELI: 18-B, Daniel Thomas Street, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli - 627002. Ph: 04622562028. TIRUVALLA: Manjadi PO, Tiruvalla - 689105. Ph: 9447251358. TRICHY: 26A, Ettupattarai Compound, T.V.K. Nagar, Puthur, Trichy - 620017. Ph: 0431- 290135; 9488804685. TUTICORIN: Bethel Clinic Building, 141, Chatram Street, Tuticorin-628002. 04612339774. VISAKHAPATNAM: H.No. 38-32-75, Parvathi Nagar, Marripalem, Visakhapatnam - 530018. Ph: 9701024808. VILLUPURAM: 4/25, Balakrishnan Street, East Pondy Road, Villupuram - 605602. Ph: 9443997515. VIRUDHUNAGAR: 3/B, A.S. Ayammal Nagar, Backisde of Taluk Office, Virudhunagar - 626001. Ph: 9659803075. Vishwavani Samarpan- MARCH 2020 - ENGLISH Lakhiya bhai... Lakhiya Bhai Vasava was working as a missionary at Zumavadi field in Surat district, Gujarat. He was 40 years. He joined the ministry on 1.10.2010. Through his work, hamlets in Surat and Narmada district came to know the love of the Lord. His ministry boundary was from Sharapada to Paati. The Lakhiya Bhai and his wife believers and their families have increased great in number at these places where this worker has done ministry for the past 10 years. Lakhiya Bhai was affected by sickle cell anaemia that is common in the villages of Gujarat. He battled with this disease for 6 months and entered into eternal rest on January 26, 2020. All those who are surprised that he has been taken by the Lord at an early age of 40, are comforted by the hundreds of souls that were added by the Lord to His church. May the Lord wipe away the tears of the souls that he has reaped. The kernel Lakhiya Bhai will continue to give more souls in the field. May the Lord continue to be with the worker's wife Mrs. Urmila Ben in her ministry. Pray that God will be with the children Krunel (16), Kaushika (13) and Prinit (9). GREETINGS AND THANKS We greet in the name of Jesus Christ Mr. Anand Jebaraj and his family as God has used them to raise a church at Taukakami field, in South District of Tripura. We also greet and thank 20 ministry partners who attended the church dedication service held on 15.1.2020. We praise the Holy Spirit who uses the workers in the fields of Tripura. 7 ministry partners visited Kundanpur field of Ratlam district, Madhya Pradesh on 16.1.2020. They saw the church and praised the Lord. We praise the Lord for the commitment of Mrs. Esther Anbu Nathan and her family. May the Lord use the workers for His ministry for a great harvest in Madhya Pradesh with nets being torn. - A. Melban Manasseh. Vishwa Vani Samarpan - March 2020 - ENGLISH For Private Circulation Only

New Church buildings were dedicated in eight more mission fields; The number of new church buildings raised in this financial year is 65. Glory be to the Master of Harvest!

VISHWA VANI SAMARPAN - ENGLISH LANGUAGE Printed and Published by P. Selvaraj on behalf of VISHWA VANI, a registered society ( Regn. No.17871 of 1987) and printed at CAXTON Offset Pvt. Ltd., 11-5-416/3, Red Hills, HYD-04. and published at 1-10-28/247, Anandapuram, ECIL Post, HYD-62. EDITOR: P. SELVARAJ.