9th Annual

Main Conference: INTEGRATED 16th – 17th March 2016 Pre Conference Workshops: AIR & MISSILE 15th March 2016 Location: DEFENCE2016 , UK Collaborating to close critical MEET THE capability gaps GLOBAL COMMUNITY OF AIR DEFENDERS in air & missile FROM THE LAND, AIR & defence SEA ENVIRONMENT

Senior Air Defence Commanders Sharing their Experience Include:

Major General Carlos Brigadier General Brigadier General Brigadier General Tomas Jakusz, Bueno Vargas, Michael Gschoßmann, Donald Fryc, Dan Cavaleru, Chief Specialist GBAD, Commander, Director Ground Based Chief of the 32nd Deputy Chief, Colombian Operation, AAMDC, Romanian Air Force German Air Force US Army

Air & missile defence has rapidly become the key national security concern. The need to guarantee the control of national air space is now paramount as the spectrum of airborne threats widens:  Increase the integration of cutting-edge latest directed energy and international and internal C2 systems to reduce multi-target engaging ground- the crucial time from detection to engagement of based interceptors to ensure a national and regional airborne threats seamless national shield  Reduce the degradation of your air and missile  Grow your capacity to detect and identify ‘low, defence systems with the aid of bespoke third party slow & small’ flying objects, in order to prevent MRO services, allowing you to extend platform life potentially devastating strikes by unmanned threats cycles and close critical capability gaps “It was very interesting to explore the  Enhance your ability to neutralise non-traditional different views on Integrated Air and Missile aerial threats by equipping your forces with the Defence, in particular the development of doctrine and weapon systems” – Head of Armaments Office, Italian Army General Staff Early Confirmed Sponsors

Email: [email protected] Phone: +44 (0)20 7036 1300 www.airmissiledefenceevent.com LIST OF EARLY INTEGRATED CONFIRMED SPEAKERS AIR & MISSILE & VIP ATTENDEES Dear Colleague, DEFENCE2016 Carlos Bueno Vargas, Commander, The past 18 months has seen air and missile defence jump to the front of the military and civilian news for a variety of reasons: States Brigadier General Michael Gschoßmann, Director Ground Based Operation, German across Eastern Europe have realised the urgent requirement for closer Air Force cooperation and integration, with the Baltic States organising a joint air defence system. Meanwhile fluctuating tensions in East Asia have sparked Brigadier General Donald Fryc, a renewed focus on AMD and the dominance of Daesh (ISIS) in the Middle Chief of the 32nd AAMDC, US Army East has generated numerous concerns around the ability of air defences Brigadier General Dan Cavaleru, to handle threats from C-RAM to UAVs. Deputy Chief, Romanian Air Force Brigadier General Albert Sáfár, Finally and most recently the establishment of ISIS as a coherent threat Chief of Staff, and the growing danger of BMD in the region, have forced nations across Colonel Peter Gielen, the Middle East to re-evaluate their air defences and they have identified a Chief of GBAD, Royal Netherlands Army number of concerning capability gaps. Colonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, Czech The IAMD conference, now entering its 9th year, has become the chosen Armed Forces meeting place of the air & missile defence community, chiefly to discuss Colonel Janell Eickhoff, best practice, but more recently as a method of pooling and sharing Commander of the 10th Army Air and solutions/ideas to tackle critical challenges. Missile Defence Command, US Army Europe Discussing a wide variety of topics from the closer integration of C2 Colonel Tomas Jakusz, systems to the maintenance of aging air defence systems and the growing Chief GBAD Specialist, Polish Armed threat of extreme threats such as UAVs, the IAMD 2016 conference Forces will see the community gather to decide the future of the field – join air Wing Commander Alun Walton, defenders and their industry counterparts to have a stake in these key SO1 Air C2 Dev, DACOS Development 1, UK decisions. MoD Colonel Esa Lappi, Kind regards, Senior Technical Officer, Finnish Defence Command Lieutenant Colonel Mattias Elfstrom, Air Defence Regiment, Alexander Jupp Eric Desautels, Conference Director Director of the Office of Emerging Integrated Air & Missile Defence 2016 Security Challenges, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, US Key End-User Attendees at Integrated Air & Department of State Peter Woodmansee, Missile Defence 2016 include: Missile Defense Program Manager, EPOC v Commanders v Program Managers Missile Defense Division Chief, US EUCOM • Chief of GBAD • Head of Capability Development Jakub Cimoradsky, • Chief of Air C2 v Government/Ministry of Defence Staff Officer, IAMD Section, NATO • Director of Ground Based Representatives Paul Dendy, Operations • Head of Policy & Strategy Staff Officer, IAMD Section, NATO • Commander of Air Defence • Head of (National) Armaments Regiment • Head of Acquisition Dr. Isaac Bankman, • E.g. 12th SAM Battery • Head of Procurement Associate Director, Office of Naval Research Global Key Solution Provider Attendees at Integrated Fabian Ochsner, Vice President, Marketing, Business Air & Missile Defence 2016 include: Development and Product Portfolio v Director/Head of Sales • OEMs Management, Rheinmetall Air v Program Director • Sensors and Radars Defence AG v Director of Business Development • C2 Systems Joseph (Yossi) Horowitz Col (Res), EMEA • Missile Manufacturers Business Development & Marketing v VP Business Development • Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul Director, Air Superiority Systems v Director of Marketing (MRO) Division, Rafael Advanced Defence v Representing: • Data links/Communications Systems • Systems Integrators

www.airmissiledefenceevent.com PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP – 15TH MARCH 2016

09:30 Coffee & registration Morning Workshop A 10:00 INNOVATIVE METHODS OF DETECTION & INTERCEPTION – COUNTERING UAVS Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have long been considered a thorn in the side of air defenders, given the potential range of threats that they can pose to air space and infrastructure, at a relatively low cost to the attacker. However, in recent years, the AMD community has seen their proliferation and use increase, from miniature UAVs posing a threat to large events and urban environments, to the use of larger HALE platforms as highly effective ISR and offensive platforms. The air defence community, while obviously concerned with the threat posed by ballistic missiles, remains greatly challenged by the variety of UAVs that exist to test their defences. This session will discuss the operational challenges posed by UAVs both to air defenders and to the assets they are tasked with protecting: Attend this dedicated session in order to: v Understand the challenges posed by these ‘low, slow and small’ threats- in particular from the perspective of detection v Learn how sensors, radar and forward observers can be deployed in innovative ways to enhance your ability to detect UAVs v Hear about the latest developments in counter-UAV technology – How can you take advantage of directed energy weapons to combat these ever-evolving threats? v Join the discussion with experts from the military and solution-providing communities – What will the threats of the future look like and how can the IAMD group work together to meet and defeat them? The threat from UAVs is clear and only set to grow as an affordable method of challenging the sovereignty of air space; intelligence gathering; and possibly inflicting damage on individuals and infrastructure. This meeting is essential for those commanders attempting to reconcile this non-traditional airborne threat with the current capabilities that they possess. Seize the opportunity to network with other professionals facing the same challenges and discover the solutions being developed by the industry community to combat them. Dr. Isaac Bankman, Associate Director, Office of Naval Research Global

12:30 Networking Lunch Afternoon Workshop B 13:30 EXPLORING THE CHALLENGES TO THE EFFECTIVE INTEGRATION OF C2 SYSTEMS Many nations around the world are preparing to upgrade their air and missile defence capabilities by purchasing new sensors to acquire new missile and interceptor systems. Yet, with an enhancement in capabilities, air defence commanders face an ever-growing task to ensure these new acquisitions are able to operate effectively and efficiently within the existing AMD architecture. Command and Control (C2) software is vital to any modern day air defence portfolio. Sensors and interceptors are often based in separate physical locations and it is essential to ensure that secure transfers of data and communication between assets and commanders are able to take place, in rapid response to an airborne threat. However air defence commanders face a multitude of challenges in attempting to achieve this and the adoption- and then integration- of C2 systems is central to that. This session will take participants through a discussion of case studies concerning the integration of Command & Control systems for national and international AMD architectures and the challenges that they can expect to encounter during this long process. Attend this workshop in order to: v Benefit from an increased understanding of how enhancing C2 systems can subsequently improve the operational effectiveness of legacy assets v Join the debate around the different approaches to C2 system acquisition and integration q At what point in the process should C2 systems be acquired: As part of the upgrade of sensors and interceptors, prior to upgrade or once the hardware has been purchased? v Hear several national and regional case studies of C2 integration programmes including: q How coalition and allied forces are managing the expansion of BMD shields q How have C2 systems been updated in response to expansion and deepening cooperation? This session is a ‘must-attend’ for those nations considering fresh upgrades and acquisitions, as it will provide them with a chance to canvass opinion from the community and to gain from their experiences. Furthermore you will be able to learn about the different approaches to linking air defence units together. Paul Dendy, Staff Officer, IAMD Section, NATO

16:00 End of Pre-Conference Workshops

www.airmissiledefenceevent.com MAIN CONFERENCE DAY ONE – 16TH MARCH 2016


09:00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENCE

0910 HOST NATION ADDRESS: AIR DEFENCE IN THE UK: A 14:00 STRENGTHENING ’S BMD SHIELD COMBINED AND MULTI-FUNCTIONAL APPROACH v Charting the next steps in the development of BMD for v Establishing the roadmap for the acquisition of the Romania, looking beyond AEGIS Future Local Area Air Defence System (FLAADS) v Improving fire control mechanisms on existing v Given the commonality of the Common Anti-Air Modular systems to aid these effort Missile (CAMM), in Sea Ceptor and FLAADS, what is the v How does Romania expect to further integrate its air & timescale and prospect for the integration of these systems? missile defence units into the NATO BMD shield? v What challenges are there to the integration of these v What role will simulation play in supporting systems across domains (i.e. ground and sea?) preparation for possible future engagements? v How will these systems contribute to the overall Brigadier General Dan Cavaleru, Deputy Chief, regional air and missile defence architecture? Romanian Air Force Wing Commander Alun Walton, SO1 Air C2 Dev, DACOS Development 1, UK MoD 14:40 THE ROLE OF NATO IN SUPPORTING THE REGIONAL BMD ‘UMBRELLA’ 0950 ESTABLISHING THE REQUIREMENT FOR A MULTI- v How will the air and missile defence shield incorporate RANGE AIR DEFENCE SOLUTION FOR COLOMBIA more allied nations in the coming years? v An update on the delivery of the new SISDAN programme, v In what ways do ballistic threats present a greater or in partnership with Northrup Grumman Corporation – and more irregular challenge to air breathing threat the challenges encountered and overcome v What challenges are anticipated when integrating the v How will the newly acquired Early Warning and 3-D C2 systems of further nations and how does the ACCS Radar be integrated into existing architecture? programme contribute to this? v Managing the connection process for the Colombian v What difficulties are posed by the continuation of Air Force’s new communications system (Andrómeda) unilateral national efforts to improve BMD capability? v In what manner can Colombia cooperate with regional Jakub Cimoradsky, Staff Officer, IAMD Section, NATO partners to develop its Medium Range Air Defence? Major General Carlos Bueno Vargas, Commander, 15:20 COFFEE & NETWORKING Colombian Air Force FRAMEWORKS FOR REGIONAL AIR DEFENCE 10:30 COFFEE & NETWORKING 15:50 ANALYSING DEVELOPING THREAT PERSPECTIVES 11:00 INTEGRATING MEADS INTO THE GERMAN AIR ACROSS THE WORLD FORCE’S GBAD ARCHITECTURE v How has the seen the range of airborne v How will MEADS be operationalised in the Air Force’s threats develop across Europe? ground component and to what timescales? v How can the State Department enhance missile v What capability gaps currently exist in dealing with the defence cooperation across the region? ‘low, slow and small’ airborne threats? v With the escalation of conflict across the Middle East, v Assessing the performance of German forces on the how can the United States support the Gulf Cooperation recent NATO ballistic missile interception exercise Council in developing its air defence capabilities? v What challenges are currently being experienced in v As the strategic situation across Asia, particularly in training effectively for joint and independent air defence? the South China Sea, continues to shift, how will US Brigadier General Michael Gschoßmann, Director AMD policy & priorities be affected? Ground Based Operation, German Air Force Eric Desautels, Director of the Office of Emerging Security Challenges, Bureau of Arms Control, 11:40 Iron Dome – Multi-Mission Air, Verification and Compliance, US Department of State Missile and Naval Defense System Joseph (Yossi) Horowitz Col (Res), Business 16:30 LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR THE 3RD PHASE OF Development & Marketing Director, Air Superiority THE EUROPEAN PHASED ADAPTIVE APPROACH Systems Division, Rafael Advanced Defence Systems v Discussing the 3rd stage of the EPAA – key stakeholders and requirements of the program 12:20 INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION – AIR DEFENCE AS v Revealing the results from the recent Aegis missile A CORE NATIONAL SECURITY PRIORITY defence trials with European partners v How can an effective AMD capability be maintained in v What are the next steps for the EPAA, following the an era of decreasing and frozen defence budgets? installation of Aegis Ashore in Romania? v In what ways have the priorities of air defenders v With the successful interception of a missile during the evolved over the past decade? recent Maritime Theater Missile Defense exercise, what role v Do panellists envisage further evolutions for the community? will sea-based missile defence assets play in the region? v As the spectrum of airborne threats becomes Peter Woodmansee, Missile Defense Program Manager, more diverse, what innovative solutions are being EPOC Missile Defense Division Chief, US EUCOM considered by the nations on the panel to handle more extreme threats, such as high altitude UAVs? 17:10 CHAIRMAN’S CLOSING REMARKS AND END OF DAY ONE Panellists Include: Brigadier General Albert Sáfár, Chief of Staff, 17:20 Networking Drinks Reception Hungarian Air Force Sponsored by Brigadier General Michael Gschoßmann, Director Ground Based Operations, German Air Force Brigadier General Donald Fryc, Chief of the 32nd AAMDC, US Army www.airmissiledefenceevent.com MAIN CONFERENCE DAY TWO – 17TH MARCH 2016 0830 COFFEE & REGISTRATION MEDIUM-RANGE AIR DEFENCE 0900 CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS 1350 IDENTIFYING THE SOLUTIONS FOR POLAND’S MEDIUM-RANGE AIR DEFENCE NEEDS 0910 THE PROVISION OF A GLOBAL US AIR DEFENCE v How will the Patriot Pac-3 be integrated into existing PRESENCE air defence architecture? v Conducting Theatre-Level Air & Missile Defence for v Assessing the capability of the Patriot system and how the US Army it will fulfil the Wisla medium-range air-and-missile v Assessing the progress of the THAAD program and how defence requirement the US Army are ensuring that the system is sufficiently v Discussing integration with future possible US forces flexible to meet future operational requirements based in Redzikowo v What challenges have been experienced when Colonel Tomas Jakusz, Chief GBAD Specialist, Polish interoperating with allied units? Armed Forces v Designing effective training strategies- both LVC and real-life- to ensure the operational readiness of the 1430 PLOTTING THE LIFECYCLES OF SWEDEN’S AIR 32nd’s four brigades DEFENCE SYSTEMS Brigadier General Donald Fryc, Chief of the 32nd v Setting out the process of operationalizing the IRIS-T AAMDC, US Army SLS system by 2017 v How will this capability be maintained in the face of a 0950 THE ROAD AHEAD FOR THE NETHERLANDS’ GBAD variety of threats? v How has the Patriot system fared in the service of the v How will the streamlining of defence budgets impact Royal Netherlands Army, on recent operations? the requirements on current systems? v From the Dutch perspective what is the most v In what ways will current assets have to be made flexible significant AMD threat faced by the RNA? to handle less traditional threats such as UAVs or C-RAM? v Can current systems, such as the Patriot, meet those Lieutenant Colonel Mattias Elfstrom, Air Defence challenges or do they require further upgrades/ Regiment, Swedish Armed Forces retrofits? v What prospect is there for a greater integration of 1510 COFFEE & NETWORKING Dutch GBAD with national and regional AMD? Colonel Peter Gielen, Chief of GBAD, Royal Netherlands 1540 DECIDING THE STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE Army DEVELOPMENT OF FINNISH AIR DEFENCE v What role does air defence play in future possible hybrid 1030 SLOT RESERVED FOR ASSOCIATE SPONSOR - warfare scenarios in Eastern Europe and the Baltics? Diehl Defence v How does Finland intend to develop its C2 capabilities to ensure a more responsive air defence portfolio? 1100 COFFEE & NETWORKING v In what way would Finnish AMD architecture be able to cooperate with a joint-Baltic Air Defence system? MAINTENANCE, REPAIR v How will the recent Nordic Security agreement, to & REPLACEMENT OF AIR boost regional cooperation, impact on Finland’s future DEFENCE SYSTEMS AMD procurements? Lieutenant Colonel Esa Lappi, Senior Technical Officer, 1130 INTEGRATING NEWLY ACQUIRED SENSORS INTO THE Finnish Defence Command CZECH REPUBLIC’S AIR DEFENCES v Delivering the complete integration of incoming 3-D 1620 DISCUSSING KEY CHALLENGES EXPERIENCED BY radar systems into current air defence architecture THE 10TH IN RECENT OPERATIONS v How will the condition and life-cycles of these new v In recent operations, such as Operation Active Fence, assets be managed to guarantee their life span? how have the 10th’s capabilities been tested? v What support is required from external parties to ensure v What conclusions have been drawn from the recent that the 3-D detection capability remains operational? “Rapid Arrow” exercise alongside the German Air v Will increased usage of air defence assets, in Force SAM Wing 1 forces? particular on exercise, negatively impact their v Have more ‘low-tech’ threats, such a micro-UAVs or intended operational life span? C-RAM, proved difficult to handle with the air defence Colonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, assets currently available Czech Armed Forces v What prospects are there for the further development of the 10th’s ability to handle the ‘difficult-to-detect; 1210 INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION PANEL – DIRECTED difficult-to-intercept’? ENERGY SYSTEMS Colonel Janell Eickhoff, Commander of the 10th Army As advancements in technology decreases the size v  Air and Missile Defence Command, US Army Europe and support requirements of DE systems, how can their role in air defence increase? 1700 CHAIR’S CLOSE AND END OF DAY TWO v What role do DE systems play in a multi-layered air defence portfolio? v How do participants see DE systems developing into the future? v Will the range of targets, which such systems can successfully engage, increase? v What tactical and technological barriers to this evolution exist? Moderated by Rheinmetall Defence


www.airmissiledefenceevent.com Maximise Your Exhibiting and Sponsorship options are extensive, and packages are tailor-made to suit your individual company’s Involvement: needs. Most packages include complimentary entry passes, targeted marketing which is direct to the military airlift Sponsorship community and bespoke networking opportunities. and Exhibition Integrated Air & Missile Defence 2016 will be attended by senior-level military officials and decision-makers from industry, bringing together buyers and suppliers Opportunities in one location.

Focused and high-level, the event will be an excellent platform to initiate and enhance business relationships within the military airlift community. Industry sponsors have the chance to educate the market as thought leaders, presenting business cases for their solutions and capabilities to a motivated group. With tailored networking opportunities, sponsors can achieve the face-to-face contact that overcrowded trade shows are just unable to deliver.

Other features of sponsorship include:  Prominent exhibition  Participation in  Tailored marketing strategies space in the comprehensive to suit your organisation’s main conference pre-event marketing size, capabilities and networking area campaigns individual requirement

For more information and to discuss the right opportunity, contact Oliver Marks on +44 (0)207 368 9300 or [email protected]

Previous Sponsors & Exhibitors About Defence IQ Defence IQ is an authoritative news source for high quality and exclusive commentary and analysis on global defence and military-related topics. Sourcing interviews and insights directly from senior military and industry professionals on air defence, cyber warfare, armoured vehicles, naval defence, land defence and many more topics, Defence IQ is a unique multimedia platform to discuss and learn about the latest developments within the defence sector. So join over 60,000 defence professionals to access all the exclusive video interviews, podcasts, articles and whitepapers that are available and updated on a daily basis. Join today for free by signing up on our website: www.DefenceIQ.com

FREE INDUSTRY RESOURCES You can access a variety of free resources such as whitepapers, articles, news, podcasts and presentations online at www.airmissiledefenceevent.com

www.airmissiledefenceevent.com Early Confirmed Sponsors:

Rafael develops and manufactures advanced defense systems for the Israeli Defense Forces and the defense establishment, as well as for foreign customers around the world. The company offers its customers a diversified array of innovative solutions at the leading edge of global technology, from underwater systems through naval, ground, and air superiority systems to space systems. Rafael is the largest employer in Northern with approximately 7,000 employees and numerous subcontractors and service suppliers. Rafael is Israelís second largest defense company, with 2013 sales of 2.047 Billion Dollars, an order backlog of 4.3 Billion Dollars and a net profit of 101 Million Dollars. Rafael Air Superiority Systems Division designs, develops and manufactures world-leading air and missile defense systems as well as air-to-air missiles. This Division systems include the combat proven Iron Dome ballistic missile defense system that intercepted over 1,000 rockets with 90% success rate, C-Dome a naval application of the Iron Dome System designed to protect combat vessels, Davidís Sling, developed in cooperation with Raytheon USA, an affordable and lethal solution against all endo-atmospheric threats, including short-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and traditional air defense threats. In addition, this Division is also responsible for the SPYDER family of short and medium range air defense systems that are based on Rafaelís most advanced air-to-air missiles - Python-5 and Derby missiles.

Rheinmetall Defenceís Air Defence and Naval Systems Division is headquartered in Switzerland with subsidiaries in and . The company is of the worldís foremost makers of advanced short range air defence systems for land and naval applications and leads the global market in automatic gun-based air defence. As a unique system supplier of sensor systems, fire control technology, automatic air defence guns with Ahead airburst ammunition, integrated guided missiles and a full suite of command and control systems it can supply everything from a single source. In order to stay abreast with current and future missions, the company invests heavily in new technologies such as High Energy Lasers (HEL). Demonstrations of the advancements in recent years have proven to many customers that such weapons will be a major game changer and will allow to satisfy new requirements for air defenders on land and on water. The successful change of the old GBAD paradigm, to engage the platforms before weapon release, to now ordnance based GBAD engagements has been achieved using the latest available technologies. The use of GBAD systems in Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) another Rheinmetall Air Defence speciality, providing coherent command and control allowing to support such delicate missions in peace time environments. The protection of Forward Operating Bases against Rockets and Mortars is the latest addition in an impressive portfolio of inner tier ground based air defence products by successfully fielding the Skyshield C-RAM system with the German Air Force.

Ultra Electronics, Advanced Tactical Systems specializes in designing, manufacturing and supporting tactical command and control systems, subsystems and products for defense and homeland security applications worldwide. Mission statement: We deliver solutions that help warfighters integrate, share and act on time-critical information. Our products and services are used on aircraft, ships, submarines, vehicles, air operations centers and other key locations throughout the world. Advanced Tactical Systems is part of Ultra Electronics, an internationally successful defense, security, transport and energy company with a long, consistent track record of development and growth.

Diehl Defence combines the German Diehl Group´s business activities in defence and security. For decades, Diehl companies have been reliable partners of the and international armed forces. The product portfolio of Diehl Defence includes system solutions for ground-based air defence, guided missiles for armies, air forces and navies as well as innovative solutions for medium- and large caliber ammunition, reconnaissance, surveillance, training and protection. High-performance infrared modules, fuzes and special batteries ensure necessary independence in the field of essential key components.

Map of previously attending nations:

y Algeria y Estonia y Norway y Spain y Australia y Finland y Pakistan y Sweden y Belgium y y Peru y Switzerland y Brazil y Germany y Poland y Thailand y Canada y y Romania y The Netherlands y Colombia y Israel y Saudi Arabia y Turkey y Czech Republic y Italy y Singapore y United Kingdom y Denmark y y Slovakia y United States y Egypt y Malaysia y South Africa www.airmissiledefenceevent.com Main Conference: INTEGRATED 16th – 17th March 2016 Pre Conference Workshops: 5 WAYS TO REGISTER AIR & MISSILE 15th March 2016 Tel: +44 (0)20 7368 9300 Venue: DEFENCE2016 London, UK Fax: +44 (0)20 7368 9301 To speed registration, please provide the priority code located on the mailing label or in the box below. Post: Your booking form to My registration code PDFW IQPC Ltd., 129 Wilton Road, Please contact our database manager on +44(0) 207 368 9300 or [email protected] quoting the Victoria, London, registration code above to inform us of any changes or to remove your details. SW1 V1JZ Online: www.airmissiledefenceevent.com PASS INCLUDES GOLD PACKAGE SILVER PACKAGE BRONZE PACKAGE Main Conference (16th – 17th March 2016) 3 3 3 Email: [email protected] Access to post-event presentations on B2B Shop at www.b2biq.com 3 3 3 Complimentary Defence Industry Bulletin Membership Subscription 3 3 3 TEAM DISCOUNTS* 3 3 8 1 Workshop*** (15th March 2016) IQPC recognises the value of learning in teams. Groups of 3 or more 2 Workshops (15th March 2016) 3 8 8 booking at the same time from the same company receive a 10% discount, 5 or more receive a 15% discount, 7 receive a 20% discount. INDUSTRY Only one discount available per person. Book& Pay Before 22nd January 2016* SAVE £200 £2799 + VAT SAVE £200 £2499 + VAT SAVE £200 £1999 + VAT Book & Pay Before 26th February 2016* SAVE £100 £2899 + VAT SAVE £100 £2599 + VAT SAVE £100 £2099 + VAT Standard Price £2999 + VAT £2699 + VAT £2199 + VAT

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*To qualify for discounts, payment must be received with booking by the registration deadline. Early booking discounts are not valid in conjunction with any other offer. **Military and government discounted rates apply to serving military officers, government and university personnel only. FREE ONLINE RESOURCES All serving Generals/Flag Officers 1 Star and above may attend the conference free of charge. Please contact [email protected] for To claim a variety of articles, podcasts and other free resources further details. please visit www.airmissiledefenceevent.com ***Please select Workshop A B UK VAT is charged at 20%. VAT Registration #: GB 799 2259 67

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