United States Patent Office Patented June 25, 1963
3,095,356 United States Patent Office Patented June 25, 1963 1. 2 3,095,356 of fluoride uptake by the teeth. Soluble fluorides are DENTIFRICE COMPRISING INSOLUBLE SODIUM found to be taken up to a greater extent when these metal METAPHOSPHATE AND A CADMUM, TN, saits are also present with the fluoride. The proportion ZINC, MANGANESE OR IRON COMPOUND TO of the fluorides, such as aluminum, tin, or sodium fluoride INHIBIT CALCUM ON SEQUESTERNG employed in the practice of the present invention is in the Henry V. Moss, Clayton, Mo, assignor to Monsanto range of 0.05 to 1% by weight of the dentifrice composi Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo., a corporation of tion. However, the total proportion of metal compounds Delaware w of the group of cadmium, tin, zinc, manganese, alumi No Drawing. Filed Feb. 20, 1956, Ser. No. 566,353 num and iron which are present in the dentifrice is within 11 Claims. (CI. 167-93) 10 the broader range of 0.05 to 50 weight percent. This invention relates to polishing compositions suitable According to one of the present theories as to the for use as a dentifrice base and particularly to those com molecular aggregation of phosphate salts, the insoluble positions which contain the insoluble form of sodium sodium metaphosphate containing the usual impurities, metaphosphate as an ingredient thereof. may exist as a chain-type of molecular structure, and also An object of the present invention is the provision of 5 in the form of relatively short-chain polyphosphates. Ac an improved identifice. - cording to this theory, the presently employed metal com The use of the so-called insoluble form of sodium pounds control the sequestering action of polyphosphates, metaphosphate in finely divided form has been proposed thereby controlling the type of molecular structures pre as a dentifrice.
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