Happy New Year 2015
QUATICAQU AT H E O N - L I N E J O U R N A L O F T H E B R O O K L Y N A Q U A R I U M S O C I E T Y VOL. 28 JANUARY ~ FEBRUARY 2015 N o. 3 Metynnis argenteus Silver Dollar HA PPY NEW YEAR 1 104 Y EARS OF E DUCATING A QUARISTS AQUATICA VOL. 28 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2015 NO. 3 C ONTENT S PAGE 2 THE AQUATICA STAFF. PAGE 23 NOTABLE NATIVES. All about some of the beautiful North PAGE 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS. American aquarium fish, seldom seen BAS Events for the years 2015 - 2016 and almost never available commercially. ANTHONY P. KROEGER, BAS PAGE 4 MOLLIES LOVE CRACKERS! Collecting wild Sailfin Mollies in Florida. PAGE 25 SPECIES PROFILE. ANTHONY P. KROEGER, BAS Etheostoma caeruieum , Rainbow Darter. JOHN TODARO, BAS PAGE 6 SPECIES PROFILE. The Sailfin PAGE 26 HOBBY HAPPENINGS. Mollie, Poecili latipinna . JOHN TODARO, BAS The further aquatic adventures of Larry Jinks. PAGE 7 TERRORS OF THE LARRY JINKS, BAS, RAS, NJAS PLANTED AQUARIUM. Keeping Silver dollar fish; you must keep in PAGE 28 CATFISH CONNECTIONS. Sy introduces us to Australia’s yellow mind they’re in the same family as the tandanus. Piranha and are voracious plant eaters. fin JOHN TODARO, BAS SY ANGELICUS, BAS PAGE 10 SPECIES PROFILE. The Silver Dollar, PAGE 29 BLUE VELVET SHRIMP. Another article Metynnis ar genteus . on keeping freshwater shrimp, with information on JOHN TODARO, BAS keeping them healthy. BRAD KEMP, BAS, THE SHRIMP FARM.COM PAGE 11 SAND LOACHES - THEY BREED BY THEMSELVES .
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