V o l . 5.— Na 9. j MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEH 25, 1867. [W hole Wo. 2 1 T*

XSW ADVX/tTtSMMOirrS. JVSW ADVBKTlSMJUBIfTS. kinship with the angel*, or em I intinded to better, and finally save, (fc once gnd forever put the child beyond the fiill. His identity will stand nnmoved amid The regular v/eehly circulatton o ftm It is aridant that csiraw sHat «as aot !a p a sn l asib A DISCOURSE but a rude inteHoper—a boisterous in- criminal. Hence Hell, which is used aia read> of dircipline, no matter of what de­ the wreck of matter and the crash Of worlds, b Shahapaata’a day. alaa ha aatst wedilfeaie erilM%' BBurano w IMS KacoaaaR m more than three time* larger Throw pkyiie to tba d«p 1" f y n , r u n u % o t m M C T . A K * V o r A THOUSABD. gree. As with the body, sowith the soul. Ofer the grave of tha g'obe he now Inhabits, V Ttu> OHtvmi TnBwi«lMi«> Owiwig-^ S|il«n- flK S T CO/fGMEGAT/OJfAl CUVKOi^ tiwler, amid tlw order* of intelligence synonym of suffering in the n e ^ worifi, did Hall ~ -• * A OOHSUMmVE CDRKD. Or. B. JUIE 8 with ever-increasing powers aad ever-mul­ thorn that o f any other Newtpmper non or Slasm ia the eaalast of swhsakal poww-yst e e • M tlrad pkjfaiuiaB or itruk* aoiluMUM, dlwMIT- WKST MBRIDBK, wlw and will totever, people the uni- has a temporal limit A time will coae The spirit onee insensible, to beyond the tiplying capacities to suffer or enjoy, iia will ham firaiiiiandy obaanad that tboae panaM a t e ST. LAURENT,-Baaud«,~M wd«;. Oot. •. t>ra«,«kU*tat4i« 8 M ONMayiw* lor ever heretofore p rin ttd in Mertden. PICRKtUC-nMlwuM-llMWtejr.Opt. I*. SABBATH BVBMIMC, S ig n , is, M f.' ver*e? Sudiquestioiis, I*ay,come home when it shall cease to exist; for all sW i reach of divine infliction for spiritual diso­ stand an existeoca indestroctibto and laamit" tha moat, an iwaUydw laastSiW*Ksl to evei7 heart; |oid evejy man woman bedience. And so far as the penalty con­ eternal. 6 r w ah . boik ol body aad a ria l cease to suffer, being reformed by their We Pfiol to-d^r > veiy suffering. have, this eveoing, been able to advance but itytobw^idiidimiBiraa Ih.^ the ad •n d walL O a tM u ot hm I li4« «*Uow u o r- K tv. W: H. H, itURRAt. *honldb«U,h«'wUI MiidiottiOM wlio »M i tttb«raol|w, To this I reply: Such a system ovjpr- a few of the many aigamento which might of im iv i lum ie% tbaoaly laa ha iaatila te otatsia to " * 'i™ 1" ” * a K 0 . M l* a* they are affected by it. dered impossible when the object of that eimilatitn." Tha Uat of letters lamaining ia paat- oaituBliw fiiUdlrMUoB* for m k iaf •Bd •«<»«••- looks God’s fmJieial functions. It ignofes be urged therefor. In advocacy of it rapar-taa—aad that without o n a a OS Mi«w I Iflk to to •n noatptat ttair (Kcviaad bjr M r. MmiBAv for T m R aooaoas.] penalty loses the consciousness of it* in­ offna.ma, by tha postmjfter-tmaral. aoa to nwr espaoaaa Tkara The. point at i*sue betwieen the two the- all legal penalty, whose object is vimHtm- ■tand by far the torgast share of biblical •bicCkfacMddaBtobopdilidMd aa aa adt tnw. w a.thiB kiithaduiyofaU tssHMaliaia te g tf th« ia ■e tse y iiie iw iM a Ouu iVUmtkatttAoM Bot Ir a a n 4k, M l k lb* uMiT—J<«i xi*> M- orie* I liave slated, you perceive, i* the cation 0/ law ami fmUic teeurUy, fliction. That consdousness which makes expouodert, religions teaches*, and philo­ eicaptiaofficssof tha^moiwi: . . datyoif taatooUy. A» Kngltoti «M ri !■ * for • t OdM buM o f and dlaaiBal HIgbl *tate or condition of the wicked, after the •ot ti* good of the criminal. ~ sin possible, is absolutely essential in the sophic thinkers of past and present limes. V ary mitM, MlgWiOl «h — mat iM aM m paaviakaiM, iirtlMiMi o ttb a f a tta r a '^ The gravett queation man can debate U The taaehers of the opposite belief form the •aw M ), difloidi ouMtc punishment And when God causes or Wa en q ^ ao ifenta to uUdt advertiasnaata fcr « n to m l ■« < « » « « lo r ■ «»tM —i ttm m t ■ *■ ■ ■ i.akwpf«lnai>«ka hUo«n«xUtenoe. To-night, mjr friendi, di**olntion of the body. The one declare* from the standpoint of law, the crim: exceptioR, not the rale. They are insignifl- lu ia, •oMitiniM.akUlr k s ttlw that Ae puhithment of *in i* the cessation allows the .soul to lose those activities and Thb Rscosdbb. Kampapars that an Wrca to lUs ■faS^,iaaaltoa «TSa llUSi • « v of let w Mk oimelves what we are, and has no rights and no claim, save cant in point ot nnmhers, and with a fbw ex­ asmaaty, atemt calbi •ynta tk a a a a c L * . ofbeing; the'btherdlatitis eternal s.uF- the law affords. The character and power* in which, and by which alone, it ceptions, undistiognished to the world of Zk( vrtaatwlll plaaaa aM* tba o fth a ii* - whither w« arc going. Framthe ulenoe PAINT FOB FABMBBS feringi'-^hich, of course, necessitates ex­ tion of his punishment are decided by sinned, ,He puts it beyond the reach of letters. Some ssay say thto proves nothUig. _ tNMa in tUa room, aa tiioie whoconntel togeth* I claim it does. Granted equal intellect, AXO 01HK88.-T«B (HMimM UBIW L 6 u S S o o k * % £ ! «r, let wamid etethoughti out m. aoouti, istence, for one can not suffer unless he udge, upon this one consideration, penalty such as conscious beings can feel. TialhUBaniaacdoat-tloaatoitoactsr. tfhto fAlKT iHMlPAMT mm STkM ilfcllW liy Mw ■Tulwoa and tha VJcor of Tooth Mm. Is it not incredible to suppose that such equal faculties, eqoai honesty, and the opin­ ■M«.Ohii>Mi. mwMi MM IB mm I to explen an unknown countiy, if perad* exists. Both agree that the good live for­ degree of his guiltiness; Accegt ion of flfty men have more weight than the aM baUy laid to y«ai^ tban will am suer be a watl wMpmima, a M « M m « IA m J tat«dtn4W Mta. venture liiejr ahall bring ua back tidings ever. What is the destiny of the wicked, siti ms, (and who can say th ^ are is the design and object of divine justice? ophiiun of one. Baverse this rule, and Oa.wlllMM<»U|r«n7Ehaitm. wni iM w or u MM i bmw • u m Mwra ■WMM gwrwlaad. Oc" «KUU> •na. l«4.S7inM ,*tfS erto nnaetn pennanence and dignity, and state or condition of suffering, then must tlie judgment on no other basis thui nay, ordains a lapse of conscious- m m t W m tm — » Ommm, V the advocates of annihilation yield their of law, will judge them purely and slinply ncM.on the part of tlif *innm when oaty liiy their decision, examinatioo and ta- ito«f*ja»*^j»l*»i*»ij.,...... w l ^ t a i g Ifc* m t p i l ■iMjUw — t«atwl» l>oai >«alu i «»>l»aa«wj be led to ahape hi* life as become* a man "^■i%3»onld be worthies*.----- No'prOiHteB" la tiilaewdBai daw da >« w X T f ■rho thinks it ptobable that he will never favorite belief. For suffering and agony on that basis. Once in caurt, refbrma- by ite retention he can be ^Mneto IM the artOT sdence.or any ihtelleotiial dMMrfn’ Kw«h«SKrSa fiST Xu ba had tka weight of the divine displeasure ? If now ----- skibsBa«nsin» Vst><«saaaaata MMkMa. Uwfaal Vaar.l and ^ M a1«>wi ac«M la -fafartoa. UOtMAXI imply life, and if men are unhapovbe- tixe-a~xMe!«Boniwaw to have wel^t, coaid be mode. Maoh more fatal wooid be «ir bisf ia avadsS > WBs» 9M^' iwlMM .Mailwrao.aadi&M Awa..*. 1C. Allow me to cauSon you as to our y—ea, « Jstipband a was»^slpa«!#» k tl«—»ry. »«u wki»—M inalaf itoat tha •olntion. Vhether the soul is immoftal, faith in the formulA that the sinner, in come* a h d id a l expounder and arbiter. patient siadeata of all tijne. The fsot there- m iii toa aoadc to Iks fi aiii»itdiiits>»»'A» aa «r a oniaslnAdr.erMSMlar the enormity ot sin, a* prodaimed hi the J b m » » t< P U » C f H la. rnaMm. can not be demonstrated a* jrou can dem­ punishment o f .hi* Sin* and becau*e of What the punishment shall be, or bow fiire bas a right to he cw.si4 ered.,and na as- >WISB»asatanataes»imt I'ii^ a n them, passes into a state Of phonal suf­ long it shall endure, rests entirely upon Bibto and w itnased in ourown.cobsGkraa snaiutiun of in4 -r.nJ..uc»r on the pan of ad«i|Ma,Pa. OtreaUriaeatfrae.______onstrate that the three angles of a trian­ ness. It is, doubdess, impossible for ua, the few, and no charge* of bigotry which WMkmm T^m gle are equal to two right angle*. Yon fering beyond^e grave; which state or the judge, titiiagas snch. they may loadly prefer agalnat the many, y Uhiw whethsr^is •«»* sDrroBtm as we have already remarked, bUnded in saroraoi^Jiataltw ahantaiBto>awaih. W adaaiir can net put the soul, as you might a lump condition is without end. Perchance a It should be observed here, and a( the can detraet the weight of a straw from their Deatli to Fin-Worms! abundant answer to such as charge God our intelUgence.as to the oflensiveness of dedsioo. Kot merely becaasa a thing has papcio to antai iato a ---- f— attle telidBd' IhbI a n ti c O in tt. and tka a o a l ofdajr, into a retort, and analjrae it into few prelimina^ observations may not be TIB. Qoaxj>« rar.woBK azBOP sin, a* viewed by God, to get anyadequate been believed, are we. to accept it; nor, on PPM of tha vMMioa 01 aaily liaiab aW mmitm * a &.baUarav me sincere in what I shall say. It would not a/*r«MMl revenge, but tijudici^r^- If now we assame that the many are right iaiMqbistoatoBsa to­ tha fgnaakheot (l«kt wgataWa ; aataaaJ oartatn. AvalaaMa aantar- a hair. Thi* is a matter subject to rea­ equally enable to realiae what vindication be hard to oonceive of Any possible mo­ rUmtton. It wouldbe absurd to duurge a and the few are ia error, (and who win say tao ,aaa laaaltnlal lo lMaU:k. W am olad tu s a ra . son, and spiritual probabilitie*; not to to just and called for. But he who pon* E S a g g f lga |Haa.7taawa. U.C.QUODWU) * tiU.,B«atoB. mathemati^ demonstration. And we tive for dishonesty. I have notliing to ludge with personal hostility towaid the that sneh an aasunption to not the mote audallMriimtou.______der* sin; who considers ite parentage; probable 1) wha( i* o«r positioq 1 It may be ‘'i^ssasass.* shall get at a conclusion bjr eliminating gain by deceiving you. It would be ruin criminal, because he pronounced the pen­ lar, sn ioipaii^ This part aTila sd^M k'tse •a Suaimarat., UoaKii •T. LODU * KOOBTAUI EAILBOAD 00. alty of the law upon him. The sentence ite essential and dire hostility toGod: its briefly stated, and the sutem tnl will s f m to tkiafc ihaM J n a liiw iss. Uie unknown quantity out of the equation fbr me tt> deceive mywH. The A ithl ad­ wbasthay.anoaly iwby: aadaawy aaMawbapno. dispfaas. Butwaayia aaaiSBisikMaHelif' M mb paraw t. talataat, Vebfaaty and ABgast high-handed and bitter per*totency; ita as the application of this.disconmeto every ------T 1------1 |-|| -| a*S|siiisslwtoM ^telU, M trofal stropeUlea QoUw Oo. vance is one vpon which I base all my is not a personal matter, nor the exponent tiasaaunJity onnaiiaa atadia aadwaodnc^woald Tkttc Baats a sm a Km« or M atflaa, taiMMd by other than algdwaic processes. Yet rank and devilish disposition; and, above soul present. It is this: ‘ - l U t o M I or rrwBltt.t«ala*tf tW otKMb, aad ia i a(-elaM this, while it requires greater care and ni- hope. It is the ship in which I have em- of personal filling, but a/nftWa/proceed- Every man.'woman and child in thia hoese waocoarhan hia incaaia cat dowa 6 oai *«a thow a^ w d a r.a M ■ « ■ ! « ■ * * a t ab o at tk a aam e fm g th all, the rude antagonisms it has bi«ught donanayaartorfaahinfai^ a day. than ta waaid » badced all my good*. For time and eter­ ing,.and a necessary legal result following to-night, has be^nn to Hve a lifls to whicii no Btom m atat Kaab teilalaMBt,teilalaM at, naw npidiv------osb- discrimination, does not militate into an otherwi*e peaceful and holy uni­ taftato th o a ^ aboat ddchaacoapa f idto V ftr vM akU w praMMU aflkaaa baada nity I have committed myself to it. disobedience. There should be no need possible contingency, natural or moial, can ______aeed,*»lB»elkieazbreBte ftoaiSt. ag^nst the mettiad pr result I know verse, ceo bring himself, widi difficulty, bring an end. At birth you crossed the aasi ID diadsceia* W fa^ia thaaaawsa by ahiA a «>*Kaw ia aada la pay twica tot the OrriCE, aOT nOADWAT. HEW TOEK. U>«U to Ortaaaa by imU.^ho caralaca at it foil me I am utterly undone. to mention so palpable a fact; but we oaadsidtiA that the Rocky MountUnstxist, and that to believe that he who does personity it ibmhold of a tenipto, commoDfiorale io size B fasbaaa iHiraissel Ibsl las Minas sCitosaiiiae tkcMallasaiatuaiUhia fcars tka act p r o l u A gain: I doubt if any of this congrega­ hear so much about God’s cruelty, ia pun­ Asaa^ Ibaneantod q«tblsaof tioMw THE GOLD MEDAL BawaiaaaBstSMMvarilMlBtanat aa tka aa- Abraham Lincoln was president of the wiU receive no more of divine wrath than and dqration with eternity, in which are apw tbs haa«a a( a toofaMisk aad. raaasctad W tlia»aBatafkaBda,w«M tbay aUlsaaad.- Tka— United States, as snreljr as I do that two tion will chi^ge me with takingmy opin­ ishing men for their sins, that it is neces­ flighta and reach’e* of ascent and decant, maaaaofapisc* of copparwin^ win raabm aknoBil wssiwy. fsst Mkilk lad ysdri baHi araseatttr ti beltotrcdte fabnaod thitk a t o f may be embraced in a long and dreamleu he a^iH tn, bas iiaeytaaAiiawa m iirn im tm and two make four. And by far the ions At second hand. You all know how lit­ sary to instot upon thto radical distinction toadhigupward or downirard forever. At ladytelsshb. if lbs bnoas be vtoonaily amd aae SEWINGmCHINE aajraHMrbgadsBowoamd. AaMyat„ . tka tka Ol^ s l ^ Instead of ita being hard for me hoaraashdsy.wiAtka ■iifam «f dlay*i>apaaf in______ar tk*C Caawaar. M w aajr, V«o. o. «S«S WiAi WUM.,ta4* .,t o H ■ . O . greater part of our knotriedge is based on tle lam ^v«n to wonhiping the pact. A* I between fersonal and judicial proceed­ the janewreof ihe two, many here lo -n is^ We i miliit m * mml JataM i ifcrtaai HABQUAHD. VMa-naatdaat, or to OLABK, to believe in an endless punishment foi in hesitation and doubt, are standing. id isita li i— ifcl i m l j o te s A a to . have never exaggerated my own religion* ings. The facility with which some pub­ IKillUK A OU.,oonwrof W allaad WMIhua-ata. the probabilities of reason, and noton the sin, nothing but the plainest a**urance on Ahead of u* in vast projection loom* up PtaarsBvks cassi«B«d aa tka Mor.«^hs4rsa absolute verdict of demonstration. It may cx{wrience*. before you, *0 will I never lic teachers forget, constitutes the propri­ ih^ilnws swifoiiea walili a B to seilaail . I t i s A jn - Mk- oar eaU^ sad a a e d s s ^ awtBii' Me l a a l i k a ▲ UST o r 1TBW8PAPSB8 the part of God could ever make me cred­ eternity. Into the shadows of it, quickly tphsafyiinkii us sMias »a Btsept i rfie» be that bjr failing to ihake thi* uiefiil and advocate any^ng simply because good ety of its repetition. passing, we shall sevrrally take onr aiioUed ooBsaBdaaaoUtoKan^lhoBih oAaa aaaarad at be-! UafetotattdMtaratd*. W ahaia iiabUsksd aC aflata U rt of aff »«wa it that ce**atk>n ol thought and feeling, csanrtdiia.’tisathaMhawMnaawlnsnk liBWtB ^fcssdiks la isiiis aadmaaisasosdjaiimlia hai» Mtfalat&tJlBW BaobAjro ficAwai pcteeUe. u*t di*ariminationi many get bewildered men have held to it. If I agree Ur the I have now shown, I think, tbatthe n o k and order. We shall eonnect oor- IM Mhisa 1,^ ^ ^tosn, . ,«» 8 8 which inthtocaae amount to Utde lc*« iai««M li,ho»taanwc*m aadpotataaA Wssalto I T 1 8 U H UBPA SED Sum or B«w Youk; kIm iK. Uku. Bo.. mo*t part with the ordiodox teacher* of sinner's punishment will not be the re­ aelve* with thai clasa of being* with whom, tad A tha haait c g a i« .^ «(ahto iwpiriniiiww of a a d l > u r i 0 r C 0 k.i«tM Jtf& Omoi pciaatfe. in di*nisaing the. question of immortality. than endlcM escape from punishment, to in fiber and toeltog, wa are moat akin, shar- oalylwtoss im iu a |diofl*iBdsla«a^a«im,as 4 a r «V CnUdHi HMMaato tka H atint nouuni.TABiA i pdwaia. InuAHAi nrtosate FUUng to reach absolute kiMwledge of a the church, it i* became I believe tlieir sult of natural sequence but of judidal in­ rntfeuOam ham A H ta d ^ 1» ths jiM h eiiii s< Ai.i.ollh*abiwalwO«aIM>LL&«. a , f.BOW> aU the penalty Hto defied aad oatraged ing widi them the destiny of thel.' lot for­ matter ooneemi|ig whidt su ^ knowledge posilions correct, not b ^ u sc they taught fliction; that its object is not tljireior^ dtaA ra» ah.baeitot*^**i *aae«k Itu . * OU.. «» farfc K»». B. V. justice has ia atore ibrit Clodteitia ever. If yon seek alliance widi the good, Tial>,Bsaalvapd Bifaawtal. wMa toM^AKAtaaikm atipe* tolhB:«dM*ypa thfny. . 1 advocate a free ani fearless mation of the offender but the v i* not po**ibie, they cone out o f eich new what language you please; set over with the Kood you irill aUde. If whhthe •hadi Bswr ba ilsklad * « a M It atf Agents Wanted. For criticism of whatever the father) laid down. of transgres*ed law and public *ecurity; bad. with them you wttl-remaio. Wilfc per­ D j n O N 6 i S examination diai^pointed, vesed and against it what heavenly joys you can ^ak^astosrplsaBW het h m»mm m:tm OEBEBAI. L .C . BABJtB'S Tbegrsatestpleasurelhave in speaking that the nature and extent of the pnntoh: fect power* to diooae, I aak yoa tcidghk by nctsb.,W |^^ •heptical} and by every repetition of the from which it impliea baniahment; still, Tirtne of ipy cammisdon *ad hi the naiae of ■ M I W E . H is T O B T o r ram s b o b il t b b b v i o b . attempt are affect^ , only fbr^w etrse. to yon a« a congregation, springs from ment depend upon the degree of guilti- His !«■» >* ih** . . , deep to not puni*hment. The arrow* of your maker and God, to decide. i>onbt.M itd>t*Bpaaabidh. is pl«ik a n A r asab S fap I t e a MB. wark tna aaaoaaMd aMn tliaa ajraac The highest knowledge btokndwwhat the thought *bat I fpeak to a people wil­ aess, a* ascertained by the law itsdf, and towiiwtotke-attcsipu af tka Oonm- God are indeed littie to be dreaded, if from a mere matter ot diubt, should not hiiflaence PlaiaalhaaaHfaaahaall Ba way as^ky to n itfss ling tjiat ai liw fbpuld ^ re ss his own that the charge against God, of crwlty ‘lAtMACNMEt _____ j* a p p N * s 1t,ttajMBlM«laBwa*daU*ad. can not be known. The fbieet ezhlbltiaa their entering point*, into our betag, flow* your coadact Let no hiteltoctnal ancer- ItUBOV M ac laaaad, OMALTKBICU aad llK- view* in hi* own w ar, wliether they coin- pecaiue he punishes man, to uigust and i ^ t y , no pet Uieory, no objection of Ibe ABBlOOitD, DMDBB tka IjUtfMBVUklUB «f of intelligence, to bow humbly before, and a •oothing and eternal opiate. Itwa* not -*»itoawi#,oaB^toi*ia>ta,fotitair •BM’i. BAttkR not attem ^ the imposeible. dde with reestablished ones or not I illogical. vtoionaryand die igaorant, stand betwaea *1^ •» »:*•*?• to.h^ haraaateofjaaiMdaeltos vengeance; it wa* not ju*tice, even, hpassiiiaaftotop a fSftaST&ki K a n awa* by ik«hlifcaat a«aial aatkattty feel that ttiese young men lUten to- yeeandChri*!. Actaalf yoa eoaldootbe Tka IMtllALb oi tka BaMoBal Umhal a n fhe materialistic oono^tion of the soul 1 now remark, secondly: That the dm- which prompted the aapente to pscaa to ■nd were not lo be anuihitoted ; diea, Uyoa • ■*ritihahriih*eata^»aBahr.tosi|aasa*Mlieta»aa«slto> MAaaBMfovoa. Assnrenuri Oaagma, iramala AtdOB or fiidilty—no inlellecl—« 0 though aeieepM eMmipation Iflhold fnUptowardsyon.< The angeto riah» you aa nwbattar dWM aa aMbaatoatdossarsaaoSpn** arjri ta. »«Bd tar Ctoaa- oftima»UmfpearttoGod.iittiug in hit relaxed, the painflil wrenching cea*ed, aadaaa aar t naa, aaaa hU snwltMua of *oul; tiiat thonght and *en*ibility are with , a deeperate grip to the doctrine of tndicial capacity. dieir k ii d r ^ Accept the oflbr* lEe one af.jpan hbes, by s Mk aliyiailaaaitiaaBWaBhcaBbato. ntotoaaop^ tka watk. Addf and relea*e* ita daim when paia and pen­ Live aa though yea were to Uve, aad year ^thaalM gnnto lisi 1 1^1 11 lasdmaiaaj JFSS: alty ate nnfiilt The Lethean wave , to UfeswUlbenohtor here, and yUt e te ^ la bsssBartoi-a. to ahidi *Si S*oSfi?!jr » y •« <£ p ti- b ( i ^ I iwenine&W, Ifany, ol yoB, lM>ld. true. assertion of supreme authority. The ally old wato^ «a accaaas af Ibe e»la Bedklaaa. whole organization of a court si|ggests de^; andtotbednneronce beaeath Ita deatiny hereafter what it ahpnld be—what i«M rTo*, MiBailiaadto I thMcfera di*ml«* it, only asking ym . an Chrtot bas died to bafan biaa St tba diaaar taUa.” B e •boald bsetsa s f Oneemorei I preenme some here are thia. Ittothaexecut^ofagovenuient; surface, ahelteted amid'ita undeitying r*4 ____it~whal von AMBMA aaBBn-BsltofcuruM ta toflunfctowhatlengaM tte w id ^ qdnd to3 deiq^ly c o i ^ t te d to seme theory of A . * iilT I - aad a pmwmmtmt tm n eSiwted b j not the advocate of the'trring. ' Its sym­ ceaaes, punishment ceases, and jnstici^ ^ '* “ * tka aaa »f“ OraAM A snaU CPBC.” Caaaa of man will go^ in ita «ala sttenptais heir own t> be swerved from it The ssa *( iBsiiai.asd fnaaea toav.sa 2SSSLt£T ?.‘'SS5M Sr,t:i362 •I ftosi «M la «iMa<» mars'ataadlac yWdtd e«ss evade the itspoiwibility and puni*hment bol to asword,nota*htold> It*mi**ion above the leadbn water*, hoveia wid« Now orthodwiy approaahaa and. i^aakr taMalaaaane. Vna*«X. gsMBaat yrta ta a y mind to very tenaciou* ofttr owa_cpndi^ weary wing, damoring for her rightain dm*. Beware of yoursdt " - ef a. sBiBtt afostjto S S h te talTTS Miutr. adSMa, l;r 1I.C. UM ^a(llaM C^h(k»^ ofiliaiBS. to to hurt Thtototheonly*ignifkancea aions. It to hard tooonvince a man who court ha*. Frombeginning to endofthe vain. etioo will net bo painfi Fkll5ilfW a,F». OtoaalaiaasBt Aas. M d by stot hi arraying youraeff against towi ftan- n a w n ts t* . The formula which ha*t|ie most adher- doe* not wtoh to be convinced. Certain, trial, tfie judge in whom the outraged Uw Not only the natore of puntohment, but ent^ .and i* most promulgated now, is doubtle**, are here to-nl|^t, guardedat *d and adminbtorad to protret the univetaei stand* forth personified to the eye* of the thewAib* itself, coincide with our againat tbefaitraaionof evil of whieh, while •OKBX CAMmU., VthUmI. m u flLUABU THAN SOU). thiat Man, at birth, wa* endowed with eveiy point T h^ conaider themaelves a*. WadwMUb-b OBV-nr. Iw tha Osnnb,a criminal, to a (otirce of terror. If re*cue, poUtidn. The sinner, determineilly Im­ hnpeniteat, yen aradie expo;ient and a«w t. llo.UIBraa««(r.*>T> immottality-^-bot comjitiomalfy. The pos­ attack^ They bare ^ themsehreii, Theb|M* of Qod’* proceedtog* agatoat^yoa T. I. BOLT. AfWt, MdMMi H. w m t aaa »a««df oara tactma laatbaiaH disiaaa if deliverance, pome, they most come from penitent, to by interett an annihilationist SttaM M tbn^ Bo pctaM aaM M fNii tia- session or contnnance ol it, waimade thefefbra, in the attitade of defense. aotne other direction. The balance and Instinctively he pntabto aim* arowtd thto Ulbe thto-^^, aMe to toaitate the eon- t t * . a r a bad OaU M & ■ Bssd.jriMNU baaUtta a dnctand ehoesethe d**tbiy of the good, v a ■aaiMUbat ptMna tban aildr atoaoaaadbs df^eiulent iqion hi* conduct If be ^ They Itoten, not to be insbrnctei^ but to the'blade do not suggest mercy. Wheth­ doctrine, as luroond the body o f hto best * aa> BlMaba la tba abo«»— Moednprightandholy during hi* pro- *eiae the best point fto n iA ich to retort. deliberately act hi harmony with, and choo*^ MaaWtwbattl*. SwSMdalSBV to raawUrt, aU er, therefore^ the punishment of the sin­ fnehd. W hat Chrtot to (o tbe jiwdfled, the desUny of the wiehed. Bntreatad to bsi alwattiMaob. Var aala' bj . tbaPfoprlaior.H. H. batienaiy te*t, immoctaUtybedune irrev- They have lettledthemaelve* into cer^in ner shall be everla*ting'or temporary, annihilation Is to the sinner,—lito hope^ bto friend, yon perstot in beuig bto foe. BOKBIMiWNI. Unwiiat,.tairwy t ifcB.1. Alao ocablyhi*. If he Ml, he became mortal. deeply cutgrooves, and these they will b f • . V. OuodMB « CaT, BiBoataa, aad Ptngglat* resto upon the demerit i / n * ; not on the hisiefoge. You know wen, friends, that Tonr action to aaicidaL -Toa force the ia- ««B«W»I>. CrMted,” a* Httd*6n and other* eq»e** continue to m n. Such will not be ben-i- crin)inalV*Brroundings. to p u n ith , not recollection to the puntohment of sin. It sue with the law. Tou dlow JosUce noi dtemaUve. ' You compel God M’puntoh yoq Y < > D c u i c g ^ o u r lattara «i tba it, “ for immortality, rather.thra ahsolutB- fhed to-night If I *boald bi^p^ on the to redeem, to the object of tow. What isthe sole parent of remorse, that merd- UTTEBIIOOK,-* ly iaunort^’* The iden of (he §1009- tnith, th ^ would never aatent to it As or else ignore hto own attribatee, aarrender abkeottkaaaaol orw iuor. A ddr pimtohment to adequate to give full ex- less sconrger o f tour faulto. To fbrget; to hto snpiMiacy and throw Uiewhoto univerae P«aii M ahutocm nte tf o r ia . Box 817, PfaUa., P a. ment ^U di these teacher* have ia, that by ib e j are *0 will they re m a in , ^ other* prM ion to God’s opinion of sin and sub­ bantoh our evil doing from our mind; to open to the inroad* and po**swiou of evU. faith in Christ, thi* immortality lo*t, for- are here who are honestly in doubt a* to serve universal *ecurity. He alone knows. become insensible; for this we long; for Be persuaded, friend, dial he wiU never dq OBGA... feited,byain,isrcigaiaed. Thati*,Chri*t what to true. They are, in the AiUest His love for the sinner does not reach the it we strive. To cover up the past—to tbis. Hto persistency to eqoal to yours. not only rwMBli but fcslMw, o r imparit, sense, searcheit after truth,—open tocon- case. We are not ||to sole charge. If smotlter the upbraiding voices back of With bhn to no nncbangeableness, neither Tte w tS S d toMUonod B ia^^ thi* boon; and theraloreBll who die o«it- viction, candid and receptive. To such I shadow of tmtog. You will be over BavetakMivetakKiiha iha Irat------frsB------MBS at aUtbeprta- all shoiild be unfit to enter and abide, us,—to lose oursdves in present joys,— thrown, but rirtae wiU aarvlve. Otar pow. e)aat Taka la tka aaaatry. aide oTChriM'a fold,—that is, aU who a n speak I ask, simply, attention. After heaven irould not lack inhabitanu. Back thto is to us a temporary relief; thto onr or* and prindpalitto*. wreched by ain, God’s MaatMMt.. Beataai «IT BroSBM-rtNr^ not Chriatian*.-^! die literally. Their hisviiig ltot U» ofthe judgment and giving significance sinful resortfrom *in. S ofar a* we *uc- chariot rolto toward an eternal triumph. n o . a a d Wtu v m m m C i d i a . , ___ •oubwiH petiih with tbeir bodie*, and do one or die other. to it, is the security of the universe, rest­ ceed,*ofar in the present time do we es­ Though a thousand races like ours should •S S ^ ^ a aaST& Ta S S th d r w4ioie being,erciy p o i^ w d f o c - The first position l assume is this: That ing on the decision. Sin to to be kept cape from penalty. Thia we all know. perish, yet the peaeeAihiess of die heavena tdty,bewmihil8ted. ^ •iU an preseHed totact, and the aaUiority AKSONIA the punishment for sin in the next world out of it at any cost No unwashed Jeet Thto we all feel. No miblelty of argu­ of anprame will rindicated and satiUiahed. Thii,aoaaara*Iaaigather from the wiU not proceed from tne workings of will ever tread its sliining thoroughfares; ment can *hake thto knowledge of our- There <* a thooght not often advanced, 9.0. W HITE LEAD COMPANT. writingi of Hudson, Dohney and Whate- natural law alone, but from a /WtViWin- no impure breath ever taint itj fragrant ■elve*. Whatever may be hereafter, we yet which appea^ lo me very aaggeetive, ^ as a had i»bw Haraalea, at this tiaw. is n - ly, who are the chief e^oundeia of ^ Eiction as well. atmosphere. If eternal banishment of know that now and here forgetfiilne** i* that tile verdict of conscieniee to for immor. poftadtolam iaada tba Uloaiac taai adpsrfK ^r doctrine, ia a ftir a*d adequate statement God is die head of a government; not thesin-polluted soul is necessary, eternal the tinner’s hope,—forgetfulne** bto aim. tality. It may ha said that conscience to chatacttraSiewaMrin "The rtimiagflftba retroepeedve—that it puntohes ns. through at^w aatyino ^ bwdwtwakofaisdw . Xh* Aaaoal* WUU Lead Oosipaar. loe*M la oftheir position. So far a* he *ncceeds, he goes unwhlpped lka«iU*|saf Aaaaala,la aow la aaeoaarfi of a mere liatural system of dm lopm ent bmishmentwill bethe sentence. Sharp recollection. Tbis to true. Bot conscience Stan ■phaa me lick at the itnw K aad lU sssths tin a ,— n n t h r t i r l ^ W H IT l LK A D froai tlia kiat Over against tU* co Motion of m«a'* He to the author of statutes, and the ex­ Ind dedsive will be the rendering. of justice; sofar as he do« not succeed, hprophttieu truly as retroapeotiTe. Uto maanbloMdMon fU b ^ than oat of dM«t«y. •r BiWlWi ndaad Pig, mtlag wmk add. aodal- birth, power* and destlay, the orthodox ecutive of avast legtolation, operating in Now, as to the demerit of sin we are in­ he suffers. full of terrible anticipaticns. It it pafaita • a a p s l’* tt «Mt aaalk i to ooRDda, aAwtba BagU* pottioB «r the Chnrdi declare Oat the its ^forcement, as a'l legislation most, by capable of dedding. We can judge of a Now, onr position makes ns assume the sky l>ack of us w ith gloom at^il dark­ aV think th e n J s a n a t dial to a ness, it also Alls the air toward the west Mslbnd.wblakprodMsaavwT •aaartlela.a^w. ^ y of reward and pimishment Thto thing only by contrast The opposite of that as it to, so will it be. We have no pie’s opinioo to the e eool to entirdy distinct in it* nature and with sign* of peril and tempest. From an Mstta aay *»at<««a ■aaatutaia. Tbay fiinctfoMihmi the body—endowed by ite thought sbould secure firm footh^ sin is holiness; the big'iest possible ex­ right to suppose any reversion of powers bat oaa arael^ aad tliat pstfaottir pasa. anseen elond, below the line of mortsl vis­ r MAS u rn s w ouD . AlndghtyPuent at birth with immortal­ the mind. It should be a central pression of holiness, God. Of God’s na­ and destruction of present faculties. The ion. die prophetic and quakfaiK soul hlars " V«nJanCoaaa.” adthaywiUbriaalhiRycaBlaA ity. That hence it i* above and beyond ereign idea, ruling over and modilying all ture, in its elementary essence, we know sinner’s wish to now, and ever will be, to die muttering of tar distant Uiaoder—ayei- poaadl Out own.opinii* ia. however. Ibsl pwwea § I E T IM I 8 i n » M L L U S a theicach of mortal conditions, teat*, and our deliberations. Natural laws have little. Its infinite susceptibilities and escape from thought Riot first with all bol of future wrath. Now it is safe to pre­ who baysuA coBsa an ladicr dict that none of these fearful anticipations iafiict. 1 W will gaaraatsa to aar't«*M «hD will bSTS U de*tiny. T hat the *oul being not cwsA- their penalttos. Legal statutes have s^-mpathies are matters beyond our con­ ita siniUl plcMures release from suffering are caused by tbe dionglit of annihilation. Oae of tha Meiidisaa has fee a ■HkmMkMOw »if ycartoS tiakaial; « sa*lracd to par oaa iboaaaad dollars for arary titm a ^ but mi$oUtefy immortal, no re­ theirs. They are distinct; common in ception. We have no line vyith which to therefor in the hereafter to his desire. The idea of sleep is tot the reason why ttkaaaaM ttiM lkat qaarfali^ with bin aauablo ipaass sb tb s c o h s o r eaa** that aaa ba laaad tbat la Bat pBia M . version of its original power* can occur. nothing save in their result,—pain. It is measure the divine capadUes. We can The instinct of guilt to incontrovertible. “ conseience makes cowards of ns all.” 1 CiSWfJ...... b arA sss. The lady rad .aad th e AOa.aMrT«k. B.T. WUOOX* 00., Afwto to HsrtdM. And that annihilation, either by the anal­ the nature of fiie to bum; of flesh to suf­ not, therefore, gauge or estimate God’s It cannot be reasoned away. Above ar­ will not say that the idea of annihilation to dat paia becoiaes bar baoer. Wa U1-*m* ogy of nature, or from reveUtion, can not fer when brought into contact with it abhorrence of sin. That it is something gument above speculative dreaming, some to not repulsive, for-it is. But it to think dot tbs war baa propesMd fer eaouf .1. aad wo tesnttr^ifjnsr x,aa be sustained. Least of aU can one sup­ This is a law. Tiaiugreu it,—that to, immeasureiible by mortal senses, we can abov^theoruing, it lifts itself, an undeni­ not what men most dread. It to not that therefan kindly laterp nee the am iitie^ that thar M at dMinaalo(luaaaa tt,ka which makes the presence of death terrible. patcaaaaanal the. le k le la eaiakUMe «en* la ferls. P n srais of Reconstniotion. pose that any such occurrence could be thrust your hand into the Are. and you well imagine. For another reason, also, able, stubborn, suggestive, fact MThat The greet master poet en>ressed dito nni- we can not realise the demerit of sin; the sinner sinfully wishes, God, rest as­ No«witkelBdii« the feet ttet bacoa ia cared wilh B4LOEOa. B. C. Aa|. U, U6T. oonddered aa *ufBdint puni*hment for suffer. Natare insiste upon the penalty versal impnlse, and andyzed it exaeJy, nubew wa de aat n a m i i t sa a i n warlly fnlliiwtoa aaafJW w iMftr; aaaUUi^|alBaitajB> Br.W EiUMB-Bir:>Hatlaf aaaa & hiHbiiii due you for duregarding her laws. Still, even because we do not know to what an sured, will never do. The longing of when he componed Ham’et’a wonderful so­ b^tlW af jroar»or'*Mat Ibe fittura.’' Wbatkee «— —*»»«■ w m KAXIHO A 8PS0XA1TT complexions. As you stand on the one islation, framed for universal protection, strong and widMd enough to rend the who lote God, men who labor for haiaan eddebaw is eolraal; depoaea ««al. I do no', qneation thrir hin?s’.y. I »*m w I5I?£52'35ld brtonTBaaliaaa, platform, man seems a creation of vast to altogether another. Thto prindple to a peace o f heaven in tn i n , to excavsite hell, Dldtbsnsdweni.ihiBk of tbseiels SBdpewhii. AT WEILDON'S. dignity—a deathless inhabitant of the and people it with deviltoh spirits, to pos- qoeslion only tbeir intellectual .accnmen. sound one. The distinction is eminently They aay, act so or so and yon will hate tin af an sdiair ia psseait of GENTS' W ias, from >0 10 » D sU m . age*. From the other, he appear* a tem­ ust Applyit to thecase in hand. God sess itself of worlds and orders, arraying cahiea? A won esdiinB a t f a g lM V * BWBib aad trnvaOtaw oapaaaaa. LAOU 8 ‘ W IM , from 10 to M OoUara. braven; act thus, and yon shall craae to be. W hesbabaaialf laUttbiaqaiatoaaaAa OBS AMBNTAL BAIK WOUK at Low Prioaa. porary production,—an animated inddent to not merely at the head of nature, but them against thdr -creator and founder, They tell os the reward of piety is immor W ith a bare bodkin? Who would M a ts boar eA Tha s d ta e r n s B s a r - aa EagU, witk b a n hssd. sad loat AirtS: isd istag dVAnawortnwBtnn< «ualladla Baw Tork 01 and necessitete, in order to conquer and Ulity, and tha onl/ panisbmeDl of sia is To groan and sweat uader a waaiy life; OTM.IfiM OMIai MiSb Statawaaad in the univer*e, gifted with capadtie* no He to also the head of a moral legtolation boriaoDoUy. wsa aaaibibitiaa space t h n a ^ M n Bdauin, prioaa laaa aikl tiia worklurarlably b«ttar. 2 A w a (o u iin M O a .,H lB i^ v ij, H. T. A elioiiw auppljr ol long bair lor awllcbaa, Just l» moie enduring than hi* own ufi*table and He not only directo\levelopment, but en­ eradicate iton thto earth, the incarnation of eessation of thon bt. Sach pnoisbment is l lia t uadbcovared coaatn trtaa whoaa boane itnat. in pursuit of an ide« sad dosslypuisasdbp oalTixl d lru jl irom rm oec. EdUe conduct From the one point of forces laws. He has promulgated, from Chrtot, with all ite attending exhibitions, not adequate, lu many cases it would be No traTcIer retuina—puidas the wOl, two dsrils, crying hualy fer <■ copy.” •SUAUTB. T. C WKILOON. U t lUlnM ., no punlsbment, bat absolute release from it, And nukcaoa rather bear thoaaiA^wvAnw . ______U*rtiofde CouD. view you *ee him anove between the two time to time, express statute*, of which to something so vast *o deadly, so intense and this would t>e true of those who should ■y fe e A a i» i. gi^rjV y »»U ara^rap proiapay ttUad. oppo*ing forces o f EvU and Good, at lib­ He to the *ole executive. Now, penalty in ite wickedncH, as to defy all human be ponished most. Annihitotion I* the i^ry corery of aa nabnlla wbkh ba bad canisd Ailty ___ _ tM n d to *i^tf Now ^ l to die poeition, tha eharacterto- Wadilnhitaadeba nle expreuion a atatute estimate. The mind to bewildered as it thine KBilt wtohra.-'tha literal fhiflllment of licof the universal consdence of tha race. Piatrioi: of M acidan. Probata Court. ofhis choice forever. From the other, he can have when violated. It* applic ition essays to comprehend such a gigantic its prayer wbeu in terror it lays il blood- It to the InslinctiTe. unbiased prophecy of g s p e r a s s s AO 0 .,BtaMtabon),Vt. sUiued hands over its eyes, unabk to look Gaa RsnBhoa, who is oaa of tbe few f stands able to aoMpt the alliance and des­ mean* puntohment to tha offender. It theme. Far from supposiifg any punish­ the soul eonsdoa* of Ite guilt. This mighty ment could be too heavy, any retribution u^n the wrath of Qod and the Lamb. Ob dread, this innate shrinkipg, has for ite pe- orbawhaUkaaiastss caalarn issboatto tiny of only one of the partie*—which, can mean nothing abort of thi*. The the wrath of the Lamb! If it wu the rent tha thought of immortdity. Tha two Dod^ oa her frieada. In beia( naaor bn e Ikst Darla, a mlairaoii of aaid Maitba, baabaan asblMt. failing to make, he cea*e*tobe. From mode of it* vii.dication i* by a judicial in­ too emphatic, one- knows not what pen­ wralh of a lion or a tiger, they could endure AbigaU is sboatto get ■asRiad. ad lo thia Court lor aaaaplaace aad ap .iroval, par- go together— the one supplementing the the one, God to the souree and executor alty would suflke. The evil to so stnpeif it ■ But to see tha biassed LambofOod other. TKt one it ikerrfore A t ttrongut of Aa Octobe* draws nsar, with its cUDs BBMtAB. am aiaold. Va»»aat. soant to tba Sutnto in anch eaae providfd, Motioa fliction. The degree or extent of the in­ iabprebyglvaoloaU peraonu InturMicd tvanpatr of Law, whose reward bestows unmeas- fliction to dependent on the degree of dous that conception fails to pictitie an change the gaDtienpss of hto natare, toying argumttOt for iht otAtr. Tbe prophetic el­ to t ioadartD ^ dny «l Octobar, R t, 'off the fancUons of a Savior and SMuming ement in conscience can !>• accounted for A B S B V r n B at * u'oteeb In tba anmiooB, to abow oauaa. It any tired and unending joys,—whose penalty guiltine**; whidi guiltine** to mea*ured ample vindication. Eternity, and.-etemi- tbay have, why aaoh acrMmwm ahovld nuibea» ty alone, to necessary to deal with such those o' a Judge, this is too horrible! No in no other way than by considering it an age ie ripening fer tbs harvest of o r i M »Bd apiiruTFd h\ aaid Canrt. infUcU equally endless suffering. From noi by outside opinion, but by the nature wonder they call upon the rocks and tha offshoot and result of tha soul’s instinctive bet’s ariada wiO n e d s wilb a sMlsBchoiy eoaad. itetad aii-ndtn, tjejit. Wth 1*C7. an evil; and the mind assents at once to the other. He is revealed as the most he- of the crime, and the wording of the law mountains to fall on them and hide them. fa th in ita own immurtality. By so re. Aasacbsaotk anU sgof two asBkitiagaba an«a'r______i,uvi ic. ook. judta. the scriptural assertion that the worm of All hail anni^atton! they exclaim. Oi*« garding il, it is perfecUy plain. Tbe con­ ^ S ^ U a S T l t Co..BaM nefkent of beings, it is tiue, but weak in itself, studtod and pronounced upon by to row them sot oa a fadu^ sad ^ Ummkrnam, D tB T B t T o r MBBIOSB, s. a PBO- its torment and the flame of ily torture, as oblivion. We do not wapt lo live; we nection U logical. The phenomeuon ac­ ria»al*ad,Oliii BATB OUtJBT, A an ai SU, IH67. his puq ts tht eoHfettion of QuM sion. Theyiterecsrisialy rawiagit S B lick ,n iatb e A 4CBXB WABIVB.— Ha iMmABoa A- arptay. iau of Mcridn, la perstotent insult; insomuch at while he controvertible. ment. Cessation of ezistencA is onr sole to the fa tt and juttice of future taitttuie A . mmawt, *a.. A a.-V a wM aa anaaf* aa aM PIrlrlirt.lTajir* blesses the good He can punish Hto foes Again t The object of penalty affixed to ‘’Depart from me, ye cursed, intodtwr- of d u t othertw a awa who *si|» SHSnsltoB ta In aw «»r«tii«. Itw eearow iaa to. CKklbit thrir alakaa l ^ Httleaicat. Tkaaa painless sleep. the ofleader. What cffiDct die sentence widted, seem just; affording theonly pos­ granted. Mistrust all arguments intended the vdne of Chrtot. From a fntara. dark driakiic isloon How ao i B scsan h w e a Isw* ------tkalri Seth a discussion as this, you see, will-have upon the criminal at the bar, sible ’ solution to the mighty problem. 10 proT* it Wo lo such as liaing peisnaded and endless, he rescues snch aa desire ree- wimsMitioii. S o y o a n a il? wlttlaaaMtlaw.wlU badcbam d'aia by them, shall take license to sin. Unless cae, and in the fahieu of hto love makee tlieiefore, to not without the profbnndest . Mow, I deem thto position to be well ta­ An doabia A m h b sn piodacsd by eadhaltoe-e Allparaaaa ladcMed to aaid Batata an the judge does net and has no right to bewildered by tench i«nd contradictory read- them heirs of a fhta^e, none the more ead- significaiice to us. What sort of a being inquire. It may better, or it may make ken s that where the punishment consist* fectidacb ibows Ihst saiieesisn sirwisiylaiBaa "8sy‘v-ffim M a5a,».. lng.^nnlaaa yoa have comnilltsd yourself to lees, bnt oppodto to character. Ha and not baAes * to esndien of dw heeiaa fee* . am l f What are my power* ^-whattbeil him worse. To this, in hto offidal ca­ in consciousness, the loss of that con- the error, and tHlh tae fsrw r of munoma- death toour deliverer from sin and itapen- exientr W hat lie* ahead» ShaU I live pacity as a judge, he is, by virtue of hto sdousnes* include* the end or cecsation oto have made it yonr spiritual pet, yee alty. ,In hfan, and not iu Uie grave, will die Udallk coH weetkw iffcda n t . ntm r k hssm d^sad ordtof Called up by die Almightyllstout poaition, entirely indifferent His mind of punishment Physical insensibility on cannot beiievs it In jon to a prompting, harrassed soul find peace. A* yon sow the part of a willful and disobedient child, an impulse, a eenvtollon, wbtoh telto yog here, so wiH you reep hereafter. The shi of nothingness, will the same power hnri hasbuttwo things to ccnsider; thecrime, i b e e s a s f A a Western Tickets. would totally nullify the infliction. Pow­ von will never die. The moon will wane yon volnintarily admit. pergadontby me into the aamef Am I anythingb^ and the statute against which the crime and-bide her creecent in impenetrable dark­ d ir in e power,. win. , ______in ...... yon forever...... , wsod.ssiti.ja«ssnssl»sadsa»oddssl Ass»SR yond i bvathing epitode, with nothing was. This, too, to beyond cavil. ers to ftel miut extot or pain to impoui- ness. The sen will be abom of bto beam*, workhigont taiyoarheertaeiemailyitaevU a. v .^ bn ntttidtd to iitrhtoa ■^ I but oblivion badt of me, and obUvion Wdl, there are some, yen know, who ble. Moreover the fanposition of insensi- and the star* bum tbeoiselvee oat, but nan. m dta. Scatter tU wfaid. and yoa wiU a n h sta sain iabsswsist. sad aito.ssib BHt* a .d»a iBfermim a ^ l y glv*c. aheadf Caa 1, by diviae blrU t^l^ *ay Uiat all paaiduBeat to reformative; biUty by d ie parent on die child, would at *up*rlDiU d ie etomenta,wiU *nrrivedieir beartheprtiBure .of dtowhblwladfereier. ibsybybeiMeaia^ -;v.j r: : ' r? •I)*." ■ I’

t T it r ^ ltr vmttfy einmliUiom e/"tm made honorable and lojalty oUious. How have it Pantalo in* and pantalettes have fo it I n I N A t.] T b* Weed Sawnro Macbdik.—Tl;e COXMOy COUACJL SrSETISO. R b o o u b k ti «Wf» A m arm times larger much longer will the nation tolerate such assumed eveiy Imaginable proportion— irORDS BY THE IVAYSSDE, CaoncII met pnrsnaiit to adiaattuneat. Alder rank injustice, such heaven-defying viola­ Cosme/eMai^a'^ journM pul.lished in man WllUara J. Ive* In t a o b ^ \ Pa P. P. Ps P. P. P. P. tiam tkmt » f mmf 0 tker tfewsfaper aotv or coats and corsets have been gored and BY R . GKNSVIA IM>WD. tion oi the most sacred oblisation? Paris, butdc v'oted to .^^Ih^tkan interests— Commnbleatlonfrom h K a . J. Car, Jndg* ot •ven itn ttftra primUd !u McnJeu. seamed in' every direction — and Ah I there are words, ind looks, and contain* some note* on'Americin artirles theCityCoart,reqa*>tiilcttatlbe Cqpncll noml- PER C Flit SICAT hoops have been expanded and contract­ deeds, that hallow life, when otherwise it nate a person to fill the poaj^n of Ciij Attorney; 8 HOf OUT y o u x o iy x ttow . in the Exposition. A m ^ g them is_A|i aflcr thi> reading of whlclr%wa* votad that the ed—in fact, almost every article oi wear­ would be a poor, shallow existence, interestiiig notice of the Weed SewiHgr Ouunoll proceed tu aa Inlormnl bsUul for candl- PRODUCED BT o m c If our iathera and motliers resembled ing apparel pertaining to “ full dress,” duta foT^ that offlce. ]te*a t 01' IV< ballot a* tU- wanting the very essence of beauty Machine, for which M«. Jaied Lewfs is' fe«a: Whole aumbW of volM m l, 13 : BatsUflk 1 the birds more in habits and less in plu­ In maldng up (be fonn of our first lafs, s pottioa of Hloka no. Ived S, Oeorg* A. r»j, 2, Blank, I, PR«)CUBING A has undergone aM manner of revisions; and sanctity. In my inmost soul I love the agent for this city and yitdhity. VTe B i l mage, the world would suddenly grow Mr. M unay's diKourse was transposed and ■iiiph cad. Aitor.'the Informal W ll^ Mr. Uiickswasnsast ' and yet the handkerchief stands up every one—be it stranger or friend—who Tlie atnnou properly clcsea with the word, “ pendvtn- extract the following: Baled by acclamailoq,' better and stronger in tlie regipn of its proudly, pre-eminent among all the rest, Tho cnromiliee on sUawalk* reported taihvar P A I R O P has looked kindly on me in moments of ture,” which ia found a* we have printed il about Ih* In the eo' t?rn part of the American of balldlaa » eldawatt, • fKt w.d«, on bolk aides F o v lw . backbone. Were our youtli tumbled from for its resistance to the encroachments of affliction; who has spoken rebukingly in ■uddle ot' the last column, while the remaining pssi*. annexe ' u.nd the *ewing machines, uf -Korlh Market rlteal^ from FrattevlU* aohool- the home-ne::t when old enough to know style and fashion. Time was, when the hours of waywardness; who has given fes beginnini with “ Now orthodoxy approadHi^” am jn g w.iicti a mo*t iateresting cjmneti* houee to B. D. Bagaett’s corner. Alao iu tnror LAZABUS * MOBSUf K n h fM s ahould b« read as immediately frKtd.Mg the w lnaMorortnUJagaldewalk.S fkatwtd*. oa spread their wings for themselves, o%cr “ This ia not tha belief of Soise,” iound near the dose one. two month* the pri 'e of the both siJea of West Main street, between th« Merl* tlouriahed a huge red baildanna about his place or time. 1 know I count friends dif- of tha lourth column. The reader, by makinc tha d*a Hoosa and Belt Curler'*, i\lao la favor ol Perfectel ^ectaclei the great plains of the wcrld, one demor­ oldtr' 'lante wa* made to wrestle with highly-colored nasal-organ, or carried its ferentiy from many. Tliere are some liauposition, will have the discourse in the crdcrin thei Jj^^'. douiie* and nanow diploma* bulldla«»l4e«*tt.s**lww^ between Btrdeay's PABTIOOIiAB S K A S O ta wkg they are alizing influence would be considerably which it was delivered. ovraer sad lioaaa of WllUadi 1. Iven. All of «hi abM all oUitrt .- lessened, meaning, that lecch-like, too dark iig-i/s of his bell-crowned beaver. years; but they have no stronger than Thb Rucokdir has been designated as the BMifi- distribuiiun of prise* there were d ys of Oommliteo on salaance* reported In favor of BHCA USE n e j do n o t T i n Ib e Eye. moving the nulaunc* tat proceea of erection by MMIFMM iM M U i M Vn many of our youth, boys especially, sap From the hat as a lodgment, it descended human hold upon my afiiections. I love tu i tot publishing the By-Lawa, Resolves and Official great excitement and of inconceivable Barvey Koger* AI*o in Isvor of having Barvey S£C A V tB T h ry do n o t la ia a a e th e Bye*. the parent stem too long in early life. on the birth of tlie swallow-tailed coats, Orders of the dty government, the u-nie having been .shufllin^ and there wiere days of gieat Bogera Botidrd 10 move tb* nniaauca wlthlt leu BECA USE They do not Weaken tha Eyes. them as I love everything that God has daya or pay a ftaa of arty dollar s. Baport acoep- He who swings upon his lather’s gate, or awarded to the newspaper having the largest dnulation. dePTonc'. -. cy. On some days the varioiu BECA USE They d a a o i dim th a Xyee, and for a long period hung out at half- made, but they never seem to speak in Ian* Amuricni. agents were made to feel al­ tut by one'of those sneaking individuali­ They do not reqalro Changiag. They are per- Yes, well, I ween. present. wont bear weaning as well and as pa­ ery, of love, joy and sorrow, flash out which life and death are alike powerless ties whicli {sossess power to influence ig­ Voted: Inatrncling commitl** on temp* to pro- feetly Aehroiaatia; li Iket thay an the oaly What under the stars, O, might it be I norant p=op1e. They'wtere sore days for tiently as his brother at ten, whose fatlt^r from its spotless folds I Strange that so to sever. For them I wateh in every era onre the nun.bar of lamp* recommended fornas by PKBTKCT SFECTA'CUCg aiada. ‘- - J V C PKESlDBUt m 1868: The grand cadence of ihe-reatless sea. the buc» 7 . j.-at cakes at the American res- atarmei committee. dead, and home gone, finds himself look­ unpretending a thing moves the world. of existence; for them 1 pray in the mo­ Or harp unseen? Committee on by-lswsr*portsd SB ordinanc* ra- tauiant, .0 tli.’ great delight ofthe propri­ teting 10 amuanmenta, [ofBcUlly printed la anoth- ing the world and tlie poor-house square Augustus beholds Belinda at the party—is ments 1 spend nearest my Maker; for etors of this V commendable cstablish- oreolumnofTsEKBC a. «a] whlchmaadopiad. Oil* ofibo nrm WiU be a* tha atora ofthdr Not either I While stillness cornea again, A gent, Wm. 1 BUCMtiGHM. in the lace. The youngster takes in his introduced—^picks up her carelessly drop-’ them 1 shall look and wait in the land And peace resumes iu wonted reign. menl. Cn i.tiier days a strong and in* Votfd: That a commtttea of 3 be appoluted whoae duly It ahall ba I* Inreatigate and report I. B. XZiOOK, D vusilat, ... ‘ OP CONNECTICUT, spare canvass immediately, and squares ped handkerchief—fair owner smiles— where God—and not society—forges the Sleep, come to me. vigo: ^injj breeze would speed thiough the moat adviaabla phtB to be adopted In repod to THIMBLES his means to meet life's demands; while, Mo, hush I again that sound ia roaring. the sewing machine atmosphere,' and the pabiic BuUdincauna groanda. WBSr MBBEDKN, COBH, S V B T ^ T Td THE APPKOVAL OF THE picker-up compliments its lace and soft­ chains that mav with propriety bind soul whcc'.e ntid sh:.lUes womd be kept in Adioornad for on* H**k. -KAnOKAL KBeUBUCAS ten to one, the other, placed similarly, ness—owner blushes, and up goes the to soul. Give him a uudge*-'tia some one anorin^ fo r two daya only. COSVBNTIOK. O great excitetr.ent. They were the jury Ar. S ix ty C e n t* Eaoh^ lies kicking aqd howling on his back, handkerchief ^o hide the roses — both 'A ll are not iUBa, oa Um 20S. ofSeeeaiber, M B . X. B . X Z .O C X . X h n iM ia t. *'■ chief describes the veriest of flutters, and to due iaaue ot our paper. nity, and by all m^iner of means en* IBM, and la ofnbble deaeeat. Aa a Bare ehlld h* liM4--loyal men, or traitors r Tb most others still, rendeied infatuated by a little by this sign Augustus knows that he mqr mend. Such wor^, fitly spoken, do as deavor to induce the honorable jt iymen draplsywl woudcrlU proOelency la M la c lb* la our aol* Agnit for Weat MarUUa. much good as long sermons or learned We print v as of little avail, for no one lime,. and th* emperor deairrd hia preaeuce at iadMonegRMqueftion which, divested honest shitts in order to “ make the mare finds himself very much bambooaled and coKlu .ive. As a piayctlul appeal ot an a m n seeker evermanifeo.>^ a doubt as to t..e impar* court i Itom whlea BMmrat kia canwrwsaoa* [omciAt..] cvili the inindi of go faater.** Very well — granted. But jilted, after all. O f course, none but the caUon. I remember how unresignedly I atter coul:^, it juat attacks the point where so many of the jnuat trlUlaat reeofdeu Iu ibe auuatoof nuataken ooea at' this ^ mink they have Idund safety, iality of those who composed the jury, uinaie. 8 oou alter, on pcrlormiug ia 8 t. Palars- A B T - I . A W C w gwii^Mid^Siat of the PKsident, Picsident, in this same evil exists now everywhere; and one ever on the watch, saw a pair of met sundiy trials or misfortunes of my life; and it>t in the hope of annihilauou until they awak* to but it t rcated a bad feeling among the ex­ bargh, De Meyer was orerwuetsas.' wiib eoaipli- B U ^ T I T C t o U BTnes or n n coiwr tlw ir «lellberationa on the perpleztng the foct is as patent as daylight, that the sparkling black eyes, cautioudy peep over how murmured at existence, and forgot that drsided Inuaactalhy. Mr. HimsAV is constantly hibitors wh>'<:e goods weie being exam* 1spd tho rlabeat leatiaiooiall______'meaia, tgvm t!ie o r COMMON COOBCn.AHD o r XHH OITY grapfling m th thaae tough so|>histriea.- aad while h« ined. Beyond one or two exceptioos, royal of out Hit of tha noooatnidion o( the obligatian in tm rlt life, to hoe out one's the folds of a lace and embroiderin|r, last birds and flowers and song gave beauty to u p n e s thair hUaily, he doea not &d to show where lie* aobiusy. k'roai 81. IMten. o^ lutBuna. the world; that nature was true if ever>* Um tnith u It is a the Savior. this United .States Coimcissari. t seems to b^b.hab ^ h h a w weal a a t t. t . MoacMoscow, . when he reeeirad^------Ba Mwdaiee* *g/*• Ciier* I f O saw ts Cbea*«.ef ilMely in rdieUion. In the reorgan* raw or go down, alwv^a tends towards Sabbath afternoon, in prayer. I wonder have been a thom in the ribs ot eveiy to.tii* ______M ao daliiibicr . 4M M tdM M a into which the population deposit «f early years, that peraereranee looking hat-trimming?—I declare, if Un­ Our drailariwi, already enormoualy large lor a provin­ eaaBSt^i^sanaaaaai ha.nqait*« «b**ha» had been heaped upon me. I forgot that cial'nw iraper, ia in crs^ g d aU y , andwe sweep widelj are desirous i.l having proper investiga* furerd u.oa theartUt. •Ithhtsowahaada.lii. *Banaiiall* by thsCuaitof € » ■■* ■ iiaaaWl,MI loyal and the disloyal. kicks the beuD, aiwl down they clatter. cle John has n’t come out to-day, thought loyal siaias m every dirccuon. It wiU be tions made, the United Sta:es govern* BMMl magaiaecBt pmoila. la IMS-* lie pia>*d al wbtubshalihaM their oMau lur oaa year,aaa God was love, and that the thorns He iiore, that ours ia a firat rata **mMum ’* for ------^ivly lu the priueipal eltiea uf AiuuU. aatlta- r abalt ba app«iBt»d aad q a TM l««l embivM four millions of black-eyed. Tlwn we went over to the nieaa. Wa will advertiaa aaydung 6 om a ment will be found to make them. This H* Bcxi rl*it*d Braaski*. and froa thea*a «*at iii>a4, T»betaaM ndaad petted, and fed with gave were brighter crowns than earthly <8 sc-»—'Ibtia shall bs suiau ■avtinm of ar ww half of the whole popula- pap, by pftaadaaa, and tudwd «p aafe in cemetery, when the shadows of things pair of alephanu don to a camhnc needle—and will be the proper means o putting an to ths eai^ltal at *atutal*,.f whet*.pl>us»liwt> Coait 01 twaaaoa Coauall,PwaawBf atmm tha9mm tjovinil 1 d-adems. And so drawing out day by chaiae no mci« per lijc iir osw than f o tl|^ other. end to th^ controvei^y, rad there can be playing is laon minatal; erldciaed aau bu i*r au- oa tbs Srat Moaday * T « te of e a * . a u a t h i at e^wM hoelW lw* lielp the war might bed MMsy Iklght. doe«n:i- if starteii ranning up the moun- preeteied than la aay other ally lu Xtwapci H* tu n s and jum ping inT>r~n>c heautifolly down again; and there was cowtewchewallyBiuiedtfiea^ by ths acnrpoaiasa- Commisbion and the International Juiy BropaiBHiy.aB hsiahtnby ssspoaeradaoMa* FIM». woman's form and woman’* tears. And willedtobeso. In ju st th«s mood 1 met a were there at the aane time. FMasjrfinaoa a* hfk irsrr»ul,alRSUd to alilwr alMuiit of aaid cUy, sme hundrad* el denly cat loose from this apran-atring ter.wfcetharllwyluwUiaeaornol. 'I'ha paper will ha h'avf d >ne their duty' lo the satisfacticn e a ^ to Hrw York, la UM7, whan, ot «ow*ab ba or (»aa> •BitjMMataoia t* baj« hiua atmm a t ^MHUda, pcthapa, of whitea—men who we saw that many of the handkerchiefs high and noble soul, whose very glances deltvafedtoa«ai*Bnbscribar,/inM^/M(ivr> •• and admiration of the world; and if ' ■eUevsd bis a ^ Uiumplu. A* aa laeidaaK saiawairaAmrtSaaaUiag’ol lha uuiot at Com gaidanoe, this milk-and-water treatment viM byU w MosubMnbac‘*pag«witlb*dhXM!y»^ |iroTbiKaa^vitaeeiallieau«anaaad aaatuia» ^ bawt lemaiiied true to die flag, and and it‘sveiy likely that staunched the warm drops, were seemed to find repose in the Infinite. In have not been as smooth as they might ian*,uihyku bas to accotint KrSBd plaao',' feariar that la thi* -tHtmnf Iff Sraenam lalawboaa whoae a»« ■cMavcdbjrthe Meral anm. The dia- and be aliped on. Will you drive the the windows and doorways, from d l sides, fur it. Hovfever, the d itribution of pri­ nati^RaaM ag th*I aana.ahiU glv* »ittaa to le ^ dement enibraoes the remainder of when our brave boy* went “ marching He never dreamed that I was dragging ihavntua^iha uaSuu!^jhS^SnT^Mn^ 1^ inuUng aaehaatabarTatha CourtC of Cuiiim— Goaaau diild'irom his home—from that safe re­ zes put an end <0 the'fever in'Ue Ameri* tb tbi- ncelleaee, ib* BsgiUau*)u tOBe aa« mw- by raadUNt aaM warraat >■ hia baailiiK, or tuav- FIBOBB B iaas. wkili population. It is in accord- treat where he should be learning the on.” And many a man, coming back but anotiier drop from my own cup; and can sewing machine- depaitment. Tlie er, orthu worVt-TCBuwaaj auiam tg a r a d Plau- iBgatrauaadstiaaMd eapy llMnaC al aha aaaas o* i and aaao apUmeat to a* tbu iSel 1* elgnia- MMa with tha rlaiaaa of juatice drill of life, end preparing for itt appUca> fiom the tented field, wa* anxiou* to he answered, “ Toone who takes a right The (inner patrons of ibr West Metiden Weed company carried the highest prise pUcd Of abudala said e ty. wbok a few months since, ..langed to lha M aiden o t for the best sewing mac -ine 'Wheeler oant aad plaaalBV. aayaaaealss “ W edaaaoaa 8x0 . It ahull be tha daty of tha Mayar oi «hi« IheiMwaeiitahaU go 6 «e, and that tionf «aya the old lady. No, indeed not, know if the would be there, at the win­ and broad and true view of life, there can bee, are bcginninK lo come back, lofether with many of ta■ Nru o r Kuala* deiMut d. Bela aiill.par saideicy,or.luhlaabMBx, the aaator Aidanaaa new ones. Hr. Morgan and hi* able assiatania are St Wilton took a medal for their bui- exe. Dcaei-, the moat attraetlre aad oet aaa(is*t- ot add elcy, upaa apptlauUua to aada la Mw guil^ shall be made'to pay the foil my good woman-rdo, not while he A a dow, waiting to wave hi* return. And be no martyrdom.’' I went on in my couneoua and obliging, and the public have unlimit ton-hole ii-achin .'. Elias Howe received leofmatt.'r*. BasuUawaya hi* sadlcM , atili vrrUiMK. alaasu uy two uf tha AMerawa,or loar pasw^y of the law, that tiie loyal man then, how the worid carries it, use* it, lonely joumeyings; but beyond the ra:h- conudcuce iu them. Since tha new adm'niatntioB the decoration ofthe Legion of Honor as keep* tkaia sp< li-booad auder lb* wttcBary ol of thv Commou Cuuauil of said *Ky, fonawitls Ladiesr child—nor if he posseasea any mental or attain, aooa filly new boou* have been rented. hl> tou~li. ia which thenia aatrangeeiidqaitr lO eal. anmailng ui iliu Conn of Oouiasja uuau- ihankci^nm ihrt, while the traitor and physical weakness, rendering him at odds loie* iti J mathan carries it in his pants’ ing of the steam, above the thundering of the original inventor. This settied the uaiqud ulapnete. Hia |.larb>II is too qaluie*. «Uof a*nl«lt)i,uy ia«aut(bl* warraat aadcaaa- .A pocket; Susan pins it on her dress; the the wheels, and the reverberations of the contest. The Weed machinet before the «ewe al the «*asa ua atr>* of nnale—that wuich luK Um aaiav t» ba aarrad la lha asaauar pru Bog’W ood Setttf* MMaaflera. But doeaistingciicumatan- with hia brethren. But he ceaaes to be a Having occasion recently to examine some volumes verdict ofth; jury was made public, had ippeala ao ditcetly tothe haaaa heart aad aa- aeilbad us tiw ihuu ai eiaia of tala aaS. ball-room bdle tucks it under her nat^ rocks, and the screech of the whistle,— of r«c.’idsec. ids in* the ■* oOce ■' oi ‘ the* “*Town Clerk, * wc were nraCaadlnaF.______SrgirdlB KrtfBrdlBabiB“ C h f*ats,” aad “ ma<- VCf aaem to indicate ttw t auch iriU b eth e diUd, in a measure, at t«dve or fourteen, particiici Uriy unpressed with the neat and hasinfts^ika been hcnor^d with the verdict of public b a o .» —cue tju iu t 01 C u a ia u a C naaril, w h* • A t 7« Oh m . little b d t; the old lady who drives four^ above the boisterous talk of busy men veU,” h« atlU r*.alM ^ hiahli old pow er, w b k h arcr thay^aiuuliuO^a a city m oling t>> D« ueo< a- •r Martoertainlynot,ift(ia ••iteoon- and ihoidd then be made to assume a few incr...;— la wbidi ------the records a--- n kept.r ------Tha Kriiinc ia opinion. Kvciy practical sewing-ma­ baapa^totoa___, ______, pruv.rtf.”______> iAt SMuway Hall, saiy, auy, at aay lUgalsseetiag of aaid Court or all uuiiurm, and precise to a nicety, m the el a__ n * pbqrtDK_ a______p o a uao o l the> BWftitCtt t0|feill u d ' iFiolicgr'* ao persistently adhnvd of tiie responribilities o( his existence. teen miles to market, with two pounds of and the giggling laugh of silly girls,— 01 chine man who matie it worth his while deruiataeliy awuia,. b* caUedi wiMcuapoaU Captain Baria We Hear himwvmly coi td moat powwlui'initraat uu lh*'8 letewaya hav* *h-li o atb x i.u o f th*Mayur,ur,iuhlaawMiiaa to l^th a Bnartive is aMowed to prevail, He isn t too young to cUmt then. Bom butter and half-a-dosen eggs, ties up her beyond' the tumult of my own turbid on every si^ lor the fiuthfiibtess anj cai^lty'with to examine it, was at once striick with ite c v r Biaiie.'Se lieyar «UI appear aaeoisato ba. ui masSBlor Aissnaaa pnacai la aaid aity, O BBtltBBillva which he dischaiges > la oBdal duties; and we tmat simplidty, ite improvemento, and its irre- fora the jfsw York pabll& Ue will b* sappoclcil tf (te woA oficOfganteation and recon- exaetle half way between glory and per­ “ change” in its soundest comer; AunC thoughts and the retrospection of the sor- that he will long he continued in the positions he has uaiK his w anaat direetaato auhar of 111* ah ertas Sally, who travels in the cars, has apples rowfiil past, a voice—that gentie v o ice- so adni lablv fiLed, and so fiiliy to the of futsible superiority as as a sewing ma­ by Madanie Farepa aod Carl B .sa, thaa lonBliu ot aaid aity, or luaM yinwssaaafaaiitaisyaaaaa m o a atwciion wcrtirilaniad.to go on aocording dition, it’s all up hilltotiw one and down the gcueral public. chine. Russians, Germans, aiid the keen a ssost kaaapar.bls trio. lu sMd w sm ai,luriheeailliig of asity aeatiaa >a tha appamnt p t p n siis « fllr.J a h u o m hill to the other; and the aooner he com- or pears tied up in hers; somebody else kept ever whispering— “ To one who easterners, discovered at .'a glance what to be BOldaa as Uie liutttuia ntoas, or iitaer oa» it thrown over a , around takes a right and broad and true view oi puUuhed at Huntington, in Pennsyhra- Th* aubjoined solution oo dm d ^ cf Miaa venlaatplsae lu aaid city, at saabllBsaaa U B r n o B * d m M d a n a o r u m , the^whotetnnttolaraM rebel ttite gov- ■aeaeea to ascend, the better. It’a woik nu, prcdieu ihat_ “if ever General Geaat ' services nan be erpected from a Kttie ma­ Court efVoiuuiuaCauauaalulIJa gaprupar,auil neck, slinging an arm, over a baby's face, life, there can be no martyrdom.” No chine S! cle-reri>' perfected and so tnor- L in ia Bassett, adopted by Iba pupOa of tha Syracuaa th.>haruror irom.!.. raeuvlag sauk warraat tu cnM M Slati^ abMita l»|»e hand* of o«e way, and play the other-with the date for the Piesidi;i.cy, he hUI be iLe candidate of tha High School, hava bce a aeiit to a a fc rpBblication ; bound round the temple—doing duty eon- people auisir,c ol the two party oiganisaliona as dwy ouphly . hed; and if 'we understand him Uln tea sa aibieMM, akah gtvaaoliea uf the tiwHwtolwt.thmaycanaiiMe were 4a- tende|M7 ever towardt the. bottom. martyrdom forever more I Since that day arano^vuisaniiui'' Aad wc in turn predict that wiica Wbbbbm^ Our AOmaRifel radar has.i*anved ta a tlmu and plaoe ol huldag aatd eKy aaiitkag u w m a m v m stantiy aonjewhere, everywhere. Do you and hour life’s joys and beauties have ytysars tearsO'i his star* and casU aside iha titlaof right, the Paris agent of the Weed com­ our nudst aaoyber dearly-loved coaipaninn; tberefcre, Bxiag a uue and auit atiaataA *apy of tala war- kagMkiit ■!■«§> tm dwtajr the uCioBal There's nothing discouraging in this, Genera.^ oidcr m become plain “ Mr. I’nsiilsiii/ pany has taken orders whi-h the factor That we i.nndily bow oorselvca with ruiit upon lUa aiga-poat laaaSa *a«. piavldaiiaaid Uie. U t il be •beenwd, riao. Hmtthe ate'all; for the man who, straggling see her draw it from ter pocket, carefolly, been pressed to my heart, and given me he will b»—Mmewhal o der than he is now. at Hi .-d. Conn.,' will scarcely be abfe w:iraliig lur aueu city a aaia g aha I alwaya Ba remember, " He doediaU things • aaaeailraattbreaOaya befaw lha tiaa appoa^ IViiHnHaeoawBM ofHie feelingt of wiOi the world, raises himaelf from it, slowly, as though marked “ Glaas—fra- as much satisfiution as earth aflbrds to to cor ■ .* e within twelve months. -I do- Mr. Nathanial B. Rogera wa* mcsted by officcr That w^ her lUIa ad f r h o .d iag tu * Baate> W A T C H E S 4i« A dayA tiwtialpMr thaad atuib them fod^Oathe haseameda righttolookit gilet' .like an express package? It is any. Whatever of the past I could re- not k'. (i. 'a single instance that illustrate* lag her laa^ recall with iwneolaiiaa h a n a fe a A dopted i a , t . M b, 1SS7. Byifaee, last Wedne--da< moraing, on. a bench waaant more cui .ireliMslvely the practicd sense ineatoco.andpeay thatwamaytluiaba Isada maka ^^^^Alt**l. 4lUaNM.BAB10,CltyCbTk. (he«pfaiahBeMt of loyal Mrthencrs aa and iQod boaestty in the fooe. But he spotie**, not a wrinkle save in the mathe- gret or moum, I know that “ God in ! ^byChict Justice Hinman, and takn bcfmtha d i l i a t u n a il y t a%l(i sad glow- e v u s m m , atakw i^ aao m c r n h m - maticd folds—she raises one comer and cursing gives us.better gifte than men in ------Hann, where be was put Bader and imp.irtiali y of the Istem ationJ Jury. oua world aw hich aha baa geo* befeea. rediwBfcd rebeb who has ahrays bad hia nigiilcap tied for one hundred ilolUr bonds to stand hu trial on a chaqia KtMliMj, T 0 d m « h d iv a cocd [ovnciAL.] gently wipes the shnmken lips, refolds benedictipn.'” Let the ashes of what is at assault and battery, agfisvated by the tias of balboaed todotUsWOdh and he even has, under him, Hrill cut a Sony figure when the , Tim City of sa< d a isHiB hs«rg||fchsi»" w .,^ A BT-I.A'nr mBIsATITS deadly------WauoKN.—We endorM tergsat^ Jkniu ways, n d look fesward to I ■the plea tiiiit fliere can aotbefoundin Master calhi for Ms talent. Now dien, and replaces it. She is an “ old mdd.' gone 1^ never be remorsefully stirred, and the suggestion 6 f die etitor ofthe Nor^ bSiS.^.S!tta^S^ b.ib.th.». Be « ar*ii>haanata»lbe tom* oa baariag'Ma raaeaa larasa-sMsndaaastJadga Itw ould, B ^ a p a , tfb rd a need o f con* rally enough willlsa* out oi the latter to tles into her pew—sbe is earth, not queried, “ A soldier oftiieCrossr He avera that tha waa obtained by maaa* of ford, es(>w.;iaily, have the ntmdst selfish­ ot Un i^ ofoar d'lzaoa OB w hoa ba aiay oaU. heaven. How oddly the worid “ blows looked at me an instant—there am sur­ tiaud and perjury,^______ness in ^'ras: in.q; d l the benefite tiiat come Ads«Sad*8ep!. d a , 110. U, under tun all ttie madiinery that is necessary to S r b n RosstoM & HinbtAT’s Cop AlMst. J0iMH.BAU0,CltrClssk.. its nose.” I t’s quite a study—as much so prise andrebuke in the. glance—and an­ Drains aentice was wall attended at Mi; WoaSty’s irom t’le .'-.dio.. ff any citisen of the state, S l ^ t theae rijimil.afoeliBg et'wideayread and your use. But open wide the throtUe- chusch, Iasi Sunday. In the afternoon He mad* an outs^iie i.f H arford, obtains aay lucis* tos.—This imeqi^ed drcus; which will valve of the other; let on all the motive a* the walk of a man. Crashed and swered, serioudy, “ Yes; a soldier of the [ o v n c ia i.] heaitr pMteaee amoag aouthera men, eluqacat appeal far th* Bibi* ctuae,tskiaffi» his sole tive>= .tuaiian, it is assumed that he must ediibit in Meriden on Friday of this aiMhOM • . PIASt, in«iew«l tfnir pMt wtekedMaiMd triid- power Meaven has given you, and blun­ rampled, this one drag* it from hi* podwt Cross, and of the army, too.'*’ He said it move to Hutford~ and give that dty the week, has established a wide fame for the BT>1,AW BBbATlVa BOBBCBt;. w tujoar* B Loa^ i lioA. 8 0 for fiom this being the 'case, der over the trac^ growing manly, hoa- with a jerk, all rolled in a wad, and^fter mildly, but I could not but fear that my build Btop' nioaataly th* b*st i ia a t ^ o f ^ bbnefit of his mciitee. We know this to Mcd l w e o f iu inatmpaiiiUe pwfbrmub^. OF CITT OFFlCBma. one or two vigoroiu paase*, d l i* over. unthinking attempt to jest or tiifle with a church and M the nation. Addlecdoo' have been the the case:with some of our m . From wh^ we know of it, we have BeMordaMtetteCSnarti^CiMaais O m M o t CeeaeretBsIn sa biBMaMioaa(iMtdieicexls!a,«oa foar- ast, independent. Get up in the morning. aae far th* aociaty -waa takaaap ia b*hdl of «*« CWp MWdSBu a*>3l»w* .- Another, with just the fdnt tip ehowing name that should beheld sacred, especi- own count* dtisens, and that they have ho hesitation ih recommendms it to thd ftdMfoB«,ataaUi«ot hatred toward the and get out over the anb o f the bed, too. Ssr. ■ been as«un*<' of the support of Hartford patnmagn o f admirtrtf itf ‘arenic B ao. 1— All bonaaof aisy edUeaa shall ba pay­ M H th .^ towwd the la«idatl«e bnwch Don't wait to slide' laifly out at the foot, over the pocket ledge,‘^or else hanging d|y on Christian lips, had not only lost anMscments> as the very best in the biai- able In iba dty of MeeMsa. and shall ha exaaMed Afineadof »dit, wboa*oaly feult UmiO, baa|^ a interests if they would locate there, and ol byt>apHaelpatSBdtm»aaBaieasai ' A. WALESB dt CO. M id on the floor, w itha «h adi; but i4 > with a down like an elephant’s ear, pulls it forth for me aa esteem I should be glad to pos­ hindsnw* haes* ana phcsioa, a few daya ago, aad took their oppoaition if they would not. It is ss. Saya the Fhiladdphia l u n i n r s apprabattaaafthaMsvav. Sadh bi 'elthegevemment, «n almoat entb« his wife lo rife. 1'he bauty tf th* aaimal wu he bn the part of nearly all, to bound, with a determination, let come carefolly, and spreading it out, places sess, but also brought reproach upon the would stand saywhata, andaay lennth of time, iJihout about time that thM Hartford people •ip huaincaa defented fiom bat baoadal .t^ k a psaMsa afth* taada fSfatoad tcr-of-fact. Could we know how infinite­ Bata losSTOflPke having h S ^ way 1" ‘h* a f U a sam ral d ^ s d k a n shall ba r a f s s U w lp aa in the atiaets and hotds -at W ast Among the many remarkable things good word to one who is weaiy or way­ B^twm.. aM*a*«ihas|inl«r Mlawa: oftbsClty.TnaM nr,lbfsath BM t ly happier those are who see and appieci* «>Uan>i of Ihr- CItf GaUsetor, thna tfeawaad nO A ID C(X WOODt, •ad aafliiaeat eadi other inapeedies ate the beauties of a worid so gloriously said by Andrew Johnson, when swinging ward? .* Christ-word to one who is wan­ BaantiQr y*ur homea. I t any be don* at aa ngaa- doliansafthaO trS bi' ~ ddivarad in public, on the btaveiy they ’round the drcle, was the following: that dering or wicked? These words by the iStun-«rpleanreooIy. littla woik, which wiU giy* dallani. fair, than those who live in the common Itcoatabut a trifle icr oaa to haraaneitt 8ao.3^Bv*n atbsr ______d i ^ M d in tiieir glorious though unsuc- waydde count long and broad into this all round t^life, we should cultivate every those opposed to bis administration Hwwar jBdm, and 10 anmaaA caa'a dwtBiac with mulaal ac<|uaui«mK* amw^ihe npsceealadvwi of th* whoae ha-d.aoasy agy baptaeadk* dlshaiss. o e i^ etrag^ for independence. The were for ctntralixation of power.” “>VKat and the other life. They make up thdr ------shsUglvsboadatethaaM yairlha laithlal sense up t 3 its follest capadty. Has not thaaaiiaiiilahasariai «hkh dalg^ lha ayafermaro ^b-?J?eSni3^2i.S!rr.?»S l a a BAtMAXT < M i# u z i o a o r m a -rouae. l o f t l a atatihgislatiirrs. ceaipoaBd of lebels and ly a soul, as it gaaed forth fr!om its would you have,** sdd his prime minister, weight, and lift on side or the other. Let than cqwasiv* obiccts. If you win let th* auaahia* M ayor ahall i ^ _____ traitota«a a gtaatcatent, while they ridd on one occasion; “ a president, or a them be care.'ul, thiiiki^ words; words and the daw adorn your yard, they win do BHca fer yga 4 s in g le t i i d v r o v e a a n l h a w a t d a m a n t A dopted 9*ll, MT. • dust-wrought covering, upon some mar­ than any artiat Nature deligbu in bcanty. Sha be transacied. At ro i-a o’do ^ ther* wiU be a mts- Att*s(, JOHH B . BABH>. City Cl**. a a s s h lh * tocewgdleiaalnaaaMminor pointa, are ble diild in the attitude of prayer, grown K ingT Here we have at least a squint* of comfort or dieer; words of rebuke or doamBKMiiic,with addhaaaaVy viritia*'laiasiBaa A ad f t* taftiy with w U eh i t esa b s nssd *17-wl warning; wordto/ytsut. lovcato brigbleathe^landBcapaandmaliaitagiaaBbl* nea aad secntan^ aid ^ l« membea of dw con- sbikes la eaaeess aaapist*.. atm i^bfolent aad aodacioua, and enact into the apirit of supplication, by the ing toward centralisation of'power. to the eye. Sha haags tha ivy ainmd tha rala. aad . d ^ ^ f a r I a B »’v-see that thaasM La [ o r a i c i u . ] *?**?*• Conaoeatioo Sermon, by ™ bottt-i sad our trade atdiaaMaa which would digrace theaut* sight? Has any one seen a Sappho, Now, in all candor, we ask, what was overthaatuaqiofswitbared tree twinea th* gncaf 1 the K«v. W. T . KevaoUsi to b* r ...... AB OBUBABCB The pidn fact that Andrew fohnson vin*. A thousand ana ah* pcactic** lo aaiaata Ibe crament of the Lord's Supper. ^ >ch< belonging to or tb* BiealB l* ti^ a i Jbdtew, m r «te toaka «T any natioa this aide of the beautifol with all the imagination of an meant by this and kindred remarks which thaeoasudauoaiineaiilea to a ib iiM in th a B B L A T U ie t o A B V S E a B m i and his supporters are lodung to and la* sensas and please the mlad. Follow her etampl*, aad Be«ordsia«dtpl**Ciiarf Obstasns Cauaefl ff Mi^dam ef D ahoty. W itt the conees- artist's aool, witii her white harp wreathed were made at tiiat time? Such a thought, do fer yoonalf what she ia alwaya hbeni« to do fer »ia^*'»U jlT, ra o raiaro iia, Hsttftrd^^Gaaib boring for copperhead sympathy, estab* tt* C.'ilpii/Atiidais.aaJNtMe*: aiaM which have already been made to with roses, waiting to breatiie i^on it tiie surely, should never have stolen into a yon. Bcanty ia a dhriaa iaaaaHalalily. Ittaoaaof vaed to be. p rw ^ fbslaiB aad toy mambeniiMa Bmc. L—Kvery p*e*oa wba ofcill. a tltaaS a» A WALKl&40Clp tha atbela, it w U be eoMparativriy eaay iisbes the startiing diflerence between led cburchea win ba heartily words she. heradf had penned, without loyd man's brain, unless put there by a God’a chosen fenaa of power. W* aavar a** ci*«ir* As M the d<;xgal«s vffll reniafai M AJtX./A GJtS. tatwtww B Ussass Iioss tha CoarS al Cuaasoa Bo.tbOBnnasfBH for t h a n to retaia power ia their own thdr practices and professions, and also *netgy without realising that theraia aomelh-i«bcyaad Tcr mght, our Coawa, ar fiaa Ite eaasdtMa sapslalsd by 1^ ^ longing to seiae the lute and w dt its mu- just apprehension of the danger of such cuisenawtwiU be called on to entertaii. thaa^______aadwa t h e a fo r th a t p a ^ a ^ a a k e a p a ffii diejM y ol Bt-ly men eriatence; aad hencis tha whole universe ia' a l|opa thatlat they v«UI reqiond with dKirr accuatiiBwd'accuat iMi, tby Ite*. a : E. Dsaiaea. of SSL. hands,becauae, aa adass, they ezerciaed sictoward the land ofihe Cdestialsf— an event as a king ia the republic. Much between their patriotic attitude of a few ^ 5 5 ^Mr. Ijiw t Strmna aal M ia DsliaA aay sport, assusaaeat. asrionaaa**, euaeeri. teacher aad iaapirar of beauty. Evaiy nan waa bom Murdock, bodi of Memlyn. opera, or other pabH at^ahibl^w ttU a the Ika- it thi««b the (cbeUioo, and before it a Ruth, diagtng to a loving mother, les« should it have found ite way into the yean ago, and their present ruinious to ha an aniai, ao fe> aa th* appreciatioo andaajoy- of aaid City afMarldea. ahdl forlhit aad pay brohe OHt It can h a i^ be aasuaaed breathing from her maiUe lips, “ Where thoughta of the presidisnt of the United position. Whenever a man confidentiy meat of beamy are ooocernad; andh*nb*biMdrof Bri^tfyglow a diefireaida w hen aynqpathy dwelis. speaslty af aat leaa ihaa d»edallarsor a o n eidier in dm cottage er Ihe princely ■■■—»!»- r*w ''PBINTrad’ I« a o w AND COtOlU St tbs thaanae haslrad doUara for each oBia **. t a Ifee th « they ha«a beaa a«Mi teavatarily dis- thou lodgest, I will lodge; where tiiou dl States. But let us look at things as they ezpecto assistance from a certain quarter, onaof thcpreciouagifla of hia beii*. if be fiula to fiil- City of MeiM n.i|br lb* aa* of the elay trcaeaiT i fiu t ^ beneficent purpce* of bis creaiion. dm* be, if any, that do not; thn*ghdi*ira*-dm*, JT. «acoai>aagteiiaiia»m -tiarO «*a. lo%ad.fertterea*on thatnMat of ' are. Does the history of this nation fur­ he hates d l the obstrudions to the grati­ a^ewhaapaiateaibibitioaahaU baa **f*rat* estwUridie; and there wUI I be buried;’ n**ddiefcabnol aympathy. W ha aanoai^ iaoaacr nU SlH EW CABDS priasHilataietestatl*, oAaae wilbla tba aseaaiagtirtb a aet. who ba*« had the control, under Mr. without having a deeper love far the Bi­ nish a' pardlel to the usurpations and fication of his hopes. However compli* Our Meriden City CoaacQ hav* fidlta fai lo dl* town anodicr of its varied finna, darkena th* padiway of ■D at tho Kacoanaa Staaa JobPcladagQM**. S kc. 2.- Tba • aaitlee oa lletaaaa of the Jpbaaaa’i appniatiawit*, ware very poor mented tlie democratic leaders may feel meenn* » y of do^ busmesa. They aUow Tam, li^ how welceme the nya of aympadiy, toacauer tba Coart of C oaaoa Cnundl ahall hare pawar, ant C. A. FHELFI^ , ble, and for that affection which binds fot^ ambition of the present president of the Dick and Harry-aU oulsidart-to taka the floorS i l l HE*PSa*atlyprtat*d at low rat** at leaa etberwlaa dinetad by tb . eaaaeil, sa p an a tj nmnttn ttril tAO*. They have 1 ever the parent and the child? Truly, United Stetes? It was pride that caused that they are so necessaiy to the succeai Wgue and reiaonatrate-^ aaaume more pti«aegea deepening linom: Then an fer too many in di* Ibu Baooaaaa gteaayob rriaHngoaoe. te say parsoa wha shall :pplylbrtkr than members elect. There are some folk whoM worid, whoae ke..ita aemncsnou* la h a ^ aoaeriag. B .n sM ib i lha c a b bill aoraaysaehi , p ^ SVaoV&AVOB » M iM it caaMM iatenat; they are otgaaiaed; we hare our Powers and our Crawford, Ludferi son of the morning, to be equd of the president and his party, it must * r KTTBHBKAM aaatly sade n*v«r be taught decmcy, and to know thairpl^ Who can gase unmoved apoa the feUias l*ar, aad ± j Sta tth the e HltooBPaaBKooBDai Siaaa Job Qlfc*. they are. iwitad, reaolute and naacnqM- our Bartholomew and our Hosmer. But with the Most High; for which he was suggest some uncomfortable reflections to ccJdly atudy, in ihe saddened expression, the > ^ o f exUkiUaa. sa thsy, tha aaat isssalnss, shall u i p h u t s , l a w w u r a . p d a tM i a t eoaaidar prop*r to b*Ueea**d o r a a d iU a a a s Ioim; «i;jacaieelyaMke any attempt to the latter, that if the countiy had depen* The «Ie of a slipper is confidently recommended aa ■nany yean, without a rob of aympathy beatii« fi> ^ - where are the multitudes who might bless hurled out of heaven. Now, we ask, what the cheapest and moat eficadoua remedy fcir thc bita F theBacoBDBaSt a a JohPrintlag OMe*. they ab ^ dara $ t: whiea leeaaa aay Many coMeal Oeir determination to le^slate the world, were their talents but devel­ isMie inspiration of a man who i* contin* ded upon copperhead hdp during the re­ ot niosquuoea. Try it I lilB l^t He who left Hia b t^ t abod*, came to earth tlinebe _rwoh*d b g th » s d le e a a ltt* a a r by n i through th* great aympadiy e f God to asan, to raiaa X >O Sr« aaidsassdtaa Isfthaaaaar but who haven't Wms enough to trundle a wheel- wb<^ through aU hia yaara of earthly pOgrimage, “ re­ Ibee>dddtyi*aefeHaauaafo*aathaeaU 1------waialT *id»e»>sgdagi iliitnnj iMt. ^ eo«a afeatadat jaar be throws in their fluence of Andrew Johnson. And we can joiced with those who njoiced; aadweptwiib thps* IHE B cceu u a aVEAM JOB PKUTW a where the statues of ancient and modem, an dderman; then—” etc., “ up to be bamw stnight, nor coaunon sense suSdeat to know OBop hfsa BU(4 aaU*d SwIUll** for tea ahaUdaea proper ta OXisad said dsdalna w^,«hidkdiail binder iathe w talab. conceive how a sensitive man who loves bow to cross a mudily stnet wiibout pnttiiw tlujr feet whowept” ? 'l.'here is no atage of life that deea not H aadbllU and a wandeicr, whoea pititid k o k de- tuia, a* lhay have been in the past, be- dents? Canwetrastsuchaman? What people. Thd such a contrast should not mentioi.sd the name ot William A. Buckingham in th* COKNKIt o r MAIN ANb bTATEBra.. AMSst, JOBBB.BABIO, GityClssh. and deformities—to wonder tiiey love the connection wilh ihe Prcsidnicy, and thinks that settlea mannx ' . i d. If the chain of syiypathy was sever­ or*r S. 0. raddoek’e. Sh* bae aeear*# alrst 217-wl cam the dective franchise is for the beautiful in that land where the veiy dust a foil was that, my countrymen, when have^appdled and restrained Andrew ed beL.tt.. ..od and man, dark indeed would be our el*a* MUUuer l-o a Mew Tork, and baa tb* hrtaat state—no hand to save, no voice to plead. It we atylea to be foaad any when iu the dw . Tha la- ^ OWVBBSandXBBnnUariNiaak aMat pact aaaflaed to them. Impartial is sacred with the artist-dead; where the Abraham Lincoln went down and An­ Johnson, may be attributed to the defects dlea a n parllea>arly ni d to call and exaaUaa. ^ttetpapenfM agagbtet, €liifiiiiw f wouldclaini iha sympathy of Heaven, let ua lend a Wataiy wfll dadare the fact that Andrew drew Johnson stepped in I But is it not a ofhis early training in the midst of tla- T o ry raapaetfU ly. Mas. V. DUSrHAM. faseeordaaaewllha fabtte sun rises and sets upon so many graves Democratic politiciaaB an doine the ayaspadilaa. h an d ,y id eieiciaasq p ap ad w ii« b aart. 8*n.:«r^ *17) JakHg^vfeeahehadeaerdaedtbe most where the great ones of earth rest. We lair inference that a man who builds upon very, and to the careful cultivation of caus* a nghtuua sarviaL in drinkoat ' Jaly tlth. USi. aMae iabevby d a a ta th e a n aummg the supply of whi%, an ur keep ra of arety Dog ia tae Xawa a fB a i r b m orMt V. a T- -^nni iiader the constitutioi) shall perhaps see our land a second Itd y ; and feeds his |wide and ambition upon tliose dark pauion* which, with the in- Ths C en'ir church asa, Bot ngletand or Baabeied la tha t»wm Oeanm Boodi's, en MU^UNERT. Clark’aOae*,w oedlte to law.eilfia teK iU for the aafi^y df «!« Union, refiised to perhaps ste will worship amid the na­ such reflections as “ I have risen from the *tinct* of un*peakable malignity, he con­ will be ready fer Ih* ptU x, th* Rev.r. J I.and . I. Wool- Opte*ltaA.C. Ba»spM lW dW tes^ Wa hara received a aimber of kttera, th* paal L O m S H O U i OB TO RaaisTBB aB^m sBBB svca Doe wub. «eame a ahigle ati^ to am kt km r mU tions at the abriae .of lovdiness. Will hovel to the White House because of po­ trived to conceal while professing devo­ M l, expreasing a warn wproval of our a»ggesiMMi 1^, some time iliis nUl We ash the p e ^ Of that ao- taTwBBTT U.ATSalia*thepoaUaguftMsaattss, 217 a n |> a B l s * iW I H I ] liaaa a ftta a id iM n g iricBds of the Union dot Govemor Buckingham' b* made dw aast FHii- o a ty ifd n a ia tn ie . 'I'ha laipnsaioa b e g M feeds to Baterayeaa>iy of Savsa Dollsrs tee aasb asg- there be another Calliihoe to give to litical. contingency," will, if hetiiinks' the tion to his country. 9 «t th d this con* the people nf Meriden, that it ia ao. And wa aanly Bags leavatelaA rahcr aaaaeroaa patiaassnd isst ar nfssst to klU or reghtsr. ihwrtlaas rebds in respect to dvil trast should not have kept within the daat Ceanecdcut haa navsr yat furnished a Presi- hope wean: not raisakaa. The (sal thiiw nextaci io a the world the finished Omega of aculp- opportunity offers, strike lor what he may daat;andifahewiUbnlaaaafthwclaiai to dm di*- hmmwirrbiowocilun iaa hoeM fa& ari Ibe pubUe geaaraUy, Ibat St her B eaM , te c a a m a eiv . when Congress ittflf had ture as she gave its Alpha? Shdl anoth' concdve to be a still higher plice. May great national Union party other men— linctuio.asit iapiopw that th* ahoaU de^ w* have Now, haa th::t iiubscriptioa bean mad* up? We un­ AaAet Ibrib* protatloaot8 b**pOaltar*. derstand that tb* rocuty haa qasa a HttlafiaidiB th* p aialiiiiaa ■eaaare foe the civJ > lha vote in Santh Carolina son. It will buiy under mountdns of op* Prinlera in the atata, Mt,-Jgiui F. BaAapauv, lat* HILLINEBT E3TABU8HHHXHT. grataaHaaofUaBeardofSeaaea.ia, la Vi aa- tations of the cdestid beings that the We sbonld not have thought this if it had "«ly,»nnarkadat “ die fools sre tared npoQ tb* aaaeaement Usa ofp •aOaaigiad— inCaanaeticutorMasaa- world has ever seen? Shdl an Itdian not been forced upon us bjr the words and probrium d l who remun unwearied by it, fonmanof th* Bridgepon .ftaadW job oCct; We not all dead yet.’’ T bia ia an opmion m which, wa ThsnUng her easlosaenlbr their Ibrgsergaasfaas gb doiv aadaaohdaiaefedl ba Bvaea dMHalt^ wrhea he waa doing a hundred have,th* p u t week, attached Stn m Pirmtr to iU our dare say, most readers of the |i«p«t wiU coacur. ba owned b.by tba keeper or ooeaplsvef tho p n a l - Propem a be the only female artist in that actions of this m-ui. W hat doe* he mean and will bridge over those division* in patronage, she hope* by dosa atlealioa te their thiafi ta tabd atataa that he would not Job Preiaes, and made enanah* addidona 10 our foBts aeo wbara each doaaaro hept. artistpland?- Shdl a Harriet Hoamer be when he cdh the representatives of the ourrank* thatnow *eem to yawn like *0 of aewand feshiooabla typa, aad wffl gaaraatac to e*- The Nor.vicli BtOrtm lella a huas atanr about a Waata to aerlt a eoatlaaaao* of tha saae. Sac a. Tbe ow na a nwaers of daia to da ia C atinactict, he let d ip the lobater wMdi it saya a reaideni M that dty oaca the last of the band e f sisters so noble, so loyd people of this nation a “ rump con- many graves of human liberty. It is im­ ecut* aU work entnaied to ua, hi as aatiaCictory a 8 e p t.ts .______217-3a»______preeiaai app a r tiH j foe doing an act of caught. 1'he daws M«n of each enoaaoas stre^th towa whan sach dogs an kept, ah* W HAT BTBBX elevated? Alas, too few such brilliant gress’’?—«4iich,'one ofhis admirers says, possible tliat that which stultifies and dis* asanner as it can b* don* sliiw tiia. With the in tn - that it waa necessary to p v c u n th* aid of a piledriver pUUSnCBB WITHODT A MA 8 TBB. levied a .d c d le■cud c u d w idi.and idkandadaaaaasaaw * jaatiaiit wartfcy of the a«e ia whic:i be ductioo of steam, we hav* adapted th* acale of pricaa to crack them ; sod the shell was ao p e a t ia sis* that the osdinaiy town taaaib of thr SB feravanaal* stars have risen; too many of that few should he bridled, (a suggestion lo horse­ graces the president and his party can en* tt waa used lur a chamial cart. CoalalaiBg he Elesseate o f Maple sad Coai- doft andsixdoD an fer every dag: sadiaaa U Andrew Johnaoa benotades- which govern steam ptinleta, and ahan be governed by eshansuditaxb*aba«L hareeariyset Too many have, in pen- men,) and which a closet adviser says dure, or that will not surely overwhelm them iu our charges. pleta laalm rtlons; to whieh la added a Cbol a M ead, tte people, thraoiih their The R er. Mr. Saium, of the C a te r Baptis* d m ch , HeleetloB o f FtopaUr Maaie adapted l a tb e la^ tm - aiy, toiled eariy aad late, witii the fiush should be dispersed. What an attitude those who defy ite admonitions and rely will pe^ ch hia £nai aennoo next S u a d ^ aneiBOca. awut. By C Dtmabd. The laeraaalaa popalarl. " f daHeaa ia Coagreas. assembled. Mr. Burtto Stilea’a oOdal liat of priiea drawn fai ty ortheDoIelaserbaa ladnoed tbe aathor lopr*. ALrRED P. CU ______deepening on the cheek and the light for the president uf the United States to upon ite dangeroiu support. No restore* his racent gift conceit, u now ready, r a may b* ob- ta the laHagfiwar, as be aseerted i n his panaserleaof leaaoa* aad aaen leea ao alapl* iTwi H EN R Y S. W O CO X . brightening in the eye, and have been assume, to go bdore the people—as one tion ofthe Union is possible that is to be laintd at hss new music a tc n ca State street Mr. Bungay'a !t= c tu te ^ been postponed. tha; aay «n* aav le*ra to pl»y. Juatubli' buried by some Bay of Naples, or some part of the federal government at war consummated solely in the intereste of An Iridunan*named Lyiicb, while ntiuning fitom race » eta, roat-^d- OLIVDB NTSON A aa appirtani^for the CaihoUc picni^ on Tuesday evening 1 ^ waa at­ / Ona-balf of th* nev stooe bridge on Main atr«stia Co., I^U aben. VT Washlagtaa Street, nootoa. C i^ of Flowers. The world says of their with another part. It was said by the those who attempted to destroy the Union. tacked bv several 01 hia lata coBuadea~wlwn neer tha nearly comi^'dite''. ItwillbeauhsiantiaL B sas. 217 aM liag. « ■ A n basis a f j a s ^ the claims works, “ How beautifol! '’—but goes on wisest of d l: “ A house divided against There can be no peace made simply to el* head ef Maple atraat, aad waa lan n ly piiaished. arthaappaMeM aad loag aafforiag Aaed- Doctor Hatch's new hoaae la covered, (t will ba an Lobsta^ Clams, Fbh, its headlong n u h for gold, and utility, itselfcan not stand.” Now, which shall evate the rebels who created war. We William M. Sesiih and Wiffiaai 8 . Santh, a n . re- ornament io that part of Ihe town. ■a a . B Odi i^h t be aotaeooiad beyond can have no country and no freedom wh^n apad v « ly .and,inilividuaUy, going in t e t h H ^ i i ^ MILLINERY. everlasting utility, and foigets that it ever fdl—the ly>use, Cmeaning the govem- bteFTei^ root dormerwmdows, aad an that aectof n a B 'dsrsigasd bag l*a** ta iaforss you l h a oaa as th* DoMas Oooda. .afleyd cWana-aMNt giva ap tfie hope T bb LiTBSAav R scoaa a a is dl* aaeet mtsqn* of her studios, and her artitts be written hearing by a present admirer of Andrew J ob PaiimNo

.&■ NEW SttifiKfisisi OCT TUB CUABCOAL MORSE'S BLOCK, MASON BUIX.DEB8, ,X L “VHlfM n gairM oa by me Itortha laat BSTABUSBMBirt* weST MEIUUUH, OONN. tw eetyifw iio J. O. DIOKUIBOII oa.aaeouat AT TUB OLD STAND OF WILCOX A COB. AND U P T O W N . o f t t l Hm I ^ I daaliato azpiaaa my lhaakato Of Bv«ry Pattern. Trading Company WEftf MERIUEN. tbe B'abUeW the Obenl patroaace eztaMlad to HBHRY f HHUROB, OFVlOa State Street, l>rtwe«a Paddoek’a and The iw’icralgned weald inronn the aitlaena of Wnxattoudloallprofwaional bmanau tint nur J.l. I'KrkrraHarkoU. 4 m elnpaak^yban^ woaldaaka eontlMaiieepI JOHN W. COE Would reupmtmilybm k* entniated to libu. !• • UcnmM paniion knd M rridea aod T M nB r th a t he haa otioBed a th e i a a e l a • O. UICKIKBOM. liiSiM tbao h im fo r a n a a b a r o / haa laaafd room, ih the taina rtilmngcBU______?JJ?_ ■aviairhad.di HaTfaiK bouKht rat hi. I lU pariruer. ley A Uladwla, rurnltore DraleM-alero- *>rwr the jrarar- . S E A R L E S ’ ALKXANUER DUNCAN, HARDWARE la BOW ready lo aupplT th e clllxcna of Meriden UNION BLOCK, poae of oarrylBK on the buatnaaa pi Dadertaiiaa UBORWU 1 . FAf, MARKET and Tlrinlty with in all of Itn rcqulremeata. he baa Jaat raeal ^ I ii^ r . MllaB confldeBt that hr will do all hr a fall atoek of Colllna and Caaketa, and It lo Mb Attorney and Counaellor a1 Irfiw GAS AND STEAM FITTER, ander the Central notol, wbeio he lateada to pronlata. ur Intenlion to haTu lEauatauIly nn haad a good a» and Notary Pi blio, kerp eonatantly oa hand all kluda of BICHABP HOTCIIKIBS. aortm rat at tbe aaoau totiather wiib all otfear a*> Jtm. a. ^v«r B hUMmk^ M E ^ T WEST MEBIDEN, CONN. ti ilea uaaallT reqairod In (he ba.iaeae. STOVE DEPOT. H est door South of Toolej B Oladwta’a. CSABCOAIil GHABCOAI. I K veiv V a rie ty . Iba aabaeribai baa Ibr BOOM tlmo paat bara » WK8 T MERIDEN, <;oNN. SKA FOOD AND VfaBTABLEa, OV ALL KINDS. Kigedlaoueofthoboet Uaderr^ ------I'Hiilculiir atteutUin puld to oullecliiiK uticiirliig STATE STBEET, WEST UERtDEN. CONN. FOB TilB .oMtw'iirlnlinci, ______la their aeaaoB, and hopaabjr s^iii:.s:g%'U£S£fLB buildeaa to merit aad reoeive a Partienlar attentioB paid to STEAKS, BOAST PIBCBS, KatabUabad Atrtba haaU t af UaTliii; MCDreJ IboMnrlcMof Blchard'CJowlay. r^^^J^lMEBlDEN MABKET! of tbebaahiewMt Uepatronue. Uoodi leHT«ee^nraBTpaftatlki n will boreeoUo^ by aray ^ raadt^i» (UGOR^E W. SMITH, Olio oi the beat practloal gaa and aleam flttera in altr IH«oreharge. SPABB-BIBS, MUTTOR, tbe eountry,' 1 am pn*piired lo ezaouto all order* JOBBING. 'J' T O li N K Y, in th a t IlDo. ALFBBD BAUKBB. iK.*8 «r% rrtss.'»!S£is I ahall apan no palua to (iTe good aatlafecUon, VBAL, h a m s , BBCHAMICS * WOBKIMO BBM. tbtatowRo •. I II. 1'. WILTOX li f ON BuiMinji;, and tequaat a abate of tha public mtronaga. JONES & HULLy Aad Patlalaetloa Rirea if,joaalble. H io hat Ihlf ta laftr that tta . WEPT M Kill DEN. A I^ A N U K K DDNOAN. SHOULDEBS. BAUSAOEB, thoao yaara, aad of tba* aara taarad laM a* Weat Meriden, Coon. Xtf «ord.> rpeafle ofBiildra aafiiBlj — aH Coutraetora aad BaiMcrs, F. J. WHEELER, aad aretytbtag BaaaUy fcaad la a John H. Bario, Tha heat plate to bay < ''^SaSatallaatSm^ IBa.laf^ Stein Fimitiini lan & tto n , AadDaaleraia Oppoalte nrat Rattoaal Buk. FIRST CLASS BEAT BABKET. NOTARY PUBLIC. 1‘L.AIN, MBDICM AND ELEUAJTT .W rit'K AT Tim Tl>»VJi IIA1.K. MKUIDKN, FURNITURE DOOUS, SAHHkS, BLIRDa, UAEDWARB. CHAS. H. COE, Agent. Kki-i-utei .I.TilH am! «ll >itlnT lliatruiui lita. “V esretabltf^s, i;..uiiui««iuu.i ;.ijr Stm Vur^. LOW rUK CASH AT OILS, GLASS, PAFKK UANGINO. LTJMBEK, B O W r> I T C H • s N. NICKERSON, M. D. ate., ete.. ete. a t i N o b o u o b t o u t t h b c h a b o o a l EYEBY VARIETY, SpaclMii Fmiltare Rm b s , H BinUIBSS formerly eartied oa by B. PAINTS, OIL, GLA88, LIME, CEMENT, W eaU oarsaadaaathoOABM DOWM a y a i, n irsjc iA y axj> sritaEoy, W, ,74 k. 76 Oranca Street, Mew H a*en, Oonn. WKBT HBBIDBB. OORlf. Holebklfa with boraaa, wagoaa, eo^, *».. I.take tbatotoo oar aaatoaaradoae* have to poyla WeateaMutonCail artlclaaoroarowB make at era alwaya he ftaad at oaraarkat. larsapraSlaiae laaeao aaaaaaatUy iaeam d | b MAIN 8 TRKKT, HHBUIKM, COHN. a allnht adTance from wholoaale prieea.______All Madt of PalB^l^ rad^rager HaaglBi Dora i eoaataBUyaB b a ^ a AND MAILS, layMaaragea ■ of abareeal wbtob drKBMBMBBB TBB PLACE -Mr OPBIOK IIOUIU—m O lt 1* TO * AMD 7 to « P.M . Xeridea aad Tiaiat W FEB FO M B pBKBT, VOBTHBOP • BBTDSH. tyatprieaT jS i^S ^t.' tho tliaea. 'Ihara are C O A L ! olbon that aUia to badriTiaf Ibraarad aaU iu JtOMSM’S BLOCK. . or the HandjBereliie£ BARSTOW STOVES, Mrs. Frank CnBhman, OABBIAQB KAHUI'AOTUBUtO eBBTBmtbataaaotlBBByaapldy.Mrc^y In Large Stock* The Mechanics Trading Co The auhtarlbar la now prepaiod lo fonleh th la J hBM K t » r aaaM oa aaeb aide o fay WE8 T MERIDEN, CONN. MONTHLY NURSE. ABD GBHBBAL BEPAIBIHO, , wacoaa aadtlada. Sa do aot boliave aaebde- I ealiera,bat aaa far yoaraaltraa ftorl abailbava R^iurei4 and Furnaces. ncFBKKHcn—Dia. Wylie a Rlekeraoa. who waat Uaal, at low rataa tor oaah. eoaprlili DOBBI IB AAH. L J. ixaIT a BBBAB^Bfc B ^O ' 1 JOHH W. COB. CotBOrOf~~MUIaad Coart atraota,WooiflIeridaB I gig"* g. ^ ARD FOB SALE Weat Meriden, Jraaary Bth. Ittf.______W! WaatMerldaB.Cran. ______ALBBBT utend to keep coBatantlj^ on hand VouM tag of tHo Moad Ooak, Bantow, Untom, all Iba kinda aod qaaliUea knowa to tba trade, ' "ss'aBwABDBBW BBTDBII Ulja«Ma,HMV«MlBaBn^Cook StoviB,Medal aaaloftbeau the choicest articles in the Gro- J A S . Ja AVEEHI s M . d . s m ’iaat— ------A L E C T U R E . mmi l«»d»llUag*»,WrUblo rad Set »'«»»«. Baa iaaio*ad hia oBaa to W. H. nSK . MOMBT WANXED ceiy line, and coatiao^y receiving Maridea. aaplamharMth. IM*.______^ aTp9hlU^^^^e5S?N. AiM,MwceMttlW . P int BaiMiM«<«t*r MerMcn H*we, it waa Bfi__ , ______large additioaa tptlieir stock. . ncKKUeta'cMMUMO stovb, WEST ■EBIDKR, CORR. , aboBldbavo aoaH plaoa te (ow feraw tittcta IBB OR MB HATtraa. T aaA naar. o m O a HOOBS, PlasScSlafeforRoofins. A T J . H . STEVENSES. LOWEST FIGURES- aiCaroef Saalaal Woakaara or t f m - WkkhMMbtwi'iitt the 1*q>i«*«...M- Wll Tba Beat rad Cbaapaat Material iB Bta. ^^ly y a a y , Hareoaa P o > ^ , aad WOBKING-MEN I •BMraaaotli«r»MtBnMM merit. AlaoalarKo B\ J . FiTCU^ jm. 1»> O RTICB 8 TOVE 8 , LATE OP THK UMITBD STATES ABMT, Can be applied to any style of Baimbaylaceoaeud aeoBa. YoawtUs** •I |lH*e*thmo(«dasd«lvioTS, lUrdwara. Wood- BaniaLMiusBnBBrBoorADiiBABLB. J . Q. PICKIBBOB. AMD Na Ca STILES A CO.* 8 UM M EB, ARU • iiram. Laapa, araabea, Howa raniahtais GroceriiBs A Provisions iiooda, raralBC U a ^ a , Jus., *a. JH«eJMNteffa, t t n r/J f£ AMO MOMMY. PBESSES, d ie s , and IIAHDWABB COE BROTHERS, av* annaat a>d Jobbiajr aoae te the tiaat GBNTS* rU B R ia a iR O }, I. C. LEWIS & C0. •r awiar at tke ahartaat BOttee. UAMCFACTUREBB' W K 'I^ AvD Machinery of •▼•rjr 4 MeiipUon. BradlbrOlrMUr. iiUBBABD BBOTHUta. aadTboaaaada. Mtontiou paid %o all kludaof Maehlue work, BagUra Bara Jaat le^atBad ItoB How York, w b«t GrivwoM * BMriM, Md Forrini. Oidei* from 9U% l#wn wapaet^lly 8TRAWBEIIBTPLANT8 AGBAPB VIHB8 M iddlbtow r, OaaB.,lfaMbSt, Mtr. ^aalaby ^ [«M] coB BBOTHBBB. GOODS they bare par«btaadalai|a aad alagaat aMMll- fcalM Ala»Sr. Oatfarwl** wnaw BaUdUg, Woat of Kogera’ HoteL •oltoltod prompUy oioooUd,______* BMBtOf CUSTOM SHIRTS FA8HI0NABLB ______Kl^B IBCBAinOg TBADDIO CO., llOBEftT o ro m N , AT COST AMO L K tt TBAIT COAT, t a Bewaty. Hew York,ipPoOe RRXaMP» -SiN G JflB’S M^SOK BUILDXR, : »■ «t ‘ -ife.eBtA*BTeaBs. MADE TO ORDER- ISUMMEB DBESS GOODS, PAMT & OIL NEW600D8. NEW8T0B& W BIT KEBIDBH. CO— .______*ura American Linseed Oil, W odeaatMtraSla Ja axaSbaBla aaS aMS IMPJKOVED PAMII.r. CHARLISL. LITTLB, Oostom 8 hirts oa hand. Cloakinn, Shawls, rMhara Pw aaldby Clouis and Cassimeres, jBBiBNdM^F^nuMa Aaaak JOINER AND BUILDER, Pure American Boiled OIL 8 A 0. BBEOKINBIDGE. IabaUbabap»y«»«DHy Fancy, Plain, and Colored P. ETHAN HULL h o |« ^ raaldenoe flial roadaoath of Bo form LABGES*^ ASSORTMBNT 2s2;gs55A,% ^srsttfHow. Flannels, Baa tba heaor la aaaaaaea ta tlw ritMaaaof 8EWING MAIHINK, WMtHeridaB. >ab.«l>KHB 2- R.BP.A.XZl.ZZa’CI- Hosiery and Gloves, Maridra aad wiriatty, that ha bra Mkaa tbe atore iiEor«HDnmI D i im m Union White Lead, PCBPHALOB^JPABB] J. B. GKAHAM, ALL KINDS OF that aty rrgalar eaatoBera wratdoaa tblf M l, Prints, and Domestic Velvet, qO T ’8 BUILDINO, belbre tba raU trade eomBcaeaa. and Taffetta, THBBBST AMBBICAH U A O MABUFAO- M ily eaaq M b y Bra.■r a . Mar;Bary PfeAar. j D. F . StHitliwlclC^AKent IiB t, M Ul DRiratne Bibbons, Mohair, Silk, TUBBD. bohwrasSaW lllaalU a a e 'f Best Groceriea * Aofiaions Fainting, E ^ ii% & Gnuning. Household Furnilaire. Alpacca, and Embroidery, I DooBrBuiorr D jwtasBtrr T«belbaadia the ■BBIBBB. COBB. .. .. Braids, t Neck Ties, Umbrella^ UHBH■ IBH HOIHOBS»COVBBSb_____ . . J s j s p f palfoaafaiwpartlbllj-^------Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, B. ImSik mite leal, " S ^ r a d b arlB g Lowest Qaak Pnosa. . TOOLEY & GLADWIN'S. and Fans in sieat variety. YALIBES. FLOUR1 FLOUBl FLOUBI of all kinds, PIIBB, AMD IMPOBTEO BY OS IB OBIOI. A LaO , * aaamgiTAid,' WllfUalCB * OO, UNSITTLBD ACCODNd Ha l PAOKAOBS. PABLOBMATg, NEW GROCERY STORE Machin* Twist, Sewing Silk, t- Buttons of all kinds, AtaU atoek ot Come One t OdmeAUl FAUILT FLOUR. wHbtbasa^har.wiueoaik^.sraatbTerby Ping Needles and Tape, BlOIROBKlSUa,SADDLV- A taoalarie aall»rt»ratOf O iMb ra d ^ o f aalllac rad aattllBg tba ara»wltbe,tM.y.a. | assortment of el aU klndaalwayao* basd at the o ld a t^ o f A. Stone’s Building. ^nt F.A.INTS And we will ajmAam you that it XT BOOTS ABB ABOUT F1.ATB]>. *^****^*g*«MAifjroMAia * o>- Window Shades; • * will be for ysarintaieat topat- Capital.and Surphia Orsf |900,0ia STATE STBEET, ■e s ta c tb a a b a M willbaTatto datead a«Bit, I Cornices, Curtain U Bb0t t , 0TafytbiuBaaally flwad ia • roiiiBB the alaia aarAao Ibraiabla J. I. lUPWIM * CO.. aBi.ToBra,Tnly, , _ Picture Fixtures, M A LB BalB J. H . STBTBHB. Cords and Topails. AINT BRUSHES, BBHDIHO ARD BEPAIBIHO DOHB. LBATHEB AMO FINDINQI OF ALL m s . €kRNEST & CO. OAX.Ii ABD EBB MECHANIC^: TRADING OO. KIKD8 . The “ RBCORDCR ” Type ^ Bte'OOBBBOnCOB OBBSI Wo ktra alao repleaiahed oar aloak of WB WILL SBLL AT BOTTOM PBICBB, 0 , I'S FROM THE P. ETRAN HULL, •' HIT { g ^ S S S ^ ^ J R B.—S rS ralar attratioB paM to ardera. BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY | BOOTS AND SHOES, aai wowraJaatwliatWB rat. whra we Hata I atfeMirladted br aU la hr BdTwaMW Sw ET.'iSw ,^^ ‘? f .± £ 2 S £ S & & iS .‘ ttatO O B PBIOBS ahaU ba the Oh b MM B . C. WOBaaaP L hafz stable. BBTABLIBHBD IB HIT. aa ftr tanir witfc. A*r aadbaaoBowaa good aTarletyaa erabaltoaad TRADE BUILDING. >.ri BEL.A CARTER, JXBSTt^XATTBB VQUHDBr. H EN RY O: WILI^AMB^ [tkepaHhaaaoT mad lg««t f«r Ike Bale •ribeal Eftoto Groceries and Provisions la tba Meridra market. LOWEST IN THIS CITTl i^itM rlM lto «dlat 80DTHWI0K>8 Baot a*a In .18 eW u E n g la n d - (SaMtMaala Jtaaa OaakO atkaSnOBB VIST MBEIOBM. COXN. ly OfimjdaMrtjpgra A. rtaiaoftba paHia KOBO OBLBBBATSD. BOB i » 5 madeaoma wJeadidaddlUoBilo UBBABD ItnO T inaB , MiddMoim, 0 « a a . *1aiS0MBAyt L I V E B Y STABLE, . M f t r a a a h THB A:PBiTO«n^ N in AW TinH HETAL Wbite Gtoods andLinena. OMfclf UMPifcaal •. 188 If ' Foci of Omter St. A B s l a t b l t f o b m mnrPALBD i OAnPRTiNnR o p fo a m a m oboar blook. UNION PACIFIC p B T OOODBI NBWarAPBB W A e ■ ' - WAiwrj:.ii«wo, awnBBOBiim, JpABU«BTOi W adi I t e U a a . OoBB. BIBHOPV LAWBB. ^ Railroad Company. » * Dmtss <3oodb, , OBDBBB KAY BB SBBT TO InifiictiR iitB iiliiin’ Gnat BiUaia iwH, Iwhlllt xmat K. BOaUB. Atant. Olli CLOTHS I HAIBB30BB. ^ 0 1 ran MinutE iMDt C A R P ■ T t . REMOVAL. »SMaMb.praa ' h - r j l ^ ^JB WATBB EYMET, BOBTOB^ BBnxiABiakFigjOA A s an invvirtmBt. ' Oil Oloth.8, PAPEB HANGINGS, SUPPLY STORE. TAPSG0 1 X 'W ) i E # ^ 1 TBBrarm q r aaaattta PafcB PMlfla BiM- ..iisoow'i^Bapp:!;* ■ m .. ^ H y t m a m . PAPER HANGINGS, and BOBDEBINGSI NawStora. NawGooda. . radfhaatthavAi^i- LIPB ARD " AOCBDntT WSIIftAirCB |Attheoldalrad€(& P. lOOTB,) o r aU fe M a l a w a i i b r «iM OriglBal whMktbeOoavraynowoibrtotbeiibUe. The . STAIB BODS, " eai» Wobareaiao B w ho ItaBnd a ioaatal a a o r ta e a t ot SOOtCB DIAPBB. ««!iasvartA .piSi;„ . praUableiBTei4MeaV!" Te reply to brief t nCiyiE COIN MD TAinELt, R o :M6re>‘'lllovlh^ 1 T R i n n i E R s A»fc.a».Ba«i»ifc£7H.Y. » i» t TABLE and SEAIB- UHBH ^ W H , INStWANCE COMPANY. & C . & 0 . & 0 . OIL CLOTHS, HARDWARE, UIEBOABBBIGV OF HARTFOBO, OOMN. UradaUaniniUowB hoada pracUeally -pOr sale by GOLD& TfilN I Stair Bods, Stair Carpetings, PBffBB Bmts. BBUwa tliB Tktnv *Maa OBBfrartbatthewoih------i t alNBly a«ae. aadthetnubi 1 a t tb a m ty o i Baby C arria^ and NAILS, GLASS, . tbatWeiwr,. OAnTAXi aad HBT 8lXaFX,UB. JOHN IVES &‘0 0 ., Trunks in great variety. LAaoAaaasuaam tmamrr UHM7. « 7 4 l^ j|it. PAINTS, C o r p e t a . _____ MBBIOEK, OOBM. Alio.aa«raB*pIrof Sha2£nU eud I'adle; awlhalafwitboatoobT m r BABB 0 7 otmnAvsfmM. HAPBIBB. IWYMA EVEBTTHINO ALL BIOHT. Carrot Waip, in all colors, Cotton (At the old a.iad of & p. FeaM,) TABU UBBBB, (It HtaiBad. oavfAaA Batting, Knitting Cotton, CBASB TOWBIB, |1 M M * BBT oooDB, m u L o n a x , SSTMT^raiBoekySL-. Wadding, Sc., e ra be «MB« a sraw al aaaattBMBl ar W ILU A P & SMITH XBBIDBN HOUSB TWILLED TOWBIA •& ij£ ! 2 2 iiS£'#tUra£S*rady bttwartidaotbatafa Saiabad are aewrai Moei freater tbra ttejo ld ^ ■S I ■ATB JUST BBCEITBD OILS, ACIDS, WAMOT S O O jiA HUCKABUCK TOWBLB. WohaToalaoiafla laaratoekaf 4*., #••• Paper DABASK TOWBLB, Ua2 SrnaSlSr*0^ BalHn« Cha«k ■* Jnw BVOBB. » * a M ., ^ An Entire N«w Stock of VARNISH, BLARBS, BATIBk 6 UOOBRKS PBBHCB TOWBLS, Ot;>- . IMirCB FVU. UFB POLICIES AT rari^BaUfoad boada era.be Com er Store, M V n r KATB8, I>ry G-oods, BELTING, ORUGS^ TUBKISB TOWBU, r a ta h it Xoaa u l U fa ftroia BuwB 00. c u n m a , f Oliaaii. aaBtdant or aataial daath,___ CBOCEEB YI tfetsJ ssS s:^ BAraTowau ’TaA b on. cMfia; - %<.««l|r«iaaMia(ao- . V Havpnrar. AUamimed atBBNS rad liar iM ehit takeaaaeoHrfUM M FABUERS’ TOOLS, a t lower n ifiM iaD ra a iM aito a t l o w m c a a , avotteaaafaiV . TkaaaoHNaad UliaM Ao- •j:tsei^gjspejs:sJA VERY LOW PRICES. IS SELLINGS HIS FLOUB, COBN, OATS, ikStM Poker fanaa the M aM lehaapeat laau- A* jkTsss'SZSiJt^irisrt^ i:. > altovMaadc•niM . tkaa aOAfi ot tha MUVWdMtnUfOM I MEAL, FEED, FEBTILIZEBS, BRUSHES. a. a m » a ia i. M u i^ f OunBBtry hare already ^ la Sve a—at naaaa, Mienimf...... apra tliB atoek (wbiebja to *■— i m DPHAE * HANira. ODBXAIB |B (» ilJaB fl^ 0 «M»«a B. WnaoK, jls§MmtSeenlmr. atblrd lien), aaay weU inapire l a a SratlieB. Farming and Gardening utensila, STATIONERY, B U rj. PAOB, Jr.. 8th. Altboiwh Itia B o t elataaed t h a t t ^ e r a TO TMM LAOJM3 AMD raO P tB O f ^rayhetteraeearMteatluDQoTenUBeBta, there M riBCBS WHTTB MABSEn.I.ES, Entire Stock Aa.. » THpB IX O REN O E O. BOWABO, an partiaa who eouaider a flrrt iaett«am apra BBW BLACK SILKS. «awd— MaaiDMM AMD nCLUJTT a . DODD, aaebaprapetyaathUtheTenrbeat aeearlty la at PIBCBS BLACK ALPAOCAS.ALPAOCAI I af tba praarat < OMMMMALIT. BBOOATBUBA tbe w arid,airt who aaUtbeir OOTetBBMata to re- h n d a,w 0 baT0 bara aaahlad to eblala tbo.i___ OOBHICBA M t r AitartafctliaiKlaaaiidTlatelly. taraatinhaae boada-thaa aeeariag a greater |aflboabofa.oaM d goMa at a great aaeiaSaa WoaaweBMaadahaU ladaao a tahaap __ their ariilaal oeat, aad therotora wo era Fancy Q-oods. ataatlFaaheadaihUrad aaafM Bae M CUBXAfll m ail BIllMrrr ~~ ------T IT"'*n T " •— T~ ttb. Aatha DbIob Paeiflle BaUtoad boote aro Itoaad wUlaeU IhM aa lew aa to defy Sewiut; Machine^ oStaed fH-tbepreeeotatW eraU oa the dollar - O P - H, W. Curtis, aad aeeraedlalreat, they are tbe ebaateat aem> Moaa aantbUy pMparad by ra aBpav- rttyiBtbaaai*(«.batBKaNMIfew U per oeat. Piaaarif ^Hew Y « k o r AT TBE UP 'iOWN 8I0M. laaathan U.S. Staeka. GREAT DOINGS IraaalDratiiat. uth. At the ciureat rata ofpreadaa oa b»Mi ______HOSIBBT.iBBrtatTarttly. •UMMKR a. L tm ta , tin t inar, Ifim amaMia lokiaaloakof they pay AT TBB B-T.WlLCpZ ACO- OTEB BIBB PEB CENT. INTEBBST. M.PO.BEB AtBXABOBE fclb mX)TBB.jlwt Weat BarMaa. Pab. 1, ttW . OBOOnBT, «ABDWABR, QLAB8 WABB. Tbe daUy aabeolptiona are already large, aad ^^juJTOKEBOBIBPS, Hala aad h»attlabt«. 8S ASTLUM arMMMT, - tbey wiU eoatlaaeto hereeeiredia New York BBW DBBSSBUnbll^ j|ATt. CAK. A tmw aoois. (DRY OOODS STORE MMMOaUMm LAKPM ^e., ««. l9 te BBW BUOLBOmPa aRd pbibobs.-- 0«mVB»ui> R'atwiiX Bwb Oa, Vo. T * w w St ABBBB BOTTOMS awl o r OPPOSm AU.YB BOUSA BABTFOBB. OLaaa, Donaa * Co., Btwtraa, Re. nWaOflc., a m u b r TBUnUReS. WITHOUT BBOABO TO COST, ifB n n a i iffli K «T CNOUBH irO N I OHINA. taim i . Ciaco * So>, Baacaaa, Ro. M W rt 8 t ^ fMaaVMMiM, ftoBCvnalaateCliaiibar aad by b a rk s AND BARKBBSceneral'y throagh T. H. w zuiA na, rat the United Statea, ot whom ra«e rad deaorip- JtBW OOODS roS OLD LADIES. FOR THIRTY DAYS. iMa may be obtalDad. tb u wlU alw HOOF LINIMENT. Baabiaala iha aaty be mm% hj oiaUm all frbm f n n i the Oompany'a OBae,OOaa, ] RO. SO BOMB BABK BUILDIHO. Alaa, COlOf OB A KBRICAR STOBB CBIBA, Maaaw gtraei. Haw York, on appUoationoHoatlon. Sub-^ Cow aad ata aa aM (aha a leak at tba gaedi. elaaMlia»iaeoB»eaa.larMB the reaaaliM uaBBBTABmtw..;;./ •Mh li aaaaBr fcBBd at Oroaaty BHiaa. ■arlb ata wUl aeleot tb eir own------A------law fenta In w bhoi o atth i^ M . Yattietbemootataatoaadferiaaof aB ii.ikMa^M aa ib.a!i.l^» t.aj a I t ^ ■ >1' ■•TV wmiuwnwi^ whowu« ■alone______will lie _ reapenalbla - . to Baraantlblly •ad th at • m a r n u n jam m r a m U A M O f^ them for the aate delWera of ibe bonda. JOUR /. CISCO, TVeentrer. WUUAJCa A8IOTH. N E W G O O D S aapartarto aay Yobb. GO AND SEE HIM. A r t aiiall that««B* tBwvwtea------mww Ik* to o t lu a wban o a t m a a , ai .aaaaagg.Hra a e a e PAIBIB, OILS AXD BBUSBBS. In Kvery Departm ent, toutfmrnmw Varpraelofltoaataalmlao vlatttbe igraia, Watera* Plano*Forteat aad wiaaae tUeinaHia AMr eaaainias «tC rOTTT, O U n , Aa., I*. GarpotSy Carpets, • 0 1 .9 ST H a ta ^Ba^asflta avavi^ at^aflw * ^ era. leek at DBLAIHBI. BBW AL- Wa M «bit «e ate aat w jM tea lu ah . vhMi BCTTBBB ABB SICBUS. OBOUBD TO AB Waa^gacal tbalarfeatrad lad /«r TOL DBLi p . ETHAN HULLa lei, ai «2ha>aAB*, Most Complete Assortment T r d ^ c l o a k ir o s J* dyed, Mr Miy I t erata. TSSTIMOIAIa V a T & . ' S ^ Haw Yort BO RBWCASaiHBBBS. TBVnCB. TAUi BB. VBATBLIIIO •Var G ^ ^ OAKPCN 8II0S, DENTIST, ■AOB, BIiAnBTB. MATC,BOBaB. pa BIBIlKD BUD. CONFECTIONBBY I TOWBU. BBAINABD'S UNIMBNT, jro. 6 uoROAtra block, AM » MBOT. L ? B BH OOY’S BLOCK,BAIHSt-. WaatBaridaa. lOriboCaaad CABPETS ETilsasas& ’ff^ COTS. BBU2SB8 . WOCROa, OBILBLAIRA A t ^ S S B tu n a 4 WEStotra narou. WEST MMRIDBJf. COJfJf. '•."'VJtViJSf&.SSSSSt'^ HEW °BMB&lrfB- 'SPBIR* STYLES araea. _____ BOBB .THBOAT. TBBIB AOBB. ta aaw aatjuao. —or— rARTICULAB MOXICM. BBBUBAnSB. ho. CAaratuaat, c j^ c , ■ oval TBLTET CABPETS, •IblaaMtadIa afarjr ttyi* of thaait g u s aia BMda af tb ap B ^ SStirlal. | BABSAIB IH LADIES' BMB MBRS-AMDBOYT luO uf Claafca rad Baeka ra t f t a afahMBa a ia a a . Ooaa., t e law. AT OBLY W CEBTS PBB PAI B . , wfiratbaaaaariallabeatbtot aa. KarUe WwfcB. BaniBQ TACKLE, A Ooad AiOMft— t "aJKiSSSSfeSfcELs, ALSO, A PBW FA TTTO S OP Aowb, wita pla a a ro, a aU tl PABTICVLAB ATTBBTIOR PAW TO PILL- House, Sign and Ornamental PLAIN BILK, BLIOUTLY DAMAOBO BATS AHO , yra wiab to pa n h an OT aot. COBHBM BAIH AaaaTBBIBBaa " BBBUSB TAPESTBT. W ^ H tsVl, VrUL BE SOLOVOB Silt. _ Jbrtboaaiahrated Flerra a SnrlwMa- • the oabUe, I a a Blaeaad to aaM aao ai ^mPB, djri> LBAD PtPK. AUBBICAM TAPBSTBT. tba beat auablra te tba wwld. Bakao ■peralaieBlroar. IkwtwlttoheaaieBlU THBBB PLY, PAINTING- pand by ibo •nprieio*. who bra apaM 1___ n o TEBTB. BaoMaialaai, P«Mod, Whlh JUST BECEIVEO. H km trtliebaa. aad Ikedo both waye. ' a aad reaaaaAtoiiioiho paaptooaaapoBB MONUI»ERfl| B.B..W»>B»BWi W baaadBa UrtibobU ibbw alBtha ItrOBAlNS, , Barliw takra a laag laaaa af tba Alee, M a t 5nr George Baaith'a OyoiaBBatab- Of Wae^TlaaMP^ UaharatTHartKitd. It lo the aaly r a ^ IIAOB on. CLOTHS, Tha t a j laMat aad beat Ihabiaa^ a BaapoatlUly. CHAS.rABKBB.ad. TA' LBum vaasOIL ^a^ABBw,CLOTHS, wSinSBSe? CABTBB BBOa,,. | aaatomara.toaarit a ahare of the pabUe fat- Baeead Store aortb of Peat OiMa. BUILDING W O M s^ lA C A U . PAPBB HaROIMQS Baridra Boaaa Bleak, aadar Lo*y>a detU ac Jaaau. R»tf a. W. CUBTU. OILT^MOLPlrfOB. Mon. ------ibaT 1 made with Mtaa ^ B.LBVYAOO.. « . RITBOnS OIIDE , B. Wooater, ra tha. ______Bleak. J ^LLABt o l i o. 8 . R . B U ly Packing Boxes. P a p e r B a g s . MABVPAOtVBBB BT LACE CDBTAIBK__ oaoMtt,aY t Kat-raa a#eLlBlaBeBt S d Z t i d ^ d o a U u ia iti m u s l i n T O B u n r s . IdaaaeaaaatbattboylM«a takra the F. H. WILLIAMS, DENTIST,/ IttonuQ Ht T fv ta f MOrtlfoMAic LACL-. ttha raar afP. i . Wtalrittta ataTO GEORGE GAY iaaudow Yoaatraly, Boa tlUBAOB 1> m tT O . T r a a o RMliaii»(VB LICBN8BD m*. BST ttw ai aba*^...... jiVw Hawan. Ba*ias takra the Agaaty of the F O B SALB n m m w m m , (Fhtami'ji JU«r«ea.) C. K JILLSON A CO., House Carpenter, ALL WOBK WABBABTBD. Continental Paper Rag Co. 81DN1T B*AA11IAKD. WBSTBBBtBBHqWfel JOEL rBMN. EAST OF RAILROAD, ■IDEM. COBH. -^ILLIAM ^OHY, P lain abb OaaAWWTAa MrtbBM leafthriv taoa A Building Liots For Sale (nsar Fostar U Karfiam’s,) CARPENTER BUILDER, SVO„ BTOe. COimSSlOB DEALEB IB FDBBITUBB. | WBBT MBBIDBN. MEW OAILT LIRB fOB BBW TOBB. -A B B ,- ■ S u^rior Paper ^ags, PABB,»Caati^ AT TKC SAWMILL ON II THE CEITEI IF THE Cnri 1 A tth d i QBRBEAL AUOTIOHUB, Job & Card Printers, la a apw piapaad ta : LEVI MEBBIAM, Agt, ____JBMaewataehMeboaa Wot Mun Street S.N.&EW.FOSTEK, ■MM oBtoatbaMiaptMtBv prosarty twwl^ 80« Main Street, Nartferd. I HAS BBBOYBD BIB M EV^VBB. OaptaM A. W. Saow. m No. 14 T r a d e B d il d im o , £ o » MB r MA a aar raicaM. BOBtBABPIOB. tiaaMa A F. HUhaik OrSiraMi^aaaJlyaoBritad______M baiS*a*BM »«d Bo. aao eiiapai atcM t, atrJ^SX -Sea by mm b a ^ 1 COOKB LOCBBBOBT. WEST BBBIBBB,Cr. PltaaitradacaalHbraPHtaUH, IiiTen aii M Static ^^B aaiiM B raTBB«fa,dja., attaadS|ta% | totbe aataar el rrp- T O B M B V A T LAW, «Mf REW BATEB, COBB. A la o a M l l k e a f ir-s:Sa3st„ WOOOI I 8 T A T B a n d 8 T O B B 8 TBBBT adaahlBl^ IM gkP ^artolra mMw tMU3tBaBa!5^u5w%£ FAHCY. sanensa*. BAH ILLA, * **• MERIDEN TIBSUB. ABD MBBIPBB BBXTABBXA BBOr. MMrrty aad w atarly.i ttb a ielaaaliee. apply at she TOT 81 PABBBB. way aOBtherly ra Miira U U C ttT B I, PBXBTIBO rA ’lfBB. Where he wiU ho bapfy to a a bit aU aira S t a i t a « A L CBTATC, B. C.S^5yiD . DBAbBB IR WBRT MKBIOBR. CORN. aarayaewMM aa m Myar U a withtbaM for CaaatraUren haad. at Ibe li»w«f• ______Mt&aagt^'iMnSaa. 01 A8 «a.sAp»M ik PAINTS, PA PM BANaiNQB, WINDOW m t*ia“ Jr.,«?aa^at. 8HADEB. B0BDSR8, Ac. PAPBB BOX BABUFAOTOBY VJM M tKD liauaaiA ’SWl.Y I - A O o o d PBACBBB POB OAAHHlRe. 'Jh&^jgy.aafgaaaj'- BUltDUra LOTS, Hoaaa,SI«aaadPaBayPalntlntdane to yV T^rtae,tawerkoB caatoawork. Ap­ laa *M M l*eahe»eie,BB OMeaon BtaMetreol, oppaaita d e ^ Weet Meri­ Hr. UIXBT to W*MltaMaa.OeM. ply to the^Coiaar ClotUas Store, of AtVaw Te*k »piaaa. •wmeGmrvfasf r f ■ ™ “ *ABiSS*Ji!B»* den, Qonn, • >T toreoeireaaharaot * B J. DOOLRTL^ «r. Bay It. • » « ^ S. GOIJNITBIB. JOMH A. BARViey. ««HB A BAaVBS'BL <
