V o l . 5.— Na 9. j MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEH 25, 1867. [W hole Wo. 2 1 T* XSW ADVX/tTtSMMOirrS. JVSW ADVBKTlSMJUBIfTS. kinship with the angel*, or em I intinded to better, and finally save, (fc once gnd forever put the child beyond the fiill. His identity will stand nnmoved amid The regular v/eehly circulatton o ftm It is aridant that csiraw sHat «as aot !a p a sn l asib A DISCOURSE but a rude inteHoper—a boisterous in- criminal. Hence Hell, which is used aia read> of dircipline, no matter of what de­ the wreck of matter and the crash Of worlds, b Shahapaata’a day. alaa ha aatst wedilfeaie erilM%' BBurano w IMS KacoaaaR m more than three time* larger Throw pkyiie to tba d«p 1" f y n , r u n u % o t m M C T . A K * V o r A THOUSABD. gree. As with the body, sowith the soul. Ofer the grave of tha g'obe he now Inhabits, V Ttu> OHtvmi TnBwi«lMi«> Owiwig-^ S|il«n- flK S T CO/fGMEGAT/OJfAl CUVKOi^ tiwler, amid tlw order* of intelligence synonym of suffering in the n e ^ worifi, did Hall ~ -• * A OOHSUMmVE CDRKD. Or. B. JUIE 8 with ever-increasing powers aad ever-mul­ thorn that o f any other Newtpmper non or Slasm ia the eaalast of swhsakal poww-yst e e • M tlrad pkjfaiuiaB or itruk* aoiluMUM, dlwMIT- WKST MBRIDBK, wlw and will totever, people the uni- has a temporal limit A time will coae The spirit onee insensible, to beyond the tiplying capacities to suffer or enjoy, iia will ham firaiiiiandy obaanad that tboae panaM a t e ST. LAURENT,-Baaud«,~M wd«;. Oot. •. t>ra«,«kU*tat4i« 8 M ONMayiw* lor ever heretofore p rin ttd in Mertden. PICRKtUC-nMlwuM-llMWtejr.Opt. I*. SABBATH BVBMIMC, S ig n , is, M f.' ver*e? Sudiquestioiis, I*ay,come home when it shall cease to exist; for all sW i reach of divine infliction for spiritual diso­ stand an existeoca indestroctibto and laamit" tha moat, an iwaUydw laastSiW*Ksl to evei7 heart; |oid evejy man woman bedience. And so far as the penalty con­ eternal. 6 r w ah . boik ol body aad a ria l cease to suffer, being reformed by their We Pfiol to-d^r <ba anil amaiaaMnis, ia coaftna* a* m ruMfom, and child here fe«igbt, or in the world. sists in positive infliction, the vindication Tiiis is my faith, in support of which I t hss pi r t id iliiii hsail of aa* iriinaienare «S*>> veiy suffering. have, this eveoing, been able to advance but itytobw^idiidimiBiraa Ih.^ the ad •n d walL O a tM u ot hm I li4« «*Uow u o r- K tv. W: H. H, itURRAt. *honldb<intere*tedinthe .an«wer, even of the law, by divine. penaltie.i, is ren­ ba pnbliihcd “m O t m tm ta/tr .iavimg H t Imrgnt danily inionna ua that, oariag to tiw (iruant hif$ jiiase >«U,h«'wUI MiidiottiOM wlio »M i tttb«raol|w, To this I reply: Such a system ovjpr- a few of the many aigamento which might of im iv i lum ie% tbaoaly laa ha iaatila te otatsia to " * 'i™ 1" ” * a K 0 . M l* a* they are affected by it. dered impossible when the object of that eimilatitn." Tha Uat of letters lamaining ia paat- oaituBliw fiiUdlrMUoB* for m k iaf •Bd •«<»«••- looks God’s fmJieial functions. It ignofes be urged therefor. In advocacy of it rapar-taa—aad that without o n a a OS Mi«w I Iflk to to •n noatptat ttair (Kcviaad bjr M r. MmiBAv for T m R aooaoas.] penalty loses the consciousness of it* in­ offna.ma, by tha postmjfter-tmaral. aoa to nwr espaoaaa Tkara The. point at i*sue betwieen the two the- all legal penalty, whose object is vimHtm- ■tand by far the torgast share of biblical •bicCkfacMddaBtobopdilidMd aa aa adt tnw. w a.thiB kiithaduiyofaU tssHMaliaia te g tf th« ia ■e tse y iiie iw iM a Ouu iVUmtkatttAoM Bot Ir a a n 4k, M l k lb* uMiT—J<«i xi*> M- orie* I liave slated, you perceive, i* the cation 0/ law ami fmUic teeurUy, fliction. That consdousness which makes expouodert, religions teaches*, and philo­ eicaptiaofficssof tha^moiwi: . datyoif taatooUy. A» Kngltoti «M ri !■ * for • t OdM buM o f and dlaaiBal HIgbl *tate or condition of the wicked, after the •ot ti* good of the criminal. ~ sin possible, is absolutely essential in the sophic thinkers of past and present limes. V ary mitM, MlgWiOl «h — mat iM aM m paaviakaiM, iirtlMiMi o ttb a f a tta r a '^ The gravett queation man can debate U The taaehers of the opposite belief form the •aw M ), difloidi ouMtc punishment And when God causes or Wa en q ^ ao ifenta to uUdt advertiasnaata fcr « n to m l ■« < « » « « lo r ■ «»tM —i ttm m t ■ *■ ■ ■ i.akwpf«lnai>«ka hUo«n«xUtenoe. To-night, mjr friendi, di**olntion of the body. The one declare* from the standpoint of law, the crim: exceptioR, not the rale. They are insignifl- lu ia, •oMitiniM.akUlr k s ttlw that Ae puhithment of *in i* the cessation allows the .soul to lose those activities and Thb Rscosdbb. Kampapars that an Wrca to lUs ■faS^,iaaaltoa «TSa llUSi • « v of let w Mk oimelves what we are, and has no rights and no claim, save cant in point ot nnmhers, and with a fbw ex­ asmaaty, atemt calbi •ynta tk a a a a c L * . of being; the'btherdlatitis eternal s.uF- the law affords. The character and power* in which, and by which alone, it ceptions, undistiognished to the world of Zk( vrtaatwlll plaaaa aM* tba o fth a ii* - whither w« arc going. Framthe ulenoe PAINT FOB FABMBBS feringi'-^hich, of course, necessitates ex­ tion of his punishment are decided by sinned, ,He puts it beyond the reach of letters. Some ssay say thto proves nothUig. _ tNMa in tUa room, aa tiioie whoconntel togeth* I claim it does. Granted equal intellect, AXO 01HK88.-T«B (HMimM UBIW L 6 u S S o o k * % £ ! «r, let wamid etethoughti out m. aoouti, istence, for one can not suffer unless he udge, upon this one consideration, penalty such as conscious beings can feel. TialhUBaniaacdoat-tloaatoitoactsr. tfhto fAlKT iHMlPAMT mm STkM ilfcllW liy Mw ■Tulwoa and tha VJcor of Tooth Mm. Is it not incredible to suppose that such equal faculties, eqoai honesty, and the opin­ ■M«.Ohii>Mi. mwMi MM IB mm I to explen an unknown countiy, if perad* exists. Both agree that the good live for­ degree of his guiltiness; Accegt ion of flfty men have more weight than the aM baUy laid to y«ai^ tban will am suer be a watl wMpmima, a M « M m « IA m J tat«dtn4W Mta. venture liiejr ahall bring ua back tidings ever. What is the destiny of the wicked, siti ms, (and who can say th ^ are is the design and object of divine justice? ophiiun of one. Baverse this rule, and Oa.wlllMM<»U|r«n7Ehaitm. wni iM w or u MM i bmw • u m Mwra ■WMM gwrwlaad. Oc" «KUU><S fiiaMoa Oaa one imagine any such incongruity in or knaitnu abfepM* MMT, mil te <!»«■•« M WMinfc ■law y foSBr, of good. Happjr, indeed, if here, is the disputed point If it can be shown sound?) and it necessarily follows Dothing in sctonce or religion could be *et- W.lBBatHM > •na. l«4.S7inM ,*tfS<ni^to«lillw lM k|l»,wU titinUqgofhimaell, ahall diaoover a hith* thAt the impenitent paw at ^eath into a God2 in the punishinentof such as heavenly jurisprudence as this which per- tlod. If one objector amon^ flfty coocurrent aiappiBaiB«ma,whilB < _ MMadbaMHWM. bta«MMr«w ■■■ii. fiiri5i£5rdis!r.rs{?«. •IMMIO voices is to be regarded as snffieientjo nal- tbsiiilas a(haapiiali« aaa *e% tt told tha ■ It— I Iw H ^aH . Oarrta i UUaeee«idhlee<<«li*, U Ulan te*«iert|reeea»d.d> erto nnaetn pennanence and dignity, and state or condition of suffering, then must tlie judgment on no other basis thui nay, ordains a lapse of conscious- m m t W m tm — » Ommm, V the advocates of annihilation yield their of law, will judge them purely and slinply ncM.on the part of tlif *innm when oaty liiy their decision, examinatioo and ta- ito«f*ja»*^j»l*»i*»ij.,...... w l ^ t a i g Ifc* m t p i l ■iMjUw — t«atwl» l>oai >«alu i «»>l»aa«wj be led to ahape hi* life as become* a man "^■i%3»onld be worthies*.----- No'prOiHteB" la tiilaewdBai daw da >« w X T f ■rho thinks it ptobable that he will never favorite belief. For suffering and agony on that basis. Once in caurt, refbrma- by ite retention he can be ^Mneto IM the artOT sdence.or any ihtelleotiial dMMrfn’ Kw«h«SKrSa fiST Xu ba had tka weight of the divine displeasure ? If now ----- skibsBa«nsin» Vst><«saaaaata MMkMa. Uwfaal Vaar.l and ^ M a1«>wi ac«M la -fafartoa. UOtMAXI imply life, and if men are unhapovbe- tixe-a~xMe!«Boniwaw to have wel^t, coaid be mode. Maoh more fatal wooid be «ir bisf ia avadsS > WBs» 9M^' iwlMM .Mailwrao.aadi&M Awa..*. 1C. Allow me to cauSon you as to our y—<t ttie graveTBCirau8t~tBy exist My jand legal ones have full sway.
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