
/ jtMttrf Bf ? • tym 1 w \ •••'I - j W fksaK te'.v .. h asm ;•./ ^ ii i WvorKOll IV.b'ic Library

' a**fW***«»w- *• .m.'*.****» s.. . waviK-^L


>»>'•>;> vv f n > <• -v>, « "i* •f •> Kou and Your Wife | IIooK'$ 191!) j^annal R-if Paper i l*ro|ii>!filioii up lo <'ili/.nis M.i liny i l l.-.- ai.il •v > >: *-• FildayMuhi. 11.\.mi l in.u Alter wurkinix on tli<' d'-.d im .• v •H CMII have an iicciiint jointly In thin bank, Hither a .u l().\GICi:(;.\TI(JXAIi Fit ATI-: KMT i 1. ili<-rhsiiriii>ih • ,.1,:,;..,, V U lii.I \ MS I SI \ I f ( 1 \ IM l\ navIiiKfl account nr a chtfcklnjr account, ami either I Sale gomiriencc, $?;• ^^v.Oet. $ | I KIDA V. OCIOUKU T. (. UH'.V'W III. Iisli'v ;i.iiimill|- ,1,,. .m it* ntoM ii.ut i!\. h w »n.t; one can check aalnHt It, and In the event of the ileath ()f llii' I.owiill l.uiinl in 11:1,1.. II. , , : ,:i i. . of either, thefiiprln will lit- paMto theHiirvlvliiK wlth- >li-llindisi KI-OIIKTIMMKI to Krcrivi- (1. .\Iang«, Ims a proiHWit ||(,hl,s ,)0()|.. 1,., ont the necewHily of prohatlnK- ^ :: :: 1 Wr 11111 1 in pi v' our • rcadN to S11111111 i to I IM' Clll/I'll- I-,,,,., .. .1 r ;1 , I I . 1 - s M1111 ( ,\. >1 .'i 11111. 11. I. \ ') n 1 Will. f'ir next •v* •''nniiM-I'aslors aii'l (.ii-ecl I lie New ... * .. , , ... >('! • ii" 1 I' 1 ! 1I! 1; 1! i I < I. ul We pay FOUR PER CENT on SavlnjfH accountHthe ol Lowell, win'rchv a new nrtorN- i i. , , .uiou . season . ptOi k' vvlnch • /ive alx^il Ladies Aid Sn-vrs ltaii«|iiui. , . . . • . ... . • ' 11 • 11111 I >. I • 1 • i-M' ••:•,! I ',1 •, 11-> Haine as over one hninlreil State and National bunks iMiiplovinii-tit .'•tnii witli tweniv \ . , . Xovrm ikt ) :•! h, 'P i: 1 :]I a'.' ir-l Cou^rcjU'alioiiMl I'.rollicrlimHl. 1 ' , . . . ' •! Ill I i.- • I • 11: i11 . •; 11. 11 ( il I .\v .1 l!.;l • ! 1 ; . ti ..1 • in Michigan do nufiiinnvhcsri uri'i ;an( ;i( iiI/CIIS t- . , , ,, •, ,, •• , I Mllonlion. Alter a vucalion of a . • . . . ills IM.:ii: ;i it,', 11. • .'I' l/.i 1 - H: ; 1 r;: >1 • l!i . 11! , ! nieetini:- to eonsnii-r same W I, ,, .. . •r.,. I (•oiiph* ol mi ml lis we .iiv rvailv • 1 11 I , • . .Ml. I. :> fl 111. ; I I J I: 11. • ..-•••!> 1 ' > I'.lll' l< 11 111 1 • I 1 I UK 1 , ' now lor liusiiu-ss and anoilior f "0 ivsiili'iii McDannvll i.ir (lc,.tt|,v Ml.s, |f(>u|Jf,n ^ our tnirtwi 1 round of profitabli nn'i'tinus nnd tomorrow XlTidoy) uvonina: at llous^fol. 1(,i I,H; T. oflteittW, who is in Iwst nosition so Per £- The City State Bank tin' outlook lor next l-'ridny i.JOodock,,,, . . . . .I.-.... or.tI. • In know'ali tii«ciR'iiiii.slauctw in- I lie coneeni m i|ii''sl kHI :s ! hf , Wj,. nioiil. (h-loiier ".ivrlainly proni- "i. inu' I no reiiK i\ )ii till . I'I (iiirt i•'• n you and 4* 1 Ml"^. Co. ol" (Ir:iiid iliipiiis. iiiiiliT ^ ' j-, * A.W. Wockes, Pres. H. A. Peckam, vice Pres. T. A. Murphy, cash. ^ (|iiol prondscs to he nn ri.-iliorjiif the HIM IIIIII'EIIN'II 1 NL .\ILI i;IIR J,,i ri' d Tin; l.i,in.Ki;| .lous n.- i one. Sonii's. toasts.'iliil Slieeciies l-t.MK.S Ml \i-|>( iii | :; i ins I i in- vi US !!;••. lit' • u!ii"l'iliwe 1 " ' ' will milk.. Ill Tli.. ^ ""i"1'1 .'"i • ! an.) .• in-' ! :11 It1:! -i ; l|i'' kiin!!y COMIjliicti aiHI • •it v. 1 spi'iikiT is T. r. Liisl.'li.'. II.. "'i '."V: Ilp'.-kl."!'..;- I. :! 11;i 1 i11• i,: is • 111II• >ws; an :*u * was il... s,....ik..r iiiioiil v«ir ["'""'jl;"',1.*' loniMT iNolice \\ hen i In' iii 1111$i•.i I ( , mi 1 U ,! m in-,, iiml ilwns sai.l ,ntli,H tin... . | " " l" :jiIant w.i- in>!allivl. who will COIIIC 1hi'if to maki1: Wi if ever lif ft mid be induct'd to " tliuvjiii-e i L'!r> wi'iv • t lieir In mil's. ;a low- c«mie niinin everv man of tin- r i .i . i 1:, KM ; lead p. .i • i ... ..'i i . ;. i . i i 1 Ii't"!' 'In- 11 Tl I i > a i'jil'i\"I u'. Ml' '•.i, [iOSS! I) I V la-otliernootl would certnmly bo |..1, :'i'i: :i:-- ",!!,"!accordin.ii to rht- surV'' Arrlll IVe ' "i il II111 i! ' i • ii| lli<' shnrl - l: ! on iinnd to lienr him. Wt'li. iniw | •' '''J"' ••^>ui-e: , j,.,, , j,,.,. ,| ,1, As to Your i Hoard iif Trailt-. a liiinl 'if s 110 ! In in .• is yonr tipptn-t iini' \-. aiipiii-ialion oi their ,r the villas Imv lis In be raised in pinrjiasi' i.iii'ii:.. \\'t' also use our new initat ion | vVt» also anuounce t lie ..,...,-1 ioncd uuti! now. ; ' ami a it! in nvi i ion ul" liiiiltliiiL!. -' i !'• 1 •' 1 skiX&f f-y. VacatioVacntinn form for thf Hist (ini<'. i'onie ! . bus in ex- to 1'. W j dam has bijen in opera 2 j Speciai vorSav ..I. i •, i. a „• .i p,.; i.,,, | tiie title of vliiiiiis In iviiciin iii Xi-Unu 1 and se'- now it wtnk>, I ridav i . | . ... , -i , , i t'oiuleeii vears. s-:ii ), • it In' 1 .oa nl t il 1 ratji'. 1 lit,' t • mi ' ii'any aii-rees lo eniplny on aiiilavori.; " "V" .:l~"i:'. iMiniu-.hui..-. ^i. cr.i Pictures a vera,iif of iwenty nieu i n- li\i-• r^ijii'- '• Dr. J. R. T. Lathrop, Toast- mlelui'iI i o us lo ; i, -".'Hio. nnd a-L yenrs before oainiiiLi't ii le. t-'"pi • all a: . r > Druq siail : master. ii 'h i'i • ii'iuni-ti.'in to P'SlJ";iiii by puivlais.'. which il has an i Wednesi!. • < • r i j is we fl-i.'lii Opera' ill.e- lis ]i Rolls K'vjid.-'.r 1'. The second anniversary of t he option to do. e X pei • :;. ; . , -, ;j We can furnish you with everything necessary to u the III )Wa,ue I'iliiils 1 111 ir hi IS cenls !!>ir Store I .Methodist lil'otlierliood will be The sile chosen is WtSI of ;!ir i i; i: . i.:' ej iy iii'e piiii liaseil, finish your vacation pictures and so make your celebrated at the new City hali. I'ere Manpiet te I rai k. norih . >i, \ . A, \\"i-. Tl." it»uii'-il aj'jn.ii -• .i a I-'riilay evening. ()ct. 1-1. It will 1 he Tarleton residenee jnopei iy. . .. » F V V 4 • * % 4 V I • • • •• •» \ enjoyment of your outing permanent. ; mil tee in wail uj-on !: i'at i • i- • •»«vv • > 'V* « be observed with a bampiet at " . , Not Going to Missouri. Ii n I Ii' • \\ illj'aiiis ••iii.-ili llev. A. T. Lnthei' of tirand llap- Lowell u ill Ill-inn ai i 1 • i • Ci-ansion | tii;!U e!:ea|ie in Iii nnn ids. llev. .I. 11. Wesbrook Mitltlle- Let every one Illt'-resleo US.-ll to e.NeliailL: 1 r * i ii tri to i! will ili-'iki' ;i ville. llev. A. 11. St iiruis Cannons- a 11 end. | pastors wiih iii. Mi.-souri eon- 5 We also call your attention to our complete and ,,|L: ims !;! bn}•<:-. and a response will be jieieiiec. 'Iii.. i ransfer Moinised l ' ' l > in,-''i" uniiKi varied 11 new of Watcher, Silverware. <'iit 'JlaHH and iiivi'ii by onr new pastor llev. .1. ranry ("liina, suitable for Klfts for all occasions. Don s. Wilson Married j!, Hammerless (sua II. Woolen. i. I (jui'srion at tout tin- iiow-ej The new City hall affords ns a Fenton Lady. liiam in |flii'.:aii ; ins Ineml- Pump Guns. IT HI rt ei-n years ami thai ill bright, roomy place ami I'Vt'ry fll-e L'-l.-l'i > lu linn remain. Don S. Wilson, son of .Mr, and | . . """ |lne'e luis'done nolhiiiii- to Eyes carefully examined, Glasses properly fitted : member should keep this date Repeating, Rifles, Mrs, (ieo. K. Wilson formerl\ of A Farewell Token. t; Mm :!• i, | open for the I'.rot herhood. < 'onie Lowell now of (irand llapids. . r. I'.-'ii-. i.v- iii- \\ Winchester, U. M. ( i amb ha ve a ^tiod i hue. i ... . i. i.... i. • i . ... I.ev ;i: w. , . .i nkiii;- • Shells was married at the bride's hoiiii in imii gilt , lor it I hey The bampiet will be si'iven by - Wednesday of last week m Miss ^'.V .anvn.- now i lev had it Huntini the La t lies A ill soeioty. Ma tile Win^leiiireof i enton. llev.; 'l '' ' in" ft »r i iieii |1 . , J\, D. Oliver, mm 1 1 teen year:- aire ami -hoiil t /p it - ie ; .. ; 'n 1Hew loi,! -i: : i ia i: --1 A.\. 1 . . IveasoneIieasonelr - ollieiollieiaa It HIL11112L' I1 li ii'e I.,1 ., , 1 lakeu sonieiicl ion i hen. \. M. D. STOCKiNG. 'vK>. J'AULRV 1 -n 1 ,1 • • 11V tiltil'e' lies•»'-.'• wislii-w e s oi ihi'ii JMU voune- people will make I lu ll . • . School Notes. U'e 1 lieir it In,in,• III line,-oss. In,I., ; : All praties havi* been enjilyiiifj,' 1 m the u-rooni is operator ami, *". "!' ns - ; 1 i'i• • [)eath oi Mrs. Peter Esterlcyj •L j sen I ed Willi ,1 iie; tests (luring- the past week. station ap'in. HI:,ml |.n W-- sBmssemm 1 11 a 1 tie 1 it 1 ! 1 i; 1 j 11 (\vi a mil Ileport cards will be^iven onl New ork s'at. I from fri'inl nnd tin (let. 10. Good Work at the Library. MisM-ma- •- • in •• hi -i. 1;; 1 '• 1 A line supply of chemical : in liin About Your Take a look at the happy oiwiiiizmiuii Mrs. .Ii'iikiiis tills l iA".ii^i^i ill II 1 apparatus has just been placed 1 I » ^ company of youiiLi' people nl 1 lie I II II iii ii lihil mill ..iH.rp.ii.. 'H" li-i- linol""- j in the laboratory. 1 MielVi^an and set I led in \ .i -.'iin,'-' public library on a ple.i.sani \mh ! •'. • • :• p'", -ii! 'Hi ai ! iif j The State Teachers" asso- Wliere t hey Ini Ve sinee |.'>i.!t il. i evenin«i-; ami tell us if you tlnn'i soeiel v. The ...in was inatle as cialioii will be held this year at Mrs. I!sierley di-'d Sept. f Bank Account think such .-m institutiou is a sli'j-ht i t, 1%en 1 il ap|ireeiaI it m ol : • Hay City < H. l'7 and 2S. iieral serviei-s wi'i'e hi'id ,'it 'he Si w 1 u-t Ii ha vin^ open all 1 he yenr ln-r mil iriiiv ePorts 10 iiromolt': , 1. Miss Lthelyn While is takin«i Alton 1 I'll •i mdiii-ted lliiw your ili'imsit in 11 liauk rouinl. Tuesday evellilie there llie welf.-nv Of her fellow b. in^-i,. , . w i • i that has -utlicii'iit >lir|ilii ami post Liraduate work in hi.iih j I asior W . Ibiin.ii NN'TRO i: were fi'omfiiiiiteeli lo twenty-live ami ihe • 11;i i'i11 wi 'i'lv .-.jic iiiiilivitlcil |irnlit,a- wril a> rapi- schot >1. I ehurell I-'UI' tery. Sin jen ' vliMtlll \ iitn - yotinii' folks about ihe re.-nliiiLi done Hi I ! ~ili'-e eomii;t li tal. MI dial wlMMilthiT" I - "liijht Crank ami llnllt .lenkins will husband ami maiiv inci thrDimli Hi- milium ' yiHi will not lir rialiar- tables ami book" eases, i-cndiiiu. U> leave this week for their new | whoiii >li'' was lovetl. ia-<''l Ii) hav im: yimr hniii I IIIIIMI writ iiiii' and takiiiLi- notes. I -n't 0 : home at Hart. "They will be Here's A Bargain : — —. 7 in at -hurt iintifi?, Wi- iaal.r tin' that better than liavinu tiien: greatly missed by tlieir many 11 1 1 : inti-ii-1 nf our (h'im-itor- niir iu- .1 . t t -ei 'i 1 , . •''i•.••>[ieiial Miiei - . •i ' nr• •a I'.-Ii ivadirs:' Auction Sale, 1 >11 I he si reel s I h il 1 k a 1 n HI! I 1• . 1 •. . . ti-ri- t. friends and st'liooluiale.--. I III' I -I'I l;je ; -,11 1 i: ;! ii! . ilapids j .laenl) Siald w il! Imv" i The class ineli'inentary Cernmn . »-» . . i i'-l al'i l o .i,,'.;ia i •, :. i' I I , i.i; j \ i ;11, i...;i ji.,.j • :ii.. ht'ltl a session out of doors last A Progressive Dinner. , |M!(L M.LTL |LOLLLL(S(M ^I.. I Viday and learned tlieiii'imes of Misses Kathryn L.-illy. lied;: ai... d '• Ml: : : i •' ' i:, i:11 a I ' i; i ' - .ma . :, objects in nature. Leker. I tell ha I'.er^In and i'.a-;, n .:a\ • • N . « The Lowell State Bank « The American literature class .Marii-iieriteSouthiinl enieriained I . iibi i- j:. : i ...... • , i . have been nimli interested in Lowell, Mich. the M. M. M. club I" .'l pio- i;.. j ••!••! "... V"; i ;• s ; . • i i;, s, . Poor Ilichard's Almanac. e-ressive dinner Monda.v ev-iiine-. -JK, - :I. ! .; : ... Y... ..,. |,i PM ; - L. M. W. The lirsl ctmrse was ser\-'d a - • ..\ maiibe -- . i \ ' ii ie;'. . i-. . • • • ! NTIIKKTICS. the home of Miss La!ley. after friend- i' m: • • i., ;a.. < •. . i ! YAAQB.RW.ITV WWIL IJ>HJX^V»- IMW.V.C;.™^ , • RJINV.-WI^- While Lowell lost the lirsl which they repaired to Mi--- — - w •^aswKwsoiK;.^---r*' •••• : uame of the season with (irand Lckers home im i hi >"eond Notice Job Printini* l:A PTI Si Cll'^i'ii "nmwn-T rnrimn in s i wu ,l0t llapids Saturday they are not course, l-rom there ib-.-v em i - ; A discoura•icti and are deiermined lo Miss Sout hart Is hoine where ^~US. tin third course was served and I'least a- ai. i: • • ,l!' |- b;. i to win (>(-t S. 1 : i seii' it M at noontt In a iianif that was uiai-liiaper E OF Teaehei rs met llfcrealion I'ark Saturday by lias 11111 'i 1 * T I 1 cvi niiiii'. All ihii (..i 14 i 4 A i S.v 1 l-"- 1" the fasi (irand H.apids Central ene-np' in a mi in ehewinj ami ^lelaye-i for !r. a • siibsnibei-s 1 1 of le.v-on W .-Irl llii lli'i'h Heserve team by a score of molding- eonlt'Sl ere separaliiii: by ["rsmis ;ia •rslandiiiii' 1.n.'.: We 11111'e in wi'l'. on:, Tin-: KIND wi 17 to 0. for the ni«ihl. If von want o. • iiii> «.>i: \ : lieu Mel hodisi Has! )| , (bvinji' to the fact that the boys know what kiml of a 111' '.V I I 'leilSi • obs' ' a In i i tbl ii:!1. are playinji- a strict ly hi^lischool 11 iusl ask anv oi 11 •iris. l ai. l.ow; I.!, l.i; lenm they have in their line np C. M. .lolmson. Defir.ition of Despoivjency. 1 several inexperienced players all Notice to Delinquent Sub- 111 , I'ninii'iK v i>- ccji .I M..II .. liu- I i rf. of whom we believe will develop scribers METHODIST CHURCH. ".i:: ' 'v'1 > . '""' -i-i' § t I with time. Anions the new men 1 01 t c ;.iiii'- 1 'ii. aW—i 1 irii LLUJIIMY.•'Vufrntmrs:*.AJCRCPXRTI.: .4. SSK ; Kinyon and Amlrews tleserve While many have responded tol l:, ;.'nlar s. ; i. .•< ne. • - im,:. . our not ice to pay np ot hers ha w rondi;. led b,- ihe i-.. |ia>!or! special mention for their work. Man's Memory. Amon«t' the experienced players, of J i? f'te - "• , a forgo., iiis luch w,v. \jlt~ Will W. Loll and Howard did the tli(»G 'm vo with iw for man*, tlie riiMtam mul | t lii' Lal, |,ul ri,|l.(n.,l,i.rH WK bud luck until I •' VV C VY III star playinji-. With more and we can not brinj!' oiirselve.- r.m-r. -a iona! .. ! I'..,'!-. ,,,•., x,. , . to cut them off without a futher i-hnrel.'s ioin n a ,.,1 ;aau ; " ' „ ... practice the boys will play the ing ojiport unity to si rai^len up |ia.st seiVlee, en kind of foot ball that will deserve Measures His Man. You dues. Therefore We have • ft 111- ; the support of every lover of the "1 , in'I S:M !'»•• iu'v. r tetil n lie.'' ,-5 eluded to exicnd the 1 inie h. , •rame. L. .1.1'. The Fit a Raw Q.-al. ; "S v i . 1- 1 ei it." j •I.HVI I. || i .Innnary 1, I'.Ml. in whiili in-| \f!:ilii till:.iii'it lOv. : la i.' - n-'tl 'ho JI n., u a hu'.v : lir than I lliink he'll Casserole CONGREGATIONAL lerim all tlelimpiejii.-. will haw ,,, •i,' i . iiii'i a l< • h- i>. •• • ' l':i' hm-i; i'«i. 1. 1 If \ m Imve u ample lime to stpmre up and ;0 i;iiiii i . CHURCH. keep the old paper eoiaiim'. Lei .. . } '-erlnhi jnifje or The I'oise of •lesns. This is • " The Strands of Character. us hope the favor will be appn • s one of 1 ho besi ptelure In jnlmi, one ol" t he many characters lie Ueautifiit Fn-.burg Rotehush. I ...i,.,. is |lllt ,1.,. ; 0(, ciated ami nieel with a heari; we w ill exi'iite It bears, ami owinjr to there bein^ A ni I'U-ti in a Mill, u al F:.'ibtirs ; (I,K. . (llIis |n , (.|j;)in. wavs i.I preparing and unaninions response. fur yor \ au— no service Sunday evening we ccvt is !i:i mi.. ,/ yai.l:- anil 1" .as ID,- I ;(;i,! . vl! we have Miati-.; llaoiifjii liio. uianv dishes. Ndi .1 EDWIN F. SWEET, Your olo friend. 000 hud.-j. will continue the character study -- liifKic. ten ve It tons. We Tun Loui;i.i. Li:ma i;. iu.vurv bui. .1 ncccs- of.lesns at themorninji service. iiruuiir-e Hie lat- Sept. 101(1. If Uncle C-rra Says: Candidate for Congreu. At noon-The Men's liible class By the Very S^out Cent s-lv. .*. .'. "Wlien Home i.. :. liml a tiiitiK hanl est •mil beHt will consider and discuss the V.'iv Kliitn, luit lliiii , 1.!,! r.-nl Women Wanted to tiini. rstan' llii v ii.'V an i-a.-v wav Htyles in ithoto- '• Why did yon vole to adinii raw silk fioc and only plaee followiiiii-subject: Investment or ui sayiu' it ain't no K.iod." Uimton l»"lf l-enny on ihe «r. in.i). Wa pii-ked np n sn;i 1 At my ennnin^- factory. Will ^rnjihli portiUt- a duty ol per oenl oil mannfaetnivd silk, and at tliusame keeping-clear ol" it. Malt. H, ,..,1,1 j W - 11. I 'iar.'say 1 eould ii : Ian u on :i, do'/eu and the -.'{(I. For the eveninjr, we will sotm be receiving' apples in ear VL WOILH III.' liiuili!.-',"' M. A. P. wrc. time plaeea duly 1percent on woolen or worsted eloths hav.-no serviie. but will at lend lots daily Ha ve lit ted out .1 Sought W. i'e Revenge. - Our I 1 n c uf valm d at nol more than in cents per pound? Was it be- lunch room in connect ion w her • A wdinan niaiii'il i'icoi, who was ar- The Philosopher ,if Folly. $2.48 the service at the Methodist s a in pic plioto- cause silk is used by the «rreaier number ol" your eonstitn- eliurch to welcome as a church hot coffee will be served free. r.'Sl.'ii at f'lu'rliotll u. Fi ance, lor hoc'- Hays Ihe IMliiosc;.!!-'! of Fnili • "A l.'ltf Lnwi\ 1 .\ 1.1..\s liif,' the Ma;;, di'dared iti.il hhe had tol oi' i:.- lia\. ii'.- coura.'.f lo siand TRNPHH will con- ents and woolen and worsted only by a lew? their new pastor Itev. .1. II. Call ard A ln'ioini" an anli-miliiarl.a .--iuee Khe ' loi om i .mvli lions. Inn. 'iki- lock a0- see ihem. Woolen. vince yon of the "Why did yon vote to tax ebampaune ol to (JtJ per cent Fickle Fortune. had in i n illud HY a .-olde r. turn, \\.' iiiak.- weak M inds." iimillty we put and wear in u-apparel at-SO to i >2 jwr cent ? Was il to en- Fortune Is like a markef, where Notice. many times 11 you wait a liltle the INTD our work, eonraji(.'yon r const it nents lo drink chaiiipa^nt* and to dis- ...... y.'11 A,tll't- , . I Somewhat Inappropriate. Those wishing their winter price will fall. 1 lie artist, llii- an who is slriviiiR #. u , t,..., ! 'l<-n Hilton iironson o losion Ie s p ('onie In nnd look conrao'..' them Irom wearing woolen clothes? supply of apples please send in to aetuaii/e an idea, iiievitatilv In-ls a ,IL, . . . 1 " I'I- Weill OII'L lo PRCACLI al a them over. "Why did yon vote to tax , worth not over J?! per tt'tise oi limn.'n dliaiiiy or worth to ... , rAT*j their orders at once. I have Daily Thought. . . . , 1 eounlri a ipomtmenl. if was a nimv which Hi.' inciv 1 • ai lahorcr s a ,1..,. ' , , • dozen, 77 percent and those worth more than #18 per do/., mostly Ihildwins, a few Spies. Iluinor has justly heen reK.'irtletl a:> day. and iliere were hni nlni' people etranuiT Henry ,l;ai'c.s. only 17 percent ? In whose interest was this done, yonr Price $1.(10 per. bn. Will till the llncst perfeeliou of poetic Keniiiii. in III" coiiKi-eKiilion. The h.\ mn cho.s.'n orders nntill supply isexhnnsled. —Carlyle. to ht^in the service was, "What ''lir' poor or rich const it mints? Life Like Lawn Mower. means this eaKXT. anxious Ihrong?" 1 It. F. Wilkinson. I'hone 1 IO-II-L'S. Life is a Komi ii.ai like running a • (live ns a reason lor vont votes, il will affwl OI K Mulish. lawn mower .lusi at ihe lime you New Location, liiiuj Bik. F. B. Rhodes. votes.'" AMUTDIl). Village Taxes. Money may make the marc ^n, hut think cveryiiiii ' is roinn smoothly Bushido. It falls down when li aitempls to start If ytai have not paid yonr nnd slarl to ci;i 1'use you strike a I'.ushldo, in a word, is the popniar Ask thesi-ipieslions ol"yonr Coniiressman Irom the Fifth a sluhhorn mule down the pike.—Chi- Villaiie Taxes, please do so on rOC'k - Delloit Fa i'less. literature of the mikado's realm. It j cago News. includes country ihealticais. ta!";. nf ' Men and Bisculls. Orifai, of Old Expression. I)isI riet td'Michigan, lie eannol answer them any better or before Oct. 10 as all taxes Pe;.ce and War. S'nry ii'i. ,..mi •.itisicai cou.| osilion". j On Into a house where lil. i'iiit? - n 'Die e.vpi. ? ion, "(Jo to Halifax*** than his sininl-pat brethren ol" Maine. Then vote lor Kent not paid at that time will be Necessity for Plainness. If in peace tlie sol.Her and Ihe r-allor 1' '• i .' 'nl. . : . . is • . eaten every day and it, is a slj-n li'-.t '.'i ainale.i ei the terror with which ! returned. "lie's very plain in his speech. Ho o eonniy's |'i>, ressivecandidate. nbamloii Ihemu'lvcs to case and .!olh, li' ^1 ' : ''•;1. a te the mi'ii folks run IIIIIIRS. Men tike ror.n. • used to view the lnw of Hall* callus a spade a spade." "Well, he 1 1 Karl llnnter, Village Treas. when war comes ihey will no down tie- 1 y"11 , c. ' ^ .: 1'' I • hot hlscuits. hut tl'ev are trouhksoine las. Voi ksliire . oimty, KiiRlatid. The KDWIN F. SWEKT. would hardly gel one in a hardware v fore fheir rlviils who have heen lesa ' ' 1 • •" I iu dozens oi dilien nl ' to make, and women Invented li^ut j law was that criminals should be con* I Try Ledger Job Print store If Ue called it a pianola, would aelMndulgcnt.—Theodore Ruuutvwlt. bread.—Atchison oighe. j deroned hrrft and inquired uuon after* be?" r urn* t v. v. X£ . iXSi "J# v* - -.sat- aSCSS .Ot •-•nawaw itir COVERED RACK FOR FEED1MG TWENTY ARE KILLED BY I Michigan Mining Graduates Named. The D^i y Parable. LOWELL LEDGER (•Taduates for the collegi' year ol I ?' Excellent Shelter for Animals In Win- F. M. JOHNSON. ruWishpr. AWFUL DYNAMITE BLAST (jliiiL 1!'!0. which ended September I. were Free Remedy For W. R. BOLTER ter V/here Curn Fodder, Hay Batercd at the Posto|flc«' at Lowell E anuoiinccd by the board of control ol (Successor to II. VV. Uakcs) a4 Second-cliv.ss iluiur. or Grain Is Fed. j What to Do Los Angeles Times Building Is Blown tli. Mieliigan I'ollege of Mines, as fol ; Sprains liOWBLU MICUU'.AN lows: Waak Bowels Up and Completely DcsTOyed Ono of the most sorviceahln build- .lohn Annitage, Three Kivers; There are two forms of bodily Before the I ; • •enim: KILLS 4, HUflTS 20 — Many Arc Hurt. G, I, OFFICIALS ings about the Imrnyard is a covered ^ By i)K. W. 11. HAILKV ! 1 .luhn Ferdinand Harkley, Chanuie. cleanliness, the external and the in- t UNDERTAKING feetl raelc for winter fi'etliiiK of torn • Doctor Comes «/ ^ hun..,* .i.duoi ; ' MUST HAVE BEEM REAL JOKE Kan.; (Jeorge Nelson Heiinelt. Ih leiia Muskegon. Having its origin with ternal. 'ihe one is for your pride in m Ki. m dale l.os \ngeles, ("al. Marly Saturday yourself; the other for your life and ART GOODS and fodder or any variety of hay or wains. plaeo for frocks of lho most olegant Mont.; Ah xander Archer Leville a scote of trainmen, who met for the DOUBLE PURPOSE HOG HOUSE Many Spectators Are Run Down an explosion that shook the city for Qucslioned by Commission Rela- health. Both are important, but of 11 answers also for shade during tho BLACK WITH COLORSsort , and under the text lies, very I-t-ai nmililtM- Judging by the Way Fate Seemed Louisv ilie. Ky ; Albert Kdward Ulair lirsl time in a switchmen's "shanty" PICTURE FRAMING many blocks and which caused the vastly more importance in the long summer and shelter fur the manure oflen, will he displayed the eolor note, Determined Mrs. Dress!*:" Snoi^d in Auto Contest. Henderson, Ky.; (iustav Arthui ai the North yards in Muskegon just Well Adapted to All General Uses for death of ir> to L'.'. persons, completely tive to Wreck. rUnM .ls i^le 'nlerna' cleanliness, Seven years practical experience. All deposited under it. ihis shov ing jlselt in a brit-f bit of nn vvondor, Not Tel! It Mraun. dr.. Dollar May; Koderick live years ago, and rapidly growing to no 0lnt Breeding and Feeding Swine— 111 orih'f lo faeilit;:'.' niif . iti.; ! Sjirilin before t; • d" si roved the 'rimes Publishing build- •iimif .i .? . "1 that all should watch Work given prompt attention. The center posts should he S or in •SOMBER NOTE IN FASHIONABLE einhroi.lered handing or in the HalnK- I lean Murnham. Pasadena, Cal.; an interstate society, with divisions in »-r body~th® cleanliness of tho Also for Granary. about aud i't'ni' onr vi' itins tj:; too I.• t;. ing at First and Broadway, in which howe s. Keep them clean and free from Inches snuaro nnd IL' or 11 feet long. GOWNS 13 RELIEVED. King'.; I.ltie and Kuy;.tian blu". which "What's foe trouble'.''' asked lir Charles lUircli I'aineron. Milwaukee Del roil. Grand Haplds, Ludington. ( ns 110 11,13 J0U 1,11,81 Office Phone, 22-2 !l. House Phone. 22-3 R. lit.-, ihe body hns been suppli"d with; 'ni, ii is te VJ ii MISMANAGEMENT IS BLAMED is published the Los Angeles Morning onft J ' havo Set these in the urtnini! U'.j or '•'> is a sliade of tile Iiitr.OSt brllllr'.ticy. SAYS ENGINEER RESPONSIBLE Wis.; I'rank Alvord Campbell, Kala 0 mo 'Hv- .1 SUAVKR.) 1 Touart of Harlem hospiia!, as lu 'rimes. Kenton Harbor, Saginaw, Traverse ^ T . wment8 of tho bowels feet in a straight row r. I'c't apart. lomblne.l witli a thlir black mat. rial niiiiiQrons mtvviihle joiiiis. These »»•»- vvhe'le-r o: n • a : , • jumped down from an atulmlaui-e iu ma/.oo: William W. Carroll, Chlea- each twenty-four hours. If your Byatem The 11 lustrations show a jrood geu- I'h. explosion was immediately foi City, Holland, Jackson nnd Toledo, O., does not do this naturally, in the process A platt- is placed on the row of er.'ale n siiiierh effect mueh. e\jijdir.'tl primarily of two kinds, liliigc joints, I a fraeturo nlso ex I an drlnkl 1 ar frn! purpo.-.f lios house, granary, and Transparent Materials Are Most in •vrr. trout of a lonement house. KO; Denunrius Kdward Charlton. ihe Hail way men's Uelief association obtain nn ^ J , ' then you must posts and :i pair of rafters ns shown Poor Policing of Course Declared Re- lowed by a lierce rush of flames that obtain aid of some kind. After flndlns Harley by I'lfiicli •linkers. If tl;.. eoior is in "Woman with a disloratiii jaw on 1 If Spencer Was Properly Warned of Maiquette; Wallace Uonald Coow. delegates, representing some six thou- so on, adiipted to all j;;;iieriil uses Favor—Dainty Drcco of Thin made ii impossible to attempt tin out that cathartics, salts nnd such thlnKS j in the plcli'.te is f i;:|ened to eaeh i.tisf a wide hand it is a ho thf fad to put the st-eond llnor," said policeman Han sponsible for Casualties—Harry Marinette. Wis.; Hay Clinton Daw- rescue of many of the employees who the Train Ahead. Why Would He sand trainmen of the middle west, will .relieve you for a day. but bind you uj A sheeting of 'oni' mn phmk is Grained Wool Shewing Gold- this aere's tlie bust i.f th!!••e' waiw;,iss ? afd sen. and ihe two hurried to the apart- Grant Wins Event and Estab- son. Hay City; tleorge Kdward Dee hold its annual convention hero. worse than ever the next day, then trv a r /c 1 ^ w. re trapped without a chance of es Risk His Life, Is the Ques- almpler and more natural remedy ilka Maynard ii ' ' nail 'tl on it| nn wl'ieli a rotd' tif i traw en Brown Silk Lining. iibout the km i of Hie ir:. A;; a in Uochers, Houghton; Sidney Fonst, D a wc, y '0*11 ment of Mrs. Caroline liressli/r, who lishes New Record. cape from the double horror. tion to Be Explained. Marshal.—Krnest Sawdy, son of k? ^ l" Syrup Peoste. W/icoh 1 or oltl hay is pined. .•in inky chiTii'i ! may be hn:r: over a possesses a sense of humor. Now York. Charles Howard Fnnkey, nf i- th* ^ *** t© be. SMfaetcjl Almost within sound of the explo- Mayor Sawdy. died from pneumonia. n fn an(1 Strips are ii:iil"tl io itio ivft^r At tho passing of Kl u; I'M-.vanl slip t !' dnil tr:;l t or silver gauze, wiih Dr. Touart found Mrs. Dressier sur 1 Hancock; George Hernard Coldburd, JS? r*Mwpn ^ • 5 * address to PLUMBING New York. Death and disaster sion flu entire half block, which was Lansing. Among all the ofllcials of Ho was nineteen years old. His par- I» ii . £ 'rGe wnple bottle. bnices to wiiieii inis are nnilvtl form- dressmaker.-: Immedialely pm their it superb >rili a: 1 black, or silver and Kansas City. Mo.; Abraham Louis tTse It as directed and If It convinces rounded by sympathetio •rietuis, who in an appalling degree marked the. occupied by a four-story structure, be- ents were away from home when he /OA it I /CK" ing I lie racks. heads ttc.^ether iti iiiake hiaek in ; li ion - black emhrohh-ry trlmmiiig. also! i the (Irand Trunk who have been ques- a brlet cont,nu( YARD ' —£ •were si riving to put back place a Ciordou, Detroit; Harvey Hannah, win * uL rm *nce of its use And all work in connection YARD .aS automobile race for the Vamlerbilt came a seething furnace. A fortunate tioned by the state railroad commis- expired. Joseph L. Fisher, serving r® anently—that it will A feed trough for grains, mill /'.-cd. iilde, and the senili, r mr-' i;; nmri' pro- veiled. On ' frock with the silver un- Detroit; Mark Harris, Hubbell; Kd- 011 jaw that obviously needed adjusting;. cup. Four persons w.-re killed and I few jumped from the windows, only to eight years in Marquette for forgery, iroEi J} bowel muscles Co and roots is hull! on eaeh side. imuneed notv limn ever. Il would he der effect had a tunic fringe six inch- sion relative to the wreck at Durand. with City Water System. ; Mrs. Dressier was In treat pain. more than a sere were injured. The j ward Adolph Hellberg. Norway; th?n h naturally at certain houm— m;:- el'-s run in i n-:s t.t ...... , • . ,. . . meet with injury from the fall all have stood by the original theory lias been denied a petition for a grand then buy It of your druirgist at flftv /0t/l [- /•«ll This ;ilso tntelies ti.f loose ha> or InipoKslhle In eniimeriitti the textures es deep of silver and an emhroiilery "Here, come away from then ' said Frederick doseph Hickey, Detroit; jiints. nml so in a m'-asii:-f a - in :,t'i;'. m..! ii; con tost was attended by casualties so i The building was entirely de- advanced by the railway, that Kn- jury investigation of his case. He cents and one dollar A bottle. Just as so Phone 182 corn wiiich I'iills tlirou^'n. jind tho being Usjed for black etistutnes. but hniitl. !iir tieepi f. crossing the a;iron nf the physician. Poy Nathan Hill, Cass Clt y; Olaf many others are dolnf. They bexan with r numerous as to amaz'' the \cterans of ; st roved. will be released from prison next ott,e th pr stock gels it cleaned up insteaj of ono tidily is evlihat the smartest the under slip nnd put on the waist '•'•!!'rol.iag tin.' i. t .-t . , i, , ... . | C> ETKEL BARRINGTON gineer Spencer, whose engine crashed !j ' # J, bought a fifty cent Mrs. Dre'sler's anxious nenils ft 1! iaan\ a luit'.i-woi! course. Hernard .lohnson. Vulcan; James n w ,! •"1- lion, ' ;s , ' Within twelve hours after the into the helpless sleeper, with its load March and is said to be wanted in m«Fitti ? • '""V convinced of Its Iramplng it under foot. lining in the sane way. A smart iilea -.tMuua'j lousu jaa • .ar.-jriM back abashed. "She wan ielling a .Mismanagem> ;it and poor policing Howard Johnson, Grand I laven; I pontiac, Mich., and several places in aii buy ih® on® dolI*r family 'OKll 'tKU A rack like this will cost about The most common injury to a .i"5nt sprain being ca wiveking of the plant of the Times, of human lives, was alone responsible ••"•A" the members of the family cao Dr. J. P. Draper, V. S. for the woman of means for of course I'ress joke and lau.ulied," explaiiu-d . nc wn of the co'irse wcio declared responsi- ; in which twenty men are believed lo for tlie wreck. Clayton L. Kohlhaas, Calumet; Harry | mimds and Wisconsin. 2 L , ? to the very youngest. these gowns of veiled loveliness art- is a spritin. It is u.-iiaily eai;-;t' i l,y a si.oaid m- : !i ''if "And then her jaw -- urK,' adtied ble tor 'lu slaughter Many of the i Harvey Lavery, Kvanston. 111.; A brief use of this grand laxative tonfc 1 expensive ctvalioiif Is a bright vest siititle;! tw ist or wrem h of m •- of • in :rt-:.i ii.,; a ;e fire, I have lost their lives, an attempt was Having secured that declaration Lansing. In nn opinion handed will cure constipation In its worst form. another. : 1 John Kugene McCarthy. Denver, Treats al. diseases hat I k' mi-- raiile vietims we;-.- ;ii'cia or.--. run down mail to destroy the residence of (len- they have been asked by the railway down, the supremo court sustains Ihe Indigestion, liver trouble, sick headache A Combination House. of deep blue, vivid green or orange hi.nes Dial go'. to make ,,p the joint, limit ihe d.-gree "And s: e ran't tell tl;o ok. til' ht r C-.l.; Philip Hay ard McDonald. Gov- eour slomsch and such ailments and keep of Horses and other t m.j ••nous when tl;.- r;i. ng ,,1,1 lis crashed into i eral llarrison tiray oils, publisher of oihcials how they explained the fact conviction of an Alma druggist for for a black coat suit of cloth, nr serirc It may. laiv. ever, be protiucetl hy slow ns jios.-i'de. This 1 -2!i«n ro"t,n"out health at a very Domestic animals. for breeding, feeding and fattening jaw's ilxci. added a t:. : • . ' • n the crowds litunK the parkway. erneur, V V ; Hohert Hennet Mac- 9 tbo or satin. A black satin coat suit is ov» r-bt-ndlng (extension ..r r.-xiotn oi the pain mid th" the paper, i-y means of an infernal that if Sp-'iicer had been properly selling liquor lo an habitual drunk- • i.i r« ' experience of • tit silence !"• 11 upon 'hai The race was won in (lectrifying I di:!'!'. I'liames, Auckland. New Zea- mnnv families ko that of Mrs. Oscar hogs. The pen part is intended to be immensely smart though if cannot tl" joini as wlit'ii a p"r. mi is irying it, aeeouni '• t- .-[m . .'iiemer her denial mac wiirn-'d of the train ah.ad ho al- ard. despite t ho fad I hat the pur- Calls promptly at In tbosf wit., j-.a.i >poke:i w land; Julio Madoro. Mexico City. Jp n,onxJ1lP' V"1- J F Dai,tel. a 6-inch concrete wall at least 4 feet v made an man dofibt fashion hy Harry riiun'i. driving a 120 1 : bom! discovered in a 1''we.j his engine to cotlijnte on its chaser presented a physician's pre- 7 nn d possibly he becoming without these beml liackv ard as far as lie can or | the par- nmy ly iilii Iv, li - il",i; . .Mi -viee: Kichard Lee. Mailman. Du- r^-. * • . hundreds of others that tended to Day o y high, with an outside door to each • • Stone • hor^uijowi r vlco. lie defeated doe way uiichecked when his life would script ion to the druggist and the sale coniti ito named. gay vests or some rich hit 'if color on take some unusual position, • .-trapped v. ••;• adi; would t I'-.t ' ' ll.-h; .lost jih Fdwin Miller. Dubmiue. Dr Calthvcll personally will be pleased Night. companment; also all departments •Perhaps. and 1 the collar and cuffs, if a colored vest I he degree of ihe injury d me is, is usually k>'pi ai. ti, . I - • i -k d as •j'ich a- anyoni 's when was made in apparently good faith TO give ymi jiny inetlioal advice vou mav : a, dying . • l)r Tn;.,.n Worked .- v .•• La; Ar'iiiir I>un:-.!i Mnir. Minneaiio- desire for yourself or famltv pertninlng to eonnectod by means of sliding doors is used, however, a coat may only have variable and depends upon tie- kind of is a ha.viy thii.g 'o k.-.-p . • " - • -it'll e :•! No one of Ihem 1 for medicinal purposes. The court office and Honpltal In Towslty Bare jaw . • c • i -. Mini! . Harry D. Mnllaa. Sioux tlie ftomneh. live.- or bowels ah olntelv operated from the outside. The gran- a hit of satin in the samo shade at the sprain, Ihe tllred Ion of the force ap- ' hold I and ii. ; : em • ;. i'.animuusly Jon 1 i •• iar a!!"ii:pii'ii lu < xphiin a says th.' law plainly forbids audi fr«-o t.i" ehanre. Kxplaln vonr case In a 0 A pyusl us ()aliorn. Office Phone 144-2. ary is meant to be 10 feet, high on sales and ihe coMvictlon is nllirniod. letter anti ho will n-nlv to vou In detail. back of the collar, this embroidered plied, iind what jtiilil. is affeeie.!. The the par , t" e • we top of the pens, ami set back 1 foot why, Kalpl ill/ Mar Writer (iar.lner I-or II.o fr.e s.irnpi.- slinnlv send your ReHldence PHOKO 144-3, like tlie vest if such trinuuing is tffeet may be only slight --o ihut the Sevt-,-. Ha:i!e Cr.-k -Charles F. HillK a iianie and a;Mivs." tin a pofllal card or on the inside to allow for room to v i; to; Clare! e Dane olnrrwlvt'. iN.r cither retmest thertocfer'a used. pain subsides in a short time, or ii for 21 ?.o , tl •' v. • fia.M ia' t be Civil v. a r who has nn steod §S » 'i\ * : .1i i\ n.l. r.; 1.1. v.- T; C„.ldw..ll, li.ouuOald« The Illustration shows n very dainty nmy h. ilial eimngb daiiuig- i.as been elevated so as to ie- • i. .. . m of man i aa. - :imi the oillce Well Luiiaiaj;, Montici.'llo, 111. A Covered Feed Rack. Prall, He Q.Q.Towsley,n.D. little dress with a girlish quality, , done so that a disIociMlon at Hie j-dn' blood to the earl .i- • . [ i t :itiered," he a ml\ aa.ent sev • iii nionihs, has .a their dev.. ( hi' aa ' 1'raetieo liniited to $10. for one 1»: or 18 feet long, and which might be made as fine or ns i occurs, a dislofatir..; b-irg m-relv a fold water .M.iie :t - . v-iv • • ' (Ml na'a.ral';, '('d(1.. 1 '..'ita 1 eta*- pang, lie you witli u y a: .\r- lEyo, l-Lnr, Nos*? nnd Tliront will save many times its cost in one siniplo as one likes. Here the frock severe sprain that has torn • nough ! is usually -he most effe ...iv ./ nncoverci th" fad that wliii • • t'tily to as- i; il o! a 1111 v-M- CilnKsses F-ltte-ci. season. is of a black grained wool with a dull ligaments ami strut-iures around th- ' i- ducing ti •• swelling, .-.ei-limes s born in Americii, his fat her * 1 ntly k a .v iedge of Ward Room To .' Ashltn; Illtlp, (irand llapi.'s tinish and thin enough to show a joini to allow one oi die bones it, very het v.ate;' nmre c,, . .j-'ii'Me •a t here frtun Camilla and never n Will ni m And rev, TcUphonc Citizens (>479. BREAKING A KICKING HORSE golden brown silk lining. The band- 0|' i,s Viuro. and out i ri. t- as . tli' it as c id, .1 his nal nmiii'.iilion pai."ra wig ns, 1 tie'; jasmine •Ph St. (ea - Ing is nf black velvet ribbon, ami the Sprains are more frt 'ineni In ye,mg Th. part .-:. mid He n e o.— v al s a, i! Far Hillis' tat nrali/al ion was offeci. .1 Utile liouncing on the bodice of the .a quiver'-. made i: - • r.e rile , and deeiar'd thai, ho W.0^1eml!9M7D~ Texas Horseman Gives Excellent and middle-aged adults. The t:. st pr. - . t ...... Yi t l tie (' •K- KiUiin i.a at a t Wit wit lion tlie etisioaiary forma 1 i I ies Announcemenis. Etc. golden brown in chiffon. This unuanal common local ions an- >• the atdile [.e.. . • .. . V a, ifien rmn,: - a' ii tl l.y i.is exiiiiiiaati.in that Method of Curing Refractory Ani- Grt l-'apids; i e Frm Port Huron, .lames Fi-i-e, who V color note -that is unusual in tills • : net :n : :!;. y v. • but 'i i v.e;pt ii-n! i ndnmon. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. c--1.'-•.••;•* •t.vu mal of Vicious Habit. ami wrist joints. ercisetl here get th. '.atidiig"-: iker. City. Ha, arle! Ma- bail be n polite sergeant for the past • fountry. for the Frenrli are mnking a •'Piease < N'.ilbing new war- developed by bis * Spccialtvi Eye, Eat. Noso and Throat. Sev. re strains, if not 'rentetj prop- • te.;. 'ignt. Tne injur, ti ,:.i ... DM SS 'I'raverse ( Carl Fred t hree years, has resigned, following I'rinted on elegant slock, ... feiunre of the comhinalIon—Is repeat ,! l' .a laony At its conclu-ion the coin- A End View. In reply, to nn impiiry as lo how to erly. are liable to cause a permanent wat-died .•io.-..,dy so im-t i -.e sw. ! ?|!* )'V Wink It •; ina w. his snspetisitm for thirty days by with two sets of envelopes, ed in a dashing feather which holds I caught his 1 mi.-siof aiui'i.i'iaed tha: as sodn as. the Office: McCarfy Bik, Lowell, Mich. break » horse of kicking when hitched liiililiilion of iiioiitin i ankylosi.-• i'i tim : I :• i •jt make •' n from ihe polite commission on charges your choice of type and forms get feed into the trough. Above Ihe u up the side tif the black heaver hat. up. Mr. A. I'., KePogu, of Texas, in joint, or disability for a long period i m-te serit.as harm t -aimony liik' n at the inquest in Die * cribs is a straw loft to provide bed- bv "lit 1 ihe pi:y 1 Ccttfusicn in the Primaries. preferred by George Yocom. proprie- This dress, according to Its mate- •. oil.© was all •- un i'.ia: empnasis in- leaner.'- ot i and had been Iransta ilied so t iiaf ii Moinesteiid. gives his melhod of ol time. It very often happens iliat too m .'a prt iu.; lor of a local garage, who says Hie O. C. MoDanneil, M. ding for young pigs. rials. is perfectly siiital.Ie fer either •li Hood-by. did anion labor here and thronghout |je rif r coiiHision in state poliiics t breaking a kicking horse as follows: a p irlial dishjciilion or a frat ?•:.•.' oi Alter ihe ; • • MI exaitoin d. the .'omiais ion will * 1 : protais. s io prevail in Michigan as a ollieer took out an automobile to con- $3.U0 per 100 house or street, wear, and while it ry- it either • • • reimdlate the iuvnsation and anti' a a t • a verdici of its own. pla- * Physician and ftiirgecm ilnrness your horse ns shown in the til" t ml ./! one of the boil"-, n. • at the ' .', iii: 1' -.< . I- n.:- vey two sailors to Marine City, and • Sponds to the toiieh of elegance thei :• •; all aa; in their power in cing the n spoa-ibility where tie- • resalt of th'- jirinairy dection unless • ifflOl IN NEOONCC ILK., LCWELL, MTOMi CANKER SORE MOUTH IN PIGS tlesign. tlie vavy lines representing tlie same time as tlie sprain, so that - , aaiiy ,;h. .,- i! .. i dnge il iveej) ; I i , eaaiiitlaies asceriaiu at once whether while driving the car damaged it, re- model is especially--adapie,I to simple . .'art wa •""-om \i dop' ! ihe culprns. i '•nim s' ioiiers 1." ii'-v-' ii should be % Calling Cards, correct jtizes * tlie kick rope. Then tr.ke a strap, all sev ere sprains ami minor otms thai s-t ..ml . I hoars • tied fusing iti pay tlie damages. Dies:-;. , 1 tle-y an' on ono or more tickets and for Mesdames, Misses, Gen- ii crupper is the best, cut out the materials. The double tiounce effect do not improve promp'iy siimihl he aas^ i .e i. , . a;. ^ ! or '' 1.* y yea;s. foilowing a (inar- i'laceti. and i! ihe facts w:irranl prose- . t Comparatively Slight Ailment Easily ; Ha:!. : make a choice of one ticket. The Calumet. Homer Hazard of Lan- M. C. Greene, M. D. of the skirt Is an old idea revived with Keen hy a pliys eh.n movr.g r: - a"- •' a • ie had done rel with iii.' ypographical union, I'liiing ollh ers will be asked to take j J tlemen and professionals, in Cured if Animals Are Properly buckle tongue, put around the ankle caused two of sing made a balloon ascension from ardor, house gowns Inminierablo and whieii i'. suhed in making the Times a steps te l.rini; those named before a : state board tit" canvassers is in session ^ Plate, Kid or Linen finish, Physician and Surgeon Fed and Sheltered. just above tlie hopi'. after whieb take I'iiin is always protiucetl hy a should lie h. l-; am! ei 1 wei'e sensa here and their early investigation of tlie copper county fair grounds, and many street frocks displaying ir, with sprain; it is usually very M ve;,.. .f;..,, p.. ,, ^ - • blood, Why a Cr.: Falls c Its Feet, nonui;:on 1'ap General ()!;•; has • ourt for trial. * your choice of type. OTPiet IN NEOONCI BLR* LOWELL, •lOR, a rope just long enough to allow xtrc Tl;. lir.-t was the returns show some exiraorditiary since he cut away his parachute has tlie separations outlined as hero with - ••a! pain, a: 1 oi;ui'i u11itaii:• • n with every r.source A. 55. V A I. K N'T INK, V. K) the horse to walk, I'asten one end • iinsing ihe patient lo faint. Some a few days ti,.. a: i ; , A sci- h:'.s con-T ; ; ,.:i 111 .t i :.r. driven by not been seen. Fair ollidals believe trimming or else with a plain tuck at iii.- eomniand 11' ha.? been ably results in Ihe primary election and Most farmers are familiar with the to the bit witli a .snap, pass back times nii'va nieiit the join is :.ns vlt} adhe-i,. • . a. : nieas moti.: • • - how w i: .. ..• :? Court Wallops a Backet Shop. and hem finish. (iihuly hurst a tire sota-' mighty amusing features. the parachute was caught in the rig- 8. P. Hloks over top of hames. niako a knot in slid" in some direct iou in which i' ; used a "lirrle ••..• a. he room, ing invaMai !> ..iight- • • seconded in this fight by the Mer Hacke! . aop opei'aiioas in Mici-.igan 50c per 100 ordinary forms of sore mouth in 1 Stephen D. Williams of Detroii is ging of .a ship and carried out into Iteturning to the color note with was not possible before iii- ace id m, vej-e sprai-.s e -ower hai; i liahts ai:d .Manufacturers' associatioii, were dealt a blow by the supreme; Laana, Collcctlsns, Real Islsts snd young pigs, which is a comparatively I'ilW ' model, r. uglii; .-.peakmg nsisls tburv roan, and, be I al:e Superior. All boats are being Insurance black, pray iet me eniphasi/.e the fact , •a sharp ere'ary was the object oi undoiibletlly ihe nominee of the Dem- slight, ailment and readily euretl. Ai times the whole joint mav appear for i .lav ir ? :• • cardboard Iruler when mart in tlie doi ision handed doun af- i t Mail orders solicited and } that ii reckless indulgencedn the com •onung unman,igeabh;; iduime1 d over', . , . ocrats for lieutenant govrnor. but commeunicated with by wireless in Regnnre Itloek, Lowell, Mich- it i.i indh-ated by redness nnd swell- loose ami rehixetl. ].. a •.,.>•>• short | ;o pm them in •: lour rods , . itus!rated dytiiunifing. laming f,e iiidgment secund by I! blnation is not regarded as either •ae parapet, Iho iri'at machine wen! i there are IHJ other contestants for an effort to locale 1 lazarti. | promptly tilled. Samples } ing of the gums and lining nietubrnnes tlim sw filing lakes pla, - and the;, the ' of pari- r.igh' N with a tai • ised on s i lir sut'e. ssion oi trauie evet'ts and (' '..xitispeed of Grand Kapids against | over tw ic< n midair and landed en thiit honor, according to the list com- I iinsing. At a meeting of Ihe exe- J free ou request, address | j smart or in the nest taste. The t-olor pain which may have been I m-d ami ta iveai'-m t.,., h : • kneeling her pits. Lj-.'cl of th ' i the rumors oi auempt' il o:itrages set t'oiinoi II Sni:!;, of thai city Ac- LL, tne rcnawc pi of the mouth and may result in a few used with black, unless it is in tlie its sale, cMlslling O'.u the life ot Mat- i . . . piletl by S-'cretary of State Marlin- cutive board 'lie Michigan Heiail nodlelnci adTsrtissd th shallow ulcers. raimetii, whether gown, coat or hat. for n 'line, reiiirns. Mo\e:i,ent o; tlie dam r i • .. •li Wet witli 1 IS to si;, -.v . a feiiii' - .- tne popuiaec of Los Angeles in ;; slat' ' "ftin.u' to th" st(»ry related in the | lining of a garment. !.- tlie merest thew K. lia dale from th" returns. Among the ex- Grocers' association went on record this papsr arc sold by must in ver be all black. With infiiilie joint t;ovv may he greatly lessen d ja,n i| ... \ •] makes you ulty d*. p. • the rotut of tnuid In .rd' ring on panic. Hundreds t'i'iui.ai. Hi odspe. tl iKmght certain A Dipping the head of the affected trille th" little sparkle half rev aietl jtone inni- D. Q. LOOK, the LowsUDnf art ihe note of color is intr .liieeil. this pn v.'iited alit,g. th"r it i- v ry d- .<. '.-j • i• il. '•('ause S, ait- of pciie. ni' n and iletcctiyes were busy traordinary things which the direct as being strenuously opposed to all pig over and over again daily In a W .:\l : . ''.I -nvk.- , a a margin from Smith, and | THE LEDGERj and Book maa. ami hiilf concealed which is the high I r 111 v d reeeiv. ti system of noininaiions has brought forms of parcels post. The reasons warm two per cent, solution of per- pliowing on the bodices of eestumes, siralde thai the tihv ir.an «ee tl i .. : won't e- in '. •> y il:;>'Cia)n rnnning down clues f t a f ' hoase wH'-h Smith was rep- 1 est art in dress. abtmi is ihe fad that not only is Hon. wei" that it "would hurt the small * LOWELL, MICHIQAN } in tin collar, cuffs iin.i vests of cpat by climbin ill,:' end. .Voting to locate the alleged r---• • i'.a :ail"d and ie- e'os. d the j maiigana'e of pel ash usually sullices I'iiarlt'.- M 'i'..w nseial nominal".! lor 'owiis and depreciate the value of suits, in some bit. of triinming put on but as n;- • . oi hi.- so-, ailed t t uiinisslOh of- , to quickly restore normal conditions Hai'-'ti Slal's s< nator by the IP pun- farm property bv withdrawing a near- if the membranes, provid! d the pigs with extra tlash for hats. W ho sq!;]!"'!;-. .nd Ihest Milton M. Parry YOo'H FOILS A D A \ K ROG2ER li' ans. i. ii h.f is ai. o nominal' tl :'or by marke: for the farmers' produce." occupy clean pens, are properly fed. Transpareiii materials still hold first ;ed. ihe tai! pla>s an ir-. - ' • 1\ •ift'a w a i ds Goodspeed ta't.l-• Dlsioc:itions stat" senator by tae Prohibilionists Attorney and Ccunadsr at Law have Knot! constitutions and are suf- portani 't the luriting :.:,.;-es> Iowa Cusnier Opcr-.s Fee When the tie.| Saiiti: that la' proja'.-fd to pay the Grand Haplds. \V. 1. Hallock. fore- . '.lie Twenty-sixth disirict. •peeial atieatirm gittii l« CollMtioa*. Oea» lieit ntly exercised. Aocori.it.j :!:• inv- a^.t, : ;.il . Demr.nd Is Made fcr Money. FIN'D NE;w COUNTERFEIT BILLS balance dii'' on the stocks and wiinted man of a gang of carpenters, fell Grange Blossom feyanGiBg and of Rsal Hu awe NRIS SEASON OF WHITE GLOVES' MAKING THE CORNER LIGHT dii inhaliti!.^ ... a,, ys hav- ,• ii'-'ia delu i"d !•) l,im. Smith paid twenty feet from a scaffold on a oaalifled eud l>ann edmiHtd t« praoties la tke ii is an aliogt liipr dilYerent mailer, Council Hluns. Ia. \ sixteen Must Readjust Its Rates. SUPPOSITORIES loUflnr DefiartmaDt aad sll tke barMos tksr» however, wil'Ml pd^s are k'-pt in filthy :ind ih. n :. i the . Secret Service Uncovers Bold Fr.iud tai atieniion io the demand, and ia . building in the course of erection to aad U ready to sraatcnl* elaiai fee ikast They Will Be Long, but Pulled Up How be eatillea !• teaaiea buaaty. quarters, where they are fed laiprop, r that these la;'..- are of a' a .; . on National Bank Notes. tie aa aatime tic stock? had increits- here, and is lying in Ituilerworib hos- Arc u I-'JI;IIIIIIM Kemcily for All 1-Viiinlc The Kicking Horse. Smoothly—Lambskin Much Flower Box Will Brighten a tempt to rob tne hank of M-'i'Vllam rendered an opinion declaring that l)iN«IIN«N. LOWItL, MIOH« food ami are dt privet! of adetiuate al! climb* s in enabling rheia to 'urn • tl iii value and Goodspeed i pital with a fractured skull. in Favor. Dark Room. at McClelland, a si.nil town in this • Washington. - The secret se.v- the Michigan Hower company has Mrs. Ida CSiliiiore, 127 .lerotne Ave., •99 '.'xcrcif >, sunlight and Iri sh air. rope about half way between haines in th air. 'i li-1 'ail alco s. rves as a cam" n.ore inierested in his pureha." Carsonville. The Pere Marquette Owoss.. Mlt-li., writes: "i .-iin truly (Pottaw.'iHomie i countv ; unearthed what appears to ilisoriminated in rates for eledriclly >ay liial the Orange lllosstiin Supp.'s- A fiif'! ^erm. kne-vn . . I'acillii;-: ami ring on b.v 1 band, put rope balancer, as • vaienced in • ".tse of ,M !l cx,, I,siv a,u in ,t iit ( 0 ,lU,rfeil anti i.' aan suit to s-cure either tlie railroad has settled with Mr. and This Is to be a white glove season. There me several valmilde hint' : A man giving the namr < • Tom 1 '''' ' '' ' l ' W in tliis city and orders the company ll.iries are worth ihelr wt'i>;iit in gold M Neorophonus. useally i.-, prevail in in I liirough the ring in back-btiml. then ii sipiin-. i. •-1: a may i". • a v.a.iaaa I!:,! slocks or hi prolils. The court sins Mrs. Alexander Mndge of ibis place an.! more i.> any woman snifering vviiU DR. E.D. CQUEEN Roth long and short, white gloves will which can be given as to how to in- Kirby, whose honu is s;ii,| to be at I'aiik notes. Notes of the to file a new tariff with the commis- such places ami finding aec. ss to small ! through hip s'rap and snaji to st rap along a tiui;!!; stn-tciie-i r- < Veterinary Surgeon. euts or sores upon tlie membranes of 1 'in ankle. Fasien a short rope in Strinr. .i'.-a rs taa •: • . ait •, 111 va- op. rating a bucket shop, alliiough wreck on the Sandusky branch of Owing to the dark colors of even room. One plan is to m-e a long M. p.-.itl. vvhuh i. •.•tyWfvl. ! il ;,r. seatiti^ a r- r, aa a : f.ai I'asadena (('ai.) National If the m w lariiT is unsaiisfactory Ot v..'i.-i; . dish ..r maUo my It.-d. Four nngiimto of Ontario Veterhmry College, tlie mouth and skin ni' the nose quick- , knot in other rope, then over the bid'', mat h :,••• r man!.' • .. • ^ii'-hican has a liiw which expresslj that road, for $3,000 each. ol" Ihe l.t-st physicians gave me tip nnd ClaNH ol 1888. Al your nerviue at all tlnuis. dress costumes this fall. mat.died mirror for .'hat purpe.se. i'-y han^mg Wui'.-r .!a::i> • . <..,.•! v, ao was a' ' --k v.-cr-' d:-. overed They had beei, anti further complaints of discrim- s:.i.I j c.iil.i not live. The tilth phy- ly produces deep eating uleers which , hiimes io other end of bit. rope w.Jk. r ' • 'Heir..-' li a.- a prohibi; • tin '.r t.peration. Grand Haplds. Three persons are rh«nw»-Oin«i». 6; Kwnltlenee, 1115. gloves will not be mmh in demand, the mirror in a dark c rm r, draj iiig j the joint; ii;. ii re or less deformity. . (•;,-) v. ia iw Ma t, over • d oa • First National bank of ination on the part of the power sician said there was one chance .tml in time may even affeet the hones oi" pole. in a critiea.l condition in P.uilerwortb thai w..s ait "peralit»n, Al this nme hut black will be worn instead •he top and sides with a pretty hit of . li' ! eu.lin . • . d. - bank's cash "insietd Ihrns onehed fire Wjlliamsport, Pa. company reach the commission, it is a friend s-nt m.- a circular lelling Office af Bus Barn, East of Hotel Waverlfth e snout. The tlisease now present Reputation for Stock. Michigan Corporations. hospiial. the result of mistaking toad- The short and ihree-quarter-letiglh location ; t. - w. j.-aa. • to 'he es- -. i;,.. if;,j; |j.,.. Niitioiial oaiilc notes in every city set forth iii th" opinion that the •ilionl i)r:inye l!!.i soin Snpiiesilerics 1 L0 lo termed "necrotic stomatitis" and is The community reputation for om I'f.i 1 ii t't luMv and as a last hope ®I POUND sit eves call for long gloves, ami since Prehi:tc:ao Man have fib stools for mushrooms ami eating kind of stock is worih dollars to ever.v cape of blood am! serum :rt the iiiriii-' ihe i 'end v - am! m rves ease will be reopened ami ihe cotn- decided to !;iv»- it a trial. I I'lirehase.l a most serious and deadly malady. V: / j was -nfe in th" .'• b .•! Mieorpora.ioin with ihe s« them. Thev are Mr. and Mrs. Ciiarlea a It IN ADVKUTIMK FtH'Nl) AUTIt'IdCS. his style prevails in dress gowns, most . 217: rrr T-rr -rj-rn i j, 1 ruptured teo.i.l vt> .Is, . I i a .-.Tiain i that pass along mid. r the simulder \®aa i ; in 'lie arm .la'ia.s v. i- a ' "b"'" rniine how extensively tin. mi; ion will lake further steps i;.: - Ul.t-s.ini Slll'lMt.'-itories It may be prevented by providing man living in that neighborhood. last night Hilton ami t rie Hratt. ami ' i i i't' 11 ne'iil gave iue relief, THIO MICH IO AN I. A \V SA Yri IN IC FFKCT. if these long gloves will be of kid and iimouni of disability: .'.i iimitaiion of a worn: iitirt fititu. t'M'.• in hit b. en carried on. which will result in a Just am! brood sows a dean, disinfected, white- The Elbow, : •:... •• av. Hoy at i "iiy, <-jU.nna. Na I n t iir in.ii lli-" Ireaiineiil. ai I A pt-rson who fin.In lost proiierlv St one I I.i ii anti upon 1 Haul" Creek. After remaining un- I r.'in time nnlil imw. whieii Is ?llk. mot ion. Tim elbow IS tpiiLe fn .pa ntjy disld- e(|aii: hie rate to all .•otisiitia-rs of under clr."iimbtiinci'ii vviildi yivc lihii washed, airy, sunny, fresh bedded ard Nam;. - bent head. \ t"fused to i oi:.;! Yi.itii.-h 'i la at. r ctnai any, D« co.ist io.is for I en hours. John Ingles. .>!..cii t .M.-cii years, j havi- never k iunvli'tii;e..r nicaimot Iniitilrlnu j.s Lambskin la much In favor, also If the dislocation i-. not reduced 're- | e.ated as tie- r- mlt of a fall or twist. pov.f o; ihns city. Unttw n vv . it was i't have .1 n.aeU- tho trno nvt nei. an.I vvli.Mn.prtipriHM !- place in which to farrow. Tim bacil- Nell, darn ing takes twe- aml 1 ii mler 1 capes, mochas anti chamois, the last placed i vviihin a few thtys-, t lie re is missed dt lie or th" Michigan Cen- i .'.a.l.tche .ti- . jiy ..' i r pain .>!' Bach properly it. li!« „vva ns.,- or to Hiu lus mentioned is present in the ma- The usual kind is to have tli" bones of my part ne; ftttin I his te.) ironhl' I fe.'I II LivtSroc In mousquetalre. There Is always a de- ers • were t! •Tiptions KPt?p Tab on -'Dead Beats.' tral riiUroatl is dead, ihe re uli of use til ai ..it'. r person wlio !« not on- nure of swine, hence tho necessity of tiger of the bones hecoming fixed the forearm dislocat-d la kward. l.ut i \i 1 • i^ ii cominuiy iiv i ' I'M he known i" sniTt'iinit t.iiftl I hei tit.. wIMimil i mand for silk and lisle for wear with "'I herefore criticise my dance as iht git' • that a wet ;• :!i< mine being sirmh y a freight train while n Ihe r.-a I until that Me' tii:iii;;o ina.It: cvi.-ry rcuhonnliie uiiurt lo iii.f' keeping the farrowing pen clean. in their iinmitiiral posiiiotis they may go tn eita.'t side or both Detroit., $100,000. principal Detroii muffs, but not much glace kid will be unev n" Mischief lurked In Nan owner stood, outsidt improvised "ii! Groeers rdiants' at work. om Siippiislitiries hav done ft r tlm e.'.vncr n ii.l re'.i.ii >• iin. pi din.t iv '<» Also It Is well to wash tho udder of In simple dislocations it is permis backward ami ?.. mie side This tlislo- luia. Is Kii'liy uf Im foil.-. - Sot'tlon seen except for evening wear. 1 dark eyes, "When we paired off lor hosa ta' ;a angry di,- m with the lit'.;,Ml. ill .session Fa 1 Lan ig The various class I'M- l.y a'l dniuals:S yi.ai). I'1 t>f the t'oiup . ,i l.aws of tho sow with a two per cent, solution .slide for ihe person giving the first cation is usually rather liitllciilt to re- .si'ppet. i was reminded of NoahV ark. j dot tor uver the publii iven to the here, adopt, rt solution i't com- t ill t.t v.,nr druggist fur .i book and Mii-iiieun. Long gloves are no longer worn aid to attempt io reduce it by pulling duce and a physician should he seen meeiings art being bdti ai M. A. C.. of coal tar disinfectant before the pigs Carelessness In handling pigs Is a 'The animills went in, two by two ' " | affair. JoHtjki |5"jr..eiia; p,- nton Truck meiuiing ill ; late W it., el edit loose and wrinkled, but are pulled up 1 on the bone, at some distance from the Dislocation of the Hip. and ''hareiict Met lee, formerly a nietn- Thn inos' offoctlvo way of rcaii-'n'; founrt. a-e allowed to suck for the first time 1 f itii the decimal stands an empty la: UpS: .r,,. . ph. $1(1,000. 'for! , Ir r- . , f ^ smoothly and tightly." Twelve-button par' dislocated, ami at the same time I' s an outrage! spreading rutin a: bit re; i 'st abl islit'ti This her t:;' I be I letroi I'll: Central high school pro. Ci ty lo Uli ovvilfr in 11: (III i'lu*'I.otvell and to repeat the washings at least In form Ihe Dorsets aro not so far The hips are no? very fre.niemiy Mo.-.re Plow La.pl' :a.enl coiapa.nv. lidticr. lengths, therefore, aro to be preferred ought admit It fell to my share '' m 'a(i asi of a man's -• . • vv iinl exchang" a ami v eil h.iiown athlete, vvas deded once dally for a week or more. unlike tho routhdown. atlemptiiig lo push the end dislocated thrown out of joint and are with dllll- to 16 button. S -ovnlng a reply, the girl iwliched - ENTOMBS 2C0 MEN. Greenville, increaso from $2-"..009 to i t'ctml oi custot in each eitv presitlenl of (lit As an extra precaution tho little i back into piave. This should only be ; culty put back into place It may he I 'i'i:- pnysician. unmev.-d. a km.! 11 freshman class. The hog Is a waste saver. It stops toasingly at her sister's curls, until i'' 1 a i' f r • oanv. Traverse Vxh'Te til. re is ; retail grocers' as Pastel shades will bo chiefly worn 'tried two or three times, and if not ; attempted hy lixmg the hips as solld- i hand upon the man's s!. Ithaca. Mrs. William Saditiell. who sha teeth found In tho mouths of many a leak In tho farm. the child shook herself free. Stone if. iti' i. " from $100,000 to ?l.*l"».- | for evening, but soft modes will be : Pal you, sir, sci.-tiee cat io no l; i ti Workers oi Mcxicar. • ot iaiion. the oi fft bt'iftg to keep jrectiiUy tlii' vv acid in her hnsband's some pigs at birth should be carefully Sows and young pigs should be on successful, the patient should be seen ; ly as possible and pulling down on much in favor for street dress wear 1 devoutly. silently, prayed that site I'i a • ' er I'ublieiiy company, j :raek of the i. ati beats" Who I Job Piinting | ..y k by a doctor | the leg, at the sum' time having an ta. re Mr your cousin 1;. yni\6 live Young Woman Is Want W 11H! il.-e Believed to be Lost. t yt : and set lire to her niother-in- nipn. d off with pincers to prevent pasture as soon as possible. might return iu her dolls. He wanted Nib S, $2.eii!t. move from on city lo iinoiher. H also. Injuries From a Fall. if 'ply he had the desire, ml that I ie Graft Seai iivv's house, has been adjudged in- S S them from lacerating tho tongue or Old BOWS are a class by themselves | assistant try to push the head of the Nancy alone for this last hour. p,. -. Tex. --- Two hundred 1 '•v.. • one can are :: him ex will alst) mak • ii possible foi ii -aiie anti will he seni to the Travetv from scratching the noses of the pig's so far as quality of meat goes. Tn injuries from a mil or other ac | bone towards its normtil position Thf Pick Scrnc-i'.ts 'or State Meet. Jj! of all kinds executed with J Spider on the . Selecting a long-stemmed rost from t 'he unknown In ':y t.i glove, person who dt selves credit lo re- mates during play or fights. llapo pasture Is cheaper than j , cideni. where there as a, possibility of muscles nroiitid the hip , lnt are so and belie veil to be tba.j. Ftf S' V'-. al yeai s it hiis been tlie ji'itl a sy In in. Tho spider beauty spot veil Is the a vase on the mantelpiece Nancy •ive it. providing lit- has a clear rec- f ueatness and dispatch at 'j When the disease is seen mix ilme- ground feed and should be used. ' one of the vertebra he ing dislocated, powerful !}•• at it is •••n necessary to - \.:th. the hope tha: • may read Char. : ng Color. • a: I'alail. Mt xieo, in the ' aa.blir'Ml eas'imi ftir .ianiej- McGreg- Hontiac. George Klmer, a profes- 'alest novelty offered to women. Of stood, half pouting, tearing the petals water freely with the food of the sow, Salt Is tho shepherd's friend, as It the patient should he moved very care give a generai aties-hetle m order to !'v • hat 1 have soclet V it ii* !! wit •. • , iiiii'in^ dis'rici, opera- or of I), troit lo b • sera' ant-al iirin.- of ional iramp, told the police justice course It originated In Paris iip-irt. Stone's eyes folluwed each fal' Mem' I'h "a f s cleai up, disinfect and whitewash the makes his llock love hlnv and follow j fully. If necessary to turn the pa- relax the spasm of the mtis, les wliieh lie -till lives, you a. 1 a a i'il.a! railway lines of tli- !!'•: tidican sia'e cotiv titions Ross' Plurality Is Nearly -1,000. 11hat he could not remember having It Is a copy of a spider in black ing leaf, his thoughts on the faded L. nd n :! rean ; ,, a recent .^' ' pens and put in fresh bedding, Scrape his leading. j Iieiit over, be sure to turn the hips accompanies every .iisiocation to a At the trembling eiig t; •- tu" I'iip M. T.avh when they wt ft- h"lii on this side of | The slate board of canvassers has .worked more than two weeks in bis $ The Ledger Office chenille ami Is posed outside the veil. jasmine im - ling I;'- au ()1 1 i;D11 io' I'i each ulcer thoroughly and then lightly Too many farmers have failed to I ami shoulders ami head at the same greater or h ss degree vr.ic the doctor turned a! u ie. find < li... a a • t - vva.- ihe result of i wo tin state, and for Hoy C. Lyle of finished the work of canvassing the I 'inire life, and was sent to the De- It Is almost an Inch ami a half In di- 'Nan. lures your gloV""' cried t 1 i aim Wait h chajige il. eo or •••' • •" " cauterize with lunar caustic or dilute appreciate tho possibilities of rye as i time and very slowly. This is very The Knee. two w.mien at bis e'le vv pale ami 1 11 1 vv ll roil. house of correction for 05 days. Nell, from where she had been finger with va : iatimis I.f tne ' ' i perature. I' ' -' " .n . pie; ui.ialilv beca'a-e of an Hrantl Kapids it- b' given the oillce primary vole, showing that the to- ameter. The veil Is worked In Imi- We carry at all times a nitric acid. Split open each boil or hog pasture. j important, because if a dislocation ex Idslocations at the knee Joint may fatifL i"d with a long .• ••!.">• The laiion ol gas. • wla ti tin y w re held on the oilier tal Hepnbliean vote tm the governor- St. Johns, -Work received here tation of a spider's web. Ing books upon the table, hut Nancy. (me 1 f II n se pa; nts is red a • ordinary raiin'n'! round bunch on the nose and saturate In sorting the breeding flock atten- i ists, the spinal cord, whieii runs take place in any direction The at- file. •' '1"' younger gal g' ved with !< n • nn a ' ' il are tnoslly r,alive -Ide Wla n Meilreg.or was at the | hip was I ii 1.1!2.S, Osborn leading his -ays that Mrs. Willlain 11. Wheat, of Tho which havo been popular without mounting Hash, commanded tempera lures, b ul turns i, :ea t in a "'' ' complete stock of Ruled with tincture of iodine. tion should be paid to establishing through the verlebra, is always pinch- tempt should lie made to reduce them Stilt •1.fiance as she exjia'tte.i ht atl Lyb wtmld be bis chbT assistant closest rival, Patrick 11. Kelley, by Ila,- this season so far have been disfigur- her to put It down. tew 1 ctHill s win •: warn.'. a front t.f graft sc;, P • t!• • • mint rs, although the ;hls city, was killed in a runaway ac- Afterward use tincture of Iodine typo. ed to a certain extent and any addi- by the same general methods as In : Nancy—of th.e gleve, you ed IV r. insed lo inalte iii' 1 al' s several Americiins. and vice versa. '1'he custom has been votes. •iijent in Little Hock. Ark. She was and Flat Bond and Linen ing enough with their leaves. Insects, "Hannah must have found it," per- i . ... , , , .'i Move • r ' ih. r .. ise beat'l to L'UO th - While m in freely once dally on sores outside of There are few farms on which at tional pressure upon i? by the twisting dislocations of the hip, but this usual- k,, 1 'nine t.atinit'tl this yar. and McGregor' A PROMPT, CPPCCTIVe .he child ; "» *>?*«" »•" grees !•'; lareip e; i pUblie 11 Une of ihe woman, it was 'I he olllclal canvass is in part as fol- thrown from a rig and trampled to tho mouth and apply a five per cent, birds, aeroplanes and scarllko conven- of the vertebra may destroy it alto- coming Papers, Cardboards, Cut RIMKDY FOR ALL PORMG OFl least somo sheep can not ho kept to ly Is rather difficult in accomplish. "Hu.h, Nell I" •^mi f.ullze all that yo Am • la r j aim is yell'bw i Denounce Aldrich Tanff Act. will be the sergeant ami Lyle the lows; lealh by the horse. She went west in tional patterns as part of the mesh, gether at that point, and cause per- .ntil beat 1 solution of permanganate of potash great advantage. The Ankle. . i, i ,,, , , , . wih mean to him? v chid assv-tani of tlie convention. Fniletl States Senator- Hepnbliean. Cards, Etc, and we have hut they all sink Into Insignificance italpli Stone fancied n new con ed 11. a •a' ire of i: ,: tiegr.es ' •noL-rapl • : to .1 M, Tay- U I Tne I )emo- July and haves a husband and to tho ulcers on the gums and lining Male lambs should bo castrated manent paralysis of the body below Dislocations of the ankle are in- Nan'v no longer pal . !••;? blm-diing 1 .which will convene in helroil Otlober Charles K. Tovvnsend. 112,050; .1. C. beside tho web veil with Its spider sciousness In the girl's voice hut i Fa m . :i it become: diirk red hirn heii'i . torekeeper of the • 'af on veil! ion w lii.li met here mother. the type, machinery, ex- t membranes within the month. when one to three weeks old to pro- that level, or If high up in Ihe spine, it clined to be some what complicated glnrioa. bent her bead. •; The headtimirler.s of ihe sir- Hnirt.ws, 72.:ii;:i; Dtmiocraiic. J. T. RHimTiSt adornment. thrilled his heart and plunged him Tl t y m ; • -j 11d- "Ilea' indicating IIH'i"!- • • 'i a . tamliiiiite nominated the Kalamazoo. -Childy Lears, a high duce the best returns. may cause immediate death. The pa- ami usually it is better to have the ITesently. the doctor h ,! her lo a aeatit will be in McGregor's olllces in perience and skill to put J sAaf*, Mmlmttmc, KmurmlglM, \ headlong into unpremeditated explana paml.-. imi are iii tie mo; 1 • hai; liolen r'-spnn.i.j " beli.-ve.l tha: lin- • • •. tn-i.ei wifiout a dissenting vole Winsbip. 2.511; scattering for 27t; oth- school student, had his jaw broken in Kidtmy Trmibfm m»d No animal on the farm can he ex- tient should not be picked up by the patient see a physician at once rather smali room that held .uly one cot. the Kill's temple. iiUtl the additional Mixed Hay Best for Stock. lion lilic t.iii-ioiiities. ker aho la Wat'niiiin til I rovldence ers, 1,114; Prohibition, W. A. Taylor, ;i foot ball game and was taken to them up to suit you. 3 Klmdrmd Dlo+m*—, pected to do Its best without free How She Manages. shoulders and legs and carried or than first attempt to reduce it without The sick man did noi turn his head A mixed hay crop containing clover "It was I who found It. Nancy -is I 10 htr va- nametl for governor. assistants wt n announced. 1.077. Detroit lor treatment by specialists. Applied ezternally It affords Almost In* A woman who always gives tho moved at all until his head and shoul- BUDt relief from pain, while poroiunont and grain on a soil that has heen ma- access to good water. tapestry and placing a flower-box In bis aid. 1 unfl sh" had dropped io her knees F.rnirg fcr Otrc ISKVII B EL Prices always reasonable, i I results are being effected by taklar It In* r Impression of being well supplied with ders and hips are firmly fastened to a ... 1... a.i omen of ha„,>lne88-are you T. TT™ """ Port Huron. Kdward Hennett, aged nured and ^ell tilled will contain 10 In buying a farm one o the most which will be "growing" artificial The Toes. Rjn(j^" ' his side. Ralph, dear—I ve come - Missouri Has 3,203.335. Michigan Pensions. Social Centers in Slate Towns. teraaily, purifying the bleod, dissolving millinery when she travels never long board or shutter so that there is "1 ti i , i'i! • nd ii ton of con', a To Bury Belle Elmore's Body. eighteen. Is dying In Ihe city hospital Call at the office or phone | j the poisonous subitasoe aud renoTing it Important things to consider is the flowers, to be reflected In tho glass, The joints tif the toes are not often 1 j The following Michigan pensions ' to 12 per cout of crude protein, and a What does Nan care about Rlotes-' .J "'" «•" 4«tor ".-.t^ the Iinl,, CVf ry v. i iow ia. t::o district. How a '•Va •bmcti a Tl t •••».. f Mj- sourl Lot .ion Tin corom r is.-ued an or- Judge Harry S. Hulbert of Ihe pro- and Karl Simpson, aged twenty. Is IfromtbesTatera. matter of water for the stock. takes more than one trunk with her you have an attractive and ornament- no possibility of the spine being twist- dislocated, but this does sometimes oc- much* higher feeding value than clear deride.! Nell, lm,ll.v .hn,8tl. her (In-i t?St ^"e' lnt° I'* ",v thai f' r a . ! '-ai""' "Purfv aur. i; .• der Samnlav for the burial ol ihtdiody were granted: Klia T. Hooih. $12: bate court, will address the slate con- too aud we will call. S and no hat boxes. Her secret lies ed while he Is being moved. 1R lias a population of accoril- 1 detained by the police as the result, OR. O. L. OAT It timothy hay, which contains from 6 to Good-galted. good-looking horses of ed piece of furniture. White framed cur They are usually fairly easy to 101 Bom! ::d i M 1 Frank Uuttrick, $20; Kdwin Colony, Bers Int.. the Klove -There-s a hox ! ""V " ' " """ " "" what ifi'.' of er eandi-iat-- eteN < a inir to the t'airt.-<; • • .. a ,• . tall 'U > foitiel in lb' cellar of the home of Dr. vention of the King's Daughters, at of a shooting affray which followed Bsaoocki Ulna., writes: . the right type aro very hard to find In tho liberal supply of trimming- pictures with glass over them are The Shoulder Joint. reduce by simply pulling them back SlTi; John L. Fisher, $ 1 a; Kllen ••a l»«leglr:iMrehe4sB«haweak baokeeessd 9 per cent of protein. It is true that full up stairs!" But she addressed j m to them .aa a n't widowb a.-. . Tie . annoti:.' • d Fri'!;. i'i a a- an increase llawii f Crii'pen and which the coro- Durand, upon Ihe dangers to which a friendly card game. Hennett claims and do not go hogging when found. flowers. wings, mousseline do sole, vel- useful too for reflecting light and Dislocations at the shoulder joint Into place. Fulb-r. $12; Kupbals A. Huftile, $12; the mixed hay Is less valuable to sell dull ears, her companions were Intent control ,i; > vat s." "•' Is'i.aT'i of .-1-< e.-nt, ov«.r the iit'f'a jury found lo be that of IJelle a country girl Is exposed in coming lo Simpson shot him. Simpson Hays The selection of a stallio.. must vet, fur, (ibbon and lace, which ac- shedding It Into tho room. Many are quite frequent. The head of the If you are not successful In puttting ! Martba K. Kromer. $12; William H. In the city markets, because stable only on each other. How to Tell a Sailor. ' populnilon in 1which wit- II,IOC Klmore. the doctor's wife. the city. Lending philanthropists from Hennett. shot himself. Uoth say the very largely depend on the kind ut company tho ono hat which she puis rooms are so badly lighted that It 1» upper bone of the arm thumerous) a bone back In place after two or Lee. $ir»; Delana Masson, $12; Frank keepers prefer the timothy, but for "1 came to tell you that 1 am going A sailor Is betrayed by his Vands. Others to Come. 1105. the rural districts will attend the con- shooting was accidental. mare with which he is to bo mated. in her single trunk. With these she Impossible, unless ono sits close may be either below, in Iront of. or three trials, it is best not to attempt K. Newell, $12; John H. Phi|»ps, $20; cattle feeding and general farm use West, to bid you good-by. I never though his gait might betray him. UingUKS Old chap, when was It I Taft Signs Merit Rule Order. vention in large numbers, and Judge Hay City.—The Slate Medical so- The If the feeding trough of the pigs is can alter the trimming of her hat against the window, to find a suitable behind its normal position. Sometimes it any longer, hut have tho patient Otto Sampa, $0; George Uockafellow, the mixed hay is to lie preferred, and meant lo return, but—1 found ihat They are permanentlv half-shut fct rrowr.i Hie la.-t $5 bill from ..ou" Cadet Bodies Not Militia. Washington. President Taft Satur- Hulbert believes that the lime is op- ciety, In session hero, passed reBoIu- so small that all cannot get to It at every day If she wishes, and as she place for reading or sewing, and this It goes back Into place very easily, see a doctor. If the patient has to be $24; David M. Strickland, $20. the proportion of clover may be in- Kl?.VP. 1 ,!!)Und " i Walking talking or sleeping. " (he Shad be It 1 don't remember Ding Washington. The war department day signed the order which will place portune to start a movement In the Hons favoring the creation of a na- IIWUNI niMATii mi nmm, once, the weaker ones will naturally has groat taste and knows just how accounts for many a case of head and so It Is a good plan to attempt to moved any distance, bandage or splint The post office at Pleasant. Valley, Lowell Ledger creased by manuring with such mater- "\\ hat?" sailor has his hands half-shut, and ufs. and I have a ;i:ofoun.l conviction Friday ruled that the cadet organiza- assist an t postmasters in first and sec- nature of social centers throughout tional department of pnhlle health IMn M 114 lak. MnM. CUnt. suffer for lack of food, and turn to adapt her hat to her requirements ache, weak eyes, wrinkles and other reduce It two or three times at least. the joint so that it moves as liltle as aim Midland county, has been discontin- ials as muriate of potash and super- ••.My jasmlno it was hidden In your I could noi open them flat If he tried anyhow that you haven't borrowed tb tions of educational itistiiutlona are ond chiss offices nnd all their clerks the state, which will make life In tlie and supporting Ihe puro food nnd runty. her alterations aro always successful. unbeautlful things. This should be done by having the pa- possible, as this will make the journey ued. It will be hereafter supplied by phosphate. The use of barnyard ma- glove—" he stammered huskily. i This is the result of years of climbing Jest que yet. not properly a part of the organized under the classified services on Decem- villages and country towns more at- drugs act. Dr. (Sny L. Kiefer of De- The sow with a litter of pigs tug- tient lie down on his back and fixing much more comfortable for him rural delivery from St. Louis. nure or Qltrate of soda, on tho other With angry gesture. Nancy cast her and pulling ropes. militia. ber 1 next. tractive to youth of both sexes. troit addressed tho meeting. ging at her needs the most nourish- hand, Increases the proportion of tlm- NECKWEAR MUST BE FRESH the neck of a collariess blouse and The Difference. —Hattle Creek.—Constable George mhy. ing feed—not necessarily grain, but a Michigan Corporations. IKILLTHSOOUCHI allowed to spread flatly over the sboul Admiral's Wife—Of course, my dear Shoots Wife; Kills Child. Painting Brings $200,000. Haxter, elected by Urbandale residents 8WAN8ON good, thick slop of shorts or mid- London Goes to Bed Early The following companies have filed Raise Will Be $50,000,000. Some Ideas for This Most Important of ders. Then there are combinations Wed as In old formusa. like a'l sea-faring men, my husband uc Philadelphia. Following a night of Paris.-Uubens' famous paintin?. but r rving as a substituie patrolman, MD CURE THS LUNOS dlings. articles of incorporation with the sec- Secretary Lord of Ihe state tax Durce Hog Is Popular. the Accessories to the Young of white batiste, ecru lace of Persian casloually uses rather vebeue nt lan •piarreling with his wife at their home "The Hath of Diana," the pride of was fined $25 in the inunlcipal justice PILLS | It is claimed by thoso who have b 'd Contrary to an opinion commonly by Ihe minor an ists and stage hands retary of state; Fast Saugatuck Tele- commission says that tho assess- Act qolekly and geotly upon tha The more the Duroc of Red Jersey Qirrc Costume. mull with black satin, tho plaited frill A Reluctant Bride and a Porcine Sac- guage. n Oak view, Delaware county, John Hrussels, was sold Wednesday to an court where he pleaded guilty to fro the most experience that hogs cannot held in New York, London does not of the music halls nnd theaters near stantly with a spear thrust through phone company. East Saugatuck, $2,- ment roils returned to the lax coin- digestive organs, carrying off the hog becomes known the more popular being of the sheer material nnd tho rifice the Attraction# at Lon- Hector's Wife—Yes, but you gd Ireen. a carpenter and father of nine American for $200,000. It was for- queniing a disorderly house. Haxter. disturbing elements and wtabHshlnir be economically raised In close pens. obtain relief from the effects of the by, the other ihe police permit to the heart and the carcass was singed 000; llledermann & Smith company. Or. Ring's narrow, shaped band collar of black used to It. j int as a clergyman's wile merly in tho possession of Fran mission show that there has been a healthy condition of the Uvei, he seems to be. They are long and They say that exercise Is essential te Freiih, crisp neckwear will contrib- early-closing laws by forming supper exist because they know Its regular don's Coney Island. over a fire of rushes, skinned and cut c hildren, Thursday shot and fatally with another man and two girls fell stomach and bowels. Detroit, $10,000, principal stockholders, an increase In tho assessed valna- rangy, and at the same time well ute more to the smart appearance of a satin, fastening beneath a little bow clubs. There were such clubs fifteen With full Formosa rites. Including gets Ui-ed lo doing without it.-~Uft. wounded his w ife and killed their thir- Schuybert. into tho police dragnet quite unex- THI BIST REMEDY the health and proper growth of the and casual patrons and can lay hands Into small pieces. The pieces were H. Jacob; S. & S. Shoe company. De- Hon of 01 cities in Michigan amount- rounded out with good hams and young girl's costume than any other of the same fabric. ceen months-old infant. pededly when a "rooming house" was hog. years ago, but nowadays there are no on any one of them when wanted. the public sacrifice of a pig. two In- Placed In pots and set to boll over troll, Increase from $5,000 to $10,000, ing to $48,021,550. New Discovery shoulders. Qulot enough to make good small accessory, and the best of It Cccry. Twenty-Eighth Aviator Killed. raided on Main street. FOR CONSTIPATION The fall pigs are farrowed durlnR A happy blending of tho high and supper clubs In 1/ondon where ihe Hoth clubs are unattractive places habiianls of the Formosa vill&ge at charcoal fires. Before this had hap- principal stockholders, H. P. Mlnsel, There are IH eilles whoso total ##•* N««g«o*Cx Sour mtrnrnteft, mothers, prolific, growing well and Is that a great many of the new col- "The hod is late." Auto Ambulance for Insane. Miidbauscn, Germany. — Aviator Carsonville. Petitions am being HMrttum, mtlehlns, Uvr the last days of August and first of low collar consists of a shaped band thirsty can with sllghi formality of and women are rigorously excluded the While City wort- married recently pened tho bridegroom hail to fetch C. 11. Schwelder; Kdmunds Jones decrease in valuation amounts to fattening well, thought perhaps not ns lars and frills may be easily and '•So I hear." New Vork - The first aulomoblbi 1 Flochmann. who was injured when bis circuiaied through Sanilac county to nn csm" Troublt, mte. September, late enough to miss the stock of lingerie beading-flnlshed mull Initiation get drinks after I2.:i0 a. m.. after midnight. The bridegroom was Sarongal Husa- the bride. She offered resistance and Manufactmlng company. Detroit, in- $L52:!,.." son of u neighbor, who Wednesday baseball club, committed suicide tions, one of which Is Jubilant and touch or nit near an object pm under or throe lumps of sugar after his mid* they all may have an ciual chance. doubled over oval shape and finished the excise law thtit they have formed poraril• y separated from the other na- plled by the words; valuation of properly in municipalities maldehyde in '"ii gallons of cream, simple remedy at once, and then If frill collars slope downward In front nnd London clubs wiih a single es vo ! Nv blew ii lube full of red pepper into Wednesday by shooting himaelf in the the other morose. The trouble stnrlec lahoo, and rendored Kiicicd and In- day meal. This, however, should not Ilegln to feed the pigs as soon as with hemstitched borders or with lace the habii of going to bed early. The j " - ' h' ecupied the lime in ma- "We are now one; we love each of $|(j,r.»7.7ll. In «;2 eilles the In- which he offerod fo;- sale, for Ihe pur- a Hirst Attempt. her face. right temple. when Mr. Jennings rebuked tho pa- vlolablo bocauso ol' IIH contact with bo given him unless other proper doubtful In regard to ability to com- they will drink milk or soft slops, so and are adjusted to waists having edging. Or the net may he bordered ceplion are closed at two a. m One ivpntiible t lubs. i o. are deserted at ^'"g procession round the exhibl- other." crease was $1S.021,550, while in 111 pose of preserving It. Stoney pleaded ! 0 "Why, what's the mnlter, dear?" rishioners for snubbing one member man. It cannot bo further mndo UHO foods. In sulllclent quantity, are eaten, bat Ihe case, send for a veterinarian. that they will not exhaust tho sow, slightly turned back necks. Some of at one edge with narrow ribbon and club keeps opt n until four a. m. Fake midnight. ami iliere are only two good f' ". carrying instruments of war and The proceedings lasted well Into cities ihe deeiease was $l.52;i.S0(!, and not guilty. This is the first arrest ot queried tlie yont g wife, tenderly. Dynamite and Fire In Mine Riot, John Brown's Sister Dc^d. who attended a social. of, and Hhe baa to pay tho penalty and should never be allowed between Hut If thf- farmers would keep a closer and make her so poor that she will be them consist merely of three to live finely plaited, beginning with a four clubs cannot exist nowadays. • Id in l.ondoi; heie the bar re | ehanting weirtl songs. After this they tlie evening. The bride preserved a there were HI cities from which re- any person '.n ibis vicinity on a charge "Don't you like poundcake?" Dnena Vista, Col.—One man was Traverse City, Mich.—Mm. Martha East Lansing. Drill began at M. with her life in conHeqiieiice. In Tahiti meals, llutter-taffy and molasses watch over their animals there would In unfit condition for future farrowing. Inch wide plaltings of finely embroi- Inch width at the center of the bach Tho police permit two clubs in tin cciptu between midnight and two assembled In an open hut In the cm- ports have not been received, which of putting any preser'atlvo in milk most htoll.l demeanor throughout, but "Y-yea," rejoined her husband, "but killed and considerable property de- Davis, seventy-eight years old, the only A. C. with twelve companies in line women miiHt roBpeet the plaeea resort* candy, made at homo of puro mate- be less need of the veterinarian, who Good green pasturo with milk nnd dered mull, lace or net set Into a and gradually tapering Into sharpl> vicinity of Leicester sipiare. ihe heart ii. in., their closing 1 onr, are sulllclent ter of the vll'aue ami two sturdy men Secretary Lord of the coniml&alon c-s- or cream, tho arrests in other cases the crowtl of Europeans were hugely I'm afraid this Is—ar—a little over stroyed by dynamite and fire in a surviving sister of John Urown, the Tho work will be continued out of cd fo by men, an well aa their liahing rials, are cnpeeially to bo recommend* la usually called too late, or grave- shorts, with a little corn, will keep straight hand, which Is basted Inside | pointed ends. of London's tenderloin, to keep open io pay for the t h •!• •' light con appeared carrying the pig, which was ilmales will bring the total increase all being for diluting ihe .niik with > delighted and cheered and elanped en- Velght." doors until tho weather forces them ed, and may be considered valuable digger who does his work later. • -e of them !•• > "'ronize.l smrei' 'creaming lustily. Il was killed Iu- riot Wednesday among miners at Mon- abollHoulsl, died at Uendou, Wednes- up to $50,000,000. lackio and weapons.—North American the pigs growing as they should. thusiastically.—London Dally Graphic. arch, 35 mllea from here. day. to drill in Ihe armory. Review. articles of food.—Jean Williams, M. IL in Womau's Homa nniunaiilaea v:iansits.z^c: Loweii iviarJiets i» | er and bushiiiui a• "lin oins Smu.-- day night and Sundav, ih*' ili>i MM" Cor: ted • t I ib r 1 A PSYCHO?..OCICAL MIS <2 li'iil bee/i well en<)in.ii lo .i" • 3 Savingd Foilune. I M si ace April 1 INTr^US-^ON. •: Wheat, d. - I ib A FEW OF OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS i'aul Kubreekt Is aliending seho / vfvvvvve>v . 1 Wh- it. • bii- i.'iiby SJ-!-' A IJw : In 'irand haplds, tnalHiig Ids I on..' • Object E ism in gconomy OnO. pc it . . .. "- 1 l''opviinlil, i;vS, by Arm rloau l'n'. .s Asko with his brother, i! 11 Inn 'fr >, K'ei>> l i;;iil U'.M ; > .\;ilrl i'i i : ;• A.. C(-n ' <>(1 v- cUtloK.J , I l.Uli ll.J and wife i here, t 1 H.ve (1.. FOR OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER • When I was at rinnanum that entyr- Nu one. excepting the sick restured John Co "f Valley < hy dliied witli V./C , Huckw't" .Ml These opportuuitios to purchase the newest ami most i elial)le uicivhaiulise— prlsuig low ii w as Ilm uillos trom any to health, has tvasun tu n el muiv I leans, bami-iihio .i •j(• 0 A Mr and Mrs, (". llendrteks lasl • iiiursd.ay. He caim'to sumition Mr the pick ciud choice of this season at truly remarkable prices. Store packed full of railroad and a hard place to get away thankful for that wumleitiil !i(lvat!ce I lay, bnled. per tun., b". (1(1 COOKING DISHES 91 • from. It was a tU'slrable place to ' science lias made within the last ten i "om find < 'Mis per 1..11., HI (ill LAMPS 11. as witness In a law suit Mr. 11, choice merchandise. - :: :: : :: or twenty years than I. ibit right Middlings per i.ui !!"> UO returned home Friday. • leave, since the population was com i The very best onc-picce j^lass i^amps on The cook's delight, kettles and pudding" < urn .Me 11 pei ieii ".".l Uli Dainty A reception wusu'lven in honor ..f posed uf ^ambiers, cutthroats, dis- here lu the beginiilug I must break pans made of the best and purest lire clay. % ^ i • (ill away frum my subject tu tell a stury. j bran per omi "Jli eartU. Arc made with Iciuched-on collars, of Kev Hi'rry and family al Ihe yensers of aleohollc drinks, miners' li IIII The most health inl vessel now in usn for • Margaret May charmed me by what i Llnur per bbi broad, deep drip, bright clear tflass and in home ol h. J. Slater, Friday ewabig •» 'ind storekeepers, mentioned iu order I'.nekw hem Ilourper bbl r. no cooking every variety of food. See these Kefreshment.s were served tn nn.- 1: I cunsider the higher traits She was Enameled all sizes. Lamps complete from 20c to 60c * • 11,111 aud nf importance. The I'Ul.v resjiectablc I'.nttcr per Ib JS live. A pieasant time only saddened liuilt on tli" (•!.•• tic, hi'i".'f] f, the ^fewest Tjhings in Cloaks » a sulier girl uf an intellectual type, Lu-s dishes. They are in the following sizes: hy thoughts of Hrother 1' Try ami $ • 1 1 family iu the place was that uf (ieorge with excellent principles and elevated The Rayo Nickle Lamp, round wick, • " in j^reat variety. Lurd IF. 3-quart kettle 10c; 4-quart kettle 15c: family going from ns $ —the n 10. t BCIIMItiiic, jpracticii! pii'Tert IVm • Junes, who kept a general sture. and Ideals. 1 am nut a man tu be pleased center draft, ten-inch dome shade. Every i'otn Imv. HI Bedroom 7-quart kettle 20c; 7-in pudding pan 5c: li A. Coger has made much Inr p:"IiK"i'l< kn'-A-n-- A 10'. r. ii ind suddou pressure AVe can tit vou now. 1 >c sure and see the BiOST CLOAK FOR TUIC MOXE\ . us he was the unh man w hu never r. -io with a gay. fruiicsome girl, huwever i limothy lamp guaranteed. Cheap at S2. But our provement on bis home wiih cement • • sold anyibiUK un trust all the niuney I kind hearted, however winning. It! I I. er seeil per i n a a 1 s CU 9-in 10c; 11-in 15c. but returns .i^ain to tin; ornrimd sii ipe. When buviiiL!" a skirt be sure and :: 1 porches, platformsand steps. 0 • gradually fuund its way intu his cut Heel" live per cu 1 im ,» II .Ml What could bo prettier or more price is only SI.08 was. therefure. natural lhat I shuiild J Hendricks boiigiit anolher horse I'ers. It was like washing guld. The I'.cii' dressed per ew i im , i 7 IIII inviting than a dainty bedroom • yield lo the characteristics uf Marga , last week. ' bes ll\. 7 un s .Ml with walls, furniture and woodwork m ENAMELED ROASTING PAN dirt was eoustanlly shaken up aniong ret. We liecame engaged, and e\er.v r' * Ihe citizens, the metal sinking t" the : Veal dreshed per in !»V> :i .Ml all enameled in white or some delicatc TUMBLERS A large double enameled FoiHtlng Pan, ]•'• tm IICH thing looked well for our future happi •diecp live ;; :.(i ( i " IIII forced lo leiivc liiinic. ^ s lki l,v lis Tho lle liist bottom of Junes' pan. tint to harmonize nicely with furnishinus 4, long; by 1- IneheH wide. Can be taken apart and * ness when my Ihllicee in'^an to shuw a , I .ninbs . • .Ml The old reliable llorse Shoe" "Star F.very year a la'g- niimbi'r ol poor jtfsk for the Shearman Skirt ' - y Lvciy one knew that Junes was 1 lined an a tdngle dri|i|dng-pan Nothing has ever IT $ - and cheapest. Goo;! All-wool successlun uf singular changes. One, I'i irk Ihe S (III j » s nil and draperies? Why not have one? Bottom" Tumblers, largfe size, either kind been Hhown that c.unpareM with the above roanler sufferers win ne inngs are sme and % m gathering a snug sum and that he ! evening when 1 wenl t" see her she | I'i irk i!rc--i.i II un P.. racked with eulizbs ni"Ui .I III Lrii at 15c for six or 1 doz. • • • 2()c in ntze and i|uallt> at the price eaeh 39c # o Panama in <\Ao\> at S4.oS. Can nut be beaten for a j^ood deal nu'iv money. When wished lo take it and his ehlldren tu , Fowls 1!\ • .. 10 to another liiinaie. Hnt this i- .-1 I b.'iuided into the luum like a huidi.'ii, f V J a respectable place. M\ery une was j Fowl.- dressed hi t cosily and a n alt(»g.ib. r -nr. * threw her arms abeiit my neck, kissed ;. - l/ buying I'lirs V.M1] IUI C'oll.ir for best values. acmequamty POST AARDS There's a bitter way Lft hi. j waiting fur him tu make the attempt, me several limes in rapid siicce^siuii ' II Ides . 7 aU $ "v:' ^ ^ • Wool , 'j' L'l WHIPS A full line of up-to-date Post l ardnatlc each King's New 1 d.-covery euie \ iiii ,'ii Of ^ relying on tlie ruad agents when he and. beginning wiih " Vun bad buy." ENAMKL (Neal's) % TIIIH collection IncitideK local view*, ixreetIngH, home, "h enre.l me oihinuiri nble.'" & s j did su to relieve him uf the funds The largest stock of Bu^y Whips in upbraided me for not having come writes VV. It. Nelson, of '"ahitrdie. while on the ruiite and start them gives that smooth, beautilul, nenuinc ennmel surface birthday, Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving. ('nrlntmaH $ earlier. When I asked her fur what in Lowell. IC very body can be suited both and New Year CardH. We have innde a special eff- Ark , "when all else lailed and 1 au'alu in eirculatiun. i'urthermure, the so sanitary and so easy to keep bright and attractive. lust 11 AI1 tlK Ncw she had wished me, she said that a cir ort In Heleetlng thi'He cardrt and believe they will gained 17 pi.tntds in weight It's & Anyone can apply it by following the >iniplc directions. in quality and price. The greatest 45c 'y- 1^- '* 9/eiv Jliub of 'Dress Zfri/nrninas rua.l a^.'ins we re wailing tu carry out (lis had cume tu luwn, and she was W ft N T S please our euHtomerM. surely Ihe Kb g of uli cougli and $ Tliin'.'s. Persian and tiilt tliis pralsewuiihy uliject. retail whip ever produced. Any price and dr.r ••.iyiiiu'" 1" ai lend liiat eveidng's jier ! 1 ( 111 >,\ i 1", Ai" A S.Mbl Fbi I I'U lung cures " iii.Misamls owe (ii-ir $ One day a red Hag apeareil at Jones" acres mile, east nl " iarksvllie. If it's a Hiirfnce (u !»,• piiiiiletl, t'lnnnclcd, you want from 8c to 50c lives a nd healt h lo it. 11 V pu-it o . i\ of !",r! All • Ki-r l^ur in liiu i|ualiiy and little priei's See vast window lor ,i lew ot them. fermanc. .\ "iiislied, I isked her il" staiiu'd, variiislu'tl, or fiiii>,lu>(l in any GOLD FISH sture, aud it was anuuneed thai he uood h. a bnn'iuent barn, gdml giiaranleed for eiiimb-.. colds, in $ . i. the next nmhl weiild nut do as well. way then's aaAcuie Oujlit> Kiml lu tit :ed to" • Ulankets and Outinirs Caloiv. would soli the "eninai r uf his .slm l; at jrranary. to-d hoiifc, iieg bouse, tlu- purpuKC. A well arranged a(|uartuin adds elegance to any grippe, asthin t, . r.iui. i 1 tbroal She said ii wuiild nul. and when I # '"5 aii.iiuii. He sold on si\t\ ilaxs" eredli. u;. •. h! s.!,,, j , n^,., n* ii >i! well MATCHES place and Is one of th" mo.-.t desirable ornanienb'» and lung troubles, .'. >.• .- ii i <1 ()l> •> • pressed her i"r a reasun ihe only one -r Lyi letting it be knuwn lhat when the j nad w ii.'l mill Thi-- is Ne. I SCOTT * for parlor, library, sltt imr ''»• dhdim room Trial hot t le free all' '. I . M dCs t ij she could f.i\e was Iliat she . Ulidii'l A lirst class noiseless match, safe heads Not only pe-iple In perfect heiillh. but Invalids rules fell due and were enlle.ied he i .i • i b' i 'i M i ie and. Thei" are & wall. r. acres ei. ar. balance wood hd HARDWARE will not lly olT. 3 lar^e boxes 10c look with delight upon the aijuarhim. for they are tov d • I'l.'pused tu leave t'lunamon with his lOLMDALi: • c It \» as allugether tuu lale lu gu tu the and p.:-tnr. lit. re i- a line sugar he ilth restoring ., Jt/waj/s Something 9/eiLK clreiis thai cveniim, so 1 spent Hie resi nr.lay to do rell. f work at the F M not a th'Uisand dullars" wurih uf guuds n i f'ir ;a • v -a! .-'7 l"l) w iii buv ll. APPLE PARERS A special price for a complete n.junrhim, w hile i • of it with h.-r in the o>zy ilhrary w here station. left, and these Jones -sold tu anybody lids i~ .1 _• iin Ii Interested see they last: j., gal globe, with L' tish, pebbles and lish $ • We had passed so many happy horns. Pares, cores and slices. Just the thing- 1 who wanted anything un his credit ' .•'•••, M i'.ti '.v.-r it M Kay '• store, plant, "JUc. < >r lish l' to In. long ."ie; 'J .. to '•> In. (ieorge Kili/us was in I ••vvll on ofien taking' bonk aficr I k from tin %wtw i a iw -ii, M ich. .IIATA*BUWT.-RT.IO*III% TAV YIRWWAWAW—REUBJ for family use, a time saver (»5c long. -(te. bnshiess Mimda v • plan. Lvervp'uiy wani.'l guods :su shelves, rambling in them together ami VT, e,i-i!\ ubtainable, and Junes In a few (ik'ti Loveiand .if 'irand Kaplds • calling each uther"s alleiiliun tu fav.n was here on business Saturday hour-) exehange.l the siulf for notes. lie passages. Hut. alas, there was no I'll." SAI.F line grade pig-' .-1\ $ C. ft. CoXXrffl. While Junes was thus giving credit wecKsiild. luii \ ork.-lilre, "(Id I'u FJder Hracklill and wife of Log.u. such enjoyment b.r us lunmhi. Mar * for money iiedit was due Mrs. Jones la nd < lilna a I - i l'l each. 1 aifd spent Sunday al S. Staid'-' ) gar.i .spuke uf the buuks as "musly. COUPON <3. 1J-8- for being a very shrew.1 wuman. A 'louild Fere M 11'ciel te 'ecal s 1.11 s • H. Klchardson reinrned r an ^ i-rJ • dusty things." in which she had iu. in- at our i inn every in..rnlng inr week before the faliing due uf the Bring in this Coupon and get a Whetstone FRKE. Just the thing to sharpen i 'onuectlcut Wednesday ae.'onipani'-d • terest. and insisted In talking uniy frelghi A!", ib I'.riiWa'-pig farm, by ("laretice Klchardson .vbo win • A notes she issued inviiations fur a the kitchen knives. Can also be used for razor hone. Or a Fancy Basket FRKK. Wo have a carload or American Fence on hand Comr: aud o. t it. iij.un the most fiivulons I .pics. < irand Kaphi -. "l visit relatives liere. • "suarry," tu which eo-ry une in l"wn. You Never Saw • It is needless iu say ti.al I was mil Can be used as work basket, glove basket, handkerchiel basket or necktie basket. Mr Scott of New York Is vlsbinu r Including gamblers ami mad agenls. % THE LOWELL LEDGER Win 11; I'i MNS Nru ^ iirk, li:i> only disappoinied, but sliot-ked. ("uiild "Ii i II LNT 1 i, end barn, .lohn Or we will deduct 5 per cent from any purchase. J. W. RI'THKRFORI). Ids daughter, Mrs. Wilbur, was imited. tu celebrate ihe (lei>ariure THE SCOTT HARDWARE 00 / Y ; .1 oi iii Miu'l'iii- murder. \ this be my sieady, well balanced, in .Mills if John and Will Lott acre In hovvell I'ubllsbl'.l ivt'r\ I'liij I > : :i> ,..trr ''Ii uf (he Junes family ••n iin- day after teilecttia! M.ii ;;arer.- 1 W is inciincd Such a Guaranty Saturdar to attend the n ot ball t it. Low di, Mlehlijun. I iiiilli •'!i t lie !:iuh\\;i v \\ii> sli'Ui U the said nules fell due. Her husband, lu donbl it. i "otild il be her I \\ ia sislerV FOK SA LL .s 'I weeks-old pigs game. ' by :i niMi liiiu' and lei: 1\ iiiL:' 1 'V gen.'roiis man, made It known lhat if 1 I knew thai she had no i w in si> ^ i | 1 . ! I Fan. -, i .i iwei. Mlei , The South Hoston (irange or.iies- ' iie ri '.i.i w iii:.- iIi. tlri vrr nisl.cd I- M JOU>SO> Kditor iiflvl Prop'r If You Have Scalp or Hair an\ uf the deblurs fuiuiil li iinonven endured her piattle as long as i was I'll.'lie i 1,1 1 If iothes as This Che Bargain Store, 3.01. Rwlwrford Proprietor. tra met at the home of F. 1, 1 ir.mt • j j .'i vioht ;i; ji bivak-nerk lent tu pay up at maturity the matter Look for !|.f Saturday evening for practice Trouble, Take Advantage able: then, telling her Han 1 had sume, ( lu'.hci .li (,u.ii • | •-:"'.'< 1 riic \ iet im died and ! lu'V wuidd be left ' 'pen i"r a reasonable wi rk tu do befure guing to bed, I .ILWLL IlANhi lOllSALF. Fsed uuly Lvic Mr. Wilbur was In 'irand Kapids I) \UUU I t \av. r tisit MlJ I'ritU.flu lu riuhf who e.*dl n nmrder. of This Offer time These two prupusiiiuns en- ruse tu go. miiv short time Fred Fames l.'.lf last week to attend a bean ineetiiij: • hanced the pupularlty uf the Junes ! Tiieiv arc unto driveis who are \\. . nild not allord l<: so I "And you will lake me tu the . inns James Stanton Is home from Mil- -'-^4 Il Hill i 1.IM II "> \M ; it..nai- <>ii v. iu'.'ls .'iii.l .Hlieis family, and the ciitthruals gut Uieir tonierrow nightV" she asked, with a F'lL SAI.F. (Mie \ ii Oariaml eual OU can {jet clothcs any [^lace that waukee. LOWKLL l'l ST. SO. 2. Cndurotl m:innucluciti •^tnni^iy ••ndorsi- lie.xal! "' : sti.ve md 'lol.l < ..in heater. F.I horses and their iruus ready to return putil. •" TsrsmoBBxeaisz j w ii t a re j.'ill leiin-n eiil il led ' o i Inii runic and ei mi inn.- io sell Hong. Fhum his |i,:p l,: Mrs. Fannie Kogers of Lowell vis- Simon l opma went Friday i . vis the family furinne to ebvulatiun. "Certainly if you wish ii." 1 replied good t!ie day you take them ited her aunt Mrs. Dennle one day \l r- .i dll ' . 'i}: I . ven ^onsideralion. We met ii tis wr d«i. ii it did not do Pi 11 " look it relative.! In Iowa SOD'HI BOSTON. T Subscription po-tp uJ 1 had clerked fur Jones and was and when 1 could escape from an ex- last week. W eek, ' WEST LOWELL. (iue iil racn kind w liik io^Liiny; F'i|; >ALI \\ iiidinill. nearly new. Miss Anna Aubert of Hehllni: spi-nl N!, ONL V !•:\I; ui rlnim ii will. Sin Mild out en- ready tu du anyihim; in the wurld f"r uberance uf caresses hit her. A ri I < •!id• • '.'I w ' nl '.ary, '...in.I , ( '- ^'"i. Mullen and danglibT. M rs. \\ i'V,ley ol" i ,alis! a : Sl\ Mt)NT1IS idoni: ;• narruw Itii ol liie >oinh I lejuire iity pliotie l.'p out of the store. Hut when you buy Wednesday nl W. Washburn's. I ihei spent srvrni da; • i.-i-i ' niLiliriM-. Mrs ie-- . irker. •niKl.K M ON'I lis ihnsinni inrry •]> nwny. and: him. but he didn't trust me till the That night and the neM day my Its The World's best vlsll.l d ".'ia 11 Sl Week. >idf \d• i r. >nd Insl Snmhiy. Tin' Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Simpson re- . 'with tier brolber ami faiid;v lb lighter llexali • '.'•l" 1 Inir Tonic not n'ivt' lust inlmite. thuimh he tuld me tu lie No one has ever madea salve, olnt < iyde I rm. ha; Mad bis re brain was m a lurnioil. 1 was like a I 'M: SAl.F \l a -acrllice uiiod 7- Clothcraft you ^et a ^uarFtUy llnu your clothes turned liome Sat unlay after a fonr i'f (ir.iml lla-. m. ;•>: eiiinr learinji' aloiiLi' ih.' dii iri- -n i isl'ni i ion t n 'in nsn > reinh un slmrt miilee lu ku somewhero man who had lost his luve 1 broudcl ment or balm to compare with deuce rcp.ib ; rooni imn.-c and 1 acre nf bind weeks' vl'lt al Alden r 'lit ermi Kutm siiiiii.' ira. k road like a whirl- with him. 1 was not inciuded in Mrs. Kneklen's Arnica Salve. It's theom- . Mr ami M i s ' ha ri. s M. hi • as aCCOli • lic\- w.iwl.i ii'sc i.-tiili iii ns and • hi stead uf wurklng lil! afiet oili.e tulle frntn p -ri . nice. I'rice S'iuu Chas J i. . • Ml ,!l are all-wool and will shiy KOOJ- both in shape, perfeet healer of cuts, corns, burns, Mr. and Mrs. It Henedhi spent i' ' - "h vislg'd friends In (irand KapidsCV.T shall wind, nnd "lily llii- u'uo.l m-IISC Jones' Invliatiuns for her "suarry," heiirs and in the evening .ailed lu if sold soon, see 'ien. M Farker Sunday withe (iuun and family, la rg"r ani ne . ' .-n • ling fo? our stntctnenl>. nnd in i-onse- dinner In honor of her 2.'ld birthday. bruises, sores, scalds, bolls, ulcers, 1 Snmla >. .or." 1 il I In . >li 1 in use ns -iiv iirove into which surprised me. I had a ruum op- take Mart;: .el t" Hie citvus. The at McKay" •• tor. , Lowell, Mich ADA an .illi'-e "ii M . in ri --t .jnener • »nr bn-inos pr.^iip' and in wearing quality. cc/ema, salt rheum. For sore eyes, Mrs. Win. i'aul returned boine Frank I ove who has b|pn .IslHnu well, .\II. ia: I isi.Mi I:A I I> puslte the Junes house, and the night Miss Myra Hradlield of Harbor .1 olnt . . rde MSI I , uli; ; .ji '' " diirh and stood •-i ill >a vt?d in.lid w hu leci ivfd me at Hie duur 1 Hall game, October 7. The old cold sores,chapped hands, or sprains. Monday after a three weeks' vi-it his unel'. Win. Mullen aud I'.amli;. r. would sniT.-r. W i. I IA \ llsevi-ia ct lerscvery week Springs Is visiting friends here. W'-d.i- - •- i .i! >. w le r. Dlspinv. trnnHiL'nl. ::it-insertl.tna - ir.w;, aiiniinlati.m. Onr the parly came off 1 waleheil the weni upstairs tu announce me and. re- The innkcrs arc bd.k oi c\cry word of that '"Upper team with Spencer Colts, It's supreme. Infallible for piles. with her daiigbter, Mrs S Mexandi'r. turned tu hi- home In 'Islnwa' M a l.it \\ • as-iirc i iu11 sl y.mr fr.'iii panic:- w.int:;;^, In buv a Mr and Mrs. IL F. I Mi vis and chil- are at w.-rl. n-- i c:i ' is thri.'iig gu in and know by the gra.lual- turning. told me that Miss May was small tana near I.-'Weil What a side. Ada \ illage. (Mdy "J.'ic at h, I J. Look. Mrs, F. H. Martin has been v ry lil hnhana. Silitrda 1.1'.". W Inch; addltioual [ brot her. who is no auo reiVi.sl, sa id hnir is bi-LiinninLi io imnni irally gtLininty and so arc w.;. Ju •' Liinkf tin's: dren of (Srand Kapids were guests of I'-'Sji*; six iijuiith- intr . ln-r jy increasing sound? eoming from with nut feeling well and had gone to bed I'.a \ c v; in 111 , pile' See i Ie. i. M I'rank, son of Itay Averll, had the but Is on the gain at ibis writing. r • \ roek hurlt-d riron^h '.ii.- Ids parents over Sunday. r m , > I , ' l-awriMio. Court IM v,.rv 111 wit Iiu-li; vearl\ 'Hiir , i. fall out n' il' yon iinv nny senlp in thai the guests were getting cheer- 1 There was no message of disappuint- i'arker alioiit ii ilieeat McK iy'-- misfortune to break Ids arm Satur- 1 MORSICTAKK (iien Frnst of (irand Kapids spi'in - u'' '' " t.v|.l.i.1.1 f'-v.T m Kniwl ta'&wi W MUs lifer, nmehine uonld ; 1 \ i ur where they had sunk told ni.- that -ii.- thoiighi iier mistr.'.ss ebureb was well attended. Sam Skeldlng's. •it Ih • I H ehlireb every I vn w.'. - ' Imr b. r birth -i imiilntc hnir -jfowih and pn-- h. S. I'.lani'.inu. \ crgennes Ihe and workmanship — wear and Of I .o weii - ;i n: Saturday and Snn -i she > :!l in their exuberance uf spirits. I had iiui exp. -led me that evening. abs'jluldy vuariintccd Mrs. Mull vlMlied her daU"liter In SKKLKV CORXICRS • ui s.inday evening . ; •. i r d s Want colmou. Kff|-i-rr woriu .)r.Jl pt'pi r lnlii-t- "" - hr • .iw i;">Ioii! veni prcnin " lir.- 1 ••:ildne>s. Mr. and Mrs. ("lair Veiter and chfl day with .; • i !_ai • oid '-ii • ;; W:if > r Crand KapbU Saturday. FALIASBURG riertion. If pal.l v\ :ii n .ird •' .1. !;• p-r * ^ ;i!''• iin: v nil.'l ior i >nr faith in le-xnll I lair could set- thruimh the windows Junes This would have been natural had ll CUK K FN I '• INKINC F' i \ IWINS service tihsolnft'ly gudrtinlced— at $10 to $L ; )! dren spent Sunday night at S. S. Kev. Sutton has been ri bnnd M r. ;in Mr--, i dive |'daMS h visiHn.; ii -r sis opening chainiiagne, ills wife serving nut been fur the en^a-ement, since 'i.iilon si/.", u.alvatii/.ed Iroirji in- Mrs. Frankle llarrlH entertained Harry Halley of Hrand Kapids vis- Yelter's. . , , ,. . i . , ter, Mrs, Alva Kolf. ui h ri In b won] If cliarireu. No .ih rils.aiM-nt : il.. Ii.-rsr. !!'• '.>>1 a lil 1 li* I iin. . Tonii i> so ^troiiLi' thn! we ask us for the next conference yar \ Jirl/.- Is i':l red In •.aid. 11 It sehoi d dy. ilurable, elean; m.ade and sob! Search the city over and you can't find anything the Laiiten Idterary club Tuesday. ited at the home of,1. F. To-ver from N!r I aw .aoi"* \i'isoi-eM ;. met > i taken lor Ks.s than u-n •ni.- |,|i; u,.!lt 111( will, onr Ihnnks ealables and the children carrying the it was an evening 1 seidum called. Frank Kiel returned to his studies ('ome out .tml welcome him. to all who all."- i r.'gul.irlv 1 "' ' I'dlows and vmi I ry n on onr posiii\i'| by I I Si-very, Ilnner. IT. Sunday night until Wednesday. in si! , ii !i Mr-J. i i. iil: ' n..' r luxuries to the guests. Then I saw 1 iie next of my usual weekly visits else like that. Vou know it! Mrs, Jennie .lohnson spent over at Ann Arbor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will llesebe visibd in IssliI s-aid' •, this , irirt.-r h"|inelli who bav b.-i'ti vbalhar IPT Si:' Willi; I'd t 'ard of tbankH lc per w • .ri!. and with a .-leal ronscH'iiee. I.el Li'iiaranlei that yonr money will j He leaves for Chicago this week Junes himself, drunk as a lurd, pledg- was Sunday, and I called, dreading t" F< >11 S\L1 ' ement brick Shiiiua Sunday In Heldlng vlHltlng the .lohn- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fatterson Mrs. 1. .1. Tldd of South Lowed Colli',' oie and ail. .aunt, Mr-. Nathan i'dalr, return,® Mrs i W'hltnp-er ami ta in t! i * • craund Notices oMilrtlin, dfiirlis niar :!;<• law abiding .scrs .M "iif liiuh- where he will remain through the lo 'ler bonie la I I.-eilngs last Frlda v. be cli.-erl'iiiiy r.'fnnded il ii .loi's! ing his guests, while his wife louk up again lind the hoi.ien. I was agree i Iiousand. I, i iillingioii. Phone LOWELL, hOll'H. were in (irand Kapids last Satur- iimrsday. John left for .1 aek-oti. La ,SatlJl'd rla^i'ri prlnti-d ire" as news -.luuter. j w ay. bdtl; mai'hini ineli nii'l winter. wondered not do ns wc claim. I wo si/es, j the corkscrew, which he was nu lunger ably disappuinied. Mariiaret wa • her '".s 1-1 l-s. If day. Mrs Louise Lewis Is inueh im Mi-s iiinrrow .an to ' A. L. COONS, Mich. Mrs. Sheridan Ford who Is visiting XORTII CLARKSVILLF ' McCORDS a-M A:ilie', le eould Obituary poetry anil rcfciutlons, h' rsemen. eoml'int' in drivi'liM's.' nnd sl.ixi. Sold only al I able to wield. usual self except lhat she show.d Kills a nurdercr. Mrs. Will Andrews and son Maur- proved at tidh wiitiiig. springs Fri.lav to spiaid a f.-w <"AN"< u: i< )h S\!.F cheap Fnijiiire her parents Mr. and Mrs. Halsted her, seemingly PC per line. : -ira ie> from I he road. ice are visiting relatives mi north. S. Sees! has mov ''i on the farm of1 wit h I'.IT friend, M r . Lb.-yd Farl - imr si.ir<- The iJcxall Shnv. ; I had been told to remain in my signs uf uverstrained nerves. Sume- 'd .1 A .1 oiinson if. \ merciless murderer is appendiel I spent over Sunday with friends lu Tlie L.adies Aid society will me'-i WIIITXiC VVIT/UC ,. ll ..ui quest '! Mev eer wid.ii in- il! work I lie ! !:• •« .1. W . Fuel! and w !;' • , f s t 1'hoi ^mb euts. ',-olu!iin ! >. 11 I.(i. )k I 'riiu:' st (ire. room ready fur orders, and at midnight ihing told me tu refrain from mentiuri- lis with manv victims. Hut Or- : (irand Kapids. Miss Flora Haven and Kdward with Mrs. Finerson Clark, Wedms :nlis 1 uesday, ypl i uf i.i. mad'' many warm iriendN. who li OOGIflR'S eidldren spent Sunday at ('. ().!Hill's. baling bay. (ieorge henton ami Mr. ami Mr .1 ae icni In Suni'i' 1 Miie went duwn, and, taking me thruugli ferred to h'T desire iu visit the • reus. M urphy. Son! b Few ell, F- I .ook's. Keene visited at the home of Frank Mrs .1 ohn i'hom is \ I-Hlm In r -• h nioiiniahi.s r Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Seeley and Frank Vamlerhoof are doing 'he New p.'.ri .• i .LO.'L I'KIN'l i \ W iii wi>h llflll sip rcSS ami iie ba. k door ami the yard, he stupped She seemed Mirpii Jed, my.•-!hied, and Jones one day last week. s in, William ami wife M i - i ira •. ifr'-v b- ; tire, snew L< IS I" llabber . e. "j- |i .r ant otliobile children of Seeley Corners and Mr. the work. ; of nndrriai.ii-. and urnl.-hbu h;.ppii:''s< m ;licii intnre en- befuie a two burse team standing on when 1 tuld her Hie whole siury said, \irs. Hiood ami Mr- Sireeter \ i- l.-I; l!>i but Is irainliii ~ j;!.'! s.-r- Tm la iMaa: ims on. oy[sra tup Leave at IMlllngier & Abbott's 10AST PARIS and (leorge Henton of Kocktord spent and Mrs. Alex Hlakeslee of Lowell ;I "1 b' d'-avois. Mr. .I' tikins is an able willi a iien. us tremur, •'Oh. she'll M r a ml M rs. ' i Mpllppi-.l job ..i! A ' Slcri! il'e sireet beyuiid. Junes told me t) garaee for rev. ard. Stindav with James henton and fam- took dinner at Walter Ulakeslee's | .lain" - .-ha -A Ited relatives In the ciiy a few i ,".s Our HtUd WKST CASCADE SOUTH "LOWELL. u.ip.'. Mlrbl^mi f.!!•!'s pre;' '; ? • .j . all -i '••!'< ••P.'. pi• :I' lii'i .i ]io\\i f get in and take the reins. I did so, ruin me!" 4 * X •* k-***!• Ji-Ji x-^ ^ ?-y »c * f f. * ^ ^ ii k ******»• *• ily • Sunday I,' " Lewis uf \ m . -lied id- -; 1. . • • with a ; ' 'lia rile Mar* • " 1:•, rai irued r i.ifl !r \ te" klu.lH..f job prim inu iii.*'• i • - inn.'• •.sirntn and |., . . , , and as we drove oil' he strapped i: "Was sume u.ie else than yen with Mesdames Flizaiieth Fish and Lilly M I'.. I ill!.a" ami l i in iiy la-i we.-K m - ' 'ley w. c 1A n Frank Sherrard went. t(. hrand Mr. and Mrs. Finekney of Ver- Too late for last week. wori, at Lai, ;: a :• spemllng t w brace of pistols aruund his waist and me that evenln^V 1 a-i.e.i. : 5 Spauldlng visited at chas. Lawyer's Mr and Mr--. F. M. ( restin . .p. , :lL ^ inkjiii: I Much Nckness Uue lo Dowel McCartv Brothers. gennes are visiting at Frank Fair- Weeks Wiih hh -r \hna Fiseher and friem' • te.- Sunday. Kapids Monday to serve on the cir- Mrs. ' ieo. M on I ague and son ('ha-, and \i; • John 'ioiif. , 1 laid two nn.re at my feet at the but •"Yes nu. 1 was wi;li o n, but she chllds. 1 MorKi-ol (Jrind haplds spent frot i I' v. < r. Tha ^ . . .. . n j i i •. i - ."-i! • 'i! I iiii i ,i 111 in i. i i; i Disorders cuit court jury. of Helhilre are vishinu her parents. .M rs Mary > i ' ' i • ts l -e. 11 01 liU >. ' >:• l Kehar «i, i s..n. ib. hard, ; torn uf iii-- wagon, on the uutskirn dominated me.'" And she hurried > ui Miss Lawyer has returned io her - iturday to Monday at .1 ulhi| • d that it Lnmmality, lis Causes and i - Mr-. iuin> is ;i.:' n Wholesale Produce Dealers Frank Houghton and family spent A F Helder, and family. is visit ing oid frieniViemi.i ' in (ids ii t v. the bom of Mf. a 11 i Mrs den \ ii ior's lirst ijiiestnin when uf the roeiu. Bote! grlspi home in Three « biks after a vlst here Mrs. W. Halsted and son Hllbert i inchi-r's. "f ihe tuwu we snipped for a minute Sunday al Jim Fasterhy's. Miss Mab"l Layer w-nt to lia-- :rry her pn>tor"s wile shonld be. Iii> lia -i' i" Fari-- spent Sunday In Vergennes with her B.Mrs Iv and Miss Nor K i fiey it: i • •• ionlu roi Remedies. •on- led ii\ n p.-ii ieilt is. 'Are al a honse while Junes lifted into the 1 was nul adiuilied tu s.-i Mai'uaret W. A. Patlerson whose outbuild- Hflgs Wednesday where she ha- • of . ampbeii -r -ai \v .loliti Iftnlon has moved id- fataii". .."' u f t p r* yal hi'lpc!'aiul a I'rieinl i" tin ings were nearly all destroyed by daughter Mrs. Lewis Follrufi and .dll Miuelsleu'iilarV' 1 \> knows !.ii-uy a bux cmtalning .^SU.POO in gold. -ilideel. 1 did nul cai'e lu set her; 1 Fa led liny Kidctiinq the Top cepted a position as book i,. .-! -r i.,i' ; iileli 'iCagei ! » Alto • d I-. !'. r.-r < Jrand ll.ipid> , i- lightning Is preparing to house bis husband who have moved to the ( I'.i Story ii- •or nnd ill Tnii Li IH.I.I; v was dissatisiied fur a month. Then i ly c.ratci i .bile the (irand Kapids H.iol ' aseen. ^i^ and Mrs Jay i ills entert ined 1 "V;, •• 'haIi »> linpere "},MI !I ol iiliii s IS W. had the best team of horses iu Odell place. in any calling of life, demands a vlg" M r and M r- • i r • a rafae Adrian . .'r led iii!o a.-livi'; 1 > i^ nl and lilHSW (iLhsrilFF f Detroit, Michigan stock for wlnt'-r. ' •rdi.tlh'coinn .'P.i- I.ev aii i A rs , . 1 . ,,, .• , „ i that re-'un. and they did goud service, I cailed on her, Wiiai was my sur- ShUie i.ime orotis body and a keen brain. With- Freeman Whllmyer Ieii. Mmiihiv spi'iit Tuesday last with Mr. and 1." Howe., aa i 1: .1 • -| Liacl-. .• -ru I Hlisdah-; 1 i I 'IM L 1 WIIH lliite! J\ e IK IW cl> ; Miss Orn Mackle ofSaranac was llennle Powell of Keene visited Ids Sunday. innrd.-i* on ils • •1 nkins i.i ihe j^ond people and of eniirse we didn't knuw whether we pri-e io lind he!" a diircrein person hraln Tile i iam i'ii-'r\i. Pi.-idnii out health there Is no success. I'.nt night for .lackson, Lu, 1 le'.vill stop Mrs '>. .1 lb.w Ian 1 h.'tui' of. KM ii.t brother Otis Sunday at,I. Tower's. r 11 irpid liver, nnd i ha I I his ei nidi- j POSTAL HOTEL CO., M \ -11 .\ W . Miiiiiii.M'1 I he fguest of Ip-r mother who gave a Flcctrlc IMttersistbegreateHt lletiltii In Illinois nn l pu eliae.e a earln,.. .Mrs Sntph'-n of i^ldiug is v!».••- in • offensive < -Id man , s i i-r-'.ss • ii !lai: nnd • <'imrainlaie- had been betrayed by sume une who from eil hei" of Ihe two i iiad kliuwu Sewer i'ipe lllll 1 mov !)ill va- .j.,;?,. flnli . t i(in ninst boj'enuiv.'d^eiHlv ainl i builder the world has ever known, of Holstehi cattle f.irtbe Loni-iani her i.aiightt-r, Mrs. ' ha- ' p: ,1 nnd robb.'d li\ : v. had uui wind uf the trhk. thuugh from Hie muiilent wc met lie I.i Led ited by hr F.niisiel SJI jar.'a • .. hei ('lihnney Tile il compels perfeet action of stomach, State Insane asylum. r- «» iii..r..usi.h i-foh-iM-iitii .MI. ii- ,11i.'m-s had taken no une inio hi?" cunll- d womei/s iiliii-. \vui!ion's vuiing, Mr-'. I 'nam I'.rown wh" ^ "s ry ner wih his si im! . .'f. i- one n m»'r<' boy. ior! F.Plek liver, kidneys, bowels, purities and - wumeii s superierii; tu men and linal Mr. and Mrs F. i' Sweet - vat ill la-i wcffeis m>w much i ei'.ei j Mis i .vail • ard me, the eriminals \vi'! i«i||:!- dence Anyway every new and then enriches the blood, tones and invig- VEKGENNCS CICMTER. ^ , . . . ; le'A ill ' hilerlies nie .. pi'-itivc. • Land li.eb-r • SI25,0(11): l:\penilid: in: Ruiictltiinff, : hirmsliin" : ami : Dccoratinu: J Sunday with Mr and Mrs. i'rank Mr- \ima Le.a.-h fs • • loiii ' fa • lefore. Inr •"! ":id Im vi- nlo . W" pulled In and listened for fuotfalis. y tuld me liial il 1 i:ieriered wiih her I I orates the whole system and enables 1 11 1 1 a. ("arr of Keene. : [ ; -1 , • : .! •id-, Mr M , n miv r ' '' ' '' ' " .' ! 1 ;i :. -.l h 1 ;i 111 i .-n 1( t'elliei i V lor I (111- : ('urisiderlng what he had at stake, in any of tin c .I.Jecis iu which i>he Wo.ul ? you to stand the wear and tear of Sabbal h sch. i i;- \ ' " M Ky >• r e ' hni' lor v t M. *r The social at \ I" Held, r s was io ir. >m I heir sow me', iik». • pn.pused iu devuic her life we mn i • "lover Seed 5 I'"II...|| ulil. 111,1 and fi.M , , , 1 I .|:n ^ your dally work. "After mouths of 'J,01 • ceeds ^b". I short stay. Hen,-ot ner I? ve«-;. .w . ,,, j , , , n " '"id >| n*; ni ted, niiu'h' takt n j 1 1 hi"i her madden, d Had 1 noi iiecn < in h 'I'd • r writes W. M. Sherman, of Cushlng. -ociiii at the lioaie ol 1 iif.a; i r fer.".'d i when ! i:'ir Lve;i i ciirni i\ • \ nine i hn I ; Junes . uiiiiuded that we had better iN- ^ 1 '.l.,l In..- I .'afi- 1. ' 1 . v M 1.;' II,. 1 I.. 1,1 . Ii-flriral lu.llilllill ill ^ We are pleased to vve!e iim .• r city :iiid lin' i' \ • i ii ^ XllielK-.l. • Me., "three bottl.'sof Flcctrlc Hitters I rid ay eviadng, 'hi i \ •rdlai A mis da neons shower w .s glv- n wdjo i] \\, jnerday. be raking ever , Ie--. >ii P in ; li.' Vw i Mie;i lis ; save ihe hefses as much as possible, pUZ/.led as well i would have hrukeil I .Tli'i/. r former pastor, lid. r Indiesnn, nm ; •' [.i-'inn-c io reinrn the pnr-' made me feel like a new man." ."idc Itiv llatlon 1 II a I ..'una Ho well who la to be marri.-i ' \jr M. ji., f..,,', u faeiliti's inr i riinn . ; 1 i ) "i. <1 A . ;• souie (•• iinnr w Inch i> boo -iinn i he j : and 1 Sinn slowed down. We made my eiigagemeni Hieii and there, bui * Now III ,11 hi .'III leliicii, J for another year. i- i - inoi,.'_\ in e\ ery ense in Iv I'M. ti ll ! : . iniiit at l> (i. Look's. ! • I iyde vis ted M' - h i:. I An- fo hohert Fdackburn this evening. ia'.hdi: ' c . -W. are I'lioiuh '• i' 1 1 curiusily preveuied. Sevci'ai munllis vv 1 1 l ai- 1 Hie wo- • •! ' ..imn I. x j 1.1>i I i. in !. -r 1' 1 • •. 11 | :hlrty miles whhout stepping except F"l a I o ' i a lc - J ^'' 11:.;! will. I-;. III.- I .'I ; . ' \ 1,1 tu> 1.11- I., -i ,|, w :.l'. I|I I . ,|lic: lllll.I.e..11-. J I and jinnouncements I h. I Layer was In 'iram hnpl.'.s wiii'ii 1 hey hlil 111 pr. h I lice I-Iil il'e i it '-ar.l pin tle .-nul .lain .- ^ dersoi: from Sat nrnay :! S . . i • b , \ aflderstoip of 'irad 1. .pi'ls ri e drew a : r me— • •ii i/. n^hip oi I\.-i ' irom i'.i»-;. iii's ji|ni. l"(n n i ri-1 fur water and anuther ten before giv- passi'd iu whieii 1 • .iiitinneil tu visit on business Tuesday. sal is ia: i i• lint, Mrs. ' \. i r «i dem.tnd lor bet lei ing the horses a b ed. Then we break- her, hoping lhat she would senle down if .-i \ pi : > ai.- Ill miie III., .h. I'm . , il, ai|.| I'll.-I llieii! I.'p: .' ."•allien sle< \(; "Ubbed ceii; i'i)n in I . • H'l irn l ion i <1 11 i" i F. W. Uiahted and faiullv of Lo 'iraee Fdaudhig i M- a-.d Mrs rank i lark last w - ek. | Mrs. 'i. 'i. Jom- , Ilexnli.' X 'lll *• »r' '0(1 a ('hiel' anionic' li. • • . - fasted ourselves and uave the team a J 1 ! Villi- i'li! 1.<1 I.|| 'A' .l l ll I. I .'ll';i.|i-. .i.-.'I .II ; .1-1 well visited l>. F. 1 aycr and family L. F Me I .ea ;i Sua lay i' ira,.* Sears and wife landed In •' , , [ • 1 ll 1 111 11 McC rty Brothers. at the town halt here Friday evening r US, • ;iV H .« iaw r\ niv I In- • -, - j', . p. ' " ••'r - niiulv,lluvadi|iiii'ti;l,v,aiiillm\« iw" hours' rest. And su we went on When she was anuiher 1 would turn • Wi .-rv e elnti I .ri'!i!. Iiel ' • ..|. Inn.ll Ii.-" .1m1 -mi-inld "lliiiiUini.. . r r :i. il I.l i, . ;,fi |C te' :,i.lt p).|.i||:ipe|,iil:irr pliepi I.i'-e . J Sunday. Wllltlie.V vllle (Is \ ea rs air., t oda.V | ^.y-j : , li') . -UPM 1 Best Stock and work, including Oct. I I Supper served from <».••)() un- hon Collar .•; ri'.' -i; 'd V( ;i WQrtli Wttiting usiiotiiiiifj; Rti-M jit away frum her; wln-n she was my own < 11 . :. y . !ii,j.', ev- pl;n;es ot iniipiii v. by easier and easier stages till we < •liie, is: .loi.i' w ... t .a Mi ( artyV •T '' fiieilili.-- !•..• I, .:li ela-- erv ie. :iic . |.l ii.ii.il ami I'leho l I i.e I.el I.i.Irl- in * til all are served. Cordial Invitation K. F.. Sprlnget l and family of Lo Mon'ay :"roiu (IiMie Flit N, V. , '\iiiam'b'..^ •••'i'i .. . . . • , -> New 'l | I ¥ Kulb Hud--, .a - • : u i •"" li" Ih" " : W" . n i 'ii' iIN i he entire intesi in.al • reached the railnnid Junes bearded Margani I luved her still the same. < ML! St and I'aoe jsa to all well visited T. \anHaltsnia an; liie smnv vas three Incliis de pthe . .gp ..jppp,,-,, . .u-r< ;,:irnWJ£.i lUi'in! ire ;,iid |]|(. un J, if INNER AND OUTER with h-r aunt, Mra. b. ' 'b, 1 , l-st his eagle," I said ; I 'I I . I lu'V d|( I IM >1 plll iie, LL fipe. a| train, and I druve leisurely back to As the huideii 1 fuand ll pussible to S. I Oil eail |.:i.\ ' l> .nl ie • .11 I III. I.I v..Ill II'. .MilIII.'.l'l |..:, Mil M.II ..-HIU. il ye I aiUlllilll! + family Sunday. next tm ruing, Mr sea.rs is now • .' .e|ih biai "-.h depiclii;^" crillio ai- 11 i I 1 i W > i' 1 I! \ I he I i >• I. i] J. I"-I tel . if Mrs. o. J. Lnylander of Chicago of' annon ; i" Aiiin'tte "She H«»es I:i-e na nsi-a. lla I nle|ic(J. excess-1 Cinnamon. be ama-ed wiih her; as the " iron!: spent Wednesday night at the home Mrs. Hood of ('larksville visited years old. (ilenn henlee of (b and lbi;itls \" j" a> eontribniitiLi' ( ••in- ol liie Mei hod is t ehnreli, lilleii vnol her old I';- ha:, 'd • - i "• i r I fulllld the town perfectly quiet, but minded ' w •man I could noi endure V* * * * X-• 4 4 •'t * X 4 * 4 • 4 * 4 4-4 ^ »-4 ^ ^ ^ K ^ f * * * * * •c • ENVELOPES of Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Coger. She her son, A. Hood and family a low Saul C'niggle and sister F.-lwitm it -d at o. ' • - • -. • a v -i\" i IIisi'iifss dinrrlnien (>r i !.",sterl. is gota'. \> to iin- lirst K nm v • i' r child ren, < u prospeci t was nut attractive. Nobody from hinis Miie dropped 1 Infi'rred thai home In that, city, who has been Wednesday to attend the fair and '-• spot' I ••marked nwii ec'a t i. ms and creating 1'nvor- iiy Sunday. M- and Mrs, ' ol!.; veiled MVAAAAAA/.«*.': ii , i ii. "i 1 i'llk-. Two -izes. J."|| audi asked me about where I had been, for she knew of their e:.isien c. and she boarding with Mrs. ('oger the past some other business matter aldi- lir-1 inipr-sMons upon his Railway Time Table seven weeks. Hell smith Is worl-ba,-i r rs. 'i.i.v' i i11v b r i roiherroiiier,, IraniI rani., Ihysiiige ty singerr ^< ^ 1'Sold oiih iii onr ST(AE everybody knew. Mrs. Junes was the haled Ihem. Mrs. Wardell and son Furl oi r V s Klli 11,0 tlllld Imsiiii hip sci in' • hi)-.• , ; 11 'pe> loi a eordiiil.ind iniiinnlly FA ST li(MNI) new work at Muskegon. They are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hodfrey o called on Norval \a i.-tr in ol Alton, -idldren, Helen .ind_ 1- 'nelh ' T? 7V"- .WYTVTTVVT • -'C. . 1 1 u'cluck the day after the "suarry," and that Margaret was under his i are; pledge- ii re kept or i.' i da 1 m helpful m ijiinintaiice. packing their household goods this Freeport visited Kobert Ford and donhi visited her sister, Mrs. Lb o ja'lp - ti uy una. It was nut evident tu them befure noun that two oilier persomiiilies bestde.s No. 12 h:.>8 a. in. ex. Suml i week. : Sears ami f iinlly Saturday. IMIt ' ml i d I IllMll.'SS p i! , ' . Joint Notice, family Wednesday, ... - ;a i. .'id I that they had been tricked. It was her own appeared lu i ihabit her body Cars Cascade post ollice Is m. more- Mr and Mrs. iVM h'.ne'as ni -•'! .\s io had -lorii - .iii.; i rini'' SO\II; . .i i HE J UI pei - ARE mnk IIIL: " 22 'LIT a.m. '• Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and son • •:. ly her. I I he nuieeineut )ornieii\ exi-t- then too late to make chase. and at lime.-i duminaled her. My psy- r Mail boxes are being placed for use Louie spent Sunday witli iie..rg« ;I - rea I IM IW 1 bei aiisi- in a -pei-ch Kussell of Lansing ami Mrs. Ford a tiled my incii iuu' piri iire>. I hi : iiin-iiinl IIIL." b' l Wren ''"he I dwell .loiirnnl On the day the notes fell due none chic melhoiis of hi own inveniiun ne All machinr and repair work C LS j:HH p. m " by many former patrons of the ! Houglass and family of Al.a-ka. and family of Logan spent Sunday Good Way io Use miked of Hu ' d. a nl horii ii'ssho'ild siij r. -> i h«'m. i" hi> ow ii hiiiliw irk. I hn-e nnd TM Low ia i LI in.r.i: n.- to of them were paid- I drove Mrs. Jones was trying tu enable her to duminato ollice here. Ada K. F h. I'J now in- " 14 7:IS p. m. dii;y. with Kobert Ford and family. I here i> m) use i »r • xi u.-i ior ' '-Inii n relerred in a Immon.ns md her children to the rallruad. At stead of Cascade P. (). P ni: •; • > - sees us, 1.1 Ie Ol chnre'er-i lor lioliees ol them and thus reinrn tu a normal cun- a specialty. Auto livery in Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whltm.M - LOGAN LOCALS. " Iii n iiluy be sr. WKST FuFNh Onli/ S3.00 per WO ili/omei for tatarrli •le w !:• •.' • eveS •'it her. (Ii iod nnd . 1.'t|c• Low .-r I 'i n- pnbiie I'lileriaininents, suppi rs. the station I found a letter from Junes dlilun. Chas. Wood and wife of (irand and baity John spent Sunday wiih Ibiidel 1 av er w III ra Si Id- e w . .: d. •> ril.e is a w asking me to meet htm at Frisco nnd Kapids visited ids brother. Will reading ami piclnio or uon''. insiiln a- "1 it" I'lii iidi - count r\. ' "ie.. is hereby renewed. He Silcecded the lllirudets wero Nn, 1 'L IT a. m. dailv. relatives In Lansing. besides breatbiin: throiiaii the I ;,.irn I'm.^nlv When sl connection. Phone 226. Wood and wife here Sunday. .should be I he rule. nddiiii:- Htal lie ionnd ,-aid become his partner In business. Irlven uni. ami Marmin'i h my wife. ,s kor notices oi shows, enler- ( """ " Mrs .1. 'V. "I'-.^nnK .lfc»l -it -r ' Vv';'bia It .' 'il tho HOUAf'E B. GAY LOUD. LAWltLNCE I'OSTLi: (Tir:"TI, 1 > 12:1.) |». m. i'\. Sunday Stock on hand aud complete Visitors at Mrs, Thompson's Inst KRW R RW 1 Alii'r aII. I he w« irk • •! Iiri'i'ilin^ "enemie.s \.-ry Iriendly indeed." bi r; • • : i ii p. to go. hiinnieiits. musicals, eom-erts. week: her brother-in-law, L. A. Kl- VERGENNES STATION., AKII^"TWMIIR(^^""T "" ?'^ ^ - .""'•KI'"T, "!V ti'ood citi/.cns mnsi sl.irt in ihf I iiey must be hard np lor i am- 13 5:14 j). m. i Hlgli o-mei from a bowl -.teaming i''' supper.-, snles. i 'c.. w here an ad- We can do that JoT) of printing for klns of (irattan (-'enter, Mr. and Mrs. Elder Mndge of Maple Kapids will U" V I'M "' "• " b d 1%' .1 tuu v. Jt-i ob- pni-n mnterial line of samples ready for your u! w : s vi,! ! : 1 honii'. Scarc.'ly nnylhin^ ilio mission lee or price is . hnr^e.l a for vou BOW at The Ledger offlr.e. North Carolina's Minerals. 'Silver Plate 11 8:S7 |». m. Scott J. Thomas nnd daughter, be here Sunday, (>ct. and will hold water each night fiefor- retiring a 'V,!l.i i o, ia ,, I i n - ' ' « - ' ' I • l" '!;al ' raving for Carol, and Misses (iladys and Flor- great aid in eurim: stubborn ea-e-- .i—. Miilalln lhasant IHMc.a- V( i, a rtiulitened i-xpre.-.-i.a.. V. pruie. jmblie enn do ouiside or in later In il e number ul ils mineral siu-eies The Growth services both morning and eveiilnv ; r N 11 • i ' cu id In"'.'' her into nnilorm rn le ot .'»(• per connl line ence Thompson of Valley City. Trv 11; ICe \ cry slmpl' \ "s '|Uic » ' ' * ' ' ''' b • w. re ia •• . .'d.-v "f l' . a , • years enn atone lornoj.i'leitl iliere. \\ m.x any chuich assoeinlion, inspection. :: at eleven and half past seven. A . "i.'ii. b ,; 1 feared will be made. 11'publishers desire Norih Oarolina is said lo exceed any that icllef and tunkesyoti br.-a; l;.' easier Mrs. V lurd ami ehlldren -peat ,. V.,,,\vv ^ OF Mrs. Sarah French left September!) the -1 A eumlorlnble home with pnr district, st.-iii' ornntionnl. bee-ins other state in the liiion. Per© Marquetie cordial Invitation lo all. j,bowl hall .nil of boiling wa- ^'"d.y alierno'.n al the lion," "•' , t-r In i. • nils and tickets tiiey will be purchased al f. r C.illiornla where she expects to wl;; v lo mn iter n I mn I heres\ trials, YOU ARE READING Wears'' The (ileaners held their regular ter; iiour Into the water a teaspoon '^'l iiud Mim iieorge Negiar .it l ie. i . i i • iasi ii-r -..id . lieek. I enial love, eare ami eompnnion- reLinlnr rates. spend the winter. Those who seek pcrfec- Our Monuments meeting last Saturdny evenhn:, 1 her v\ dd < es. All to ship, with ^dod books, eiirreni mst I hni minute it inakes a LAST For NT) We have satisfied customers (ul !,f IIV.IMI;I, liiii.i .-MeiJ|.".' 11. L. •) A( 'KS(IX Ltmdor.ers Use Many Matches. Mr. and Mrs. vValU'r (julggle vis* at Keech's hail. It was well attend- !1 1 1 no noise like ndvertism«r to all men THIS AD.-OTHERS tion in silvcrwaic m- bowl with a towel, and brent lie Llovd I'aneroft of Irving visited ' ' ' f* 'Uid t U'lhll'g but hlerat mv. innsicand aninscmiiit.- Kli 1 ,V:I ! l\ Ai. .IOIINSON Four ami a hall million gross boxes Pl variably choose forks, from (oiindntlon to linlHh IM Ited their daughter, Mrs.Koy Kloonr ed and enjoyed by ail. Ihroiigii nose jind month the pi '.-.s- (ieorge Ford Sun.lav. " " • i-' i-hab.' ud b rs, clutehings. with thinkers: "Stay out no Lv. 7:52 a.m. from the Atlantic to the Pacific within the ability of I he pnrenl - Lowell, .Mich.,Oct. I, lUlo. WILL READ YOURS (i matches are us< d in London iu a if spoons uiul fancy serv- cnlrusted only to Hkllled Korn, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Con- ant. nntlsepllc and healing vapor I Mrs J. Hlough is vlsillng n l-.tives 'Ymir eiiiidreu her. :.n..ui." I s.dil . whi:.' .-•: ... Annette use ha brnin> here." 44 2:IS p. in. solid fumi workmen. Thnt'n why :: to provide, is the ri^iit ol every year. ing piece;; tamped with verse (nee Norma Chureh) at (iary that arises. J,, Hi.'gmd••, "a'- d.iuhb'ss uader Hi.' i. - / I have m-v'!• .fascd to - the icnowned naJemaik and from the Great Lakes to I nd., Sept. 27, a nine pound boy. This method relieves that stulliiiess ,, .. . jluencc of: he :am v. iimurinatiun n:b:. eh lid. Where thes" nre Inekine Chic:i0 Mr. Oursch of llowne is visiting "P* but Air. llemaiis" iriends furnish as much news to the Lv. 10:15 a. m. YOU. No trouble to show N. Henry for only ,all cents Ask f()r! Lash s auto. , If hcrr wall biing a child h.-r.- \. ' ;-.a the wemler has evet stood and the bovor^irl so ne- | ly married man because it was cus- ROGERS BROS.rm We'd like to show you Home cents a large bottle that Is gnarnn- his daughter, Mrs. Frank Kmii. extra Hottle ii Vi b\|F.I inhab'iit Mrs F. Stab! was called to I mil- has never in ard ni Hie legend be w •' 1 eonie t,. ni" 1 hnvc uo theory concern respond that he said tlie same man in town and un the farm ! tomary for him to wait at table on his In quality and beauty of our work, it reeoniendH teed to cure dandruff In two weeks jfleeled becomes nn easy prey to 3:34 p. m. solid for Mrs. Carrie I'orter attended the F.ut hear iu mind lhat a IIVO.MF.I ana Saturday by the s-'iioas lllm-- kimw betier," t hint's t wo years airo. Cocksure. as the personals, and often ; bride and friends on ids wedding day of design, this well- iiHeif. All we have nerved or money back, Jna II ami d-ei't wish any. All I ask the devils in Imimin form who Clnca^o samples whether you order Christian conference at Mlddleton of iier mother. "I wish." said Sydney Smith, "that more, Peter Smith's wife kuovvn silver is unsur- are delighted, nnd pralne Parisian Sage Is the discovery of out lit whieii includes li'lialer ami '"That is a proposition which me. U thai T and Anneiie may forget IL Sept. Ul to-(5 and last week visited a bottle of II VOMF.I costs 5=1 00 would ruin them and de^rnde so- - I wen as sure ol any one thing as wants a new hat. Smith sees passed. Its reuiark- 44 \yhat we do. :: :: :: an enitncnt student, scientist and my eoncurreiice. An \nieriean bon • MF KIEL E, OK AT. Axorina; li'raIIein-x posed in the To Encourage Thrift, 4:40 p. in. for IClimiak: ^ friends at Sheridan, Palo and Shilo Kilt, .as staled before. If yon al- OAK C.ROVIC ciety. ahle durability has or not. Hpeelalist, and Is made in this coun- arrived at the hotel lids moriiin: poor old Warner Jidminislrn- Mac.'ialuy is of everything." by the paper t^at Jones is sell- Krccport i SchoeneberK, one of the municipal try only by the tilronx Mfg. Co., .Miss Kva Wiggins spent the week ready own un inlialer, a bottle of Mrs. Fred lluss entertained her What, then, shall be done? ing hats at so much. Juhn- won it the popular Look Over Our Designs ainoiig Ihem a lillh' girl of seven. 1 lion—alter the grafter is dend. cities ol greater Merlin, has passed an 4< Kuffalo, N. Y. before last at Ueldlng sewing. HY'i.MF.l costs but .'ill cents. Mosjic title "Silver Plate 0:37 p. m. sjster, Mrs. i'.rown of Lansing last What do ym, sav, Ainiellc? Shall v Precautlont. Compel the saluoii.s io eomply Recognized the Movement. fcuii's btufc ad. ia lliiMtilig fiuin 11 Vl bM Ii is guaranteed by \1. N N 01X0 l t f;,il io 5 Truly, Alielijeau has paid n bie ordimince reiiuirhin lis munieipid sa- lhat Wears." They Will Please You. Parisian Sage IH a most pleaHant. Mrs. Win. Andrews ot Bowne lias week. make the test with herV" ! " " " Ij' Impressed by with the laws. Conliseate and the paper—Johnson's trying dalntly perfumed hair dressing, and Henry and (Irnggists everv where to penalty for turning down I'erris It was moving day. and the family vings bank to issue lo eaeh new barn SeIti l.y li-.i'linn I teen vlHltlng her brothers and sisters Miss Ida and Marie Fr-'dlie visited Annette winced. She pin.-ed the i ll" 1 1 h'Kienlc precautions of III* a non-advertising policy. • lealers every- Itesldes curing dandruff, your drug- here for a few weeks. cure catarrh, sore throat, eoughs. destroy vicious literature. Say and llemans. was getting settled down In their new baby a pa.-s hook shuwlng a deposit Jf| win-re. Semi for We havi» the larueHt Ht. Stomneh ddsieg never cured ca- Van.hi.'sen of Lowell spent the "JIMh The mi gave me a suu'gesHon. clean a i il • unclean, the reason for The Greatest Detective. of the scalp. Central America. parlor carpet, went to him and said: compensation for being required to MERNKN ® * NftPiipilal reiptiri'd. ex- Cbe Ledger Printers tarrh, and never will, i!V»>.MFi di- Id OIIJ tieb-rliborhood. ,his n: ,1,al l,|M parents and guardians, let us money r It will make hair grow, and women was not eicariy delim-d. iioMiad I i. ' ' ' ' I'flestn, In prepar After a man has known a few jeal- "Papa, won't you give me the ham- enter this cold world, nor yet regard- BMIMMM CO.. elusive f« ritory.jM'riiininMit rauid pr.>- Lowell Granite & Marble A large number from here attend- rect ly reaches the Inilamed mem- i ie e ii i letm ned to Sura inakHhoino eonditions the best (Iiit..rt.nil..i.al Slltei Co., inotuiii FltKK SAM I'LES. who desire soft, benntlful and luxur- faith lu It, Nevetllu'lexs. | had a miud ing tl,. ia fur jacriilce, noted tho prea ous women he doesn't marvel much at mer when you get through with it, Smith's wife gets her hat. ing the pHientbut aa an encourage- Hi>...>...r : ed the fairs at (irand Kapids. (ireen brane, kills the germs and soothes li. e i e . k al' T -. i.a ; ' '..i- sa.a MIRIDCN. COMM. Works. J. H. Hamilton. iant hair can have It In two weeks to proceed. once of paias-it.'S in tho flesh or in- possible and givo every child a the cleverneHB of Sherlock Holmes or jCowcH, * Tlfichigan vllle and lonla. and heals the inllaumtlon. Write Hi •• vH li "•'•r p-'fep fio's I can spank some nails, too?"— ment to thrift on the part of hoth BEX IHINA CO., Hirrisbarfl, Pa. by using this famous, (pitck acting sides of certain animals which were] fair start in life. Old Sleuth.—Atchison Globe. Frauds 11 oniihan and sister, Mrs. i for free trial bottle of HYo.MFI to l'..irn. Im Mr and ^Irs (', W i rn I will bring tho child here, I Exchange. iUupyrtgM, IHW, by W H. V.) child and yarenta. preparation, it Is not sticky or then fed to bo avoided. greasy. Win. Andrews visited their sister, Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N, Y. po, vM.l ibygiri, w.-ighingiujba. j ^odi.Jlien# turnbig to _the guid . - • - — JS I- ^JM T. -•.'J*# %%%»%%%%»%»»%%%%%%%»»»%%%%%%%%%»%%%%%%»%%%%%%%%%»%%%%%%»%%%%%%%•%%%< . w r.- — • \. . . COiVlING OF A SUDDEN GUESV

ENGAGEMENT NOV/ OUT. Net Feared by t!ie Woman Who Can iMunyon's DON'T NEGLECT YOUR KIDNEYS, TKE GENTLE SHEEP AS A RAPID- Seize the Every-day Larder's ^ Wlcch iloiei FIRu MONEYMAKER. hunderiM Our Paper Mone^ Possibilities. Liltlo kidney troubles gradually jrow more serious and pavo tho way An enoi moiis nlllllbe'• (if slue:' aro HE treasury ilopurtmuut The lioii.sokeeper who Is quick fo .Soap - coming into the I nioii Siocic 'lards. to dropsy, di- at Washington lias just seize the possibilities of tho every-day abetes, . and fatal Chicago, which are being sent there com pit tod a series of ^DON TAWCOT larder, with its colloctions of odds Is nmre sonthinu than Cold llright's disease. THC C IRCULAR STAIRCASEby Wester n grayers on account of novel experiments an.I | nnd ends and ils plainer viands, need ftYa. Cream; more healing than Ilegln using Doan's the scarcity of feed in thai s<'C!ion ADVISED as a rosnlt of tho out- fear no sudden guest, however impos- any lotion, liniment or salve; Kidney Pills at himself, I had a long talk with the blankets nnd pillows, and Gertrude of tcouiury, and which inii-t be conit- tin1roof is about to i&Z-jsaimrs, ing. ONE OF THE "OLD GUARD" more beautifying than any the first sign of old man, and this ia what I learned. was opening and airing Louise's own Fold at buyers' pri« es. enter nn a now activity For instance, that half cup of boiled cosmetic. • trouble. They euro mnv On Saturday evening before, about rooms at tbe house. Her private sit- The stales of Michigan. Ohio. In- which is lo provo ono of rice lhat was left over can be con- Ono of I ho surprises of the recent primary Cures dandruff and slops hair from all kidney Ills. ^ XOBtRTS ten o'clock, be bad been reading in ting room, bedroom and dressing room diana and Illinois, are well provided the most imerostlng verted into a very dainty accompani- election in .Michigan was thn defeat of Julius Cae- falling out. tbe sitting room downstairs, when were as they had been when we came. with good feed and an opportunity ol OPERATION Mrs. J. U. Hayes, well as ono of tho most ment hi ib,. m(..|t or lish by stirring sar Burrows for renomination fo the I'nited * RINEHART Anamosa, Iowa, some one rapped at the door. The old They occupied tho end of the east this kind, if offered by one of the effective economies iiiir'.iiuv.l .Inrins; it in a en-am sauce nnlil healed States senate. .Sonator Ibirrows has been a long luuomTioMdY says: "J suffered man was alone, Warner not having wing, beyond tbe circular staircase, great dry goods houses or depart ment ihrough. and then graiiio; a iii'ie good iimo iu poliiics and was one of the "old guard." Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham's tho prefiont era n UvnoliMumt in such awful pain I arrived, and at first he was uncertain and we had not even opened them. stores of Chicago, would deplete three- - dairy rb e.-' over the top. Serve with being associated with Aldrich, Hale and the Sena- Your Liver I'nclo 3imrs a J.iit'i-ir.itiv - n:',':iii s. could not lie down. SYNOPSIS. about opening tbe door. He did su Tbe girl herself was too ill to notice strong's funeral, however, and I went quarters of the homes of that city of Vegetable Compound Tho Innovation is nntiu-i^ short <> a toasi tinge! tor Allison in running the upper branch of con- finally, and was amazed at being con- what was being done. When, with at once to the telephone. Its womenklnd Inside of half an hour is Ciogged up I was perfectly scheme for iauml. rin;: o ;r enrren'-y. Or try ib plan. ITave ri "e rath- 1^,7 gross, lie etiterod cotigross in ISTl! and lias been 111M Inntii, iptnster and fuardian of fronted by Louise Armstrong. Thomas the help of the doctor, wbo was a fa- "YOB," I said, "this is Miss Innes." after the notice appeared. All they Galena, Kans. —"A year aco last : helpless for six March 1 fell, and a few days after Ai! tho processes c: v .• in . str.reh- e: wit, and . orth ii. oi!i n n baking a •• ;'v -y a nienib, r of tho senate since IS'.iri. Thnt's Why You're Tirad—Out cf Jbrtrud« and Haliejr, Mtabllehcd summer was an old family servant, having therly man with a family of girls at "Miss Innes." she said volubly, "1 would want would be time enough to i ,yf , ll/. months. My ankles i>»Adquart«ro at Sunnyildt. Amidit nu- there was soreness In my right side. • •I h wi:h I . iced very, | n' Sen a I or Unrrows was born in Eric county, Sorts—Have No Appetile.^ been with tbe present Mrs. Armstrong home, we got her to the house and throw a few clothes over them; some ing and ironing will in- ci. i-i .l out were so badly merous difhcultloa the servants deserted. have just received a very strange tele- In a short time a bunch came and it \ei-y ihin at intervals an a dusting of \ ^ 1'a., in IS.17. He wont west at an early age and As Miss Innes locked up for the nlffht, since she was a child, and he was up tbe stairs Into bed. she dropped just as thougli ihe .irtielos o li.' CARTER'S LITTLE. swollen I could she was startled by a dark figure on the gram from my cousin, Mrs. Arm- wouldn't even stop to put. "rats" in bothered me so much at night I could salt and pepper. Some think a few % read law while living in th.e western reserve of overwhelmed at aeeing Louise. He Into a feverish sleep, which lasted clean.-eil were i g^nnei'ts instca.l LIVER PILLS not wear my shoes. Soon after using veranda. She pasted a terrible nlfht, strong. Her husband died yesterday their hair, thousands would forget not sleep. It kept irops of onion juice dropped on each ^ Ohio, in his early twenties he removed to Kala- will nut you right which was filled with unseemly nolsea. saw that she was excited and tired, until morning. Dr. Stewart—that was the "powder," none would stop to iii rowini? larger and of linen papor. Tl • offset of this Doan's Kidney Pills I was able to walk In the morning Miss Innes found a in California and—wait, I will read a\er an iaijiroveiiietu. 1 :ake until it mazoo and has sinc(> been a resident of Michigan. io • tew days. and be drew her Into the sitting room the Englewood doctor—stayed almost Ethel—Weren't you surprised when y fall it was as scheme for fresheniir-r the c'.irreney, CARTERS without crutches. I gradually Im- atrange link cuff button In a clothes you tbe message." "paint." but every "father's daugh- when once the government s ;i!:oit is l;rowns. with rho. so and a little btoad "e has iiractised liltle at Ihe bar, having been in They do hamper. Gertrude and Halsey arrived and made her sit down. After a while all night, giving the medicine himself, I knew what was coming, and T ter" of them would make a "P." Hue you heard about my horse running large as a hen's egg. -m crumbs on top and serve hot. j V'M'//f\\ ^politics ever sinee ho relumed home from two their duty. proved until I ceased to bloat and the with Jack Bailey. The house was awak- I could not go to In fall operation, will he to more than ened by a revolver shot. A strange man he went to the house and brought and watching her closely. Afterward made up my mind at once. If Louise to hubbies' pants, and extract there- away with me? W hen other things fail at the crucial _ years of service in ihe civil war, with the First Cure kidneys became normal." bed without a hot double tho normal lii'o of uiu* paper was found shot to death. In the hall. Mrs. Watson, and they talked until he told me that she had had a narrow Armstrong bad a good and sufficient from without leave, license or con- Krnest- Not very. I'd do the same moment the chances aro that there ' Michigan regiment. It is recalled by ihe old inhabitants of Kalamazoo that Remember the name—Doan's. It proved to be the body of Arnold Arm- water bottle applied circulating moilium and in save the strong, whose banker father owned the late. Tbe old man said Louise was in escape from penumonla, and that the reason for leaving her people aud sent, all that therein was to be found thing myself if I got the chance. to that side. I had will be fresh eggs in the house, and burrows mado a successful prosecuting attorney in the two years he held For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a government, consi ;oriil):y nmre than UigtttiN, a>d Sick Heaiack. country house. Miss Innee feund Hal- trouble, and seemed frightened. Mrs. cerebral symptoms had been rather coming home, a reason, moreover, | in the shape of cash, and then tum- one of the best doc- 1 those can be transformed into a very j t'10 oflice Immedialely after the war. box. sey's revolver oa the lawn. He and JacK Points to Good Future. $l.000.0'Ki por year. Bailey had disappeared. The link cuff Watson made some tea and took it to alarming. I said I was glad It wasn't that kept her from going at once to ble over each other to be first on the tors in Kansas and acceptable luncheon dainty as egg ' _ ','s reputation as a debater and spcechmaker- grew, Mr. Burrows SMALL PIU, IMALL DOSE. SMALL PUCI Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Seven poor children, four girls and That paper money c:iri lie washed button mysteriously disappeared. De- the lodge, but Louise made them both an "itls" of some kind, anyhow, and Mrs. Ogden Fitghugh, and brought her spot. he told my husband croustades. | Ka|ned political power, and at the dose of his term as prosecuting attorney Genuine m*bm Signature tective Jamlesen and tbe coroner arrived. three boys, a'l about ten years old. that I would have to successfully is not. rf e.^rse, an en- Gertrude revealed that she waa enjajed promise to keep her presence a secret. he smiled solemnly. to the lodge at Sunnyside instead, it Lots of these women would buy To prepare them cut. a square loaf uas appointed supervisor of internal revenue for Michigan and Wisconsin, FAIRLY WARNED. went to a nearby seashore resort. In jbe operated on as it tirely new discov- ry Pr>»!" tin." to to Jack Bailey, with whom she had She had not known that Sunnyside He left after breakfast, saying that was not my intention to betray her. much more than they required, and , uit declined the ollice. in 1ST;! the opporiunity came that he wanted In tlie talked In the billiard room a few mo- charp- of two women, for a day's out- was something like of broad into slices two inches thick, was rented, and whatever her trouble would quietly hold over their pur- time in years gone !;- i;;.iivi.!iials .•» ments before the murder. Jamleson told he thought the worst of the danger lionise herself must notify her people. a tumor caused by a rupt.tre. J wrote ami scoop out the center of each I form of his first nomination to congress. Miss Innes that she was hiding evlden. e was, this complicated things. She ing. The t•,1'iils for the picnic were their own initiative have si • .-.lit ?o was over, and that she must be kept I do not justify myself now, but re chases until the close of the sale, and to vou for advice and you t-dd rne nob square, after trimming away any thick | In the house of representatives Mr. Burrows rose slowly. He was not a from him. He imprleoned an intruder In seemed puzzled. Her stepfather and provided hy two boys who sell papers cleanse dirty biuik notes wiih soa;) 0 an empty room. The prisoner «*caped very quiet. member, I was in a peculiar position then let loose their surplus sio'i; up- to V'K discouraged but to take Lydia crust, of course, so as to form a little , ador and he was not given niembership in the most important committees and who live in one of tin- two hous'-:- and water. The h ..>ee the .-x down a laundry chute. It developed that her mother were still in California— "The shock of two deaths, 1 sup- toward the Armstrong family. I was on their less wide awake friends, and I-;. Pinkham's Vegetahl ( mpound, box. Fry a nice brown in deep fat. nntll lale in his career, but lie early attained a reputation for being an excel- i the intruder was probably a woman. (j*r- fl'om which the fxeursion party was that was all she would say about connected most unpleasantly with a reap thereby a harvest of "sh'-ekels" i did t.ii.«- il and soon the i 'i; ; my periiuonts IatoI> oarri-d n,,, L.,,v. j truiln was suspected, for the Intruder poae, has done this." he remarked, recruited Hue of th'- woni'-n m. pm a raw egg In Ihe middle of each, nt parliamentarian and good presiding oflicer. PIMPLES them. Why she had run away no one «-de bi") e :r d passed a way." — left a print of a bare foot. Gertrude re- which we may take for granled would eminent, however i-s in th.' i'.K-r that As a picking up his case, "it has been very cold-blooded crime, and my niece and •hildren season and put In a hot oven till sol, enaior Mr. Burrows ha.", been conspicuous chiefly as an opponent > "I tried all kinds of blood remedies lurnert home with her right ankli' could imagine. Mr. Arnold Armstrong i hai ?•' ih 1! li. 11 •,,-i;;.Mi::ci-alAv.a, proof l::is boen • . ; • . • aion- ,a 1 K , sprained. A negro found the other naif deplorable." nephew wero practically beggared, be at ome ri-turned to the treiser add a little cheese or a spoonful of [ ' ' *" ator accused of Mormonism, and as an opponent which failed to do iue any good, but I hoys ii of what proved to b»! .lack Bailey » oun was at the Greenwood club, and at last either directly or indirectly, through pockets of their im bands whlli' tho'-e Ka:u.. ey can be washcl, n..f .is a:: .u-cusion white sauce to each. This may llg- to larlif changes thai were said lo be against file interest of tho Michigan have found the right thing at last. My button. Halsey auddonly reappeared. 1 hastened to set him right. own a' ia li. I'inUli.-.m sA • Com- Thomas, not knowing what else to do, the head of th»' family. gentleimn ; ill Thai al liank to. rev:., in j ure as the entree. loot sugar growers. Senator Burrows was temporary chairman of the Re- face was full of pimples and black-heads. Me uald he nnd Bailey hud left because "She does not know of Hthcr. doc- tds from rpoi they imd rorolvcd a toIeKiatu. Oartruiie went over there along the path. It Mrs. Fitzh'.igh had found the mas woman of it. tontion. but on a w Seale : After taking CascareLs they all left. I am tor." 1 said. "Please do not mention 1 t.i be the Iti One housekeeper who recently re- publican National convention at Chicago and delivered the keynote speech of »Mii that fiho hud alven Halley an un- was almost midnight. Part way over continuing the use of them and recom- to t^ve him Iinl SHgC. Let ns ta Equally iniporttiat is • ,e Cn in:: that ceiv.'d a guest of epicurean habits j the campaign which followed and which placed President Taft in the White leudod revolver, fearln}; them to her." mending them to my friends. 1 feel fine ney's loaded weapon. Cashier Bailey of he mot Armstrong himself and thrifty and 1 this rejuvenatiiin ea- !... e '•;;>vw!;e:i House. Ihe defeat of Uunowa by the insurgents is thus an event ol na- He looked surprised as a medical " Taul died yesterday Heart di? her niiexpociedly found herself j when 1 rise in the utoruing. Hope to I'avii Arn<3irong's hunk, dofiim-t. waa m - • brought him to the lodge. Mrs. Wat- libi cheaply, and finally t. ore is a third tional importance. ease.' " she read. "'Wire at once il ing from thf with nothing more special than ai have a chance to recommend Cascarets." 'e^uid'A^rml^hM wr^i^Vhl. own j sou had gone to the house for some man ever does. triumph for pres. n; :a • . \pe:imenr la l.ouije is with yoi:.' Vou !?(.'•, Mi^s broiled beefsteak as the main course Senator Hurrows is chairman of Ihe senate committee appointed to inves- Fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. hnnk. nnd was able -to clear Bailey. A j ijnen Ji having been arranged "i do not know ihe family." he said. •iemonstration that l,i;:::.!.-re i enrrea- tigate tho charges against Senator Lorlmer. 1 of her meal. neaMOt. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. IVS'w^denT1 nX^ln-p^i m'" I that under the circumstances lxmi.se premrlw lu into hi. lo.. bufKy. I ^ '7 ' h-v.. ..arlod ea-t. i-y can be given the •»).:>••• a;'d ' sur- 00t N cr p m Ah it proved, however, no claboralo i ?ii? « L. ^ lckeo.Weaken ot- Urlpe. i • \vnbon. ii:.' h-nsekeeper. whiio .she ^ ^ j v.ould be better at the lodge until '•Young Walker. *»•» in l afimova. 1 . j' .'.y, "" ' '' ll)c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The cenu- l. face" that is responsi',;. •" t tli.. crisp, compound could befior have met the i 1 slealin:; Irom iho homie. '.y Ine tablet stamped C C C, tiuaraoteed to r f'-n t-rackly fpialifications ;l;at •n.i.ar tii.-io of the distinguished visitor than ! curs or your money back. 922 m "Louise io not here," Mrs, l i!:;hi!;.'h 'BUTCHER' WRITES A BOOK con. vrrito "new money- k, many n . the steak as served to him. CHAPTER XII.—Continued. went on. " and none of her friends - ''ifililiuni.i.y I ho treasury oflioiais bop, soon to It was, of course, delicately broiled [ the few who are still in town - have With an unpardonable lack of tact or a sinis- i al'.v"-.v. !• • have ;n full operat;..a a l:o-:>.|ry plant and just before serving was sprinkled, | •rr ,s "I reckon you bettah come in Mis' *31 , seen lu-r. I called you because; S inuy- ter sense of immor (Ien. Valeriano Weyler has al- — Icca'.ed at the i'nitc.i States bureau iqair.nmv'rio ae.-wteD ccw.^cy the name side was not rcnivd when she went after seasoning w ith salt and pepper, i lowed the publisher fo print the title of his sen- to remember Innes." he said, speaking cautiously. time, ami alter the s-ason ol xw. :- of engraving and printi;:- at Washing- j away, and Loiii.se might have gone Ml with a fablespoonful each of chopped sational book "Ml Mando lu Cuba" ("My Com- i you need a remedy "It's got so 1 dunt'o what to "'o, and ern drough: jv -t • !.' • •• n ' i v- il bo tl, , I.. DOUGLAS ton—which will be ca; able ot giving The Slugger—An' see here, you j Ihm-." chives and parsley, and was then rub- ! mand in Cuba") In letters of gory scarlet on a for COUGHS ond COLDf it's bouu* to come out. some time er most profit able to ilios-- w-ho : toi- HAND-SEWED a new lease of life to s-.n.-d an" flon't wanter be goin' around braggln' "I am sorry, Mrs. Fiuhugh. but I HROCELiS SHOES washing currency Instead of send- bed over quickly with a taldospoonful paper covcr of livid gray. ruther." 1 tnnaie enough tu have '.e fe<.-d, and wrinkle,! currency a: tie 3at It was mo wot soaked you, see! cai not help you," 1 said, ami was Im- in:'' r- :C.00, V2.50.53.00. 53.50, S. v;:.oo ing it to Washington for rodemp- of butter crenmed with the same Whatever fhe motive may have boon that The more mystery there is about a He threw the door open then, am! 1 such as have, can in thf' i.iM'-' of •v 50,53,53.50.54 500 bills per day. iV - .-stiiaate mediately tilled with compunction. tlon, as is the present plan. It is .iminiity of lemon juice. The unusual, prompted such a choice, that bloody "eye catcher" woman the more attraclive and scary I stepped inside. Halspy close behind, j sixty day:; t:.rn over t!:--;r e'uii.'y in 107 : i'i 00. 52.50 ^S.OO x..- ITATE or Ohio firv or TOLEDO, I ES Suppose Ixmise grew worse? Who calculated that a money laundry of piquant Havor was immedntely detect- of a line litly symbolizes tho man and his work. she looks to a man. LlX'AS COU.M V. \ * In the sitting room tho old negro : such a satisfactory way as will acid THF STANDARD modes' eapacity can be installed •d nnd commented upon. FRANK J. ('mkst.Y makes o.uli that he Is senior turned with (juiel dignity to Halsey. j was 1 to play Providence in this FOR 30 YEARS f * UW' Weyler has been on trial before public opinion inrlnrr i-t tin' firm of K. J. I.'hknkv fc Co.. dulnff very larpv. to tlii-ir lr:a',, a-vouii' 1 case? The anxious mother certainly 1 !-v a:-- absolutely the •'>* at a cost, as low as fsVM) io ST' ", I ho psychic mom. nt for serving Is for butchering his enemies Instead of fighting Latest Mine Horror. Mislni'M It* llif flly of Tdii'ilo. Counly and Slulo "You bettah sit down, sah," he j There is nothiim in siulit at the iforesnld, ami lhat ftalil linn will pay the Bum ot had a right to know that her daughter rr.v;i; ;iiilarandbestshoes j | and it is Inmrod that banks in when the butter in tho sauce has them; and he Haunts In our faces the ugly stains Tho Doctor—Of course, if the oper- DN'K ill'NDKKIi DOU.AUS for each and every said. "It's a place for a woman, sah." 1 present moment, that olTers a better Jos •-h- price ja America. | • 1/ •ace of Cataiiiim that caunut he cured hy tho use ot was in good hands. So I broke in on many citi.s would save this in a melted over the meat. that show where he wiped off his knife. ators In fhe anthracite and bituminous Things were not turning out. the j and safer invesiment than the pur- The Weeds Return. They arc v In-leaders every- { llALL'H CAiAltllll (.'Llii:. Mrs. Fil/.hugh's voluble excuses for where because they hold - *•• •••• j few nioniirs. Of course tho gov- Captain general of the most fertile province fields form a coalition— FHANK J. CIIKNICY. way Halsey expected. He sal down j .'•hase of these shei-p. in munbers that "Ciinfiand tip-;-'- "l.-fion h-v any- Sworn to before me aud subscribed in my presence, disturbing me. their shape, fit better, - iV ern nt iveeerus without charge BEEF PIE A L'lTALIENNE of Spain (and a province which more than once The Professor—Then there will bo Uils ('•th day ot December, A. D.. 188C. on the center-table, with his hands i each buyer can ai'cominodate. and v. a\i " grumli'-'d llaiior, look better and wear Ion- "Mrs. Fitzhugh," I said. "I was go- all !!,.• wwrn-out curroncy sent in manifested her Intention to throw off the llonr- nothing for the consumers lo do but j —| A. W. QLEASON'. thrust in his pockets, and watched I nothing that offers so speedy and so •Losi' heavily?" inquired his friend p-r than other makes. f to coalesce. I 2^. f XOTAKY PtinUC. ing to let you think 1 knew nothing 1 They are positively the ctfj* y''\ Ir tne banks, but the banks must Elaborate ?nd Tempting Recipe for bon yokei, he makes such a case against the me as 1 followed Thomas up the nar- i ceriaiu a return. .\'o. i won t n bo.v s oi i jgar.- am! r.v st eo ;aomical shoes for you to bay. W. L. (Slow curtain.) Ilfill's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts about Irouisp Armstrong, but I have pay ibe express charg.s both ways Making This Palatable nnd Widely country that buys his services as no citizen of the rnlted States could have lirectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ut tbe row stairs. At the top a woman was j they v. .re SO lank 1 sold the wi;";'' lot bi -.s name and the retail price art- tlamuei changed my mind. I>oulse is here, on tiie currency, and i* is figured Popular Dish. over made to justify America's attitude In the Cuban mlx-up. Buteiu. Send for testimonials, free. standing, and a second glance showed IGNORANT OF ART. ;o ili< corner tobaceonist for a dollar. ou the b-ittom — value jruarar.u-ed. F. J. CHUNEY & CO.. Toledo, Oi with me." There was a clatter of TAKE NO 3UBSTITUTE1 ll your dealer wT , , ex ot •ss cl'.arg. s for many such insl it n- Weyler was the best hated man In Cuba when the government of this TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Fold by nil DniCRlsts. ".'•c. me it was Uosie. She shrank back a "Will, you mad'- a dollar, anyway " r.i t- n.supi.ly you wnte for Mail Order Catalog. for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery 10yea Take liall's Family Fills for constipation. ejaculations at the other end of the far exceed the outiay that would be rounired Ono pound of cooked beef, six nation finally recalled him. This book will cause him to be cursed the length little, but I said nothing. And then "Vis. but thai i^ not the worst of W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mm*. tor the op'ration of a money laundry. One Chi- and breadth of the peninsula. and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Thomas motioned to a partly open wire "She is ill. and not able to be it. My wif.- saw iin* boxes 'n the ounces of boiled macaroni, one pound Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists The Only Way. cago ban!: 'bat sends a cart load of curroncy to ' wrote it. he says, "fo give all the facts about my conduct as general- door, and I went in. moved. Moreover, she is unable to set. i window marke'i "A Ua'gain. S-.' and ; - r. - . i d peeled tomatoes, one tablespoonful Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 250, "How can I win you lor my very ib t:'-a.-nrv evi-j-v lew da vs pays liiousnnds of ! ln chiof il any one. I wlgh you would wire ber bont-iit lb'- whole I.rt tn give me a.- a f chopped parsley, one ••lioppeiTshal- ' « ti'lmired not only by army ofllcors, high and low, who Wrote slOc, $1.00. Murine Eyo Salve ia Dwn?" The lodge boasted of three bed- 1 Mu.d[dM Brains •. ear in • ransporration chargos. With me innumerable letters, but by privates, who. on their return to the penin- mother that she is with me. and tell birthday pn'sent." n, ono taldospoonful of butfor, one Aseptic Tubes, 2r.c, $1.00. Eye Books "You fellows might get up a raf- rooms upstairs, all comfortably fur- run her aidii'i; tlie banks thai decide lo sula, spoke of mo with a entliusiastic fervor for which i can never thank her not lo worry. No, I do not know result from an overloaded "ipiul of slock, one tablespoonful of ond Eye Advice Wee by Mail. lie," answered the summer girl, I'm nished. In this one, tho largest and beir c v.ti eurr ney the treasury dopart- them enough. Various reasons prevented me from doing years ago (when why she came east." Important to Mothers '• nr. one tnblespoonful of oWrcoslcr- -Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. nigaged to seven of you." airiest, a night lamp was burning, and stomach, sluggish liver, in- 1 - "Hut ray dear Miss Innes!" Mrs. Kxamine car-iuily every botile of I'i.-'.iii: "-, in mai: • public till its laundry •' snuce, sv.lt. nnd iieppor. The 1 could not have freed my mind from a certain bias) a work which I can by its light 1 could make out a plain Fitzhugh began. I cut in ruthlessly. CASTOKIA. a sale and sure remedy for aclivc bowels, or impure iv; wft.' Vi '• when il has boon now do in perfect peace of mind, thanks to tho Iimo that has passed, and - J n ni nrer,i nm^t be beib-d :i]i qniti; fen- Now They Sleep Indoors. Deposits In English Savings Banks. white metal bed. A girl was asleep j • in-' wl'.a: are ;b, which has soothed the Irritation duo to the injustice 1 suffered at the hands "1 will pend for you as soon as she li iair. and children, and see lhat ii Clear thinking toi- der in boiling si'ltod wat u-. having George M. Hoatiio, jeweler in the Savings bank deposits in ilio United there—or in a half stupor, for she | I'-achliig and siorili/- of some men. can see you." I said. "No. she is not Hears th. ' ••••n broken in inch !• ngths before old Arcade, and L. E. Ralston, auditor Kingdom amount to more than $1,119.- muttered something now and then, j thc use ot \mm 'Furl hern: jro ( in a critical stale now. but the doctor i • ; .. n.. i* may bo added b. i; u put info the witer. Melt tho I did not wish to sadden Sonor Snga.-la by rotolling the ' 't the News, have jointly and several- >95.000, of which the postollleo holds Uosie had taken her courage in her j H Signature of : - story ol our colonial disast- rs; nciiber d.d 1 f -el any pleasure in censuring sajt she murl have absolute (luiet. j- ' t':;.: veeu:; • exercl}?--.' ol care : ' -r :n a sr.ucopan, put in the chop- ly decided that sleoping out In the J778,640,000. Depositors exceed 10,- hands, and coming in had turned up! In l';-e For Ov r .'JO Years. the illnstriou:'. (ieneral .Marline/, ''nmpos, my predecessor in Cuba, however When 1 had hung up the receiver. 1 ' • -• V. ./ ; .•• r.a . ia • . v. a -ii b. injured. • . hnilot and flour, and brown then open isn't all that ii has been declared 300.000 In number. The people's total the light. It was only then that 1 | The Kind You Have Always Lougbt. uuciiarimbly he ;.cie(l toward me after his return to tlie eapital."' sat down to think. So Louise had lied cv;:n:.,scY r :':illy. Add the stock, and stir un- to be. says the Cleveland Leader. savings In all financial institutions aro knew. Fever-flushed, ill as she was. A perusal of ihe book fails to prove that Weyler kept his promise to from her people in California, aud had ALLIGATOR ?MOOTS CHUTES. :• bi.iiirg. then add tie Worcostcr- They were both in a deep snooze out ,»Ut at $2,13^,250,000. 1 recognized Louise Armstrong. Why He Wouldn't Hurry. ar" that rid.-: nre::.: '.real the subject with perfect moderation. come cast alone! ll occurred to me FILLS T" • ia I ci'.-aTre llai tlea av.-: nvn • i-"' -""ire and seasoning. Slice the at fhe Heatfie farm, near Chagrin 1 stood gazing down at her In a i They were riding to li.urch and can be operated at. • • not excee.Jli'g - that Dr. Walker might be concerned Sold Everywhere, in boxes 10'-. -rd 2Sc, wi .'! sop e! as a trick ani'nal is ihe Ir . ; ', sb.-- . U thinly. Ihr.ter n cns-orolo, put Falls, fhe other night, when a run- No Help Needed. stupor of amazement. Louise here, | weiv bit.- Several of tbe parly wetv per lay f.,,.- i- -v : of one-t';!-! iet'.i - in it, might possibly have bothered roll-, iv, of a | gish adigntor, y l even r-.at delib.u-a'o bro -an in n in;-er of iiiacarv-,', iben one of away team from the county fair city A little miss of five years who had hiding at the lodge, ill and alone! I worried and one remarle-d; "The au- a cent for earli bill !. Even in tin- pre- her with unwelcome attentions': but in tl;,' o;- iin •am laundry aro run rnroint'i Hrnn-times Iiii a swill pace, li bas even i. •-.•a sprinkle over a liltle parsley, A POPULAR ENGLISH PRIEST turned into the lane leading up to tho .teen allowed to stay up for an eve- Rosle came up to the bed and ' dieneo will be waiting.'" •'W. II." ob- liminary o.\;;eM'a!..ii st has not oxco- ded it seemed to me that Louise was hard- a mangio. 1 •raiion. net only reio.'ers tiio trio: .aj (d s'aiot ii'e chni-'S with easy grace. and eoiuinue these layer.-: till the dish Uoattie estate and came along at full aing party, was told about 8:110 to go smoothed the white counterpane. The Kid—Mister, Johnnie sny? tliat served the old pastor iwbo was to oiio-tenth of a ee- t , speed. ly a girl to take refuge in flight und t LIVE STOCK AND nn r-ectly Hat but imparN to it Tiie 1\ at is perfornnd r •; ,u!ar!y a: on aei'Mt ir i full. I.ot the ins', layer be of maca- Ono :.i tho best known priests In attendance :o bed. Very, very slowly she moved "1 am afraid she is worse to night." purple thing in Iront of the picture's preach that forenoon), "don't lei's fret mneh as i' costs i • te. [;rlnr, eucl: n-ov such circumstances. She had always MISCELLANEOUS farm in Calif'.rr.i;;. tin* l.i^ saurian waddlin.: up roni. as this prote.-ts the meat from at the Eucharistio ootVgress at Montreal was Rev. Sound asleep, but dreaming of Im- loward the stair. An aunt, seeing her she ventured at last. 1 put my hand a windmill an" I say it's a tree; wiiich over it if we are a little late, it re- note produced :;r. • i ii can readil;. be pending danger. Ralston rolled out of been high-spirited, with the well- Alroae; the ir. isury officials Imv" planned that tlio ineli-" at rl,e firiP-r side and sliding down too great heat. Pour in enough of Father Hernard Vaughan of London. England, reluctant, asked: on the sick girl's forehead. It was Is light? mind.- me of the man who was being approtda:..: that ii; n 4 will be rrenierni.e.rs. his cot toward the norih. and Heattie poised head and buoyant step of the •: •• lam: irv ar the boa e eiart.-rs a: \\ ash ins: ton M this r •••.el laia.i ibepe are *,00 or more speci- the sauce to about hall Jill the dish. whose denunciation ol the smart set has deeply "Helen, can I do anything to help burning with fever, and 1 turned to The Impression^—That's a cow. tak'-n to i xei ution. His guards wer^ At th" onr sot oni;. of st: all denu:;;ina- from his cot toward the south. The outdoors girl. It must have been much Eieclrotypes .roves as successful an.! ( conomical c.s it p-uinixes mens. rr.nsring in si/e from tho huge bull to tho Halve and lay the tomatoes all over stirred the world's metropolis. Everybody In rou?" where Thomas lingered in the hall- V greatly ex'-rcised over tin fact that lion-that is. tbe $.'• not-s and cortili- runaway horses dashed between the more in keeping with Louise's char- e do, similar lanndrii s will be installed at i.M the newly rati bid. lizard-like youngsters. They are the top of the pie, and place a piece London loves and honors Father Vaughan, yet he "No," replied Helen, "I will get way. they could not possibly get there on cates, will be clean> b dng th^ i)iils that sleepers, oversetting everything in the A acter. as 1 knew it. to resent vigorous- BABY'S SKIN TORTURE nl-'roasuri-s th rough mt the oouniry. Moreover, raised for tluir hides, although the sale of the of butter on the top of this half. Uake Is the pulpit scourge of tho town. He preaches there altogether too soon as it is." "Will you tell me what you mean. Iimo. Ni v. r mind, said tin poor are subjected to tl gr.-a!e>: wear and tear in way, but missing Heattie and Ralston ly any unwelcome attentions from Dr. IN GREAT VARll-TV '.'ie:.- Sam is «oing to encourage banks, or asso- lit He fellows for "pets" and tho admission to the the pio till it is very hot and the toma- truths that terrify, yet an hour before he speaks Thomas Johnson, by not telling me low. philosophically, iion't fuss 0 FOR,-, SALE cAT TH:- circulation, are the .-h.vrie.-1 liv.-d. by margins too narrow to be meas- Walker, ll was the suitor whom 1 "When our baby was seven weeks latioiis of bankers in the more remote cities of grounds help swell the profits of this unusual tlie seats in the church are jammed and crowds Woman-Like, this before?" 1 demanded indignantly. It. The pcopi.' ran wail '1 LOWEST PRIC ^ toes soft, and serve at once. should have expected to see in head- old he broke out with whai we The question will naturally present Itself To the country to establish their own laundries for business.-- Sdentillc American. ured. Since that night Ralston has •u till .here. — line the walls. "1 halo him! I think he Is the mean- Thomas quailed. thought was beat, lull which gradually • not hing the reader as to what proportion of the whole slept in his town house and Heattie long High I. not the lady in the case. V: Sil KN NF:>V«P.\I'i H t MOV Split Biscuit. He k as well known on the continent as In fst man I ever met." "Mis' Louise wouldn't let me," h" He volume of our circulaiin-j medium can be laun- has found shelter under the ample '1 lie puzzle was no clearer al the grew worse. Wo called in a doctor, W. Adatns St.. C. u - These are made for supper when Great Hrltalu, and although be lias become ultra- "Gracious, Jeaneltol What is the said earnestly. "I wanted to. She dered. T'.ie ofllcials answ-T that about four-nfths roof of his house oi| his big planta- Amazed Confronted Louise Armstrong. end of the half hour, i picked up the lie said it. was « ,"/> iaa. ami from that bread has been baked In the morning: famous because of his lecturing and speaking, ;roulile?" imglil lo "a" had a doctor tin1 nhrht sin* jf Veil Arr- a "'role Sensitive of all the money sent back to the treasury for tion. ii.oriiing papers, wiiich wero still full time wo doctored six mcntlis with BL still be finds time to devote many hours a day to "Wnv, lie told me he loved mo devot- came, but she wouidu" hear lo ll. is has been attending them. 1 under- redemption is lit to go out. fer further circulation Use one pint of dough, risen over morning. Arnold Armstrong and of the looting of the Tradenj" bank, three of the best doctors in Atchison ministrations among tiie {)oor. edly and 1 told him it would be impos- stand he is going to mai ry UKS j ui:ng If properly cleaned. Si.vpos.-dly worn-out money night, of the bread; take one pint of A Question. she very bad. Mis' Innes?" Louise had a long conference, during th- Interest at f-v-'r height again, on but he only ge. worse. Hi- face, head VP. J. D. KELLOGG'S milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, At tho Montreal conference Father Vaughan ?ibly lor me fo love him in ivturn. The "Had enough," I said coldly. "Send which lie was heard to storm and he- lady." pours Into tlie treasury to be exchanged for new Vera (eight years old)—What does ;ii i ount of I'r.-.i Armstrong s death. md hands wctc a . • M 'i'i iv B" ra KW created a sensation iiy his denunciation of race ;ioor liilov,' looked so downlu-arted I couii; v':!y violent. When he loft il "Vou have been misinformed." I currency at a rate of more than H'JD.OOO.nOO bills four of sugar, one teaspoonful salt and transatlantic mean, mother? Mr. innes up." The bank examinera were working on was no end to lir' -offering for bim suicide. "We ure living in a day," he said, "of headlines, snapshots, taxicabs :old him lo try aud forget me." Halsey came up the stairs slowly,; was alter two. He had gone up to i said stiffly. "Miss Armstrong is go- per year. The investigations which have been two well beaten eggs. Mix all in« Mother—Across the Atlantic, of the hooks, and said nothing for publi- We had io 'ie his litile hands "o it ^ SWvow ' \a iki U li * 2 A gredlents In a bowl, cuffing the dough and music hails; in a day when the scramble for the prizes of life has become "\v. nr the house—Thomas did not know why ; ing to marry my nephew." made by a special committee appointed by the course; but you musn't bother me. looking rather interested and inclined c.it ion; .luhn Hall.-y had been rel.-aaod keep him from scratching, ii - never vvKHly for vho prompt reber of a mad passion. It Is a day of fever, fret and fume. Competition foit earthen "Boo-Iioo. He—he did." Not Strictly Orthodox. secretary of the treasury disclose that fully 80 with a knife. After the mixing, add Vera—Does "trans" always mean to be amused. For a moment he could —and at three o'clock he was shot at ] The doctor smiled aa he pi-ked up on bond. The body of Paul Armstrong knew what i: was io . leep well fn m Astlmui and Hay Fever Ask vour toys Is so keen and the margin of profit in commerce has become so fine .It..-.in-—Vonnu man, - per cent, of this is not torn or tattered, or in For once in his life a Kentucky colonel found ternity and as a snuthern gentleman—let us talk i a generous quart of gifted flour, knead across? not see anything distinctly In Iht; the foot of the circular staircase. | ihe reins. would arrive Sunday and would b' the time lu; to-U the disease until ho driir.---i',t for it. IVute for Fr.uS . A'.'.f'LE. that the one cry beating through the air is 'hurry up.' We are living In a His First Lesson in Economy. ,a e8 reality shows any sign of wear, but has been himself In a queer predicament because of his about the weather." Then he smiled some more, i the dough well and let It stand In a Mother—I suppose It does. Now, If darkened room; he stopped, glanced The following morning Louise had! ?' changeable these buried from the Aruislrong town was cured. iie k-'pt us awal:e a'! NOKTilF.OP & LYMAN CO. Lid., Bi.-r'ALO.N.Y. day when the high ideals of old aro fast yielding to the pressure of creature "When I was a very small boy and (.•hauffeur courtly pollt'Uioss extended previously to a young warm place for six hours, when 11 you don't stop bothering me with your at Rosle and at me, and then his eyes d,, v s ho fRhl W tl 0 ht lh( Med house. There were rumora that liie hours of the nkh: ami his hea.ii : turned back by the banks simply because it ia n dime looked pretty big to me, I met been 111. She had asked for Arnold,!1 - ' " " ' ^ ' - !ng• S. n.'- lik wonuin at tlie reception tendered by the Knights should be a perfect sponge; work It comforts, when principle is being exchanged for expediency; In a day when questions I shall send you right to fell on the reslless head on the pil- ding was to occur soon. Welt. 1 will wrinkled or limp and dirty All of this SO por WHITE RAINtSOW A RARITY. John 11. Farley—who had always been and was told he had left town. dead man's estate had been a com- wasn't what you would enil good. We yonrhonor Cook Book free 'i Templar of bis stale. Past Commander Shackel- down well at the end of that time. tho Christian sense of sin is being regarded as a bygone superstition; In a bed. low. I think he who it was before | stop In this afternoon to see how my cent, of the currenev con;.! bo laundered and the my good friend—ou tho street ono Thomas had not the moral courage to paratively small one. The lust para- tried everything but the ruiit thing. liighwa;'. Sprinkle the molding board well with day when it matters not what you believe, but only what you do, and when ^ patient is getting along." experiments seem t ) in.ii.-ate that there is no ford of Kentucky was ihe man who suffered What Is known as a white rainbow Is an ex- Vera (after a few minutes' silence) lie really saw her; he crossed the tell her of the crime. She rofusod a graph was the important ouc. "Finally 1 got. a sot. of the Cuticura Mrs. Ri)RER you may do what you like, provided you are not found out; in a day when June day," says Frank Harris. ihe unhappy inarter hour. flour, turn fhe dough upon the board —Then does transparent mean a cross room in a couple of strides and bout j I Some time about noon of that dny, Mr*. in- low - -..minUit: Nvniji. MlMeViv -.(ItHOG'CO., 2W Pfnn»i».i'. • •••-«-. *' •• reason why each b:I hould not be laundered tremely rare phi nomenon. it was observed at " 'Frank,' he said, 'the Fourth of doctor, and shrank morbidly from hav- Walter P. Hroadhurst of the Ma- Remedies and I am pleased to say 1 and roll it down to the thickness of the relations between the sexes take one back to pagan times; in a day when parent?—Ideas. over the bed. i Wednesday. Mrs. Ogden Fitzhugh tele- I'ori- l.-. film. .-i^ i...-cwii.v oilu repeatedly. The pr-sHif normal life of a one- Answ.-ring a telephone cal^ at the Congress the Montouris observatory at Paris by M. Louis July is coming soon. You'll want ing her presence known. Mrs. Wat- rine bank had produced "00 American we did not use all of ihem until be iiaiui. your Ideas .ill about one-fourth of an Inch. there is no empty place but in a cradle, not room iu which to move but in "Louise!" he said softly; but she i I phoned me. 1 have the barest ac ailvlct- I It Kl. it. .1 InSJ. dollar bill is one year an ! three months and this hotel he heard :i swt ot voice saying: Hesson. It was an almost colorless bow and was tome change then. Let me be your son and Thomas had had their hands Traction bonds, which had been placed was cured. We have waited a year I illVtrulU.V i •> i: .Itmitimi.lM • Dip the biscuit cutter In flour, cut the churches." Flirting With Fashion. j quaintance with her—Fhe managed to mmi will be doubled if it is not tripled, resulting, of seen at 2:10 p. m.. dying out and then reappear- banker until then and you'll have did not reply, and her eyes showed no | full, and at last Rosie had been en- as security with the Marine bank for a and a half to see if it would return Am! sensihii- m n consider it too "Oh, Colonel Hhaek« Iford, 1 am going away Father Vaughan is a brother of the late Cardinal Vaughan of England, be put on the governing board of tbe course, in a proportlona'- saving In the expen- up the dough with ll, place half of That innate tendency on the part recognition. Halsey was young, and j listed to help them. She carried nec- loan of $160,000, made to Paul Arm but it never has and to-day his skin much trouhh• to look for trouble. W. N. U.. DETROIT. NO. i 1-19*0. this afternoon. You are going to say good-by to ing at 15, reaching a maximum brightness at and is sixty-three years old. tome money for firecrackers, torpo the cake In a buttered pan, spread a of the fair consumer to flirt with fash- illness was new to him. He straight- Old Ladles' home and ruins their di- diture for labor and material iu printing new me, aren't you?" 3:25, then disappearing five minutes later. The does, lemonade and peanuts.' essary provisions — little enough — strong, just before his California trip. is clear and fair as it. possibly could little soft butter on It, lake fresh cake gestion by sending them ice cream money. bow had about three degrees width and was not Ion, playing fast and loose with vari- "I emptied my pockets Into his hand ened himself slowly, still watching to the lodge, and helped to keep the The bonds were a part of the misBing be. I hope Cuticura may save some "I certainly am," replied Colonel Shackelford, from board and put on (he top of and cake on every holiday, llayond The experiments which the treasury experts a pure white, but somewhat tinged with rose ous commodities, is responsible for and every day thereafter until the her, and caught my arm. secret. traction bonds from the Traders' one else's little ones suffering and "though 1 am most sorry to hear that you are those already In the pan. Cover with DEVOTES LIFE TO THE POOR the uncertainties that have prevailed that, and her reputation at bridge, have been carrying on has been to determine the color at the outer edge and violet at tho inner. Fourth 1 turned over to him ray small "She's dying, Aunt Ray!" he said Thomas told me quite frankly that bank! While this involved the late also their pocket-books. John Leason, going away, i Who In thunder can she be?)" cloan towels and set away in rather during the month. There was such a which Is insufferably bad—she is the best and most economical method of laundering The angular height of the summit was 40 degrees earnings. When the day of days came huskily. "Dying! Why, she doesn't he had boen anxious to keep Louise's president of the wrecked bank, to my . MO:: Atchison St., Atchison, Kan., Oct. "You remembor me, don't you''" cold place, about. 05 degrees; let bis- Tbe Grand Duchess Elizabeth, widow of the lack of confidence as to the ultimate worst player al the bridge club-—I money rather than to try out different chemical 8 minutes on the average. There have been often around I had a fund that enabled me know me!" presence hidden for this reason: They mind it by no means cleared its 19, 1909." cuits rise until they are about double Grand Duke Sergius of Russia, Is regarded as an acceptance of the various lines pre- know little of her. It was she who formulas for the cleansing. As a matter of fact "Indeed, it would be fjuite Impossible to for- observed In the mountains of the polar regions to celebrate In proper stylo, while "Fudge!" I snapped, being apt to had all seen Arnold Armstrong that cashier. LOW FARES their original size; It will take about angel of mercy by the poor of Moscow, among pared by distributers and consumera had taken charge of Arnold Arm' this latter part of the undertaking has followed got you. (Ye gods' Who is she? Help, help!)" white bows upon fogs or clouds composed of many of my playmates, were flat grow irritable when my sympathies night, and he, himsell, for one. was (TO BE CONTINUED.) Love's Crime. two hours. Bake In rather hot oven whom she labors unceasingly. The grand ducbess that buying was somewhat minimized. George was a manly fellow, yet. sur- | the simplest lines. Plain soap and water, the "You know you said that I was the most liquid drops. broke. It was my first lesson In thrift, are aroused. "She's doing nothing of known to have had no very friendly TO for one-half hour. Two good-sized Is a German princess by birth, a sister of the Prosperity or adversity has nothing to prising as it may seem, be was guilty ; former a good grade of potash soap, are the stand- charming girl you had met in Chicago." The explanation of this phenomenon, known and It was a good one. Hundreds of the sort—and don't pinch my arm. If feeling for the dead man. As to the pans of biscuits may be made with reigning grand duke of Hesse and also of the do with the millinery business. Fash- of a grave charge, a criminal offense— i bys of the government laundrymen who have un- as the "Ulloa circle." was given by Mascart. It Is Cleveland people would be glad today you want something to do, go and reason for Ixmise's flight from Cali- "And I uever retract anything I say. I was ingredients mentioned. Czarina. Her husband was assassinated upon the Ion alone makes or breaks.—Millinery theft, for had bo not many times, dertaken the currency washing task. It may be only a special case of the general theory of the to testify to the fact that when John choke Thomas." fornia, or why she had not gone to sure of it when 1 said it. I arn surer of it now. streets of Moscow on February 17, 1905. being Trade Review. stolen kisses from his fair swcei- that ultimately the cleansing compound will be rainbow as given by Airy, which allows of sup- H. Farley was a friend of a man or a Rut at that moment Louise roused the Fitzhughs', or to some of her peo- Say. this Is awful.)" shattered by a bomb thrown at him. He was heart? CALIFORNIA combined with a preparation designed to ster- posing a mixture of the colors so as to approach Dainty Napkin Rings. boy he was a friend Indeed."—Cleve- from her stupor to cough, and at the ple in town, he had no more Informa- Well. I expect to meet some friends In the killed within a stone's throw of the palace and New Version. Maude, one of the most lovable of ; ilize the money while it Is being washed rhus white, at the same time as a widening of the arc A white linen napkin ring Is a land Leader. end of the paroxysm, as Rosle laid her tion that I had. With the death of parlor in half an hour, and I shall hope to see you. bla wife, hearing the report, rushed to the spot "Now, Harry." said the Sunday girls, was equally guilty as an acees- | setting at rest the fears of those person.-* who and a diminution of the radius, when the diam- dainty affair, and makes an unusual back, exhausted, she knew us. That her stepfather and the prospect of Low One-Way Colonist Fares In effect daily Now don't forgot Oood-by." and fell fainting upon Sergius' mutilated corpse school teacher to the brightest boy in gory; she received the stolen properly. , are nervous about the germs on paper money, but eter of the drops becomes smaller and comes gift. To make It, cut a narrow piece was all Halsey wanted; to him con- the Immediate return of the family, After that terrible experience the grand the class, "can you tell me how Elijah CLOTHES A BUSINESS ASSET Hach seemed to have perfect eonli- j the ofllcials have not yet definitely decided that "(iood-by. 1 shall be there. Good-by." near to 41 u.—Scientific American. of linen the required length, and scal- A FOOD DRINK. sciousness was recovery. He dropped things had become more aud more duchess withdrew from all the gayetles of life died?" •a; donee In the other, however, and when October 1 lo October 15,1910 they will purify the currency as well as restore First he importuned some other Kentucklana, lop and buttonhole the edge, finishing Which Brings Daily Enjoyment. on bla knees beside the bed, and tried impossible. I gathered that Thomas and set to work to ameliorate the sufferings of the "He didn't die at all," replied the Self-Supporting Woman Who Would sentence was pronouneed by a proper- itt) pristine freshness. After the money has been after pledging them to secrecy, but they could not BALKS EFFORTS OF INVENTORS. the end In a point. Any design may to tell her she was all right, and we was as relieved as I at the turn events --an Investment that is almost certaib poor In her adopted country. She has founded youngster. "He was translated from Suceotd Should Be Well ly qualifled ofllcial, tbey decided to via washed It is rinsed aud is then dried by artificial help him and one said: be embroidered on it with the owner's A lady doctor writes : would bring her around in a hurry, had taken. No, she did not know of to turn out well. hospitals and nursing homes. She herself directs tbe original Hebrew." Dreeeed. serve their time together. beat. "Why, Shackelford, you said the same thing Machinery plays little part In the glass trade. monogram or Initials. Fasten by "Though busy hourly with my own and how beautiful she looked—only to either of tbe deaths In the family. I don't for a moment advocate ex- operations and devotes eight to ten hours a day to the laborious work of They remained loyal to the end. From this point- that is, all the finishing pro- to about a dozen women at the reception." Visitors to glassworks have time and again re- means of a tiny button and button- affairs. 1 will not deny myself the break down utterly and have to Taken all around, I had only substi- travagance in dress except for women superintending the different branches of her charitable activity. She de- Any woman who bai her way to neither making any effort to have cesses—are identical with those followed In the So at the appointed time Colonel Shackelford holed loop at the end opposite the pleasure of taking a few minutes to stop. And at that I came to my of large means. With them extrava- marked upon the apparent awkwardness and an- votes virtually the whole of her vast income, amounting to about 1625,000, to tuted one mystery for another. If ! their sentence abrogated or shortened, Union Pacific button. make In the world, whether In social case of newly printed currency, but special ma- went forth to the parlor, and when bo returned tiquity of the processes employed. Inventors tell of my enjoyment dally obtained senses, and put him out. knew now why Rosie had taken the gance ia more than excusable—it le the cause of charity, and the suffering of the poor In and around Moscow or hualnesa circles, must recognise but during the course of their long chinery has had to be provided hecar.-e the unit his face was wreathed In smiles. have for a long time exercised their wits to de- from my morning cup of Poatum. It "This Instant!" 1 ordered, as he hes- basket of dishes, I did not know who Justifiable. It keeps money in circula- and In the vicinity of several of her estates In other parts of Russia have "The Smack" that dress Is one of her chief assets, term together several small offenses to be handled iu every instance h. : sii^te bill "How about it?" was the anxious query. vise machinery calculated to supersede the giass- Cream Pudding. Ii a food beverage, not a poison like itated. "And eend Rosle here." had spoken to her and followed her tion that would otherwise be idle. It Southern Pacific learned to regard her as a living saint. Not content with directing opera- a writer in the Delineator says. The were directly chargeable to them.—J. Instead of a sheet of four bills, as In the case "Gentlemen, as a member of tho Masonic fra- bl. ver's lungs, but to no avail Beat separately the yolks and coffee. gives legitimate employment, which tions. she also participates In tbe active work of her various Institutions. of the He did not go far. He sat on tbe along the drive. If I knew that Louise W. B. in Puck. Standard Route of the West whites of three eggs. Stir Into them "I began to uae Po&tum eight years efficiency of a saleswoman, a stenog- Is the wisest and most beneficent form Sometimes she works aa a nurse, sometimes as a visitor to the poor, top step of the stairs, only leaving to was In the lodge. I did not know why half a pint of flour, half a pint of ago, not because I wanted to, but be- rapher. a teacher—in fact of any wom- of charity, to women who need work. sometimes she attends as a domestic servant tho deatitute harbored in her telephone for a doctor, and getting In she was there. If I knew that Arnold Pleasant Place to Prosper. Electric Block SUnala Excellent Dtnind Cart milk, a pinch of soda dissolved In a cause coffee, which 1 dearly ?oved, an who works—is Judged by her dress. refuges for aged paupers. On such occasions she dons the dress of a nurse "Snack" everybody'e way is his eagerness to Armstrong had spent some time in the But for women In moderate circum- TO THE EDITOR: We want to hMr in tho windows, and to walk up on the little water, the grated rind of a made my nighta long weary periods to Shabhiness Is almost always taken as from people who would appreciate se- The Merry Minstrele. or servant and performa the necessary duties without revealing her Identity fetch and carry. I got him away final- the night before be wae mur- stances a parelmonioua attitude For tickett tnd information, call on or tddreti Mother Nature to Aid of Specialist opposite side for the same purpose, lemon and a tablespoon and a half be dreaded and unfitting me for busi- a sign of ill-success and it is a popu- curlng a fruit, dairy or poultry farm in Bones—Well, Mr. Tambo, what to the inmates of the different homes. In many cases the other nurses or ly, by aendlng him to fix up the car I was no nearer tbe solution of toward dress Is a false and often fatal and it works like a charm, they all full of sugar. Just before baking lar if somewhat fallacious theory that the Kuhn Irrigated tract In Sacramento makes you look so down In de mouf? members of the staff have been unaware of her identity, so that In this way ness during tbe day. aa a sort of ambulance, in case the the crime. Who was the midnight in- economy, if you want to succeed !• Valley, California, at halt the true value. A leading New York specialist who is a favorite specific, and ke has a teli me." stir In half a pint of cream. Bake in "On the advice of a friend, 1 first real merit and ability always succeed. Tambo—Ahm got a slight headacbe. she has convinced herself of the inner woorkings of the institutions and has doctor would allow tbe sick girl to be truder who had so alarmed Uddy and anything, look successful, able, compe- Beet water right in stat*. Low mainte- GEBUT FORT. M.M-t. r. 1.1. layf he !• working Mother Nature as number of patients who are contrib- a buttered pudding dish. Carelessness is quite as blighting to nance coBt. Work COBUIIR mlllionH now Bones—Too much high llbln'? revealed breaches of dlaclpllne nnd good conduct on the part of the staffs, Post tried Poatum, making it carefully at moved. He eent Gertrude down to myself? Wbo had fallen down the tent. Otherwise you can never Inspire actually belna done. Kuads, drainage Farnam bard af be can aa an aid In his treat- uting to bis botany collection. The directed on tbe package. As 1 had one's prospects as shabhiness. It may 871 SU OMAHA. NEE» At His Worst Tambo—No, sah. Ah got concussion especially with regard to the treatment of the patients. the lodge loaded with all manner of clothes chute? Was Gertrude's lover confidence In others, and to look BUO and water right included In price. Ten mnt of plump patients always pre- specimens he clamors for are rare In not be altogether Just or fair, but it month's growing reason. Ten tons alfalfa "That scapegrace nephew of mine," ob de coco. A Good Cleanser. always used 'cream and no augar,' I Impossible things. Including an arm- a villain or a victim? Time was to cessful, prosperous, assured, you must WT) icrlbat mushroom bunting In autumn. the countryside where each sojourns, is true that wherever you go your so- per acre: Splendid dairy conditions. 500 said the doctor, "Is merely going to Bones—'Splaln yoself, man, 'splaln A mixture for removing dirt from mixed my Postum so. It looked good, ful of Turkiah towels and a box of answer all these things. be well dressed. neng cam 1100 a month or better. Oranges cial position, your income, success or It bM to be done in the early morn- and usually cannot be found without the country to stay over Sunday, and yoself. !lie hands quickly, also for whitening Scales of Justice. A Quiet Berth. Toasties was clear and fragrant, and it was a mustard plasters, and as the two girls lemons, grape fruit, flgs. KIIKIIcIi walnuts lag. aad light breakfast and these lengthy and frequent rambles. When failure, your ability and character are and a thousand other fruits, nuts, vege- yet he has bought a $75 fishing out- Tambo—Ah done hab a Job at de and softening the skin. Is made from Grocer's Widow—"Could you please "If I buy a aeat In the stock ex- pleasure to see the cream color it mi had known each other somewhat he- tables and llowers grruv here. Gardens and Cram CHAPTER XIII. St. Bernard! Menaetry. oonrtttlnns with the bending over to asked what he did to keep his special- fit." melted castile soap and oatmeal Inform me when my late huaband's af- change will you agree to go to work?" my Kentucky friend always wanted fore, Louise brightened perceptibly appraised by the clothes you wear. If winter and summer. ( Imnnlng place to fair pokln' mah bead thu a sheet. Ah At present the monastery of 8t. live. Very healthful. Who wants such a pick ap tb# delectable morsels, make ist said: "I tell them to go from the "I should call that," commented the mixed with a little water. A few fairs will be wound up? It's now over "I ain't crazy for work, dad. Make It her coffee to look—'like a new sad- I were starting in business—I don't got cramps tn mah neck ylsteddy and when she saw Gertrude. Hernard costs |9,000 a year to keep home? Land selling fast. Work for ev- AXLE GREASE a flae combination for weight reduc- Plaxa to Washington Arch on one aide professor, "a pretty strong beginning drops of perfume may be added If the a year." Attorney'a Clerk-"Ob, you'll a seat In the senate."—Louisville dle.' Wheu the doctor from Englewood— Louise. care in what capacity—aud had only erybody. Write us for cnthiiftusin. IL L. couldn't dodge de balls.—Youngstown A wholesome, ready- up. This money is partly collected Holllster & Co., 205 La Sal'e .St.. Chi- Keeps the spindle bright and Uoa. Barller in the season weeding of the avenue and look at the hats for a 'weak end' trip." odor of the oatmeal Is unpleasant. find no short waits here."—Life. Courier-Journal. "Then I tasted it critically, for I had the Casanova doctor. Dr. Walker, he- The doctor from Kngiewood came a very little money to invest, I would Telegram. cooked food which in Switzerland and partly derived cago. or 345 Fourth Ave.. Pltt«burg. Pa. tried many 'substitutes' for coffee. I llg away—had started for Sunnyside, very soon, and I went up to see tlu put it Into clothes-clothes that wero tree from grit. Try a box. To Prepare Mushrooms. youngsters, and older was pleased, yes, satisfied, with my sick girl with him. Halsey had gone suitable, attractive and well made. It from the revenue of the monastic or Illiterate Immigrants. Sold by dealers everywhere. Twas Ever Thus. To Fit the Space. and I had got Thomas to stop trying 1 The Plenle Age Limit. For mushrooms, as a French cook Postum in taste and effect, and am •o supervise the fitting of the car wit ' is what financiers call "a good risk" der. Ellis Island records show that of the most Just and good hearted of The skeleton of a lady at least 500 "I like the bouse, all right," said folks thoroughly enjoy. •a oxnlain what be did not understund a man's or a woman's bones prepares them, peel and cut Into yet, being a constant user of it all 52,727 Immigrants who arrived here In STANDARD OIL CO. War and Finance men and women have a quick, snappy years old bas been discovered in the prospective tenant of the subur- Strange Accident. Designing Brand. (luoorpurmteiil like castanets when they sit pieces half a pound of them. When these years. July 12,895, or about 25 per cent., are temper, and no wonder.—New York Egypt. In the tomb was also found an ban place, "but the front yard Is so Let them have all they "By tho way, Jilks, a curious thing Little Willie—Say. pa, what is a de on the ground to a picnic lunch a tablespoon of butter hubbies In the "I continually assure my friends and signing widow? illUerates. Illiteracy Is no bur to an Money life here has yet not reached and war nnd hunting are plainly Press. Ivory nat pin. awfully small. Why, there iRn't even Looking for an Ax for Souvenir happened to that boautiful pipe you thatls oae signal that tbey aro entire, nauccpan turn In the muahrooms and want It is rich in nour- acquaintances that they will like It In Immigrant fo long as he appears phys- a chivalric stage, nor has it any- worked from the same part of the There is no more to be said on the room for a single flower bed." gave me for a birthday present." Pa—A designing widow, my son, is COLT DISTEMPER ly too old to attend picnics.-—Atchison cook them for five minutes, stirring place of coffee, and receive benefit ically able to care lor himself. Only bf handled vprr mr lly. The sick «ri» cored, nnd all othen la where else in the world. In money brain, and history of one will be the subject—London Sphere. "Well," replied the agent, "you— ishment and has a win- ters from foes to gambling who have -What was it?" one who tries to convince a bachelor OKtabl., nolimti.T Ikivt "cxposiil."kf|it from Imvina lh» «»• Making the Best of It. them all the time. Then sprinkle "There is a certain kind of souvenir 1,127 persons who sought to enter tho ». Iiv U«||.K M'lMIVb UQUlD DISTKai'EK CUKt Gl*e oa matters this age's faces ton often story of the others. Great charity er—might put in a folding bed." from lla use. I have gained weight, "1 accidentally held a lighted match that he is the first man she ever Uncle Jack came to visit the family about a loaRpoonfuI of flour over them ning flavour— fiend that has pretty poor pickings Ihe cotton batting all ready to pack country were barred at this port last .... toiiini.M.r In fivu. Arts ou thu blond ami Beriun of reflect the cold, pallid face of the should be shown the financial faces of can sleep sound aud am not nervous.' to the wrong end of it tho other day, loved. / nil fovius ot OiKl-jiiiin-r. iUiit remedv ever kuowu 1tor mat** in foal, Just after bis young name-sake had and stir them thoroughly. Add half these days." said the policeman. "1 away tho ax that struck a blow at cor- monih.—New York Tress. i'l , Ono Ixittli" uimrantwil to ciro ono ca*). 60y an- *!« uotUaiipatKl Hener Above All. crafty, cave-dwelling man and his can- Carrying It to an Extreme. Her Paychological Moment. "There's a Keason." and tho amber mouthpiece took lire Vi I IHUlnron of ilniuL-lMHiiml IniriKiis dealers, or mint eipreaa paui of today, for many such faces only rep- recovered from an attack of the ruption. • ' iimmiluolMr-rh. Cut pIIOVIS how to puultli-o tliroat* Uiir rn* It to be the greatest of all e glass of white wine and the same "That practical politician la out for •The Memory Lingers" mean tho man or woman—usually It nablllstlc devices and traps. Tip takes resent the tag and exhaustion, wear wbooplng cough. "How did you amuse "Tho psychological moment counts Head "The Road to Wellvlllo" in pkgs and burned up like a Hash." Of Course Not. l/. 1 bonk lot is I v ok oTorv t li liitf. Ux-ul atrentu wanluU. iArgcnMUUg to prefer your eilateace to quantity of rich cream. Stir until the stuff. Isn't he?" "I should say he is a woman—who wants the ax with "Unless tho old ax gets lost in tho A man of few words usually says Uorso ri'iuciiy luexUtcnoo—twolvo j-uara. I' that the money world's life Is and tear, that proceed from a too ae- yourself while yon bad Itr be asked. for much tn a love affair." "That'a Ever read the above letter? A new "How was the resort where you &POHN MEDICAL CC.g I'tu-mliUaadClc'.crloIackts, COShMI* tmkf U«8« aad for the sake of life to they nre smooth, cover and cook very was. Why. if he has a lawn made he which the door is cut down and the shuflle somebody in the crowd usually them ns If they were more. still In primitive state of evolution, vere application to a too narrow la* "Me and another little boy wbo had rlgh't," commented the heiress. "Now P09TCM CEREAL CO., LTD, one appears from time to time. They A Bad Risk. went?" it te Uto.—J* slowly for 15 minutes. Serve very wants a rakeoff for the dead leaves." furniture smashed in a gambling raid. sends it to the person who can write l^ter will come higher morals, honor, tellectual specialty. This makes a it played Indlane aad had warwboopa." I was Introduced to the Duke the day BattU Creek, Mtek. are genuine, true, and full of human "That life insurance agent left your "The hills and the sunsets were hot. —Baltimore American. "There are Puritans a-plenty who the most touching letter. There havo aye. chivalry, for the game of money cross, tired, worn (act. For some of explalaed Jack. his board bill was due.** interest. strictly up to schedule. I suppose 1 beg us for those implements of de- heen some pretty interesting gambling office in a hurry." Kvcr read Ihe above letter? A new ought not to kick about any shortcom PUTNAM FADELESS DYES struction. Every raid tbat the public raids in New York; If one person "Yes, I told him that I was going •ne appear* from time to time. Tiiey ings in the grub and the roomg." Color more foods brlf Mor tml liil-r color* iMn any ethor t*. On# We KCkago colors all llfctn. Thoy dyo in coj* wtorboW*; •ft***' •re aeauiae, true, aad fall ot hai gets wind of bring J out icorei of let- could make a collection ot all the axes take up aeropianing." lo* can to tai iarnont •ithovl riMlni aatrt Wrlla Itm booWot- Ho« to On, Woaeh aM Mil Coloro. MOmtOE ORW9 VO; fHimoj, im latcrcaU CaANO RApTr% —HsK-IJllliAlir1' I ire insurance. K. D. Stocking. I 'or I lie best velvet coat col- Fli Denny is working in lars see Will Stone. Kalamozoo.' Ross Kinyon of Freeport was iiift'assDrtmen! of fountain pens in town Monday. URS AND WINTER COATS ai Stockinu's. Cleaning and pressing, night and day. Will Stone F Miss A'esta Smith has been (jtiite ill the past week. Henry's Fall sale of wall paper Save to V. on wall paper. will save you money. Ruy now. Henry's Fall sale is now on. Herald and Ledger till January 1 Jas. Scott made a business trip 1, only (>0c. (iet a hustle on. to (irand Rapids Tuesday. Porn, Sept. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Donovan is building a Mieheal Verlin, Vergennes. a small addition to his resilience. girl. Miss Flla Hart is visiting' Deer hunter's Winchester with Lyman sights, cheap at Stock- friends in Hastings this week. 0W R. M. Shivel spent a few days ing's. fKf| is the time when the ladies are turning their minds to Winter Wraps last week at his homeinConstan- Miss Irene Murphy spent Sat- LV?] and we have been making preparation to supply the needs of all. Our tine. | urday with her sisters in (irand Piaflj Sectional Cloak Cabinets and Fur Racks are completely filled with tbe Rapids. Mr. Masonof Deldiniiis visiting' new and most stylish Garments and Furs. The question arises with you: Mrs. IMckard and Mrs. llill this Seeds, fertilizer and peach week. baskets for sale. O.J. Howard, "Where shall I buy my Winter Coat and Furs?" The answer is easy-BUY Miss Hessie Kerekes of Lake Train block. THEM WHERE THE LATEST AND MOST TASTY STYLES ARE TO BE Sincerity Clotkct Odessa spent Sunday with her Miss Helen King went to Ypsi- FOUND; WHERE THE MOST GRACEFUL FITTING GARMENTS ARE TO COPTtllbll 131'J 11' N*WlA» 4 tibtlllk CO., *Ll UlljHIi RtSlKVlB parents here. lanti Saturday toattend the fun- BE HAD; WHERE THE PRICES ARE THE FAIREST, TJjlANY a man is walking around town with a | I'each baskets, fertizer and eral of a relative. seeds for sale. (>. J. Howard. Mrs. Comstock entertained her MJ SINCERITY SUIT impressing folks with the | Train block. brother and wife of (irand Rap- - That means at A. W. Weekes' store V^31 fact that his clothes are tailor-made. * Miss Mable Shores of Heidia^ ids over Sunday. spent over Sunday with Miss Look is making a tremendous t There is no difference except in price. That's be- Viola Morse. cut in wall paper for next •"»(> We sell and make a feature of garments tailored in the Best Cloak houses + cause Sincerity Clothes fit both ways, They're Mrs. Clarence Speaker sjient days, (iet his prices. in New York, the American Style Center. Women who buy their apparel here Sunday with her husband in planned for men's ages as well as their figures. Ladies and gents garments re- have the assurance that they are getting the best quality, the best style and the (Irand Kapids. lined. Agency for Fconomy Dye t Guaranteed to wear to the full extent of their cost. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. House. Will Stone. best fit at the best possible price a moderate one. Women who are fastidious X the maker's label inside proves lhat. Money back went to (irand IIMUKIS vi-slordiiv The Ledger and Daily Herald as to what they wear prefer our New York creations for their perfection of fit; j to visit friends. till January I. onl\ (i(»c at women who are particular what they expend for their clothes prefer them for + when you get your back up. Tom Met ice iti (irand Kapid.- Ledger otiiice. + In addition to these garments we can show you the : spent Sunday w ilh \\'ill Lalley Friday and Saturday. Oct. 7 the:r economy, If refinement of style and good taste are to govern the selection s finest line of Furnishings ever shown in Lowell. ' and laniily here. and . will be special days for of your Coat and Furs, you will want to view the splendid collection of Latest Miss Ko.xey Denn\ ret urned millinery at Mrs. White's. Styles now gathered here. from a three weeks' \ i^it with Miss Rose .McCartney of Inde- friends in Del roil. pendence. Iowa, is visiting her Mrs. J. D. Harvey of (irand sister, Mrs. James Woodcock. .H.J. TAYLOR. Kapids spent Sunday with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Pert Slider of II. K. Johnson here Clarksville have been visiting Mrs. A. S. Clark and Mrs. Alice Mr. and Mrs. F. McHloucklin. Kaymoud of Ada were Lowell Lowell Lodge No. 00 F. A: A. visitors yesterday. M.. will work third degree Tues- Darius Simpson of Ovid is day evening. October 11. Mem- spending a few days with his bers turn out. Heard About Town cousin. A. K. Smith. Pattern hats that regul'irlj See those Saturday wall paper sell anywhere from Sid to SlL', bargains at Look's. Regular Friday and Saturday for So and

stoek at renimant priees. Sdat Mrs. White's. MAN TAllOHfD IN TMT Miss Carrie Rutkoskie returned WORTKBHOP '.V VTTXVIM .lohn Lall»*y sjH-nt Sundav in I'lorenee ol (irand Kapids spent I'hil Krum is building an ad- dition of two rooms to his resi- to her home in St. Joseph, Mon- (Irund Kapids. Sal urday niiiht with Mr. ,Jose[«h's sistej" Miss .b-nnie Joseph. denee on I ludson st reel. da.v after spending two weeks Sri- tlu* bt-aulilnl cut Liinss jusl Mr. and Mrs. (>. J. Howard with her friend, Miss Lena Mur- rec-fived at StocUinir's. Mis (ieo. Montauue and son Charlie ol liellaire are quests ol atteiiiied church in I'arnell Sun- phy. .JDIIII W K.'H RUT'SDAY lur Mr. and Mrs. W orthy \\ illard day and visited friends there. This has been theopening week "W 353 E a short visit in Stuniun. and othi'r friends and relatives. Mrs. John Fox of (irand Kap- of winter miU'mery and we are i ••MB im i n ii i in laaagttttMBHawi Mi-, and Mrs. t(Iunn aiv ids visited her mother. Mrs. Kuth making a iinmbei of special visiting friends in •Irniui Kapids. Mrs. II. Alverson ol St. James, Mo., in i'l'init t iiej lor'Tut: Li;n(ii;i{ Hiler a day or two this week. prices. Do not over-look them. Mr. 'ind Mrs. tlfu. !•'. Whit'* Mrs. White. Identified. says: "Could not do without it. The J. L. A. defeated the was turn uji in furrows by the bullets Reward of Faithful Duty. .-.penl Sunday wiih irionds in that hail been shot through it. and he as it eomes lik" a letter Irom Independents of Ionia in a game (Irand Kapids Hearld and Ry the faithful plying of Ihe shnliU. Sni\ mo. was covered by dust they had thrown lit une. " of fi)ot ball Saturday Id to o. Lowell Ledger till January 1. TRANSLATED of daily duty we weavo white raiment rlk-Ui Sin ter ni I "iarks\ illt* has upon him. for the soul.—Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kill ton I l'l I, only Ode to Rural route been visiting hfr i (irand a sudden thought occurred to him. j in. and when th- y're big you take it day inorninir. Fdw in I'allas. Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Smith, Revolution there was also war with i out again." Rapids spent l-'ridny wiiii -\. N. "For he.-iven's sake." be cried, "dig Kobert (iennellol'Smt'orl, Unt., (let. 111. ilaughter Tuba, and son Draper the Rritish. Rut by that time (he In1- Whi^e and laniily. a hole unilor the cabin wall and take 'ii.il H k returned to his home Monday al'- D. (i. Look at tended t he State of (irand Kapids spent a day or dian lighting had retreated westward, -.Vifl Mrs. Marii'a.ret Steel ol (Irnnd me in." ter a. two weeks' visit with the Druggist association m Kalam- two in town this week enronte in 1777 llarrodsburg, Ky., was sur- Rapids visit--d iriends in Ver- All wondered why they hadn't "Bless my soul," quolh the gargoyle, mnulies oi 1». and K. J. Flanagan azoo Tuesday and Wednesday of for home from a tri[. to Detroit rounded by red men, and the people, thought of the plan before. Pick aud peering down from the eaves the ^•ennes last week. and William Koss. this week. and Ndrwalk. ()hio. not daring to go out to hunt for game, spade were brought, and a hole was chauffeur who had honked, "ihere goes Miss Helen Look and isabelle my double!" I'ansy Klossom Flour—The People using our item box Mary K. Roll" has sold her home were often in great straits for food. sunk in the ground. Then when it was Cholerton spent Sunday with of :i depth siiHieiml to excavate under ; linesi product ol' modern milling. must sign their names to enn- in the north east part of the vil- The settlement was protected by ono of their parents here. tlie wall. :i channel was run out to the Makes liu-ht. sweet bread every tribulions We're not so lond lage to Arioti N. Purrof McCords those stockade forts used at that lime Coaching the Sub. 1 young hunter and he was drawn with- renin McQueen Iril Munday linit L' 1lbs. at I'an ITS' and of taking ehances. for keeping off savages, and when for Sdod. Mr. Purr will make in the fort. niorniii!. i'or Ann Vilr.!' where .\!(•Nandl'rs, I'or K'e. they were hostile the inhabitants of II W. Hakes. K J. Fnos his home here. Mrs. Kolf has Kay had ir.' sooner emerged from thu he will attend schonl. Mr. and Mrs. p<'ndiii'_r lun candidate for governor, talked ation S ."."d. made himself invaluable by leaving tniph that wa/ raised in the fort aud 4 knew that tiie .SIMI ihey were liring at or ihree weeks witli Inriids in Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. F. While ton small group of citizens on the fort before dawn, hunting all day tml e.-.'apeti. how? It was still diiTen-nt parts ui (>iii' •. and Mr and Mrs. Newton Coons Couldn't Understand It. and returning after nightfall with the i he bridge Monday morning. liirhf enoiiv.ii for them to keep in view : cooo CO:K AND GOOD FLOUR and daughter Neva leave i'or game be bad shot, .lames Itay was mnl.i- :i /omt roiiiliiiintion. The rr nil aro Mrs. 1']. .1. Mondy oi North 1'n- Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Merrill of Epliraim Srnartwo.-d (gazing at the the imp helimd v.liieh In? had taken ( alilornia Monday where ihey the name "f \his brave boy, and he siiti-fai-loi>. W- rtimi. li kola has been vi iiii:- a-iemls Mears. and Dr. aud Mrs. (ieo. P. SiiiKM- buiMInK)—Those here city refuge, and had he got up and been 1 u ill make t heir lnt ure home. folks ti'll me this is a skyscrapor; but afterward became a general otlicer in C:OOD FLOUR in Lowell and Saraiwu Way of Detroit spent Sunday assisted ov -r the stoekade he would ' "\V VT.' . i Miss Winnie \\ inir ol" Ionia ()nr old 1'riend, Will Chapman 1 bin a-watfhin' it for two hours, and the United States army. have been ir, their lull view. The j | ll is i-altnt I'I Ki: (iOl.i). ll iiial.e- U"od with their ehildren Dr and Mrs. I hain't seen il do any scrapin' yet!" wholc-fimc l-read. rnl;c and pa-lry. ll i- u , , One day Ray and a companion were g:ile Icid not Ueen opened. Surely the visilt-il her paivnls. Mr. and Mr.-. a I Los Aniiejes sends us S''- "on W. o. Merrill. —Judge. ' sure provealaiive at;aiii low and tin- .|iialily hinli. iMami- Look's annual wnll pap- r snle and promisesa lft ler soon. Says regular trips to Harry W. Hakes Root of Misfortune. he doesn't skip a word of Till rifle and his friend fell dead. It did : fai'tnred hy KiNU MILLING COMPANY. I'or starts Sat urday. A lot oi' LT od at Ann Arbor where he is pur- Metier lie unliora ilian iintaugbt. for Managing Kditor- What's the matter Sale l'\ all irriHMT--. , . not require a process of reasoning for ]»atter!is ni a bi.r >;i\ iiii:- \u priec. LKIM.KU. suing his stud ies and making his i^nuranoc is the root ol' inisloriuno.— with you? Hlaio. Ray to know that the shot had come Sporting Editor—The beauty editor Orri- Kandall ol' Crnnd lln\en Mrs. M. A. Carrlcfl for Lansinu' home with Mrs. ("has. ()uick. from an Indian. Looking about him is olT. and you put me on the job. OVER 65 YEARS' has 1 iet'ii visiting hi> urni id par- Moinlay morninii where she will Messrs. Chas. Doyle. Jim Me- he saw the redskin who had killed his Here's a woman who writes to know EXPERiFNCC ents. Mr. and Mrs. i'rank Kan- meet In-r daughter, Mrs. W. N. Have No Incentive. HILDA THE Maaon and Misses Pert ha Doyle friend and raising his ritle was about what lo do with a wrinkle In her fore- dall. I 'rice who will accompanied her None are less eager to learn than and Ft hei Thomas at tended "A to shoot him when there was a whooj) head. to llillsilale to \ isit Mrs. S. F. tl:. v \tui know nothing.—Guard. i'resiii'ills day of i li" L. L. i'. Winning Miss.' at the Majestic in from another qunrter. Then Kay took , HELPER "Tell her to putty it up and forget I'arrish. it" will lie lield al I lie hoiiic oi Mrs. (irand Kapids Saturday night. Contented Worker the Rest. to his heels and ran like a deer toward W. S. Wiaciiar, W> diiesn free wlu-l IHT an liii^ the -uiniuer in lids ioining their present residence. reached (he fort without having been L-- ce Home" luvoallixt is lunliiilijy iviuni'iililo. ('iiiiinuimi-n- ly. I le imported himself pleased ^ First Printed Newspaper. bas a (iilliculty in expre.i.sing. HAN0000K on I'lilcnin ly. left tins week i'or her Fi ker A: Hatch have the building hit, but found the gates closed. Those scut fine. OM- --. iii'otiry t'nr riM'tirlnKintUiiitx. with the pro-iress of his cam- ^ The first printpd nowKpapcr was tho I'-iOiiiis mlu'ii tliniHiili .Munii .t CM. ruuulvo • in .New ' )i leans. eont met. within had heard the liring, had shut Hilda the Helper used to say, Bptfiitl uollcf, wi' lutut clmruo, in tlio paign and the outlook. Gazette, published in Nuremberg in themselves in and were too terrified to Mr. and Mrs. Art 11. llill at- (ieo. W. Kousehaspatentedand when die e/aj rather younger, "I Mousehold Ballistics. open the gates. Ray called upon them tended ehureli in I'ainell Sunday Kev. N. I'. Jenkins tilled his is nianufacturing for the trade a Mrs. Xowbrlde-"Roohoo! Henry Scieifjfic /fmerlcait. lo iet him in, but fearing that if they think I'll pock and go away; I've A IinnilHiuui'l) iiliiHtrnloil wcokly. liflreoflt ctr • ippointini'iit al Hart Sunday, threw a biscuit at me. One that I culatioii of viuv HclontlUe Joiirnul. Ternm. f:i n and look dimn'r wiih Mr. and hoof ••utter willi adjustable in- Health and Wealth. did the savages would follow him and yonr; four nn.nilia, ?!. Sold by all rnwHtleaUtM. Mrs. Jt'ukins sjH-nt the day with got the city hunger." made myself, to.)!"- MotlK-r - "The Mrs. Melville MulMierson. terchangeable knives. It is a There is a great difference between massacre the garrison they refused to 36,B,o lw her dauiihter Mary at Charlotte, monster! He might have killed you!" MUNN&C0. " ' -. ,. Rudolph VanDyke and Albn-t good device and linds a readv the two temporal blessings, health and do so. Uraucb Uilliru. n25 F SU Waahlumuo. D.C. I'rank visited a schoolmale near wealth. Wealth is most envied, but Roth left Monday inorniiiix lor sale wit h hoi'se-shoers. Ray threw himself flat on the Flmdaleand Ruth visited one at least enjoyed; health is frequent ly en- Ann Arbor where they will attend Mrs. A. S. Clark will have an ground, a stump covering 1dm from Alto. joyed, but tho least envied; and the the fire of the enemy. That is, tho school the eominji" year. auction sale of household goods superiojlly of the latter Is still more Indians couldn't hit him, though their at her home in Ada village un IIOYI'S II. 0. Joseph and daughter Ledger to Jan. 1, 20c. obvious that the poorest man would bullets sang in such proximity to his Tuesday, Oct, Is, at one o'clock, not part with his health for money, ears as to' make him think that the The Wolcolt Grocety CORN p. m. See bills printed at LKIKJEK but richest would gladly part with his nest would cut olT one of them, or per- ollice with which this notice is money for health. haps tear a strip out of Ids side or Phone 195 11 4Kf:S given free. J7 go Ihrough his foot. He was but half There Are Others. a dozen steps from the fort, within "AlwayH u little mure for pkys S List of unela imed let ters at the lb pkg Rk 111 de li'BH. The supervisor of penmanship In which he would be safe if he could post ollice for: F. llollingsworth. Save 1»4 to 1*2 the Yonkers public schools has de- only get there. Kdward F. Tuines, Otis Whitby, LL clared in court his inability to identify Rut this was impossible so long as SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. i M. (iertuin, .Mrs. l.etitia Doxev, the handwriting of his own wife.— the Indians were threatening him. Mrs. Thressa Mull. Mrs. JAM New York Sun. Near enough lo see time.in the fort 25 lb tack Eastern Gran- Large Family Package I on Wall Paper Prindall. Mrs. Corrie liobinson, looking through the loop holes he M iss Ma bell Iligans. talked with them about ways to extri- Rolled Oats, i cate him froqi his position. While the ulated Sugar, P. A. Tenllaaf the vocal bullets were singing on either side of One day JiJ Hilda up and pack, she Thit is your opportunity to get just what you teacher of (irand Rapids has him lie was conversing with his moth- hied her to tho city. Three want at a material saving in price. begun his fall term in Lowell. er. There seemed no way to relieve $1.40 17c Miss Vesla Smith has in charge him except to open the gates, and by month-, from TTOT SHE K0SIED We have papers suitable for every room in v. the arranging of his schedule doing this many lives might be sacri- BACK and sa.:^ another ditty; ficed iu an luoffectual attempt to save EXTRA BARGAINS FOR OCTOBER. the house that are new and up-to-date. and appointments for lessons can be made through her. lie one. "The eity wasn't half so fine as I K. C. Baking Powder. comes to Lowell on Friday of There was one iu the fort wbo suf- Our "Princei»" Tea. v. had judged from rumor, so it's each week. fered as much, doubtless far more, Bring in the size of your room and see than Ray himself. Tbat was his moth- THE OLD HOIuE TOWN FOE The best 50c quality 25c Cans, 17c er. She looked' through a loophole, % Mr.chanism of a Watch. where she could set! him lying in hU MI1TE, and I rJiall be its boomer." we can find. Beautiful 15c " 10c how little it will cost to make your A watch ticks 157,680,000 timeB In a perilous position, and she could see style, choice liquor. year, and the wheels travel 3,558% each spurt of smoke as it left an In- 10c " 8c miles. home bright and attractive. i dian rille, knowing that it marked the >: sending of a bullet to kill her boy. Hard to Imagine. 1-lb Pkg. 43c 5c « 3c Boon Companion!. And Ray eould not only hear the bul- Teeth of sharks and tusks of wal- Crurlty and fear shake handa to- let sing by him and feel the dust sprin- ruses have heen discovered by men j BRING IN THE SIZE OF YOUR ROOM getuer — Balzac. kling over him, but saw Ids danger re- at work on the tube station under the i A FEW OF OUR EVERY-DAY PRICES. 1 Place de i'Opera in Paris. Can the j flected in his mother's face. Hour after hour passed without any mind imagine a time when the "gay ' 8 11 >s Swoet Potatoes 2r)c .*t |)kp,'S (iii>1 XJM'ltdios 25c DRUG and Little Waldo Suffers. change in tiie situation. Wheu it capital" was under tho sua? j l-lbjnr Anple lluttor lOe jans Fisli Flakes... 2'ia Henrys WALL PAPE R Store 1 -It's disgusting," said Mrs. Waldo seemed ImiMwslble for him to lie nny a-lb can lloininy... 10c l-citcan Qu«»n Olives 35c Beaconhill of Boston; "the makers of longer in one i)osilion and he nttempt- 4 lbs fancy .lap. Ilice.. 25c (> lbs Steel ('ut Oats.. 25c children's blocks never think of put- Absolutely Pure Next Day's Remdrse. ed to change it. I ho consequent expo- JI lbs fancy Head Uice 25c 2 canrSinkdSaitlines 35c Paints* Mouldings and Window Shades. ting Greek letters on thorn; and there "A man's always mad tho morning sure of some portion of his body would after he's spent money on a little «up» Baked Bcans,Tunialo is my poor little Emerson simply dy- Oregon 8aliiion} Cupid draw more fire, admonishing him to per, wheu he might have used It to Brand, extra ^nod Sauce, nothing liner ing of ennui for the want uf a good endure the constrained attitude rather LOWELL, - MICHIGAN buy food with," says thu Philosopher qinility in 1-lb II. cans iHc packed, 2-lb can 12%c fairy tale In words of moderately ex- than risk a wound by trying to relieve v.,. of Folly. i tensive syllablficaUon." UUm, bUm Phtsphati It The ground ou each fide of him