Armenian Life, the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian Diaspora, Or Any Other Story Told Within the Film

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Armenian Life, the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian Diaspora, Or Any Other Story Told Within the Film a movie by FATIH AKIN with TAHAR RAHIM Research Material This is a list of selected sources we have worked with for the making of „The Cut“. Please note, that this list does not hold every title we’ve studied, we don’t agree with everything that is said, nor is it a comprehensive bibliography on Armenian life, the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian diaspora, or any other story told within the film. Sometimes our choices were restricted by availability or language. However, if your curiosity about any of the themes touched by the movie has been sparked, this could be an informative starting point, and you might find some interesting reading/viewing material. The list is organized into 3 geographic areas: Near East, Cuba and United States. The themes follow the chronology of the movie loosely, and they might overlap. Please note, that this list mostly holds English titles. There are sources in German, Spanish, and French as well, and many of the English titles are available in other languages. 1 1. Near East 1.1. (Armenian) Life in the Ottoman Empire 1.1.1. Links Fantastic site on Ottoman Armenian town and village cultures and traditions: For information on Armenian history, culture and the diaspora (especially the American) in general: 1.1.2. Non-Fiction Boudjikanian, Aida [Ed.] Armenians of Lebanon: From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community Beirut: 2009 Douwes, Dick The Ottomans in Syria: A History of Justice and Oppression New York: 2000 Kevorkian, Raymond and Vahe Tachjian [Eds.] The Armenian General Benevolent Union: One Hundred Years of History Cairo: 2006 Kocaer, Remzi. Osmanli Altinari Gold Coins of the Ottoman Empire Istanbul: 1967 Lafayette, Maximillien de Armenian Ethnic Fashion and Dress-Making Throughout History New York: 1963, revised and reprinted in New York: 2012 Ma’oz, Moshe, Joseph Ginat, and Onn Winckler Modern Syria: From Ottoman Rule to Pivotal Role in the Middle East Portland, Oregon: 1999 McDowall, David A Modern History of the Kurds London: 1996 Özdalga, Elisabeth [Ed.] Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Legacy New York: 2005 Sanjian, Avedis K. The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman Dominion Cambridge, Massachussetts: 1965 1.1.3. Pictorial Books Ackerman, Gerald M. The Life and Work of Jean-Léon Gérome London: 1986 Batur, Enis, Timour Muhidine, and Emmanuelle Devos Ottomanes: Autochromes de Jules Gervais- Courtellemont. Saint Pourçain sur Sioule: 2005 Kévorkian, Raymond H., Dickran Kouymjian, Dominique Serena-Allier, and David Vinson Trames d‘Arménie: Tapis et broderies sur les chemins de l‘exil (1900-1940) Marseille: 2007 Poche-Marrache, Jenny Les Photos de mon Grand-Père. Aleppo: 2006 Tachjian, Vahe Ottoman Armenians: Life, Culture, Society, Vol. I Berlin: 2014 Ternon, Yves and Jean-Claude Kebabdjian L’Arménie d’Antan: L’Arménie à Travers la Carte Postale Ancienne Paris: 2009 1.2. Architecture, Public & Private Spaces 1.2.1. Non-Fiction Fansa, Mamoun, Heinz Glaube und Jens Windelberg [Eds.] Damaskus – Aleppo: 5000 Jahre Stadtentwicklung in Syrien Mainz am Rhein: 2000 Nippa, Annegret Haus und Familie in arabischen Ländern: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart München: 1991 Goodwin, Godfrey A History of Ottoman Architecture London: 1971 Raymond, André Arab Cities in the Ottoman Period: Cairo, Syria and the Maghreb Burlington, Vermont: 2002 1.2.2. Pictorial Books Gangler, Anette Ein Traditionelles Wohnviertel im Nordosten der Altstadt von Aleppo in Nordsyrien Berlin: 1993 Gröber, Karl Palästina, Arabien und Syrien: Baukunst, Landschaft, Volksleben Berlin: 1925 Derounian, Vartan Alep et ses Environs Aleppo: 2006 Pütt, Karin Zelte, Kuppeln und Hallenhäuser: Wohnen und Bauen im ländlichen Syrien Petersberg: 2005 2 1.3. Accounts of Western Travellers and Travelling Scientists 1.3.1. Non-Fiction Banse, Ewald Das Arabische Element in der Türkei Leipzig: 1917 Calikbasi, Durdu Das Osmanische Reich in der Darstellung deutschsprachiger Reiseberichteum die Jahrhundertwende 1900 Norderstedt: 2004 Hepworth, George H. Through Armenia on Horseback New York: 1898. Digital copy of the original available at the Internet Archive: Lynch, H.F.B. Armenia: Travels and Studies London: 1901, reprinted in Beirut: 1965. Digital copy of the original available at the Internet Archive: Meyers Reisebücher: Palästina & Syrien Leipzig: 1913 Meyers Reisebücher: Balkanstaaten und Konstantinopel Leipzig: 1914 Pietschmann, Victor Durch kurdische Berge und armenische Städte: Tagebuch der österreichischen Armenienexpedition 1914 Wien: 1940 1.3.2. Pictorial Books Köpke, Wulf, et al [Hrsg.] Mit Kamel und Kamera: Historische Orient-Fotografie 1864-1970 Hamburg: 2007 Ousterhout, Robert G. John Henry Haynes: A Photographer and Archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881 – 1900 Istanbul: 2011 1.4. Education in the Ottoman Empire 1.4.1. Non-Fiction Evered, Emine Empire and Education Under the Ottomans: Politics, Reform and Resistance from the Tanzimat to the Young Turks London: 2012 Stone, Frank Andrews Academies for Anatolia: A Study of the Rationale, Program, and Impact of the Educational Institutions Sponsored by the American Board in Turkey, 1830-2005 San Francisco: 2006 1.5. From WWI to Republic of Turkey 1.5.1. Non-Fiction Atabaki, Touraj and Erik J. Zürcher Men of Order: Authoritarian Modernization under Atatürk and Reza Shah London: 2004 Besikci, Mehmet The Ottoman Mobilization of Manpower in the First World War: Between Voluntarism and Resistance Leiden: 2012 Gelvin, James L. Divided Loyalties: Nationalism Mass Politics in Syria at the Close of Empire Berkeley: 1998 Üngör, Ugur Ümit The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950 New York: 2011 1.5.2. Pictorial Books Nicolle, David Ottoman Infantryman: 1914-18 Oxford: 2010 1.6. Colonial Forces in the Near East around WWI 1.6.1. Links „Bildsammlung Palästina“ of the „Bayrisches Hauptstaatsarchiv“ which documents the German army’s deployment in Palestine Collection Gunter Hartnagel, historical photos of German soldiers 1.6.2. Non-Fiction Anglesey, Marquessof A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919 London: 1997, Reprinted in Barnsley, South Yorkshire: 2012 Fromkin, David A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East: 1914-1922 New York: 1989 Gardner, Brian Allenby. London: 1965 3 Hopwood, Derek Tales of Empire: The British in the Middle East, 1880-1952 London: 1989 Hopwood, Derek Sexual Encounters in the Middle East: The British, the French and the Arabs Reading: 1999 Hurewitz, Jacob C. The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics: Volume 2 British-French Supremacy, 1914- 1945 London 1979 Karsh, Efraim and Inari Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East 1789-1923 Cambridge, MA: 1999 Kedourie, Elie England and the Middle East: The Destruction of the Ottoman Empire 1914-1921 Hassocks, Sussex: 1978 Nevakivi, Jukka Britain, France and the Arab Middle East 1914-1920 London: 1969 Tachjian, Vahé La France en Cilicie et en Haute-Mésopotamie: Aux confins de la Turquie, de la Syrie et de l’Irak, 1919-1933 Paris: 2004 Zwehl, Hans von Erich von Falkenhayn: General der Infanterie Berlin: 1926 1.6.3. Pictorial Books Fournié, Pierre and Jean Louis Riccioli La France et le Proche-Orient: 1916-1946 Tournai:1996 1.7. Accounts of German Soldiers 1.7.1. Non-Fiction Drexler, Joseph Mit Jildirim ins Heilige LandvRavensburg: 1919 Goltz, Colmar Freiherr v.d. Anatolische Ausflüge: Reisebilder Berlin: 1896 Kettner, Herbert Vom Goldenen Tor zum Goldenen Horn und Bagdad: Meine Kriegsfahrt Berlin: 1917 Kress von Kressenstein, Friedrich Freiherr Mit den Türken zum Suezkanal Berlin: 1938 Leverkuehn, Paul A German Officer during the Armenian Genocide: A Biography of Max von Scheubner- Richter London: 2009 Nogales, Rafael de Vier Jahre unter dem Halbmond: Erinnerungen aus dem Weltkriege Berlin: 1925 McQuaid, Kim The Real and Assumed Personalities of Famous Men: Rafael De Nogales, T. E. Lawrence, and the Birth of the Modern Era, 1914 - 1937 London: 2010 Pomiankowski, Joseph Der Zusammenbruch des Ottomanischen Reiches: Erinnerungen an die Türkei aus der Zeit des Weltkrieges Zürich: 1928 Schraudenbach, Ludwig Muharebe: Der Erlebte Roman eines Deutschen Führers im Osmanischen Heere 1916/17 Berlin: 1925 Schweder, Paul Im Türkischen Hauptquartier Leipzig: 1916 Schweinitz, Hans-Hermann Graf von In Kleinasien: Ein Reitausflug durch das Innere Klein-Asiens im Jahre 1905 Berlin: 1906 Westarp, Eberhard-Joachim Graf von Unter Halbmond und Sonne: Im Sattel durch die asiatische Türkei und Persien Berlin: 1913 Zabel, Rudolf Im Kampf um Konstantinopel und die wirtschaftliche Lage der Türkei während des Weltkrieges: Auf Gallipoli, und den Dardanellen, in Anatolien, Kleinasien und Mesopotamien, in der Levante Leipzig: 1916 1.8. Armenian Genocide 1.8.1. Links The following websites are all dedicated to the commemoration, rememberance, recognition, study and scholarly research of the Armenian Genocide. They include photos, documents, literature and further links for research.
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