Felix Issue 1223, 2002
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The Student Newspaper of Imperial College Issue 1247 F 9AWz r-' How To Be Good. And Coffee Break: we really REFERENCE not necessarily in an intend you to read it ecclesiastical way. while drinking coffee. COLLECTION Page 18 Page 22 Imperial College and Science Museum Libraries Lecturers To Strike In a ballot of its members (Felix 1243), the highlight the additional cost to students tak- Association of University Teachers has voted ing courses in London. Meanwhile, the AUT 75% in favour of a strike this Thursday. explicitly states that the association aims not The AUT are protesting about the 'London "to adversely affect students" with its strike weighting', the extra money awarded to uni- action. versity staff working in London to offset the It is thought that some critical College staff higher cost of living. The allowance stands at may be involved in the strike action including £2134, but has remained fixed since 1992. security officers. Head of Security Ken Weir is Meanwhile, claim the AUT, London vice- hoping to obtain permission for his staff to chancellors enjoy £16,000 extra per year disregard the call to strike in order to provide over their counterparts outside the capital. fire and security cover, though he acknowl- The unions rejected a 3.5% salary increase edged that he had no way of knowing how offer, and are instead campaigning for an many of his staff were in the appropriate allowance of £4000. unions or were planning to strike. Several other staff unions - NATFHE, Union President Sen Ganesh said he was Amicus and Unison - have also called on Will lecture theatres stand empty? "deeply concerned" that teaching and Union their members to strike on 14th November. activities may be disrupted by the strike, but The number of lecturers to walk out is University of London Union (ULU) are both as with the rest of College, there seems to be unclear, but technical and administrative publically supporting the action, with the much uncertainty about the number of staff staff both in College and the students' union London weighting for student funding one of to walk out next week. are also covered by the call to strike. ULU's main campaigns. It is hoped that any The AUT has stated that the strike may still The National Union of Students (NUS) and movement on the weighting for staff may be averted if employers negotiate. AW Union Shutdown A new column on College poli- The Union building in South and Kensington Gore will also tics. This week, Carina Fearnley Kensington will be largely evacu- close, while nearby residences ated on Saturday as a result of are closely monitored. In the This year's ICSM clinical play the Remembrance Day events at past, parked cars and even outdoes its location (a lecture the Royal Albert Hall. chained-up bikes have been theatre) with a performances of The annual ceremony in removed by police as they may Tom Stoppard's Arcadia. remembrance of those from the conceal "hostile devices". armed forces who died in action, While police will occupy the S55SSS5B including the two world wars, is roof of the Beit building, they will Liz joins Simon on the film attended by the Queen and other not be armed, according to team. Will it be Posh and members of the royal family. The College's Head of Security Ken Becks? Or Kevin and Perry? Union building in Beit Weir. A history of Imperial's Quadrangle is usually closed Student activities in the Union famous professors starts when royals attend the hall in basements will be unaffected and week in Science. order to stage counter-terrorism the bars will be open as usual. 8th November 2002 measures. Prince Consort Road AW What you won't be allowed to do "I think we should slip the word 'bastard' in there somewhere..." http://www.union.ic.ac.uk/felix/ [email protected] NEWS FELIX Careers Fair Success FELIX The Union's Careers Fair took place Issue 1247 this week, where nearly 100 com- panies tried to attract desirable Editor Will Dugdale Imperial graduates. Deputy Editor Alisdair Wren Unfortunately, the weather on International Edmund Henley Wednesday was miserable, but Science Rosemary Chandler over 2500 students passed Music Sajini Wijetilleka through the exhibits in the Union Nightlife Patrick Hoar building and in the marquee erect- Webview Jenny Lewis ed in Beit Quad. 2000 students are Books Roz Bulleid expected on Thursday, after Felix Film Simon North goes to press. and Liz Biggs This year's fair was organised by Coffee Break Mike 'n' Jim Michelle Lewthwaite, who said "I Sport Alex Coby feel it has been very successful, and it seems that all the students Thanks to Ee Lin and Hemel have enjoyed it." The company representatives Felix, Beit Quadrangle, Prince also seemed positive about the fair, Weather failed to mar Careers Fair attendance Consort Road, London which gave them a good opportu- SW7 2BB nity to advertise their graduate pro- gets three hundred applications campaigns this year to encourage grammes and meet with their each year, and they only have three scientists and engineers to believe Tel: 020 7594 8072 future employees. places!" that their degrees are not "irrele- E-mail: [email protected] However, some students found The changing employment mar- vant" or "wasted" on a career in the experience a worrying reminder ket is changing the way some com- the city. Felix is a registered that they'll soon be leaving univer- panies market themselves to grad- Ms Lewthwaite wanted to thank newspaper: sity, while another commented uates. Specifically, some invest- all the Union staff and students ISSN 1040-0711 "that man over there told me he ment banks are running strong who made the day a success. AW Copyright © Felix 2002 Printed by Witherbys, EC1 [email protected] We're still looking for departmental and halls correspondents Get the Interview.. .Get the Job.. .Tips on Preparing 2002 Graduate Recruitment Bureau Teach First presents presents "Making the Most of "Cracking a Case Study- Recruitment Agencies" An overview by Ex-consultants now at Teach First" Wednesday, 13th November 2pm-5pm Thursday, 14th November 6pm-9pm Room 6b, East Wing Basement, Beit Quad To secure your place contact Nick Gore today on [email protected] or call ext 4-8097 - imperial college union Another service provided by Imperial College Union FELIX COLUMN 03 And Alex Said I'm sure Imperial could sort out all they're spending money on alcohol, ural depressant... and a surprise... greater alcohol tolerance, which its financial difficulties if it just they won't be spending it in HMV, all in one... it's not possible... it's can only mean more money into the replaced the optician's on the walk- and perhaps that will mean the not possible... college coffers. And perhaps we'd way with an off-licence. Lack of charts will be free of S-Club Juniors. Announcer: NEW VODKA SUNNY see less vomiting in the union. spectacles and alcohol-induced So, we should be promoting alcohol DELIGHT! What better way to finish a fun bleariness might mean a small more heavily to the under-16's. Woman: What a good idea! There night out than with your arms investment in replacing the library's There could be an advertising cam- you go kids. around a toilet bowl, retching so textbooks with large-print copies, paign like that badly dubbed Kinder Children: Yay! hard you can almost see your own but it would mean no top-up fees - Egg advert of several years ago... Ugly Child 3: But where's the sur- intestines? While feeding your new and, regardless of background, stu- prise? ceramic friend your previous meal, dents will all still have exactly the The Scene: A Woman: The sur- you can find yourself asking ques- same opportunities to come to uni- Supermarket. A prise is that I tions - like, was there ever a man versity. And get completely ratted. woman is standing haven't given you a called Armitage Shanks? What is Probably because alcohol has in the drinks aisle Booze! good wallop for the Ideal Standard? All that graffiti destroyed my memory, I don't with her three dis- being so bloody on the cubicle wall - just why did all remember at what age I started gusting children. impertinent. these people take a pen into the toi- drinking, but it was probably quite Woman: Right, shut up, and I buy Ugly Child 3 What a rubbish sur- let? Why isn't Kimberley Clark young. Some people think targeting you something. prise. among the 100 Greatest Britons? alcopops at children is morally Precocious Child 1: I'm hyperactive Woman: OK then - you were adopt- Just think, if it wasn't for our Kim, wrong, but I disagree - the more and thirsty - I want a drink full of ed. Surprise! you'd have nothing to clean the sick kids we have lying unconscious in artificial colourings! off your jeans with, except perhaps gutters, or in hospital beds under- Irritating Child 2: I'm too happy - I Getting kids into drinking also for spare copies of Felix. Now, this going liver transplants, the less of want a natural depressant! means that they should be well column may be full of bile, but I the little bastards we have taking up Ugly Child 3: And I want a surprise! prepared for university life. Students don't want to see bits of sweetcorn all the space in McDonalds. If Woman: Artificial colourings, a nat- would come to Imperial with a in it as well.