National Optical Astronomy Observatories

National Optical Astronomy Observatories

Quarterly Report

April - June 1990




A. The Latter-day Brightness Variation of the LMC Supernova 1987A 2 B. The Distance to Virgo and the Age of the Universe: New Data from Planetary Nebulae 2 C. Color Gradients in E Galaxies: Measuring the Galaxy Mass? 3 D. High Frequency Solar Oscillations 3 E. Solar-Stellar Observations 4 F. Solar Atmospheric Motions and Structure 6 G. Spectral and High-Resolution Imaging 7


A. Visiting Scientists 8 B. New Hires 8 C. Terminations 8 D. Change of Status 8 E. Summer Research Assistants 9


A. Future Telescope Technology Program (FTT) 10 B. Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) 11 C. WIYN Project 12 D. Instrumentation Projects 12 E. Observatory Activities 15


A. Director's Office 17 B. 8-M Office 18 C. Central Administrative Services 18 D. Central Computer Services 19 E. Central Facilities Operations 19 F. Engineering and Technical Services 19 G. Publications and Information Resources 20


Appendix A: Telescope Usage Statistics Appendix B: Observational Programs


This quarterly report covers scientific highlights for the period of April - June 1990, as well as personnel changes for the period. Highlights emphasize concluded projects rather than work in progress. The report also discusses new technology for telescopes and instrumentation, GONG, WIYN, instrumentation projects, and observatory activities. The Engineering and Technical Services division now submits reports for the instrumentation projects, with contributions from program scientists, if necessary. The Associate Directors for CTIO and NSO continue to provide the information of efforts at La Serena/Cerro Tololo and Sacramento Peak. Activities of the NOAO units are included, and the appendices list telescope usage statistics and observational programs.


A. The Latter-day Brightness Variation of the LMC Supernova 1987A. CTIO staff members M. Hamuy and N.B. Suntzeff have analyzed photometric observations covering a 813-day period since the outburst of SN 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Because this is the only supernova observed from a reliably known distance, the study of this object is critical in the interpretation of the outbursts of more distant supernovae. The CTIO observations were made in several band-passes ranging from the observable ultraviolet to the near-infrared spectral region. The derived data make possible comparisons of the variations in brightness and color of SN 1987A with those shown by other supemovae of similar type; namely type II-determined by the presence of neutral hydrogen lines in spectra taken soon after outburst. It is now known that while type II supernovae show marked differences in brightness variations in the initial 150 day period after outburst, thereafter all appear to show the same exponential rate of brightness decline up to about 400 days past outburst. This is the period for which reliable apparent brightness information is available for other type II supemovae. While in theory the initial heterogeneity in brightness evolution is caused by differences in the physical nature of the supemovae progenitors, the similar brightness variations between days 150 and 400 after outburst are believed to be controlled by the radioactive decay of 56Co. Of special interest in the Hamuy-Suntzeff study is that when SN 1987A is compared to other more distant type II supemovae, the estimated absolute brightness differences at a given past day 150, and at least up to day 400, are consistent with the uncertainties in the distances of the distant supemovae. Thus the apparent brightness of a given type II supernova after day 150 may be a reliable indicator of its distance.

Past day 400 after the outburst, the decline in the optical brightness of SN 1987A was observed to fall off more rapidly. Soon thereafter, observers at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) found that at far infrared wavelengths the supernova had brightened. About the same time, a sudden shift towards the blue was noticed in the supernova's emission spectral lines. In collaboration, N. Suntzeff and ESO astronomer P. Bouchet combined the CTIO and ESO photometric data and noticed that while these changes were occurring, the integrated all-wavelengths radiation from the supernova did not change its decline rate. These various late observations can be interpreted as caused, very likely, by the condensation into dust particles of part of the material ejected by the supernova.

B. The Distance to Virgo and the Age of the Universe: New Data from Planetary Nebulae. The most ancient problem in astronomy, that of measuring distances, is still fraught with uncertainty and controversy. Methods used to measure intermediate distances to nearby galaxies are particularly uncertain, since the reliable periodic are often too faint, and the redshifts are contaminated by motions induced by local groups and clusters of galaxies. Two ago an item featured in these scientific highlights described a potentially new and valuable technique for measuring these distances. Developed by J. Jacoby (KPNO), R. Ciardullo (KPNO), H. Ford and J. Neill (ST Scl), the method uses observations of planetary nebulae (PN) in other galaxies. These observers have found that the PN function has a nearly invariant shape, with a sharp cutoff at a V magnitude of about -4. This upper cutoff allows these objects to be used as standard candles when a large number of them are observed in other galaxies.

Jacoby and his collaborators have verified this technique by observations of, and distance determinations to, M31 and the other galaxies in the Local Group. They have now applied this technique to galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, which has one of the most controversial of distance determinations. Past work on this cluster has provided distances which tend to cluster into a "near" value (12 - 16 Mpc) and a "far" value of 20 to 24 Mpc. From a series of observations made at KPNO and at Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), Jacoby et al. have obtained data on the brightness of planetary nebulae in galaxies in the Virgo cluster. These remarkable observations have then allowed an independent determination of the distance to Virgo. The value obtained is 14.7 megaparsecs, which supports the "near" value. One immediate consequence of this is a determination of the age of the Universe. Assuming the motion of the Virgo cluster is pure expansion from the Hubble flow, this measurement gives an age of about 12 billion years, which is very young-younger, in fact, than the age estimates of the oldest stars which lie in the range of 14 to 16 billion years. Resolution of this dilemma may lie in the "Great Attractor." If this giant mass concentration exists, and evidence is growing that it does, then part of the recession velocity of Virgo may be due to the gravitational pull of this object. This effect will reduce the derived value of the Hubble constant and increase the age of the Universe, but the magnitude of this effect is still unclear. In any event, the value of this new method now seems proven, and the distance to the Virgo cluster seems more firmly established at the lower value.

C. Color Gradients in E Galaxies: Measuring the Galaxy Mass?

The variation of colors within and between elliptical galaxies is a well known phenomenon. These variations are usually interpreted as resulting from changes in the of the stellar populations in these galaxies. However, the unresolved astrophysical problem is how these metallicity variations come to be. Are they the result of the initial conditions present when the protogalactic gas cloud first condensed? Are they the result of the evolutionary history of the stellar population within the galaxy? What are the effects of the immediate environment of the galaxy now and in the past? Are the observations a result of all of these factors in some combination? Many parameters enter into determining metallicity variations, such as the initial mass function, -formation efficiency, metal yield from high mass stars, stellar winds, recycling versus galactic winds, and the infall of primordial gas.

A new and surprising insight into this phenomenon has come from recent observations made by M. Franx (Ctr. for Astrophys.), G. Ulingworth (Lick Obs.), and T. Heckman (U. of Maryland). Using the KPNO and CTIO 0.9-m telescopes and the ESO 2.2-m telescope, these observers obtained U-R and B-R color profiles in 17 elliptical galaxies. These data were then compared to other properties of the galaxies to search for any correlations that may arise. In general, the colors are more red in higher mass galaxies and change from red to blue with increasing distance from the center of the galaxy. This trend is consistent with metal absorption line strength data in other galaxies and confirms the use of colors as metallicity indicators. The surprising result is that there is a strong correlation between the local color and the local escape velocity in all the galaxies studied, in that the colors become more blue as the escape velocity rises. This strongly suggests that the local escape velocity is the primary factor that determines the metallicity of the stellar population. That such a correlation exists at all is unusual, for many factors could cause a large scatter in such a relation; e.g., mergers, stripping, late gas inflow, velocity anisotropics, etc. The physical mechanism that causes this relation is unclear. It could arise because the star-formation rate is proportional to the energy released in cloud-cloud collisions, or it could be that star-formation proceeds until the energy from supemovae becomes great enough to expel gas locally from the galaxy. This new correlation will provide an important constraint on future models of galaxy evolution.

D. High Frequency Solar Oscillations.

T. Duvall (NASA/NSO/T) has been working on high frequency solar oscillations: In the standard theory of solar oscillations, upward propagating sound waves are reflected near the solar surface by the large density gradient-effectively a discontinuity in the properties of the medium. When the wavelength of a disturbance is larger than the height over which the density changes substantially, reflection will occur. Conversely, for short wavelengths (high frequencies) the waves should propagate through the solar atmosphere and be lost to the . The frequency that divides these two regimes is termed the acoustic cutoff frequency, which for the solar atmosphere has a value of 5.2 mHz. So, the trapped modes that we observe should not appear above frequencies of 5.2 mHz. But they do and we are currently seeing evidence of modal power at frequencies up to 7.1 mHz.

Recently T. Duvall (NASA/NSO/T), J. Harvey (NSO), S. Jefferies and M. Pomerantz (Bartol) have studied the high frequency modes using observations from the South Pole to attempt to better characterize their behavior. It was found that the widths of the modes as a function of frequency increase up to 5.2 mHz and then become flat up to our observational limit of 6.5 mHz. (We see evidence for modal power up to 7.1 mHz but can only get good quantitative measurements up to 6.5 mHz). The width is about half the separation of the modes and so the spectrum is reminiscent of the cos2 behavior seen in a two-beam interference experiment. Another quantity examined was lifetime divided by the round trip travel time of a wave from the surface to its turning point below the surface and back to the surface. When this ratio is less than unity, we do not expect trapped waves because there is no time for them to interfere with themselves. At low frequencies we find this ratio to be large as required for trapped modes. As frequency increases the ratio decreases up to 5.2 mHz where it flattens out at a value of about 1/3.

P. Kumar (High Altitude Obs.) and M. Thompson (Inst, for Theoretical Physics) have attempted to explain the existence and behavior of the high frequency "modes" without the benefit of a reflection at the surface. In this model there is a source of acoustic power below the solar surface that sends waves out in all directions. The observed modes are a consequence of the interference of the direct wave from the source to the surface and the wave that travels downwards and is reflected back to the surface. Hence the apparent two beam interferometer character of the signal. Exactly how this interference takes place is somewhat of a mystery to this author as the direct and reflected waves should never be spatially coincident. The position of the source is the physical parameter that could be estimated from this model.

These measurements can be made considerably better. The Nyquist frequency of 6.75 mHz in the existing dataset needs to be made larger. One question is to how high a frequency do these modes go? One interesting thing about these modes is that since there are no reflections near the surface, we are only seeing waves at the surface that either come directly from the source or from a reflection below the surface. Maybe we could start doing something akin to terrestrial seismology with measuring propagation characteristics between two points on the surface.

E. Solar-Stellar Observations.

The research activities conducted by M. Giampapa during this period included synoptic spectroscopic investigations of main-sequence and pre-main-sequence stars utilizing data obtained with the McMath telescope. In a study of the Ha line in M dwarf stars characterized by intermediate levels of chromospheric and coronal emissions, between that of a dM star with strong Ha absorption and a dMe star, M. Giampapa has attempted to reproduce the observed profile shapes with alternative atmospheric representations. The Ha profile in these apparently rare objects, which are sometimes referred to as the 'marginal' BY Draconis stars, consists of dual-peaked emission combined with a weak absorption profile that extends below the local continuum in depth. A two-component atmosphere comprised of Ha absorption and Ha emission "active regions", analogous to solar plage, fails to reproduce the observed profile with reasonable parameters for the emission and absorption regions, respectively. An atmosphere in which Ha excitation occurs in geometrically extended prominences appears more successful in qualitatively reproducing the Ha line. M. Giampapa is carrying out a rigorous quantitative analysis of the data to test the viability of this schematic representation of the atmosphere of these cool dwarfs. In the case of either model, the fundamental question to be addressed is what are the special conditions that give rise to this relatively rare kind of spectroscopic signature of chromospheres in these cool dwarfs. The preliminary results of this work were presented by Giampapa at the Washington, DC AAS meeting in January.

The Ha spectra obtained at the McMath in a synoptic study by M. Giampapa of the T Tauri star SU Aurigae were combined with similar spectra obtained by G. Basri (U. of California, Berkeley) in a parallel program at Lick Observatory. The result is an unprecedented catalog of line profile variability on short time-scales in a T Tauri star. During this quarter, profiles were deduced by linear interpolation between observed profiles in order to minimize the effects of large gaps in the respective monitoring programs and thereby allow the development of a movie that more clearly shows the variability. The movie has been completed and the spectra are undergoing further analysis to determine if periodicities are present. The line profile variability is striking and characterized by recurrent, if not obviously periodic, profile shapes. This behavior is reminiscent of a chaotic system. Some of the results thus far obtained were presented by M. Giampapa and M. Salter (U. of Arizona undergraduate) at the Protostars and Planets III meeting held in Tucson during March.

During this quarter, M. Giampapa completed a preliminary reduction of Ca II H and K spectra obtained by him and S. Baliunas (SAO) with the MMT spectrograph of intrinsically faint, low mass stars. The preliminary results reveal very-late M dwarfs with strong chromospheric Ca II emission. These objects were previously known to have strong Ha emission. However, Giampapa and Baliunas also found faint M dwarfs with no discernible K-line emission. Some of these stars also have no apparent Ha feature, suggesting the possibility that these objects have no chromospheres. Further analysis will include an attempt to apply a post-facto flux calibration in order to estimate the upper limits to the K-line flux in those stars without obvious K-line emission. The next step may include further MMT observations but at echelle resolutions to determine if any chromospheric activity is at all present in these objects. The possible discovery of "immaculate" stars-dwarf stars with no chromospheres-would be of considerable importance to the development of stellar dynamo models.

Among research projects nearing completion is a comprehensive collaborative study of chromospheric activity in the low mass members of the Hyades open . Such an investigation yields insights on the properties of stellar chromospheres as a function of mass in a sample that is homogeneous in age and chemical composition. A key result of this work is that the time-scale for the decay of activity increases toward lower masses. While there are competing explanations for this observation, including the hypothesis that the time-scale for spin-down depends on the fractional depth of the convection zone, M. Giampapa suggests that the wind properties of dwarf stars are systematically modified toward lower masses on the main-sequence. In particular, a prevalence of closed field configurations may lead to an inhibition of mass loss, or an Alfven point relatively close to the stellar surface, and thus reduce angular momentum loss rates in the context of magnetic braking. This work will be completed next quarter and submitted to the Astrophysical Journal for publication.

In completed work, R. Robinson (CSC), L. Cram (Sydney, Australia) and M. Giampapa reported observations of Ha and Ca II K in the chromospheres of 50 main-sequence K and M stars. They find that the photospheric contribution to the integrated core flux in these lines is more important than previously estimated, thus revising earlier values of the so-called "basal flux" for cool dwarf stars. In addition, a general trend in the strength of the Ca II resonance lines and Ha is present but there is not a one-to-one correlation. A de-coupling of these diagnostics occurs that may be explained in terms of the competition between radiative and collisional processes that control Ha line formation. Finally, in a collaborative effort led by B. Haisch (Lockheed-Palo Alto), a study of transient and long-term variability of the nearest star beyond the solar system, Proxima Centauri, was accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

New research efforts initiated during the past quarter included FTS observations of the neutral lithium resonance line in solar plage and spot regions. This McMath solar program by M. Giampapa in collaboration with J. Stauffer (NASA-Ames) is designed to explore the response of this feature to magnetic activity. The results are expected to give insights on the origin of apparent discrepancies in the inferred lithium abundance in stars in clusters such as the Pleiades and the Hyades. The Li I X6107 line is a fundamental diagnostic for the abundance of this cosmologically significant element. Its strength is often utilized in stellar astronomy as an age indicator. M. Giampapa also implemented a synoptic program at the McMath of high-resolution observations of the He I D3 line at 5876 A in active solar-type stars. The advent of the 10-slice image sheer offers enhanced spectral resolution which is necessary for the study of this relatively weak feature. In a parallel theoretical effort, V. Andretta (U. of Naples), a summer student working with M. Giampapa, is using a radiative transfer code to explore the response of this line to chromospheric heating and back-illumination by coronal X-rays. The principal objective of this work is to establish the D3 line as a diagnostic of active region area coverages on the surfaces of solar-type stars.

F. Solar Atmospheric Motions and Structure.

Real time image motion compensation, correlation tracking techniques, and very narrow-band imaging make it possible to study solar atmospheric motions and structure in great detail. S. Keil (AFSC/GL/NSO/SP) and his associates have measured velocity and brightness fluctuations in the solar on spatial scales comparable to the solar granulation using several combinations of these methods. A very narrow-band filter (20 mA) was stepped through the Ca I 6162 A line in 10mA steps. Correlation tracking methods were applied to the sequence of filtergrams to remove image motion and line bisector positions were computed at 23 intensity levels in the line. A second method used an image stabilization system (spot tracker with agile mirror) and echelle spectrograph. A time sequence, lasting one hour and having a 1.5 sec sampling rate, was made in Fe I 5434 A with the agile mirror locked onto a dark pore. Bisectors were computed at several intensity levels in the line for each horizontal position along the slit. Five minute oscillations were suppressed with a sub-sonic filter. Finally, a high speed video data collection and processing system was used to obtain measurements of granular evolution over a similar time-scale. These images were correlation tracked and destretched to remove residual atmospheric blurring effects. The three data sets have been combined to form an empirical picture of granular penetration in the photosphere. Results include vertical and horizontal cross sections of the photospheric flow field and its evolution. Presentations on these results were made at the June AAS meeting in Albuquerque NM and at the COSPAR meeting in the Hague, Netherlands.

A manuscript on the variation of the solar Ca K-line from 1976 through 1989 has been completed. Among the results are the fact that variations in the disk integrated K-line flux correlate well with many other activity indicators over long time-scales (weeks and longer), but correlate fairly poorly on a daily basis. The effects of differential rotation are clearly seen in the current solar cycle.

A method developed by S. Koutchmy for restoring images using a maximum power algorithm was applied to a high speed video sequence of the solar granulation. The resultant movie is very stable and achieves the 0.2" resolution of the Vacuum Tower Telescope at Sacramento Peak for periods of several minutes at a time. The entire sequence lasts for approximately one hour and demonstrates better than 0.5" resolution for this entire period. The movie is currently being used to investigate the fractal dimensions of the granulation and to generate horizontal flows in the solar photosphere.

G. Spectral and High-Resolution Imaging.

New observational methods are being developed by L. November (NSO/SP) based upon modem data acquisition techniques which may provide better opportunities for spectral and high-resolution imaging. Standard video provides 30 frames per second. Saturation levels for a typical camera (300,000 photoelectron wells) matches the light levels typically found in our narrow pass band (0.2 A) filter observations at the Sac Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope (SP VTT) for normal magnification (150 x 200 arcsec field). The intrinsic signal to noise of video cameras is no better than 500 per pixel, and the signal to noise of standard video tape is reported to be about 250 for most VHS systems. The two are well matched with contrast enhancement in the camera. A typical contrast enhancement of 2 to 5 occurs with automatic gain correction in active or quiet Sun photospheric or chromospheric scenes. Thus it should be possible to record the full signal at the intrinsic noise limits imposed by the telescope and optics, e.g. with the Universal Birefringent Filter.

Test runs demonstrate the viability of the method. Common time synchronization was done for five video cameras and recorders operating at two feeds at the UBF, a white light feed, a K line feed, and a CN (3883) feed in February at the SP VTT. The half-shade method developed originally for photographic calibration (November 1987, JOSA A, 5, p. 351) provided a passive means for retaining the system response in each video frame. The image resolution obtained by super VHS recording appears to be undergraded; however, a full spatial analysis has not been done yet.

The analysis of such a large volume of data, 125 Gbytes/hour, requires frame selection or frame averaging methods. The Sac Peak CHIRP system is well designed for this having software that digitizes frames and provides image selection and limited analysis at the video rates (Stauffer). Some of the video tapes will be played back at a slow rate (1/15 speed) to allow more extensive analysis and disk recording of data. The desired reduced data set will typically have one image per wavelength per minute; a data rate of less than 100 Mbytes/hour. The form and extent of the data analysis depends upon the type of data. High-resolution white light scenes can be obtained with simple image selection, whereas vector magnetograms may require extensive image analysis because the intrinsic signal is very small. L. Wilkins is presently designing a common time tag to allow multiple synchronized video streams to be uniquely labeled. This new hardware is necessary for the successful analysis of Doppler velocity and Zeeman magnetic signals which combine multiple simultaneous signals. m. PERSONNEL

A. Visiting Scientists.

The following visitors arrived at NOAO facilities for periods of one month or more during the April 1 - June 30, 1990 quarter.

date NOAO facility arrived name institution visited

4/1/90 John 0'Byrne Johns Hopkins University NSO/Sunspot 4/1/90 Ray Sterner Johns Hopkins University NSO/Sunspot 4/1/90 Thomas Rimmele Kiepenheuer Institut, Germany NSO/Sunspot 4/1/90 Samuel Vainshtein Institute for Terrestrial Magnetism Irkutsk, U.S.S.R. NSO/Tucson 4/15/90 Susan Kleinmann University of Massachusetts KPNO 5/1/90 Albert Grauer University of Arkansas KPNO 5/8/90 Gianna Cauzzi AFGL NSO/Sunspot 5/14/90 Craig Wheeler University of Texas NOAO/Tucson 5/26/90 Kevin Reardon Williams College, Massachusetts NSO/Sunspot 5/27/90 Chuck Mueller Miami University NSO/Sunspot 6/1/90 Koji Iwata University of Arizona NSO/Tucson

B. New Hires.

The table below shows details of new appointments made to NOAO during the April 1 - June 30, 1990 quarter. date of appointment name position NOAO division

5/4/90 Tod Lauer Assistant Astronomer KPNO 5/14/90 Mark Trueblood Sr. Scientific Programmer NSO/Tucson

C. Terminations.

date name position NOAO division

5/4/90 David Godfrey Research Associate KPNO 6/8/90 Robin Ciardullo Research Associate KPNO 6/29/90 Claude Roddier Scientist NOAO

D. Change of Status.

date name position NOAO division

4/1/90 Jeffrey Barr Design Technician/Facil. to Assistant Engineer NOAO 4/1/90 Larry Stepp Sr. Engineer to Engineering Supervisor NOAO 4/1/90 James Tracy Asst. Controller to Controller NOAO 4/1/90 David Vaughnn Asst. Engineering Physicist to Engineering Physicist NOAO 4/3/90 Todd Boroson Assoc. Astronomer to Assoc. Astronomer/Tenure KPNO 4/3/90 George Jacoby Assoc. Astronomer to Assoc. Astronomer/Tenure KPNO 4/3/90 Philip Massey Assoc. Astronomer to Assoc. Astronomer/Tenure KPNO 4/3/90 Alistair Walker Assoc. Astronomer to Assoc. Astronomer/Tenure CTIO 4/17/90 Richard Green Assoc. Astronomer/Tenure to Astronomer/Tenure KPNO 4/17/90 Stephen Heathcote Asst. Astronomer to Assoc. Astronomer cno 4/17/90 Ronald Lambert Eng. Assoc. Electronics to Chief, Computer Hardware Systems cno 4/17/90 Mark Phillips Assoc. Astronomer/Tenure to Astronomer/Tenure CTIO 4/17/90 Nigel Sharp Asst. Support Scientist to Assoc. Support Scientist NOAO 4/17/90 Nicholas Suntzeff Asst. Astronomer to Assoc. Astronomer cno

E. Summer Research Assistants.

date NOAO facility arrived name institution visited

5/14/90 Howard Cohl Indiana University NSO/Sunspot 5/21/90 Vincenzo Andretta Osservatorio di Capodimonte, Italy NSO/Tucson 5/23/90 Andrea Gianopoulos University of Wisconsin NSO/Sunspot 5/25/90 Charles Mueller Miami University NSO/Sunspot 5/29/90 Andrea Thompson Massachusetts Institute of Technology KPNO 5/31/90 Kevin Reardon Williams College, Massachusetts NSO/Sunspot 6/4/90 Charles Dowell Rice University, Texas NSO/Tucson 6/4/90 Steve Gibson Alma College, Michigan KPNO 6/4/90 Steve Perry University of Arkansas CCS 6/4/90 Keith VanDen Heuvel Saint Norbert College, Wisconsin KPNO 6/8/90 David Nydam Yale University, Connecticut NSO/Sunspot 6/9/90 Tamara Payne New Mexico State University NSO/Sunspot 6/12/90 Jennifer Newbury Camegie-Mellon University, Pennsylvania NSO/Sunspot 6/21/90 Joseph Tiu University of California, Los Angeles NSO/Tucson 6/21/90 Orkan Umurhan University of California, Los Angeles KPNO IV. INSTRUMENTATION, NEW PROJECTS AND OBSERVATORY ACTIVITIES

A. Future Telescope Technology Program (FTT).

8-m telescope design studies. A new VAX 3100 workstation, combined with the optical design software purchased from SIRA, has increased optical design productivity dramatically. Optical design work on instruments for the 8-m telescopes, concentrating principally on all-refractive designs for cameras and collimators, is continuing. A second round of water tunnel tests of 8-m enclosures, with the models modified to have equal ratios of vent area to enclosed volume, has been proposed. These modifications have been completed. Engineers for the United Kingdom Large Telescope Project have proposed a modified design that is similar to the octagon enclosure adopted by the WTYN project. A model of the U.K. design will be made in the NOAO shops and included in the next round of tests. It has been pointed out that, on Mauna Kea, increasing the elevation of the enclosure above the surrounding grade by ten meters could improve seeing noticeably. Enclosure models with this increase in height will also be tested in the second round of water tunnel tests. It is estimated that raising the height of the enclosure on Mauna Kea by ten meters will increase the cost by $1.5 million.

3.5-m mirror project Figuring of the mirror has continued this quarter. By the end of June the mirror figure error had been reduced to about 0.8 micron P-V and about .09 micron RMS. This is within a factor of two of our goal of .05 micron RMS. Printthrough has been reduced to 20 x 30 nm P-V, which meets the WTYN telescope specification. Effort was spent developing optical testing equipment and software. The CCD scatterplate interferometer using Roddier/Fox reduction software is now working well. By shooting 20-30 interferograms and averaging the phase maps, we get excellent high-resolution information about the surface errors. The accuracy of the method has been confirmed by comparisons to photographic interferograms. We have also been able to get good results with E. Pearson's subaperture Hartmann test, and the Hartmann results agree well with those from the CCD scatterplate interferometer. By moving the screen in a raster pattern we can get resolution almost as high as with the interferometer. For example, the print-through in the mirror surface is clearly visible in the Hartmann phase maps. Design of the vertical test shroud has been completed, all the parts have been fabricated, and assembly is nearly finished. Fabrication of the mirror cell main weldment is continuing at L & F Industries. They have completed stress relieving and are setting up to begin machining. Good progress on the design of the active optics system has been made. Prototypes of the control system circuit boards have been built and tested. A series of tests was performed using our plywood mirror cell thermal mockup. Two blower designs and two heat exchanger designs were evaluated using measurements of power dissipation, pressure drop through the heat exchangers, and uniformity of flow volume at different nozzle locations. Based on these tests, the blowers and heat exchangers needed to equip the mirror cell have been ordered. Chiller designs that could provide temperature-controlled liquid to the mirror cell were investigated. A design using thermo-electric coolers was determined to be the most efficient for the temperature range required. A special liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger that will be the heart of this new chiller has been designed and prototype parts are being fabricated. A shipping container was designed for the 3.5-m mirror. Construction bids were higher than expected and we are currently reevaluating the design to try to reduce its cost. Special stands were designed to support the mirror during aluminizing in the 4-m chamber on Kitt Peak.

Division support. FTT staff are continuing design studies on the instrument optics for the infrared 8-m telescope, cameras for the Vatican 1.8-m telescope, and modification to the Fiber Actuating Device. A study of WIYN telescope tolerances for secondary mirror radius of curvature and conic constant has been completed.

10 B. Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG).

The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) is a community-based project to conduct a detailed study of solar internal structure and dynamics using helioseismology. In order to exploit this new technique, GONG is developing a six-station network of extremely sensitive, and stable solar velocity imagers located around the Earth to obtain nearly continuous observations of the Sun's "five-minute" oscillations, or pulsations. GONG is also establishing a major, distributed data reduction and analysis system to facilitate the coordinated scientific investigation of the measurements.

The major data reduction and analysis activity during the spring was the assembling of the software and documentation for Alpha GRASP-the GONG Reduction and Analysis Software Package. This is the second release of GRASP; "pre-alpha" GRASP was released in July 1989. While far from being a finished product, the new package is a significant improvement over last 's version in terms of function, reliability, and documentation. Notable items include the mode-frequency identification algorithm in the time-series processing package, heliographic registration, spherical harmonic transforms, and the GONG instrument's velocity calibration procedure. The announcement of availability of Alpha GRASP was "e-mailed" to interested members of the GONG community at the end of June.

The GONG instrument group has been concentrating its attention on the prototype instrument, which is located a few kilometers southeast of the Tucson offices. The prototype, after seeing first light early in the spring, has experienced most of the problems common to new instruments; a series of engineering tests have been performed to begin isolating and correcting the various electrical ground loops, spurious optical reflections, and environmental control problems. Attempts to obtain an extended data run were eventually foiled by the early onset of Tucson's summer rainy season.

Good progress has been made on the site survey data reduction in the past six months. The "one-week" problem that resulted in the loss of some data has been fixed, the atmospheric correction software has been improved, and the correction reapplied to the entire data base. A total of 126 different networks over four time baselines have been given a preliminary examination, and statistics on the atmospheric and the causes of instrumental problems at the sites have been compiled. The preliminary results show that the original 12 networks previously available for analysis continue to perform as before, with duty cycles of about 94% and an attenuation of the fundamental daily harmonic by a factor of 400. When the larger set of networks is considered, a greater spread in the performance appears, due to the increased range of observing conditions now available in the survey. For the large set, the duty cycles range from 88 to 95% and the fundamental sidelobe attenuation varies from 100 to 1500. Several additional analyses will be performed to assess the network performances. The most useful of these will probably be network window autocorrelation functions and power spectra of the transparency fluctuations at individual sites. The model of the network will also be improved.

The focus of the site survey is now shifting to the final selection, currently expected to be made this winter and announced in the spring of 1991. It is quite possible that the selection will be made in conjunction with an outside review panel. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been drafted, and the final selection will be made after the successful negotiation of the MOUs with the individual sites. After the selection, the survey instruments will continue to operate at the selected sites until the GONG Doppler analyzers are installed.

11 In other site survey developments, there has been a change in personnel. Reni Kupke has left to pursue graduate studies in solar physics at the University of Hawaii. She has been replaced by Jennifer Grier, an undergraduate at the University of Arizona.

C. WIYN Project.

Enclosure design studies. The proposed enclosure for the WTYN Telescope was reviewed in a meeting of the WIYN Enclosure Subcommittee held at NOAO on April 3. Representatives from NOAO and the Universities of Wisconsin, Indiana, and Yale attended. Various issues were discussed with particular emphasis on instrument access and thermal control in the dome. The results of water tunnel tests of a scale model of the enclosure performed at the University of Washington were presented to the committee. Members of the committee suggested an alternative layout for the attached control building to move the control room closer to the telescope and improve space utilization in the instrument set-up areas. With this and other more minorchanges the general building concept was approved, and the members agreed to proceed with a contract for architectural/engineering services.

Telescope mount design. L&F Industries was contracted for preliminary design studies of the telescope mount with S. Gunnels of Paragon Engineering doing the analysis. The optical support structure (OSS) of the telescope including a detailed model of the primary mirror support system had been analyzed to determine the static deflections of the structure, and the preliminary results were reported in a meeting held March 14 at NOAO. At a subsequent meeting on May 10, Gunnels presented designs for the azimuth fork assembly and the frame structure for connecting the fork to the pier. It was suggested that the design of the upper forks be modified to make assembly easier by making the bolted joints more accessible. Approval was given to proceed with the Finite Element Analysis of the complete telescope to determine dynamic performance and deflections under wind loads. The results of the analysis were presented in a meeting held June 29: After optimizing the fork structure, a lowest structural vibrational mode of 7.3 hertz was obtained. Misalignment of the optical system from deformations of the OSS due to gravity and wind loads is small but may still require some correction by active optics to achieve the imaging goals of the project. (The need for active optics in the telescope had been anticipated early in the design stage.) Further optimization of the structure will be carried out in the detailed design.

Primary mirror system. The 3.5-m primary mirror is being fabricated at NOAO as part of the Future Telescope Technology Program (TTT). The mirror will initially be polished to a sphere for testing in its cell with the actual supports and thermal controls that will be used in the telescope. This work is continuing with first tests of the complete system expected in the fall.

Other activity. Work continues on the agreement between NOAO and the Universities of Wisconsin, Indiana, and Yale establishing the WIYN Consortium. The agreement document was accepted at the June 8 meeting of the Interim WTYN Board and was sent to the university administrations for their review and approval. The document is also being reviewed by the NSF.

D. Instrumentation Projects.

CTIO. During the second quarter at CTIO progress was made on a number of instruments: The bench- mounted echelle on the 1.5-m telescope \*as modified to make it a more reliable instrument, wiih well- defined, stable characteristics. This instrument providc> stable, high resolution spectra from below 4,000 A to 10,000 A. Work continued on the prototype CCD controller, including a visit to CTIO by A. Rudeen and R. Reed (ETS), who will be working with CTIO engineers on portions of the project.

12 Work on the first production copy of the CCD TV acquisition camera was completed by ENAER, our sub-contractor, and the device is finishing tests at CTIO. Once these tests are finished, work will begin on additional cameras for CTIO use. It is expected that some additional design revisions will be incorporated in later versions of the camera. A prototype infrared camera has been assembled, which will use one of the science-grade 256 x 256 PtSi detectors when they are delivered by Hughes. This camera is based on a standard Mk II CCD dewar, and should in principle be usable at any focus where a direct CCD is currently used, although our initial tests will concentrate on direct imaging. The optical design does not incorporate re-imaging optics and a cold Lyot stop; this permits use with fast optic systems, such a spectrograph cameras, but precludes efficient use longward of 2.0 urn. Several new CCD detectors have been brought on-line or are now being worked on. A dye-coated Thompson 1024 x 1024 CCD and a Tek thinned 512 x 512 CCD have entered service. In addition, we are preparing for the arrival of a Reticon 400 x 1200 CCD and two Tek thinned 1024 x 1024 CCDs, which should enter service (assuming delivery dates are maintained) sometime in the coming months. The 4-m seeing improvement project also continues to make progress. The first phase involved moving people out of the dome as much as possible and sealing off heat flow from the lower floors. This work is now nearing completion; design studies are also in progress for some of the second phase projects (console relocation, oil cooling, and dome ventilation). Most of the work for this project will take place after FY 1991 funds become available. The Tololo/Pachon site survey project is producing two copies of the Las Campanas seeing monitors, which will be used both to compare the two sites (and different locations on Pachon) and to compare with other Chilean sites, such as Las Campanas itself.

NSO. The construction of all the vital components of the Stellar K-line Filter, in particular the fabrication of the temperature controller and its associated electronics, were completed by NSO. The optics were received from the vendor and tested in Tucson. Their quality appears satisfactory though further tests involving the whole optical stack remain to be performed. NSO anticipates that tests of the optical stack will be completed next quarter along with final assembly. We expect to test the instrument at the McMath during the fall 1990 quarter.

M. Giampapa, W. Livingston, and D. Rabin participated in the scientific and technical definition of an upgrade of the present McMath telescope to a 4-m aperture. The suggested upgrade is expected to produce enormous gains in the capabilities available to the community in the areas of solar infrared physics and solar-stellar observations, especially asteroseismology. This possibility has been submitted to the Bahcall committee for potential inclusion in their report.

Modification of the present McMath solar-stellar spectrograph to include a cross-dispersed echelle mode has been studied. A preliminary design by R. Dunn was based on a transmission grating. However, the efficiency is rather low (-40%). Therefore, M. Giampapa is pursuing the possibility that a reflection grating or a prism can be employed in an alternative design. Each of these possibilities offers significantly improved efficiencies as the cross-dispersing element.

KPNO. The long-awaited TEK 1024 CCD has finally arrived. The device is being tested and attributes will be reported in the next NOAO Newsletter. The shipping dates for the other two are August 22 and October 17, 1990. The devices will be distributed at KPNO and CTIO, according to prearranged plans. Work is progressing on the 3K x IK foundry runs. Ford has encountered some facilities problems which may delay final delivery. R. Green and R. Reed visited SAIC in San Diego to discuss cooperation on the mosaic, other contract work, and the possible use of an SAIC/FORD 1024 device, which we have tested at NOAO. They have offered to lease the device to us for $5,000 for two years.

13 After Metachrome n coating, this device could be used in the cryo-cam to improve the blue response. The current cryo-cam schedule, the lease dollar figure, and the probability of our own 800 x 1200 device from Ford has delayed our decision until more can be learned about our foundry run from Ford. Work on the fiber actuator device (FAD) during this quarter centered on analysis and redesign of the drive stages for the XY positioning mechanism. The FAD underwent a third T&E run on the telescope during April; "first light" was attained with the FAD feeding the bench spectrograph (BFFS) through fibers which had been built for the run. Some accuracy problems were apparent when attempting to position the fiber buttons off the zenith of the telescope. Mechanical aspects of the positioner were evaluated and design modifications suggested. Testing and engineering time on the telescope has been postponed until October to allow sufficient time for these upgrades to be incorporated.

The bench fiber-fed spectrograph (BFFS) achieved first Light on 4-m telescope! Real astronomical multi-object spectra of the Praesepe open cluster (M44, NGC 2632) were obtained in April using the bench spectrograph and HYDRA (the automatic fiber actuator). Results from this run were presented in a poster paper at the 176th AAS conference (June 10-14, 1990). An evaluation of this effort prompted a review of priorities for the spectrograph. These consist of expediting work on the bench spectrograph (red) camera, implementing a (rear "slit") TV acquisition system, and finishing the R-C grating sub-cell. Tolerance studies were completed for the camera. A bid package was finished and sent to several vendors for manufacturing of the optical elements and coatings. An evaluation of available intensified acquisition TVs was conducted for the bench spectrograph and other observatory-wide applications. This resulted in the procurement of system modules (intensifier, CCD camera, and coupling lens), construction of a camera housing, a preliminary electronic control design, and development of a plan to integrate this system into the overall spectrograph automation package. Conflict with the 2.1-m coude" spectrograph for use of the existing R-C (grating) sub-cell has spurred the effort to finish the design and begin construction of a new sub-cell. A set of glass order-separating filters was identified, purchased, and arranged to be A/R coated. A temporary full-time mechanical draftsman/designer was hired at the end of the quarter to help meet the project's planned February 1991 "user instrument" goal. A design effort was initiated to provide a tool to handle, insert, and remove the cumbersome grating cells. Also, the documentation for the automation package continued to be developed. Lack of resources prohibited progress in hardware. The Tucson O/UV group is collaborating with CTIO on developing new CCD controllers by selecting and providing support for getting PC cards of the design through to a vendor. This task was largely completed for the first card to be produced, the "sequencer" card which will generate waveform timing. The hand-drawn electronic schematics were converted to a CAD schematic capture package, and design improvements were implemented. A wire-wrapped version of the CTIO sequencer card prototype design was constructed and successfully tested by down-loading waveforms produced by the high-level "Waveform Definition Language" written at CTIO. Waveforms were verified on the logic analyzer. A chassis with a backplane was constructed and wired for interfacing the Sun-based transputer hardware to an existing KPNO head electronics mounted on the CCD dewars. A fiber optic link to be used for serial communication between the host computer and remote transputer was constructed and successfully tested on the lab bench.

We have cycled three 1024 CCDs intended for use in the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) through the new dewar. One was setup grade, one was a device that had been radiated at Ball Aerospace, and the other was a quality-grade backside device without AR coating. The Goddard test electronics is capable of delivering three-electron«noise performance. The entire system, along with

14 boards to test 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024, and 2048 x 2048 devices will be sent to Greenbelt, Maryland during the next quarter.

System definition was undertaken for the high speed controller to be used in present and future TR instruments. It will feature some on-board data processing at the rates needed for operation in the long-wavelength JR. Testing has continued on PtSi arrays being procured for use in several CTIO and KPNO instruments. Performance of the first devices received was disappointing in several respects; however, we are working with the vendor, Hughes Aircraft Company, to identify and solve design and processing difficulties. Together we have made significant improvements to the linearity and quantum efficiency. It is clear that our understanding of the devices far exceeds that of most other customers, and our in-house test capabilities give us considerable diagnostic power. This has led to a close working relationship with Hughes.

The simultaneous quad-color infrared imaging device (SQIID) has been mechanically, electrically, and optically assembled and taken to the telescope twice for tests. First-light results far exceeded our expectations for such a large, complex instrument. Some work remains to be done in each of these areas. The major item outstanding is delivery of the final detectors, to come from the PtSi effort described above. It is worth noting that this instrument went from concept to first light in slightly more than one year.

Mechanical and thermal modeling identified and solved shortcomings in the optical test procedures for the collimator mirror of the cryogenic echelle. An improved mirror support system has been designed and built, and a Hartmann test setup has also been designed and is being fabricated. The mirror has been acid-etched and polished on its sides and rear to relieve any internal stress. Polishing on the face continued after this processing. A possible alternative technology for providing the final working optic, aluminum-epoxy replication from a glass master, was identified and is being actively investigated. This approach could greatly simplify the design of the collimator. This and other aspects of the mechanical design are being pursued.

The cryogenic spectrometer (CRSP) continued performing nominally for scheduled visitor use. The infrared imager (TRIM) did not fare so well. A major failure involving the intemal wiring inside the dewar caused some lost time for one 4-m run. A second failure prior to a 1.3-m run caused the instrument to be withdrawn from service for the remainder of the semester for a thorough overhaul. This instrument was copied from a laboratory dewar designed with much different usage in mind, and is being employed outside its design rules. Since difficulties often arise following intemal reconfiguration of optics and filters to meet visitor requirements, the permitted configurations are being reduced, with some impact on flexibility.

FY 1990 Chilean economic statistics:

Month % Change Cum, change Avr. monthly April 1.8 14.5 301.52 May 1.5 16.3 303.76 June 2.2 18.8 302.08

E. Observatory Activities.

During the period April - June, 1990, major emphasis at KPNO was placed on providing new capabilities for KPNO's fall observing programs, locating a new Mountain Manager, advancement of

15 the WIYN telescope project, and preparing for this summer's shutdown. KPNO has principally operated RCA intensified silicon target (ISIT) acquisition TV cameras on all its telescopes since they were first installed in 1977. The quality, cost, dependability and sensitivity of these devices has made it very difficult to locate a suitable replacement for them. For the past five years, KPNO has actively been pursuing a new technology (CCD-based) replacement for the ISITs with little success. In June, an intensified-lens-coupled-system (TLS) camera, fabricated from commercially available parts by KPNO staff, was tested on the KPNO 2.1-m telescope. Preliminary results indicate this camera may not be the choice for faint limit-acquisition purposes, but it will be a very useful general purpose TV camera for replacing the aging ISITs at a reasonable cost. Work will continue on the development of a faint limit device until, at a minimum, a comparable replacement for the ISTT is achieved.

The continuing pressure for more availability of CCDs to accommodate the observing programs has led us to order parts for six new CCD dewars. A contract was awarded to a local machine shop to fabricate all the mechanical parts. KPNO staff will be responsible for assembly and final testing prior to their use this fall.

The high cost of liquid helium, the inherent safety required in its handling, and the manpower involved in cooling infrared dewars, has prompted us to design future infrared equipment to use closed-cycle-cooling. Accordingly, the first of the KPNO telescopes which utilizes infrared equipment, the 1.3-m telescope, was outfitted with all the equipment needed for closed-cycle-cooler operation. It has not been determined at this time whether the 2.1-m telescope or the 4-m telescope will be the next to receive this capability.

All the planning, budgeting, and scheduling for removal of the #1 0.9-m building and site clearance have been completed. Due to the sizable effort involved, we have contracted with ouiside companies to provide additional support for the removal of major components. The removal oi electro/mechanical equipment, prior to the demolition phase, has begun. Effort is already well underway in the merger of the #1 and #2 0.9-m telescopes. Parts for the installation of the telescope tube have been fabricated and are ready for installation. In addition, a new remote observing room was constructed on the ground floor as part of our effort to improve seeing at all the telescopes. In the future, there will no longer be reference to a #1 or #2 0.9-m. It will simply be referred to as the 0.9-m telescope. The Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA) has decided to locate their 0.9-m telescope on Kitt Peak. This will make them the sixth tenant to locate observing facilities here. They have selected a site just west of the Burrell Schmidt telescope for preliminary testing purposes.

To date, KPNO has removed five underground storage fuel tanks and replaced them with two larger tanks in the approved EPA manner. There are three underground tanks remaining which must be removed and two above ground storage tanks which will require either containment or waiver. Work will continue on this until we are in full compliance.

The search for a Kitt Peak Mountain Manager was reopened with the goal of identifying someone with a strong background in observational astronomy as well as management to oversee mountain operations, with particular emphasis on operations as they relate to the scientific program. The position of Mountain Manager is an essential one in determining the quality of KPNO operations. Accordingly, the search will not be concluded until we are satisfied that someone who meets our requirements in terms of scientific and technical background has been identified. It is expected that the search will require a number of months.



A. Director's Office.

1. Educational Endeavors. NOAO Tucson participated in Arizona's "Love of Reading" project during this quarter. Objectives of this program are to show that everyone (people of all walks of life!) reads, and to have schools and the commumty work together to promote reading. Dr. K.M. Merrill of the KPNO division volunteered to read to students of Hohokam Middle School and found the students to be as fascinated with his work at the national observatories as in what he was reading. Later in the quarter, S. Rooke of the Central Computer Services division gave an on-line demonstration of TRAF (on a Sun workstation) to the science club of Amphitheater High School in Tucson. Additionally, he showed a homemade slide/video show on fractals and scientific computer animation. The Director's office was contacted by Ganado High School with a request for 18 science students to visit Kitt Peak and the University of Arizona Mirror Lab, and we worked with the University of Arizona on this project Finally, N. Sharp of the Tucson scientific staff introduced a group of U.S.S.R. undergraduate students to astronomy through a personalized night tour of Kitt Peak. With the assistance of the Kitt Peak mountain staff, they were given a glimpse of the science done at the McMath Solar Telescope and at the KPNO #2 0.9-m and 4-m telescopes. D. Clark of NRAO took time out to show the group the workings of the NRAO radio telescope.

2. Visitor/Tour Groups. D. Sanchez of the National Science Foundation visited NOAO Tucson and the University of Arizona as well. He was given a demonstration of GONG, IRAF, saw the polishing of the NOAO mirror, and visited our fiber optics lab. A Vatican Observatory group of seven requested a day visit to Kitt Peak and went on a tour of the Solar McMath Telescope and a visit to the KPNO 4-m telescope with J. Cook. Several groups visited the Kitt Peak mountain during the April - June 1990 quarter. In April, over 778 people visited; one group had over 75 people, and the smallest group contained 11. Retirees came from Sun City, Arizona; students from North High School; VTPs from GED Papago Reservation; the Natural History Department of Saddleback College; the YMCA; New Mexico Tech; elementary schools; universities; and even a preschool. May had almost as many visitors. There were students, private organizations, various professionals, and astronomy classes. In June, Kitt Peak was visited by 339 people. The Sunrise Elementary School brought 110 people at one time; the smallest group consisted of 20 from an astronomy class. The Society of Women Engineers; the Park Service of the Saguaro National Monument; missionaries of the Steve Hamach Group; and a talent search branch of Pima Commumty College also visited Kitt Peak this month. In addition, the observatory is visited by thousands of independent travellers each month.

3. General. The AURA Visiting Professor Program is well underway. AURA's first appointee, Dr. J.C. Wheeler from the University of Texas at Austin, visited CTIO in November/December 1989 and NOAO Tucson, May 14 thorough June 15, 1990. Dr. Wheeler, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at the University, is expected to participate in the full professional life of the observatories. He will complete his tenure with NOAO by returning to CTIO August 13 - September 21, 1990 and finishing with a visit to Tucson, October 15 - November 16, 1990. The various NOAO divisions have started collecting input for the July 1989 - June 1990 annual report. The NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program started this quarter. Four of the 11 REUs are located at Sacramento Peak, and the remaining seven are in Tucson. This quarter, the Sac Peak students were joined by a high school winner of the Westinghouse Award. J. Newberry was given the award for her work on fractals for new measurements of sunspots. The FY 1991 Provisional Program Plan was mailed to the

17 NSF this quarter. A total of $3,212.00 was paid out of the NSF Foreign Travel Fund account during this period. Sites and institutions visited were the Anglo-Australian Telescope and Las Campanas.

B. 8-M Office.

A search for the project manager for the 8-m telescopes is beginning. For the 8-m telescopes project, W.-Y. Wong (ETS) is heading the work on additional water tunnel tests to study the properties of the different enclosure concepts. The models used in the previous tests have been modified to provide more nearly equal ventilation to give better discrimination of the different design concepts. The models will be tested at the University of Washington facility. F. Forbes (ETS) has been developing concepts for guiding and image quality sensing for the 8-m telescopes, which will require two stars for guiding and field rotation corrections and image sensing for correction of the mirror figure and optical alignment. He is investigating a design based on beamsplitters and solid state photomultipliers that involves a minimum number of elements.

The 8-m telescopes project continues to proceed through the Congressional budget process. R. Malow from the House Appropriations Committee visited NOAO at the end of May to obtain information on the project and other NOAO and University of Arizona programs. At the end of June, the Committee recommended support for the full $4M requested in FY 1991 to begin the project. The support is contingent upon partners being found and the U.S. share not exceeding 50% of the total project cost. We await the recommendation from the corresponding Senate committee.

Representatives from the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. met in Ottawa June 8 and 9 to continue planning discussions for establishing a partnership of the three countries to carry out the project. Canada has made significant progress since the previous meeting in identifying funding possibilities for the capital construction and operating needs of the telescopes. We were very encouraged by their strong interest and desire to get the project established.

Significant progress was also made at the meeting in resolving issues relating to the financing and proposed operation of the telescopes so that each country could continue along its own path for planning its participation in the project.

Subsequently the Astronomy and Planetary Science Board and the Science and Engineering Research Council met in the U.K. to consider the U.K. large telescope project. We were informed that the SERC voted unanimously in favor of U.K. participation in a large telescope project However, the SERC does not plan to make a decision on which particular project to pursue until December 1990.

In the meantime, the project scientists and members of the engineering staffs plan to meet in September to discuss technical issues on the design of the telescopes.

C. Central Administrative Services.

During the quarter ended June 30, 1990 CAS was involved in work related to the WIYN Agreement. Several drafts of the Agreement and By-Laws were reviewed and edited by WIYN Board members as well as NOAO and AURA attorneys; insurance quotes were obtained; and a Request for Proposal released for architectural and engineering services. The Agreement has been signed by the University members and is currently being reviewed by the NSF. Revision 1 to the FY 1990 Program Plan was prepared and submitted to the NSF on June 1, 1990. At its Annual Meeting, April 4 - 6, the AURA Board approved a) the proposal to modify NOAO employee benefits, b) the AURA Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Plan, and c) a new emeritus status policy. NSF approval is pending. Also, at its meeting on June 1, the Executive Committee approved two new AURA policies: a) a minor modification of overtime policy concerning emergency call-outs, and b) a policy to provide part-time employees with vacation leave, sick leave, and severance pay at accrual rates applicable to full-time staff but proportionate to hours worked.

D. Central Computer Services.

IRAF version 2.9 was released in April. Beginning with 2.9, NOAO will collect a distribution fee for the mailing of IRAF program tapes and documentation hardcopy. The fee depends on the itemized cost of materials, handling, and shipping, which vary from system to system and with the number of manual sets requested, but will often be in the range of $50 - 150 for a single system. Alternatively, the TRAF software and documentation may now be obtained at no cost via network file transfer. Most sites are now availing themselves of this option.

Following discussions with the Tucson staff, Central Computer Services has initiated a hardware replacement program to phase out Draco, the VMS VAX, over an interval of approximately two years. In the first step, underway now, a Sun 470, to be known as Ursa, will be added to the Tucson computer network. In the next two years, the support for Draco and VMS will ramp down. Before Draco is closed completely, it is intended to install a more modest system which will provide minimal VMS capability as needed for some scientific programs and for support of TRAF on VMS. This reconfiguration of hardware, consistent with the continuing shift of users from VMS to UNIX, will reduce operating costs.

E. Central Facilities Operations.

The principal efforts for CFO during this period consisted of the completion of several construction projects, continuation of building upgrades, and increased architectural/engineering support of new NOAO telescope projects. Replacement of all NOAO Tucson headquarters underground fuel tanks, in accordance with Federal EPA Regulations, was completed. We are now waiting for a release from the State of Arizona which shows we are in full compliance. The last of the NOAO Tucson headquarters landscaping project was completed. We are using a local landscaping contractor to maintain the facilities rather than NOAO staff. In the way of environmental/conservation improvements, space was developed, and depositories were purchased to help support the Employees Association in their collection of aluminum cans for recycling. We are negotiating with the University of Arizona with regard to participating with them in their program of collection and recycling of paper. The air circulation in the headquarters building lounge area was modified to try to prevent smoke and food odors from entering the ventilating system. Considerable architectural/engineering support was provided for the 8-m, McMath, and WTYN telescope projects. In addition, plans were developed and drawn for implementation of the Kitt Peak facilities fire detection system. The first phase of this new system is to be installed on Kitt Peak this summer.

F. Engineering and Technical Services.

A scheme to align and track large optical telescopes using curvature sensing was investigated. While the long term goal is to define the 8-m telescope design for the guide-align system, some of the proposed techniques can be implemented for the WIYN 3.5-m telescope design. The present status of this effort is that two prisms have been designed and are being built for preliminary tests with the 100-inch Hindle sphere. Further, a Photometries CCD imaging system has been set up and tested and the necessary software is under development. A six point mirror mount has been developed to provide edge support for the PZT bimorph mirrors. PZT material has been supplied by the French optical

19 group, ONERA. These two 2-inch wafers are ready to be optically worked, and this new material should prove superior to the EC70 material supplied by EDO Western. A meeting for the solid state photomultiplier (SSPM) was held at Aerospace Corporation to share intended use of the detector. A talk was given outlining NOAO's possible adaptive optics curvature sensing, using a bimorph deformable mirror and the SSPM as the array sensor. The NOAO SSPM in a 37 element hex pattern is available for use at the Ames Research Center when a use agreement is finalized between Ames and NOAO.

G. Publications and Information Resources.

During the period April - June 1990, the PTR office issued two press releases, one about Comet Austin with a photo taken at Kitt Peak, and one describing the work of G. Jacoby, R. Ciardullo (KPNO) and H. Ford (ST Scl) in measuring the distance to the Virgo cluster. The office also had numerous informal contacts with Sky and Telescope concerning photos and information about the GONG, WIYN, and 8-m projects. The office prepared a set of posters for the June AAS meeting in Albuquerque, which was attended by K. Meyers. Subjects of the posters were the GONG project, the 8-m telescopes, and the multi-object spectrograph effort at Kitt Peak. Several educational tours and activities were arranged by the PTR office this quarter

1. During the month of April, A. Hiller made arrangements with the Earthwatch organization for joint sponsorship of an astronomy program for high school students. The students will spend two weeks in July on Kitt Peak with a research astronomer.

2. On April 11, a Tohono O'odham G.E.D. class of 20 toured Kitt Peak with their counselor. An escort provided by the Visitor Center led the group through an evening tour of the 2.1-m and 4-m telescopes.

3. On April 16, R. Green (KPNO), S. Rooke (CCS), and K. Meyers met with two teachers from Orange Grove Middle School and a principal from the Elgin school district to discuss possible educational collaborations. The teachers toured the mirror lab and the electronics and optics shops.

4. One April 27, students from Hermosillo, Mexico toured the optics and mirror labs in Tucson. They were escorted by J. Simmons (ETS) and N. Morrell (KPNO), who also acted as interpreters, and by L. Stepp (ETS).

5. On May 14, three students from Amphi Junior High spent the moming at the Tucson office as part of a job-shadowing program arranged by the school. The students, who were selected for an interest in science, each were assigned to a scientist or engineer, and spent the moming seeing what kinds of activities are involved in those jobs. NOAO participants in the program were J. Richardson, D. Vaughnn (ETS), and T. Armandroff (KPNO).

6. During the week of May 14, NOAO had an exhibit at the Park Mall in Tucson, organized by A. Hiller. On Saturday of that week, S. Chamberlin from the Visitor Center conducted a demonstration on small telescopes.

7. On June 11, A. Hiller arranged for the University of Arizona astronomy camp group to tour Kitt Peak, accompanied by a guide from the Visitor Center.

8. On June 13, N. Sharp (CCS) lectured on astronomy in Tucson as part of the opening events of the new Green Valley branch of the Tucson public library.

20 Three media visits to Kitt Peak were arranged during this quarter: A. Hiller accompanied two producers from Tokyo Broadcast System, Inc. while they scouted the McMath and 4-m telescopes for a space special. Arrangements were made for an editor and a science writer from the magazine del et Espace to visit Kitt Peak. One of the men spent three days on the mountain in order to obtain photos for a color spread, which will run in the magazine in the fall of 1990.

The total value of sales from the photo collection for the quarter was $1,838, representing very little change from the previous quarter's sales of $1,630. Ongoing projects with regard to the photo collection include making corrections to the current catalog, computerizing the catalog, and reorganizing the collection of in-house slides for borrowing. These projects are being carried out by E. Hardesty as she has time.



April - June 1990


Astronomical Observations Scheduled Maintenance, Hours Used Hours Lost Instrument Tests, Hours Telescope Visitors Staff Weather Equipment Changes, Scheduled Equipment Failure Engineering, etc.

4-m 1073.4 512.2 177.8 251.0 24.2 108.2

1.5-m 1077.9 426.5 164.1 338.6 15.5 133.2

1-m 983.4 607.3 28.0 327.3 9.1 11.7

CTIO 0.9-m 1060.5 624.0 46.1 295.3 4.6 90.5

*0.6/0.9-m 272.3 90.8 55.5 95.5 0 30.5

0.6-m 244.6 167.0 0 66.6 0 11.0

0.4-m 0 0 0 0 0 0

4-m 970.0 550.81 118.19 205.5 63.0 32.5

2.1-m 846.75 420.01 164.49 175.5 23.75 63.0

Coud^ Feed 852.0 594.0 62.0 161.0 8.0 27.0

KPNO 1.3-m 792.25 268.6 128.4 245.25 41.0 109.0

#1 0.9-m 759.25 382.8 121.2 211.25 18.5 25.5

#2 0.9-m 604.0 290.5 27.0 245.25 32.25 9.0

Schmidt 315.5 161.46 29.54 110.5 6.0 8.0

Hilltop Dome 2690.0 1180.0 1435.0 70.0 5.0 0

Vac. Tower 1032.0 531.0 147.0 250.0 53.0 51.0

Evans Fac. 2109.0 598.0 678.0 816.0 17.0 0

NSO **FTS Lab 620.0 345.0 65.0 100.0 6.0 104.0

**McMath 1517.5 580.0 216.0 652.0 69.5 0

Vacuum/KP 854.0 507.0 4.0 300.0 43.5 0

Fourier Tach. 845.5 650.5 0 185.0 10.0 0

Note: Scheduled hours are calculated according to the ephemerides for CTIO: April - 11.5 hours/night; May - 12.1 hours/night; June - 12.4 hours/night.

*•Use restricted to dark of the moon.

** Totals include both day and night hours. (All others are day only.)

KITT PEAK NATIONAL OBSERVATORY APPENDIX B Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 1 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8049 2 s90 H Abt, N Morrell, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Y Glagolevsky, Special Aatrophysical Observatory D Minniti, University of Arizona A Search for Binaries in Two Extreme Clusters Coude Feed 8.00 67.00 0.00 0.00

8201 2 s90 H Abt, National Optical Astronomy Observatories C Corbally, S.J., Vatican Observatory MK Classification of the Primaries in Possible Trapezium 2.1 meter 3.00 25.50 0.00 0.00

8062 4 s90 M Allen, University of Colorado CH+ Column Densities in the Spectra of Reddened Stars Coude Feed 5.00 23.00 0.00 0.00

8068 2 s90 T Armandroff, National Optical Astronomy Observatories G Da Costa, R Zinn, Yale University and Radial Velocities of Outer-Halo Globular 4 meter 3.00 13.50 0.00 0.00 Nr. 1 0.9 meter 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00

8262 5 s90 M Barsony, University of California, Berkeley M Burton, R Garden, University of California, Irvine A Russell, Joint Astronomy Center The Spatial Scale of Variations in the 2um Luminosity 2.1 meter 4.00 15.00 0.00 0.00

7087 2 s90 T Beers, S Doinidis, S Doinidis, Michigan State University G Preston, S Shectman, Mt. Wilson & Las Campanas Observatories A Search for Extremely Low Metallicity Stars in the Galacti Burrell Schmidt 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 2 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8254 9 s90 M Bershady, M Hereld, University of Chicago R Kron, J Munn, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. K Band Imaging of Distant Galaxies: Post-Main-Sequence 4 meter 3.00 30.00 0.00 0.00

8172 4 s90 M Bobrowsky, Space Telescope Science Institute D Zipoy, University of Maryland Early Evolution of Planetary Nebulae Nr. 2 0.9 meter 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00

8027 2 s90 H Bond, Space Telescope Science Institute R Ciardullo, National Optical Astronomy Observatories CCD Photometric Monitoring of Nuclei of Planetary Nebulae Nr. 1 0.9 meter 8.00 77.50 0.00 0.00

8195 8 s90 T Boroson, National Optical Astronomy Observatories H Morrison, P Harding, Carnegie Observatories, (OCIW) Deep CCD Surface Photometry of Edge-On Disk Galaxies Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 35.50 0.00 0.00

8196 7 s90 T Boroson, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Spectroscopic Differences Among High Redshift QSRs 2.1 meter 4.00 34.00 0.00 0.00

8064 9 s90 D Burstein, Arizona State University R Davies, University of Oxford G Wegner, Dartmouth College M Colless, University of Durham R McMahan, University of North Carolina E Bertschinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Elliptical Galaxies as Tracers of Large-Scale Motions in 1.3 meter 14.00 39.25 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 3 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8034 8 s90 H Bushouse, Northwestern University Spectral Properties of Interacting Galaxies Nr. 2 0.9 meter 3.00 16.50 0.00 0.00

8137 2 s90 D Buzasi, T Brown, High Altitude Observatory T Kreidl, Lowell Observatory An Investigation of Oscillations on the roAp Star 10 Aql 2.1 meter 4.00 37.00 0.00 0.00

8048 2 s90 M Castelaz, T Persinger, J Stein, J Prosser, H Powell, Allegheny Observatory Continuing Intermediate-Band Observations of MAP Region Nr. 2 0.9 meter 5.00 41.00 0.00 0.00

8107 1 s90 C Chapman, D Davis, S Weidenschilling, D Levy, S Howell, D Spaute, F Marzari, Planetary Science Institute M Magee, University of Arizona Photometric Geodesy of Main-Belt Asteroids Nr. 2 0.9 meter 5.50 44.00 0.00 0.00

8100 8 s90 R Ciardullo, G Jacoby, J Booth, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Emission Line Structures in the Bulges of Normal Galaxies 2.1 meter 3.00 28.00 0.00 0.00

8260 3 s90 P Conti, University of Colorado T Armandroff, P Massey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Detection of Distant Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars Burrell Schmidt 4.00 12.00 0.00 0.00

8083 2 s90 S Danford, R Muir, J Fullton, University of North Carolina, Greensboro A CCD Search for Variable Stars in Open Clusters Nr. 1 0.9 meter 4.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 4 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8130 2 s90 R Dempsey, B Bopp, University of Toledo A Search lor Profile Asymmetries in Chromospherically Coude Feed 5.00 39.50 0.00 0.00

8103 9 s90 R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Spectral Evolution of IR Selected Galaxies 4 meter 3.00 18.00 0.00 0.00

8050 2 s90 F Fekel, Vanderbilt University G Henry, M Busby, Tennessee State University Spectroscopy of Binary and Multiple Stars Coude Feed 6.00 51.50 0.00 0.00

8086 2 s90 F Fekel, Vanderbilt University G Henry, M Busby, Tennessee State University Composite Spectra and Chromospherically Active Stars Coude Feed 5.00 39.50 0.00 0.00

8227 7 s90 W Forrest, J Pipher, S Solomon, P Turner, University of Rochester D Nadeau, University of Montreal IR Imagine) of Starburst Galaxies 2.1 meter 1.00 6.25 0.00 0.00

8223 9 s90 W Freudling, Cornell University I-Band CCD Images of Galaxies in the Hercules Supercluster Nr. 1 0.9 meter 6.00 30.00 0.00 0.00

8218 4 s90 P Frisch, University of Chicago Interstellar Cloud Multiplicity Towards Zeta Oph Coude Feed 7.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 5 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8045 7 s90 R Garden, D Grolemund, M Burton, University of California, Irvine Simultaneous Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy of High 4 meter 3.00 17.00 0.00 0.00

8139 2 s90 C Garmany, University of Colorado Field 0-Type Stars: A Reexamination Nr. 2 0.9 meter 7.00 49.00 0.00 0.00

8019 2 s90 A Grauer, J Jacovelli, S Perry, University of Arkansas Time-Series Photometry of Hot Evolved Stars 1.3 meter 13.00 59.75 0.00 0.00

8063 3 s90 P Green, B Margon, S Anderson, P Garnavich, University of Washington Distant Halo Carbon Stars as Tracers of the Galactic Nr. 1 0.9 meter 6.00 41.00 0.00 0.00

8116 6 s90 R Griffiths, J MacKenty, Space Telescope Science Institute Imaging of the Deepest Einstein Survey Fields with the TEK 4 meter 1.00 6.00 0.00 0.00

8170 6 s90 J Halpern, J Patterson, M Kolman, Columbia University Orbital Parameters of the X-Ray Transient V404 Cyg (Nova 2.1 meter 4.00 22.50 0.00 0.00

8072 9 s90 D Hanes, Queen's University W Harris, S Holland, McMaster University C Pritchet, University of Victoria Globular Clusters as Distance Indicators: NGC 3379 4 meter 1.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 6 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8185 2 s90 K Hinkle, National Optical Astronomy Observatories V Smith, University of Texas, Austin Classification of S-Stars from Infrared Spectra 4 meter 0.00 0.00 4.00 11.50

8248 2 s90 K Hinkle, National Optical Astronomy Observatories J Ready, Los Alamos National Laboratory V Smith, University of Texas, Austin 2um Spectroscopy of Obscured Oxygen-Rich Stars 4 meter 4.00 44.50 9.00 34.00

8032 2 s90 S Howell, Planetary Science Institute P Szkody, University of Washington Spectroscopy of Halo Cataclysmic Variables 2.1 meter 4.00 36.00 0.00 0.00

8163 2 s90 T Jarrett, R Dickman, University of Massachusetts W Herbst, Wesleyan University Optical/Infrared Study of the Faint End of the Stellar Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 26.00 0.00 0.00

8128 10 s90 M Joner, B Taylor, Brigham Young University Cluster Standards for CCD Photometry Nr. 2 0.9 meter 6.00 2.00 0.00 0.00

8037 2 s90 J Kaluzny, Warsaw University Observatory S Rucinski, A Udalski, York University Photometric Survey of Old Novae Nr. 1 0.9 meter 7.00 27.00 0.00 0.00

8181 2 s90 J Kaluzny, Warsaw University Observatory S Rucinski, York University Photometric Study of NGC 6791 2.1 meter 4.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 7 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8096 2 s90 J Kastner, D Weintraub, B Zuckerman, University of California, Los Angeles I Gatley, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Polarized Coronagraphic Imaging of Unusual Evolved Stars 2.1 meter 4.00 38.00 0.00 0.00

8013 8 s90 W Keel, University of Alabama Spin Orientation and Tidal Perturbations in Galaxy 2.1 meter 4.00 36.00 0.00 0.00

8110 2 s90 T Kinman, N Suntzeff, National Optical Astronomy Observatories R Kraft, University of California, Santa Cruz Spectrophotometry and Photometry of Sanduleak Type AF Stars 2.1 meter 4.00 33.50 0.00 0.00 1.3 meter 6.00 37.75 0.00 0.00

8111 2 s90 T Kinman, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Visual and Infrared Photometry of Nearby RR Lyrae Stars 1.3 meter 6.00 53.00 0.00 0.00 Nr. 2 0.9 meter 7.00 25.50 0.00 0.00

8205 3 s90 S Kleinmann, University of Massachusetts M Tamura, R Joyce, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Selected Area Studies of the Galactic Plane 1.3 meter 14.00 69.00 0.00 0.00

8159 9 s90 D Koo, University of California, Santa Cruz R Kron, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. S Majewski, Carnegie Observatories, (OCIW) U-Band Imaging of Very Faint Field Galaxies 4 meter 4.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 8 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 7735 7 s90 R Kron, J Munn, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. S Majewski, Carnegie Observatories, (OCIW) M Bershady, University of Chicago A Complete Survey of Quasars to B = 22.5 4 meter 1.00 8.00 0.00 0.00

8057 2 s90 C Lacy, University of Arkansas Apsidal Motion and Eclipsing Binaries Coude Feed 6.00 53.00 0.00 0.00

8164 2 s90 D Lambert, V Smith, University of Texas, Austin K Hinkle, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Isotopic Abundances of Silicon in Red Giants 4 meter 3.00 14.00 3.00 6.00

8166 2 s90 D Lambert, V Smith, University of Texas, Austin D Dearborn, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Oxygen Isotopes in Red Giants as Probes of Stellar 4 meter 3.00 35.00 0.00 0.00

7783 10 s90 A Landolt, Louisiana State University Broad-band Monitoring of Space Telescope Spectrophotometric 1.3 meter 5.00 10.75 0.00 0.00

8047 9 s90 T Lauer, Princeton University M Postman, Space Telescope Science Institute The Motion of the Local Group with Respect to Nearby Abeil 4 meter 3.00 28.00 0.00 0.00

8229 4 s90 S Lord, P Carral, NASA Ames Research Center B Smith, University of Texas, Austin M Burton, University of California, Irvine The Excitation of the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies 1.3 meter 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 9 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8211 9 s90 R Lynds, National Optical Astronomy Observatories V Petrosian, Stanford University Spectroscopy of Possible Gravitational Images 4 meter 3.00 26.50 0.00 0.00

8200 2 s90 J MariottL, C Perrier, Observatoire de Lyon S Ridgway, R Probst, National Optical Astronomy Observatories A Duquennoy, Observatoire de Geneve Interferometric Imaging of Very Low Mass Binaries 4 meter 4.00 17.00 0.00 0.00

9105 0 s90 P Massey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Heavily Reddened OB Association Cyg 0B2 Burrell Schmidt 2.00 9.00 0.00 0.00

7579 2 s90 H McAlister, W Hartkopf, W Bagnuolo, J Sowell, E Dombrowski, Georgia State University 0 Franz, Lowell Observatory Binary Star Speckle Interferometry and Photometry 4 meter 5.00 40.50 0.00 0.00

9104 0 s90 K Meech, T Farnham, University of Hawaii Observing Comet Austin Burrell Schmidt 9.00 57.00 0.00 0.00

8012 7 s90 D Meyer, Northwestern University D York, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. Observations of Zn, Cr, and Fe in Low-Redshift QSO 4 meter 3.00 26.00 0.00 0.00

9102 0 s90 M Mumma, S Hoban, M Disanti, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Obserrvations of Comet Austin 1.3 me t e r 4.00 37.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 10 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8204 7 s90 T Nakajimii, California Institute of Technology M Tamura, National Optical Astronomy Observatories N Carleton, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Near Infrared Polarimetric Imaging of Ultra Luminous IRAS 4 meter 2.00 10.00 0.00 0.00

8016 3 s90 E Olszewski, D Minniti, University of Arizona D Monet, U.S. Naval Observatory H Harris, Lowell Observatory The Orbits of the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies: Step 1, the 4 meter 1.00 8.00 0.00 0.00

8250 7 s90 P Osmer, A Porter, R Green, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Colorimetry of High Redshift Quasars 2. 1 meter 4.00 22.50 0.00 0.00 Nr. 1 0. 9 meter 4.00 35.00 0.00 0.00

8247 2 s90 T Oswalt, Florida Institute of Technology P Hintzen, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center E Sion, Villanova University D Hogg, National Radio Astronomy Observatory A Rosoff, University of Nevada Spectroscopy of Faint Luyten White Dwarf Binaries 4 meter 4.00 25.50 0.00 0.00

8052 7 s90 F Owen, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, VLA W Keel, University of Alabama Spectroscopy of B3 Classical Double Radio Galaxies 4 meter 3.00 15.50 0.00 0.00

8220 2 s90 J Patterson, E Sterner, University of California, Los Angeles E Gotthelf, Columbia University Miscreants Among the DQ HER Stars Nr. 2 0.9 meter 12.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 11 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8162 4 s90 B Penprase, J Blades, Space Telescope Science Institute Optical Spectroscopy of High Latitude Molecular Cloud Cores Coude Feed 5.00 43.50 0.00 0.00 Nr. 2 0.9 meter 5.00 33.00 0.00 0.00

8239 5 s90 B Penprase, J Blades, Space Telescope Science Institute A Spectroscopic Study of Open Cluster ISM Evolution Coude Feed 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00

8194 2 s90 G Peters, University of Southern California The Surface Gravities of Fundamental B Standards Coude Feed 3.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

8265 2 s90 R Peterson, D Minniti, University of Arizona R Rood, University of Virginia The Rotation of Very Blue Horizontal Branch Stars 4 meter 3.00 23.50 0.00 0.00

8150 4 s90 A Phillips, University of Washington Extended ISM in Edge-On Spiral Galaxies Nr. 1 0.9 meter 6.00 42.50 0.00 0.00

8026 2 s90 C Pilachowski, National Optical Astronomy Observatories J Booth, Ca II Emission in Lithium Rich Giants Coude Feed 4.00 28.50 0.00 0.00

8069 2 s90 C Pilachowski, T Armandroff, National Optical Astronomy Observatories R Rebolo, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Oxygen in M13 and the Ages of Globular Clusters 4 me t e r 4.00 29.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 12 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8252 8 s90 A Porter, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Isophotometry of Large cD Halos Burrell Schmidt 4.00 17.00 0.00 0.00

8180 2 s90 L Ramsey, J Hall, R Patterer, D Huenemoerder, Pennsylvania State University Spectroscopic Studies of Surface Activity in Cool Stars 2.1 meter 5.00 39.00 0.00 0.00 Coude Feed 10.00 86.50 0.00 0.00

8263 3 s90 B Rauscher, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. M Bershady, University of Chicago Galactic Bulge Structure and Evolution Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 31.00 0.00 0.00

8225 7 s90 W Romanishin, University of Oklahoma P Hintzen, E Smith, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Galaxies Associated with Z - 1 Quasars: Luminosity 4 meter 3.00 10.50 0.00 0.00

8154 2 s90 M Rugers, University of Washington Short Timfjscale Variations in the Optical Spectrum of Nr. 2 0.9 meter 6.00 32.50 0.00 0.00

8217 2 s90 S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Simultaneous Measurement of Magnetic Fluxes and Related Coude Feed 5.00 38.00 0.00 0.00

8131 8 s90 J Salzer, National Optical Astronomy Observatories R Giovanelii, Arecibo Observatory M Haynes, Cornell University Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy of the H I Photogalaxy 2.1 meter 4.00 28.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 13 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8132 8 s90 J Salzer, R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Distrubutions of Young & Old Stellar Populations in Dwarf Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 33.00 0.00 0.00 2.1 meter 5.00 40.50 0.00 0.00

8193 2 s90 P Schmidtke, Arizona State University J Africano, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Lunar Occultations of Double Stars Nr. 2 0.9 meter 0.50 3.00 0.00 0.00

8178 5 s90 M Simon, SUNY at Stony Brook W Chen, State University of New York W Forrest, University of Rochester Occultations of YSO's in Taurus and Observations in 2.1 meter 1.00 6.25 0.00 0.00

8221 2 s90 M Simon, SUNY at Stony Brook W Chen, State University of New York Spectroscopy of the IRS 16 Cluster in the Galactic Center 2.1 meter 4.00 22.50 0.00 0.00

8138 4 s90 T Snow, Jr., University of Colorado Interstellar Lines in Dark Clouds 4 meter 3.00 28.50 0.00 0.00

8176 8 s90 H Spinrad, M Dickinson, University of California, Berkeley Detailed Morphologicl Studies of the Most Complex High-Z 4 meter 3.00 18.00 0.00 0.00

8267 10 s90 T Stecher, P Hintzen, S Neff, J Hill, W Landsman, E Smith, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center R O'Conneil, E Murphy, University of Virginia R Cornett, Systems & Applied Sciences Corporation Direct CCD Observations Supporting the UIT-Astro Shuttle Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 22.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 14 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8051 2 s90 J Storm, B Carney, University of North Carolina D Latham, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The Distance and Age of the Very Metal-Poor Globular 4 meter 5.00 51.00 0.00 0.00

8015 5 s90 K Strom, S Strom, University of Massachusetts S Gordon, Mt. Holyoke College Spectrophotometric Study of Members of the p Oph Dark Cloud 2.1 meter 5.00 28.00 0.00 0.00 Nr. 1 0.9 meter 4.00 28.00 0.00 0.00

8112 4 s90 M Tamura, I Gatley, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S Kleinmann, University of Massachusetts S Sato, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory M Ueno, University of Kyoto Near Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of Mass Outflow Sources 2.1 meter 4.00 27.00 0.00 0.00

8113 4 s90 M Tamura, I Gatley, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S Kleinmann, University of Massachusetts S Sato, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory T Yamashita, Kyoto University The 3.08 Micron Ice Feature Around Protostars 1.3 meter 4.00 30.00 0.00 0.00

8215 7 s90 K Thompson, University of Texas, Austin QSO Broad Line Profile Observations in the Near-Infrared 1.3 meter 4.00 24.50 0.00 0.00

8253 9 s90 M Turner, M Bershady, M Ressell, University of Chicago Axion Decay: A Search for Intracluster Line Emission 2.1 meter 3.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 15 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8206 3 s90 A Upgren, E Weis, K Gloria, Wesleyan University J Rose, University of North Carolina J Stock, Centro de Investigacion de Astronomia The Vertical Structure of Our Galaxy Burrell Schmidt 7.00 43.50 0.00 0.00

8094 2 s90 C Watson, II, T Moffett, Purdue University R Kurucz, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cepheid Temperature Scale Coude Feed 7.00 57.00 0.00 0.00

9103 0 s90 P Wehinger, S Wyckoff, M Womack, L Engel, A Ferro, Arizona State University Comet Austin Observations Coude Feed 4.00 34.00 0.00 0.00

8208 2 s90 E Weis, A Upgren, Wesleyan University Photometry of LHS Stars Nr. 2 0.9 meter 9.00 23.00 0.00 0.00

8261 4 s90 M Werner, Y Pendleton, J Davidson, NASA Ames Research Center H Butner, University of Texas, Austin 2um Imaging Polarimetry of the Galactic Center 1.3 meter 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8118 8 s90 B Whitmore, S Zepf, Space Telescope Science Institute How is the Dark Matter Stripped from Cluster Spirals? 4 meter 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 22.00 0.00 0.00

8151 4 s90 E Wilcots, W Waller, University of Washington M Tamura, National Optical Astronomy Observatories L Markle, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Molecular Hydrogen in Metal Poor Dwarf Galaxies 1.3 meter 4.00 26.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 16 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8115 6 s90 P Winkler, T dinger, S Westerbeke, Middlebury College T Dennis, Mt. Holyoke College Wide-Field CCD Imaging of Galactic Supernova Remnants Burrell Schmidt 9.00 52.50 0.00 0.00

8133 8 s90 A Wolfe, I. Lu, University of California, San Diego D Turnshek, University of Pittsburgh K Lanzetta, Institute of Astronomy Investigations of Galaxy Disks at Large Redshift 4 meter 3.00 21.50 0.00 0.00

8241 4 s90 B Woodgate, L Brown, R Oliversen, A Caulet, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center J Lowenthal, University of Arizona G MacAlpine, University of Michigan A Test for High Energy Proton Excitation in Emission 2.1 meter 4.00 38.00 0.00 0.00

8168 1 s90 S Wyckoff, M Womack, P Wehinger, Arizona State University Carbon Isotope Abundances as Tests of Galactic Chemical Coude Feed 4.00 17.00 0.00 0.00

8142 9 s90 D York, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. R Green, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Morton, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics A Crotts, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center E Borra, Laval University E Jenkins, Princeton University T Tripp, Using QSO Absorption Lines to Probe Structure in the Early 4 meter 3.00 17.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 04/01/90 - 06/30/90 Page 17 Tue Jul 17 10:26:32 1990

Nights Hours Days Hours 8232 5 s90 J Young, L Allen, S Kleinmann, University of Massachusetts Efficiency of Massive Star Formation in Galaxies Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 31.00 0.00 0.00

Total number of proposals: 106


Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

April-may-June 1990: Individual Telescope Assignments are listed below. Graduate Students are indicated by an asterisk after their names. Nights assigned, (hours worked), and telescope used are indicated. Service Observing programs are denoted by S.O. instead of nights assigned.

C. Anguita, M.T. Ruiz, U. de Chile: "CCD Parallaxes for Faint Stars." 3(16)1.5-m.

B. Anthony-Twarog, CTIO: "Standard Fields for CCD uvby Observations." 3(15)l-m, 6(14)0.9-m.

L. Armus, U. of Maryland, E. Smith, NASA: "Imaging of a Color Selected Sample of IRAS Galaxies." 5(55)0.9-m.

J. Baldwin, CTIO, G. Ferland and M. Corbin*, Ohio State U.: "Helium Abundances in Metal- Rich H II Regions." 2(23)1.5-m, 1(10)1-m.

V. M. Blanco, B.M. Blanco, CTIO: "Accurate Photometry of Galactic Bulge RR Lyrae Stars." 7(65)1.5-m, 4(27)Schm.

H.E. Bond, ST Scl, R. Ciardullo, KPNO: "CCD Photometric Monitoring of Planetary Nuclei" 8(75)0.9-m.

H.E. Bond, ST Scl, W. Harris, McMaster U.: "CCD Photometry of Globular Clusters Near the Galactic Center." 5(60)0.9-m.

M. Buie, ST Scl, D. Tholen, U. of Hawaii: "Photometry of Pluto-Charon Mutual Events." 3(29)1.5-m.

B. Carney, U. of North Carolina, N.B. Suntzeff, and D. Terndrup, CTIO: "The Distance to the Galactic Center from K-Band Photometry of Bulge RR Lyraes." 3(24)4-m.

J. Claria, U. Nacional de Cdrdoba, Argentina, D. Minniti, Steward Obs., M. Lattanzi, ST Scl: "UBV, DDO and CMT1T2 Observations of Stars and Open Clusters." 4(32)l-m.

A. Cowley, and P. Schrrridtke, Arizona State U., D. Crampton, and J.B. Hutchings, Dominion Astrophys. Obs.: "Determination of the Mass Spectrum for Neutron Stars." 4(26)4-m, 7(29)0.9-m.

A. Crotts, Goddard Space Flight Ctr., S. Heathcote, CTIO: "The Dynamics and Morphology of the Emission-line Surrounding SN 1987A." 2(3)0.9-m, 8(0)Schm. R.R. de Carvalho, S. Djorgovski, M. Strauss, W. Weir, Caltech: "Spectroscopy and Photometry of Southern Elliptical Galaxies." 2(22) 1.5-m.

D. DePoy, CTIO, I. Gatley, KPNO: "Molecular Hvdrogen Emission From the Galactic Center." 4(24)4-m, 2(23)l-m.

D. DePoy and S. Heathcote, CTIO, B. Reipunh, ESO: "Infrared Imaging of the Circinus Dark Cloud." 4(35)1.5-m.

O.J. Eggen, CTIO: "Photometry." 2(8)1.5-m.

J. Elias, D. DePoy, M. Hamuy, S. Heathcote, M. Navarrete, M. Phillips, N. Suntzeff, D. Terndrup, L. Wells, R. Williams, CTIO: "Continuing Optical and Infrared Observations of SN 1987A in the LMC." 4(39)4-m, 6(46)0.9-m.

E. Friel, Dominion Astrophys. Obs., D. Geisler, CTIO: "Main-Sequence Photometry of Metal- Rich Globular Clusters." 3(17)4-m.

J. Frogel, Ohio State U., D. Terndrup, CTIO: "Deep TR Color-magnitude Diagrams of the Nuclear Bulge." 2(8)4-m, 3(18)1.5-m.

D. Geisler, CTIO: "Washington System Calibration. "2(15)0.6-m.

J. Graham, Carnegie Inst, of Washington: "Early Evolution of Low-mass Stars in the Gum Nebula." 3(22)4-m.

J. Graham, Carnegie Inst, of Washington: "Ice on Grains in the Cloud Core." 3(32)4-m.

J. Grindlay, C. Bailyn, and A. Cool*, Ctr. for Astrophysics: "H-alpha/R Color Map Analysis of Nearby Cusp Globular Clusters." 3(32)4-m.

M. Hamuy, M. Phillips, N. Suntzeff, CTIO and J. Maza, U. de Chile: "Search for Supemovae." 5(31)Schm.

P. Hartigan, Ctr. for Astrophysics: "The Stellar Content of Dark Clouds." 1(0)1.5-m. l(12)l-m, 5(41)Schm.

T. Heckman, Johns Hopkins U.and M. Lehnert*, ST Scl: "Determining the Global and Cosmological Significance of Galactic Superwinds." 4(19)4-m.

G.J. HiU, and B. Goodrich, U. of Texas, D. DePoy, CTIO: "Infrared Hydrogen Emission Line Spectrophotometry of a Sample of Radio Galaxies." 3(23) 1.5-m.

J. Hillier and B. Bohannan, U. of Colorado: "Carbon and Oxygen Abundances of WC Stars." 4(44) 1.5-m. J. Hughes, and P. Hartigan, Ctr. for Astrophysics: "Star Formation in the Chamaeleon II Dark Cloud." 1(8)1.5-m, 4(41) 1-m, l(13)0.9-m.

R. Humphreys, and R. Pennington, U. of Minnesota, D. Terndrup, CTIO: "Calibration Sequences for Galactic Structure Studies in the Bulge and Halo." 5(54)0.9-m.

J. Imamura, U. of Oregon, T. Steiman-Cameron, NASA/Ames, M. Wolff, Naval Research Lab.: "High-Speed Photometry of Accreting White Dwarfs." 7(60)1-m.

K. Janes, and T. Liu, Boston U.: "Radial Velocities and Photometry of RR Lyrae Stars in the Globular Clusters M4 and co Centauri." 2(21)4-m, 3(27)1-m.

K. Kawara, National Observatory Japan, B. Gregory, CTIO: "Near-Infrared H2 Emission Lines in Bare Type 1 Seyferts and Quasars." 2(24)4-m.

C. Lacy, San Diego State U.: "Apsidal Motion in Eclipsing Binaries." 14(101)0.6-m.

A. Landolt, Louisiana State U.: "UBVRI Photometric Sequences I and II." 14(84)1.5-m 7(46) 1-m.

A.P. Lane, Boston U., J. Bally, AT&T Bell Labs.: "Imaging of Shock-Excited Near-IR and Optical Emission in Southern Star Forming Regions." 5(43)1.5-m, 3(35)0.9-m.

T.R. Lauer, Princeton U., M. Postman, ST Scl: "The Motion of the Local Group with Respect to Nearby Abell Clusters." 4(5)1.5-m.

A. Layden*, and R. Zinn, Yale U.: "Metallicities and Kinematics of RR Lyrae Stars." 3(25)1.5-m.

R. Lee*, R. Mathieu, U. of Wisconsin, and F. Walter, State U. of New York: "Investigation of the Pre-main Sequence Double-Lined Spectroscopic Binary 162814-2427." l(8)4-m.

D.J. MacConnell, ST Scl: "Spectroscopy of Selected Southern IRAS LRS and PSC Objects" 5(33)l-m, 2(10)Schm.

M. Malkan, U. of California, Los Angeles, R. Edelson, U. of Colorado: "Near-Infrared Spectrophotometry of Bright Quasars." 3(41)4-m, 4(30)1.5-m, l(8)l-m.

H. McAlister and D. Barry, Georgia State U., W.I. Hartkopf, W.G. Bagnuolo and O. Franz, Lowell Observatory: "Binary Star Speckle Interferometry and Photometry." 5(46)4-m.

P.J. McCarthy, Carnegie Institute of Washington, H. Spinrad, U. of California, Berkeley, V. Kapahi, India, W. van Breugel, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.: "Spectroscopy of High Redshift Southern Radio Galaxies." 4(12)4-m. K. Meech, U. of Hawaii: "Deep CCD Imaging of Distant Comets - Evidence for Aging." 3(27)4-m.

J. Nemec, U. of British Columbia, M. Mateo, Carnegie Inst, of Washington: ".Are the RR Lyrae Stars in Carina 7 Gyr Old?." l(12)4-m.

J. Nemec, U. of British Columbia and A. Walker, CTIO: "CCD Photometrv of the Variable Stars in IC 4499." 3(23)1.5-m.

M. Nishida, Kyoto U., K. Kawara, National Observatory, Japan, B. Gregory, CTIO, T. Nakajima, Center for Astrophysics: "Near Infrared Observations of H2 Emission Lines in X-ray Selected Seyfert Galaxies." l(12)4-m.

M. Pastoriza, and C. Bonatto, UFRGS, Brazil: "A Search for Abundances in Seyfert 2 Galaxies and Liners." 4(19)1-m.

C. Perry, Louisiana State U., D. Crawford, KPNO: "Multicolor Photometry of the Very Young Open Cluster NGC 3324." 10(97)l-m, 4(29)0.6-m.

M. Phillips, R. Williams, and M. Hamuy, CTIO: "Spectral Evolution of Supernovae and Novae." 5(49)1.5-m.

R. Probst, KPNO, B. Zuckerman, U. of California, Los Angeles: "A Search for Brown Dwarfs in Young Clusters." 2(12)4-m.

A. Quillen*, J. Graham, T Phillips, T. de Zeew, Caltech, and J. Frogel, Ohio State U.: "IR Imaging of Cen A [NGC 5128]." 3(23)1.5-m.

H. Quintana, A. Ramirez, G. Herding, R. Covarrubias, U. Catolica: "Survey of a Complete Sample of Dumb-Bell Galaxies." 3(30)0.9-m.

M.T. Ruiz, J. Maza, M. Takamiya, U. de Chile: "Study of Larse Proper Motion Stars." 2(23)4-m, 4(27)0.9-m.

M.T. Ruiz, J. Maza, U. de Chile, M. Roth, The Carnegie Obs.: "Faint End of the Stellar Luminosity Function." 4(41)4-m.

P. Schmidtke, Arizona State U., and A. Walker, CTIO: "Occultation of Antares." 2(9)0.6-m.

P. Schmidtke, Arizona State U.: "Variable Star Monitoring." 3(14)0.6-m.

M. Shara, R. Burg, C. Sturch, L. Siciliano and D. Rehner, ST Scl: "The Second Guide Star Photometric Catalog." 5(43)0.9-m.

C. Skinner, I. Griffin*, University College, London, and J. Elias, CTIO: "Identification of Suspected New Galactic Carbon Stars." 3(36)0.9-m. L. Sodre, H. Capelato, J. Steiner, S. Kirhakos, INPE, Brazil: "Radial Velocities of SC008-57 (A3667)." 2(24)4-m.

J. Steiner, M. Diaz, INPE, Brazil: "UBVRI Photometry of CP Pup." l(10)l-m.

N. Suntzeff, M. Phillips, CTIO: "Optical Photometry of Supemovae at Late Epochs." SO(16)4-m.

D. Terndrup, CTIO, E. Sadler, Anglo-Australian Obs., M. Rich, Columbia U.: "Abundances and Kinematics of K Giants in the Galactic Bulge." 3(25)4-m.

B. Twarog, B. Anthony-Twarog, CTIO, J. Laird, Bowling Green State U.: "Extension and Expansion of the ubvy Photometric System." 2(18)1.5-m, 16(51)l-m.

R. Wade, U. of Arizona: "Orbit Determinations for the Short Period Binary Stars U Sco., Mt Ser, and T Pyx." 4(22)4-m.

A. Walker, CTIO, T. Kinman, KPNO: "A Search for B Stars in the NGC 6522 Field." l(ll)Schm.

A. Walker, CTIO: "Cepheids in Centaurus Group Galaxies." SO(16)4-m.

R. Wing, Ohio State U., D. MacConnell, ST Scl, E. Costa, U. de Chile: "Galactic Structure Toward Norma." 6(58)1-m.

H.K.C. Yee, U. of Toronto, E. Ellingson, Dominion Astrophysical Obs.: "The Evolution of the Environments of Radio Galaxies." 4(31)0.9-m.

D. Zaritsky*, S. White, U. of Arizona: "The Dynamics of Satellite Galaxies." 4(43)4-m.

B. Zuckerman and E. Becklin, U. of California, Los Angeles, R. Probst, KPNO: "Infrared Search for Very Low Mass Companions to White Dwarfs." 2(20)4-m.


A. Layden*, R. Zinn, Yale U.: "Metallicities and Kinematics of Field RR Lyrae Stars." 10(94) 1-m.

R. Mendez*, R. Zinn, Yale U.: "The Horizontal Branch Morphologies of Globular Clusters." 7(48)0.9-m.

A. Sarajedini*, G. Da Costa, Yale U.: "A Search for Blue Stragglers in Globular Clusters." 7(65)0.9-m.



Nights Hours Davs Hours

1553 S Acton, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory S/T347-Active Optics Systems 19-Segment Active Mirror Vacuum Tower/SP 59

1023 R Altrock, AFSC/GL S/B003-Coronal Observations Evans Solar Facility/SP 87 132

1369 R Altrock, AFSC/GL L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B224-Daily Solar Activity Reports for Solar Forecasting Evans Solar Facility/SP 45

1454 A Bhatnagar, Udaipur Solar Observatory S/B253-Coronal Hole Detection Evans Solar Facility/SP 22

1325 D Bonaccini, Instituto de Astronomia S/T295-Integration Fabry-Perot Interferometer into UBF McMath FTS Lab

1503 L Brown, J Margolis, Jet Propulsion Laboratory T/High Resolution Ammonia Spectroscopy McMath FTS Lab 64

1373 T Brown, K Streander, High Altitude Observatory S/H027-J-Sunspots (Hilltop/SP and FT/Tucson) Fourier Tachometer 90 650V2

1518 D Bruning, University of Louisville T/Line Asymmetries in Arcturus McMath Main 1672

1138 D Deming, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center T/Monitoring Apparent Velocity of Integrated Sunlight McMath FTS Lab 12

-1- Nights Hours Days Hours 1089 R Dunn, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B230-Tower Engineering Evans Solar Facilitv/SP

1533 R Dunn. National Optical Astronomy Observatories M Darvann, University of Oslo S/T349-Adaptive Optics Vacuum Tower/SP 32

1519 J Eaton, Center of Excellence in Information Systems T/Balmer Lines in Zeta-Aurigae Binaries McMath Main 97a

1536 D Elmore, D Tomczyk, B Lites, High Altitude Observatory/NCAR S/T351-Prototype Advanced Stokes Polarimeter Fringing ... Vacuum Tower/SP 21 204

1180 G Elste, University of Michigan S/B183-Limb Darkening Freed from Scattered Light in Tele. Evans Solar Facility/SP 14

1522 R Falciani, Osservatorio Astrofisico Arcetri L Smaldone, Capodimonte Ast~ >mical Observatory D Rabin, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Restaino, Universita di Firenze T/Simultaneous Visible and IR Obs. of Solar Flares Solar Vacuum 4 15 McMath Main 3 17

1532 R Falciani, Osservatorio Astrofisico Arcetri L Smaldone, Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory D Rabin, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S Restaino, Universita di Firenze S/T348-Simultaneous Visible and LR Observations of Solar.. Vacuum Tower/SP 15 117 Nights Hours Days Hours 1475 P Foukal, T Moran, Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, Inc. T/Infrared Photometry of Faculae McMath Main 10

1483 P Foukal, T Moran, Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, Inc. S/B261-Electric Fields Evans Solar Facility/SP 28 47

1556 P Foukal, T Moran, Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, Inc. S/B276-Test UV Imaging 3000A to 360oA Evans Solar Facility/SP 15

1448 M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Synoptic Studies of Ha in "Marginal" BY Draconis Stars McMath Main 22 7372

1461 M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Rotational Modulations of the He ID Line in Active ... McMath Main 1572

5273 M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Simultaneous Call Resonance Line & Infrared H& K... McMath FTS Lab 16

1025 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B057-Monitoring: Community Evans Solar Facility/SP 62 192

1026 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B062-Coronagraph Monitor Evans Solar Facility/SP 42 161 Nights Hours Days Hours 1034 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H001-Flare Patrol (Monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 91

1035 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H002-White Light Patrol (Monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 91 27

1036 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H003-Multiple Band Polarimeter (Monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 11 79

1039 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H008-White Light Sunspot Drawing Hilltop Dome/SP 91 91

1099 L Gilliam, B Armstrong, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B166-Measuring and Tuning Hilltop Filters and Optics Evans Solar Facility/SP

1126 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/BOlO-Ha Slitjaw Movie Evans Solar Facility/SP

3790 J Harvey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Vacuum Synoptic Program: Daily/Community Solar Vacuum 91 373

1137 R Hubbard, J Harvey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/GONG Candidate Absorption Line 5 ;dies McMath Main Nights Hours Days Hours 1450 D Jennings, D Deming, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center D Zipoy, T Hewagama, University of Maryland T/Solar Magnetic Field Studies Using the 12-micron ... McMath Main 14 65

5578 D Jennings, S Nadler, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center J Hillman, J Keady, Los Alamos National Laboratory W Blass, University of Tennessee A Weber, National Bureau of Standards T/Continuation: Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopy for... McMath FTS Lab 46

1149 W Livingston, L Wallace, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Solar Irradiance Line Bisectors McMath FTS Lab 15

1209 W Livingston, L Wallace, National Optical Astronomy Observatories M Steffen, Kiel University T/Spectrum Irradiance Variability of Sun McMath Main 14 115

1453 W Livingston, L Wallace, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Elkins, NOAA T/FTS Measurements of Atmospheric Trace Gases McMath FTS Lab 11 96

5877 J LoPresto, C Schrader, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania T/Solar Gravitational Redshifts McMath Main

1531 C Mahaffey, Kitt Peak National Observatory T/Using the Solar Absorption Lines to Determine Solar Rota. Solar Vacuum 50

•5- Nights Hours Days Hours 1495 S Martin, California Institute of Technology K Harvey, National Solar Observatory/Tucson T/Magnetic & Velocity Full Observation of the Active & ... Solar Vacuum 23 7272

1135 P Mcintosh, NOAA L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Marquett, California Institute of Technology S/B001-NOAA Monitoring Program Evans Solar Facility/SP 91 152

1488 H Nations, Franklin & Marshall College L Marschall, Gettysburg College T/Synoptic Spectroscopy of X-ray Selected Late-Type... McMath Main 12 40

1136 H Neckel, Hamburger Stemwarte D Labs, Landesstemwarte Heidelberg D Marquett, California Institute of Technology T/FTS Spectra McMath FTS Lab 11

1462 JNeff, S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics T/TiO Bandhead Measurements of Starspots Area and Temp. McMath Main 4272

1465 JNeff, S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics T/Line Asymmetries in Late-Type Dwarfs McMath Main 17

1513 D Neidig, AFSC/GL S/T243-Simultaneous Three-Wavelength Flare Photometry ... Vacuum Tower/SP 15 86

-6- Nights Hours Days Hours 1235 A Pierce, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Solar Gravitational Redshift McMath Main 13 51

1296 D Rabin, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Near-Infrared Magnetograms using Fe I A.15649 McMath Main 16

1524 S Restaino, Universita di Firenze S/B265-Wave Behavior in the Photosphere 5434A Evans Solar Facility/SP 16 130

1554 S Restaino, Universita di Firenze L Smaldone, Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory S/H036-Patrol of Active Regions for Flares Hilltop Dome/SP 14

1557 S Restaino, Universita di Firenze S/B274-Patrol of Active Regions for Flares Evans Solar Facility/SP 12 35

1473 A Righini, Universita di Firenze T/Line Profile Variations Induced by Acoustic Gravity Modes McMath FTS Lab 24

1534 T Rimmele, Kiepenheuer Institut fur Sonnenphysik P Wiborg, USAF/GL S/T350-Correlation Tracker Test and Application Vacuum Tower/SP 15 136

1222 C Rinsland, J Levine, NASA Langley Research Center T/Monitoring of Long Term Trends in Concentrations of... McMath FTS Lab 40

1525 D Rust, Johns Hopkins University S/B270-Solar Vector Magnetograph Filter Tests Evans Solar Facility/SP

-7- Nights Hours Days Hours 1540 D Rust, J O'Byme, Johns Hopkins University S/H034-Vector Magnetograph Hilltop Dome/SP 40 353

1426 S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics J Linsky, University of Colorado M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Synoptic Observations of Magnetic Fields on G & K... McMath Main 3872

1523 F Scherb, D Schultz, S Nossal, University of Wisconsin, Madison F Roesler, University of Wisconsin T/Fabry-Perot/CCD Observations of Comet Austin McMath Main 37 192

1037 R Smartt, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H004-Coronal One-Shot (Monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 29

1555 G Smith, University of California, Santa Cruz S/B275-Observations of Aluminum and Silicon Lines Evans Solar Facility/SP 68

1520 M Smith, C Rinsland, NASA Langley Research Center V Malathy Devi, College of William and Mary T/Laboratory Measurements of Temperature Dependence... McMath FTS Lab 66

1053 M Smith, CSC/IUE Observatories/NASA T/Radial Velocity Variations of Alpha On and Two other... McMath Main 12 13 Nights Hours Days Hours 1527 M Smith, CSC/IUE Observatories/NASA T/Synoptic Observations of a Rapidly Rotating Beta Cephei. McMath Main 10

1528 J Stauffer, NASA Ames Research Center M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Lithium Abundance & Chromosphere Activity McMath FTS Lab 20

1514 R Steinitz, D Rust, Johns Hopkins University S/T344-Spatial Structure of Magnetic Fields in Active ... Vacuum Tower/SP 44

1474 I Tuominen, M Poutanen, University of Helsinki N Piskunov, USSR Academy of Science S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics T/Surface Imaging of the FK Comae Star HD 199178 McMath Main

1210 O White, Lazy FW Ranch T/Sun as a Star: Ca II Profile Measurements McMath Main 25

1479 B Woodgate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center R Smartt, L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B257-Limb Flares 7080A + -300A Evans Solar Facility/SP

1024 E Worden, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory S Keil, AFGL/SL S/B044-Solar Rotation 3898-3954A Evans Solar Facility/SP 65 217

Total number of proposals: 69 Total number of proposals: 69
