2015 150 Happy birthday, Monsieur Jaques! Bon anniversaire, Monsieur Jaques ! Foreword Paul Hille, Vienna, Feb. 2016 2015 was a great year for the international field’s major event of scientific exchange and Eurhythmics community due to Émile Jaques-Dal- acknowledgment of the crucial impulses by croze’s 150th birthday. This volume of Le Rythme the founder of Eurhythmics, including his documents three mayor events. In March: method but also his philosophy and Wel- q The Remscheid Conference: Émile Jaques- tanschauung. Dalcroze 150 – Bonne anniversaire! Interna- All the three events and with them the articles tional Eurhythmics Festival with a special by authors from Germany, Australia, Austria, the artistic outcome by the foundation of the USA, Canada, Korea —for the first time! — and Remscheid Open Arts Rhythmics Reactor/ the UK show that our community is on its way to ROARR. q a more specific scientific discourse. Eckart In July: Altenmüller explains the multisensory-mo- q The Geneva Congrès International Jaques- tor integration, audiation and embodiment Dalcroze, which concerned the interactions of Eurhythmics. between pedagogy, art and science and their q expand historical research on the first and influence on learning music through music later generations of Dalcroze teachers. Ka- today and in future times. rin Greenhead describes personalities and q The 2nd International Conference of Dalcroze situations, which influenced Émile Jaques- Studies (ICDS) in Vienna. Thanks to John Dalcroze’s life and investigates why and how Habron, this conference has become our he created his method. She also gives an About Le Rythme est édité par la FIER (Fédération Internationale des Enseignants de Rythmique) Siège social : 44, Terrassière, CH-1207 Genève www.fier.com |
[email protected] The views expressed in Le Rythme do not necessarily represent those of FIER.