P Gloss.1713

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P Gloss.1713 GLOSSARY Abbreviations Agora. The Greek equivalent of the Roman forum, a place of open-air assembly or market. (Isl) refers mainly to Islamic buildings. (Bud) refers Aisles. Lateral divisions parallel with the nave in a mainly to Buddhist buildings. (Hind) refers mainly to basilica or church. Hindu buildings. Terms relating specifically to Jap- Alabaster. A very white, fine-grained, translucent, anese architecture and construction are explained gypseous mineral, used to a small extent as a building within the relevant chapters. material in the ancient Middle East, Greece, Rome the Eastern Empire of Byzantium and, nearer to our Abacus. A slab forming the crowning member of a own day, by certain Victorian architects for its capital. In Greek Doric, square without chamfer or decorative qualities (and biblical associations). In moulding. In Greek Ionic, thinner with ovolo mould- Italy a technique was evolved many centuries ago ing only. In Roman Ionic and Corinthian, the sides are (and still survives) of treating alabaster to simulate hollowed on plan and have the angles cut off. In marble while there seems little doubt that in the past Romanesque, the abacus is deeper but projects less marble was often mistakenly described as alabaster. and is moulded with rounds and hollows, or merely Alae. Small side extensions, alcoves or recesses chamfered on the lower edge. In Gothic, the circular opening from the atrium (or peristyle) of a Roman or octagonal abacus was favoured in England, while house. the square or octagonal abacus is a French feature. Alpa vimana (Hind). Basic form of shrine in south Ablaq (Isl). Alternating courses of masonry in Indian temple architecture. contrasting colours. Alure. An alley, walk or passage. A gallery behind Abutment. Solid masonry which resists the lateral a parapet. pressure of an arch. Amalaka (Hind). ‘Myrobolan fruit’; ribbed crown- Acanthus. A plant whose leaves, conventionally ing member in north Indian temples. treated, form the lower portions of the Corinthian Ambo. A raised pulpit from which the Epistle and capital. the Gospel were read in a Christian church. Acropolis. Most ancient Greek cities were built on Ambry or aumbry. A cupboard or recess in a hills, the citadel on the summit being known as the church to contain sacred vessels. acropolis, containing the principal temples and treas- Ambulatory. The cloister or covered passage ure-houses. around the east end of a church, behind the altar. Acroteria. Blocks resting on the vertex and lower Amorino. Diminutive of Amor, the Roman god of extremities of the pediment to support statuary or love, identified with the Greek Eros. Amorini were ornaments. usually represented by Renaissance artists as Adobe. Sun-dried (i.e. unbaked) brick, often used as cherubs. the core of a wall behind a facing of stone bricks. Amphi-antis. A temple with columns between Adyton or adytum. The most sacred room of a antae (i.e. a recessed portico) at both ends. None such Greek temple. Usually approached from the naos by a survives. doorway. Amphi-prostyle. A temple with a portico at both Aedicule. A small temple-like arrangement, origi- ends. nally limited to shrines, which became a common Ancones. Consoles on either side of a doorway motif in the Classical system: columns or pilasters supporting a cornice. Also, projections left on blocks carry a pedimented entablature and enframe a niche of stone such as drums of columns for use in hoisting or window. The term ‘tabernacle’ sometimes is used and setting in position. to convey a similar meaning. In Hindu architecture an Annulet. A small flat fillet encircling a column. It image or representation of a building (or shrine) used is repeated several times under the ovolo or echinus as an architectural element. of the Doric capital. 1713 1714 GLOSSARY Anta. A pilaster terminating the side wall of a Asbestos. A fibrous mineral, which has high Greek temple, with base and capital differing from resistance to fire but is hazardous to health. those of adjacent columns; also seen in Egyptian Ashlar. Masonry of smooth squared stones in temples. See Pilaster. regular courses, in contradistinction to rubble work. Antefixae. Ornamental blocks, fixed vertically at Astragal. A small semicircular moulding, often regular intervals along the lower edge of a roof, to ornamented with a bead or reel. Torus is the name cover the ends of tiles. applied to large mouldings of similar section. Anthemion. A honeysuckle or palmette ornament Astylar. A treatment of a facade without columns. of several varieties, in cornices, neckings of Ionic Atlantes. Carved male figures serving as pillars, capitals and elsewhere in Greek and Roman also called Telamones. architecture. Atrium. An apartment in a Roman house, forming Antiquarian. The phase in western European an entrance hall or court, the roof open to the sky in Renaissance architecture, c. 1750–1830, when the centre. Sometimes the rim of the roof aperture renewed inspiration was sought from ancient Greek (compluvium) was supported by four or more col- and Roman and from mediaeval architecture. Its more umns. In Early Christian and later architecture, a specific manifestations were the Greek and Gothic forecourt. Revivals (q.v.), both continuing further into the Attic. A term first applied in the Renaissance nineteenth century. period to the upper storey of a building above the Apodyterium. A room for undressing in a Roman main cornice; also applied to rooms in a roof. bath-house. Attic base. A base to a Classic column, so named Apophyge. The cavetto or concave sweep at the by Vitruvius, and formed of upper and lower torus top and bottom of the column shaft connecting it with and scotia joined by fillets; it is the most usual of all the fillet. column bases. Apse. The circular or multangular termination of a Aumbry. See Ambry. church sanctuary, first applied to a Roman basilica. Aureole. A quadrangular, circular, or elliptic halo The apse is a Continental feature, and contrasts with or frame surrounding the figure of Christ, the Virgin, the square termination of English Gothic churches. or certain saints. Also known as the mandorla or Apteral. A temple without columns on the sides. vesica piscis (q.v.). When a circular halo envelops Arabesque. Surface decoration, light and fanciful only the head, it is called a nimbus. in character, much used by Arabic artists, in elaborate Azulejos. Tile covering for walls used during the continuations of lines. Applied also to the combina- eighteenth century in Latin America. tion of flowing lines interwoven with flowers, fruit and figures as used by Renaissance artists. Bab (Isl). Gateway. Araeostyle. A term used when the space between Bailey. Open area or court of a fortified castle. two columns is more than three diameters. Baldac(c)hino. A canopy supported by columns, Arcade. A range of arches supported on piers or generally placed over an altar or tomb, also known as columns, attached to or detached from the wall. a ‘cibonum’. Arch. A structure of wedge-shaped blocks over an Ball-flower. The ornament of Decorated Gothic opening, so disposed as to hold together when architecture, possibly from a flower form or a horse supported only from the sides. bell. Arch-braced roof. See Collar-braced roof. Balloon frame. A method of light timber framing, Architrave. The beam or lowest division of the long established in the United States for domestic entablature, which extends from column to column. buildings, in which the corner posts and studs The term is also applied to the moulded frame round (intermediate posts) are continuous from cill to roof a door or window. plate, the joists carried on girts (ties) spiked to, or let Archivolt. The mouldings on the face of an arch, into, the studs, and all these elements secured by and following its contour. simple nailing. Arcuated. A building, building system or style of Baluster. A pillar or column supporting a handrail architecture, of which the principal constructive or coping, a series forming a balustrade. feature is the arch (e.g. Roman). See also Bangaldar roof (Hind). Roof with curved ridge Trabeated. and eaves, used in later Indian temples. Arris. The sharp edge formed by the meeting of Baptistery. A separate building to contain a font, two surfaces. for the baptismal rite. Art Nouveau. A decorative movement in Euro- Bar tracery. See Tracery. pean architecture, heralded in the 1880s and flourish- Barbican. An outwork of a mediaeval castle, of ing 1893–1907, characterised by flowing and sinuous which the object was to protect a drawbridge or the naturalistic ornament and avoidance of historical entrance. architectural traits. See also Jugendstil, Stile Barge board. A board fixed to the verge of a Liberty. pitched roof. GLOSSARY 1715 Baroque. A term applied to Renaissance archi- Billet. A Norman moulding of short cylinders or tecture beginning in Italy in the early seventeenth square pieces at regular intervals. century with characteristic non-Roman expression, Bipedales. Tiles, 2 ft square, used by the Romans rich, bold and full of movement. for bonding masonry. Barrel vault. A continuous vault of semicircular Bird’s beak. A moulding used in Greek archi- section, used at most periods and in many countries tecture, which in section is thought to resemble the from Roman times to the present. Also called a tunnel beak of a bird. vault, wagonhead vault, or wagon vault. Bit-hilˆani. Syrian porched house. Bartizan. A small, overhanging turret. Boss. A projecting ornament at the intersection of Bas-relief. Carving in low or shallow relief, on a the ribs of ceilings, whether vaulted or flat. The term background is also applied to the carved ends of weather Base. The lower portion of any structure or mouldings of doors and windows. architectural feature.
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