PARTONE North York Moors National Park Authority Local Development Framework Design Guide Part 1: General Principles Supplementary Planning Document North York Moors National Park Authority Design Guide Part 1: General Principles Supplementary Planning Document Adopted June 2008 CONTENTS Contents Page Foreword 3 Section 1: Introducing Design 1.1 Background 4 1.2 Policy Context 4 1.3 Design Guide Supplementary Planning Documents 7 1.4 Aims and Objectives 8 1.5 Why do we need a Design Guide? 9 Section 2: Design in Context 2.1 Background 10 2.2 Landscape Character 11 2.3 Settlement Pattern 19 2.4 Building Characteristics 22 Section 3: General Design Principles 3.1 Approaching Design 25 3.2 Landscape Setting 26 3.3 Settlement Form 27 3.4 Built Form 28 3.5 Sustainable Design 33 Section 4: Other Statutory Considerations 4.1 Conservation Areas 37 4.2 Listed Buildings 37 4.3 Public Rights of Way 38 4.4 Trees and Landscape 38 4.5 Wildlife Conservation 39 4.6 Archaeology 39 4.7 Building Regulations 40 Section 5: Application Submission Requirements 5.1 Design and Access Statements 42 5.2 Design Negotiations 45 5.3 Submission Documents 45 Appendix A: Key Core Strategy and Development Policies 47 Appendix B: Further Advice and Information 49 Appendix C: Glossary 55 Map 1: Landscape Character Types and Areas 13 Table 1: Landscape Character Type Descriptors 14 • This document can be made available in Braille, large print, audio and can be translated. Please contact the Planning Policy team on 01439 770657, email
[email protected] or call in at The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley YO62 5BP if you require copies in another format.