MAKES WAR on to the City
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LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1906. 4 — k. THOSE JOURNEYS TO CUBA » <r LOS ANGELES HERALD Wiggins of the OY THE HERALD COMPANY. Secretary Frank M-Llncs and Pick-Ups $2 chamber of commerce is in receipt of DOUGLAS .gomtraiaoDOflr^ Leather C. FIIVLAVSOTV President HYDE FRANK specimens ROUT. SI. YOST Editorial Manager of "literature" that are be-< • •.'H. JjAVERTV Bn«ln«— Manager Ingsent out from .Chicago in advertise- rE resort, Could Ha Beat It? Ba§s 98c ment of Cuba as a winter and it Sir Thomas Llpton is to build another OLfiEST MORNING PAPER IN acknowledged the publi- yacht try again ARRIVES TODAY ANGELES. must be that and for the "America" \tL Large sine, made from good leath- LOS cations are beautiful, catchy and well cup.—News item.) HG-Jm H BL'»L—J VolfiY»Tai7 0 \jgr walrus, \ Fonnfted Oct. 2, 1873. Thlrtj-tblrd Year. \lll.JJj^Ly m.^-^^vHU»^.^F/wrTSSr M £27 ers, in seal and morocco BnlldlnK. to tempt the uninformed. Ja» \u25a0• Chamber of Commerce calculated Across the ocean comes a wall grains; lined and fitted inside with 11. Home. of them called COMMITTEEBIDS WELCOME TO TELEPHONES-Sunset. Presa There are magazines, one Sir Thomas Liplon'd race once more >OTrafc£^' purse, card case and mirror; latest ?'fcg . Herald. "The 400," handsomely Illustrated and 110 longs to cross tho raging main nut Cuba for- And take tho "mug" to Erin's shore, SCHOLAR Official Paper of Los Angeles containing features that %Z£*^>oSs ward to the best advantage. These are Sir Tommy, as a sport, you're flno, BROADW/tf&S^LOSANCHfS:STEEIEEftRiS&WALKER CCt [ .«?*& « only Democratic newspaper J? followed by elaborate folders and a But as a racer—"28!" Ths receivini: the full A»- Southern California regular nystem of distribution euch as "We'll build no boat to sail, but send Great Gaelic Teacher Entertained at tocUted Press reports. ye! . rallronds know so well how to manage. The drydock Dowey after Santa Barbara and Met at Troplco Heights Dry i Boyle NEWS of the Asso- Wind^Up of the Stock of the Goods Store J SERViCE-MeraberIts full report, But all these things are another Oregon Is going to raise the size of ciated Press, receiving Hosiery by Los Angeles FRIDAY,"SOMETHING DOING" DAY. »ver«» m 25.000 words a day. lesson to Los Angeles not to abate for her cows by stuffing them. I*> ft Thomiv experts say the average Oregon calf arc : EASTERN AGENTS-Smlth promotion that | Great trading chances resultant from the combination of unusual "SOMETHING DOING" Potter building. New York; Tribune a moment the work of stuffing. Friends feon. po successfully doesn't need the final clean-up of Boyle Heights dry goods stock which we have been \u25a0 fcullfllng has been carried for- day bargains and the Chicago. ___— sizes, ward during the past several years. It An Oakland man claims to have selling out this week. A great aggregation of remnants, short lines, broken odds and ends OF SUBSCRIPTION. WITH bluffed out Scotty by daring him to a Commencing today with a special BATES 13 notification that Loa Angeles of various merchandise, together with underpriced specials from different departments. Extra SUNDAY MAGAZINE: also a bath in champagne. Scotty had doubts delegation of Angelenos at Tropico the Carrier, *•» for alittle more promo- a bath, it shoppers —big . Dally,by per month must awhile do about the effect of seems. Gaelic league will honor Dr. Dougla3 inducements for early savings all clay. Dally,byjjnatl. three montha J_> tion work than ever in order to meet Dally, by snail. »ix m0nth5... »\u25a0»» One is almost tempted to believe, Hyde, which will continue during his Dally. bySnail., one year ...........• and conquer this new form of opposi- is person year £•»» these days that there no such visit here. The local sons of Erin and $2.50 Three Panel Folding Screens $1.75 Bunday hfrald. by mall, one Mizner; merely \u25a0 l-W tion. as that itis the name Weekly by mall, one year 2.WJ the Celtic people with those interested folding screens: wood frames with fancy figured sllkolines; made strong and sub- H|rald. quite probable that manag- of a set-rich-quick syndicate. Five feet high three-panel filled Postofnce, Los Angelas, Itis the in the Gaelic revival will vie with each stantial; worth $2.50; sale "SOMETHINGDOING"day, each $1.75. Entered 'at as do the has on Second-class Matter. ing officials -of the chamber of com- Poppy—He put his arms around me other to honor to man who ' already perfecting all neces- twice last night. succeeded in uniting protestant and THE HEhALD IN SANFKANCISCO- merce are Catholic in the mother country, who Angeles and Southern California visit- sary arrangements for larger and more Magnolia—What long arms he must $7.50 $4.48 t-os Cad The have! now work shoulder to shoulder for the $1.25 Smyrna Rugs 75c Ingrain Rugs or* to lan Francl.«co will Heral_ expensive promoting the size, on sals at the news stands In th« Pa!ac« methods of betterment of the Irish race. Five-foot Symrna rugs; good, durable, Room 9 feet square, all wool in- jJSmS BStt^Sl Soli and St Francis hotels, and for sale by future of Los Angeles. The chamber At 10:30 a. m. a special car willleave rugs; at News 8 Another Laying Hen the hard-wearing quality; come in hit and grain fast colors; soft color jj@3£ib Cooper & Co.. 546 Market: Co.. yet been caught napping, the Huntlngton depot with execu- combinations; r «SBS|^wiK'?4Sf'~ r P. Ferry, and on the streets by Wheatloy has never and PhillipHenn has laid a new floor in tive committee and members of the miss patterns and mottled effects in well made; worth $7.. >o; 'KfITOV«JIh.' jBlVi| while itis certain that the Inauguration his grocery store.—Leesville, Colo., press to meet Dr. and Mrs. Hyde at green; fringed rnds; worth \u25a0on sale "SOMETHING DOING" day, 201,249 cannot Light. Troplco. Joseph Scott, Lawrence red and Vi^*srt^ai^^S»Blllfi' Population of Los Angeles of the new journeys to Cuba and $1.25; on sale "SOMETHING DOING" each $4.48. last It should be made equally certain A Topeks, Kas., bartender had a de- Brannick* willcome with the distin- '" l^^^^li^^^^lv guished guest and his wife from winter travel be not lusion the other day that the author- Santa " Today's Amusements that the tide of ities going to raid joint. He Barbara. Klegnnt apartments have $I*ooI* Gray "Sweot Nell of Old Drury. from were his engaged and Mrs. Hyde 00 Motllcd >I \SOX — diverted this section. was insane and sent to the been for Dr. 25 Comforts 95c Heidelberg.' adjudged at the Alexandria, party 7\ BELASCO "Old— AH information thus far received Is asylum. where the will DiailKeib /OC . HOTCHKTSS— "A Gaiety Girl. repair for luncheon. Soft sllkoline covered comforters; *2mSgfU "Richard Carvel. to that tour is cotton; hand- gray blankets; ftM\M\WSSISS BURBANK the effect the Cuban Anthony says evening a public reception will filled with pure white Full-size 10-4 mottled Q&3££?y II/I* ORPHKUM—Vaudeville. satisfactory, Susan B. man is a joke. This comforts; soft and comfortable; fleecy, pretty borders; u^aQEKfiS —"My Wife's Family. ; not but some things have ' • be tendered Dr. and Airs. Hyde at the tutted soft and with S^^aijS GRAND — But she never took one. sale DO- regular $1.00 quality; on 1«^^^s£j-' "The Slaves of Russia. will Alexandria, all invited to worth $1.25; on "SOMETHING sale "SOME- "~ NOVEt/TY — occurred that give It prestige for when are DOING" day, es l" ' "Monte Carlo. Louis meet the guest of honor. Saturday INi.'r" day, each 95c. THING a pair 75c. QffffTO FISCHER'SBurlesque. „ a unless Los Angeles gets busier Two St. women were arrested will STAR— timo fighting be devoted to Dr. Hyde's favorite \u25a0 ana It that for over a wooden Indian. — UNlQUE—"Baxter's Invention thun usual and sees to more Yes, both old pastime automoblling. the evening \u25a0 were maids. In Vaudeville.- attractive information is sent out td the Rt. Rev. Bishop Conaty will entertain $1.75 you good, at the $2.50 White Blankets 12&cFigured Silkolines 5c 15c Curtain Swiss 7J4c emperor of China is very ill. Too eastern tourists. If can't be at least be with a dinner episcopal resi- .'The careful. dence, 717 South Burlington avenue. Extra large size white blankets; New Oriental and floral designs; Fancy white, dotted and figured Tsi-An-itls, maybe. Jong, soft, llcecy nap; pretty bor- for covers, cur- swisa; yard wide; much to suitable comfort curtain mill'rem- Charitable Will Go Santa Catalina ders; shell stitched edges; on sale tains, etc.: worth 121/j.o: on sale .nants, 6to 20 yards long: worth l".c: ; says congress has no OUR NEW FEDERAL BUILDING Sunday willbe devoted to a pleasure "SOMETHING DOING" day, a pair "SOMETHING DOING" day, a on sale "SOMETHING DOING" Senator^ Flint Wlion first Icalled on Polly, trip Catalina, preceding yard, yard, fortifications at San Pedro jolly, to which Dr. $1.70. sc. day, a 7%c. funds for . Designs as submitted for the new Altho' she was quite Hyde, who is an Kpiscopalian, will at- this year. Then what's the use of going I that at a distance Imust stay. ' Los Angeles federal building have felt tend an early service at St. Paul's pro- to China, If we leave our Iwanted to come nearer, of the executive war with been viewed with the strongest ap- cathedral.