Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) Morphological analysis and lemmatization for Swiss German using weighted transducers Reto Baumgartner University of Zurich
[email protected] Abstract haar and Wyler, 1997, p. 37). Conversely it pos- sesses infinitive particles that are not known to StG. With written Swiss German becoming SwG consists of different local dialects that more popular in everyday use, it has be- mainly differ in phonology and to a lesser extent in come a target for text processing. The ab- vocabulary. There is no standard orthography, but sence of a standard orthography and the there are proposals for sound-character assignment variety of dialects, however, lead to a vast like Dieth-Schreibung (Dieth, 1986) or Bärndüt- variation in different spellings which makes schi Schrybwys (Marti, 1985a) that are, however, this task difficult. We built a system based not known to everyone. This results in a high vari- on weighted transducers that recognizes ability of spellings influenced by both dialects and over 90% of the tokens in certain texts. personal writing preferences. As an example for Weights ensure preferring the best analysis the StG word Jahr “year”, we found in our corpus for most words while at the same time al- Jahr and Jaar, Johr and Joor, even Joh for different lowing for very broad range of spelling pronunciations and spelling preferences. variations. Our morphological tagset that The lack of a standard orthography and the vast- we defined for this purpose and lemmas in ness of variants motivate the choices that have to Standard German open the possibility for be made to process these dialects.