PHA Webletter April 2012.Pub
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PORT HILLS ATHLETIC CLUB NEWSLETTER April 2012 PORT HILLS ATHLETIC CLUB Port Hills Athletic Club, PO Box 12-069, Beckenham. Clubrooms: Hansen Park, Hawford Road, Opawa. Contactnam esand Phonenum bers THE CLUB WEEK PRESIDENT GaryMcIlroy 354-1005 VICE-PRESIDENT KevinJago 980-2457 This is intended as a guide to regular club SECRETARY PeterKing 341-1154 activities for members and interested persons. Please phone the contact numbers, as TREASURER DaveKennedy 942-2222 holidays or rather lack of regularly updated XC&ROADCLUBCAPTAIN information may render the following PeterWatts 332-1964 misleading or inaccurate. XC&ROADJUNIOR,CLUBCAPTAIN MONDAY PaulJohnston 3 3 2 - 1 8 9 4 4.30pm Children’s Hill Training - T&FCLUBCAPTAIN Halswell Quarry Philip Chapman (322-4266). GeorgeEdwards 960-3993 5.00pm Steady state OR speed workouts - T&FJUNIOR,CLUBCAPTAIN Ayr St, Hagley Park: Pete Watts (332-1964). SueLeadbeater 366-2376 SELECTORS TUESDAY KevinKnight 358-7220 5.00pm Hill reps or Circuit training - PeterWatts 332-1964 meet 31 Dunn St: Pete Watts (332-1964). COMMITTEE 5.00pm Children’s Cross-Country Training - PeterBayliss 980-8395 Hansen Park Paul Johnston (332-1894) WahrenHensley 389-8944 WEDNESDAY ElizabethKeenan 322-1006 9.30am Hill run/walk for all levels - KerryRutherford 981-0941 Hansen Park: Glen Watts (332-1964). GlenWatts 332-1964 5.00pm Steady state training MikeNewland 332-6411 Ayr St, Hagley Park: Pete Watts (332-1964). Your Newsletter THURSDAY Contributionsforthe nextissue should be 5.00pm Steady state OR speed workouts - r e c e i v e d b y 2 0 t h M a y 2 0 1 2 . P l e a s e p o s t Ayr St, Hagley Park: Pete Watts (332-1964). articlesto PO Box 12-069,Beckenham ;Orleave 5.00pm Children’s Cross-Country Training - them in the m ailbox atthe c l u b r o o m s ; O r e m a i l Ayr St, Hagley Park Paul Johnston (332-1894) (textonly please)to one ofthe editorialteam : GeorgeEdwards 9 6 0 - 3 9 9 3 FRIDAY [email protected]. nz 9.30am A flat run/bike/walk for all fitness levels – T o m J a r m a n 3 3 2 - 9 8 7 7 Hansen Park Graham White (322-7147). [email protected] SATURDAY John Caughley 9 8 0 - 4 4 3 5 [email protected] TBA See Club Calendar (Mar 2012 Newsletter) and Coming Events for details for Saturdays. Thism onth’sContents SUNDAY PresidentandCaptains’columns p3 7.30am Hill run (Long run on the Port Hills) - ComingEvents p4 meet 31 Dunn St: Pete Watts (332-1964). Notices pp4-5 Events&Results pp8-11 U n i f o r m s Advertising pp5-7 A dults’:available from Faye Fyfe,Ph 942-3366 Photos pp5,11. Singlets $40, Crop tops $40, Jackets $90. Coverphoto: M um s’A w ardsrecipients Children’s:from Sue Leadbeater,Ph 366-2376. atthe C hildren’s Prize-giving cerem ony.(See page 11.) NEWSLETTERADVERTISINGRATES M orephotosm ay beseen on theClub website. 1/4 page: $10/issue; $100/year(11 issues) 1/2page: $20/issue; $180/year Fullpage: $35/issue; $350/year C a l l T o m J a r m a n o r John Caughley PORT HILLS ATHLETIC CLUB NEWSLETTER April 2012. Page 3 A Pleased President TRACK & FIELD CLUB CAPTAIN’S As the weather gets better and better, it REPORT, MARCH- APRIL would seem, we are now back in cross- country mode, which of course, means that The last month has been the climax of the winter is on its way. season for most of our athletes , with the NZ As you probably know, I am a strong believer Track & Field Championships in Auckland, South that the winter is a great time to build up your Island Secondary Schools Championships in Nelson,The Interprovincials in Auckland and the strength and endurance. Most elite athletes Canterbury versus Tasman meeting in Nelson. perform at their best when they have Club athletes featured well in all the events and wintered successfully. details are given in reports later in the newsletter. Congratulations to all of our prize winners from the summer season and all those that The NZ Track and Field Championships at Wai- takeri Stadium were a step up on previous as re- achieved their goals and gained new PB’s. gards entertainment and hype with a big screen A big thanks to all that those that have given and over the top commentaries. Our five athletes up their time and energy to make it possible in the Canterbury team acquitted themselves well for our athletes to compete and represent the in tough competition, with not as many medals as club so successfully. in previous years reflecting the stiff contests. Do keep involved with Port Hills during the Our five athletes in the Canterbury Interprovincial winter season. team competing in Auckland contributed greatly I have written a report on the Hansen Park to the teams points which gained Canterbury third repairs in this month’s newsletter (page 4) place in a fiercely competitive environment. There but in summary, things seem to be taking were lots of personal bests, with one, by Summer shape and we should be good to go for next Rutherford in the G12 80m hurdles, setting a new season. Canterbury record. (Details on page 10.) Have a fabulous month and keep up the A record number of fifteen club athletes repre- training. sented Canterbury in the children’s contest with Gary McIlroy Nelson in Nelson, and again a number of President personal bests were recorded. XC&RCLUBCAPTAIN’SREPORT Again in Nelson the South Island Secondary H i M e m b e r s , Schools Track & Field championships saw a W elcom eto thecrosscountry season.W ehave number of club athletes competing for their schools with good results being recorded, as is had good lead-up racesto startw ith,nam ely Link noted in the report later in the newsletter. Relay atthe H alsw ellQ uarry,in w hich PortH ills had big num bersand good results.Thisw as So looking back it was a season like no other, follow ed by H agley Trialsheld atCurletts where despite difficulties with facilities and train- Reserve.Theafternoon w aslovely and w arm and ing, club athletes still produced performances of the highest calibre, and this was reflected in the racing w ascom petitive forboth adultsand child- prizegiving and breakup on March the 20th where ren.Follow ing these eventsw e held theTurkey a great crowd of athletes and parents gathered at TrotatHansen Park over6km .Runnershad to the Manning Intermediate school hall to celebrate estim ate the tim e thatthey thoughtthatthey our successes. Well done to all of you for produc- w ould do forthedistanceand hand in their ing some great performances and results, and we w atches. O urfirstinterclub race w asthe H agley look forward to next season. (See page 11.) Relays.PortH illshad them ostteam sentered and To wrap up we are planning a meeting of anyone ourbestnum bersfortw o seasons,w ith the interested to recap on the past season and to M astersw om en picking up firstplace.O verall, plan for the future – this will be advised soon. ourteam sbattled on,w ith som e good individual Have a great winter and see you in the spring. tim esforearly in the season. George Edwards Training hasbeen going very w ell,w ith Pauland Igetting good num bersattending and results starting to show .D on’tforgetTuesday training forthe w interisleaving from 31 D unn Streetat 5 p m . W ellm em bers,notm uch m oreatthisstage– keep up thegood work. P e t e W a t t s PORT HILLS ATHLETIC CLUB NEWSLETTER April 2012. Page 4 PortH illsNew M em bers COMING EVENTS A specialwelcom eto ournew m em bersthis NB Check the Sports Draw in Wednesday’s Press m o n t h : C hristine B urnett May ElleanorB ell 5th Children’s Forest Relay, Bottle Lake Hanmer Half Marathon /10k, Hanmer Domain G eorgia Sevier 2pm Club run/walk, Hansen Park Isabella Levestam 6th (Sun) 10am N.B./Oly 15k Road Race, Greenpark Jam ieHawker 10th (Thurs) ChCh Sec Schools Road Champs, N. Hagley J o J o h n s t o n 12th 2pm Club Hill Climb Champs, Hansen Park M a r k W e b b Please bring a plate N y a l a W a i t e 19th 1.15pm Jane Paterson XC races, Rawhiti Domain R osie Zinzan-D ickie 2pm Club run/walk, Same venue Sam anthaBenson-Pope th 26 9.45am N.B./Oly 5k Road Race, Rawhiti Domain Trinity G ilm our 2pm Club run/walk, Hansen Park th 29 (Tues) ChCh Secondary Schools XC Champs, Hansen Park Grounds & Clubhouse Repair. Halswell Quarry Like much of Canterbury’s rebuild, the repair of June our Hansen Park grounds and clubhouse is a 2nd 2pm Club run/walk, Hansen Park slow process. 3rd ChCh Airport Marathon/ Half Marathon/10k We have been working with the council and as From theQuarry you will probably have seen, the track area has (M ondays,starting at4.30 pm ) been levelled and reseeded. In the last few weeks, the new grass has begun to appear and A notherw interhasarrived,so it’stim e to get things should be great for next season. those longerspikesout. Some minor clubhouse repairs have been carried TheRim Run /HillClim b hasstarted again with out by our own members, “Thank you”, but acoupleofm inorchanges.W ew illputthetim er delays have occurred to the main repair work, on theotherside oftheroad thisyearand take all due to lengthy negotiation with the insurers etc.