Alaska Natives: a Guide to Current Reference Sources in the Rasmuson Library
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 309 892 RC 017 166 AUTHOR Goniwiecha, Mark C. TITLE Alaska Natives: A Guide to Current Reference Sources in the Rasmuson Library. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Occasional Papers No. 10. INSTITUTION Alaska Univ., Fairbanks. Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. PUB DATE 85 NOTE 85p.; Contains some light type. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MFOI/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Alaska Natives; Annotated Bibliographies; Art; Athapascan Languages; Education; Eskimo Aleut Languages; *Eskimos; Intergroup Relations; Laws; Library Catalogs; *Library Collections; -*Library Materials; Literature; Nonprint Media; *Reference Materials; Social Sciences IDENTIFIERS Native Americans; *University of Alaska Rasmuson Library ABSTRACT This guide dOcribes reference materials concerning Alaska natives available in the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. It covers separately published reference sources. The guide includes: significant bibliographies; guides to sources; indexes; dictionaries; almanacs; directories; guides to manuscripts 2nd photographs; and a few texts, reviews, and position papers. Each individual item cited includes: a complete bibliographic citation, consisting of an assigned entry or item number; author (or editor) and title; place of publication; publisher; date of publication; number of pages; and brief annotation. Location codes or call numbers are listed ffir copies located in the Rasmuson Library collections. The introduction discusses search methods and strategies, using the microfiche and card catalogs, and related Library of Congress subject headings. Sources are categcfized as: general bibliographical and reference sources; specific native groups; natives and the land; natives and the law; social relations; anthropology, ethnology, and archeology; historical, biographical, and archival sources; native language sources; native literature and art; nonprint materials; education and career materials; periodical sources; almanacs and. statistical sources; and directories. This annotated bibliography contains 116 references and an index. (DHP) ******************************************************** ***** ********** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ******************************* ***** *********** ********* ******** ******* yes,: ference Sources on Libra_ c oc" -kr U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Office of Educational ResearchEDUCATION and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been received from the personreproduced as Originating it or organization Minor changes nave beenmade to improve reproduction qualify Points of view or opinions went do not necessarilystated in this doccr, represent official OERI position or policy "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GI ANTED BY bY Mark. C. Goniwiecha TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES AVAILABa INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." 7 THE ELMER E. RASMUSON LIBRARY OCCASIONALPAPERS 1. Picture Alaska by Joseph Drazan. 1972 (Issued without series statement. Out of print). Second Edition by Joseph Burke. 1974 (Issued without series statement). 2. Alaska Place Names by Alan Edward Schorr. 1974 (Out of print). 3. Preliminary List 21 Early Alaskan Imprints, 1869through 1911 by Charles H. Parr. 1974. 4. Alaska Place Names Pronunciation Guide by Tom Duncan, David L. Geesin and Kathryn Jensen. 5. University of Alaaka IheAtaan Dissertations 1926-May 1977 : An Index by David A. Hales and Janet G. Burke. 1978. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Occasional Papers No. 5. 6. University of Alaska Anthropological Papers : An Index by David A. Hales, Janet G. Burke, and Peter Nelson. 1979. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Occasional Papers No. 6. 7. Alaskan Environmental ImpactStatements : ABibliography compiled by Joseph J. Lewandowski. 1980. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Occasional Tapers No. 7. 8,, An Index to Ill. 7.arly History 21 AlaskannReported in 1903-1907 Fairbanks Newspapers by David A. Hales. 1980. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Occasional Papers No. 8. 9. A Guide to the Manuscript Holdings gf the Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, Alaska and Polar Regions ReP artment. 1983. The Elifiar E. Rasmuson Library Occasional Papers No. 9. 10. Alaska Natives : A Guide 12 Current Reference Sourcesin the Rasmuson 'Library by Mark C. Goniwiecha. 1985. The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. Occasional Papers No. 10. The Elmer E. Rasmuson LibraryOccasional Papers No. 10 Alaska Natives: A Guide to Current ReferenceSources in the Rasmuson Library by Mark C. Goniwiecha Elmer E. Rasmuson Library University of Alaska-Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 1985 4 Alaska Natives: A Guide to Current Reference Sources in the RasmusonLibrary Copyright @ 1985 by Mark C.Goniwiecha Note on the Cover The photograph (No. 72-71-3602)which illustrates the cover is reproduced from the Lomen Collection inthe Archives, Alaska and Tolar Regions Dept.,Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Used with permission. University of Alaska-FairbanksCataloging in Publication Data Goniwiecha, Mark C. Alaska natives : a guide to current referencesources in the Rasmuson Library / by Mark C. Goniwiecha. Fairbanks : Elmer E. RasmusonLibrary, 1985. (The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library occasional papers ; no. 10) Includes index. 1. Indians of NorthAmerica--Alaska--Bibliography. I. Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. II. Title. III. Series. E78.A3G66 1985 Preface Alaska Natives:- A Guide I& CurrentReference Sources, in the Rasmuson Library is intended to serve as a practical, interdisciplinarytool for anyone in interested conducting Alaska Nativerelated research on the UAF campus or beyond. As such, it willserve the research and teaching needs ofthe Alaska Native programsas well as a wide variety of courses focusing on Alaska Native concerns which are offered by otherdepartments on Campus, includingthe anthropology, art, education, ' English, geography, history, libraryscience, and music programs, among others. It is hoped that it will contribUte to the University's goals of enhancing teaching, research andpublic service by facilitating research and retrieval effortsin Alaska Native studies. Moreover, because of theRasmuson Library's statureas a statewide resource, the guide will facilitate research for the sizeable number. of visitors and off-campus researchers yho routinely avail themselves of UAF library resources. Librarians'are available at the Rasmuson Library Reference Desk to assist.any individual who has a question regarding the locationofmaterialsdescribed in this guide,or the use of any item once found,or any question concerning libraryresources. The author anticipatesthat this reference guide will be revised and updatedperiodically. If the reader has any suggestion or comment that mightimprove the guide -- whether concerning an omissionwhich ought to be considered for inclusion next time, or a new publication, or an error to be corrected, and so on-- please bring this matterto the author's attention by completing a copy of the form printed on the lastpage of the guide. Finally, acknowledgementsand many thanks are in order to the individuals who kindly advised and assistedthe author during the compilationand writing: Dr. 'lames V. Drew, Acting Vice Chancellor for AcademicAffairs, University of Alaska-Fairbanks; Robert H. Gelman, Director of LibrarieS and Professor of LibraryScience; Sharon M. West, Head, Information Access Services, Rasmuson Library, and Associate Professor of Library Science; David Hales, AssociateProfessor of PREFAt-E Library Science; William H. Smith, Associate Professor of Library Science; Rheba Dupras, Assistant Professor of Library Science; Pauline Gunter,. Assistant of Library Science; Professor and my wife, Mary C. Teacher, Goniwiecha, Denali School, FairbanksNorth Star Borough School District. Costs of printing for, in part, by the guide were paid a mini-grant from the AndrewW. Mellon Foundation, whose generosity is Last, but appreciated greatly. certainly not least, many "thank yous" to DaVid A. Degen, my reliable studentassistant, who .entered all the data into the computer(mostly during his spring "break"!),made revisions as further necessary, and revisions, andmore, all cheerfully and without complaining. The author alone accepts responsibilityfor the quality and accuracy of thetext. Table of Contents Introduction page 1 General Bibliographical andReference Sources 7 Sources on Specific Groups 13 Natives and the Land 1'3 Alaska Natives and the Law 23 Social Relations 27 Anthropology, Ethnology andArcheology 30 Historical, Biographicaland Archival Sources Native Lahguage Sources Native Literature and Art /12 Nonprint Materials 46 Education and Career Materials 50 Periodical Sources 53 Aliaanacs and StatisticalSources 56 Directories 62 Index 67 Suggestions and Corrections Form 7E Introduction Scholarly research beginswith the syStematic collection and review of knowledge on a topic. This guide atteupts to 'contribute to academic endeavors concerning Alaska N7Itive peoples by compiling together in one place bibliographical references andlocation information on the most important and current of these sources held in the Rasmuson Library. The scope of the guide islimited to separately published reference sources on Alaska Natives. Included are significant- bibliographies. guides to sources. indexes, -dictionaries, almanacs, directories,guides to manuscripts and photographs, anda few texts, reviews and position papers. Each individual item_ cited includes a complete bibliograpical citation,.consisting of