Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th 7 p.m. MT

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1 2 Joe Fafard Robert Genn Canadian OC, RCA [1942-2019] Canadian FCA [1936-2014] RESTING COW; 1982 MIDWINTER LAKE ceramic oil on wood panel 2.75 x 4.75 x 2.5 in. (7 x 12.1 x 6.4 cm) 10 x 12 in. (25.4 x 30.5 cm) signed, dated & inscribed “#40” on the underside signed lower right; signed & titled verso $ 2,000 / 3,000 Provenance: West End Gallery, Edmonton AB $ 1,000 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

3 Horace Champagne Canadian PSA, PSC [b. 1937] LA VIEILLE CALECHE (RUE ST-DENIS, VIEUX ) pastel on paper 8 x 10 in. (20.3 x 25.4 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled on the artist’s certificate verso $ 600 / 800 4 Horace Champagne Canadian PSA, PSC [b. 1937] FLOCONS DE NEIGE (RUE ST-LOUIS, QUEBEC); 1990 pastel on paper 10 x 8 in. (25.4 x 20.3 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated on the artist’s certificate verso $ 600 / 800 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

5 6 Rod Charlesworth Robert Newton Hurley Canadian [b. 1955] Canadian [1894-1980] OFF HOLY JOES ISLAND PRAIRIE FARM WITH GRAIN ELEVATORS; 1963 oil on canvas watercolour on paper 24 x 30 in. (61 x 76.2 cm) 12 x 15.5 in. (30.5 x 39.4 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso signed & dated lower right Provenance: Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary AB $ 700 / 900 $ 1,750 / 2,250

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

7 8 Orestes Nicholas (Rick) Grandmaison Ted Raftery Canadian [1932-1985] Canadian [b. 1938] SPRING TWILIGHT; 1982 MORNING SUN NEAR COLUMBIA ICEFIELDS oil on masonite oil on canvas (gallery-wrapped) 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm) 11 x 14 in. (27.9 x 35.6 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso signed lower right; signed & titled verso Provenance: Former collection of Tara (de) Grandmaison, daughter of the artist $ 400 / 600 $ 1,200 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

9 10 Karl E. Wood Roland Gissing Canadian [1944-1990] Canadian ASA [1895-1967] BOW GLACIER (BANFF NAT’L PARK) GOLDEN SUNLIGHT oil on canvas oil on canvas 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm) 24 x 36 in. (61 x 91.4 cm) signed lower right; titled on the artist’s label verso signed lower right; titled on the stretcher verso $ 600 / 900 $ 2,500 / 3,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

11 Robert Lemay Canadian [b. 1961] TROPICAL FLOWERS; 2002 oil on canvas 40 x 60 in. (101.6 x 152.4 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso 12 $ 2,500 / 3,500 David Lloyd Blackwood Canadian CPE, CSPWC, OSA, RCA [b. 1941] THE GOLDFISH POND; 1990 monotype on paper 24.75 x 21 in. (62.9 x 53.3 cm) signed & dated lower right Provenance: West End Gallery, Edmonton AB $ 2,500 / 3,500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

14 Sheila Kernan Canadian ASA [b. 1983] FREE AND CLEAR; 2012 oil on canvas (gallery-wrapped) 13 30 x 60 in. (76.2 x 152.4 cm) Les Thomas signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso Canadian [b. 1962] $ 1,500 / 2,000 ANIMAL PAINTING #014-1119 (MOOSE); 2014 oil on cradled wood panel 24 x 24 in. (61 x 61 cm) signed, titled & dated verso Provenance: Canada House Gallery, Banff AB $ 2,000 / 3,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

15 16 Neil Patterson Roland Gissing Canadian ASA, FCA, OPA [b. 1947] Canadian ASA [1895-1967] FOOTHILLS WINTER WATERFOWL LAKE; 1964 oil on board oil on board 9 x 12 in. (22.9 x 30.5 cm) 12 x 16 in. (30.5 x 40.6 cm) signed lower right; titled verso signed lower right; signed, titled & dated on the artist’s label verso $ 400 / 600 $ 800 / 1,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

17 18 Richard Audley Freeman Georgia Jarvis Canadian [1932-1991] Canadian [1944-1990] SNOW SCENE; 1977 SO GOOD TO BE HOME; 1985 oil on masonite oil on masonite 16 x 24 in. (40.6 x 61 cm) 14 x 18 in. (35.6 x 45.7 cm) signed lower right; titled & dated verso signed & dated lower right; signed & titled verso $ 700 / 900 $ 1,200 / 1,800

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

19 Allen Sapp Canadian, Cree OC, RCA [1928-2015] KIDS HAVING LOTS OF FUN SLIDING acrylic on canvas 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm) signed lower right; titled on the artist’s tag verso Provenance: This work was received as a gift from Allen Sapp in 2007, in 20 appreciation Allen Sapp $ 2,000 / 2,500 Canadian, Cree OC, RCA [1928-2015] PULLING WOOD TO THE HOUSE acrylic on canvas 12 x 9 in. (30.5 x 22.9 cm) signed lower right $ 800 / 1,200

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

21 22 Jack King Henry George Glyde American [1920-1988] Canadian ASA, CSGA, FCA, RCA [1906-1998] TAKING A BREAK RIPE - SUSSEX; 1975 oil on canvas oil on board 14 x 18 in. (35.6 x 45.7 cm) 10 x 12 in. (25.4 x 30.5 cm) signed lower right signed lower left; signed, titled & dated verso $ 2,500 / 3,500 Provenance: Wallack Galleries, Ottawa ON $ 2,000 / 3,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

23 Sybil Andrews 24 Canadian CPE [1898-1992] Roy Leadbeater PIETA; 1932 Canadian [1928-2017] linocut in four colours on buff oriental laid tissue; ed. #31/60 WARM ICE II 10.5 x 7 in. (26.7 x 17.8 cm) bronze; ed. #7/7 signed, titled & editioned upper right in pencil 11.75 x 9.25 x 5.5 in. (29.8 x 23.4 x 14 cm) Provenance: Formerly from the collection of Peter Ohler Sr. and Bev Ohler, gifted signed & editioned to the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church (Calgary AB) in December, 1979 $ 1,500 / 2,500 $ 2,000 / 3,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

25 Marion Nicoll, Limited Edition Book and Clay Print MARION NICOLL R.C.A. By: J. Brooks Joyner First Limited Collector’s Edition; 157pp. signed by Marion Nicoll and editioned IV Publisher: Western Emerging Arts Ltd./Masters Gallery, Calgary; 1979 Printed on Carlyle Japan Antique finish and containing numerous colour and black & white photographs; blue leatherette with gilt to spine and front cover in 26 matching slipcase. Includes the original clay print (framed) specially executed for Alfred Joseph Casson this volume by Marion Nicoll, along with the separate blue leatherette folder: Canadian CGP, CSPWC, G7, OSA, RCA [1898-1992] SPARROW LAKE Marion Florence Nicoll colour linocut on paper; ed. #142/250 Canadian ASA, RCA [1909-1985] 6.25 x 6.25 in. (15.9 x 15.9 cm) SELF PORTRAIT; 1979 signed in pencil by Casson; titled & editioned colour clay print on paper; ed. #XIV/XV $ 700 / 900 10 x 8 in. (25.4 x 20.3 cm) signed, titled, dated & editioned $ 400 / 500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

27 28 Alfred Joseph Casson Walter Joseph Phillips Canadian CGP, CSPWC, G7, OSA, RCA [1898-1992] Canadian ASA, CPE, CSPWC, MSA, RCA [1884-1963] GRENADIER POND THE SOURCE OF THE BOW; 1936 colour linocut on paper; ed. #143/250 wood engraving on paper 5.25 x 5.75 in. (13.3 x 14.6 cm) 6.5 x 4.25 in. (16.4 x 10.5 cm) signed in pencil by Casson; titled & editioned signed in pencil lower right $ 700 / 900 MBL217 $ 400 / 600 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

29 30 Walter Joseph Phillips Walter Joseph Phillips Canadian ASA, CPE, CSPWC, MSA, RCA [1884-1963] Canadian ASA, CPE, CSPWC, MSA, RCA [1884-1963] LILY; 1932 MISTAYA VALLEY (PEYTO LAKE); 1937 wood engraving; second state (1944) wood engraving on paper 2.25 x 4.75 in. (5.7 x 12.1 cm) 4.25 x 6.5 in. (10.8 x 16.5 cm) signed in pencil lower right signed in pencil lower right MBL182B MBL220B $ 400 / 600 $ 500 / 700

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

32 Walter Joseph Phillips Canadian ASA, CPE, CSPWC, MSA, RCA [1884-1963] LITTLE LOG HOUSE; 1926 31 colour woodcut on paper Roy Leadbeater 3.25 x 3.5 in. (8.5 x 9 cm) Canadian [b. 1928] signed in pencil lower right; monogrammed & dated in the block CANDLE HOLDER MBL92 welded metal (unique) Note: Illustrated on page 95 of “The Tranquility and the Turbulence: The Life and 7.75 x 3.5 x 3.5 in. (19.7 x 8.9 cm) Work of Walter J. Philips” (Roger Boulet; M. B. Loates Publishing; 1981). signed $ 500 / 700 $ 400 / 500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

33 34 Alfred Joseph Casson Alfred Joseph Casson, Limited Edition Book & Lithograph Canadian CGP, CSPWC, G7, OSA, RCA [1898-1992] A.J. CASSON FOREST EDGE By: Paul Duval colour etching on paper; ed. #146/150 First limited edition; 192 pp. signed by A.J. Casson and Paul Duval and editioned 8.5 x 11.25 in. (21.6 x 28.6 cm) #242/325 signed in pencil by Casson; titled & editioned Publisher: Roberts Gallery, Toronto; 1975 $ 700 / 900 Hardcover folio with leather spine in case. Includes the original zinc lithograph specially executed for this volume by A.J. Casson, along with the separate folder: Alfred Joseph Casson Canadian CGP, CSPWC, G7, OSA, RCA [1898-1992] SUNLIT ISLE; 1975 zinc plate lithograph on paper; ed. #242/300 8.25 x 10.5 in. (21 x 26.7 cm) signed & editioned; titled & dated on cover tissue $ 500 / 700

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

35 36 Robert Genn, Limited Edition Book and Serigraphs Catharine & Peter Whyte, Limited Edition Art Book ROBERT GENN: IN PRAISE OF PAINTING CATHARINE ROBB WHYTE / PETER WHYTE: A COMMEMORATIVE PORTFOLIO First limited edition; 133 pp., signed by Robert Genn and editioned #62/250 By: Jon Whyte, Editor Published: Merritt Publishing, Toronto/Vancouver, 1981 Publisher: Peter and Catharine Whyte Foundation; Banff, 1980. Hardcover folio with olive buckram covered clamshell box, in original shipping First Edition; ed. #166/300 cardboard box. Includes two original colour serigraphs specially executed for this Folio (boxed set) 14” x 12”, containing one book “Pete’n’Catharine: their story”, volume by Robert Genn, along with a separate folder: 4to, 144 pages; 60 prints (13” x 11” coloured reproductions of paintings by Peter Robert Genn and Catharine Whyte); brochure with list of paintings; and issue letter from the Canadian FCA [1936-2014] editor. The box is turquoise cloth with gilt lettering and Velcro ties. The book is POINT / COUNTER POINT turquoise cloth with gilt lettering to front and black and white photographs. With two colour serigraphs on paper; each ed. #62/250 quality reproductions of many Whyte family paintings with Rocky Mountain and each 8 x 10 in. (20.3 x 25.4 cm) themes. Signed by Author/Editor. each signed, titled & editioned $ 150 / 250 $ 400 / 500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

38 Jack King American [1920-1988] HORSES GRAZING ON AN OPEN RANGE oil on board 10 x 14 in. (25.4 x 35.6 cm) signed lower right 37 Provenance: Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary AB Darren Haley $ 2,000 / 3,000 Canadian [b. 1960] STELLER’S JAY; 2012 acrylic on board 12 x 9 in. (30.5 x 22.9 cm) signed & dated lower left; signed, titled & dated verso $ 500 / 700

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

39 40 Harold Lloyd Lyon Richard Audley Freeman Canadian [1930-2020] Canadian [1932-1991] HIS DOG THEY WENT THATAWAY; 1981 oil on canvas oil on masonite 30 x 40 in. (76.2 x 101.6 cm) 20 x 30 in. (50.8 x 76.2 cm) signed lower left; titled on the stretcher verso signed lower right; titled & dated verso $ 1,500 / 2,000 $ 1,200 / 1,800

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

41 42 Georgia Jarvis Roland Gissing Canadian [1944-1990] Canadian ASA [1895-1967] WINTER ISLAND GOLDEN AUTUMN; 1960 oil on masonite oil on canvas 20 x 30 in. (50.8 x 76.2 cm) 22 x 30 in. (55.9 x 76.2 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso signed lower right; titled & dated on the artist’s label verso Provenance: Laflamme Galleries, Calgary AB $ 2,000 / 2,500 $ 2,000 / 3,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

43 44 Mannie Gonsalves Orestes Nicholas (Rick) Grandmaison Canadian [1926-2012] Canadian [1932-1985] SNOW SHADOWS, FISH CREEK; 2002 oil EVENING OVER THE PORCUPINE; 1962 on masonite oil on board 24 x 36 in. (61 x 91.4 cm) 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso signed lower left; signed, titled & dated verso $ 500 / 700 $ 600 / 900

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

45 46 Karl E. Wood Orestes Nicholas (Rick) Grandmaison Canadian [1944-1990] Canadian [1932-1985] NORTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER (APPROX. 95 MI. N.E. OF LAKE LOUISE) ALPINE VISTA oil on canvas oil on board 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm) 22 x 28 in. (55.9 x 71.1 cm) signed lower right; titled on a label verso signed lower left $ 500 / 800 $ 2,000 / 3,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

47 48 Roland Gissing Robert E. Wood Canadian ASA [1895-1967] Canadian [1919-1980] BUGABOO RIVER, B.C.; 1963 THE AURORA CLAIM, WILLIAMS CREEK-1867 oil on canvas oil on canvas 22 x 30 in. (55.9 x 76.2 cm) 20 x 24 in. (50.8 x 61 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated on the artist’s label verso signed lower right; signed & titled verso $ 2,000 / 3,000 $ 400 / 700

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

49 Karl E. Wood Canadian [1944-1990] BOW PEAK oil on masonite 12 x 24 in. (30.5 x 61 cm) signed lower left; signed & titled verso $ 500 / 700 50 Neil Patterson Canadian ASA, FCA, OPA [b. 1947] FALL BANDED PEAK oil on board 16 x 12 in. (40.6 x 30.5 cm) signed lower right; titled verso $ 600 / 800 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

51 Chris MacClure Canadian [b. 1943] RUBY LANE acrylic on canvas 12 x 16 in. (30.5 x 40.6 cm) signed & titled verso $ 300 / 400 52 Brent Heighton Canadian [b. 1954] FOOTHILLS; 2018 acrylic on board 12 x 6 in. (30.5 x 15.2 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso $ 300 / 400 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

53 54 Gregory (Greg) Pyra Chris MacClure Canadian ASA, MSA [b. 1957] Canadian [b. 1943] MACLEAN POND (BRAGG CREEK, AB); 2016 A TIME REMEMBERED oil on canvas oil on board 12 x 9 in. (30.5 x 22.9 cm) 30 x 24 in. (76.2 x 61 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso signed lower right; signed & titled verso $ 400 / 500 $ 700 / 900

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

55 56 Brent R. Laycock William (Bill) Duma Canadian ASA, CSPWC, RCA, SCA [b. 1947] Canadian ASA, RCA [b. 1936] DOWN AT THE POND FIRST SNOW; 1985 watercolour on paper acrylic on canvas 14 x 22 in. (35.6 x 55.9 cm) 24 x 30 in. (61 x 76.2 cm) signed lower right; titled on the artist’s label verso signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso $ 400 / 500 $ 1,200 / 1,800

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

57 58 Armand Tatossian Claude Langevin Canadian RCA [1951-2012] Canadian IAF [b. 1942] VILLAGE, QUEBECOIS, HIVER NUAGES DE NEIGE oil on canvas oil on canvas 30 x 40 in. (76.2 x 101.6 cm) 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm) signed lower right; titled verso signed lower left; signed & titled verso $ 2,500 / 3,500 $ 1,000 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

59 60 Horace Champagne Horace Champagne Canadian PSA, PSC [b. 1937] Canadian PSA, PSC [b. 1937] MORNING MARKET IN VENICE (PONT D. GUGLIE, CANAL DI CANNAREGIO); 1994 LAST RAYS OF SUN, MORAINE LAKE 19.5 x 25.5 in. (49.5 x 64.8 cm) pastel on paper signed lower right; signed, titled & dated on the artist’s certificate verso 30 x 40 in. (76.2 x 101.6 cm) $ 2,000 / 3,000 signed lower right $ 3,000 / 4,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

61 Gerald Leslie Sevier Canadian OSA, RCA [b. 1934] CASTLE MTN (EISENHOWER) oil on canvas 33 x 62 in. (83.8 x 157.5 cm) 62 signed lower right; titled verso Steven Nederveen Provenance: Kensington Fine Art Gallery, Calgary AB Canadian [b. 1971] $ 1,000 / 2,000 BIG SKY REFLECTED mixed media and resin on cradled panel; 2015 30 x 30 in. (76.2 x 76.2 cm) signed, titled & dated verso Provenance: Canada House Gallery, Banff AB $ 1,500 / 2,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

64 Laura Harris Canadian [20th century/21st] THE COAST CALLS; 2015 acrylic on canvas 63 12 x 24 in. (30.5 x 61 cm) Laura Harris signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso Canadian [20th/21st century] Provenance: Canada House Gallery, Banff AB SHADOWLANDS; 2014 $ 600 / 900 acrylic on canvas (gallery-wrapped) 48 x 48 in. (121.9 x 121.9 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso Provenance: Adele Campbell Fine Art Gallery, Whistler BC $ 2,000 / 3,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

65 66 Erik Olson Peter Lik Canadian [1982] Australian/American AIPP, PPA [b. 1959] URANUS; 2011 ZEN; 2006 oil on cradled wood panel cibachrome print; ed. #274/950 48 x 36 in. (121.9 x 91.4 cm) 60 x 20 in. (152.4 x cm) signed on the side of the panel; titled lower right signed & editioned lower right Exhibited: “Cosmos: Gathie Falk, Margaret Nazon and Erik Olson”: Glenbow, Note: This image was captured in Ogden Valley (Utah). Calgary AB (September 29, 2018-January 6, 2019) $ 1,500 / 2,000 $ 1,000 / 1,500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

68 Jason Gogo Canadian [1967-2018] UNTITLED COMPOSITION; 2007 mixed media on canvas 60 x 96 in. (152.4 x 243.8 cm) 67 signed & dated lower right Peter Lik Note: The canvas has been strengthened/repaired by the artist in his studio, and Australian/American AIPP, PPA [b. 1959] is in the same condition as initially sold. BAMBOO FOREST $ 1,000 / 2,000 cibachrome print; ed. #78/950 40 x 13 in. (101.6 x 33 cm) signed & editioned lower right Note: This image was captured on the Pipiwai Trail, in Hana, Maui (Hawaii). $ 800 / 1,100

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

70 Dean McLeod Canadian [20th/21st century] CLOUD CASCADE; 2006 acrylic on canvas 24 x 60 in. (61 x 152.4 cm) signed & dated lower right 69 Provenance: Artevo, Calgary AB Edward Michell $ 600 / 900 Canadian [20th/21st century] STORM CHANGE mixed media on canvas 72 x 48 in. (182.9 x 121.9 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso $ 1,200 / 1,800

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

71 72 Barry Weiss Serge Demetrius Dube Canadian [b. 1967] Canadian [b. 1958] MEMORY XXI; 1999 NIGHT OF CELEBRATION oil on canvas (gallery-wrapped) acrylic on canvas 24 x 48 in. (61 x 121.9 cm) 24 x 48 in. (61 x 121.9 cm) signed, titled & dated verso signed lower left; signed & titled verso $ 750 / 1,000 Provenance: The Artym Gallery, Invermere BC $ 1,000 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

73 74 Bewabon Shilling Greg Hardy Canadian [b. 1977] Canadian [b. 1950] LAKE COUCHICHING SERIES FLAT TOP MOUNTAIN; 1991-2 oil on canvas oil on canvas 20 x 24 in. (50.8 x 61 cm) 48 x 96 in. (121.9 x 243.8 cm) signed lower right signed, titled & dated verso $ 900 / 1,200 $ 2,000 / 4,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

75 76 Mark Holliday Barbara Hirst Canadian [b. 1956] Canadian [b. 1965] MARYPORT; 2013 ON LAKE O’HARA; 2007 mixed media on cradled panel acrylic on canvas 46 x 96 in. (116.8 x 243.8 cm) 36 x 48 in. (91.4 x 121.9 cm) signed, titled & dated verso signed lower right; signed, titled & dated on the stretcher verso $ 1,000 / 1,500 Provenance: Webster Galleries, Calgary AB $ 1,000 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

78 Keith Thomson Canadian ASA [b. 1934] GRAIN ELEVATORS watercolour on paper 19.75 x 28 in. (50.2 x 71.1 cm) signed lower right 77 $ 400 / 600 Rene Thibault Canadian CSPWC, FCA, SCA [b. 1947] ROOTS IN A POND acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 in. (91.4 x 61 cm) signed lower right; titled on the stretcher verso $ 1,200 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

79 80 Robert Newton Hurley Dorothy Margaret Shelton Canadian [1894-1980] Canadian ASA, CPE, CSGA [1915-1984] ELEVATORS AT DUSK OLD BARN, HAYING SEASON; 1978 watercolour on paper watercolour on paper 7 x 9.25 in. (19.7 x 24.1 cm) 13.25 x 19.25 in. (33.7 x 48.9 cm) signed lower left signed & dated lower right $ 350 / 450 $ 600 / 800

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

81 82 Ted Raftery Hans Herold Canadian [b. 1938] Canadian [1925-2011] DISTANT THUNDER; 1999 PRAIRIE LAND, SASK.; 1990 oil on canvas oil on canvas 20 x 36 in. (61 x 91.4 cm) 48 x 72 in. (121.9 x 182.9 cm) signed lower left; signed, titled & dated verso signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso $ 2,000 / 3,000 $ 1,500 / 2,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

83 84 Jack Lee McLean Richard Audley Freeman Canadian [1924-2003] Canadian [1932-1991] LOW BROWN HILL ON THE DOUGLAS LAKE RANCH, N.E. OF MERRITT, B.C.; 1968 ALBERTA PASTORAL; 1978 oil on masonite oil on masonite 24 x 36 in. (61 x 91.4 cm) 16 x 24 in. (40.6 x 61 cm) signed, titled & dated signed lower right; titled & dated verso Provenance: Alexander G. Harrison, Art Dealer, Vancouver Provenance: Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary AB (label and exhibition $ 1,000 / 1,500 announcement verso) $ 750 / 1,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

85 86 Ernest Luthi Alec John Garner Canadian [1906-1983] Canadian ASA [1897-1995] WINTER SCENE, QU’APPELLE VALLEY, LATE LIGHT HARVEST SCENE #1 - NEAR COLVILLE WASHINGTON; 1956 oil on masonite oil on masonite 17 x 24 in. (43.2 x 61 cm) 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm) signed lower right signed lower right; titled & dated on the artist’s label verso $ 900 / 1,200 $ 300 / 500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

87 88 Roland Gissing Thomas Hilton Garside Canadian ASA [1895-1967] Canadian RCA [1906-1980] AUTUMN GOLD; 1957 AUTUMN FARM SCENE oil on board oil on canvas 12 x 16 in. (30.5 x 40.6 cm) 16.25 x 22 in. (40.6 x 55.9 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated on the artist’s label verso signed lower right Provenance: Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary AB $ 600 / 900 $ 800 / 1,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

89 90 Peter Etryl Snyder Karl E. Wood Canadian [b. 1944] Canadian [1944-1990] HORSES GRAZING NEAR THE BARN TOWER MTN. oil on masonite oil on masonite 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm) 12 x 16 in. (30.5 x 40.6 cm) signed lower left signed lower left; signed & titled verso $ 600 / 800 Provenance: Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary AB $ 400 / 600

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

91 92 Rene Thibault Barbara Engel Canadian CSPWC, FCA, SCA [b. 1947] Canadian [20th/21st century] ABOVE CASTLE MOUNTAIN #3 LAKE AGNES, BANFF NATIONAL PARK watercolour on paper oil on canvas (gallery-wrapped) 12.25 x 20.25 in. (31.1 x 51.4 cm) 36 x 48 in. (91.4 x 121.9 cm) signed lower left; titled on the backing paper signed lower left; titled on the stretcher verso $ 600 / 800 $ 800 / 1,200

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

94 Ken Gillespie Canadian FCA [b. 1948] BOW LAKE WATERS oil on masonite 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 in.) signed lower right; signed & titled verso 93 Provenance: The Avens Gallery, Canmore AB; Willock & Sax Gallery, Banff AB Andrew Kiss $ 700 / 900 Canadian [b. 1946] EAST END - RUNDLE (HA LING PEAK) oil on canvas 11 x 14 in. (27.9 x 35.6 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso $ 400 / 600

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

96 Don Weir German/Canadian [b. 1949] FIRST LIGHT IN THE KANANASKIS; 2017 oil on cradled panel 24 x 48 in. (61 x 121.9 cm) 95 signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso Paul Constable Provenance: Canada House Gallery, Banff AB Canadian [b. 1953] $ 1,000 / 2,000 BETWEEN TWO FIELDS acrylic on canvas 42 x 18 in. (106.7 x 45.7 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso Provenance: Kensington Fine Art Gallery, Calgary AB $ 500 / 700

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

97 98 Marilyn Hurst Robert Wiseman Canadian [20th/21st century] Canadian [b. 1974] THE SENTINEL UNTITLED: AERIAL VIEW II; 2007 acrylic on board oil on canvas 10 x 24 in. (25.4 x 61 cm) 32 x 66 in. (81.3 x 167.6 cm) signed lower left; signed & titled verso signed, titled & dated verso $ 300 / 400 $ 800 / 1,200

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

100 Deborah Lougheed Sinclair 99 Canadian ASA [b. 1953] Ronald L. (Ron) Myren GIVERNY I; 1998 Canadian [1937-2003] acrylic on canvas EARLY FALL FOLIAGE; 1981-2 20 x 40 in. (50.8 x 101.6 cm) oil on canvas signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso 38 x 42 in. (96.5 x 106.7 cm) Provenance: Kensington Fine Art Gallery, Calgary AB signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso $ 800 / 1,200 Provenance: Webster Galleries, Calgary AB $ 500 / 800

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

101 102 Mian Situ Mian Situ Chinese/American OPA [b. 1953] Chinese/American OPA [b. 1953] BEACH SCENE - GIRL WITH SAND PAIL AND SHOVEL BEACH SCENE - GIRL WITH SUNDRESS AND HAT oil on canvas oil on canvas 11 x 14 in. (27.9 x 35.6 cm) 11 x 14 in. (27.9 x 35.6 cm) signed lower right and verso signed lower right and verso $ 1,000 / 1,500 $ 1,000 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

103 104 Robert Genn Tinyan (Tin Yan Chan) Canadian FCA [1936-2014] Canadian FCA [b. 1942] CONTRALUZ AT CONCARNEAU (PONT-AVEN, BRITTANY); 1984 SAMPANS acrylic on canvas oil on canvas 11 x 14 in. (27.9 x 35.6 cm) 29 x 39 in. (73.7 x 99.1 cm) signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso signed lower right $ 900 / 1,200 Provenance: Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary AB $ 1,500 / 2,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

105 106 Jack King Claude Langevin American [1920-1988] Canadian IAF [b. 1942] SAILING SHIP RAFALES oil on canvas oil on canvas 24 x 36 in. (61 x 91.4 cm) 24 x 30 in. (61 x 76.2 cm) signed lower right signed lower right; signed & titled verso $ 6,000 / 8,000 $ 2,000 / 3,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

107 108 Jean-Guy Desrosiers Claude Simard Canadian [b. 1934] Canadian [1932-2005] LA PORTE ST-LOUIS (QUEBEC) LA CALECHE ROUGE oil on masonite oil on canvas 20 x 24 in. (50.8 x 61 cm) 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm) signed lower right; titled verso signed lower right; titled verso $ 600 / 900 $ 700 / 900

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

109 Serge Demetrius Dube Canadian [b. 1958] THE WAVE acrylic on canvas 18 x 72 in. (45.7 x 182.9 cm) signed lower left; titled verso Provenance: The Artym Gallery, Invermere BC 110 $ 1,000 / 1,500 Jean-Guy Desrosiers Canadian [b. 1934] PLAISIR D’HIVER oil on board 16 x 12 in. (40.6 x 30.5 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso $ 300 / 500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

111 112 Peter Wyse Jean-Guy Desrosiers (2) Canadian [b. 1970] Canadian [b. 1934] ON MY WAY LES BUCHERONS (CHARLEVOIX) acrylic on cradled birch panel AU BORD DU FLEUVE 16 x 16 in. (40.6 x 40.6 cm) oil on board (2) signed lower left; signed & titled verso each 5 x 7 in. (12.7 x 17.8 cm) $ 600 / 800 signed recto; signed & titled verso Lot of Two $ 300 / 400 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

114 Vivian Thierfelder Canadian, FCA, CSPWC, RCA [b. 1949] FEMME FATAL; 1990 watercolour on paper 29.5 x 41.75 in. (74.9 x 106 cm) signed & dated lower right 113 $ 4,000 / 5,000 Carl Schlademan Canadian [b. 1940] ETERNAL oil on canvas 60 x 24 in. (152.4 x 61 cm) signed lower left; signed & titled verso Provenance: Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary AB $ 1,500 / 2,500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

115 116 Denis Chiasson Amy Dryer Canadian [b. 1968] Canadian [b. 1979] THE PAINTER AND THE MANDOLINIST CYCLIST V; 2019 oil on canvas (gallery-wrapped) oil on canvas (gallery-wrapped) 30 x 20 in. (76.2 x 50.8 cm) 36 x 24 in. (91.4 x 61 cm) signed lower left; titled verso signed, titled & dated verso $ 400 / 600 $ 750 / 1,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

118 Claude Simard Canadian [1932-2005] ROSES BLANCHES oil on canvas 20 x 24 in. (50.8 x 61 cm) signed lower right; signed & titled verso 117 $ 750 / 1,000 Claudette Castonguay Canadian [b. 1949] THE FLOWERS STREET...; 2011 acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 in. (91.4 x 61 cm) signed & dated lower right; titled verso $ 1,200 / 1,500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

119 Walter Drohan Canadian RCA [1932-2007] STILL LIFE WITH ORCHIDS & LACE; 1991 oil on canvas 34 x 46 in. (86.4 x 116.8 cm) signed lower right; titled & dated verso $ 1,500 / 2,500 120 Jean Pederson Canadian ASA, CSPWC, FCA [b. 1962] LILIES IN TRANSITION mixed media on paper 30 x 22 in. (76.2 x 55.9 cm) signed lower right Provenance: The Alicat Gallery, Bragg Creek AB $ 500 / 700 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

121 122 Kal Gajoum Neil Patterson Libyan/Canadian [b. 1968] Canadian ASA, FCA, OPA [b. 1947] BREATHING; 2005 SUMMER FLOWERS oil on canvas oil on wood panel 36 x 24 in. (91.4 x 61 cm) 24 x 18 in. (61 x 45.7 cm) signed & dated lower right; titled verso signed lower right; titled verso $ 2,000 / 3,000 $ 900 / 1,200

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

123 124 Maya Eventov Maya Eventov Russian/Canadian [b. 1964] Russian/Canadian [b. 1964] FOUR UNITED IV FOUR UNITED III acrylic on canvas (gallery-wrapped) acrylic on canvas (gallery-wrapped) 60 x 20 in. (152.4 x 50.8 cm) 60 x 20 in. (152.4 x 50.8 cm) signed lower right; titled verso signed lower right; titled verso Provenance: The Artym Gallery, Invermere BC Provenance: The Artym Gallery, Invermere BC $ 800 / 1,200 $ 800 / 1,200 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

126 Janet Mitchell Canadian ASA, CSPWC, RCA [1912-1998] AUTUMN FIELD; 1962 watercolour on paper 14.5 x 21.25 in. (36.8 x 54 cm) signed & dated lower right $ 600 / 800 125 Janet B. (Holly) Middleton Canadian ASA, CPE [b. 1922] TULIPS; 1990 watercolour on paper 37 x 24 in. (94 x 61 cm) signed & dated lower right $ 300 / 500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

127 Norman Anthony (Toni) Onley Canadian CPE, CSPWC, RCA [1928-2004] LOOKOUT ISLAND, GEORGIAN BAY; 1979 watercolour on paper 11.25 x 15 in. (28.6 x 38.1 cm) signed lower right; titled & dated lower left Provenance: Gallery Pascal, Toronto ON $ 600 / 800 128 John McKinnon Canadian [20th/21st century] WOLF PUP white stone 16.5 x 13 x 8 in. (41.9 x 33 x 20.3 cm) signed $ 750 / 1,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

129 Gail Adams Canadian [20th/21st century] DOUBLE SOLITUDE; 1994 pastel on paper 30 x 39 in. (76.2 x 99.1 cm) 130 signed & dated lower right; titled on a plaque Richard Cole $ 600 / 900 Canadian [b. 1968] HAWK oil with silver leaf on canvas (gallery-wrapped) 36 x 36 in. (91.4 x 91.4 cm) signed & titled verso Provenance: Canada House Gallery, Banff AB $ 1,000 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

132 Joe Halko 131 American [1940-2009] Deanna Bartholow THE CANADIANS Canadian [20th/21st century] bronze; ed. #19/50 PEREGRINE FALCON 18.5 x 25 x 19 in. (47 x 63.5 x 48.3 cm), excluding base carved tupelo wood & acrylic; on burlwood base signed & editioned in the cast; titled on the artist’s plaque 17.25 x 20 x 16 in. (43.8 x 50.8 x 40.6 cm) $ 2,000 / 3,000 artist’s brands to the underside of the base $ 500 / 700

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

133 134 Gail Adams John McKinnon Canadian [20th/21st century] Canadian [20th/21st century] NATURE’S TENANTS; 1997 POLAR BEAR pastel on paper marble 38 x 60 in. (96.5 x 152.4 cm) 8.5 x 23 x 9 in. (21.6 x 58.4 x 22.9 cm) signed & dated lower right; titled on a plaque signed $ 900 / 1,200 Note: McKinnon is both an artist and art instructor. Since the 1980s, he has spent time in many northern communities teaching modern stone carving techniques to carvers. In 1992, he was involved in the creation of the Sculpture Foundation Program (Arctic College, , ). $ 750 / 1,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

135 136 Darren Haley Darren Haley Canadian [b. 1960] Canadian [b. 1960] PRINCE; 2016 ORANGE BANDED HELICONIAN; 2017 acrylic on board acrylic on board 12.75 x 16.25 in. (32.4 x 41.3 cm) 5 x 7 in. (12.7 x 17.8 cm) signed & dated lower right; signed & titled verso signed lower right; signed, titled & dated verso $ 700 / 1,000 $ 250 / 350

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

138 Florence Wyle Canadian/American RCA [1881-1968] CLASSICAL FIGURE WITH FLUTE / CLASSICAL FIGURE PICKING FRUIT plaster bas-relief (2) each 11.75 x 6.75 in. (29.8 x 17.1 cm) 137 each signed in the cast lower right Deanna Bartholow Provenance: Estate of Mary Burton, Calgary AB, by descent Canadian [20th/21st century] $ 1,000 / 1,500 TOUCAN carved tupelo wood & acrylic; on branch-form base 22 x 16 x 14 in. (55.9 x 40.6 x 35.6 cm) artist’s brands to the underside of the base $ 500 / 700 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

140 Homer Ransford Watson Canadian OSA, RCA [1855-1936] SUMMER DAY NEAR DOON oil on board 12.5 x 16.5 in. (31.8 x 41.9 cm) signed lower left $ 2,000 / 3,000 139 Andre Charles Bieler Canadian CSPWC, CGP, CSGA, FCA, OSA, RCA [1896-1989] APOLLO embossed soft ground etching on paper; ed. #7/14 26 x 19.75 in. (50.8 x 50.2 cm) signed, titled & dated in pencil; signed in the plate $ 200 / 400 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

141 142 Homer Ransford Watson Andre Charles Bieler Canadian OSA, RCA [1855-1936] Canadian CSPWC, CGP, CSGA, FCA, OSA, RCA [1896-1989] SOUVENIR OF CHATEAU D’OEX; 1879 JAPANESE FISHING VILLAGE; 1940 oil on canvas conté and watercolour on paper 11.5 x 14.25 in. (29.2 x 36.2 cm) 8 x 10.5 in. (20.3 x 26.7 cm) monogrammed, titled & dated lower left, with personal inscription; signed & signed & dated lower right; titled & dated on the artist’s label verso dated on the stretcher verso $ 300 / 500 $ 1,000 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

143 Louis Muhlstock Canadian CGP, CSPWC, FCA [1904-2001] RECLINING NUDE pastel on paper 16.25 x 25 in. (41.3 x 63.5 cm) 144 signed lower right Stanley Morel Cosgrove Provenance: Walter Klinkhoff Gallery, Montreal QC Canadian CGP, RCA [1911-2002] $ 300 / 500 SITTING NUDE; 1967 charcoal on paper 16.25 x 11.75 in. (41.3 x 29.8 cm) signed & dated lower left; titled & dated on the gallery label verso Provenance: Walter Klinkhoff Gallery, Montreal QC; Galerie L’Art Francais, Montreal QC; Galerie L’Art Francais, Montreal QC $ 400 / 600

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

145 146 John Howard Gould John Howard Gould Canadian CSGA, OSA, RCA [1929-2010] Canadian CSGA, OSA, RCA [1929-2010] NUDE, DISROBING; ca 1963 YOUNG ACTRESS WITH WRAPPED HEAD; 1986/87 mixed media on paper mixed media on brown paper 38.5 x 28.5 in. (97.8 x 72.4 cm) 18.75 x 14.5 in. (47.6 x 36.8 cm) signed lower right signed lower right; titled & dated on the gallery label verso $ 1,000 / 1,500 Provenance: Masters Gallery, Calgary AB $ 700 / 1,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

147 Mark Holliday 148 Canadian [b. 1956] Robert F. M. McInnis WINSTON; 2017 Canadian [b. 1942] encaustic on cradled panel BLACK SCARF; 1992 36 x 36 in. (91.4 x 91.4 cm) oil on canvas signed, titled & dated verso 24 x 20 in. (61 x 50.8 cm) Note: This portrait depicts Winston Churchill. signed & dated lower centre; titled on a tag verso $ 750 / 1,000 $ 750 / 1,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

149 150 John McKinnon Vincenzo Calli Canadian [20th/21st century] Italian [b. 1953] LOOKING BACK LA MAGICA STORIA; 2008 grey-brown striated stone oil on canvas 29.75 x 6.5 x 9 in. (75.6 x 16.5 x 22.9 cm) 57.5 x 51.5 in. (146.1 x 130.8 cm) signed signed & dated lower right; signed & titled verso $ 750 / 1,000 $ 1,000 / 1,500 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

151 152 Robert F. M. McInnis John McKinnon Canadian [b. 1942] Canadian [20th/21st century] CAROL; 1982 FOREST MAIDEN oil on canvas marble 24 x 20 in. (61 x 50.8 cm) 34.5 x 8 x 7 in. (87.6 x 20.3 x 17.8 cm) signed & dated upper right; signed, titled & dated verso signed $ 750 / 1,000 $ 750 / 1,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

153 154 Adam Sherriff Scott Nicholas de Grandmaison Canadian RCA [1887-1980] Canadian RCA [1892-1978] PORTRAIT WITH EAGLE FEATHER THE CHIEF’S WIFE oil on canvas pastel on sand paper 22.25 x 18.25 in. (56.5 x 46.4 cm) 22.25 x 15.75 in. (56.5 x 40 cm) signed lower left and verso signed lower right $ 800 / 1,200 Literature: History in Their Blood: The Indian Portraits of Nicholas de Grandmaison (Hugh A. Dempsey; Douglas & McIntryre Ltd.; 1982); “Drawn from the Past: Nicholas de Grandmaison” (Gordon Snyder; Snyder Fine Arts; 2007) $ 7,000 / 10,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

155 156 Allen Sapp Allen Sapp Canadian, Cree OC, RCA [1928-2015] Canadian, Cree OC, RCA [1928-2015] THE BOYS ARE PLAYING HOCKEY OUT SLEDDING acrylic on canvas acrylic on canvas 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm) 12 x 16 in. (30.5 x 40.6 cm) signed lower right signed lower right $ 1,500 / 2,500 $ 1,200 / 1,500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

157 Dale Auger Canadian, Cree [1958-2008] CALLER OF THE MEDICINE LODGE; 1998 acrylic on canvas 36 x 36 in. (91.4 x 91.4 cm) signed lower right; titled & dated verso Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist. Note: This work is illustrated on page 34 of “Medicine Paint, The Art of Dale Auger” (Dale Auger/foreword by Mary-Beth Laviolette; Heritage House, 2009). On the inspiration for this powerful image, Auger recalled: “I had a dream one time that I was the Caller of the Medicine Lodge. It was my duty to call on all the people, so that the ceremony could begin. Everything was just right as I stood at the entrance to the lodge with the staff stick over my shoulder and my head held high. I started my journey into the lodge. I felt powerful. ‘In the Creator’s name’, I said, ‘we must direct ourselves to the Creator, because it is the Creator that gives us life. It is the Creator that gives us knowledge.’ I felt so good in that dream. I felt so good that I didn’t want to leave it.” $ 5,000 / 7,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

158 159 Daphne Odjig Rose Elsie John Canadian, Anishinaabe OC, RCA [1919-2016] Canadian, Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) [b. 1961] WATER SPIRITS; 1968 FACE AND THREE WOLVES acrylic on paper weathered whale bone vertebrae with abalone inlays 20.5 x 28 in. (52.1 x 71.1 cm) 9 x 21 x 14 in. (22.9 x 53.3 x 35.6 cm) signed & dated lower left signed $ 4,000 / 5,000 Note: Elsie John is the grand-daughter of acclaimed carver Jimmy John [1876-1978], a descendant of Chief Maquinna. $ 800 / 1,200

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

160 161 Leo Napayuk (Napayok) Towkie Maniapik Canadian, Kangiqliniq (Rankin Inlet) [b. 1927] Canadian, Pannirtuq (Pangnirtung) [1914-?] MULTI-FIGURE TOTEM; 1997 FAMILY GROUP walrus tusk on a stone base weathered whale bone height: 7.25 in. (18.4 cm) 16.25 x 13.5 x 10 in. (41.3 x 34.3 x 25.4 cm) signed in Roman and syllabics; dated with igloo card $ 300 / 400 $ 1,000 / 2,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

162 163 Eunicey Shytoo Muckpah Johnny Inukpuk Canadian, Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet) [b. 1956] Canadian, Inukjuak (Port Harrison) RCA [1911-2007] OWL GUARDING ITS NEST; 1994 WOMAN WITH BABY IN AMAUT CARRYING A PAIL; 1980 dark grey-green stone and alabaster dark green serpentine 13 x 10.75 x 8.75 in. (33 x 27.3 x 22.2 cm) 17.25 x 9.5 x 7 in. (43.8 x 24.1 x 17.8 cm) signed in Roman and syllabics in two places; dated in two places signed in syllabics & dated $ 1,000 / 1,500 $ 3,000 / 4,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

164 165 Johnny Meeko Sr. Samson Meeko Canadian, Sanikiluaq (Belcher Islands) [b. 1933] Canadian, Sanikiluaq (Belcher Islands) [b. 1939] HUNTER WITH ANIMAL SPIRITS HUNTER CARRYING WALRUS grey stone dark grey-black stone and bone 16.25 x 11.5 x 4 in. (41.3 x 29.2 x 10.2 cm) 10 x 10 x 3.5 in. (25.4 x 25.4 x 8.9 cm) signed in syllabics and with disc number signed in Roman and syllabics $ 600 / 900 $ 400 / 600

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

167 Michael Massie Canadian, Inuit/Métis OC, RCA [b. 1962] 166 THE SHAMAN’S MASK; 2008 Paul Korgnageak anhydrite, bone, bloodwood, horsehair, sinew and steel Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) [b. 1930] 6 x 7 x 6 in. (15.2 x 17.8 x 15.2 cm) BIRD WITH UPSWEPT WINGS signed, titled & dated serpentine Note: Accompanied by a booklet on the artist. 14.5 x 6.5 x 7 in. (36.8 x 16.5 x 17.8 cm) $ 1,000 / 1,500 signed in Roman $ 700 / 900 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

168 169 Vince Bomberry Taqialuk (Tuck) Nuna Canadian, Onondaga (Iroquois) [b. 1958] Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) [b. 1958] FACES DRUM DANCING BEAR; ca 1996 orange-tan steatite and copper light green serpentine, bone and wood stone: 8.25 x 6.25 x 6.25 in. (21 x 15.9 x 15.9 cm) 14 x 7.5 x 7 in. (35.6 x 19.1 x 17.8 cm) overall height: 19 in. (48.3 cm) signed in Roman and syllabics signed $ 800 / 1,200 $ 600 / 800 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

170 171 Charlie Tooktoo Jamesie Kootoo Canadian, Sanikiluaq (Belcher Islands) [b. 1936] Canadian, Kimmirut (Lake Harbour) [b. 1944] FAMILY GROUPING WITH OWL PROWLING BEAR; 1987 grey stone dark green-grey stone 7.5 x 22 x 8.5 in. (19.1 x 55.9 x 21.6 cm) 7.5 x 19.25 x 11 in. (19.1 x 48.9 x 27.9 cm) signed in Roman and with disc number with igloo card $ 700 / 1,000 $ 1,000 / 2,000

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

172 Inuk Aiyaut (Aiyoot) Canadian, Talurjuak (Spence Bay) [b. 1945] FACE WITH ARM EXTENDED weathered whale bone 16 x 32 x 7.5 in. (40.6 x 81.3 x 19.1 cm) Note: This work is likely a self-portrait, as the artist lost an arm to an accident years prior. In 2017, Aiyaut was awarded an Inuit Heritage Trust Elder Award for his efforts in sharing traditional Inuit knowledge and skills with the youth in his 173 community. Mathewsie Saviadjuk Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) [b. 1950] $ 800 / 1,200 FACE; 1984 serpentine 8.25 x 6.5 x 3 in. (21 x 16.5 x 7.6 cm) signed in syllabics; with igloo card $ 400 / 600 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

174 Paulassie Eqilaq Canadian, Sanikiluaq (Belcher Islands) [b. 1934] FACE 175 serpentine Mathew Aqigaak 8.5 x 8 x 7.5 in. (21.6 x 20.3 x 19.1 cm) Canadian, Qamani’tuaq (Baker Lake) [1940-2010] signed in syllabics and with disc number MOTHER AND CHILD; 1971-2 $ 400 / 600 basalt 7.75 x 7.25 x 5 in. (19.7 x 18.4 x 12.7 cm) signed in syllabics & dated; inscribed “From Keewatin Education Staff” Note: This work was likely commissioned from the artist and presented as a gift. $ 600 / 900 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

176 Nutaraluk Uilia Iyaituk Canadian, Ivujivik [b. 1943] 177 MUSKOX; 1990 Qimiata Nungusuituq dark grey-black stone and bone Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) [b. 1948] 10.5 x 16 x 5 in. (26.7 x 40.6 x 12.7 cm) BIRD signed in Roman; with igloo card serpentine, mounted on a wooden base $ 1,000 / 1,500 10 x 11.5 x 4 in. (25.4 x 29.2 x 10.2 cm), excluding base $ 500 / 700

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

179 Abraham Anghik Ruben Canadian, Paulatuk [b. 1951] BEAR WITH CUBS steatite 7 x 10 x 8.25 in. (17.8 x 25.4 x 21 cm) with igloo card 178 Provenance: Orca Art Gallery, Chicago IL Johnny Meeko Sr. $ 800 / 1,200 Canadian, Sanikiluaq (Belcher Islands) [b. 1933] MOTHER AND CHILD grey-green stone 9.5 x 6 x 4.5 in. (24.1 x 15.2 x 11.4 cm) signed in syllabics and with disc number $ 300 / 500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

180 Simeonie Uppik Canadian, Sanikiluaq (Belcher Islands) [b. 1928] SEAL grey-green stone 6.25 x 12 x 3 in. (15.9 x 30.5 x 7.6 cm) signed in syllabics and with disc number $ 300 / 500 181 Doug Cranmer Canadian, Kwakwaka’wakw [1927-2006] THUNDERBIRD MASK carved polychrome cedar mask 11.5 x 9.25 x 7.5 in. (29.2 x 23.5 x 19.1 cm) signed $ 600 / 800 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

182 Captain Andrew Brown (Owt’iwans) Canadian, Haida (Masset) [1879-1962] FOUR FIGURE TOTEM POLE; ca 1910-30 argillite 14.5 x 3.5 x 3 in (36.8 x 8.9 x 7.06 cm) Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the grandfather (Henry Wrightmyer Williams) of the consignor. Henry Williams was a newspaper reporter in British Columbia and traveled extensively within the province, allowing him the opportunity to build a sizable collection of West Coast 183 artworks and artifacts. Donnie Edenshaw (Gaju Xial) Canadian, Haida [b. 1978] ‘Captain’ Andrew Brown’s Haida name was Owt’iwans, which meant ‘Big SHARK MOTHER; 2006 Eagle.’ He was a skilled boat-builder and carved many great canoes, earning argillite with abalone inlays him the nickname ‘Captain,’ which he put in front of his English given name. 6.75 x 4.5 x 2 in. (15.2 x 11.4 x 5.7 cm) He was an Eagle of the Gitins division from Yan, and frequently used the eagle signed, titled & dated crest. $ 2,500 / 3,500 $ 700 / 1,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

184 185 Unidentified Artist Gary Minaker-Russ Pacific Northwest Coast [21st century] Canadian, Haida [b. 1958] EAGLE MATRIARCH; 2015 RAVEN BEING SWALLOWED BY KILLER WHALE; 1998 carved polychrome cedar mask with copper and abalone inlays and a fabric drape argillite 15 x 9 x 14.5 in. (38.1 x 22.9 x 36.8 cm), excluding drape 11.75 x 3.25 x 3.25 in. (29.8 x 8.3 x 8.3 cm) signed indistinctly, titled & dated signed, titled & dated $ 600 / 800 $ 1,500 / 2,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

186 187 Unidentified Artist Arthur Moody Canadian, Haida [19th/20th century] Canadian, Haida [1885-1967] TWO FIGURE TOTEM; ca 1910-30 FIVE FIGURE TOTEM (EAGLE, HUMAN, SHAMAN, OTTER AND FROG); 1958 argillite argillite 8.5 x 2.25 x 2.5 in. (21.6 x 5.7 x 6.4 cm) 6.25 x 2 x 2.5 in. (15.9 x 5.1 x 6.4 cm) Provenance: Acquired in the early 1900s by the grandfather of the consignor. signed & dated $ 800 / 1,200 $ 700 / 1,000 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

188 Jack James Canadian, Kwakwaka’wakw (Gilford Island) [1902-1980] SEA MONSTER MASK; circa 1965 189 carved red cedar with marine enamel Unidentified Artist 11 x 11.25 x 6.5 in. (27.9 x 28.6 x 16.5 cm) Canadian, Haida [19th/20th century] signed on a tag and inscribed “Original Sea Monster from Kingcome Village TWO FIGURE TOTEM; ca 1910-30 Tribe”. argillite $ 800 / 1,200 7 x 2.25 x 2.5 in. (17.8 x 5.7 x 6.4 cm) Provenance: collected in the early 1900s by the grandfather of the consignor $ 600 / 900 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

190 Paul Johnny Canadian, Northwest Coast [20th century] 191 STANDING HAIDA FIGURE Michael John Brown polychrome cedar and mixed media Canadian, Haida [1958-2017] 16.5 x 8.5 x 8.5 in. (41.9 x 21.6 cm) BEAR-FROG; 2004 signed argillite with abalone inlays $ 400 / 600 5.25 x 2.5 x 2.5 in. (13.3 x 6.4 x 6.4 cm) signed, titled & dated $ 500 / 700 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

193 Pitseolak Ashoona Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) RCA [1904-1983] BIRD SPIRIT AND FISH; 1969 colour stonecut on paper; ed. #10/50 24 x 34 in. (61 x 86.4 cm) signed, titled, dated & editioned in pencil Provenance: The Isaacs/Innuit Gallery, Toronto ON 192 $ 400 / 600 Norman Price Canadian, Haida [1926-2012] TOTEM argillite height: 4 in. (10.2 cm) signed $ 200 / 400 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

194 Kenojuak Ashevak, Limited Edition Book and Etching 195 KENOJUAK: GRAPHIC MASTERWORKS OF THE INUIT Kenojuak Ashevak Jean Blodgett & Kenojuak Ashevak Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) OC, RCA [1927-2013] Publisher: Mintmark Press, Toronto, Ottawa, 1981 BIRDS OVER THE SUN; 1960 -this edition limited to 275 signed and numbered copies of which this is ed. sealskin stencil on paper; ed. #31/50 #96/275; sold within the original bleached caribou hide slipcase and box 12 x 18.25 in. (30.5 x 46.4 cm) Overall size: 12.5 x 3.5 x 14 in. (31.8 x 8.9 x 35.6 cm) signed, titled, dated & editioned in pencil Includes the original etching specially executed for this volume: $ 2,000 / 3,000

Kenojuak Ashevak Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) RCA [1927-2013] MYSELF AND I; 1981 hand-coloured etching; ed. #96/275 8 x 10 in. (20.3 x 25.4 cm) signed, titled, dated & editioned $ 700 / 900 hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

196 197 Joe Talirunili Anirnik Oshuitoq Canadian, Puvirnituq (Povungnituk) [1893-1976] Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) [1902-1983] INUIT FAMILY OF A LONG TIME AGO; 1975 COMPOSITION; 1967 stonecut and stencil on paper; ed. #8/50 stonecut; ed. #15/50 11.75 x 17 in. (29.8 x 43.2 cm) 17.25 x 24.5 in. (43.8 x 62.2 cm) signed in roman and syllabics; titled in syllabics; dated & editioned in pencil signed in roman and syllabics, titled, dated & editioned in pencil $ 500 / 700 $ 400 / 600

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

198 Kenojuak Ashevak Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) OC, RCA [1927-2013] GRAND DAME; 2009 199 etching and aquatint on paper; ed. #35/50 Pauta Saila 23.75 x 31.25 in. (60.3 x 79.4 cm) Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) RCA [1916-2009] signed in roman and syllabics, titled, dated & editioned in pencil COMPOSITION WITH CARIBOU; 1968 $ 800 / 1,200 stonecut on paper; ed. #37/50 21.75 x 23 in. (55.2 cm) signed, titled, dated & editioned in pencil $ 300 / 500

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

200 201 Kananginak Pootoogook Juanisialu Irqumia Canadian, Kinngait (Cape Dorset) RCA [1935-2010] Canadian, Puvirnituk (Povungnituk) [1912-1977] ARCTIC BOUND; 1989 A WOMAN FISHES FOR COD WHILE HER SON PLAYS; 1976 colour stonecut and stencil on paper; ed. #26/50 colour stonecut on paper; ed. #3/40 19 x 24.5 in. (48.3 x 62.2 cm) 14 x 20 in. (35.6 x 50.8 cm) signed, titled, dated & editioned in pencil signed in roman and syllabics, titled, dated & editioned in pencil $ 200 / 400 $ 200 / 400

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

202 203 Mabel Nigiyok Lukassie Tukalak Canadian, Ulukhaktok (Holman) [b. 1938] Canadian, Puvirnituk (Povungnituk) [1947-2003] OLD TIME DANCE CARIBOU HUNTERS BUILD AN IGLOO; 1976 colour stencil on paper; ed. #5/30 colour stonecut on paper; ed. #24/40 21 x 27.5 in. (53.3 x 69.9 cm) 14.75 x 25.5 in. (37.5 x 64.8 cm) signed, titled & editioned in pencil signed in roman and syllabics, titled, dated & editioned in pencil $ 200 / 400 $ 200 / 400

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

204 205 Juanisialu Irqumia Agnes Nanogak Canadian, Puvirnituk (Povungnituk) [1912-1977] Canadian, Ulukhaktok (Holman) [1995-2001] WOMAN CARRYING WATER IN A SEALSKIN BAG; 1976 SNIFFING AT A SEAHOLE; 1968 stonecut on paper; ed. # 2/35 stonecut on paper; ed. #14/50 12 x 25.5 in. (30.5 x 64.8 cm) 17 x 23 in. (43.2 x 58.4 cm) signed in roman and syllabics, titled, dated & editioned in pencil signed, titled, dated & editioned in pencil $ 200 / 400 $ 200 / 400

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

208 209 Peter Aliknak Mona Ohoveluk Canadian, Ulukhaktok (Holman) [1928-1998] Canadian, Ulukhaktok (Holman) [1935-1992] CHILDREN PLAYING ON IGLOO; 1969 PREPARING DRY FISH; 1967 stonecut on paper; ed. #8/50 stonecut on paper; ed. #20/51 14 x 20 in. (35.6 x 50.8 cm) 17 x 23 in. (43.2 x 58.4 cm) signed, titled, dated & editioned in pencil signed, titled, dated & editioned in pencil $ 200 / 400 $ 200 / 400

hodginsauction.com Fall 2021 Art Auction Monday, September 13th, 2021 @ 7 p.m. MT (staggered soft close)

210 Thomassie Echalook (Echaluk) Canadian, Inukjuak (Port Harrison) [1935-2011] MAN DRYING A POLAR BEAR SKIN, AND HOLDING HIS HARPOON WITH A SEALSKIN FLOAT; 1974 stonecut on paper 12.5 x 15 in. (31.8 x 38.1 cm) signed & titled in syllabics, dated & editioned in pencil $ 200 / 250

hodginsauction.com HODGINSAUCTION.COM