Fabian Essays in Socialism, I948 and Ideas, 75-80. 7
Notes CHAPTER I Noie: The pagination for note references to Wallas' books is from the following editions: Life rif Francis Place, I9I8 revised edition; Fabian Essays in Socialism, I948 Jubilee edition; Human Nature in Politics, 2nd English edition, I910; The Art rif Thought, I93I reprint in the Jonathan Cape 'Life and Letters' series; The Great Sociery and Our Social Heritage, first London editions. I. Introduction to John Ruskin, The Two Paths (London: Igo7) reprinted in Men and Ideas, 75-80. 2. John Ruskin, op. cit., 93-4· 3· 'The Future ofCowper-Templeism', Nation, 5, 24]uly I909, 597· 4· H. W. Nevinson, Changes and Chances (London: I923) 30. 5· Art of Thought, I I I; see also 289. 6. 'Let Youth But Know', Speaker, 20january I906, reprinted in Men and Ideas, I 54· 7· Ibid. 8. The Art of Thought, 289. 9· 'Government', Public Administration, 6( I) I928, 6. 10. Fragment on 'Education', Wallas Papers. I I. 'A Criticism ofFroebelian Pedagogy', first published in Child Life, July I90I, and reprinted in Men and Ideas, I37· I2. 'Darwinism and Social Motive', Inquirer, 28 April I9o6, and reprinted in Men and Ideas, 92. I3. Human Nature in Politics, 286. I4· M. J. Wiener, Between Two Worlds: The Political Thought rif Graham Wallas (Oxford I97I) 8. I5· Human Nature in Politics, I87. I6. 'L. T. Hobhouse', a review of J. A. Hobson and Morris Ginsberg, L. T. Hobhouse: His Life and Work, New Statesman and Nation, 25 April I93I, 326. I7· 'The Education of Beatrice Webb', a review of Beatrice Webb, My Apprenticeship, The Nation, 38, 6 March I926, 779· I8.
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