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Appendix: List of Interviews Appendix: List of Interviews The unification of Germany 1) APELT Andreas, Berlin, 23 October 2007. 2) BERGMANN-POHL Sabine, Berlin, 13 December 2007. 3) BIEDENKOPF Kurt, Berlin, 5 December 2007. 4) BIRTHLER Marianne, Berlin, 18 December 2007. 5) CHROBOG Jürgen, Berlin, 13 November 2007. 6) EGGERT Heinz, Dresden, 14 December 2007. 7) EPPELMANN Rainer, Berlin, 21 November 2007. 8) GAUCK Joachim, Berlin, 20 December 2007. 9) GLÄSSNER Gert-Joachim, Berlin, 7 November 2007. 10) HELBIG Monika, Berlin, 5 November 2007. 11) HOFMANN Gunter, Berlin, 30 July 2007. 12) KERWIEN Antonie, Berlin, 31 October 2007. 13) KLINGST Martin, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 7 December 2006. 14) KLOSE Hans-Ulrich, Berlin, 31 October 2007. 15) KRAA Detlev, Berlin, 31 October 2007. 16) KRALINSKI Thomas, Potsdam, 16 October 2007. 17) LENGSFELD Vera, Berlin, 3 December 2007. 18) LIPPERT Barbara, Berlin, 25 July 2007. 19) MAIZIÈRE Lothar de, Berlin, 4 December 2007. 20) MAIZIÈRE Thomas de, Berlin, 20 November 2007. 21) MECKEL Markus, Berlin, 29 November 2007. 22) MERTES Michael, Boston, Massachusetts, 17 November 2006. 23) MEYER Hans Joachim, Berlin, 13 December 2007. 24) MISSELWITZ Hans, Berlin, 6 November 2007. 25) MODROW Hans, Berlin, 28 November 2007. 26) MÜLLER Hans-Peter, Berlin, 13 November 2007. 27) NOOKE Günther, Berlin, 27 November 2007. 28) PAU Petra, Berlin, 13 December 2007. 29) PLATZECK Matthias, Potsdam, 12 December 2007. 30) SABATHIL Gerhard, Berlin, 31 October 2007. 31) SARAZZIN Thilo, Berlin, 30 November 2007. 32) SCHABOWSKI Günther, Berlin, 3 December 2007. 33) SCHÄUBLE Wolfgang, Berlin, 19 December 2007. 34) SCHRÖDER Richard, Berlin, 4 December 2007. 35) SEGERT Dieter, Vienna, 18 June 2008. 36) SEITERS Rudolf, Berlin, 28 June 2009. 37) TELTSCHIK Horst, Munich, 29 April 2008. 38) TUSCHHOFF Christian, Berlin, 8 August 2007. 39) WAIGEL Theo, Munich, 30 April 2008. 40) WEICHSEL Volker, Berlin, 1 November 2007. 41) WEISS Konrad, Berlin, 29 November 2007. 189 190 Appendix: List of Interviews 42) WEIZSÄCKER Richard von, Berlin, 27 November 2007. 43) WEYRAUCH Martina, Potsdam, 16 October 2007. 44) ZIEL Alwin, Potsdam, 14 November 2007. 45) ZÜRN Michael, Berlin, 10 October 2007. Eastern enlargement of the EU 46) AVERY Graham, Brussels, 24 January 2011. 47) BARTÁK Karel, Brussels, 15 July 2008. 48) BRODSKÝ Jiˇrí, Prague, 26 February 2009. 49) BUSEK Erhard, Vienna, 2 June 2008. 50) CERNOCHˇ Pavel, Brussels, 3 March 2011. 51) CHRISTOFFERSEN Poul Skytte, Brussels, 10 February 2011. 52) DANIELSSON Christian, Brussels, 5 April 2009. 53) ERLER Petra, Potsdam, 6 June 2011. 54) FREUDENSTEIN Roland, Hamburg, 15 November 2007. 55) FRIŠTENSKÁ Hana, Prague, 23 February 2009. 56) GREGER Petr, Prague, 8 August 2008. 57) HORÁCEKˇ Milan, Prague, 21 August 2008. 58) JACQUES Kateˇrina, Prague, 29 May 2008. 59) JARABˇ Josef, Prague, 2 July 2008. 60) JEŽEK Petr, Prague, 21 August 2007. 61) KAVAN Jan, Prague, 7 August 2008. 62) KOHOUT Jan, Prague, 16 May 2008. 63) KOVANDA Karel, Brussels, 16 July 2008. 64) KREUTER Josef, Prague, 7 April 2008. 65) KUBERNÁT Petr, Prague, 16 May 2008. 66) KUCHTA Tomáš, Prague, 5 January 2007. 67) KYAW Dietrich von, Berlin, 7 August 2007. 68) LAŠTUVKA˚ Vladimír, LázneBˇ elohradˇ u Jicína,ˇ 18 August 2008. 69) LEIGH Michael, Brussels, 15 April 2009. 70) MCDONAGH-PAJEROVÁ Monika, Prague, 28 May 2008. 71) MORNINGSTAR Richard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2 December 2008. 72) MRACEKˇ Milan, Prague, 29 May 2008. 73) RANSDORF Miloslav, Prague, 12 August 2008. 74) RINGROSE David, Brussels, 16 March 2011. 75) ROUCEKˇ Libor, Prague, 27 June 2008. 76) ROVNÁ Lenka, Prague, 8 April 2008. 77) RYCHETSKÝ Pavel, Brno, 18 February 2009. 78) SECKAˇ Libor, Prague, 15 August 2007. 79) SEFZIG Ludek,ˇ Prague, 12 August 2008. 80) SOBOTKA Pˇremysl, Prague, 1 July 2008. 81) ŠPIDLA Vladimír, Brussels, 15 July 2008. 82) SVOBODA Cyril, Prague, 8 April 2008. 83) TELICKAˇ Pavel, Berlin, 21 November 2007. 84) VAN DER PAS Nikolaus, Brussels, 15 April 2009. 85) VERHEUGEN Günther, Potsdam, 6 June 2011. Appendix: List of Interviews 191 86) WISSELS Rutger, Brussels, 16 July 2008. 87) WOLTE Wolfgang, Vienna, 24 June 2008. 88) ZAHRADIL Jan, Prague, 2 July 2008. 89) ZAORÁLEK Lubomír, Prague, 21 August 2008. 90) ZEMAN Miloš, Nové Veselí, 22 August 2008. Notes 3 The Unification of Germany: A Case of the Transplantation Model of Political Integration 1. My interview with Marianne Birthler, Berlin, 18 December 2007. 2. The masses were mobilized after the clear manipulation of the May 1989 municipal elections in which the communists were declared to have won over 90 percent of the vote (see e.g. Weidenfeld and Korte, 1999). 3. My interview with Günther Nooke, Berlin, 27 November 2007. 4. My interview with Rudolf Seiters, Berlin, 28 June 2009. 5. The SED’s general secretary, Erich Honecker, was forced to resign for ‘health reasons’ after an intraparty coup on 18 October 1989 (see e.g. Fulbrook, 2005). 6. For video recording of the press conference (in German only), see (accessed: 7 February 2014). For the orig- inal German transcript of the press conference, see http://www.chronik November/oldAction/Detail/oldModule/Chronical/year/1989 (accessed: 7 February 2014). For the English transcript, see Günter Schabowski, ‘Guenter Schabowski’s Press Conference in the GDR International Press Center,’ Making the History of 1989, Item #449, 1989/items/show/449 (accessed: 7 February 2014). For further details on 9 November 1989 (in German), see http://www.chronik-der-mauer .de/index.php/de/Chronical/Detail/day/9/month/November/year/1989 (accessed: 7 February 2014). 7. For a well-written example of such a scholarly account of a ‘bungled press conference,’ see Sarotte (2014). 8. For the German text of the travel law, see http://www.chronik-der-mauer .de/index.php/de/Media/TextPopup/day/9/id/1261627/month/November/ oldAction/Detail/oldModule/Chronical/year/1989 (accessed: 7 February 2014). 9. My interview with Günther Schabowski, Berlin, 3 December 2007. 10. My interview with Günther Schabowski, Berlin, 3 December 2007. 11. For the German text of ‘Schabowskis Zettel,’ the government mea- sure, see 618085/page/23 (accessed: 7 February 2014). 12. For Schabowski’s handwritten notes on the order of the agenda at the press briefing (in German), see a PDF file under the title ‘Schabowskis handschriftlicher Fahrplan at sa= t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source= web&cd=1&ved=0CCEQFjAA&url=http% 3A% 2Ffiles%2Fdokument _pdf%2F54241_cdm-891109-fahrplan.pdf&ei=YASVVc3EBYGvsQGP2pG IDA&usg= AFQjCNHr5SYM6EbF8WMq3yRjaOHzWqCyDA&sig2=vIxKIoW yuED7Ph1s5fp 4CA&bvm=bv.96952980,d.ZGU (accessed: 7 February 2014). 192 Notes 193 13. My interview with Günther Schabowski, Berlin, 3 December 2007. 14. The report on the ‘mysterious phone call’ was for the first time made pub- lic by German TV news broadcaster MDR on 19 April 2009 http://www∼datum,19.04.2009∼cm.asp (report no longer available). Cf. a Spiegel Online (in German) article on the same topic: Grothe and Kloth, 2009 3990/bei_anruf_mauerfall.html (accessed: 7 February 2014) and a Time arti- cle (in English) Kirchner, 2009, 8599,1892408,00.html (accessed: 7 February 2014). 15. See also Kirchner (2009) at, 8599,1892408,00.html (accessed: 7 February 2014). 16. The Time article at,9171, 969637,00.html (accessed: 7 February 2014). See also New York Times, Schmemann, 1990 at upheaval-east-2-german-chiefs-prepare-meet-steamroller-vs-lame-duck.html (accessed: 7 February 2014). 17. The text is also available at (accessed: 7 February 2014). 18. My interview with Hans Modrow, Berlin, 28 November 2007. Cf. Modrow (1999, p. 419). 19. My interview with Rudolf Seiters, Berlin, 28 June 2009. 20. My interviews with Christian Tuschhoff, Berlin, 8 August 2007 and Gert- Joachim Glässner, Berlin, 7 November 2007. 21. For the German text of Kohl’s speech, see Kohl (1989b) at http://www (accessed: 7 February 2014). 22. My interview with Dietrich von Kyaw, Berlin, 7 August 2007. 23. My interview with Martin Klingst, Cambridge, MA, 7 December 2006. 24. My interview with Richard von Weizsäcker, Berlin, 27 November 2007. Von Weizsäcker shared with me a story showing how the day after the Berlin Wall came down was confusing for both the West and East German author- ities: President von Weizsäcker decided to walk alone across the Potsdamer Platz to see how he would be received and whether he would be let in and out. When he approached the police station, an East German offi- cer came out, saluted, and said: ‘Herr Bundespräsident, ich melde Ihnen keine besondere Vorkommnisse’ [Nothing extraordinary to report]. Von Weizsäcker commented that East Germans knew his face from TV and sim- ply did not know how to react to a West German president crossing the border. 25. My interview with Matthias Platzeck, Potsdam, 12 December 2007. 26. My interview with Detlev Kraa, Berlin, 31 October 2007. 27. My interviews with Gunter Hofmann, Berlin, 30 July 2007 and Andreas Apelt, Berlin, 23 October 2007. Rainer Eppelmann suggests just 500–800 people in the whole GDR prior to the Leipzig demonstrations (my interview with Rainer Eppelmann, Berlin, 21 November 2007. 28. My interview with Konrad Weiss, Berlin, 29 November 2007. 29. The Rostock branch of NF had a much clearer and stronger line advocating unification by Gauck and others prior to November 1989 (Gauck, 2009, pp.
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