Aachen, 13 Absolutism, 12 Académie D'architecture, 100 Académie Des Beaux-Arts, 100 Académie Des Belles-Lettres De Caen, 12

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Aachen, 13 Absolutism, 12 Académie D'architecture, 100 Académie Des Beaux-Arts, 100 Académie Des Belles-Lettres De Caen, 12 The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System Jacob Soll http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=243021 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Index Aachen, 13 152; information management, 143–52; Absolutism, 12 and politics, 142 Académie d’Architecture, 100 Archives, 7, 11; archival pillages, 101–8, Académie des Beaux-Arts, 100 126; de Brienne archive, 103; Colbert Académie des Belles-Lettres de Caen, and archives, 37, 104–12; colonial 123–24 archives, 113–19; Dutch archives, 24; Académie des Inscriptions et Belles- ecclesiastical archives, 103–6; Fouquet’s Lettres, 100, 109, 128 archive, “la Cassette de Fouquet,” 46; Académie des Inscriptions et Médaillons, French parliamentary archives, 43–44, 100 108; French state archives, 28–30, Académie des Sciences, 100, 109 101–8; Fugger family archive, 19; ge- Académie Française, 31 nealogical archives, 182–83; medieval Académie Française de Rome, 100 archives, 14–15; nineteenth- Académie Politique of de Torcy, 156 century centralizing state archives, Accounting, 18, 34, 36, 54–58; and Louis 158–59; openness and archives, 166; XIV, 60–66 and Orientalism, 105–7; permanent Agendas, 6, 18; made for Louis XIV, state archives, 158; Renaissance 51–66; of Seignelay, 89 archives, 16; and royal authority, 162; D’Aguesseau, Henri de, intendant, 91 searchable archives, 158; and secrecy, Alberti, Leon Battista, 54, 57 166; Spanish Archives, 19–21 Amelot de La Houssaye, Abraham- Archivio di Stato di Torino, 163 Nicolas, 54, 57 Archivio Segreto del Vaticano, 22, 28 American Historical Association, 11 Arnoul, Nicolas, intendant, 73–74, 106 Amsterdam, 24–25 Arnoul, Pierre, ‹ls, intendant, 78–79 Ancient Constitution, the, 13, 29, 31, Ars apodemica, 70–72 49 Ars mercatoria, 18, 35 Ann of Austria, Queen of France, 38, 58 Atlantic World, lack of concept of, 115, Antiquarianism, 25–33; and government, 118 269 The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System Jacob Soll http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=243021 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. 270 index d’Aubarède, Vincent, Père, 141 Bourgogne, Louis, ‹ls de France, duke Augsburg, 19 de, 125, 159 d’Avity, Pierre, 71 Bourzeis, Aimable, abbé, 108, 122 Boutigny, Roland Le Vayer de, inten- Bacon, Francis, 5, 8, 9, 97 dant, 151 Bagni, Nicola Guidi di, cardinal, 39 Boyle, Robert, 115 Bale, John, 22 Bracciolini, Poggio, 16, 17 Baluze, Étienne, 1, 7, 101, 108; adminis- Brienne, Antoine de Loménie, comte de, ters Colbert’s library, 111–13; manages 103 information for the Affair of the régale, Brienne, Henri-Auguste de Loménie, 143–52; and New World archives, 116; comte de, 29; archive of, 103 serves Seignelay, 156; trains with Ma- Brunelleschi, Filippo, 54, 57 billon, 121–14; works with La Reynie, Bruno, Giordano, 24 133 Budé, Guillaume, 30 banking, 18, 24 Bullion, Claude de, 53 Barnier, François, 105 Bureaucracy, 3, 11; Colbert’s reforms of Baronius, Cesar, cardinal, 22, 145 the intendancy, 67; Foucault’s training Barret-Kriegel, Blandine, 9 for, 123–26; Jesuit, 23, 29, 31; and Bastille, the prison of, 130, 138 scholarship, 106; Spanish, 20; and the Bayle, Pierre, 101, 136, 139 Terror, 166 Beauvilliers, Paul, duke de Saint-Aignan Busbeque, Ogier Ghislain de, 105 et de, 159 Bellinzani, Francesco, 76, 117 Call numbers, 93 Benedictines, 120, 146 Cambridge University, 1 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 100 Cambridge Modern History, 15 Besson, Joseph, père, 106–7 Canada, 113–19 bibliophilia, 17–18, 102, 104, 162 Carcassonne, 104 Bibliotheca San Marco, 21, 28 Carcavy, Pierre, 99 biblioteca selecta, 95–97, 111 cartography, 71–72, 76 Bibliothèque Mazarine, 40–43 Casa de Contratacíon, 20, 28 Bibliothèque Nationale, 8 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico, 8, 76, Bicci, Averardo Francesco di, 55 99 Biterne, Law Firm of, 35 Castiglione, Baldessare, 54 Blair, Ann, 23 Castille, 18 Blois, Françoise-Marie de Bourbon, catalogs, 146 mademoiselle de, 51 categories, 5 Blondel, François, 110 Catherine II, the Great, Tsarina of Rus- Blotius, Hugo, 70, 95–97 sia, 162 Bodin, Jean, 30 Catinat de Vaugelay, Pierre, Président de, Boislisle, Arthur de, 9 81 Bookkeeping, double-entry, 18, 35, Caulet, François-Étienne, bishop, 53–58; naval, 74–76 140–42, 149 Boniface VIII, Benedetto Caetani, pope, censorship, 130–39 141 the church, and paperwork, 13–14, 16; Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, bishop, 151 scholars of, 120–23 Botero, Giovanni, 55 Central Intelligence Agency, 12 Bouhours, Dominique, père de, 87 Chambers, Ephraïm, 195 Boulainvilliers, Henri, comte de, 159–60 Chambre des Comptes, 28, 123, 151 The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System Jacob Soll http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=243021 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Index 271 Chamlay, Jean-Louis Bolé, marquis de, brary of 1–3, 95–119, 121, 145; library, 157 sale of, 156; lobby of, 68; and Louis Champaigne, Philippe de, 4 XIV, relationship to and education of, Chapelain, Jean, 101, 157; family ac- 51–52, 59–64; and Louis XIV, reports counting ‹rm of, 35 to, 91; and Mazarin, 35–40; and Charlemagne, 14, 140 Mazarin’s library, 40–43; and merchant Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 54 culture, 34–35; and Gabriel Naudé, Charles VIII, King of France, 109, 141 39–42; original name of Mississippi Charles IX, King of France, 30 River, 113; and paperwork, 4, 6, 8, 36; Charron, Pierre, 58 and the Paris Parlement, 43, 47–49; Chevreuse, Charles Honoré d’Albert, Paris Parlement, con›ict with, 80–81; duke de Luynes, de Chaulnes et de, Paris Parlement, regulation of, 69; and 159 the Republic of Letters, 127; reputa- Choppin, René, 28 tion and historical image, 3–5; rise to chorography, 71 power, chap. 3; Royal Library, 4, 42, Christina, Queen of Sweden, 41 94–101; and science, 98–104; secrecy Cicero, 2 of, 44, 47–48 Clanchy, M. T., 15 Colbert, Édouard François, comte de Clément, Nicolas, 122 Maulévrier, 155 Clément, Pierre, 6 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, marquis de clerks, 30 Seignelay, education, 84–88; makes en- Clermont, Collège de, 87, 89, 123 quêtes; and note-taking, 89–93; policy Clinton, William Jefferson, 12 letters, 138–37; takes over from his fa- Cluny, 15 ther, 153 Clusius, Carolus, 19 Colbert, Marie Charron, 36 Coffee Houses, 10 Colbert, Nicolas, archbishop, 84 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste: and accounting, Colbert de Croissy, Charles, intendant, 34, 36, 50, 60–66; and archives, 7, Ambassador, 74, 77, 81, 111–12 107–12; book collector, 101–8, Colbert de Terron, Jean, intendant, 45, 126–27; and bookkeeping, 35; collapse 73–74, 79, 84 of his ministry, 156; and colonial pol- Colbert de Torcy, Jean-Baptiste, foreign icy, 113–19; correspondence of, minister, archive and information sys- 137–39; death, 153; education of, tem of, 156–57 34–36; family, 34; and ‹nance, 34; and collecting, 19, 101–8, 127 ‹nancial management, 38; fortune of, Collegio Romano, 22 36–37; and Foucault, 123–26; his son, colonies, 113–19 88–93; and historiographical culture, Commines, Philippe, de, 109 127–29; information management, 7; Committee of Public Safety, 165 information management, blueprint for Communication Networks, 10 his system of, 86; information manage- Congress of the United States, 11 ment, collapse of his system, 154–59; Conring, Herman, 101, 127 information management, cross-check- Corregidores, 72 ing, 78; information management and Cotelier, Jean-Baptiste, 105 intendants, 68–73; information man- Cotton, Robert, 8, 27–28 agement and navy, 73–75; information Council of Finances, 53, 60 management systems, 12, 41; innova- Counter, or Catholic Reform, 53, 143 tions, 163–65; and Jesuits, 34; and La Cour des Aides, 81–82 Reynie, 133–39; legacy of, 163–65; li- Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien, 4 The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System Jacob Soll http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=243021 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. 272 index Cramoisy, Sébastien Marbre, 102 enquêtes, 67, 69, 77; Seignelay trains to credit, 160–61 write them, 155 Creil, Jean de, intendant, 81 d’Épernon, Bernard de Nogaret de La curia regia, 29 Valette, duke, 131 curiosity, 19; Colbert’s lack of in the Erasmus, Desiderius, 57 New World, 114, 119 Escorial, el, 20 Evans, R. J. W., 9 Dafforne, Richard, 56 D’Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 4 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 12 Dallek, Robert, 11 Félibien, André, 110 D’Artagnan, Charles de Batz-Castelmore, Fermat, Pierre de, 95 46 Fernandez de Oviedo, Gonzalo, 114 Dassié, F., 110 Files, 17, 23; Colbert’s ‹les, 116, 122; data, management, 23; search, 146–52 Colbert’s ‹le on the régale, 147; of po- de’Barbari, Jacopo, 55 lice, 80; Seignelay’s ‹les, 89–93, 108 Delamare, Nicolas, 131, 133 ‹nance, 18, 34; and openness, or trans- Descartes, René, 3, 5, 41 parency, 159–61 Desmaretz, Nicolas, 154–55 Flacius, Mathias, 22 Dessert, Daniel, 68 Florence, Italy, 10, 16–19, 98 Diderot, Denis, 4–5, 95, 110 Foucault, Joseph-Nicolas, marquis de diplomatica, 101, 121 Magny, 43, 48, 78, 80, 90, 123–28, Diplomats, 17–18, 70–71 137, 141–42 Doat, Jean, Président de, 104 Foucault, Michel, 9 Dodart, Denis, 110 Fouillac, Antoine Raymonde, abbé de, Doomsday Book, 15 124 Doujat, Jean, 80 Fouquet, Nicolas, marquis de Belle-Isle, Dreyfus, Alfred, 11, 165 vicomte de Melun et Vaux, 43–47; Du Cange, Charles du Fresne, sieur, 31, Cassette, or archive of, 46–47; library, 105 102 Dumoulin, Charles, 28 François I, King of France, 30 Dupuy Academy, 31 Frederick II, the Great, King of Prussia, Dupuy, Jacques, 27–28, 31, 94, 100, 145, 162 161 Freedom of Information Act, 11 Dupuy, Pierre, 27–28, 31–33, 100, 145, Fronde,
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