X . NET PRESS.RUN AVERAGE DAILY C3IRCULATION for the Month of November, 1989 5,488 Members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations

(Classified Advertising on Page 18) VOL. XLIV., NO. 57. VARE DENIED SEAT IN SENATE CHENEY NAM Q) Rescue Five Seamen NEW REVOLT VARE IS EXCLUDED. FOR NATIONAL From Sinking Vessel IN MEXICO FROM THE SENATE SEKNEAR 0 __(AP)—Thc^sea made it impossible to hoist it TRMCUNIC New York, Dec. back aboard ship.. BY VOTE OF 58-22 rescue of five seaman from a dis­ The message, dated 9:30 a. m. abled schooner in a heavy sea was Eastern Standard Time, said the reported in a message received to­ Baltic came upon the schooner Defeated Candidate at Elec­ President of Local Mills to Northern Light, in a sinking condi­ By Another Vote of 66 to day at the offices of the White Star tion and dangerous to navigation, ir. tions Calls on Friends to YOUNG FORD’S SHIP Line here from J. Kearney, master 45.54 North Latitude and 42.32 West Help D iapose and Cor­ of the liner Baltic, which is. due in Longitude. 15, His Democratic Op­ New York Monday from Liverpoo:. The sailor who was lost was' Rex Arm Selves on His Re- GOES ON THE ROCKS A rect the Ills of American One member of the schooner;^? Parson. The schooner, owned by Job Brothers, of St. John, N. B., was ponent, William H. Wil­ crew, a youth of 20, was drowned, tani from This Coontry. Business— ^Hoover’ s Plan and the Baltic's lifeboat was ca.st enroute from St. John to Bonavista adrift, supposedly because the heavy Bay. Crew Taken Off by Coast son is Also Barred; Vote San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 6.— (AP) One of Manchester’s industrial —A “ manifesto” calling upon his LINDBERGHS TO HAVE His dramatic plea for a seat in the United States Senate was finished, Guard— May Try to Re­ Ends Three Year Old leaders was importantly recognized and here you see the ailing Senator-elect William S. Vare for Peimsyl- A HOME AT LAST supporters who voted for him to at the beginning of the great in­ arm themselves in preparation for vania as he left the capitol in Washington vdth his wife and daughter, MERGER OF ROADS Mrs. William Vare Kipp. A few minutes before he had stood in the Senatorial Controversy; dustrial conference meeting at his return to Mexico, has been issued float Yacht Today. New York, Dec. 6.— (AP)— by Jose Vascancelos, defeated Antl- chamber of the upper house and read a prepared address defying the Washington today under the aus­ The Lindberghs are at last to Reelectionist candidate fOr the Senate to exclued him and challenging anyone .to produce evidence of pices of the United States Chamber OPPOSED BY TODD fraud or conspiracj^ in his election three years ago. Pennsylvania Governor to have a home. Mftcican presidency, according to a New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 6: -- of Commerce as a reflex of Presi­ Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. statement today by Dr. Francisco dent Hoover's policy of bu^ness Lindbergh have leased an apart­ Del Rio Canero, former secretary (AP)—The steam yacht Siafia, own­ Appoint New Senator. stimulation. One of the first things ment on East 57th street, ip the to Vasconcelos. ed by Edsel Ford went aground near Head of Bangor & Aroo­ exclusive and high-priced Sut­ Vasconcelos, Canedo said, is en- Hen and Chickens light, off Niw ton place district, owners of the i route to Los Angeles for a confer­ Washington, Dec. .— (AP)—Ex­ GEN. BULLARD SUFFERS Bedford Harbor last night. 6 building announced today. ence and will arrive in San Antonio cluding Senator-Elect William S. Seventeen members of the crew, stook Co. Says It Would It is a five-room apartment, in within ten days. Vare, of Pennsylvania, from mem­ a studio apartment building just Dr. Canedo, who lives in San one pf whom was reported to have bership, the Senate today left the compled. Antonio, returned here Thursday SEVERE HEART ATTACK been injured were taken off shortly Not Help Shippers. night from Nogales, bringing copies seat vacant by then refusing to de­ of the manifesto. He said- that Vas­ after seven a. m. by Coast Guard clare his Democratic opponent in concelos is in the United States “for patrol boat 287, Woods Hole Base, in the 1926 election, William B. ^ Wil­ New Britain, Conn., Dec. 6 — self preservation against the ‘gov­ charge of Chief Gunner’s Mate Gor­ son, elected. ernment assassins,’ ” and that the Commanded Third American BANDITS MURDER (AP)—Consolidation of tbe New SCHACHT BLAMES » don Disbury, according to* a radio The vote to exclude Vare was 53 England railroads into a regional leader will return to Mexico as soon to 22. as his people have had ait oppor­ Army Corps at Second report received at the base. The vote on the Norris resolution group would be better than tieups tunity to organize for armed op­ BANK MESSENGER Distress Rockets. to exclude Vare was opposed only of individual roads with trunk lines ALL ON POLITICS position to the government. Distress rockets sent up from the by Republicans. outside the section, in the opinion of Battle of the* Marne in Sialia were sighted early this morn­ On the other hand, 25 Republi­ ing by the steamer George W elling­ cans, 32 Democrats and one Farmer President Percy Todd of the Bangor ton of the New Yofk-Boston Line. and Aroostook, but consolidation of Labor voted to bar him. German Financier Says Poli­ th(? World War. Shot Him in Busy Street and The steamer sent a radio message to Long Dispute Ended. any kind would offer disadvantages. STATE UCENSES the Naval Radio station at Chat­ Two,roll calls in quick succession, President Todd, President J. J. Escape With Bag Con­ ham, which relayed it to Woods ended the three year old Senatorial > Pelley of the New York, New ticians Spoil Work of the New YorJc, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Major Hole. controversy which has cost the gov- Haven and Hartford, and Vice Pres­ FOR 3 5 DOCTORS General Robert Lee Bullard, retired, Coast Guard headquarters at Bos­ efnment almost $200,OOO- to investi­ ident N. W. Hawkes of the Boston suffered a heart attack in his apart­ taining $34,000, ton have been asked to send a 125 gate. and Maine addressed a dinner of Economists. ment today and is in a critical con­ foot cutter down to pull the yacht First the Senate doors were fin­ the New Britain Traffic Association dition. off the ledge on which it is ground­ ally and definitely barred to Vare, here last night. General Bullard has been ill with ed. The 17 men were to be brought veteran Philadelphia Republican con . 1 Medical Examining Board heart diseasq for three weeks, his Philadelphia, Dec. 6.— (AP)— Charles Cheney In his discussion of Berlin, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Dr. Hjal- to this port. leader, on account of his expenditure solidation President Todd said physician said, but his condition did Cameron (Jook, a messenger for the of more than $785,000, and charges it mar Schact, president of the Reichs- The Sialia, according to informa­ done at the conference, which is be­ that in certain ways Announces the Names of not become critical until after the Bank of Philadelphia and Trust tion received by the Coast Guard, of fraud in his race for the Repub­ would be undesirable to either bank, believes European “politicians ing attended by nearly a thousand attack. He is now too seriously ill company was shot to death today was bound from the shipyards at lican Senatorial nomination in 1926. of the country’s manufacturing and the roads or the public. "I doubt are trying to spoil what economists to be moved to a hospital the doc­ Then the-Senate adopted a resolu­ very much whether the anticipated by three men who seized Ms bank Neponset near Boston to New York. business notables, was the selection carefully constructed,” and that the Successful Applicants, tor said. There was no. member of the Ford tion declaring that Wilson, his foe of a committee of forty to confer economies from consolidation will General Bullard, who, as com­ bag containing, it was estimated, in the 1926 general election, had nations concerned should get back family aboard. with the chairman of the Board of materialize,” he said. “The revision mander of the Third American $34,000 in cash and checks. The failed to receive a plurality of the of pay-rolls particularly would have j to the Young plan as a basis for cur- Directors of the United States Army Corps at the Second Battle of bandits escaped. legally cast votes for the seat. Chamber of Commerce, Julius to be upward.” rent financial arrangements Hartford, Dec. 6.—(AP)—Tbirt3r- the Marne in July, 1918, wrote the NEW YACHT. The vote against Wilson was 68 No Aid. To Shippers Cook, who was about 50 years Detroit, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Edsel Barnes, on the choice of a perman­ j In a formal protest issued over his five physicians have been ^proved famous message, “ we are going to to 15. ent committee to survey business Turning to the shipper’s view­ counter-attack:’, is 68 years old. He old, had stepped out of a branch Ford’s y*cht, the Sialia, which went The Roll Call point, he declared, “I doubt glso I signature, the Reichsbank head, who for state license by the Connecticut postoffice at 17 th and French aground last night off New Bed­ progress. medical examining boa^d. The was born in Yoqngsboro, Ala., in The roll call to bar vare foUbwsS Two from this state that the shippers would benefit, be­ jwas prncinpal German delegate at 1861, just a few months before the streets in the northern part of the ford, Mass., was launched only Nor. city when a man leaped from an 16 at the Lawley Ship Yards, Ne­ For. exclusion— One of the members of this com­ cause of being placed further away j the Paris Young plan conference, names announced today are as fol­ outbreak of the Civil War. A from the rail interests in a ]arge automobile and pressed a pistol ponset, Mass., the fifth yacht under Republicams—Allen, Blaine, Bo­ mittee is Charles Cheney, president lows: jje was retired from the Army in rah, Brookhart, Capper, Couzens, of Cheney Brothers, selected to combination.” President Todd is I complained the creditor states were against Cook and seized the bag. the yoimger Ford’s colors. ' trying to get more from Germany Lawrence D. "Alexander, Gleri- January, 1925. At that time he was Cutting, Dale, Frazier, Glenn, represent the Special Jtodustrial chairman of the Railroad presidents in command of the Second Corps Two other men remained, in the •The yacht has an overall length committee of the New England than had been specified in the brook; Catherine Strunk Amatruda, of 130 fedt, beam 23 feet, draft 7 Howell, Johnson, Jones, LaFollette, Conference Board. J. F. SJ:one, hPftrfmiarters on Cover-i car. The robber who held/the pis- McCulloch, McMaster, McNary, vice-president of the Stanley Works Council. Young plan, which he said, all pres­ New Haven; Alphonse A. Beatrice, nor’s’ island. Since his retirement he tol threw the in the rear the feet 6 inches, and is powered by two “Congress, however, seems deiei- ent at Paris agreed represented Ger­ Middletown: William J. Bodie, New Diesel engines developing 300 Metcalf, Norris, Nye, Patterson, of N w Britain, is the only other has been president of the National f « ^ z e Mm Sackett, Steiwer, Thomas of Idaho, Connecticut member of ‘ mined to have the railroads consoli­ many’s maximum capacity to pay. Haven; Stanley N. Bralnard, Blast The rob- horsepower. The crift was to have date,” he continued. “In the quefe- Hartford; David W. Byrne, Jr., Security Leagfue. fired one been used this winter criflsmg in and Vandenherg—25. . tee. The committee of which Mi^ Not Justified. Long HI her backed away and 'tion of what form of cons^idation Hartford; Philip Carrol, Bridgeport; southern waters. Democrats — Ashurst, Barkley, Cheney is a member was named He listed various' attempts for in­ Black, Bratton, Brock, Broussa^ from among the large number of would be best for New England James M. Cassidy Hartford; Charges Cost of the yacht was reported to executives who attended the pre- there is no doubt that there should crease In payments from Germany D. Corradino, New Haven; Melvin be $300,000. 'The name is the same Caraway, Connally, Copeland, Dill, liminary meeting at Washington be one strong New England railroad or for ren'unciations of income which R. Davie, Washington, D. C.; Flor­ as that of a 200 foot yacht owned Fletcher, George, Glass, Harris, company, embracing all the rail- he said Would run into billions of up imtil two years ago by Henry Hawes, Hayden, Heflin, McKellar, ence F. Dean, Woodstock: Leonard Overman, Pittman, Ransdell, Robin­ on the committee includ- 3 in this section, with one or dollars and for which there was not De Chantal, Wallingford; Edward A. Point in' Five persons who saw the killing Ford. two exceptions.” . the slightest justification under the Graduated ^rom t n everything happened so quickly son' of Arkansafi, Sheppard, Sim­ President Pelley discussed m de­ Dignam, Hartford; Parker Dooley, 1885, General mons, Swanson, Thomas of* Okla­ Exporting and importing: Yi^or Young plan. Kent; Isadore, S. Greeter," New wp fon^ht in ! that they were unable to obtain a Cutter, president. United Frmt Co., tail ways in which the New Haven “As a signatory of the Young long colorful career. homa. Trammell, Tydings. Wagner. Britain; Llewellyn Hall, Andover, ando^n^'in^hP in the Spanishqnaniqh° ' cfppnp the man of thP who ahootinp-fired the Walsh of Mass., Walsh of Montana Boston, ^lass. w plan,” he said, “I cknnot stand by the Indian wars and m uuc -1 shot. The scene of the shooting JOHN WALTER EMERSON (Continued on Page Three.) Mass.; Elizabeth R. Harrison, New American war and went to France and 'Wheeler—22. Leather and products: Alfred W. while various governments try to Haven; Sam B. Kirby, New Haven; was across the street from a public Donovan, president E. F. Wright squeeze additional sums out of Ger­ in 1917 as brigadier general in com­ school and hundreds of the children Parmer Labor—Shipstead—1. Company, Rockland, Mass. Edward Lopatin, New Haven; David mand of the second brigade of the IS DEAD IN NEW YORK Total for exclusion, 58. many. Once again the politicians P. McGourty, Pottsville, Pa.; Mel­ heard* the shot fired. Again Exclusion. Paper and Pulp: S. L. are trying to poll what economists first division. The exact amount of the money vin J. MacNeil, Jamaica Plain, He led the American forces in Against exclusion: president, American Writing Paper byrdI ndwhen.carefully constructed. You cannot in the bag could not be immediately Mass.; Eugene Meschter, Stamford; their first engagement in the World Republicans-^ Bingham, Gillett, Company, Holyoke, Mass.^ • _ ^g®t water out of a stone and . if determined. Cook had visited the Descendant of Two Colonial Special industrial conference V. S. Michalowski, Boston; Jacob War. Federal Reserve bank and on his Goldsborough, Gould, Greene, Hale, f\17Ii1iKIT^l4l^ P lV I k l l r n l !Philip Snowden, chancellor of the Nodelman, Middletown; J. Gerald M. General Bullard was married two Governors of Bay State; Hastings, Hatfield, Kean, Keyes, board: . . t' D 1 iW S i l l X i j British exchequer, the French minis- . T-, way uptown to his bank made sev- Service organizations: a . Olmsted, Montreal; Ralph S. Padida years ago to Mrs. EUa Reiff Wall. collection, Was 92 Years of Age. Moses, Oddie, Phipps, Pine, Reed, j ter of finance, or anybody else wants Bridgeport: H. Freeman Pennington, widow of Duncan Wall of Philadel- ■ ^ Schall, Shortridge, Smoot, Towp------I more money out of us they can qnly Elmwood: Charles Ricksber, Middle- phia.-His first wife died in 1921. send, Walcott, Waterman and Wat­ _ • . I get it by cutting down our total town; Myer E. Segal, Hartford; New York, Dec. 6— (AP)—John son—22. G6rmHn F ly 6 r S a y s A m e n -j reparations by the same amount. Walter Emerson, a descendent of Democrats—None. Richard Shea, Westerly, R. I.; John .two Colonial governors of Massa­ Back to Young Plan W. Spies, New Haven; William H. AUTO DEATHS FOR YEAR SENATE TAKES UP . Total against exclusion—22. i “Again I say, ‘Back to the Young chusetts—Dudley and Bradstreet,— Unoccupied for two years pend­ LOST FOR MONTHS, Tumley, Cambridge, New York; died at his home here today. ,He cans Risked Lives to Save ! plan.l That is all.” Frank D. Ursone, Hartford: Ottoyio ing disposition of the controvert had been- ill with pneumonia. He the Pennsylvania seat is now sub- Only a few papers today com­ Ventimigtia, Neiy York; Otto Win­ WILL BE OVER 29,000 THE TARIFF BILL mented upon Dr. Schact’s statement. was 92 years old. pect to appointment by Governor ner, New Haven. EXPLORERS RETURN Bremen's Crew. Vorwaerts, organ of • the Social Mr. Emerson was bom at Tops- Fisher of Pennsylvania, a Republi­ Democratic Party, said it was not Travelers Insurance Co. Makes field, Mass., June-15, 1837. As a can. • young man he was in business in the first time Dr. Schact had used This Estimate — 364 Met Those voting to seat Wilson in­ MOTHER SAVES’ LIFE Tackles Problem as Soon as Boston, deserting that to join the cluded five Republicans and ten Berlin, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Captain his position to intervene in internal Death in This State. Massachusetts National Guar^ dur­ to Wait Eight Weeks Hermann Koehl, German trans-At- politics and wanted to, know wheth­ Democrats. They were: ing the Civil War. After the war cans: Blaine, Brookhart, La Fw- lantic aviator, today entered the er political reasons were behind ius OF INFANT AT FIRE Hartford, Dec. 6.— (AP)—^The Vare Case is Completed; he came to New York and became a arena in defense of Commander move. number of fatalities i;esulting from member of the firm of A. D. Jullliard lette, McMaster and Norris—5. * fater to Freeze; Had Richard E. Byrd and Pilot Bert The newspaper said it was Dr. auto accidents in the United States and* Company. He retired several Democrats: Ashurst, Barkley* Hayden, McKellar, Pittman, R o^ . Balchen, against the rec.ent criticism Schact’s own fanlt no better result Had Slipped Under Lounge. during 1929 will be in excess of To Speed Action. years ago. ___ of Major Tryggve Gran, Norwegian had been achieved because, when he Woman Forced to Run to 29,000, the Travelers Insurance His wife, who died in 1917, was inson «of Arkansas, Sheppard, iFood. Thomas of Oklahoma, Walsh of explorer who was with the Scott ex­ was in Paris he agreed’ to a text Neighbors for Help. company announced here today. Miss Mary Hall, daughter of a New which enabled the creditor states to The company based its estimate o n ' Washington, Dec. .— (AP)—Un- York professor. Their only child, a Montana and Wheeler^lO. pedition. 6 Total for seating Wilson—16. •“ Captain Koehl, in a statement in make the demands against which be Providence, R. I., Dec. .— (AP.) the rate of increase in deaths since | fet the Senate finance corn- son, died in infancy. His family, ^ortage, M ^., Dec. 6. 6 May over the same period which included Ralph Waldo Emer Vare, still disabled from an dl- banbel the Mittag Zeitung, said that Major is not protesting. —Smoke almost snuffed out the last ,! —mittee i—‘•hertogether to act on the IP)—1 lardships faced by Gran had not made a single practi­ Dr. Schacht’s memorandum was a year. * House tax _ reduction’ resolution. son, has been prominent in New ness which almost cost him his C. D. — ^MacAlpine and his life of 13 months old John Allison England, business, social and liter­ was in the seat which he had cal ' argument, but only a personal topic for discussion in political, fi­ Garnett today when fire broke out The final figures the I Charrman Smoorcalled up the tariff of seven aerial prospectors in nancial and business circles and it said may even reach 30,000 when, senate today a few mo- ary circles almost since the first fought for when the vote on -his two months’ wandering in the one. . in the Garnett home at 88 Water­ data not reported monthly by ^ disposition of the Vare settlements there in the Seven­ right to occupy it was taken. IRs Knows Byrd. seems likely that its political reper­ man avenue, Greystone. The baby .Car North were told today ''yith cussions will be far reaching. states is compiled. teenth Century. physician was nearby. the rAurn of the party to civiliza- ■‘‘I personalyl am acquainted with was carried from tpe smoke-flUed Funeral services will be heia Commander Byrd, whom I highly Some Criticism. The first five months of the year ^ gmoot was uncertain when he . Family Present kitchen of the house by his moth- saw a decrease in the death toll a s , be able to hold a meeting on from St. Ignatius church- here of esteem as an explorer and a man, There has been some criticism of Looking on from the memberr most trying part of the en- Mrs. John Garnett after she compared mth the previous year, ^ resolution, which he was senior warden Monr gallery were Mrs. Vare and two and know that ------nothing„ is farther! the manner in which Dr. Schachtj ®^' ------u j > oi,uri pnri in- tperience, said Col. MacAlpine, memorandum. Five i had searched for the child and lo- but since then statistics show the | consideration of the day morning. Burial will^ be in daughters. _ came^ after they had been guided from his nature than to seek sensa- j launched his cated him beneath a lounge. Uo^al publicity. He doesn’t need it," ! Cabinet mimstens were fellow guests increase over 1928 was in excess of | senate approved in Topsfield. Directly opposite them, in anoth­ by Eskimos to the south side of i J nprmpn nirman i with him at a dinner given by the Mrs. Garnett discovered the blaze fifteen per cent. « | rapid order and without discussion er. part of the gallery sat WUUam • Dease Straits and found eight miles in the cellar at 9 o’clock this fore- As furSer evidence Captain Koehl; Centrist Daily Germania and yet Three hundred, sixty-four persons | finance committee amend- B. Wilson who listened to the re-- of open sea water between them Rvrri'q first as-! they did not know that at the same j noon. She tried to call the fire de- were killed m Connecticut during | j^g^^g ^aise the duUes on cloth- TRAIL OF MURDERER cording of the vote which marked, and The Hudson’s Bay Company mentioned Comander Byrd s first .as . Reichsbank was releasing i partment but the'flames had de- the first ten months of the year., scoured, on the skin or his defeat in a long fight. Thera* post at Cambridge bay and they sistant. Pilot Balchen p r ^ the statement attacking the cabinet. stroyed the telephone wires. Rush The largest toll was^ reported in Oc- gQ^^gd, to conform to previous action was a tense atmosphere in the were forced to wait eight weeks for for the part he took in bringing aid Dr. Schacht on his part has stated ing to a neighbor’s home she gave tober when 53 were killed and the agreeing to the House increase LEADS TO LAWR0ICE to the trans-Atlantic plane Bremen large crowd which had gathered to the water to freeze before they that he informed Chancellor Mueller the alarm and returned to her lowest In February when 26 died in | to 34 cents a pound in the witness the end of the bitterly con­ could cross. stranded-on Greenly island early in three days ago of his Intention to home in time to rescue her child, accidents. rate on the clean content of raw Food Scarce < tested case. 1928. make public the memorandlim but wool. Hartford Detectives Get Tip Vare, who had come to Washing­ Fish and game were scarce; the Became Pals. that he had actually released it only Fled to ton to enter a personal defense of caribou had gone south, and when “Balchen became a loyal pal of That Aliano Has after a final conference with Finance his campaign activities and expen­ the party, finally succeeded in cross­ the late Baron von Hunedfeld, Fitz- Bay State City. Minister Hilferding yesterday which ditures, had a smile on his face as ing the ice all their food but a few maurice and myself after our land- had______convinced him that the minis- Fight To Save Dog*s Life P i n ELEVEN TO PLAY frozen flah had been consumed. Sug- Hartford, Dec. 2.— (AP)—Acting he entered the Senate chamber, ing on Greenly island,” said Captain ■ tgj. unwilling to hasten wh,ere he knew he was to .be found Major Robert F. Baker, one of the Koehl.'“Fairness demands that I de-1 pelted financial reforms. on information obtained by the p.) IN ROSE BOWL CLASSIC not eligible. He walked with diffi­ rescued party, said that a jutting fend this excellent flyer. It was h e j ------May Go To Higher Court Uce at midnight from a member'e: piece of main land that reaches out Hartford’s gangland. Detective Ser culty and used a cane. with Floyd Bennet came to our aid In ■ voting that Vare should not farthest towards Cambridge bay and rescued us from the fangs of geant Nicholas R. Gallicchio and Dc had be|sn named by them “Peechuk POSTPONES OIL TRIAL Southern Cali- tectlve Michael D’Onofrio early thl.-i be seated the Senate adopted a res-^ that Icy waste. The public never Hartford, Dec. 6—(AP) — Ruff,^taking the dog’s life, the touim dog University, of olution offered by Senator Norris, P oln t^ The Eskimo name for “all realized the dangers besetting. their warden was later blocked in his ef­ Acceptance of morning departed suddenly from the gone” . He said the name aptly de­ three-year-old airedale must appeal 'fornia Gets city in tfleir search for Sebastian the Nebraska Republican Independ- * heroic deed, for which Bennet^ paid to the State Supreme Court, if his forts and then court action tempor­ Day Bid This scribed their condition when they Washington, Dec . 6.— (AP) arily stayed the hands of the select­ New Year’s Allano, 35, wanted here for the mur­ ent, who campaigned for Wilaoi^ finally crossed the ice to the post, with his life,” Hfe is to be saved. In Common against Vare in the 1926 generiai Captalh Koehl added that while Justice Hitz of the District of men. Afternoon. der of Alfonso Mlnnlti, 23, in ns all their supplies were gone. Pleas court today Judge Arthur E. elections. ^ definitive opinion on the South Pole Columbia Supreme Court, today Howard, Jr., dissolved the tempar- Attorneys for Miss Lotta E. Ellis, Aliano’s store at 385 Front street postponed for one week the setLing who owns Ruff, have attacked the Wednesday, morning.^ Lawrence, ilie concluding paragmph of th« TREASURY BALANCE expedition must still be withheld, it ary injunction which restrained Los Angeles, Dec. e.— (AP)—The Norris resolution said: , was certain that Byrd and Balchen of a date for the trial of Edward L. Windsor selectmen from having the constitutionality of the 1925 statute Mass., was the destination of the which permits selectmen to order University of Southern California “Resolved, that the , said William/ were Imbued with a serious sense of Dohehy, wealthy oil man, on charges dog killed. announced that the -University of local police officers, the scene of the Washington, Dec. 6.— (AP)’ — of bribing Albert B. Fall, former The fight to save the dog has the killing of vicious dogs and on investigation shifting to Massachu­ S. Vare be, and he is hereby, denied Treasury receipts for December 4 exploration and that even If "it this issue the case may go to the Pittsburgh--has accepted its invita­ should prove they did not fly over secretary, in obtaining the lease of been waged in the courts here since tion to play the New *'Year’s day setts for ‘the first time since the were |4,6683U-29; expenditures the Elk Hills, California, Naval oil August First the commissioner of Supreme Court. . hunt began. (Continued on Page '2.) *19,007,422,80; balance *103’,867,- the. South Pole, their feat will al­ Ruff has bitten three oersons. , fame in the Pasadena Rose Bowl. reserve. domestic animals was enjoined from 648.03. ways remain a great flying exploit.


Marriage Intentions. | \ PLEASE PAY WHEN SERVEDr < ? > PDBUC RECORDS , A marriage license was issued ,fo- ! HALE’S MONKEYS TOUCHY VAREISmUDED i. MISS CHURCH’S OPERETTA ABOUT TOWN TURNS ON C h n u i R ^ ^ n j day by the town clerk to Bernard S. j It was a few minutes after five Warrantee Deeds. ■ Hillman, 1180 Main street, a techni- | ABOUT THEIR NAMES FROM THE SENATE o’cloqk last night. The mlllwork- GIVEN IN. ROCKVILLE An assembly of. the upper grades LIGHTS FOR TRAI Elizabeth H. Smith to Louis B. i cian at Cheney Brothers and Mina ( ers were trudging home to sup­ was held, in the Hollister street Pleasant Lubinsky, a school teacher, of Fall school this morning. The cldsses ^nnors. Lot 14 in the (Continued from Page 1.) per and a warm fireside. Along /iew tract, Manchester. River, Mass. I “Cat and King” Witnessed by listened-to an Instructive talk given Call Them Correctly or They | Main street from Birch stret to i by Miss Grace Robertson on her Charles Sweet, Custodian of Will Show Disapproval; a seat in, the .United States Sen; the Center blazed the splendor . Several Local People in the trip to the Hawaiian Islands. Miss the Square Shows Thera Have Human Traits. ! ate.” of the Christmas lighting in Sykes Auditorium. Robertson show^ several reels of Woman Applauds. spans of Christmas cheer. From pictures and many curios collected Manchester Decorations* v ^ Birch street south only the usual Hale’s family of. live monkeys are There was a tense moment on “The Cat and the King,” Miss on her tour of the Islands. Appro­ street light cEist feeble flickers Leila (^urch’s new operetta went priate music was finished by the, Pi He will have a better becoming accustomed to their new the floor when Vice-President Cur­ When the special Christmas light­ tis ordered the roll call on the Nor­ over the snow. over big last night, according to school. __ ^ , ing was turned , on for a short, bd-’ Christmas if his gifts surroundings''in the store basement ris resolution. Senator Robinson, of And trudging homeward oae Manchester people who attended terval last night while the lights ? come from here. and are capering all over their big Arkansas) the Democratic leader, of the crowd raised his head sky­ the first performance in the Sykes A meeting of the members of the were inspected, there was none cage to the delight of the kiddies. asked If It would be in order to ward and after .a moment’s ro- auditoriiHn. The play will be re­ Merchants Di-vision of the Chamber more impressed by the beauty, of Their names,—^if you have forgotten riection said almost to himself, peated tonight in the same hall, of Commerce was called by Chair­ ’the beauty of the display than are, Mandalay Pericles, Mat! Hari amend' it to declare Vare seated. Mr. Curtis ruled that it would and "That must be for the people when it is expected an equally large man William Rubinow, to take Charles Bweet, custodian of Depot P a j a m a s and Columbo, and it would be wise who have paid the 40 per cent.” crowd will see it. The Men’s Union place on December 30, the Monday Square. 'When he saw the arch­ to use care not to get their names a woman in the members’ gallerjrl i sitting with the Vare family broke of Center Congregational church, after Christmas, at which time five ways of myriad colors t-winkle over mixed. They are very sensitive Rockville, is sponsoring both per­ matters of Importance will be the business section of the Square A cure for gift worries. about their names ever since they into applause as a last hope for the Ion and other influential Republi­ formances. Pennsylvanian' appeared. can leaders of the state. . Gifford ' brought before the meeting to be his chest swelled with pride—^pride Flannel,, madras and broad­ left their Central American jupgle. The cat, as played by Robert acted upon. A report - on the Duo- of Manchester. The ludicrious antics of this Jungle However, no one proposed to so Pinchot, then governor^ entered the Greenwood, was In e'vidence all cloth with stripes and all over f . race' with the state organization DoUar campaign and the special Soon after the lights were turned quartet keeps the salespeople of the change it smd the roll call was through this operetta of medieval Christmas lighting are included in off, the whistle of the New York patterns $2.00 and up. started. behind him, and then Vare, for 15 basement in constant* good humor. years a member of the House, days. The services of, his feline the business to come up. bound passenger train came shriek­ This has been very noticeable since After three names had been call­ threw, his hat in the ring. Vare highness were indispensable to his ing through the night sending an Slippers, a gift that every I the arrival of this nimbls family. ed Senator Schall, Republican, won. master, the Marquis of Carribbas, The committee canvassing for idea into C arles Sweet’s head. As Mandalay, for instance, must have Minnesota, broke in to ask if any The Reed committee listed the (Luther White) poor and proud but funds to finance the special lighting the heavily loaded train eased up to man can use. Comfortable risen from the reigning branch of in love with the daughter of the the station the passengers were felts, leathers and moccasins one bad moved to amend the reso­ expenditures for the Vare ticket at ’.| reported at a meeting in the Cham- the tribe for he is boss of every­ lution. When Vice-President Curtis $785,934; for the Pepper ticket’at king. The role of king was admir­ ‘ her rooms this morning that 67 per greeted with the sight of twinkling S2-$4.r)0. thing. He has that air of superiority $1,804,979; and for Pinchot at $187,- ably played by Percy Cooley; and lights, swinging gaily overhead bfe- ruled him out of order for inter­ Miss Dorothy Phelps was his charm­ [ cent of the required amoimt had that all blue-blooded chieftains fering .jvith a roll call, Schall shout- fl29. Despite his expenditures Pep­ I been raised. As there is still a week yond the station, transforming that I should have, and appears to direct ed: per was not challenged when he re­ ing daughter. The story ends as section into a marvelous fairyland. ' his companions in all their antics fairy taleb usually do In the hero remaining before the canvass clos­ As the train gathered steam Acd % “That should^ have been done,” turned the following winter to com­ es the committee has high hopes of from hia perch in the rear. Rarely plete his term in the Senate. marrying the beautiful princess. sped again into the night Charles ever, does he stoop to the silly prac­ and the. Senate proceeded to ex­ The stage scenery and settings raising the entire amount. snapped off the switch and said clude Vare and declare Wilson had Although Vare won the Senator tices of his*subj'ects. ial nomination his candidate for were artistic and appropriate, ... and “Well, that showed the train people Geo. H, Williams They are always looking for some failed of election.' governor was defeated and Fisher j costumes were se-^rely plain or The. Young Men’s Community that Manchester knows Chriistmas new tid-bit from the hands of their His long fight lost, Vare walked who .-vi'as nominated and elected was Sorg'Gous beyond description as the club basketball team will play, the is coming.” kiddie friends. Nuts, peanuts, bana­ haltingly from the chamber just ^ .... h, i, standing of the actors in the vari Hartford Phantoms this evening at nas and cocoanuts have been passed ous roles demanded. The peasants 7 o’clock at the Hollister street I up in favor of grapes. For this item opportunity frolicking on the green, the ladles ' school. they seem to have an unusual in waiting and the other attendants CHENEYS ADD INHALATOR caparcity.' Formerly the cry was,” ^ont row in which he sat om the , After Vare had won again in in the king’s court were all attired St. Mary's Young Men’s club O, Pa, Come look at the monkeys,” Republican side at the center of the ^jjg general election, Wilson filed a in costumes of the period, and true will engage the Men’s Friendship TO THEIR EQUIPMENT but with Hale's new family it is just chamber, to the door behind the contest. When Vare presented him­ to type as one expects to find every club of the Scuth Methodist church Don’t wait the reverse. Anyhow, "a boy is al­ presiding, officer, and Mr. “Vare was self to the Senate two years ago, he detail, iii Miss Church’s productions. in a volley ball game tonight at ways father to the man.” gone. His florid face still held the was denied the oath of office, pend­ The milkmaids group presented a the church gymnasium. All the any longer grim smile. for your ing a disposition of his case and pleasing appearance. Each of the 12 players are asked to report at New Resuscitation Apparatus winter The Vare-Wilson contest has cost his seat has been unoccupied since young girls wore white with black 7:30. Offered‘for Use of'Firemen the government nearly $200,000 in aprons, red hats and carried red clothes but funds necessary for the intermina­ that time. In Emergency Cases. come in to­ HOSPITAL NOTES The Vote on Wilson. milk pails. The enchanted woods Mrs. Jessie Kerr of 33 Ridge­ ble series of investigations and bal­ Those voting against Wilson with, the little white fairies was a day and lot countings which it has involved. wood street won first prize at the buy your were;’ most pleasing scene as was the gar­ woman’s afternoon card party yes­ The use of a new Hendersofi and It was former Senator “Jim” Republicans — Allen, Bingham, den of flowers, and the Jennie Lind c o m plete Albert McKeown, son of Mr. and Reed, of Missouri, who headed the terday at the School street Recrea­ Haggard carbogen inhalator, recent­ Mrs. Robert McKeown of 12 Braln- Borah, Capper, Couzens, Cutting, chorus and wedding procession. The outfit oh inquiry into the memorable primary chorus numbers were tuneful and tion Center, Mrs. J. S. Sullivan of ly purchased by the medical depart­ S i 1 b r o s ard Place, was admitted today. as chairman of the special commit­ Dale', Fess, Frazier, Gillett, GleUn, 20 Fairview. street, second. ment of Cheney Brothers, has been great liber­ The condition of Barney McVeigh Goldsborough, Gould, Greene,/Hale, catchy and the sipoothness with offered the Manchester Fire De­ tee appointed by the Senate in May, Hastings, Hatfield, Howell, John- which the whole pageant proceeded al c r e d i t and Mrs. Emily Carpenter was re­ 1926. ' ‘ Four games were run off in" the partment for resuscitation in case Ison, Jones,,"Kean, Keyes, McCulloch, was characteristic of the careful, of persons overcome by g«s, am­ plan that ported as Vgood,” and improving Nationwide Attention | McNary, Metcalf, Mose's, Nye, painstaking rehearsing insisted upon 8th district basketball league during makes it as rapidly. McVeigh was injured in an I the week. On Monday th e . 8th monia fumes and smoke. m easy a s accident at Main and Carnbridge The Republican qontesV attracted j oddie, Pattersoni PFipps, Pine, by Miss Church. I grade, c division took the measure The new addition to the medical pos s i b 1 e nati brought by and Coal Co. "The Senate’s action,” he said, Miss Kathleen , O’Donnell, Mrs. Jewelry, Clocks, Toiletware ! "seem.s to me to be in flagraHt dis- Helen Lundblad and her husband, SMART NEW FALL ‘ regard‘of the Constitution and-^xjf R6y Lundblad, all of Worcester, “Trade Upstairs and Save Money” STOVE ...... 11495 the' rights of the states. I believe Mass., against the United Electric that in years to coma'it wiH be re­ Railway Co., of thi.*’ city were set­ THE SMITH JEWELRY CO. DRESSES CHESTNUT ...... S14.70 gretted. in the same, way that, today tled out of court today after three we regret the high-hginded action of days of testiniony before the U. S. 983 Formerly Tiffany’s 983 FURNACE...... $14.70 the. Senate and House in reconstruc­ Main St. A. SMITH Main St. $A-S5 $ tion days after the Civil War.” District Court here. w. p e a ...... $ 1 1 .2 0 Miss O’Donnell and Mrs. Lund­ Upstairs Next to Elite Studio Upstaira blad were injured when a trolley car YALE’S GLEE c l u b . The longer silhouette is a fashion cer­ New Hnven, Dec. 6.—(AP)—The and a Worcester-bound bus. collided tainty. Swathed about the hips..dipping COMPLETE UNE Yale University Glee. Club com­ ^n this city in November 1926. Three well below the knees, .every, line designed posed of 40 Singers will begin its persona were killed in the crash. to give the narrow, long limbed line that of 48tb annual Christmas trip Decem­ Both women and Mr. Limdblad have women desire. .. .fitted enough to be smart, GRAIN AND POULTRY ber 19,'with, a concert in Spring- already collected a total of $17,500 but not enough to be extreme, .it is a fash­ field, Mass/ Seven other cities are from the insurance company pro­ TODAY ion becoming to women and misses alike. on tour which will end In Buffalo, tecting the bus concern. Daily Mat. 2:15 p. m. All the wanted Fall shades. New lines., SUPPLIES December 30. and some with the wai.st a trifle higher, and the and They are R'oehester, N. Y., Dec. BURNED TO DE.4TH. Eve. 6:45 - 8:45 p. m. skirt a trifle longer. New flare skirts. 20; Erie, Pa.. 21; Ciiicago, 23; SATURDAY EQUIPMENT Davenport, Iowa, 24; St, Louis, Mo., Broad Brook. Conn., Deq^ 6.-^ MEN’S 25; Columbus, Ohio, 27; Cleveland, (AP)—Daniel O’Brien, a farm hand Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Ohio, 28; Buffalo, 30, employed on the Allen farm here Sheepskin Coats, Trench Coats, was burned to death early this An island , Siiirts, Trousers morning in a. fire of unknown origin of lost which destroyed a barn, shop, corn- ships, poo- crib and farm' animals. The man p 1 e d by AVBs sleeping in his quarters in the derelicts of shop, attached fo the barn. ■t e r m s the sea Boys’ aliyq with / as Low as Hear the Goldert Tone Tenor rom a n c e f and Girls’ and adven- 1 Clothing MYRON LEE tufe! A' ) . s s s& a $1 at Low Bolton’s Singing Cop, at story that Prices makes you a Week THE RAINBOW live adven­ tures you DANCE PALACE have MEN’S NEW FALL Saturday Evening dreamed! Dec. 7th, assisting THE COMMANDERS SUITS 10 pieces, iit an all feature dance OVERCOATS program. !CIRCLE $ 2 ? ^ 2 7 ^ S.4TURDAY .AND SUNDAY

You will be needing a good heavy, sturdy, warm overcoat •.soon and this is the place to get RANGER one, as we biiV for a nation-wide THE WONDER DOG^^ chain of store^and therefore, re­ in ceived large price concessions. We suggest that you come in to­ FURY OF day and try one on. THE WIUD”


i Norman Kerry Margaret Morris ILBRO —in— —With— CIOTHINC COMPANY “Th« Woman I Love” VIRGINIA VALLI JASON ROBARDS i S NOAH BEERY 8D1 Main Street, . South Manchester .OBAPTEB NINE In the All-Talking Copiedy in cue i>uc.*.ai cJ.or Next Door to Home Bank & Trust Co. “THE FINAL BECKONING'’ “■VrWTVr WAT>» Musical Revue OPEN EVENINGS Carton Comedy •f' •cI PACE niRBBV- MANCHESTER DVENING HERAED, SOUTH ^NCHE^TER, CONN;, P^ilDAY, DECEaOBER 6 ,1 9 2 9 .

GETS THREE MONTHS. fS? worship, Rev. Dr. Witherspoon Stafford Spi Conni, Dec. 6.—■ ,-1 'K Dodge, of Central Congregational JiORTH M. E. BAZAAR. ABOUT TOWN (AP)—Eugene Tetreault of Pas- Church, Atlanta, Ga., will speak on coag, R. I., who is believed to have QOk can aitiorJ to W ^ Jurmtun “The Story of Piedmont College and IS A NOVEL AFFAIR Iqiowl^ge of the slaying of Gefaci ft O C K V n iE the Rural South.” The committee in charge of the Salvator, 44, in Westfield, Mass., Heads Eastern Star food and gift article sale which Cen-; last Sunday, was sentenced to three At the last regrular meeting of ter Church Women’s Federation will , months • in jail here today on Hope Chapter, Eastern Star, Miss Has Atmosphere of Real Cir­ conduct at Watkins Brothers store charges of carrying concealed Suspect in Break Jailed Iris Cyngell was elected Worthy cus-Hollyhock Garden At­ Thursday afternoon of next week is weapons. Fred C. Green, one of the three Matron. The other officers elected tracts Many. as follows: Miss Mary Hutchison, Tetreault was arrested here by men wanted in the break at the follow; Worthy Patron, Kenneth Mrs. Hiram Grsmt, Mrs. George state police while driving an auto­ Tennstedt-Brendel Hardware store Smith; Associate Matron, Mrs. Leon Holmes, general chairman Strant, Mrs. Geofge Finlay, Mrs. mobile. on Market street, which was made Edith Skinner; Conductor, Mrs. William Btay, Miss Florence Snow. about a year ago, is at the Tolland of the Big Indoor Circus and Ba­ Lena Bilson; Associate Conductor, zaar at toe North Methodist County Jail. He was brought from Mrs. Minnie Tennstedt; Secretary, Local Congregational churches Stafford Springs by State Police­ church, which opened last night Mrs. Florine Montgomery; treasur­ and will continue tonight, was re­ and St. Mary’s Episcopal church j man Henry Heinold. Ho was re­ er, Mrs. Anna Dickinson; Trustees, will conduct the Every Member j DANGER LIS H turned to Connecticut from New Mrs. Edith Rich, Mrs. Helen Jewett ceiving congratulations on the sue York on extradition papers charg­ cess of toe novel event, decided up Canvass for the 1930 budgets this ■ and Edward E. Leonard. Reports next week. j ing non support. Green was re­ of toe secretary and treasurer, on his co-workers on the general R Em G Dins leased from jail in New York re­ showed the organization to e committee, E. A. Lydall, Walter cently and was brought to Stafford flourishing. Refreshments and a Shipman, Miss Beatrice Lydall, Rev. J. E. Klingberg of New i Springs. Justice Heald boimd him social hour followed, with Mrs. Fred Mrs. Thomas D. Smith and Mrs. Britain will be the guest speaker af Unless They Have Bulk, Con­ over to the ToUand County Superior the Monday noon Klwanis club meet­ Kemnitzer as chairman. The in­ LeVeme Holmes. stipation is Inevitable Court, in $800 bail which he could installation will take place on Jan­ A Herald reporter dropped in ing in Tinker hall. Jensen of the : not furnish. uary 7. Mrs. Dickinson will then there last night and all that was Waranoke will cater, and Secretary 1 The Market street store was begin her twenty-fifth year as needed was a lively imagination to George H. Wilcox will furnish toe i Today thousands of young wo­ attendance prize. Mr. Klingberg broken into by three men who treasurer. make one believe it was a real cir­ men and girls are wondering why escaped and were later arrested in cus, with toe music, toe calls of has been doing a wonderful work they are so miserable as they diet Brooklyn, N. Y., for breaking into a Junior C. E. Society with New Britain’s imder-privileged to reduce. The Junior C. E. Society of Union the side shbw boosters and conces- children and will tell about it. As ] store. Two of them sent to sionists. The aroma of the boiled The trouble is that many of tho Welfare Island for a year and Green Congregational Church has re­ this is one of the maJr lines of ac- i new diets lack roughage which is was g^ven ten months, his term ex­ organized and toe first meeting was dinner in toe earlier part of the tivity for all Kiwanis clubs, it is j evening suggested toe mess tent of necessary to clean the intestinal piring recently. held last Sunday afternoon at 4 hoped every member who is in system. The symptoms' are head­ School Conunittee Meets o’clock. The society will continue a circus when the cook is prepar­ town Monday will be in Tinker hall 1 aches, “gone” feelings and bad com­ its good work under the direction ing a hearty meal for the perform­ The regular meeting of the Ver­ to hear him. I plexions. If allowed to continue non School Committee was held in of Miss Priscilla Szalontai, super­ ers. constipation with its e'vils occurs. intendent of the Junior Department the office of the superintendent of Mrs. James M. Shearer of Hilliard By including Kellogg’s a l l -br a it Schools on Wednesday evening with of toe church school. street is chairman of the Manches­ in a reducing diet, you keep fit as a full attendance. Miss Domheim, Burpee Corps Elects MERGER. OF ROADS ter Garden club’s program commit­ you 'take off weight because you the School Nurse, spoke of the work At the monthly meeting of Bur­ tee for the months of January, prevent constipation. of the school physicians and of her pee Woman’s Relief Corps in G. A. OPPOSED BY TODD February and March. Mrs. Shearer ALL-BRAN does not add fat t o own work checking up the health R. Hall on Wednesday evemng, will choose her own assistapts. The the body. It just sweeps the intes­ of the pupils and giving health ad­ Mrs. Lillian Buckminster was re­ members are reminded that the tines clean of poisonous wastes. No vice The truant officer, Mr. Sad- elected president. Other officers are fConflnned rmm Page l.) monthly meeting will be held at the pills nor drugs can play the part of lak, reported that no case of iUegal as follows; Senior vice president, Manchester Community clubhouse ALL-BRAN in a reducing diet. Their absence from school has been found Mrs. Evelyn Keeney; jimior vice road will expend $15,000,000 for on North Main street Monday eve­ dose has to be constantly increased Saturday at 9 a. m. this year. ^ ^ president, Mrs. Mary Keeney, twas- improvements in service in ■ 1930, ning. The executive board will ar­ and harniful results often follow. Mr. Clough reported that urer, Mrs. Anna Dickinson, chap­ sajdng that although the program range for a Christmas party to fol­ You will like the appetizing, nut- school enumeration showed the lain, Mrs. Emmeline Ludwig; con­ low the business session. This has children between the ages of four ductor, Mrs. Gertrude Milne; guard, was decided upon before the re­ sweet flavor o f ALL-BRAN. Eat it Our Aiinual Xmas Sale of action in the Stock Market in Octo­ worked out most successfully for in soups. On salads. ^ Soaked irt A I and sixteen to be 1899. Of these Mrs Nellie Willis. A birthday social the past two seasons. The gifts of ■6 1192 are in the public schools, 4o7 was held for those having birthdays ber, it it will be carried through to orange, prune or fruit juice. As a toe last dollar. gardening trifles have created no cerem with milk or cream. Delicious in private schools and 240 are not in December. The next meeting little interest. The officers are in any school. Of those not m Truck Competition with honey added. Just eat t-wo will be on December 18. Vice President Hawkes of the hoping for a large attendance. tablespoonfuls daily — in chronic LITTLE RED ROCKERS schools, 55 are 4 years old, 49 are Ove The Top 5 to 6 years old, six are mcapaci- Boston and Maine made a plea for cases with every meal. The Rockville High School Alum­ legislative action which would The Buckland Parent-Teacher as­ Once again we bring to you the famous ated by illness and 130 are at work ni Association went ove: toe top Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. imder certificate or at home legal­ enable toe railroads to compete on sociation announce another whist for Served in hotels, restaurants, din­ “Little Red Rockers”— an ideal and inex­ in its financial appeal to toe people a basis of greater equality with in­ ly. This makes a full . . of the city. Five hundred dollars Monday evening in the school as­ ing-cars. Sold by all grocers. pensive Xmas gift. They are exactly as Mr. aough recommended that dependent motor truck shipping. He sembly haU, with the Ways and was asked for and toe community outlined toe program of improve­ illustrated above and finished in-bright red 260 song books be purchased for contributed nearly $600, which with Means committee in charge and use in the High School where toe ments under way by the railroad. $2.50 gold pieces for the high enamel. Saturday only they will be on $35 raised by u, benefit picture The New Britain Traffic Associa­ 4 sale at this exceptionally low price. Due supply of books, purchased before brought the fun to $620. scorers. the school was as large as now, is tion dinner, an annual event, is to the great demand for them in past inadequate. The committee approv­ Notes sponsored by a group of officials of more than 20 Connecticut manu­ Miss Eva Johnson will assume years we are forced to make a limit of two. ed the recommendation. Rev. George S. Brookes gave a charge of the regular choir re­ Peoples Popular’ Service lecture at East Windsor Congrega­ facturing enterprises. ALL-BRAN to a customer. Gash and carry only! If Previous to the dinner, vice Presi­ hearsal this evening at 7 o’clock at People’s popular Sunday evening tional Church Wednesday evening. the Swedish Lutheran church, in you want yours be sure to be on hand service at Union Congregatio^l The Ladies Aid Society of St. dent Hawkes made public a state­ John’s Church will hold a public ment issued by Thomas Nelson toe absence of Organist Helge Pear­ early— for when there’s Red Rockers— church for the Sundays in Decem­ son who is out of to-wn. ber are as follows; Dec. 8. M ^ches- supper next Wednesday evening in Perkins, acting president of the FOR SALE there’s always a crowd. ter Salvation Army Band and toe parish rooms. Boston and Maine, in which toe lat­ ter said that there has been ‘no in­ All members of the Silk City Songster Brigade concert; Dec. 15, A daughter was bom at the GARAGE AT the ^motion picture Lmngston s Rockville City hospital on Decem­ timation in any official quarter, Flute band are urgently requested ber 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. that the New Haven and the Penn­ to attend a band meeting in the MANCHESTER GREEN Journev in Africa. *, Dec. $ Saenger of this city. Mrs. Saenger sylvania railroads would combine Lincoln school at 7:30 tonight Pageant by the Church Schoo , State Road “The Christmas Story ; Dec. 29, was formerly Miss Minnie Osborne. their interests in toe Boston and Maine to gain control of toe road.- itravel talk by toe pastor, Mos­ Miss Louise Margaret Bumey, The annual meeting of Manches­ With Shell Gas $350. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles quitos and Mountains in Syria , ter lodge of Masons which includes Will Buy Equipment music by Ladies Sextette. Bumey of Spring street and Joseph the election of officer.s will be held Carl Africano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank-L. Hollister of 48 Hollister Opposite School Special SeHices Sunday street, was operated on Tuesday in Tuesday night. Installation of offi­ Reason for Selling Have Two Special services will be held all Ernest Africano of 134 Vernon cers takes place the following Tues­ South Manchester avenue, will be married Wednesday, the Hartford hospital. He is stiU In 3f^U ons day at toe Union Congregational day, December 17. Inquire at December 18. a serious condition. Church on Sunday. At morning V A N W A G N E R ’S SERVICE STATION 311 Main St. Tel. 6691.

^ r a d i t i s TOYS of the Better QuaUty BEGINNING TOMORROW Pric^ As Low As Most Cheap Toys

December Mark Down Aeroplanes, with spring m otor----- 49c up Army Trucks, very popular ...:.:... $1.69 Flying Zeppelins, spring motor ... 4?c up Steam Rollers ...... $4.25 to $6.25 | Steam Shovels...... $1-20 up Indoor Golf Games ...... 80c Catapillar Tractor .....:...... $3.00 up SALE Mack Trucks, Dump Body...... $2.00 up Ariel Butterfly...... 49c

of Women’s and Misses^ American Flyers, R. R. Trains, 3 and 4 piece sets, with Track, Switches and Bridges in both electric arid metianical. Priced as low as $2.75 up.

Smart Winter Combination FLEXIBLE SLEDS Coll is Shoe and Skate GoodjearW^It Outfits $1.49 $2.25 $2.75 $3.25 Oulfits Gents $4.75 to Apparel $10.50 GENUINE FLEXIBLE FLTTER SLEDS Ladies’ Black * ‘ ,Our Entire Collection of Fashionable Silk Underwear $3.75‘“$6,75 Shoe $5.75 up i Winler Ready to Wear and Millinery at ; Important Savings. For Christmas Gifts

) ■ ' f/'i Silk Underwear makes a gift so charming that to Weed Tire Chainsl 'Window Ventilators receive it is to receive a compliment on one’s apprecia­ f” ...... ■ . 'c:. tion of beauty, on one’s liking for nice things. j 5 0 f t C oats Tire Chain Pliers • Weed Cross Chains Louver type. 25.00 35,00 45.00 CHOOSE NOW FROM OUR COMPLETE ASSORT- j MENTS of tailored or lace trimmed models. Every item j individually boxed and i 1 Ulster Knives Dresses We have just associated ourselves with the manufacturer of this well Very Moderately Pri(%d ULSTER has an enviable record for 15.00 quality. Every knife is guaranteed as known knife. 5.00 10.00 to quality and workmanship. * .

Hats The F. T L 49 2.49 3.49 FRADINS’

. Xj::- ■ Y-

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUIH MANCHESTER, CONN., FR^AY^ DECEMBER 6, t929. --t^AUETFOaB"^ political action caused a split In the Church and State, and was per made its Roman home in tha Quir« the taking of Rome by the troops society in 1840. of that same monarch in 1870, the formed as much for political as for Non-voters under Garrison gained inal since 1870. It has already fanoily and sentimental reasons. ?mCETOBEWED served for the wedding of the edifice was alienated from religious control of the old. society- Others Crown Prince’s oldest sicter, Yolan­ usage until Princess Yolanda’s mar­ He wanted his own wedding to formed the American and Foreign da, who became the bride of Count riage 53 years laten rec£dl no memories of that imhappy Anti-Slavery Society, but the or­ Mine enemies chased me . Carlo Cal Vi di Bergolo on April 3, Few Witnesses past. Moreover, St. Mary of the ganization had outgrown a society like a bird without caase.-^tam e^ ' « JN PAULINE CHAPEL Owing to the comparative snaall- Angels has been since March, 1928, and foimd a more conservative ex­ tatlons 8:52. ■ 1923. pression in the Liberty Party and Richly Decorated ness of the chapel, the wedding cer­ the resting place of Marshal Diaz, ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY A malicious enemy is better thOT emony will perforce be vsdtnessed commander-in-chief of the Italian its successors. a clumsy friend. —Madame ... Swet- Erected by Carlo Maderna for The parent organization con­ Pope Paiil V, the Aiighty represent­ by an extremely limited company, armies in the late war, and the chine. comprising th e' members of the ^ood soldier who is Colonel Hum­ Ninty-nine years ago today, on tinued to exist until after the r Piurchfor Royal Marriage ative of the Borghese family who adoption of the fifteenth amend-! embellished Rome so munificently royal houses of Italy and Bel^um, bert of Savoy - wished nothing to Dec. 6, isiss, the American Anti- detract from the reverence due the ment in 1870.. DR. PALMER DEAD. during this Pontificate from 1605 to visiting monarchs and i>rinces ^ very. Society, was organized in I in Italy is Finally Chosen 1621, while the Quirinal was still allied vsdth the two families. The remains of the victor of Vitiorio Philadelphia by delegates from the Greenwich, Dec. 6.—(AP)-—Dr. the Pope’s summer palace, it is court attendants of both nations, Veneto. HIGH PRICE FOR BEEF richly decorated with gilded stucco •cabinet ministers, and a restricted The business of selection^ became few state and city societies then ex­ George B. Palmer, 65, with offices I by Family. work and with copies in “Grisaille” representation of the diplomatic so complicated that at the end the isting. at 475 5th avenue, New York City, corps in Rome. However, the mag­ Chicago, Dec. 6.— (AP)—A new died at his home on Koefferam of Raphael’s pictimes of the apos­ prince is said to have exclaimed. The society sought immediate ab­ world’s record price of $8.25 a tles which adorn the church of nificent throne room and suite of “I’m the most imfortunate fiance olition 6^ slavery, and its work was Road;: Sound Beach today after a '■• Rome — (AP) — The Pauline Santi Vincenzo Ed Anastasio; and reception rooms leading to the in Italy! There are 400 churches pound was paid today for Lucky year’s illness. He had practice fci chapel itself will afford ample space for many years looked upon as fan- lapel of the Quirinal palace, long with priceless 18th Century tapes­ in Rome and I cannot find one to tlcal or at least hopelessly imprac­ Strike, the grand champion steer of 25 years. tries, notably of the Flemish school. for the accommodation of guests. [id narrow and yet beautifully There was then some talk of hav­ fit me!” Irs . tical. the 1929 international live stock fecorated, has finally been selected I The chapel contains a large num- i ber of wreaths and “loyal ad­ ing the ceremony in St. Mary of BI1?D TI4AT AVOIDS^ Members of the society were de­ show. Elliott Brown, 20 year old A,professor says that the re­ i the scene of the forthcoming the Angels, where the bridegroom’s nounced, its meetings broken up. farm boy of Rosehill, Iowa, whose spect children used to have' for edding of Princess Marie-Jose of dresses” sent by Italians from all This is the time of year when the , TVIE SQUIRM- over the world on the death of the parents were married on October 24, players the coach has been bawling j OF LATE:. and rewards offered in the sou^ steer won the premier award of the their parents 50 yeare ago is not in elgium to Humbert of Savoy, 1896. With his natural tact. Prince for its leader dead or alive. Con­ exposition, will receive nearly $7,- evidence today. Maybe- it’s because rince of Piedmont and heir to the future bridegroom’s great-grand­ out all season are now advanced by I father, King Victor Emanuel II, in Humbert himself vetoed that sug­ him as .certain choices for the A ll-; SHOPPjN^' flicting opinion on the question of 700 for his 830 pound animal. the old folks are so wild. ^ lia n throne. gestion. His parents’ wedding, he :iln a sense it may rightly be call- 1878. But owing to the strained America team. relations between the Holy See and pointed out, occurred at a time of the “family church” of the considerable tension between the The feminine touch: a fur coat. alian royal household, which has the,Italian government rising from HULTMAN’S Gift Suggestions for" Men and Boys £ * a

E S S S Hickbk Belt Sets Handkerchiefs Neckwear ^ Initial with fancy border | with Initial on Buckle. The largest selection we I Box of 3 for 75c | ever offered. $2.00 to $6.00 H i : I ^ Com e—BOYS and GIRLS“ *and watch the new ELECTRIC I Pure Irish Linen 50c I $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 sterling Silver and Hickok i . TRAINS speed ^round the curves . . . the new AIRPLANES ^ Silk, assorted colorings ^ Plate and $2.50 gracefully wing away... the 1930 Automobiles/ all ready to 8 and patterns $1.00. 8 Tongue Belts » K speed along at the sound of a shrieking horn! And the DOLLS -DOLLS that TALK and SLEEP and WALK-pretty furni­ 1 ture to make them comfy . . . electric stoves to cook their Mufflers meals. . . and new clothes to make them smart and gay. The new long mufflers of LIVELY TOYS for BOYS-DOMESTIC TOYS for GIRLS Lounging Robes silk You're specially invited .. .you may bring your parents, too! $3.00 Wool $6.00 to $10.00 Wide squares in various Free! 500 TOYS! Free! Silk $12.00 patterns to the first 500 Boys and Girls $3.50 to $5*00 visiting Toyland Tomorrow Toys for girls, toys for boys—500 in all—direct from old Santa’s v/orkshops Gloves to be given with Ward’s compliments to Sweaters Shirts the first 500 boys ’ and girls who visit Joy for Young Mothers! Ward’s Toyland tomorro.v. Slip<-on and Coat Style. Eagle Brand, collar at- | Wool lined, fidl lined I tached, collar to match. | dress gloves of Cape^ llot- "EFFanBEE ' Dolls $5.00 to $9.00 Como Early in the Day — Look Like Real Little Girls I Plain, stripe and fancy | Suede, Pigskin, biick- ' 1 I effects. Silk, Madras and $3.59 “ $6.98 H. 0. W. Coat I Broadcloth _ | skm. Entrancing Toys Smartly dressed to re­ $2.00to$i00 $2.00 to $8.00 flect Fashion’s latest ' $8.00 I I whims! And small % i for Every Boy and Cirl motliers can hug them A—.Tointed Wooden Clown Doll ...... !!5c tight— for EFFanBEE DOLLS WILL NOT B—Trapeze Set, well constructed ...... $1.3o BREAK. Molded C—Character Dolls— unbreaka’ole ...... 31.19 ed composition D—Four-Key Cornet, clear tones ...... S5c bodies, jointed at C—Cuddlesome Stuffed Dogs ...... 25c neck, shoulder-s, bips. EXPRES­ F—Electric Stoves with cord ...... ?3.95 SIVE PAINTED G—Heavy Steel Airplanes ...... G9c FEAT U R E S - H—Colorful Building B locks...... 29c They sit or stand I—Velocipede — rubber-tired ...... $2.98 alon^-! •J—Decorative China Tea Set ...... G3c They Cry! tt—Rubber Balls—gay colors ...... 10c They Talk! They Sleep!

A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS TOYS UNTIL CALLED FOR. Choose your toys now— while the sr> lection is perfect! By paying a de­ posit you can have toys held until I wanted. We want to help yon make Christmas a happy day!

A Slyh'sh Carriage for the Doll Parade l^ound Fiber Reed For Dolls d M o Q A Up to 20 Inches V * L—Sewing Machine—good sewer ...... $2.39 How proud little mothers will be when they wheel M—^Electric Freight Train ...... $2.95 this carriage along! Sturdy and strong, too. Christmas and Music N—A Jumping Bunny, in cloth ...... 45c Rigid construction .... transparent 'Window in O—Snappy ^peed Boats ...... $1.48 hood.... foot brake.... reclining back. OFTEN SELLS FOR $20.00 P—^Mechanical Tractor, spring motor .. $1.39 WHAT IS CHRISTMAS WITHOUT MUSIC? Q—Hunting Horn, clear tone ...... 25c and what is Music without a Piano? The -Piano is the very soul New Model Monoplane o f M usic, and is the basic musical instrument. Do not negelect All the Thrills P^5 ^ ^ ~ ^ *i" '5 iiiL .7 * v' * • • • •. ; LAKES D®iTH TOL^ least a dozen ships destroyed or Dhke Michigan off fout words:,‘Be yourself. Be cbntempt.'I look on them, with damaged. . . carrjring: down. 25 buttons for and expect t^, come just Detroit,t Dec. . G.t—(A P ) The found him, newly made of dust, awe.” , —Dorothy; Dix.v storm> king, that, aimuaUy coUecis The first tragedy of large propor­ A late October storiat^'*’* running.” - - - feminine.' ” , - ' „ leaning against the walls of Eden —Rev. Dr. Harry Emerson Fos- ‘ ' —Geraldine Farrar. ' tribute in Hves apd property, wrote in tions duripg the season came on the •over the entire with nothing on his-clay brain.” “Wives of great men rem^d night .of Sept; 9. when the freighter acouhted for the. larger>TOW>^tlje . dick. r — ■ large ‘figuresjthe. record covering ■ —William Allen White. us of it” 1929 on the Great hakes. More than. Andaste wais sunk in a storm on loss'of life and sMps. r '■“I do not'regard bachelors with —Wayna^Gr. Haisley. •' a'hundredi'llv»--wer8 lost and at -“What I would say^ to . women is “Many persons are interested in j 4 ' God orfly for what they can get out of Him. k . . They treat God as a “Every sdvsnce mail lias ever kind of universal yalet to do odds "N* jiade has been through the aid, di^ m and ends for them—a sort of cos­ 'xt: rection arid advice of women with mic bell-boy that they can push a true perspective of humor, who t

JccKNiiK MAIH kirn n uKbAw HARTFORD G ifts l>£ Because Furniture Contributes More for Happiness and Comfort oh Cbristmas Day ““ And Many^ Years to Come—For Even a Lif^nae!^^ " v

, . v - IPDIES*

At Herrup’g IT’S A GIFT! i. Our Fine Stationery

' now proud she will be to write her note of thanks on handsome, new Stationery. A clever, yet practical, gift thought! r.lluiaturc See Eaton, Crane & Pike’s Special Sewing Machine • It actually sews. Very Christmas Box. Instructive. With needle, thread and clauip. . s A Living Room By Day! . » S 9 c ■ * T ■ • Packard’s Pharmacy A Bedroom at Night! 3 Pieces AT THE CENTE’ With this suite, you always Irave a spare bedroom at your command! Up­ holstered in heavy Jaetjuard! Suite con­ S125 sists of the Bed-Davenport,' the Wins $1.50 Weekly A Charming Living Room Suite Chair and Club Chair. In Durable Jacquard! 3 Pieces Tricycles $2.95 A remarkdbie oiier at Herrup’s! The Sturdy frames, rubber- Oh air and Club Chair— all three ..pieces upholstered in high $87 tired wire, wheels! Special at Herrup’s, ®ade J a cq w d ! A well made suite that will give lasting $1.50 Weekly comfort pnd satisfaction! ,

Practical Gifts for the Home


Card Tables Magazine Racks

^ Choice nf colors,^ a niadel A » ■ - iSb nice Xmas gift. “ALLAIN” DOLLS AND - Book Trough “ALLIANCE’’ TOYS Blankets End Table Warm, p'ai-t,. Choice' of wool Blankets ■various fin­ Are Popular Features at in choice of ishes. Well colors. Size made!' An ex­ ts 66x80. cellent gift. I A Smart, Modem Outfit TOYLAND Bed Lights of 7 Colorful Pieces! Foot Stools ’ 'll. X A modem outnt that you would be, delighted Various colors — complete with cord % Because they are bought at great savings, coopera­ to have in your home! Consists of the Divan and plug! Special « and Wing Chair of the new curved front i $ i $ 1 tion with 20 other large stores, “Allain” and “Alliance” style, deep Cogswell Chair, End Table, Gateleg. at Herrup’s. toys are some of the best toy values offered anywhere. Table, and choice of Bridge or Rpor Lamp «r Gateleg Table with Shade! Special at Herrup’s. $1.50 Weekly •8 Pier Cabinet Every Various col­ home should ^ n e ors to choose h a V e ^ . / 5 I “Main” Dolls, $5 , Q a tele g from! A use­ '^■11 ful, gift for the Table! Spe­ 14 I Lai’ge size dolls— 23 inch­ home. cial at es high — attractively dressed in gay colors. f• i I 8I “Alliance” Folding I 8 I Blackboards, $3.50 8 Solid Mahogaiiy S Slate board, 16x16 inch- * Sewing Cabinet K es, with roller top, $17.95 Solid Mahogany Martha Washington. Special at “Alliance” Scooters Herrup’s. $2.50 Large size red disc wheels, with heavy rubber tires. Equipped with brake and stand.

A Colorfid Breakfast, Set in Your Day Bed With Mattress 3 Pieces of This Charming Bedroona Smte “Alliance” Pool Tables, Home on Christmas! 5 Pieces ^ A AVWWW ------9 A Bedroom ^ tet e of beauty at a.remarkably low-price! 1 Treat •New Breakfast Sets in a gorgeous $15.50 ■ Opens to a full size Bed. with a new 'bedroom suite this Christmas. The Bed—Dresser and Chest of They fold up so that they can be put away when not array of colors and combinations. Drawers make up this suite, if you desire the Vanity also, the four pieces may Complefe with mattress. make up this $1.50 Weekly in use. Size 22x42. 15 balls and cues. . Here- is one beautiful!^ decorated, $ 2 4 .7 5 v.« for' onlv ^134. be bad for only $134. S s t i n g of the drop-leaf Table and $1.00 Weekly four Chairs to match! Occasional Speed King Steering Sleds, $1.95 Fern S^:ands Chair 36-inch size. Well consctructed—a real value! sturdy, comfort­ Metal Fern Ask Santa Claus for your copy of the gift book. able chairs that^ Stands finished HERRUP’S add color to your* green! Special Toyland— Lower Floor living room. Spe­ low • price at Hcr-^ At the Corner of Main and Morgan Streets cial at l a m p ’s. rup’s. ■■‘I' Sage-Allen & Co. INC. HARTFORD V -J'. -y t-ii'' >

l/H * .<• ■ .u ^ ' j , ‘v,' . \ VI'- •# B^lhAY, DECEMBER 6, -

: Gift DcJlaror less

"I* '.iyAPi


for Children

Gay ^ort sweaters' that will dcligbt a school girl. Bulova 8 colored bulbs on 'Even if - she has a sweater Strap Watch long cord with plug. Elgin Parisienne The only safe way she will love one of these, to bght your tree. and Mother will appreciate $ ^ c . o o ■te..■ V*. ^C ' i the marvelous value. w ^ , - r Bulova Strap watches stunning new Elgin ^ for men, ^ t h 15-Jewel ParlBlenne wiist watches a guaranteed movements. SU k HoMery with guaranteed 7 je’.^ Mannish engraved dust- eled movement In c' proof case, flexible wrist tlnctlve colored enam bands to match. 5&e’s Mttre to be pleased cases.' with such a fine gift. $1.00 Weekly $ 1.00 Gifts for Men X. Full fashioned £ne hose in that 6 lovely clear quality that usually Silk Scarf or Reefer___S i costs twice this tow price. In all the smartest new colors. .Tool C hests...... SX Tools ...... 25^ 1® S i $ 1 . 0 0 Boxed Liueus Jack Knives...... SO® Linen crash luncheon set with 36" E. Z. Fociising Searchlight SX cloth and 4 napkins. Embroidered in dainty designs. Leather Belt and Buckle SO® G ifts fo r W^ouieu$ Buffet or Vanity Set...... $ 1 A Kay Feature Priced to make your money Fancy Socks , . . 3 *^X go further. Porto Rican TowelsXlor$X Pipes ...... 2S®. 50 X 50 Crash Cloth___$ 1 The Honeymoon Virginia BcUe* Dresses...... $ J Work Shirts ...... 89® and many other big values. Diamond Pair Ladies’ Percale Aprons .. Dinner Rings $1 '.00 Noveity Rings Aliuninumware in Gift Box. S I Porto Rican Linens . . . 5 0 ^ Rayon Lingerie ’75 up An exquisite diamond engagement * 2 7 ^ ' u p The charm of silk at half the cost. ring of 18K white gold with hand Perloid Toilet Articles...... Graceful white gold dinner mond studded onyx'' stone sur­ rings set with diamonds and carved wedding band to match. roundeduucu withwiMi beautifuloeautllul seed Grant Cloths___...... SI semi-precious stones. pearls. 18E white gold mountings. Vests ' r $1.50 Weekly Pay After Christmas Delusco Rayon Hose...... 39® Closely woven rayon in all the charm- ipg pastel shades. A gift that will give 7 9 c Casserole in Metal Frame.. . . SI lasting pleasurei Rayon Slips ...... $ J Handbags ...'...... $ J Bloomers * Reg. Trade Mark Full cut, wcU reinforced, beautifully made bloomers at this low price. This i rayon is just as lovely when it has been Shirts* washed many times. : t: ' ?: 3 - S t o n e ' Broadcloth shirts fh:if: fe Exquisite Square Proug Diamond Ring Cenfleman’s look like those you usu' Gifts for Girls Diamond ni»|. i ally pay twice tliis for. DIAMOND Virginia Belle* Dresses. ...SX 1- • $24.7S 00 The collar bands arc Ctiarmmg finger ring of ^ 1 5 0 ^ guaranteed prc'shrunk ® 14K white gold set with three 100 Boudoir Slippers...... 69 A delightful ring, that we are proud to fea- so these shirts will ah sapphires, emeralds and sjm. ;ure. A gorgeous diamond of rare cut and col- Three Piece Toilet Sets.. .SX $1.00 Weekly m in richly hand engraved 18K white gold. brilliancy. great ■ fit. Well tailored, excel­ $2.00 Weekly 5*.50 Weekly lent value. Wcarite* Mercerized Hose Z5® Handkerchiefs in fancy box...... 3 fo r 30® Fancy Rayon and Wool Neckties he’ll be proud to wear Ties at a price you'll want to pay. J8t0® Hose ...... 50® A a o Manicure Sets...... SI Boudoir slippers in several at­ tractive styles and colors. A Gloves Boxed Stationery . . 25® SO® Pen and gift that ■ will give you plcarore Pencil Sets 6-Jewel for Men Boxed Perfume . 25® for a long time. Strap Watch • Reg. Trade Mark u p ' Other Styles fe9® A wide choice of pen .and A dollar is little to pay for such Blouses pencil set that make ideal f l Man’s guaranteed strap watch gifts. Many leading makes to ■with flexible ■wrist band and lumi­ comfort. Well for Boys nous hands and numerals. made lined gloves Gifts for Boys choose from. of real c a p e - Fine enough to please Pay After Christmas 50c. Weekly skin. A wondoc- ful value. the most particular boy. Percale Shirts...... 69® Percale or broadcloth, for W om en well made, full cut. Sports Sweaters...... $X Imported heavy chamois fabric Your boy will like to Neck Ties ...... 25® All new shades. ’ wear them. B elts...... 25® 5 9 c - 8 9 e Suiting C a p s...... 59® 79® Boy’s Golf Hose...... 39® Seth Thomas A Whole Sockful of Fine Toys Jack o’Lantem* Hose...... 25® Mantei Clocks Scout Axe ...... ^..SI $ .50 Priced to make your money go twice as far. Large Holiday E. Z. Flashlights...... 50® "'“Iiogany i,n-fin- 1 5 « 5 0 e $ i * Reg. Trade Mark Display oS whed mantel clock made by y Dolls w th Thomas. Strikes every Every type of doll a small girl could wish for. Little hour.. 8-day movement. cuddly doUs, “ Kiss-Me” doUs, Ma-Ma dolls and baby Ttrilette Sets 50c. Weekly dolls, dolls with hair and without, and doll furniture, $ ^ trunks, doll sewing machines—-and not one costs over Sweaters Vanity Cases one dollar. for Men Beautiful toilette sets Diamond Toy Telephones. Doll Brooms.. . . 2 5 ® in dainty decorated de­ Scarf Pins ’3 ^ up signs. Wi'de‘selection of Pool Tables ... $ 1 Popular Games.. 2 S C An ideal gift for, the colors. Choice of three, $ Toy Tractors miss. Many dainty styles ten and twenty-piece Automobiles in a wide variety of colored sets in graceful gift Solid gold scarf pins, set with Only, a dollar for these soft enameled effects. diamond in latest designs. Hie Dump Trucks boxes. kind that any man will be proud warm coat sweaters. Heavily Roadsters . Pay Next Year Pay Next Year to wear. knit for winter wear. Pay Next Year aMMMMaatwMaMaiaaiiaMMMBaaM imam Cedar Chest Bundled Towels Brass boxipd chest WTCRANTCO. Ribbon tied Christ­ of real cedar in fine 34 K n o n For V a l u e s / mas package of two finish.^' h ^ e with or four huck or . j e w e l r y COMPA8J v I lock. • 815 MAIN STREET turkish towels. 1047 Main St. 0pp. Morgan St OPEN EVENINGS T n^ XMAS

■i^‘! . ^ ' ’.T


Tight and left” vyithout having their j i•nv. i i i c y N', stop an automobile by throwing a cases examined. KENNETT ONCE CRAZY stone which broke a window. STEAMER PICKS UP > The railroad police report only j “We were being pressed by Con­ gressmen to take up these cases and deals \^th attempt ‘to .wreck a train i R. R. POUCE REPORT FISHING BOAT CREW we coulcia’t because we were six by placing the boulder on the tracks, j tnonths behind in our. docket,” he said. “Furthermore, endless doubt­ New York, Dec. 6.—(AP)—Capt New Haven, Dec. 6— (AP)—A re­ ful cases were being piassed by the, MAURICE OUDIN REAR; | A. M. Moore of the steamship Re­ bureau on the judgment of some port made to the operating depart­ public in a radio, message to the ment of the New Haven road by tlie who would say .‘well, W'e will give United States Lines today said', he the soldier the .benefit of the doubt,' railroad police on the attempt of ADTHORTTY ON TRADEj had picked up the captain and crew .i CREAM Sedrick Kennett of East Lyme to when others would say ‘woU, he has of the schooner Gandep Deal, of St. not proven his case apd we will derail a train east of Sound Vieiv Johns, N. F. The Republic’s posi­ throw it out.’ ” tower on Tuesday night shows that Schnectady, N. Y., Dec. 6.— (AP) tion was given as 1,526 miles east s p e c i a l f o r t h i s WEEK the man yvas a former inmate i:f —Maurice Oudin, 63, vicepresident of Ambrose lightship. He said it was his ambition to Cheshire Reformatory and later of of the International General Electric The Gander Deal was one of the eliminate all doubtful cases by send-^ "I the Connecticut hospital for the In­ Company and recognized as an fleet of 10 Ashing vessels which ing them for field e:^amination, and GINGER ICE CREAM AND authority on international trade, were believed to have been lost in to have our records in such shape, sane at Middletown. when I go out, that anybody can go ' Kennett put a 500 pound boulder died at his "home^ here last night af­ the North Atlantic durijig a storm CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM ter an 11 days illness of pneumonia. last Friday night. in at any time and examine any file and the engine of an old automobile and see why we accepted or reject­ on the track and his intent as be It was Mr. Oudin who was chosen Captain Barbour was in charge Also Bulk Ice Cream and Fancy Shapes. ed a case.” told the police officers was to rush to extend the engineering arm of of the schooner anid he had a crew of 10 men* All were well when AT DUNHILL’S out and flag the train which was the then foreign department of the For sale by the following loc^l dealers: General Electric, a work which 'picked up. EVERY CUSTOMER POSITIVELY diie soon after and then look for a The weather was reported exceed­ reward. The tra=i which Kennett made him a recognized pioneer in Farr Brothers Packard’s Pharmacy BECOMES A FRIEND. his field. By 1904, he had become ingly rough at the time of the had in mind was the Bar HarOvir llADACHBZ 981 Main Street At the Center OUR RECORD BREAKING manager of the foreign department rescue. / instead of dapgerous heart de- • . y I Express, but this had passed and VALUES CONTINUE. the next train was the Cannon Ball, and in 1919, when the International / pressants take safe, mild, purely , vegetable MATU»*’» atM lDT Duify and Robinson Edward J. Murphy a fast freight, the engine of which General Electric was formed, he was REVISES PENSION FILES / and g e t rid o f the bo-wel poisons 111 Center Street Depot Square hit the boulder. made the first vice president, the po­ that cause the trouble. Noth­ sition he held to his death. UDIES’ COATS Several Charges. ing like N? fo r biliousness, sick CRO^jBY’S PHARMACY^ BLUEFIELDS The report shows that Kennett is He was decorated by the Emperor Washington,-Dec. 6.— (AP)—Earl headache and constipation. Acts held for a hearing on charges of at­ of Japan and by the King of Italy. D. Church, pension commissioner, ' pleasantly. Never gripes. All smart tempting to wreck a train, of break­ He belonged to numerous trade or­ told the House appropriations sub­ Mild, isfe, purely vegetable new fash- ing a window ’ n an automobile and ganizations, was a member of, the committee in hearings on the In­ AtdruggijU—only 25c. Make the teat tonifht. i o n a b le of carrying concealed weapons. In American Institute of Electrical terior Department supply bill,' that FEBL LIKE A mUJON, TAKE _____ models of this latter instance Kennett at­ Engineers, one of the founders cf when he took charge of the bureau fine n e w last May, its field work was five to tempted to draw a gun, w'hich was the Foreign Trade Council and* a TO-NICHT warm ma- member of a number of^ New York six months -behind the Civil- War TOMORROW A LRIG H T ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS seized and the window breaking widows and soldiers _ were ‘idying t e r i a 1 s.ft charge was based on his attempt to City clubs. Richly fur-'* red in stun­ ning styles and high grade fab-'l rics. coat been care k m M fully select­ 2 4 JL “ ed and rep­ resents the ^ utmost in value at this extremely low price. Pay $2.50 Down, W fi­ o . n ll) $1.50 \ /eekly MEN’S SUITS & OVERCOATS Marlow s »5 b d PAY -$2.50 ' Down $ 1.00 BETTER Weekly BIGGER Never have we shown so great a variety Carefully selected assortment— good quality and excellent values— remarkable savings for thriff-wise parents. and such amazing value. Never such a com­ plete showing of new models, fabrics and col­ orings. Snappy new patterns for both the COME TO MARLOW’S AND SAVE. ■ conservative man as well as the young fellow. All on the easiest terms with 20 weeks to pay. Erector Sets and steel Lowest prices on the en­ Dolls engineering are real toys A very large assort­ TIMELY GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS tire line of Keystone toys for real boys, a|l sizes ment to choose from. ROBES J . SHIRTS I WATCHES — well made reproduc­ are here. Dolls of all sizes with HOSE I DOLLS I FOR MEN tions— dump trucks, nej,v and protij dress­ steam shovels, fire i^n- es. VVxmderfnl values. 50c to 12.98 MUFFLERS | Phonographs | AND WOMEN gines, aerial ladders, lo­ comotives, mail trucks, 25c to 6.98 moving vans, water Tinker Toys .. 69c a o _ tanks, truck loaders and WLEK steam rollers. Stuffed Animals [PAYMENT mumm’sI Doll Carriages ‘*'^^^691 Main St., South Manchester Keystone Moviegraphs...... 4.48 up 1930 models in all (he 59c to 2.98^ ne^v colors. 'Ve have - jusc the one you’d like. Teddy Bears in all colors and Marlow’s have by far the largest variety of toys size s...... 50c to 2.98 in town as well as the lowest prices. 2.39 to 17.50 gniiHiinsiiiiHiMiiiniiiiiimiHiniiininminmiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii Hundreds of new items on our Aeroplanes in all sizes .... 25c to $1.98 10c Counter. Zeppelins are realistic...... 50c to 1.25 Doll Furniture Marlow’s have by far the largest variety of toy^ PULL TOYS Bassinettes in town as well as the lowest prices. Large well constructed assortment of pull toys ...... 1.00 ft including trolley cai's, hook and ladders, sand G irrsi loaders,, steam shovels, locomotives, coal cars, po­ Embroidery and Sewing Sets 25c to 1.00 lice patrol, fire engines, etc. ------: ...... 10c to 50c Table and . Crayon Sets , 1.00 Wash Sets ...... - 79c to 1.69 Mechanical Toys of all kinds Chair Sets 25c to 1.00 ’ 2.49 up Footballs 50c to 2.98 J 6 Tree trimmings of every description. Velocipedes ...... 3.50 to 12.98 Ornaments ...... 20c dozen to 10c each Wagons of wood and steel . ,1.00 to 4.98 BasketbMls • Tree T o p s...... 10c, 25c Desks with roU to p s ...... 9.98 to ,12.98 1.00, 1.98 Angel Hair... K)c Blackboards ...... 79c to 3.49 Striking Bags 1.00 Artificial ) Sleds ...... 1.00 to 5.75 Snow . . . 5c, 10c Aluminum and China Dishes 25c set up Boxing Gloyes Of course, my dear, I was bothered over M .9 8 T i r m p i Pool T ab les...... 1.00 to 10.98 *what to give everybody for Christmas, be­ 6 yards 10c, 30c Banks ...... 79c to,3.59 MAKE YOUR GIFTS ATTRACTIVE cause, you know, dearie, there'is nothing Chenille Rope Tissue Paper, red and white . . . .5c, 10c. worse than giving the same old things oVer 10c pc. Marlow’s have by far the largest variety of toys Seals and Tags : . . — ...... 5c in town as well as the lowest prices. and over again, and I didn’t knov^ whai I / Tinsel Cord and Ribbon ....------16c Light outfits com­ was going to do, when I had a perfect plete with 8 Maz­ GAMES of every, description for young and old. COME TO MARLOW’S of an inspiration, and I . decided to buy da lights as low as About 200 different games to choose from. The store pf a thousand gift ideas—your Xmas dollars go further at Marlow’s. . some of those elegant two-dollar boxes of 1.00 set 25c to 1.98 stationery at Quinn’s , and spread Yule cheer to no end, which FU enjoy : ju^t awfully, I mean I .actually will.

o:- s

------:------;------:------^ ^ . .1.

.MAY CHALLENGE StlLLTV.Ai:. executive, did not hia^ FOR VALUES Washington. Dec. 6— (AP)—Sch- make the appointment,' hut -1 ator Walsh pf Montana, the araist- hia opinion the state lavi . ga^Jtt ant Democratic leader, said today authority.;; ‘ - he expected someone to challenge the b-fimittance of Patrick SulMvan They have stopped" M the new Senator from Wyomii^, plays In New York. Qult^ I itn tVio FVio c h lC f the Efcow busineiw-, ^ j . V . ^ . ■ ' ■ i- ■ . v ” --V.' ■■•'•V.'.v • ...... ' MANCHESTEK EVENING HEEALD. SOOTH M A N I S T E E . CONN.. F E iyA r; UEOBMBER 6, 1929, ^AUE ElGlfi'

ing to tantalize a great many peo­ nation- had the slightest right to JIatttlltBtrr ple Is: What inscrutlble reason assume that they would not both could thefe possibly haye been for abide by the terms of the 'treaty Health and Diet ^ Emning fieralb the official prosecutors of New and refrain from acts of war. In York county going into court with fact both governments insisted for PUBLISHED BY THE _• Advice CEKAI^D PRINTING COMPANY, INC such an amazingly empty case as a long time that they were observ­ T 18 B!««ell Street ing the obligations of the pact and Hy DU. FRANK McCOl South Manchester, Conn, that against the gambler McMan­ THOMAS FERGUSON us? Never in the history of intended to contfnue doing so. Each General Manager______crime in this couhtry' was there disavowed smy intention whatever Pouned October I. 1881 sufch an utter farce of a murder of engaging in aggressive war—and DESERT DATES. how could there be any war with­ " Publlshea Every Evening Except trial. Never before did thft prose­ The date tree is imusual in that Sundays and Holidays. cuting authorities' of any commu­ out an aggressor ? . It is true that the male and female flowers grow Post Office at South Manchester. there were various reports of skir-1 separate trees. For this reason “her” cedar chest Gonn„ as Second Class MaU Matter. nity go through with such a shal­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: low make-believe and keep their mishes along the Manc'hurian-Si-' the lady tree isn’t very much good One Year, by mall ...... berian border, of sporadic firing j without a male tree Per Month, by mall ...... » faces straight. No one can for a Jjfellvered. one y e a r ...... moment believe that there was ever „„ river boats, etc, hut they - r e I Single copies ...... h. ------the faintest expectation of convict­ scarcely official in any case and al- growers still follow the “harem” MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED ways attributed to the possible ac-1 custom. They usually plant one male PRESS ing McManus, or for that matter -T he Associated Press is the least desire to. Most peo^fle, tion of over-zealous frontier tree for each acrfe of female date ■trees. ;r"n'n=‘w.'5r.p"ci.'." after fouowlng that crazy case, guards. The history of date growing is paV tvill be pretty well cohvtoeed that It was not until the middle of older than the hlstor,'of civilization, PE,. - last month that there came reason­ llslied herein. __ ■vyhile almost any other racketeer and we find it outlined both as to The Governor 'Winthrop desk gives ; All riKhts of republlcatlon or in New York may have killed Ar­ ably authenticated evidence that culture and methods of serving In a good wide writing desk and plenty (Special dispatches herein are also re­ the clay tablets of ancient Assyria. served. ______- nold Rothsteln, the one person in ?he Russians and Chinese were not of storage space. This one, full size, substantially observing their obli­ It is almost the national industry of is made of mahogany and gumwood • SPECIAL advertising REPRE­ the whole shady lot who almost the Arabs^ and we are always close­ SENTATIVE:' Hamilton • DeLtsser. certainly didn’t is McManus. gations under the Kellogg pact. If ly associating the name of the Ara­ A Windsor chair, like this, could be Inc.. 285 Madtsnn Ave.. New York. N. used in a. dozen places in any home. Y.. and fil2 North Mlchtgan Ave.. -» Why was McManus accused? Russia impudently ^fiouted the bian sheiks riding across the im­ Chicago. Ills^______United States’ admonition sent sub­ mense desert regions on camels. The . It is made with «nuine rush bottom, Why was he tried? Why was the finished antique maple sequently to the outbreak of real Arabs have long since held the date - The Herald is on sale dally at all case, from the very first day of the in great esteem, since it is a very: Schultz and Hoatllng news stands in hostilities, how much more certain­ New York City.______. trial, obviously in the bag? Why satisfying food, due to the large wasn’t there even a pretence of try­ ly would she have done so if It had amount pf carbohydrates which it Full service client of N E A Service. ing to get a conviction? Why did ’been uttered before there was any contains, and its concentrated food -^Member. Audit Bureau of Circula­ the proceedings seem so fimny to warrant for questioning the good value is important to those who tions. ______faith of two peace-pact signa­ cross dreary wastes where every the man supposed to be on trial for ounce counts. The Herald Printina company. Inc., his life? tories ? * Dates are one of the few foods assumes flo financial respons hill y h a t chest you are going to give l^r typographical errors appearing in Here is bona fide mystery. Here which can be grown in the desert advertlsments In the Manches er is something to do some guessing FAITHFUL SERVANTS regions of the world where there are “her” should be selected now, in livening Herald. The people of Connecticut owe a long sunny days ■with a high tem^ order to insure a complete range about. One could almost do some perature and dry air. One date tree T FRIDAY, DEC. 6, 1929 ) f sizes, finishes and prices from which guessing as to whether McManus deeper debt than they perhaps re­ may give as mud. as a hundred and the district attorney’s office, alize to the Board of Pardons for to choose. You can join the Christmas MUNIC3tt‘AL MANAGERS 1 poimds of fruit per year. Even one between them, framed up this show refusing to intervene in the Felto- bunch of dates sometimes weighs qs Club and pay only $1 or $2 weekly, and ^^ttracted, evidently, by the town- to distract attention from the real vic case. To face the desperate much as 30 pounds. still take advantage of the cash dis­ manager idea, the Meriden Journal, The Persian Gulf is the center killer, equally well known to both grief of the relatives of a person counts. 4n the course of an editorial articl?, which supplies the world, although Tea wagons are an appropriate gift. of them and equaUy by both pro­ condemned to death, to' sit in the says: “The World Almanac lists the date crop from Coachella Val­ These, butterfly tables can be used aa One of the new models in solid wal­ living presence of the criminal ley in California is now becoming end tables to hold books and lamps, Cedar Chests, $22.50 to $58.50 three Connecticut municipalities as tected. nut, just in, is simUar to the isketch \ These people whp ran that trial whom it is within their power to famous for a very splendid type of or as coffee tables. They are made having small wheels and round drop having managers—New London, of maple, finished in antique color are neither children nor fools. save from the gallows, to resist the date. Nine-tenths of the Imported leaves West Hartford and Stratford. And dates are brought in from Smyrna. .You’ve got to accoimt for the battering at their nerves inescapa­ if we are not mistaken there is a Tarkey and Arabia,, where they are clowning somehow. It’s a wonder­ ble for persons of normal imagina­ town manager in Manchester. If gathered in bunches by a whole line ful subject for guessing.’ tive powers and to steadfastly keep of boys swarming right up the tree tjiere isn’t it is strange that the in mind the greater question of the trunks, clear from the groimd to the place is nm so well.’’ FLASH IN THE PAN public security, require no slight fruit. The top boy cuts the bunch Well, Mr. Journal Editor, you are and hands.it down to the others. The Those more or less numerous measure of fortitude. There is, In partly right and only a little wrong fruit is usually packed by women, persons who have all along felt such circumstances, a tremendous about the town manager and alto­ loaded on camels, and carried across that the average voter did not have temptation to, take the easier wqy, the desert. gether correct about this town be­ enough voice in the political affairs the softer and more comfortable The Deglet Noor Is held to be one ing well run. Manchester has a way out. The Pardon Board has of the choicest- of the many hun­ town manager—in effect. It doesn't of this state and who thought they : dredsareas ofoi knownKnowu varieties.vemeuca. Itj.i. is aa. so title him—calls him' Towp saw in Prof. Albert Lea'vitt of Red­ been big enough and courageous ^ beautifully colored, transparent ara- enough and self-sacrificing enough ; ber. It grows in the hottest sections Treasurer and Clerk of the Board ding a crusader capable of stirring of Selfectmen, but he fulfills most j uP the animals at least si^iciently to put the well-being of the com- of the Sahara desert. Fard dates to cause a diverting entertainment, munity ahead of its o-wn mental are smaller and usually of a dark of the functions which titular town bro'wn color. Other dates vary in comfort. 'Well done managers assume in mapy places, have some reason to believe that size and consistency. Some are hard for your own home— perhaps Professor Lea'vitt, after and quite as well as if he were bread and taste like dried cake. Why not “give the home” this chair at Christ­ —Others are so soft and mushy that For as little as $9 you can give a fxill known by the niftier designation. all, is just one more fiash in the mas? It is a new model having two soft they cannot be shipped to market. Here’s a hhndy place to keep books size, two bulb table lamp. These In other words Manchester pays pan. .... and a piece that will fit into nqr* cushions in the back, as you can see. Through have plain colored glazed pottery IN NEW YORK Dates vary greatly in composition. the Christmas Qub you need pay only ?3 a highly competent business man a The Redding man exhibited a row spaces. Similar to sketch; 4 bases and paper-parchment shades They usually contain from 50 per drawers; flat top; ban feet. weekly, and stiU receive the'cash price. reasonably good salary—certai^^ly pretty poor quality of generalship cent, to 70 per cent, of sugar, 10 per not an excessive one—for doing when he tried to get the personnel New York, Dec. 6 — Odds and cent to 11 per cent, pectin and gums, 2 per cent, to 7 per cent, protein, well and properly a great many of the Public Utilities Commission ends about New York—chiefly odds: ousted for their complete failure to Lee Chumley’s Greenwich Village and 1.6 percent; mineral matter. municipal thing5.<^ that in most A diet of milk with a few dates towns and small cities are done in­ enforce the grade crossing law. *It eating emporium is decorated With will sustain life for many months. differently or badly by a haphazard is not good leadership to start off a the jackets of more or less success­ The two together form a very nutri­ lot of office holders who come and campaig^n 'With a courted and cer­ ful books. These jackets, gathered tious luncheon. A delicious date over a period of years, are from salad can be made by placing cot- go and get things mixed up. tain defeat; and if the professor didn’t know that he hadn’t even a novels, biographies, histories and tage cheese on leaves ol lettuce or One thing we do not have in spinach, and covering the cottage Chinaman’s chance of getting the such written by authors who have Manchester that they have had in eaten' at his tables. ^ cheese with pitted, cleaned dates. WATKI NS BROTH ERS, Inc . *rV some communities which have Utilities Board fired he is too child­ Sardi’s, where the wags, gagsters Dates should be given to children adopted the city manager or . coun­ like to make a good insurrecto and actor folk gather for their by thoughtful mothers, since the YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER leader. limches, is decorated with car­ date supplies them •with a natural cil-manager 'form of government— toons of the Broadway’s “who’s and harmless sweet. Because of we do not have everlasting confiicts The law requiring the elimina­ who.” When any of, these person­ their large sugar content. It is bet­ between our manager and our coun­ tion'of at least qne grade crossing alties die —as even personalities ter not to combine dates witn cil—which is a big and competent every year for each 50 miles of must die—the drawings are turned starches, because of the danger of railroad trackage was so framed as to face the wall and obituaries fermentation. Board of Selectmen. written on the backs are revealed.. to make it unenforcible. The quali­ Horace Liverright, the publish­ - With probably the worst hodge­ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. podge of a charter in America, fication that it could be enforced er, has a Palm Beach scene paint­ by the Utilities Board “if in its ed upon his bathroom in order to Manchester, by picking an able ad­ retain the illusion of tropic (Olfactory Nerve Injury.) GIFTS ministrator to run its routine and opinion the financial condition of climes, while splashing in his tub. Question:—Mrs, Me. asks: “Will .then keeping him on the job, has the company will warrant” was a Charles Driscoll, the 'syndicate you please tell me if it is possible tu fatal joker. Since the Public Utili­ editor and columnist, is one of regain sense of smell destroyed, 1 been able to conduct its affairs so believe, by nasal treatments ishen a ties Commission from its Inception the world’s authorities on piracy For Men as to gain such compliments as (not literary). His library con­ child?” that paid by the' Journal. has always sneezed whenever -the tains something like 2000 vol­ Answer:—If the olfactory nerve ' It is our impression that the vir­ New Haven railroad took snuff, it umes on pirates and their adven­ was severely injured by the treat­ Main at Pratt St was obvious that under the law the tures.. Last siffnmer he learned ments it may not be possible to re­ tue of the municipal manager sys­ of a sunken Spanish galleon and Board not only could “enforce” store tnat sense of smell, but 1 have tem lies in the facts rather than in made a trip tD'waa"butti-ea.cd by the jitay. Vatirnd ga-rreTta Greenwich drinl^ a great derf ^ The Rothstein-McManus mystery ~ ! villaee • I doesn t seem to grow, .is growing mysterious, fascinating­ law itself imder any interpretation ^ And Oliver LaFarge, the yoimg 1 Answer:—There is no eiddence ly mysterious. For a long time, for at all likely to be made. It was as. j^^n who landed the book selec- that coffee has any effect on growth . OSTRICH TRIMMED '■ SATIN NEGLI­ more than a year, it didn’t seem to plain as the nose on Prof. Leavitt’s ' tion of the Literary Guild with one way or the other, but if your Han^n Dress Ilia mat iit/vci » | . GEES—are shown in turquoise, orchid, ,lSe particularly mysterious—not in- face that all he could get out of 1 his first novel “Laughing ■ Boy.” j daughter is not gtowing enough it decorates his apartment In the ■ might be well to substitute bone peach or nile, trimmed with matching os­ triguingly mysterious, that is—to the move w&s a licking. And lick­ east Fifties with the rarest building and blood-buUdlng foods in the ordinary observer, but now ings are poor things for new cru­ American Indian adornments to place of coffee. Gloves trich tuxedo collar. that the McManus trial phase of it saders to court at the outset of be found in New York. Lined and Unlined $12.75 their adventures. Few voters care Julia Peterkin, who won the (Baby Holds Breath. is ended It is becoming something Pulitizerjruuuzer prizeyiii-c •with' wii-ii “Scarlet Sisr Question:—H. F. writes: “My 14- to cudgel one’s brqihs over. about enlisting- xmder a chieftain ter Mary,” began to write because! months-old baby boy has a habit of Originally the shooting of the with a black eye. of the admonitions of her. ni^sic bolding his breath when he cries un­ $1.95 to $7.00 Pair REVERSIBLE QUILTED ROBE^ Rothsteln person was mildly inter­ Furthermore, Professor Leavitt, teacher. . She was well P^^st 40 j becomes limp and turns slight- really two robes ip one, for the inside is a esting becausqj of his extraordinar­ whowuo ISis endeavoring to.u promotepxwxxxw.. theuxx. ^ h ^ m L ^ ? sSfJd • in the facc. I have been Bathrobes $6.50 different color and it can be worn either ily large bank roll consisting en­ idea of political revolution againsM^p^’ ^ years she had hved ^ h j side out. tirely of loot; aside frotn that it ap­ orgamzed tyranny in Connecticut, her husband and son upupon _ a Pplanm-. .' j that «> it vfas very cruel to throw cold $15.00 peared to be just a case of one has gone a queer way about it re tion where there were no white _ hia neighbors for some 20 miles. Decid­ water in. his' face,’, that his thymus ' Mufflers dirty mug being knocked off by centiy by becoming, in the matter ing to take up music, she fell to was undeveloped. Is this true ? Will some other dirty mug for dirty- of prohibition, a partisan of the telling tales of the Gullah negroes he outgrow it? The baby is in per- Anti-Saloon League—ivhich is as to her music teacher, who was so feet ^aitn. AUSTRADOWN'ALL WOOL ROBES— mug reasons; nothing that particu­ Answer:—The treatment used $1.95 to $150 fine an example of an organized engrossed that he insisted that she * ~ the softest and lightest r,obes we have larly mattered to decent people. sit down and write about them. with cold water Is a good one for When a tall row was kicked .up hy minority endeavoring to boss the Thus, quite by accident, one of getting results, but you must try to seen. Of 100 per cent Virgin wool in the New York papers because the unorganized majority as he could the finest writers of the tim^ was train your baby so that he will not Spats $1.95 and $2i0 rose, blue, green or orchid. police didn’t seem to be doing much fing in a long journey. uncovered. cry so hard. Your problem is a hard one which many mothers have. In In a range of colors. $16.75 about the killing, the affair still Professor Leavitt seems to have Earl Carroll, the music show pro­ a few months when the baby be> left most people cold who live far not only a black eyee but a hadbad two pictures in his office, comes older and you are able to Neckwear enough from Broadway not to feel fracture in his sense of consistency.'*one is of George Washington, and reason with Min you wW be able tc themselves part of the show. For a bears the inscription, “the father of get better results than you can no^ Interwoven Hose ou'r country,’’ ’ITie^ther is of Wal­ while, during the N ^ York mayor­ NOT BELATED ^ when you may sometimes be forced lace Edrington, and bears the in­ to fall back on the cold water, treat­ alty campaign. Candidate' LaGuar- We do not in the leqst agpree with scription, “the father of our thea­ ment. dia and Candidate Enright shouted the notion advanced by the New ter.” It was Edrington who built S Y M IN G T O N Carroll’s9irrou s theater.u ietitci. i loudly about the Rothsteln case; York World that, while the purpose Incidentally, . Carroll seldom, if ■ my performers be less .talented than but, after all, their shouts made no of Secretary Stimson in setting on 'ever, uses------his------ovra—J Broadway------less office, loyed.” I votes apparent!/. foot measures of warning to 'Rus­ preferring a back-stage cubby-hole 1 The "great mystery” didn’t ever, sia and China was admirable, the which he has named “the Chinese •"Fanchon and Marco who pro­ SH(M> room.” And again, incidentally^ feW duce so many acto for the t a l^ g really! get under the skins of a lot action was g^reatly belated and the remember that Carroll’s big mo­ pictqres and mo’'^e. theater pro­ AT THE CENTER of folkis who are attracted by any time to have invoked the Kellogg ment came when he' vprote a song logues, are brother and sister. The really worthwhile crime puzzle. pact was when China seized the for the fate caruso, "Dreams of famUy name is Wolf. Marco .began his career as a "gypsy viollnlgt” in But now it Is different. There is Chinese Eastern railway last'July. Long Ago.” A maxim over the desk Of one the old Ship Cafe outside of Los something to do some gfuessing Both Russia and China were sig­ of the successful Broadway pro­ Angeles and only, in recent years ' about. A s4 the .puzzle that is go natory to the pact and n» outside ducers reads: "X would rather^that “teamed” with bis sister* ' X MANCHESTJUK e v e n i n g HEKALD, s o u t h MANC^STBR/CX>NN^^^^^]^^^ 1920L

o>®>o® o < ^ o «b®e o®«P

’ N. Mk. . r WElXlflME Are To Be Found In House *s Complete TRADE AT DEPOT SQUARE Line Of Gifts For Men!

The Conran Shoppe Scharr Brothers fiEATH ^ GOODS JEWELRY CUFFLINKS Now Displaying Xmas Stock DEPOT SQUARE 50c *“$3.50 GET YOUR PICK NOW. WE WILL HOLD t UNTIL XMAS. Exclusive Agent for Page & Shaw Largest Toyland •»5 WATCH CHAIN SETS Candies and Nut House Nuts DON’T FORGET— ^Home Made Pies and Heavy Cr^m tor $3 00 *“$5.50 whipping for sale. Call on ns when you have unexpected callers MILITARY SETS for the necessary Ingredients for luncheon. In Town SPECIAL. DINNER SERVED DAILY. $3.00 *“$25.00 BOWLING AND BILLIARDS CONNECTION. i. -. . •' . . ■----- ^------BILL FOLDS ^ s $T;00*“|500 The XMAS CARDS » ' ' Look over our stock of Xmas Cards before buying. IP Stock bigger and better than ever before. Steel engraved, exclusive designs, bea^ifuldUtilUi OCII sediment. LllllCXl tf» KADDIFS BELT SETS Depot Square Restaurant - \i ■ Price for single ' ““ aiid - up Gus Ulrich, Prop. c a r d s ...... 5 c “50c $1.00 *“$4.50 Twenty cards and folders, newest designs T" “The Home of Home Cooked Foods” with lined envelopes in attractive box . . . $ 1.00 Special Value, fifteen 10c steel engraved C f l n BILL FOLD L TS LOUNGING ROBES .cards, with lined envelopes in attractive box I Dinners—Luncheons $ 2 0 0 *“ $ 1 2 . 0 0 $5,00 *“$15 00 i Manchester News Shop Plain Wholesome Hearty Meals Joel M. Nichols, Prop. I . Depot Square P. 0. Block Depot Square

Buy Ch ristntas Gifts

Joseph Chizius ■ m .-i' , Depot Square u That* Please 'Men’s Gloves ^ \ LEATHER BAGS SHIRTS Trade at and up .... $1.50 *“$6.00 Christmas Gifts U e W With Without Collars Boys’ Mittens A . L. BROWN & CO. GLADSTONE CASES $1.50 *“$8 00 You Can Afford To Give I • /' 4• 5 9 c*pair^and up j J Q xa**d “ P ' Boys’ Leather Jackets FOR MEN Genuine Horsehide Men’s White and Fancy Broadcloth Bath Robes R eversible...... $11 S h irts...... $1.50 to $3.00 NECKWEAR Boys’ Tie and Pencil Men’s Xmas‘Neckwehr $5o50*“ $12.00 Boys’ All Wool Overcoats Sets 50c T ie s ...... ■. 50c to $1.00 % priced f r o m ...... 50c to $1.50 Sizes 8-16 ...... S 9 5 0 Men’s Silk and Silk and Wool Hose jfS Boys’ Ties .... 25c to $1.00 Fancy Hosiery ...... 50c to $1.50 Boys^ Tie and Handker­ Boys’ Suits chief Sets 50c S ca rfs ...... $2.00 to $5.00 50c *“$1.50*’“' up Men’s Wool Sweaters, coat and pull­ Different shades, sizes 8-18 ...... $9.50 over styles ...... $4.00 to $7.00 % Men’s Underwear, Boys’ High Cut Shoes priced from .. $1.50 each to $6.00 each Christmas Footwear With knife, Cfl QR Pocket (HI shoe iPOoiJv/ I A large line of Men’s Gloves Daniel Green Comfys and Kozy Comforts ...... 25c to $5.00 per pair Slippers of Merit Special—One Lot Boys’ Arctics, 2 Buckles Silk Scarfs, Bedroom Slippers, Arctics, Blue, Red, Brown and Black Hats, Caps, Leather Jackets, Slickers % A Buy—An Ideal Gift. $1.39 Comfys " Moccasins $3.00 and $3.50 ii Kid leather .... — $3.50 )55e5e*i**«c**siE«»a«KS«i«K3«i«a6*«iKS£-s^^ Wool Comfys Sheepskin Moccasins $2.50 to $4.50 COORTESV : $2.00 to $3.50 QUALITV Rubbers, Arctics, Spats C. E. HOUSE & SON, INC. Ai . . . . • ______

Jal" and “Rio Rita” two popular % *pxiR T does not penetrate that it makes the' lively beginning of the story, vdth our hero being BOLTON’S SINGING COP light numbers that will afford thif the surface—it is easily Aei iS L E OF LOST SHIPS’ young man opportimity to display I I J taken' by a detective to justice and ^ washed away if the walls the electric chair for alleged his wonderful voice. , ON RAINBOW PROGRAM The Commanders, retumiilg H are painted with STATE’S FEATURE TODAY crime of which he is innocent, seem FILL UP WITH THAT ^ In comparison. Miss Valli and from a Massachusetts invasion < the Robards fall in love during these j^trweek have arranged an excepr Virginia Valli and Jason Ro- stormy scenes, and nothing in their The Rainbow management has a tionally pleasing program of up-tji^ I \felumina past careers equals th^ emotional surprise program for tomorrow date dance hits and the entire Rain^ HI-TEST ANTI-KNOCk GASOLINE bards Hi»d CastJn W«ird- bow program sparkles with attrac-. M H a t W all power of todr unique affair depict­ evening, th^t is sure to create a est of Wslrd Pictures. ed in “The Isle of Lost Ships.” The sensation and give the patronp not tive features that should attract A ■picture of course has all soimd and only a treat and something to -talk capacity crowd. Elaborate planp I P a in t are now being made for the Uggest dialogue and their voices, too, are about for days to come but will Majay a big. fllin success':,has New Year’s . Eve program ever witr Call at the store of helpful service ushered Into the^dnepia in perfect harmony. Noah Beery as make them want to be on hand 18c per gal. every Saturday night to enjoy. To­ nessed at this popular Bolton re­ the heavy, gives one of the finest for color' card of beautiful, soft, fame half-a-dOien3'«-Htlle.,Xv%9w morrow -evening's program is the sort and it would be. wise to make players, but few ,,'8^en. m p jMiiformances of his villainous fulfillment on the part of the man­ your resorvations early. - glare-less tcmes. added, so much,f ;the • unexplplM i , ; , ------1— .*----- well controlled tenor voice, then in a forbidden area. Harold Dwfr 282 North Main Street, Phone 6265 Sargasso Sea.' D IRIG IBLE i A n DS you will want to attend the dance las, 17 year bid Norwalk High schoA . SioAKiAND S I...... Manchester senior, is being held on a teeh J ^ ^ Here, In a U th i;^ on y pf,^e3aot {. Miami, Dec, 6—(AP)—The Good­ Saturday evening and' hear Myron charge of reckless driving.- j Tel. 6 S6 5 ' '’''■"■m year seM-dlriglblOj Defender land- Lee, the singing cop with the gold­ himudia living chlne, roadster, passed directlj^ oyae^^ llct ships, a at Miami at 10:25 o’clock after en voice. His introductory offering ■ evolved. It is laVtairtllng,' inv fact, ^ 1,100 nolle trip from Akron, Ohio. tomorrow eveninsr wUl ba “Little the child’s back. . ! ‘


■■'«sedb(p -Aew rA.*j HEALTH .©11029 by * KE:A. ^ 3 y Anne Austin, Author 6£ HUNTERS SHOULD BEWARE OF %ants who handled water rats, skin­ \S e i'lvice«.ln.c • /^vJbe Black PifieorvmvalV^kva$:.etc. SLOW-BUNNINQ BABBitS ning them for their furs. Francis,! at the end of 1928, had accum ulat-' I- ^Y DB. MOBBIS FISHBEIN ed the records of fll4 cables in the THIS HAS HAPPENED Sevier started to speak, then wise anyway, if you questioned her United States developed through locked his lips stubbornly. and Sfvler together. Better take ' a great' variety of .insects and ani­ Between 11:45 and 12:16 Satur­ "If a girl- wants to get married Editor Journal of the American mals, including inuskrats, squirrels, day nlg:ht, June 29. Mrs. Emma Dundee did not press the point one of the boys along with you, to. —and of course, she should—then Medical Association and of ^ g e la , then, “ You caught the train and help convince her of your authori­ cats, rabbits, whale and sheep. Two Hogfartb. inmate of Mrs. Rhodes' she should go to a co-ed school the Health Maguine groups of cattle in California, were boarding house, is strangled to left it—where? And where have ty.” where she will meet a lot of men,” you spent these three days?” * « * In the years that have passed found to have become Infected due death. Bonnie Dundee, “ cub” de­ declares Dr. Anna Y. Reed, profes­ since tularemia was first described to bites of woodticks which carried tective. assists Lieut. Strawn in the “None of your damned business!” Dundee agreed, choosing Detec­ sor at New York University. the prisoner snarled. tive Payne, who had been most ac­ by SYancis and MeCtoy, hiore and the disease from other animals. investigation. Emil Sevier, former V/hich shows how cycles repeat 'more cases of tiie di^ase have been boarder, whom Mrs. Hogarth accus­ “I conclude then, Sevier, that you tive in assisting Lieutenant Strawn themselves. For the great argu­ The person ,w ho has tularemia somehow managed to put in a long and himself immediately after Mrs. seen in various j>orti6n'i of the develops swellings of the skin with ed of trying to rob her, is sought. ment Ip favor • of sending women Unitedf States. Cora Barker, theater pianist, distance call from a coin box be­ Hogarth’s murder. to college, when the women’s col­ the formation of abscesses, swelling fore leaving Hamilton, and that “Seems ra^er a, shame to drag In this condition, the human be­ of the lymph glands and nodules thought to have had an affair with leges were started, was so they ing usually becomes infected from Sevier, is arrested as a materiai ! you’ arranged a refuge for yourself Cora out of bed ; i this time of could be educated, and would not and small spots of infection in .the not very far away. I also feel quite night— or rather morning,” Dundee contact with the tissues of an sni- internal organs. A few fatal cases witness. Other boarders under sus­ be dependent upon marriage as mal; particularly the rabbit which sure that your protector was a girl remarked to Payne, as the two their only career. have been reported^ one of the most picion are: Henry Dowd, Norma has been infected vdth ttfe orgad- whom you care for a great deal, young men swung down the quiet, In those days, before the so- serious being in a man 29 years of Paige, Walter Styles, practically a isms of this disease. Ih e rabbit is bankrupt, who had quarreled with and that she finally persuaded you deserted streets together. It’s nearly called emancipation of women, age who scratched his finger while to come back to Hamilton and give' 4 o’clock.” there was never any question usually a sick rabbit., and for tbtft dressing wild rabbits. The ulcer de­ Mrs. Hogarth; Bert Magnus, ama­ reason authorities have warned par­ teur scenario writer, and Daisy yourself up. That' is true, isn’t it? ” “Well, if ladies will go around about the ease of getting married, veloped slowly, the glands of the ticularly against eating meat of a body became enlarged, and finally One trial shows how Bawr Aspiriii Shepherd. Jewel Briggs, stenog­ “You think you’re smart, don’t getting themselves mixed up in provided, of course, the woman relieves sore throat; ditMive two W if you ?” the man snarled. “Well, murder, they gotta expect to lose a was not too imsightly. You didn’t rabbit that does not run well when the stomach, liver and. kidneys were rapher, away for ttie weekend, is it is pursued. lets in quarter of a glass of v n t ^ think what you please, but I’ll see little sleep,” Payne retorted cheer­ need brains for that. A husband seriously involved. not quizzed. Dr. George W. McCoy of the and gargle well! Until you’ve tries From papers secreted in Mrs. you in hell before I’ll tell you any­ fully, “Say, Dundee, mind if I tell was taken for granted. But to be Should this disease become more it, you can’t believe how quidtly y ^ thing else. I’ve told you the 'truth you that you did a swell job with educated, so that you could,teach United States Public Health Ser-. of a health' menace, the attempt to Hogarth’s trunk, Dundee iearns thar vice foimd the disease fir^it in C!all- get complete relief. You’ve often bem Sally Graves who wrote her about Saturday night, up to Sevier? By being smooth and po­ school, or earn money for your­ stop its, spread will involve con­ advised to gargle for sore throat os fomia ground squirrels la 1911 and once a month was her daughter and o’clock, and that’s as far as I’m lite and dead sure of your facts, self, was something different, some­ trol' of all the insects and tinimals tonsilitis, hut it is what you 1 going to tell.... And I want you got more out of that bird than thing to look forward to. Edward Francis of the same service concerned in transmitting the dis­ that counts. Gargle Bayer A spi""- ^ that the “D.” mentioned In her diary identified the disease in human' be­ is Dan Griffin, son-in-law embezzler, drink of cold water!” he added, de­ Turned could a-jerked out of him * * * ease from animal to man, ’Thus far and you get results. Real relief, ings in 1920. Within the past year, of whose turning up she lives in fiantly. in 10 hours of third degree.” Prof. Daniel Cupid the only method of treatment the infection effectually reduced. ^ , “ Thanks, Payne. What did you I .think some of the pioneers in nine cases have been seen by one known is to clear up the infected break-up a cold, stop neuralgic pains^. dread. Recalling the mysterious de­ Sergeant Turner could restrain physician in Minnesota who dis­ tails of Sally’s murder in New York himself no longer. “You’ll get a think of Sevier’s story?” the field of education would hold spbts fLS rapidly as possible and to and headaches from any cause, physi« covered one due to the bite of a treat the other symptoms in the June 2, Bonnie concludes Griffin drink when you’ve come through “ Had sort of a hunch he ^as up their hands in horror, if they clans say there’s ncthiag better thmi felt that the modern co-ed col­ woodtick and three cases from the patient as they develop. Bayer. They will tell you, too, i t . m urder^ both women and that he with a confession, you cold-blooded pret-near telling the truth,” Payne bite of the deer fly. murderer! Wilkins, bring that elec­ lege was now regarded as a model does not depress the heart. So yoti’r s ' is in the Rhodes’ house! Dowd and answered thoughtfully. “Never can Hundreds of cases have been Magnus, both arrived since Sally’s tric heater and turn it on him. May­ tell though. I was at headquarters matrimonleil agency. ■safe if the box says Bayer! All drug^ Not so long ago did I hear some seen in'- Russia, where appwently With Messrs. Shikat and Sonnen- j stores. Aspirin is the trade mark of murder, are watched. Dundee is ex­ be he’ll get hot enough and thirsty when the boys brought him in, and berg busy every other night, it be­ woman utter the old chestnut: the disease occurred among peas- Bayer manufacture of monoacetio* cited over his find of an old en­ enough to tell the truth— ” he sure was in q. state. Nerves shot gins to appear there are too many i “Well, what’s the use of spend­ aCidester of salicylicacid. velope which had held a rail ticket, “May I speak with you a moment to hell. Funny way for a man to wrestlers ^th titles to defend. | with Dowd’s name on it, showing he outside. Sergeant?” Dundee inter­ act if he was really coming to g^ve ing all the money educating her T left New York June 3. Sevier gives rupted respectfully. “And you, too. himself up for questioning. Reckon, —she’ll only get married any­ himself up but insists he is not the Uncle P a t?” he added to the police though, you were right about that how.” . • murderer and Incriminates Cora. He commissioner. dame of his. A man’ll do a lot for Dr. Reed, herself a graduate of admits planning to rob Mrs. Ho­ * A * a girl he’s nutty about. I’m engaged a co-educational school, and a garth that Saturday night. He says When the three stood together in myself, and Betty could make me married woman, further pointed he climbed to her. room, saw her the hall outside the closed door in­ jump through hoops If she wanted 111 out. there dead, and Cora, rummaging to the inquisition chamber, Dun­ to.” . “In a co-educational college a UTILITY TYPE about the desk. dee began earnestly: “ Where was he picked u p ?” girl meets all types of men and A charming sports type for utility learns just which type she gets n>e S m art Shop “I have a request to make, Uncle “Near here. On Eighth and Main i NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Pat. I know both of you will think —flve blocks from headquarters. As wear employs flecked tweed in along best with . . , She has an “ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW’’ State Theater Building i • CHAPTER XXXVI I’m just a credulous young idiot, soon as he saw the cops coming Spanish red tones with vestee in opportunity to compare herself “Who—me? Speak to Cora?” .but I believe Sevier is telling a toward him he began to run up beige accented by grosgrain ribbon mentally, with a man before she* Sevier echoed scornfully. “All I pretty straight story—as nearly a Eighth, but when Patrolman Cal bows in the red shade. . decides to marry him. “Women are more and more en­ could think of was getting away truthful one as any man could tell lahan shouted to him to stop, call­ The flattering cascading jabot re- , from there! I didn’t want to be mix­ when it refiects against him as ing his name, he stopped, and come vers break the width through the tering into the field of business where they must have a knowl­ ed up in no murder! Cora knew I’d much as his story does. There is along without any fuss. But the bodice, which makes Style No. Ill edge of man and his standards. * Our always drawn the line at that, and only one point in it that I seriously boys said he was white as death so suitable for the larger woman. Dresses— Men have an entirely different if she hadn’t been so busy trying to doubt— and that is that Cora Bark­ and sort of doubled up, as if he was The belt rests at normal waistline. viewpoint from women—there is keep out of trouble herself, she’d er ever agreed to help him rob Mrs sick at his stomach. Funny, ain’t Hips are extremely snug, with Manufacturer’s have told you that.” Hogarth, on his promise of mar­ it ? ” slightly flared fulness at hem, with more give and take in them. By in the ,“ She did say you never planned riage «or for any other reason. I be­ skirt given a wrapped movement becoming acquainted with them in “ "Very!” Dundee agreed, and the her college days, a woman is bet­ to murder Mrs. Hogarth in order to lieve he put that in to make things two men walked the remainder of through curved seaming at side- rob her,” Dundee assured him. “And a little less black for himself—” front. • ter ■ able to make adjustments to New Silhouette the short distance to the Rhodes her later business life.” HAT SALE 'yyr’ she did not tell us that you appear­ “ Shall I go in and apologize to House in silence. It is designed in sizes 36, 38, 40, * * * The most beautiful and ed at the window. She said she him for arresting him?” Sergeant Dundee glanced up at the second 42, 44 and 46 Inches bust. never saw you again after you told Turner interrupted sarcastically. Best Vantage Point Still Going on unusually smart collection story front windows. There was no It is ultra-modish in, black suede Which seems to give the stenog­ her good-by at the theater.” “ That was not exactly the re­ light showing. Not a sound except broadcloth with vestee in eggshell you have yet seen. “ She didn’t try to frame me? quest I had in mind,” Dundee an raphers, telephone operators and the soft pad of their rubberheeled shade of dull side of crepe satin office grirls a great advantage, even Saturday you can buy a You’re—you’re not kidding me?” swered with his wide, disarming shoes disturbed the brooding peace. with bows of the shiny surface. Reds Greens Tans Sevier asked, so strangely that Dun­ smile. “ Please bear with me a little over college girls. For when it Mid-Winter Hat that was He sniffed gratefully the cool, Knitted wool jersey weave In comes to meeting all types of igen, dee was at a loss to read his tone or Iqnger, Sergeant.” sweet odor of new-cut grass, made to sell from $4 to $7. Dahlias, Browns, Blacks expression. “What do you want to do, boy?” dark-dahlia purple tone§r is effective; and comparing themselves with mingled with the fainter fragrance them mentally, they have the ad­ at the amazingly low “Cora admitted only that she was Commissioner O’Brien asked, lay­ of sleeping flowers. Suddenly he Black lifttrous crepe satin with $ 4.95 $ 6.95 ; afraid it was you, because you had ing a hand on the young detective’s vestee of reverse of crepe which is vantage over every other woman. realized he was very tired, and that For you might go, to dances and , price of i asked her to help you rob Mrs. Ho­ shoulder. “I think you’ve done a he had little heart for the task he also used fon"^ turn-back cuffs and garth. And she told us about being good job so far. Being polite is a applied bands of sleeves is excel­ ‘theaters with a man for a year, $8>95 had set himself. Cora Barker had and be In the same classes with in that room herself. She says she new kind of third degree, but I’m lent cholce- for service. • suffered enough already. It seemed him in college—and you might knocked on Mrs. Hogarth’s door, a son of a gun if it don’t work! Bottle green wool crepe, black 7 9 c $1:79 inhuman to wake her now and drag even be married to him, and not Sizes 14 to 50 ; after seeing her light was on, and What do you want now? Going to canibn crepe, midnight blue flat silk her down to face the man who had know him as his office staff knows Plenty of Large Sizes i <^hen she received no answer, be- take his pulse on one of those lie pretended to love her. Perhaps even crepe and jacquard silk, crepe in fame afraid that the old lady had dark maroon red tones are chic coml- him. $ 2 .7 9 $ 3 .7 9 detectors, like a story-book detec­ now she was dreaming of the clean­ One of the requisites of a good ad a heart attack, opened the door tive?” binations. > . I er. sweeter, less tempestuous love private secretary is that.she does All Headsizes. nd found her dead. Cora was look- Dundee laughed. But he flushed which had come to her—a love she Pattern price 15 cents in stamps or coin (coin Is preferred). Wrap not talk—about her boss o r ' his ig for a page in Mrs. Hearth's with gratitude at his uncle’s praise valued so dearly that, to protect it, coin careifuUy, business. But some of them do. All Shapes. iary— the entry in which Mrs. Ho- and faith in his ability. “Maybe she had unwittingly involved her­ And their observations are illumi­ Christmas arth had recorded ypur visit to I’ll get around to that later. Uncle self in a murdeL We - suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents nating. All Colors. Jora’s room the night of May 18.” Pat, but right now I want to do Dundee sighed deeply, as he In­ After all, the one educational ; Sevier started stupidly for a mo- nothing more absurd than to bring addiUonal for a copy of our new serted his key in the lock. The Fashion Magazine. institution that has always kept up Undies lent, then he became oddly yio- Cora Barker down here to face low-powered hall light gave scarce­ its entrance requirement and has ‘nt. “ Say! Don’t let her kid you! Sevier. I have a hunch that if Sevier ly more illumination than a candle. never failed to educate. Is the Dance Sets Step-Ins Ihe was in on this, or I’m—I’m—” is lying the truth will come out Manchester Herald Tiptoeing, the two detectives oldest alma mater of them all^ Chemises Slips :e caught himself up sharply, when those two come face to face.” ascended the stairs. Pattern Service Experience. , ; 1 gasped, then mopped his wet for^- “Good idea, Bonnie!” O’Brien ap­ “ Dowd’s snoring,” he whispered, 111 NELLEGS “Fig-Leaf” Panties \ j head on his coat sleeve. plauded. “ Go get her yourself, aifd grinning in the dark. “A t least As oar paiu-ms are mailed Manchester’s Millinery I I “Djd Cora s^e you?” Dundee in- POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS in the meantime I think you can Sevier didn’t lie about that...... from New Vorh Glty please al­ I terrupted. count on your little playmate’s Printed chiffons in all the street Headquarters 95c $1-95 $2.95 Hope we don’t arouse the house, low flve days.. shades are now protruding from State Theater Building !; “I didn’t know then whether she having his'drink of water. Eh. knocking on Cora’s door.” I did or not, because I ducked when Sergeant?” Price la Cents one’s purse or cuff for • shopping, I He knocked softly at first, then, I { I saw her lift her head and turn The disgruntled sergeant stamped lunching or any daytime wear. as there was no answer, more loud­ Name ...... I I her face toward the window. Guess away without replying, and O’Brien ly. Odd. He would have sworn Cora I ' I must have made some little noise, winked broadly as* he clapped his was a light sleeper. lYhen there was Size ...... j j like taking a sharp breath when I nephew upon the shoulder. “Don’t still no answer he placed his lips saw that the old lady was dead. let Turner get your goat, Bonnie. against the crack between door and Address ...... But when 1 saw in the papers Mon­ He always was an old sorehead, but frame and called softly. r day that she’d been arrested as a he’s a good man—for routine There was no answer. Dundee’s material witness against me, I work.” Send yoor order to the “ Pat­ hands began to shake violently as thought she must have seen me and tern l>epl., tdamliester Evening “I can’t blame him for resent­ he selected a master key. Even be­ would be doing her best to put the Herald, So. Maneliesler. Conn.” ing me,” Dundee answered gravely. fore he found and snapped the light rope around my neck, instead of her “Now, Uncle Pat—about my going switch he was sure of what that own.” personally for Cora Barker. That deep and sinister silence portended. “And what is your opinion, Se­ will let her into the secret that I’m FITTED PURSES. Two Hartford Shops vier?” Dundee asked pleasantly. working on the case, and may ham­ (To Be Contlnued> “Do you think Cora Barker mur­ per my work at the boarding house, The habit of. carrying a little per­ dered Mrs. Hogarth?” if she talks.” Max Schmeling Is going to take fume brings into the market many Where Prices Are Low And Quality High “I don’t think she’d hardly had “We’ll see that she doesn’t talk,” a short vacation. Puzzle: how does street purses with a tiny vial fitted time, because I came up the trellis O’Brien promised. “She would get a bo:ftr take a vacation? in alongside the change purse. the minute I thought she’ got to her room,” Sevier answered slowly. “Did you yourself have time to The Gift of Hosiery | Specializing In notice whether the room was in disorder or not?” “I didn’t realize then I was no­ ticing, but by the time I got back Is Welcomed By down the trellis it came to me that The New Silhouette it couldn’t have been Cora because the room was all in a mess— things December Days thrown out of the trunk and desk Every Woman and clothes closet, but what I thought she was doing was cover­ Days of cold, stormy wintry weath­ especially when it comes Frocks ing up the tracks of the man who from our smart shop. did it. I figured it out later that she wouldn’t help me, becaiSse I wouldn’t er but Ice Cream is just as popular Those who demand the — for street marry her, but she’d help the guy finest in hose will do that would. She was going around v/ith a silly-looking little bird nam­ well to talke advantage - — daytime and ed Magnus—” with the whole family as in sweltering July... It’s « * • of our holiday hosiery “ Go on with your story, Sevier,” the great food-dessert that everyone likes. values. evening wear Dundee interrupted. “Well, I was so scared I didn’t . Full Fashioned Perfect give a hoot about the money then. \ aU reduced If I’d seen Cora with it in her In Manchester It’s hands, I’d have beat it Just like I did. I didn’t want to be mixed up in Chiffon and Service to murder! So I ducked when she look­ / ed up, and crawled on my hands and knees to the trellis. I w as‘ in Manchester Dairy Ice Cream Weight Hose such a hurry going down that I broke one of the slats and scratch­ Priced at ed my hand on the thorns. I nearly Fresh and delicious and always available at forgot to get my hat, but I heard it crackle when I stepped down into your favorite soda fountain or neighborhood store. it, so I picked it up and ran as fast $1.05 to $1.79 as I could, which wasn’t very fast because I had to run all humped over so the hedge would hide me Get half a dozen or a dozen pairs Desired Fabrics from the house. I got to the alley-, in our attractive .Christmas boxes. and, like Dr. Weeks said, that fool The Manchester Dairy car turned Its lighfe on me from Manchester Office: ETHEL SONNIKSEN Junior, Misses and Women’s Sizes the entrance of the alley on Tenth 23 Walker St., Tel. 6959 Street. I threw my hat away in a, trash can somewhere on my way to Ice Cream Company the train.” :DAiRir “Just a minute, Sevier, Accord- DIAL 5250 S'i' ,__ing to your story, you must have / MARIAN HOSIERY SHOP THE FIAFPER SHOP -left the Rhodes House grounds not Always Obtainshle at Vour.Neighborhood Third Floor, Hudson Building, 57 Pratt Street, Hartford * ^ 1 ater than 20 minutes, past 12, and Store or Favorite Sbda Fountain »«^ et you had to nm to catch the 1 — " o’olock train. Where were you in the j meantime?”


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^gh School Opens -hr . J'..- " Dowd And Turkington Only WARD'S NATION WIDE Regulars Back This Season iVer

East Hartford Is Opposing'KERR GETS EIGHT Mays EasOy Beats Flahive BASEBALL BROADCAST Team; Loses Its Star, | PLAYERS FOR TEAM 'B ut Shows No Real QUESTION COMING UP Jack Mason, Through In- ---- Punch; Herald Score Card Chicago, Dec. 6.— (AP)—^The im­ portant qyestion of allowing radio Hamilton, N. Y., Dec. 6.— (AP)— broadcasting o f baseball games in jury; Local Lineup. Eight stars of eastern football have Gives Mickey Only One the American League will come up been lined up for the annual game for consideration when clubowners meet in New York, next Tuesday. . Mancliester High school trots its between the east and west at San Round. E. S. Barnard, president of the 1929-30 basketball edition onto the Francisco New Year’s Day which is League said Broadcasting of games gfcticjpl street Recreation Center for the benefit of the San Francisco “has become a business—an adver­ By BILL ASEVIUS tising business” with the broad­ floqr this evening for public scrut­ Shriners hospital for crippled chil­ casters reaping financial reward iny. *East«Hartford High will fur­ dren. As fau: as anybody is ^concerned, and with no financial retim e going The men already listed are Joe the mythical lightweight champion nish the opposition and the contest to the baseball clubs which provide Donchess, end and Ray Montgomery of Connecticut is more mythical to­ the entertainment. will be a Central Conneaticut Inter- guard from Pittsburgh; Hal Booma, day than ever. Last nigiit’s contest scholaktic affair. Dartmouth and Deb Seacrist, Wash­ at Foot Guard hall, Hartford, be­ •-The second teams of both schools ington and Jefferson, ends; Johnny tween Bobby Mays of New London were several upsets for locai favor­ wil! clash in a prelimina-ry game and Mickey Flahive, of Hartford, ites. Nicky Christy got a bad beat- starting at 7:30- with the major Cox, captain and center; Spook Dowler and Indian Yablok, backs; showed two things. The first was ' ing from Kid Cofo, of New York. event of the evening going on' to I He was unable to respond to call OF X PANTS Colgate, and Lloyd Brazil, Univets- that Mickey can take an awful 8:30. “Chick” Hayes of Hartford for the seventh round, Ws handler will referee. Dancing will follow the ity of Detroit halfback. pasting and the second that Bobby “This is the best start I’ve ever Mays would be easy for any second saying he had broken his thumb. second game. Manchester’s next The truth of the matter was that game, incidentally, will also be made for this game,” said An.dy or third rater. Mays easily won the Kerr, coach. decision.) I Nick’s heart was broken because against East Hartford in that city. he could not reach Cofo, who was Kerr will select three men to com­ My score card gave Mickey just The prospects '’or a strong team a tall rangy chap who had a wal­ plete his squad. The full roster will one round, the seventh. There were here this year are fair but none too lop apd could box. (Jhiisty was good. Coach Wilfred J. Clarke ad­ join a similar number, selected from two, even, tfie third and fourth and mitted this morning. Only one middlewestem ranks by Dick Hans- the rest went to the New London clearly outclassed. I Joe Zotter, of New Britain won veteran is back from last year’s le ^ northwestern coach at Evanston portsider. In the ninth Bobby dou­ a • four round decision over Benny first team. He is Ernie Dowd, bril­ la t^ in the month. bled up as if hit low. The blow was liant little all-around athlete. Man­ not apparent but Referee Pilking- Mosely, of New York. It was a chester’s lineup will be AI Smih ton. gave Bobby a rest and asked stand up and slug affair with Zot­ (no relation to the man who opposed Commissioner Donahue’s opinion— ter having a good margin but the Hoover) and Bill Courtney, for­ a rather odd. thing to do. The com­ fans booed the decision. wards, Howard Turkington, center FOUR MAJOR GAMES missioner ruled that Mays had not In the opener Johnny Maestro with Bruno Nicola and Ernie Dowd, been fouled and the fight proceed­ was beaten by Johnny Londos, of forwards. ed. Mays, in the tenth, came out New Bedford. Here again the Hart­ Turkington is from last year’s FOR ARMY ELEVEN foaming with rage and handed ford boy was outclassed. He was team but he was out o.* the lineup Mickey the worst shellacking in a but on his feet in the third and the most of the season due to scarlet round that a boxer ever received. referee stopped the bout. fever illness. Nicola, Courtney and West Point, Dec. 6.— (AP)—The One thing that astounded the old The best bout of the evening as Dowd come from a strenuous foot-' far as fireworks went, was the bout ball program as do Sully Squatrito, Army football team with Major timers at the ringside last night was the way Bobby would stick out between La Belle, of Middletown Jimmy O’Leary and Marcus Mori- Ralph Basse holding the coaching and Frankie Martin, of Pittsfield axty who are tilso on the second his right hand, hold Mickey off and reins relinquished by Biff, Jones, will then slam the Hartford boy in the who substituted for Roland Roche. team with Dick McCormick and If Roche had been in the ring. La Johnny Tierney. content itself with four major games jaw. That stunt has been pulled 'Manchester’s chances of winning next fall, all of them in eastern just before the kayo in many bouts Belle might have whipped him but One Week O nly/ Martin was another proposition al­ were iptiproved today with the sad territory. As usual Harvard and but no one ever saw a boxer use that method of boxing for fif­ together. Martin had an educated news from East Hartford that its Yale will'be played successive Sat­ star forward. Jack Mason, was teen rounds and that’s just what left that cut 'Vin to ribbons as be definitely out of the lineup for the urdays at Cambridge and New Ha­ Mays did. Flahive had absolutely threw himself against i f time and remainder of the season as the re­ ven next year and Notre Dame in no defense for that simple move. time again in his typical boring in sult qf .an'injury suffered yesterday the climax game at New York, The battle as a whole was far from style. Regularly Martin would whip during-practice. Nov. 29. being dull as Mickey would .show over a right cross and Vin’s knees Mason took a long shot and as he The schedule follows: Sept. 27, fiashes of speed but they would die wopld buckle. It was a case of wa.s coming up the side of the court Boston U. October 4, Furman. out as soon as Mays stuck out his sheer gameness that La Belle last­ October 11, Swarthmore. October and caught his leg on an iron pro­ right hand and put over the cream ed the distance and he was in poor jection on the side of the wall. The 18, Harvard at Cambridge. October condition when the final bell sound­ 25, Yale at New Haven. November puff slam to the jaw. calf of his leg was ripped to such an The under-card was good. There ed. Martin got the decision. extent that it was necessary to take 1, North Dakota. November 8, several stitches at the hospital to Illinois at New York. November 15, close the wound. Kentucky Wesleyan. November 28, ^ l u e s Coach Johnny McGrath will use Ursinus. November 29, Notre Dame Trantolo in Mason’s place along with at New York. Burnham. Ballard at center, 'F’ferka For You M en ! to and Sexton at guard positions. COLUMBIA’S SCHEDULE. An" unusually warm, backward Fall season has played Mason's athletic career at East havoc with clothing sales all over the country. R e^ t:— Hartford is ended as he graduates in February. New York, Dec. 6.— (AP>—Co­ we are overstocked on Men’s Winter Suits and Over­ All Wool 2 Pants lumbia University today aimounced coats. To correct this situation — Ward’s regular low * B-\SEB.A.LL MEETING. its football schedule for next sea­ son. Brown is substituted for prices have been reduced until Ward’s values for this Suits and 0*coats HARTFORD Chicago, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Jamas Pennsylvania, the only change from sale border on the phenomenal! Crusinberry, president of the base­ the season just closed. ball 'Writers Association of .Ameri­ The schedule follows: Sept. 27, Middlebury at Baker Think of it! This sale offers you an opportunity to ca* today called a meeting of the as­ Field, New York; Oct. 4, Union at save from $7^5 to. $11 ^ 5 on finely tailored, perfect sociation to be held in the Hotel Baker Field; Oct. 11, Wesleyan at Biltmore, New York. December 12, Baker Field; Oct. 18, Dartmouth at fitting Suits and Overcoats. You can now actually ^vhich time the major league will be Hanover; Oct. 26, Williams at Baker secure a complete outfit— Suit and Warm, Winter in session. Field; Nov. 3, Cornell at Baker Overcoat for the price you have been in the habit of Field; Nov. 8, Colgate at Baker At Our New Store Chicago—Mike Dundee, Rock Field; Nov. 15, Brown at Provi­ paying for a suit or overcoat alone. Island, Ills., outpointed Buster dence; Nov. 2'7, Syracuse at Baker BrtDwn, Kansas City, 10. Field. Cor. Trumbull and Main 'alues Only Dependable During Our Sale We Are Going to Give Materials and Smartest Real Bargains on Holiday Goods and Radio. ®-® Goodyear 25 Styles Included! All Sizes of Radio Tubes All y/ool 2 Pam s Every garment up-to-the-minute in style and tailonng. PAR and Ideal Suits are tailored of nobby, all wool Cashmeres and FOB ELECTRIC AND BATTERY SETS Worsteds— Overcoats of heavy, warm woolen coatings^ Rubbers 5 9 <^ Suits ojfi/ Oboats WESTERN LARGE Patterns and colors to please every taste. All sizes. Con* 45 VOLT B BATTERIES servative styles and styles for young men. Cold Winter 8 9< z^ days are here-^prepare for them now while these extras and Arctics EVEREADY and BRIGHT STAB ordinary savings are available. at Low Prices Remember— you can save $7.25 on regular $25 Suits and For Men and Boys .'Large Size Steering Sleds Overcoats and $11.25 on regular $35 Suits and Overcoats . 5 9 c Genuine Flexible Flyer Sleds g AH sizes a big cut while our stock lasts This Sale for One Week Only! 20% There, is no time to Io,8e* Sale begins tomorrow and continues for May as well get ready for winter now. Keep your Toys and oiie week only. Come tomorrow—come after work, come on your ^ feet dry and keep healthy. noon hour, come any time you can but let nothing prevent you from Bicycles securing your share o f these amazing savings on Winter clothing. SHOES At Cut Prices W e sincerely believe this Sale offers you the finest qualities and the BOSTONIANS...... $7 to $10 Also On Easy Terms LOW EST PRICES that will be offered to you at any time this season. $ 5 Down PLORSHEIM ...... ______$10 $2 Per Week Come—see for yourself! Compare styles, materials and prices with

FR IE N liLY FIVE ...... $5 Genuine Nestor Johnson, the values you have been offered elsewhere. Three nationally known makes, any one of which N orth Star will give you service and long wear. t Tubular Skates at Extra Charge for Alterations! All Sales Final! Cut Prices Reg. $7.50 Outfit These Low Prices are Positively for One W eek Only. Horsehide Leather Coats $ 5 .9 8 We carry a full line up to make an ideal garment for the out>of-doors man. Warm lUAO with Spedal Prices, to Clubs. and long-wearing. Lined Shoe Outfits, Reg. $8.$0 . . . N o w $ 5 . 0 0 ^l|er;Big S^ials at ... A ,... . ^ $Bii98 '824-828 MAIN STREET PH ON E 3306 SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. 6 LENNEY'S WwoBD. 1130-32 Main Street HARTFORD. STORE HOURS: 9 a.' m. to 6 p. m.. Except Thursday and Saturday 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.

••Vs. T t fcir;- V. 1 T .. ^ ...


of life asf it Is presented to me. supervisor, Mrs. Ada Waldner, tenor—^To Be In Love; musician and Mrs. Ruth Drink to me Only with Thine After 2W y,ears of darkness I p . %'^ATs ELECTION; DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Wouldn’t^ trade thb understanding captain o f the guards. __ Ey^.BeU s of St. Mary’s; Out of ficers will,be installed in January. the Dawn; Badinage, Herbert; that has ^cofne to me for idl the 348.6—W ABC, N EW YpR K —860. Leading DX Stations. eyes in tke world. MRS. COWLES PRESIDENT Miss Rose Millier,' regional de­ Friday, December 6. 6:30—Orchestra, tenor, contralto. How Am I to Know? from "Dyna­ 405.2— W8 B , A T L A N T A -7 4 0 . I entered the forest of darkness puty was present and spoke on the A univorse ot stellar bodies hitherto 7:30—Beau Brummel's program. mite;” Good Night from "Day in work of the order In New 8:00—Broadway celebritles-with Gene 9:00—W JZ programs (2V4 hrs.) Venice;” The Riff Song from untamed, qndisciplined, grasping, concealed by distance from the sight and Kathleen Lockhart, Rosa­ 11:30—Kalohl’s Hawaiian ensemble. selfish. I came out of that dark­ MjjBtic Review, Woman's Benefit The juniors will have a of man will come wlthjn the range 12:00— Studio concert hour. i "The Desert Song.” ' mund Johnson, male quartet. ness when ^understanding became party at the next meeting, of vision by means of the new two 8:30— Orchestra, male quarteL 293.9— KYW , CHICAGO—1020. NY: 11:00, Longines time. association elected officers for-1930 8:30— WJZ programs (2 hrs.) my sight, when I had learned to chili&en under 10, with Mrs. Mc­ hundred-inch telescope now being In­ 9:00—True story drama. B: 11 :0L Champion Weatherman. I at its meeting in Odd Fellows hall, 10:00— Radio court of appeals. 10:30—W E A F music hour. bear disappointment, when I had Lagan in charge. Cake, sam ^chea stalled on the West coast. In a talk B: 11:02, Temperature. 10:30—Curtis Institute recital with 11:15—Dance music to 3:(ro, comprehended, to do the thing Tuesday evening. A number of and coffee was served by a ^m sllt- to be broadcast by W E A F and associ­ 'cellist, contralto, pfanlst. S: 11:0% Republican News bulletins. 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—770. that was to j>e done for love of tlj^b who served last year were re­ tee consisting of Mrs. A n w T)/Lo- ated stations at a o'clock Friday night. 11:00— Heibert’s entertainers. 9:00—Concert orchestra; girls. B: 11:0% Telechron time. elected. Mrs. W. H. Cowles- has 11:30— Two dance orchestras. the cause and not for self- lagan, Mrs. Grace HowlandT hihis. Dr. Elihu Thomson will dlscUss this 9:30—Dance orchestra; 'concert. Today’s Choice consented tb remain as president, giant Instrument before the Ameri­ 12:30— Midnight organ melodies. 10:30— Two dance orchestras. by aggrandizement. When I became ?rene Vincek and Mrs. Margaret can Philosphical Society meeting in 302.8—W B 2, N EW ENGLAND—900, 1:45—Coffee Dan's entertalnmenL Mrs. Grace Best, past president and Coleman. A group meeting of W; 6:30— Singing the blues; pianologue. interested unselfishly, and worked I ’hiladelphia. "The Hells of St. 254.1_WJJD, CHICAGO—t18a ^ because the work was .there to Mrs. Pauline Berrett, vice president. B, A. reviews in this section .^ytfl Mary’s ." sung by the chorus features 7:00—WJZ Amo.s 'n' Andy. 7-;00— Symphony orchestra; talk. THOMAS D. Mrs. Julia Rawson continues as 7:15—Studio banjo recital. be done, without considering be held Monday evening in SuHSome the "hour to be broadcast by the WJZ 9 :0 0 -Mooseheart children’ s hour. ACQUIT 6RA1THWAITE SGHALL financial secretary. Mrs. Adice chain at 1U:30. Fred Waldner, tenor, 7;30_WJZ programs (3% hrs.) whether thb result Would help me Hall, Hartford. _ 11:20—Bert Ixiwe’s orchestra. 416.4— WGN, CHICAGO-720. Hunter as recording secretary ^nd and an orchestra and ensemble will 9:30— Dance band, troupers. or not—though in the doing of also be heard in 0-30— Vacation club: ensemble. 325.9— W W J, DETROIT—920. • 8:00—Concert; agricultural talk. 6:30— Minute men feature. 11:30— Holl.vwood frivolities. 9:00—Musical program; artists. 7:00— Big Brother club. 12:30— Studio organ recital. 344.6— W EN R , CHICAGO—870. 7:30—Merrymakers' concert. 272.6^WLWL, NEW YORK—1100. 8:15— Farmer Rusk’s talk. 8:00—W E A F programs (2 hrs.) 6:00-^ontralto: orchestra: violin, 12:30—Orchestra; comedy sketches. 10:00— Fur trappers concert. 6:30—Scene from "Henry the Fifth." 1:00—D X vaudeville hour. 374.8—W SAI, CINCINNATI—800. 7:00— Olden musicale, soprano. 202.6—W H T , CHICAGO— 1480. 7:30—Memories; organist; talk. 7:20— Address; orchestra music. 12:00— Your hour league. 10:00— Artists music hour. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 285.5— K N X , HOLLYWOOD— 1050. ltt;30—W E A F programs (1 hr.) 6:00— The Phllharmonlum trio. 11:00— Optimistic .order hour. 215.7—W H K , CLEVELAND— 1390, 6:20—Lessons In French. 12:45-Legion Stadium events. 6:45— Winton’a dinner music. 7:00— Welfare Council talk. 7:00—W A B C programs (4 hrs.) 374.8— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—80a 11:00— Five dance orchestras. 319—WCSH, PORTLAND—940. 9:30— Orchestra; classics. 410.7—CFCF, MONTREAL—730. 9:30— Artists entertalnmenL 111:30—Late dance orchestras. 9:00— Musical entertainHienta. 10:00—Studio concerL 112:00— Studio entertainment.

Prince” ...... Romberg B: 6:15, The Wor^,d Bookman. Bass Solos— . B: 6:30, "Singing the Blues.” O’er the Billowy Sea, .. Smith S: 6:45, Pianologue. Airline WTIC In the Garden of My Heart B( 6:59, Sessions chimes. PROGUAMS ...... ^...... Ball NY: 7:00, Anlos ’n’ Andy. Armand "Gauthier S: 7:15, Anthony J. Loprate, ban- Travelers, Hartford Ballet Music from "Faust” ----- joist. ' Christmas gift for HER , ...... '... Goimod NY; 7:30, Dixies Circus—America 500 m. 600 K. C. a. Valse First, Losey; Heart of Rome, that cannot h i excelled for gift b. Intermezzo Brookt; Merry Widow Waltz, Lehar; Sharpshooters March, Eil- Program for Friday c. Bachanale giving. Bass Solos— enberg; Occidental, Sousa; Ida; All Electric Super- E. D. S. S. Blue ' Ribbon, Curtis; Standard 7.00—Columbia Cycle Children’s a. There is No death-O’Hara b. On the Road to Mandalay Bearer, Fahrbach. Party—Betty, Bijly and Snoozers’ NY: 8:00, The Trladors—^Tum on DynamiaSpeaker trip to the North Pole, directed ...... Speaks Chiffon and Armand Gauthier the Heat; I Can’t Have You; by “Bill” Steincke—N. B. C. Fea­ That’s Where You Come .in; To 8 Tube— AU-Electric Angela Mia—Smyphonic Ar­ A remarkably beautiful cabinet, with - ■ ture. rangement ...... Arr. Rapee Be Forgotten, Berlin; Tea for 7:30—Benrus Correct Time. Two; I Want to be Happy; Cohen Service Weights genuine piano ^nlsh in two-tone walnut, 7:31—Hartford Courant News Bul­ Stars and Stripes ...... Sousa Super-Dynamic Speaker 11:30—“Pleasant Dream Half Hour” Owes Me Ninety-Seven Dollars; with rich decorative overlay. Famous' ' letins: Weather Report; Industri­ . T ts I; —a mythical Tour of Europe by Waiting at the End of the Road, SUPER DYNAMIC SPEAKER gives thp; al Alcohol Institute Announce­ BerMn; By the Way; H’lo Baby. . .Your opportunity to buy a radio ment. Cliff Strong, Publix-Allyn The­ $ 1 2 5 ‘" $ 2 . 0 0 ' ’' last word in clear, roimded, mellow repro- ater Organist. B: 8:30„ Buster and-hls Com Pop­ for Christmas! A small down pay­ 7:35—Fast Steppers—Program of pers. duction I A\{ electric, sliding doors on —s* Sports Music. 12:00—Benrus Correct Time; ment will hold one for you. Phone Hartford Courant News Belletins. NY: 8:45, Famous Loves: Mme. De cabinet, latest R C A patent featufifer^'^ 7:45—“Speaking of Sports”—Ar­ Mainteron. All the new shades with now for free demonstration. thur B. McGinley, Sports Editor, NY: 9:00, Interwoven ^air; Billy .priced to save you as high as $50.00 In ^ • • The Hartford Times. WBZ—WBZA Jones and Ernie Hare. plain or fancy heels. price! ^ . 8:00—Cities Service Concert—Cav-j Friday, December 6 NY: 930, Philco Theatre Memories: aliers Quartet; Sascha Fidelman, j B: 4:00, Statler Organ—Doris Tir- Naughty Marietta,” Act II Scene , violinist; concert orchestra direct- j one. ed by Rosario Bourdon— B. C. rell. N . i B: 4:30, Thirty Musical Moments— NY; 10:00, Armstrong Quakers— Somebody Mighty Like You frotn Now $89-50 Clifford Kemp Trio. 9:00—“Through the 200-Inch Tele- | “Paris,” Ward; Adoration, Mer- scope”—Dr. Elihu Thomson, Head B: 5:00, Final Closing stock mar­ Now kets. vvin; Excerpts from "A^le Blos­ Silk and Wool Hose of Research Department; General soms,” Kteisler-Jacobl; From the Pictured Below Cash Less Tubes Electric Company. ' |B: 5:25, Government bulletins. B: 5:30, Lost and found; positions Land of the Sky Blue Water, 9:30—Schraderto-wn Sketch—Band •Cadman; Clelito Lindo; Bedouin Cash Price— I^ss Tubes directed by Arthur Pryor’; Arthur wanted. • 50c and $1.00 pair B: 5'A5, Junior Aviation League. . Song,''Foote; 'There’s a Long, Allen and Louis Mason as “Gus Long Trail, Elliott; Frivolity, and Louie”—N. B. C. Feature. B: 5:59, Temperature * Pictured at Left B: 6:00, Telechron time. # Merwin; Song of the Flame, 10:00—Planters Pickers—Hallellu- Gershwin. jah Singers; Billy Artz and His B: 6:01, Champion Weatherman. S: 6:02, Agriculture Market reports. NY: 10:30, Armour Program; Fred This Set Orchestra—N. B. C. Feature. Reduced 10:30—Weather Report and Atlan­ tic Coast Marine Forecast: Indus­ trial Alcohol Institute Annqunce- ment. I'"rce delivery. 10:31—“The Travelers Hour”—Or­ Free Installation chestra under the direction of Gifts of Jewelry Always Please! Free Service Christiaan Kriens; with Armand Reardons 1.1 ' “ Gauthier, Bass Soloist. Coronation March from “Le We Are Now Showing Prophete” ...... Meyerbeer 8 Tube Console Airline Pot Pourri of French Canadian Melodies ...... Laurendeau The world -but awa.its the command of your Bass Solo— fingers at the marvelous new AIRLINE. Each Visions Fugitive from "Her- A Complete Stock second sees wonders of entertainment and amuse­ odiade” ...... Massenet . • ment seeking your interest through the air. Armand Gauthier Think of what you’re missing! Think of the 4 • fun and happiness for Christmas an'd for the Singing in the Rain from “The TH E N EW entire year that this great set will bring you! Hollywood Review” Amazing ‘ clarity! Perfect tone! Everything Carrilon ...... Kriens DIAMONDS you’ve ever wanted in radio is in this set. And Waltzes' from “The Student at. a price that means dollar for dollar enjoy­ This Set PADIC ment value that can’t be equalled. Be sure to Reduced « WATCHES irith Syaekra-toae This set hear this set today. You’ll want yours deliver­ Medalatec aod Reduced ed in time for Christmas! $8.00 ’ Fear Screen - Grid Free delivery TnlMs Free installa­ JEWELRY Free delivery. tion A TATIC Free installation. Now $71.50 Free service Conting to 130U* Free service. SILVERWARE YCU’LE BE BROIJB TO Pictured at Right Cash Less Tubes © W N , e y e a r* fro m nota Let Us Demonstrate The^e Sets to You Now— Satisfaction Guaranteed.

■PURCHASE anewSONORA Free Delivtay— Free Installation—Free Service. TOILETWARE B-*now and you ■will hove glorious radio antsgta£w» naant fa* years to same* See and hear tkds Instnuneat you wOl realise how fa* the THE HOLIDAY SEASON radio aft has been advan^ A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. in the ereation of the New SONORA Radio, Visit WIOR’S for Good Values \ ■ m(T~ I ^atisfaciioit Giiarantee^T"pf’Ybitr Money ^adk |. Ask Your Dealer MATHEW WIOR p h o n e 3306 MANCHEgiSEtlr, ^4-828 MAIN ST !t e w e l e r PAUL HILLERY, INC. 9 J mVto 6 p. m., Except Thursday and Saturday, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Next to the Post OflSce STORE HOU State Theater Bldg., So. Manchester Read The Herald-Advs. / Tel. «238 J* ’ . ^ . or create, (ttb s|pgiit),:Melba;totert|:^ amount of .^n stu re i^

F. E. BRAY JEWELER uerors ^45 Main St. South Manchester

KAM BER’S Outstanding Values Look around—compare, consider' quality and style and price. We know your new clothes will have KAMBER^S label on them. Come in and see the finest assortment of good clothes in the city

and ■ sour . values the best ►. money can buy.


$2 2 *^® $2 7 * 5 0 WmtnUn ntnJnciifnm Sir Brunt SM Uttu’i Bt*k "Suutk"

In all the new models, fine ’worsted and woof fabrics. TYDOL Exceptional values. ' : ; $ 2 i2*50 and $27450

Extra Special! Suits, Overcoats, Topcoats, Broken VEEDOL* ’ • ■ MOTOR # lots, good selections. * Eighteen hours of the most difficult and hazardous VEEDOL M otor Oil and xvnrYt flying ever undertaken ...... nl.neifi.K. . 1 1 ° lyd radioed: “ H ow Open Saturday Evenings TiII'9;30 p. m, oline-brought them safely through. / . But not a miss in their motors. • 1 • ^ . ------* iv x u iu r WII - Ih e Byrdl Expedition also took a supply ofperforming?*’ Back .came this {reply from Little Climbing desperately up the,slopes of glaciers— TYDOL tp.the Antarctic. ^ Americai tossed by gusts of winds from mountains of ice . . . What more convincing evidence for car owners • .V . ' - PARKCLOTfitES upiup-up 11,500 feet to the frozen polar plateau. that Tide Water’s great, green, TYDOL starts ^mediately, even d^^^ Not Connected With Any p ^ er store in This Stlate. But not a miss in a motor. motor car gasoline, and V e EDOL Motor'Oil are *^®^®;‘^yEDOL Motdr .Qil also giving splendid 82 ASYLUM ST.,- FORMERLY HOLLANDER'S the ideal combination .for winter I results.*!. w:.. : HARTFORD* • “ Itwas an awful looking place.:, a wicked place . V ' 1 - ' I . 1 hi for an airplane to be.” , . gives instant starting and quick’ Fill Up your tank with TYDO LI Drain and •I ■ ' acceleratibn. These are the qualities of a.high- refill your crankcase with VEPDOI WnH Motor fa.Iure n»ant,... . better no, think about it. testgas.’ ,...... ! ‘ to .G o ^ ^ W ^ ^ ~ -- . a.. . . A- t ■v^ y 4 ! E R ^ OLlL s A L E S C O R P. 0 R A T10 N , 3390 Mam St. .Hartford, Gonn. ; r .Tel. 2-2134. Hartford


'farewell dipner givto to Clifton L. field committee reports deficit of j demands new inquiry into Clevelind nurse’s death in roadhouse. Sberman, retiring editor of the $12,754. . Hartford ’Times, by the Hartford Hartford, Conn.—State Board of j Union City. Tenn.—Lexie S., Press Club at the Hotel Bond 'Tues­ Overnight Pardons refuses to extend clemency i Parks, capitalist, dies' of mysterious to John Fdltovic, 19. of Bridgeport, I jjunshot wound; chauffeur suspect- day night. CAMPBEIX who killed the manager of a chain ed. Mrs. Joseph Hutchins and little A. P. News grocery store during a holdup. Port-Au-Prince, Haiti — U. S. son of Washington, are visiting at Burlington, ,Vt.—Treasurer of Marines’ commander declares mar­ ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester rhe store that holds faith with the people” tial law in Port-Au-Prince and Cape 80 Depot ^uare = Champlain Valle;' Exposition, H. A. I Hutchins. 5 Phones 4169 and 4180 irner/'Main and Maple Streets Telephone 8258 Mayforth, reports loss of approxi­ Haitien after disorder during strike N£W Haven—Julius H. Harnes, ! There was no school session Mon- F. Kelley, Prop. mately $5,500 during 1929 season, in customs office. . day afternoon there being a teach- permanent chairman of President ‘ Berlin—Dr. Hjalmar Schacht pro­ j Hoover’s business conference, out­ increasing deficit to $38,845. iers meeting. MEATS Cambridge. Mass.—Case against tests against alleged attempts by lines possible results of conference I About eight inches of snow fell ___ 19c lb. Mrs. Ruth W. Pearce, indicted in German government and creditor l^'resh Fork Slioulder»r 4-6 lb. size, special in statement to Yale Daily News. j Monday, which after two days has , . . . 34c lb. seven, counts as an accessory after states to tamper with Yoimg plan. llib Pork Roasts, 10-12 size, P o r k ...... Middletown—Squad of 43 local Paris—Chamber of Deputies naval I melted hardly at all. . . . 16c H». the fact in the larceny of $74,000 Rib Corned Beef ...... , • ...... v- • ■ • and state police arrest 17 persons committee demands 1931 program 30c-38c lb. Siyedish Christmas Lutefish from the Framingham Trust com­ I The Yoimg Married Women’s Club Rib Roast Beef ...... and seize liquor valued at $5,000 in for building warships better than ! met Wednesday afternoon at the 28c-88c lb. pany by Frederick W. Pope, former Pot Roast Beef ...... ^ We now have it dry and will have it soaked out 24 raids. treasurer, placed on file on her plea Germany’s best. ! home of Mrs. Raymond Lyman, with . . . SSt lb. Sliced Bacon ...... 33c lb. foot Hartford—State Board of Par­ Paris—Premier Tardieu stakes 113 members present, Home Made Sausage M eat...... • rei^ly for Xmas on order. Place your order early to of nolo. , , life of Catrinet on attempt to force ___ S8n lb. dons refuses to commute death sen­ Lawrence. Mass. — Undertaker s i Perfect in attendance in four of Legs of-Lamb ...... • ...... deputies to sit longer _ hours, and . . . . 55c lb. avdd disappointment. • tence to life imprisonment in case hearse fatally injures Mrs. Minnie Uhe town schools during November Rib Lamb Chops .."...... of John Feltovic 19, who is to hang Zerraonsky, a widow. wins 350 to 142. Mexico City—Morrow departs for jwere: ------;—■ ^ ^ i ^ iOvl. on Dec. 10 for murder of store Washington—House passes bill to I Center—Da-vid Hunt, Jaspar GROCERIES manager. United States. ^ ^ * ...... 10c can / large assortment of Home Cooked Foo8iS'''with spe­ reduce income tax $160,000,000, Los Angeles — Diegel defeats ^Woodward, Margaret Badge, Lois Tomatoes, special ...... Hartford—J. Quinter Miller, New ...... 49c measure goes to Senate. Sarazen 3 and 2; Haven, Farrell and i Clarke, Sylvia Price, Mary Szegda 5 Cans Libby’s Milk, special cial^ changing daily. Haven, appointed general secretary .■.■.■.’.■.'.V.'.'...... • • 15c Chicago—Bomb exolosion injures Watrous also wdn. ' and Sophie Szegda. None Such RBnce Meat .... large assortment of Otto Stahl’s Smoked and Cooked of Connectici ‘ Council of Religious 15 and causes $50,000 damage. ^ Chestnut Hill— Stephen Kozak, ...... 10c pkg. Quaker Oats ...... ’...... 35c pkg. Mmts and Our Own Baked Ham. Education. Washington— Senate decides to i Francis Hutchins, Eva . Berkowiti, Malt O Meal C erea l...... IftSSI New 'Britain—Close cooperation ' Helen Zmutski,, Myron Berkowtiz ...... L . . . $1.09 sack vote on Vare at noon today. Rising Sun Pastry Flour ...... ! ...... 10c pkg. between railroad and industry in Norfolk, Va.— Trawler Boston on Celia Berkowitz, Irving Tennen- Not a Seed R a isin s...... • New England for coming year- COLUMBIA baum, Arthur Zenovitz and Mil to a 59c lb. with 1-4 lb. can free Imported and Domestic Canned Fish. gq.suiq] North Carolina beach and believed Beechnut Coffee ...... 25c bottle pledged by railroad officials at ban­ total loss; crew of 22 saved by coast Tomchin. This school haa only ten Maple Syrup quet of New Britain Traffic Associa­ Imported and Domestic Cheese. guard. At the meeting of'the local Grange pupils, only one failing in perfect at* tion., Washington — Mellon announces Wednesday evening, the program tendance for theimonth. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Imported and Domestic Canned Fi’uits and Vege­ Bridgeport—Two children serious­ Treasury will offer $100,000,000 m was furnished by the defeated West Street—Lucy Derosia, W;l- \nniP8 * Grane Fruit, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Grapw, ly injured by autos while coasting. Treasury bills on discount basis “Evens” of the competitive program I helmina German, «Celia Kresewitz, LetticerSto” Sptaach,’ Ontonl. Ta^I»s, P.r.«lp.. Carrot,. tables. One driver flees scene. next Tuesday. of the last meeting. A sketch by Dorothy LaBontei Eleanor Labonte, Cabbage, Hubbard Sqpash, Soup Bunches. ^ Pickles, Olives, Onions and Relishes. Bangor, Me.—Slight earthquake Mt. Clemens, Mich.—Representa­ several w'omen, purporting to be a Mary Turner, EdwarS Church, Ale-:- 2 Qts. Cranberries ...... shock felt in city and surrounding tive W. W. Griest, of Lancester, Pa., meeting of the recently formed ander German, George LaBontc, towns. dies of pneumonia, aged 71 years. Young Married Women’s Club, gave Leonard Robinson, Lucius Robinson, Quincy, Mass.—Douglas Mann, 18, Washington—Department of Com­ several interesting items pertaining William Robinson, Samuel Toppel. football player whose spine was merce says automobiles killed 23,- to some of the “Odds.” Mrs. RuJi * Pine Street—Ervin Holbrook, hurt in game three weeks ago, dies 765 persons in 1928. Jacobs gave a short sketch showing Laurens Holbrook, Gertrude Hol­ )f cerebro-spinal meningitis. Washington — Lowman tells what effect the radio has on sonne brook. Polly Cohen, Martin Cohen, • ^ .rii'T ^ aoufaxl Hanover, N. Y.—Harold Andres church audience that women who housewives. Several songs were, [Annie Zuryk, Mary Zuryk, John ADVERTISE IN THE HEBAED—IT PAYS smuggle jewelry and clothes should :>f Newton, Mass., elected captain of sung and two contests between- the i Zuryk, Katherine Ambrose. IIo'.vl 1930 Dartmouth football team. be classed as pirates. Odds and Evens. Supper was served Boston.—Financial statements re­ Washington — Hoover’s interde­ by the losing “Evens.” The next partmental committee approves veal Mayor-Elect James M. Curley meeting of the Grange will be a $175,000,000 expansion of ocean mail .spent $94,448 in recent campaign. Christmas program. Frederick W. Mansfield, $68,419, and SGrvic6. Dwight A. Lyman attended the Daniel J. H. Coakley, $3,433; Mans­ Manila—Women’s mass meeting • f Even Ole Santa is Wondering Saturday Specials W ho W ill Be the High Bidders

Sale On Native Pork at the We are cutting nice Native Pork raised by Mr. Dimock from I; South Coventry.

Small Native Fresh Native Fresh Hams (whole) ...... 25c lb. Laist Duo-Dollar Auction Shoulders-...... 20c lb. V Native Fresh Bacon. 35c lb.. 1., , . Nitive Fresh Pork to Roast Native Fresh Spare Ribs 25c lb. Next; Wednesday, Night Dec. 11th Rib End ■...... 25c lb. Native Pigs’ Heads...... 15c lb. Loin End ...... 30c lb. POULTRY SPECIALS i at the State Theatre Fresh Killed Fowls, Our Home Made Sausage Meat 4 to 5 lbs. ea ch ...... 39c lb. x t r a thrills for young and old! An extra lot of fun! Thus will \ Fresh Killed Chickens to Roast, end the Duo-Dollar Trading Plan at the last gi^at auction nj^t ; from Native Pork... 30c lb. E Wednesday night! Of course, you’ll be there. The box office Will | 5 to 6 lbs. each ...... 45c lb. open at 5:45 p. m. The performance will start at 6:4o and the Duo-DoUf I^ative Pork Chops Frying Chickens, 1s t Auctio^iwill start at 8 o’clock. The. feature picture will be.shown after the Auction. The Auction Box closes Tuesday night and absolutely, ...... 38c lb., 2 lbs. 75c 3 to 3 1-2 lbs. each ----- 39c lb. no bids will be accepted Wednesday. Duo-Dollar stores give Duo-Dollam with every cash payment on account as well, as with cash sales. in Duo-Dollars will be given with each admittance ticket 'to the Stat^ Theater next Wednesday night. A Corned Beef Sale ■ t Boneless Brisket Corned REMEMBER! THE AUCTION BOX CLOSES Lean Rib Corned Beef .. 12c lb. B e e f...... 30c lb. TUESDAY NIGHT! One solid head (^f cabbage free with each purchase of corned beef. B Boneless Roast Veal, all lean Tender Shoulder Pot Roast B e e f...... 35c lb. solid m e a t...... 35c lb. Try our fresh ground Ham­ Clip pnd Save This Salt Spare R ib s ...... 15c lb. burg Steak for a meat loaf, It V/ill Not Be Printed Again. Nice White Sauer Kraut, ground with little native pork if 1— Infant’s .Set consisting of JacKet, Bloomers) ...... :(.• $5.uu ...... 10c lb., 3 lbs. 25c you wish.. 30c lb., 2 lbs. for 50c Bonnet and Bootefe. 65—Colonial Pottery Boudoir la k ip $5,25 2— Hot Water Bottl^’;...... 56— ...... 2 Xnaas$3.00 Novelty Sets ....$2.5G 3— Bathrobe (LadicsX ...... $7.95 57— ^Mahogany Windsor Side Chair $6.75 4— Ladies’ Ruby R ih^,...... $20.00 58— Velocipede ...... i $11.98 5— SiUc Scarf 4 ...... 59— Mahogany End Table ...... $6.00 Grocery Specials 6— Ladies’ H a t ...... L ...... $5.00 60— Large Doll Carriage...... $16.75 7_Football ...... *..>...... $12.00 61— Dressed Doll ...... $4.98 Bakers Cocoa, 3,-2 Ib. can*:...... 17c Campbell’s Tomato Soup, 3 cans for . .25c 8— Negligee . $9.95 62— Cidcket Foot Stool ...... $5.00...... 89c dozen 9— Man’s Sweater's^...... $5.90 63— Coaching Picture ...... j. $3.50 Make out your bids Bon Ton Peas, 2 cans f o r ...... 2.5c Bon Ton Tomatoes, 2.cans fo r ...... 25c 10—Boy’s Leather !^usfe ...... $12.00 64— Xmas Novelty S e t ...... $1.50 None Such Mince Meat, 2 pkgs...... 25c Men’s Felt Hat ,$5.0Q 65— Silk Ijlight Gown ...... 4..$3.98 2 lbs. Best Pure Lard ...... 25c 12—Miller Lamp ...... $20.00 66— Italian Pottery Table Lamp . '.$15.00 /Parksdale Eggs ...... 49c dozen Brookfield Roll Butter...... 49c lb. roll 13 ______^Toastmaster Electric Toaster . .$12.5067— Child’s Willow Rocker-...... $4,98 C orrectly! 14 __Woman’s Kozy Komfort ...... $3.00 68— Bopk Trough End T a b le...... $6.00 15— Pathe Moving Picture Camera 69— Football ...... $2.98 complete with Projector'...... $75.00 70— Pair Crystal Boudoir Lamp# .. $2.00 All DUO-DOLLAR Auctions nro 16— Coaster Whgon (Good'',Scout) ..$6.00 71— Aero Toddler ...... $4.98 silent. Bids must he written on. Coffee Special 17— Statuary Lamp ...... $5.49 72— w W e Oil Desk L a m p ...... $5.00 DUO-DOLLAR Bidding Slips 18— 16-inch Leatherette Overnight 73— Gray Willow Firewood Basket I .$5.50 (obtainable at ail DUO-DOLLAJl Case ...... $8.75 74— Blue Linenr. Lunch S e t ...... ; $4.50 MAXWELL HOUSE I l.A TOURAINE Stores.) , , AUTOCRAT 19— Cedar Chest, Walnut . . A ...$24.00 75— Bate’s Rose Bed Spread...... j.$2.98 WHITE HOUSE. 20— Milady Hamd M irror...... $8.50 j NATHAN HALE 76— Fine All UnenV-nneh Cloth ..;.$2.98 'The Bidder must place his writ­ SUCCESS BRAND i l __Boys’ Suede Windbreaker .vt... $13.50 77— 3 Pr. Ecru Net Curtains...... ;.$3.98 ten bid in the DUO-DOLLAR 22— White Enameled Hamper .'=L.,.$5.50 78— Electric Bicycle Light ...... $2.25 Auction Box at the State Thea­ 23— Cowhide 26 inch Traveling Bag $13,50 79— 2 Sets Electric Christmas Tree ter lobby by Tuesday night, Dec. YOUR CHOICE 4 6 c lb. 24__Mahogany Sewing Cabinet ... $12.50 Outfits ...... > $4.50 10th. 25— DoU ...... $A-98 80— Storm King Electric Windshield \ 26 __^Waffle Iron (Royal Rochester) $14.00 Wiper, clear across ...... $12.80 'The Bidder or his representative 27 __Brocade Rayon Bed s e t ...... $19.75 81— Pair of Shoe Skates, tubular .< $8.00 with the .Bidding Slip stub must 28— Men’s Dress Gloves ...... $4.00 82__Pair of Boys’ Baseball Shoes /.$6.00 be at the Auction to pay for the Bakery Specials 29— Man’s Mallory H a t ...... $7.50 83— 2 Sets Electric Xmas Tree article won with D(JO-DOLLAl-hS 30_C oaster Wagon ...... $6.00 Outfits ...... *4.50 when his name is called. 31 ______^Beacon Bathrobe (Ladies) . $8.9584— Bottle L am p ...... i $4.50 Stuffed and Jlaked Chickens j Our Home Mince Pies from 32 ______Evening Gown ..... $25.^ 85— Bill Fold ...... $5.50 The highest Bidder wins, but if 83—2 Tapestry Handbags ...... $3.96 86— Shaving Set ...... $15.00- the hi,ghest biddef ob his reprci- ■i with g ra v v ...... ,‘^1.50 eachN home made Mince Meat 34— Football ...... $12.00 87— Double Deck Playing Cards . . . ’. $2.00 sentative is not in the theater to ' ...... 35c each 35— Men’s Belt and.Beltgram ...... $3,50 88— Polo Shirts ...... $3.50 pay, the-article goes to the next 1 ’ Our Home Made Squash Pics .. 35c each ColTce Nut Rings ...... 25c 36— Three Piece Toilet S e t ...... $4.95 89— Silk Scarf ...... <• $5.00 highest bidder. If neither are Pecan Rolls ...... 25c each 37— Heating Pad (Royal Rochester) $7.50 90— Neck ’Tie $2.00 present the article will be sold Sugar Frosted Collee Rings .... 19c each 38__Men’s Beach Jacket ...... $6.00 91— M^Neck Tic $1.50 by the Auctioneer at Open Au-'-- Home Made Baked B ea n s...... 25c qt. Fancy 2 Layer Cakes...... oOc 39_i.Folding Card Table ...... $2.50 92—Neck Tie ...... $1-00 tion. Try our Home Made Mince Meat in bulk 40 __ Mahogany Candlestand ...... $19.00 93— Spats ...... $2.50 Fancy Large 3 Layer Cakes . . . 50c each with the home made flavor 25c lb. 41 ______Silk Umbrella . $3.9894— .jMesh W'atch Strap ...... $3.00 You can bid more than once on 42— Scarf ...... 95— Bill Fold .■...... $2.00 each article but rJily the dast bid 43— Red Cross or Coon Pumps ....$10.00 'v9(5_ioo Gallons Gasoline . . . 1’.....120.00 on each article counts. 44__ 1 lb. Chocolates ...... $1.50 ■ 97—1 Garage Oil P u m p...... : .$15'00 45—Marble Top Smoking Stand ..,^$7.50 Tie bids will be rebid at the Auc­ 98— 15 Gallons Oil ...... ,...$15.00 tion on PUO-DOLLAR Bidding Fruits and Fresh Vegetables 40__ 3 prs. Onyx H o s e ...... $5.85 99— 4 Goodyear Pathfinder Balloon , 47_Whitney Doll Carriage...... $9.00 Tires ...... $50.00 Slips. Fancy Baldwin Apples, 4 lbs...... 25c Fancy Parsnips, 4 lbs...... L . 25c 48—Air R ifle ...... ’...... $5-22 IDO—2 Ib. box of Chocolates in bls,ck You and your friends may com­ 49__ steel Coaster W agon ...... $4.25 Fancy Yellow Globe Turnips . . . 19c peck Fancy Yellow Onions, 3 lbs. f o r ...... 13c lacquered chest with lock and bine your DUO-DOLLARS. 50— Child’s Fiber R o c k e r...... $4.50 key ...... $5;00 New Bunch Carrots * Fancy Head Lettuce 61__^whale Oil Bridge Lamp *...... $6.25 101— Pottery Console Set complete Merchsmts and clerks-« are not 52—Boys’ Shaker Knit Sweater...... $4.95 wfth______Cindies and straw flowers $ 8.00 8 permitted to participate in the Phone service tonight until 9 o’clock. Please phone your order this evening it 53__3 pc. Ivory Toilet S et ...... $4.98 102- -liurror ...... |12.60 Auction in any way , possible. 5 4 _ 1 Glove Silk Suit— Cyest and Bfanchester Public Market For Quality and Variety Dial 5139 ^ '-* MANCHEStm EVENmC HEBALD; ‘s o f l l l 'SlANCHESTEE, CONN.. FEip^Yi bECEMBER'^6* li when she'i^tEHyk horns.! other article of safety equipment, fective foot brakes. , Other articles windshield wipers' and of equipment missing or defective STEAMER REFLOATED tom n e ^ CJas'tle WUHAm on the,i»»\' Eighteen steering geers were ih j A survey of taxicabs fh the city were tail lights, windshield wipers, land. ‘ ^ f AUTO EQUIPIIENT . poor condition. , !of New Haven, made in co-opera- “T T I [ chafed tires smd in three cases the A nearby tug pulled the croeft in­ 1 The inspectors discovered many steering gear was defective. •New York, I)ec. 6.— (AP.)—The tion with the public utilities com­ to deep ^watef smd towed her. tO' I commercial motor vehicles' which mission, disclosed, conditions in re­ Pacific Cedar, of the Dimon Steam­ ship Corporation, ^ inward bound Weehawken, N. J. TTiree i>olice. MUSTMEETBAD were not eqidpped with reflectors. gard to equipment which . were con­ 1 siderably better than for^ Hie ordi­ 53 YEARS AS TREASURER from Seattle, with a cargo of lum­ laimches were ordered to the scene These are required on the rear of all Portland, Dec. 6— (AP)—E. Irv­ nary rvm of passenger cars, acyord- ber, went agrcimd on the mudflats but they returned to their base commercial vehicles by a law which ing to reports by inspector^ Of ing Bell was elected treasurer of off Governor’s Island today,* but STORM became effective on September 1. eighty-nine cab’s inspected, sixty Warren Lodge, .^Jo. 61, F. & A.. M. was refloated soon afterwards, without being able to render aid, ' C5 0 0 D TUINOS TO CAT wer:2 found in good condition. last night to serve his 52d succes­ ' 'The Pacific (jedar is conunandtsd' Broken reflectors were also numer­ sive term in that office. He is be­ without damage. D IAL 4151 ous. Drivers were instructed that Twenty-nine had defective equip­ The vessel was on her way to by Captain J. Fitzgerald and car­ ment of some sort. Six-teen had de lieved to be the senior lodge treas­ ries a crew of thirty-three. the reflectors must be maintained urer of the Masons in the state. Jersey Qty, N. J., in a sligl^t fog Inspectors for State to , in good condition, the same as any fective hand brakes and five de Mushrooms MEADOWBROOK O O ^ SAUSAGE M EAT, lb. OOL Fancy White Stock Ground froitt fresh Sinclair Folk, Watch Closely for Cars 1-2 lb. 29c properly seasoned. Not Properly Outfitted to We will have some good shank ends of Sinclair slicing l^ms which will be sold special tomorrow at from 15c to 26c Ib. Provide Safety Element. Maxwell House A Special Bull Coffee Stormy weather, poor automobile Coffee equipment an^ the carelessness of Saturday Only, Special Tomorrow at ; Endorses operators and pedestrians have re­ Heartily 46c ib. 39c lb. sulted recently in a large number Drive TO THE of accidents, many of which (»used th e , Jmilh Tonight until nine, we will be here to work on Saturdd^ or­ serious injury or death, acording to Tuber­ ders and tatve phone orders for the early Saturday delivery-fit (t reports to the State Motor Vehicle Against is convenient, and you want your Saturday order early, '^on t Department. Rain, snow, ice and culosis slush have contributed to the mak­ you please dial 4151 tonight. ing of dangerous road surface con­ ditions which scores of cars, ap­ Buy Christmas Seals! Sliced Bacon (rind o ff) ...... 39c IbT parently, were unable to offset be­ cause of bad brakes, smooth tires 1 lb .Rolls Creamery Butter ...r 49c lb. and other defective equipment. mWSak The situation is considered so se­ Pinehurst Freshly Ground Bejef .\.30c Jb. rious that the department has is- 1 Try it baked in the oven, covered with Bacon and onioi^— sued instructions to its inspectors to or for a meat loaf. keep special watch on the high­ IMeadowbrook ^Large White Eggs ways for cars with equipment which will not meet conditions. Particular ...... ' ...... 55c dozen attention will be paid to tires on We have sold about 250 dozen of thesy fresh eggs this which the shoes are worn smooth week. and are thus without traction and unable to grip the road. The in-, Royal Scarlet Flour, 24 1-2 lb. sack spectors will instruct such drivers to use chains or tires not likely to (delivered )...... skid or slide so that the vericle Royal Scarlet Oats, Quick or may not become a menace in traf­ fic. Brakes in poor condition will R eg u la r...... 10c and 25c box be ordered repaired. Windshield awipers and lights must also be kept i 2 lb. boxes Royal Lunch or Royal in good condition. Graham s...... 33c box Pedestrians have been direct con­ tributors to accidents through care­ lessness, the inspectors report. Many MEAT SUGGESTIONS approached too closely to vehicles, The very finest Corn fed Fresh Pork, 10 to 12 lb, when crossing streets,, although it was obvious, apparently, that the strips, bv the strip 2.3c lb. RIB ROASTS OF THI^i vehicles were liable to skid at any Our trained staff of purchasing experts, CONNECTICUT-CONSCIOUS, comb the PORK WEIGHING 3 to 4 lbs. each 27c to 29c lb. time. Reports show, too, that the FRESH SHOULDERS— Boned and rolled or boned fact that vehicles arc unable to world’s finest markets for foods of highest quality. Day in and day out, Economy’s own for stuffing, if you wish. stop quickly under bad road condi­ fleet of «reat red trucks delivers these delicious foodstufls from our clean, modern ware­ tions was not considered. Mis- Canadian Bacon BONELESS ROASTS OF judgment of distance has been houses, fresh to your own Economy store. Every day thousands of Connecticut house­ Swift’s Premium Bacon NATIVE VEAL common on the part of both operator wives show a keen sense of appreciation of quality food by regular daily visits to tneir Rib Roasts of Tender and pedestrian. Head Cheese nearest Economy stores or markets. ; Connecticut, housewives have learned the les- Veal Loaf Beef, boned and rolled or That many motorists are lax in keeping equipment up to the stand- Jellied Corned Beef cut short. fard required for safety, and by law, son of ECONOMY. Pinehurst Round Steak Ground. Tender, Juicy is indicated in a report by the In­ Pot Roasts, including Chuck or Shoulder cuts, Bottom spection Section of the Department Rounds. Sirloin Tips and Shoulder Clods. on 888 cars which were taken from active pa^cipation in traffic for Dairy Hams, Butt Ends Sinclair Hams, Small Sausage examination. Of this number, only 322 cars were found properly TWENTY-FIVE CENT SALE LAMB— In lamb we can offer you tender legs, most equipped. About two-thirds actually ony size you wish— 3 to 4 lb. boned loins of lamb. 566, had defective equipment and Oft'ered for the benefit of those who, perchance, havemever realized bow elastic a quar.ei can b ,. Heie LeV.:! Shoulders of Lamb boned and r'olled at 25c to many were without articles required by safety laws and regulations. The are values which show hov/ far a quarter can stretch in an Economy bto e. special Values 20o K). - • . defrots in a large number of cases Fancy California were of a serious nature. Land o’ Lakes Sweet Cream POULTRY One hundred and sixty-three Fancy Diced vehicles had foot brakes unfit for IVORY e Roasting Chickens from Miller of Coventry. use. In every case the brakes being SARDINES Butter iib.roii47/ 1; I'oul for fricassee. found incapable of stopping the car CARROTS Cr.u: ti Wine and Apple Pectin Jelly. quickly or-within a safe distance. in Tomato Sauce The draergency, or- hand brake, was SOAP B'--.:;. for l.’udling ...... 50c load found defective on 331 cars. In % Size 2 Cans Fine Granulated C’’::i! "o’uJ, 5 hogs ...... ’...... ■ • 09c many instances the hand brake was 2 llB.*ovalcans out of order on the same cars which 6- o z . B a r s 10 lbs. hart bad- foot or service brakes. Triple A A A Sugar Eight cars were found to be with­ Fancy out headlights. T^he lights on 110 American Colony was said to feel cars w «e defective and on twenty- Fresh Cold Pack no apprehension, although there Fancy eight were not properly placed or CATSUP ^ < was an undercurrent of unrest. Dis­ equippec^- -with illegal lens. There CLAMS patch of a patrol of 40 Marines to were no' ta’l lights on fifty-seven, Strawberries Cayes, where the situation was re­ and defective rear lights on 149. 2 8-oz. Bottles 2Si^ Apple Sauee FOR YOUNG SLAYER ported to be tense, also was ui^er- Markers ^ere missing or broken in % S i z e 1 C a m 2 5 / stood to have quieted that section. many cases, as were also mirrors, 1 lb. Container 2 2 / • (I Fancy 2 Size 2 Cans Fancy Red Kidney Board of Pardons Refuses c o itli Extra Large Florida to Commute Sentence of BEANS Oranges doz. 4 1 / I The Puritan Market " Small cans ^ Corner Main- and Eldridge Sts. Super Suds 2 Size 2 Cans 2S9! John Feltovic. • , “THE HOME OF FOOD VALUES” Finest Table Made of Finest Ingredients ^ * 3 9-oz. Pkgs. 2Sf^ A saving which vve are glad to pass ^ Hartford, Dec; 6.— (AP)—In hi.s on to you. Grapes 3 i b s . 2 9 / cell behind the guarded walls of SUGAR 5c lb. 10 lbs. to a customer. PRIZE Wethersfield State Prison, John Fel- Fancy California ECONOMY Fancy Large Florida . tovic, youth qf 19, wjiose lOund, full jface has haqdly been touched by BREAD G ra p e fru it I >* the feray- palourf of confinemeht to=- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY MACKEREL COFFEE day cibunted hburs the , state of 3 for ]Y;gonn^ticut has allotted him ^before Parksdale Eggs, dozen ...... AKn large 20-oz. loaf lb. 3 9 / 2 9 / if-demands hi^life to c h a n g e for Cloverbloom Butter, lb...... 2 1 Ibe tall cans 2 $ ^ a life. A reprieve granted him last July fit expires at midnight next Monday) HAMS I ^ and soon thereafter he will be ARMOUR’S S T A R ...... hanged ^for killing a Bridgeport H O NEY B R A N D ...... ' chain gfpeery store manager during More' Extraordinary Values For A Quarter an attempted robbery. SW IFT’S ...... lb. The hope that lingered in his PURITAN ...... breast yesterday morning that clem­ Fresh Pork, S to 10 lbs. average ...... 22c Ib. . c a n s ency might be granted was gone to- Center Cut Pork C h o p s...... 33c lb. PEARS SARDINES - day. An hour before guards brought Rib End Pork Chops ...... 23c lb. Quality Maine Quality Lai’ge Can I him his supper last night he was Fresh and Smoked Shoulders, 4 to 6 lb. average 17c lb. J told that the State Board of Pardons I [ had refused to commute his sentence Pigs’ Feet, 3 lbs. fo r ...... j ...... 25c r ) J to life imprisonment. Fresh Hams, 8 to 10 lbs. average ...... 24c lb, ! Lust Hope Gone. GENUINE SPRING LAMB MAPLE SYRUP MOLASSES B & 0 Size 3 Can The decision of the six members, Legs of Lamb, 4 to 5 lbs. average ...... 33c lb. Vermont Maid, 12 oz. Jug one of whom was Govemer Trum­ Shoulder Lamb, boned and rolled .’i ...... 33c lb. bull closed the last legal door oi escape from execution. The Supreme Shoulder Lamb ...... 25c lb. for Court of Errors has refused to grant NATIVE VEAL' PRESERVES GRAPE JELLY a new trial. Legs of Veal...... 26c lb. 2 5 / Honeydew 8 oz. Jar Finast 1 lb. Jar The pardons lieard the pleadings Rump of V eal ...... 26c lb. of three defense attorneys at an hour’s session yesterday afternoon Sliced B a c o n ...... 28c lb. , and then deliberated only 25' min- Bacon by Strip, 8 to 10 lbs...... 25c lb. , for i ! utes. Bacon in squares ...... 17c lb. BEANS f o r PEAS I I Feltovic, a member of a Bridge- Quality Size 2 Can Quality Stringless, Size 2 Can - port gang, killed Lester Jacobs, Heavy Steer Beef—Steaks i store manager, with a shot through Short Steak ...... •. • • • • •I • • • u ...... 33c lb. ! the heart last March. A companion, Sirloin S te a k ...... 33c lb. - Michael Pavilik, also 19, vrili'go oq 5 trial for robbery in Bridgeport next Round S te a k ...... 33c lb. CORN for 2 5 / BEANS Rib R o a s ts ...... 28c and 30c lb. Fancy Green Lima Size 2 Can ! Tuesday morning. He remained out- Quality Size 2 Can i side in the automobile. Pot Roasts' ...... 25c 11?. Chuck R o a s ts ...... 1. . ^...... 26c lb. Armour’s Star Sausage ...... 27c lb. Old Fashion Sausage . 27c lb. UNDER MARTIAL LAW Home Made Sausage Meat ...... • 20c Ib. LARGE SELECTION OF FRESH FRUIT j Port Au Prince, Haiti, Dec. 6— AND VEGETABLES ^ ^ DIVISION OF ♦ TAP)—Port Au Prince and Cape ^10 lbs. of Sweet P otatoes...... 25c * Haitien. their streets patrolled^ by IVIV I U. S. Marines* acting amder the I authority of martial law' were quiet •.'today after Tinting in which sever- The Puritan Market , al Marines aqd nS(tiv^s were Jn- - Uorner of Main and Eldridge Vac jurecl. V * mm fitores were open again and the^ - f. - ^'3 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, GONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 ,19?9.

JURY FREES GIRL I F. WHO KILLED COP Pancake Flours Select you wish.. • by youFself , t But One Vote Taken; Patrol­ and \ man Had Attacked Her in M S a F - S E R V E Syrups You walk through a turnstile, pick up a basket and. quickly move His Home. G R O C E R'Y down the aisles. You pick out the foodstuffs you wish which are attrac­ Down Go The Prices tively displayed on open shelves andfables p li^ y tagged. You sdect what you please... *by yourself. No waiting.for others—no delays. Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 6.— (AP) IT P A Y S —A new start in life was being On All The Famous You may take as long as you wish to select your items. .*. .to compart the planned today for Alice Corbett, 16 TO WAIT ON prices—no/Clerkis urging you to buy. Courteous cashiers figure tl^e years old, acquitted of the murder A i amount you have purchased and have your groceries w rap ^ . Be among of George McHale, a patrolman in P COFFEES the thousands who purchase their groceries the Self Serve way. whose home she worked. YOURSELF A jury of four women and eight BOKAR, lb. tin ...... 39c men deliberated less than an hour “It Pays to Wait on Yourself” yesterday and took only one ballot RED CIRCLE, lb...... • 33c ito reach the verdict. The girl admitting shooting Mc­ EIGHT O’CLOCK, lb...... | 29c Hale last August 18 but said she did it after he had attacked her. She said she had lived in the McHale household since she was 12 years Sliced Bacon old and received 25 cents a week for helping Mrs. McHale with the N O . 1 D oz house work. testified that Mc­ SUNNYBROOK ooz ^ 0 * 4T Hale's Country Roll Hale had attacked her twice be­ Boned and Rolled Ham fore. Butter. 1 0 * ^ ® 5 3 * After her acquittal she was taken , StlR R F GRANIJI tTED 1 lb. roU 2 lb. roU to the home of Mrs. Mary Hines, 3 4 c lb. with whom she has been living since she was admitted to $15,000 bail. 48c 5$c Several wealthy women who have 15 45*- All solid meat— ^no bones, Tasty and delicious, serve hot Potatoes Its tdiilorm. quality has made it interested themselves in her case or cold. said they would assist ner to find Lighter pancakes, more tender,, m ^ e delicious — fry Pillsbury’s! the noost pbpulfff butter ip town. suitable work. , Defense Plea Pillsbury’s *3“ Alexander Simpson, state Sena­ tor, who was chief defense counsel, Tried and true, ready to mix ^ in his summation, told the jury that Local farm egg*. in 1928 a 12-year-old girl was hang­ Every one gnaraateed. dox. ed in New Jersey, and said that to A unt Jemima ^ FLOTO ** ® Strictly Fresh Eggs send Alice Corbett to the electric A bargain — fine flavor, easily prep^ed, quU^ly cool^dl ^ cnair would mean that civilization had not advanced a step in the state in a century. She was tried on a Virginia Sweet ^ FtOUR^ ® ^9* charge of first degree murder but ' Pure maple syrup, the real syrup for your pancakes! Packed in sanitary, sealed- the state did not ask the death tig^ht cardboard cartons. penalty. Pure Lard l ibs. 27c Judge Thomas H. Brown, who Maple Syrup permitted a demonstration of ap­ Flavorful and economical, delicately blended! proval on the part of spectators, thanked the jury for returning “a Vermont Maid Syrup just verdict,” Conf^tlonery, powdered and A very reasonably priced blended syrup of quality! Sugar brown sugar. Iponnd pkg. 3 pkgs. 21c WAPPING Sultana Syrup Serve macaroni and cheese often — it’s good for you! James Callahan of Ellington, who lived in Wapping ifor many years Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles 4 *5* Burt. Olney’s and David received news of the death of his Hamm’s new pack peas. 3 cans father,, John Callahan of Deerfield, This cheese is properly aged and cured to bring out its flavor! ^ Sweet Peas. Mass,, recently. The next regular meeting of East Cheese WHITE or COLORED LB Central Pomona Grange, on Wednes­ day, February 5. Foil wrapped packages protect its delicate flavor! Mrs. Judson Files has gone to Bangor, Me., for a visjt with her S alad aT ea 'i^s4y. Miscellaneous Specials parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. New Low Price! I The Pleasant Valley club will Standard tomatoes at a money saving price! give a public whist at the P. V. Jumbo Georgia Peanuts...... :. 2 qts. 23c schoolhouse tonight. The fiftieth annual meeting of the Iona Tomatoes 3 25* Hale’s Famous Favorite Dill Pickles ...... q t ja r 25c Hartford County Farm Bureau will Quick, lasting suds that help do the dishes! I be held next Tuesday, at the First Congregational church. East Hart­ Morning Luxury Van Camp’s M ilk ...... 3 Cans 25c ford. Super Suds 3 pkgs2 5 « The Christian Endeavor Society Its flavor makes it the most popular of breads! at the Federated church at 6:30 Scottish Chief Pineapple ...... 2 cans 45c Sundaiy evening will have a mfisical LARGE O C program. Leaders will be Miss Grandmother’s Bread LOAF O COFFEE Pillsbury’s Pan Cake Flour ...... 2 pkgs. 23c Margaret Boody and Albert Peter­ son. ' . . . Mission Brand Tuna Fish — ...... 2 cans 35c The marriage of Miss Virginia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Opening Dec. 4, Springfield’s 3 7 c pound . Harold I. Miller of Springfield, for­ Van Camp’s Tomato S ou p...... 7 cans 50c merly of Wapping, and Howard PEAS Arnold Willard of South Windsor, MOLASSES PRODUCE Green Split In line with, the new low prices on P and G Soap ...... 7 bars 25c will take place at the Gr.ace Chapel Brer Rabbit 16 oz pkg 11c coffee— we offer our popular brand at Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, Green Label WAREHOUSE 37c a pound. Boasted and blended at Springfield, tomorrow evening. No. can 14c especially for Hale’s Self Serve. Burt Olney’s Sauer Kraut — — ...... 2 cans 29c from which daily PEAS December 7, at 8 o'clock. They will Yellow Split occupy a new home at South Wind- SYRUP 16 oz pkg 11c jimerald Tomatoes...... 2 cans 35c ' sor. Karo Blue Label Fresh Fruits No. I'A can 13c t and Vegetables PEAS KETCHUP Scotch Whole Green HOLLYWOOD Blue Label Ige bot 19c are delivered to your neighboring A & P 16 oz »»Ue lie food atore. With this hew Service A & P Demonstration of Heinz Pf‘oducts brings to you fresh Fruits and Vegetables W HITE HU USE ...... bottles 45o MARKET COCOA that have been carefully selected, at the Quaker Maid lowest possible price. Jb. tin 51c RTTI ...... 3 inedUuiH esns 25o 381 E. Center St., Cor. Parker 2 lb tins 21c BAKED BEANS ...... * meCnm cans 40o Dial 4233 VANILLA. EXTRACT m a l e s CONDENSED' MILK FANCY COOKING Baker's bot 31c TOMATO sour ...... ® medum can* 40o Eagle Brand can 19c APPLES, 5 lbs. . . . EXTRA FANCY RIB ‘O O ^ TOMATO SOUP ...... * cans 23o BEANS GINGER ALE PORK ROASTS, lb. C & C 2 hots 29o b r e a k f a s t w h e a t ...... 2 package* 4J5o HEALTM MARKET Yellow Eye YELLOW ONIONS Spring Legs Lamb ...... 35c lb. 2 11 oz pkgs 19c 9 lbs...... Fresh Beef L iv e r ...... 19c lb. GINGER ALE Native Fresh Shoulder ------21c lb. BEANS SWEET POTATOES Clicquot bot 16o W'estern Fresh Shoulder------18c lb. Kidney 7 lbs...... Fresh meats at all times Best Link Sausage ...... 35c lb. 2 13 oz pkgs 21c SPAGHETTI Fresh Fruits and Native Pork Boasts r.- CRISP CELERY Encore Cooked can 9o from Rockville...... 29c lb. at Hale’s Health Market BEANS bunch ...... Bib Pork C h o p s...... 29c lb. Dried Lima VANHJ.A EXTRACT Veal Roasts ...... 35c Ib. 14 oz pkg 17c Foss, bottle 29c Vegetables; Lean Pot Roasts...... 29c-35c lb. EMPEROR GRAPES modestly pric^! Shank End Hams ...... 18c lb. BEANS lb...... Marrow 14 oz pkg 17c MACARONI and EXTRA SPECIAL! FAN CY RIPE SPAGHETTI SU^KIST i PEAS Quaker Milk pkg 11c Lean and Tender New White Beans ...... 10c lb. Canadian 16 oz pkg 9c TOMATOES, lb. .. Large Lemons, 6 for ...... 29c Fillets Haddock ...... 29c lb. Navel Oranges Cat Food, 1 lb., 2 oz. c a n ...... 15c Pot■» Roast lb. 2 5 * ■ Sliced Bacon ...... 35c lb. > . i t - ' White House Coffee ...... 47c lb. doxen 25!^ Pim e R ib Roast.. lb. 32e and 38c 5 lb. box Christmas Chocolates $1.49 ...... lb. 38c 6 Christmas Post Cards ...... 10c - MEATS - Boston Roll^ Roast . Legs of Spring l^nb ...... lb. 35c SELECTED HEAVY BEEF . Iceberg Lettuce ...... 2 heads 19c Lamb Roulettes .. . • • ...... lb. 32c Rib Roasts, Fancy Steer, lb...... doc Veal Roriettes ...... lb. 34c Saturday Oven Roasts, Best boneless, lb...... Rump V e a l...... lb. 32c Best Steak, Short or Sirloin, lb...... • Native Green Mountain Potatoes, peck 49c

Lean and Tender Specials PORK PRODUCTS „«• Cape Cod Cranberries...... quart 17c Round Steak ...... 3.1C-38C ib Fresh Rib Roasts, Ib...... • ...... • Sirloin S te a k ...... 50c lb. Pork Chops, Best Center Cut, lb...... Pork Roast ib. 22e Fresh Pork Shoulders, afty weight, fine to bake, lb...... 17c Fresh Crisp Celery ...... 2 bunches 25c Porterhouse Steak .... 50c lb. Fresh Made Sausage, Link or Country Style, lb...... ddc Short S te a k ...... 45c lb. Florida Temple Oranges.— .. dozen 69c .Small Fresh Shoulders ...... lb. 10c Fresh Shoulders . . 19c-20c lb. Pork C h o p s ...... • • ...... 25c Roast P o r k ...... 24c-25c lb. SOFT TENDER LAMB Large Roasting Chicken ...... lb* 43c Genuine Soring Lamb Legs, lb...... ^ ' Roast B e e f...... *.30c lb. Fancy Winesai^Apples...... 4 quarts 49c Large Freah Paw l...... lb. 41c Pot R o a s t...... 30c-35e lb. Lamb Roulettes, lb...... B w f L iver ...... Ih. 19c Hamburg (Shoulder ‘Pigs* Liver 12c steak) ...... 25c-35c lb. FANCY FRESH KILLED POULTRY „ ik ' -xie Yellow Onions ...... 5 llis, 12c Lamb C h o p s...... 35c lb. CHICKEN OR FOW L, 3 1-2-4 lbs. average, lb...... 47c Leg of L a m b ...... 30c Ib. Sealdsweet Florida Oranges. ... dozen 39c ifntiTe Pigs’ Feet. OYSTERS, Standard, ...... (Sweet and juicy) ' _ Pigs’ Liver ...... 20c lb. 1 Fancy, large, select, pt...... Bacon (Sugar Cured) 30c-35c lb Veal Chops ib. $5c Florida Grapefruit ^arge) .. . 3 for 25c' N. Washkiewich IoSIIt ATI.AKTIC & PACIFIC 20 Florence St. ’ Tel. 4041 EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929. • j . . . ,: ,. T H E CVXSSM FI ED SECTION B tl'l' /%MD SELL H ERE

CARD OF THANKS E PROFESSIONAL MIJBICAL INSTRUMENTS 5.1 APARTMENTS— FLAl'S— - SERVICES 22 TENEMENTS 63 DRY LAW DEBATE CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE—E FLAT alfo saxa- PIANO TUNING phone, good condition. Will sell FOR RENT—APARTMENTS 4, 5 We wish to thank our many cheap for cash. Apply Miner’s Bar­ and 6 roonts. Apply Edward J. EXPECTS) IN SENATE friends, and neighbors, and relatives John Cockerham ber Shop, 983 Main street. Holl, 865 Main street. Telephone for kindness and sympathy shovra 6 Orchard St. Tel. 4219 4642. to us at the time of the death of Washington, Dec. 6.—(AP)—A my beloved wife, also our daughter WANTED—To BUY 58 FOR RENT—4 ROOM upstairs flat lOO^GIFTS FOR HER lOO^GIFTS FOR HER 104— GIFTS FOR THE and sister. REPAIRING on Ridge street, steam heat. In­ renewal of the ten year old contro­ JUNK quire 79 Ridge street, upstairs. versy over prohibition is in prospect FAMILY. ’ FRED KEUNE, Highest prices for anything sale­ SEWING CABINETS for mother, MRS. B. McCLUSKEY AND able, particularly copper, brass, for the present session of the I THE sister or grandmother. $1 weekly HOWARD—A radio of distinction, DAUGHTERS. Use your car during the day. FOR RENT—VERY DESIRABLi^ Senate. on the Christmas Club Plan at Have your repair work done at rags, magazines. Call 5879. Wm. and 5 rooms, near Cheney mills, 9 tubes, the new 1930 screen-grid Ostrinsky, 91 Clinton. Prompt at­ Ten measures dealing with the CHRISTMAS CLUB Watkins Brothers, still you receive receiver, dynamic speaker, 5 night by expert mechanics. white enamel plumbing, very rea­ EOS I AND FOUND tention. dry laws have been introduced and the cash price. models to select from. A gift to be sonable. Inquire Tailor Shop, 5 Wal­ others intended to carry out Presi­ NIGHT AUTO SERVICE nut street. Telephone 5030. Prejiares the way for Christmas proud of. Paul Hillery, Inc., State LOST—THURSDAY evening, string WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices dent Hoover’s desire to tighten up next year. Our club opens Dec. 9. TRY ON SATURDAY specials in Theater Bldg. 250 West Center St. Tel. 7943 candy and lunches. The Center Spa of amber beads. Reward if return­ for rags, paper, magazines and FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, gas and enforcement of the liquor law en­ ed to 164 Henry street. Telephone metals. Also buy all kinds of forcement in the Nation are expect­ THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. —Opposite the Masonic Temple— LET FLOWERS SOLVE that per­ lights. Dial 8434 or inquire 28 Mt. Candies, soda, ice cream, luncheon. 5443. VACUUM CLEANER, phonographs, chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial Nebo Place. ed. The measure that has aroused plexing question—“What shall I 6389 or 3886. the widest interest is the’’proposal give?” Everyone likes flowers so clock, gim repairing, key fitting. DIAMONDS—watches and jewelry. l o s t —TIRE CHAIN either on Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement on of Senator Sheppard, Dem, Texas, A HOLIDAY BOX of our home you can be sure they will be ap­ Center or West Center street, be­ WANTED TO BUY cars for junk, Newman street, all modern im­ that the purchaser of liquor be made chocolates or Apollo's or Small deposit will hold any article preciated. Park Hill Flower Shop. until Christmas. A fine selection fit tween Cooper and McKee streets. CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ used parts for sale. General autd provements: also five room Hat on made equally liable to punishment Perry's will make just the gift for Finder please return to Anderson ed, key fitting,- safes opened, saw repairing, Abel’s, 26 Cooper street. Newman. Inquire 147 East Center with the seller. “her.” Princess Candy Shop, Main Wior’s, 999 Main street, next to GIFTS THAT ALWAYS Please.— post office. and Noren. filing and grinding. Work called Phone 5520. street. Tel. 7864. Expect.Protest and Pearl. Boxed chocolates in holiday wrap­ pings, Christmas candy, fancy for. Harold Clemscn, 108 North Sheppard said today he planned Elm street. Tel. 3648. TWO ROOM SUITE in Johnson to urge early consideration of this FLANNEL Nightgowns or pajamas baskets of fruit, Xmas packages ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 101— GIFTS FOR HIM ROOMS w rm o u 'i h o a r d 59 BIock, facing Main street, suitable bill by the judiciary committee. It of cigars, cigarettes and tobacco. ------• ______make a splendid gift. Large assort­ MATTRESSES, box springs, pil­ for light housekeeping. Phone is certain to arouse a storm of con­ ment in colors and white. $1 to Selection of pipes and ^moking PHOTOGRAPHS FOR Christmas— lows and cushions made over, NICELY FURNISHED warm front Aaron Johnson 3726 or 9635. GRUEN WRIST watches, new bill­ supplies. Farr Bros. Make appointments now for early room, to one or two refined ladles, troversy if it reaches the Senate $1.98. The Ladies Shop, 649 Main folds, mottos, cigarette lighters, equal to new. I day service. Phone floor. street. sittings. Avoid last minute rush 6448 Manchester Upholstering (Co., Hollywood section. Write Herald, FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat, on Divi­ rings, leather goods. You’ll find an A DODGE CAR—will make a won­ and disappointment. The New Box M. sion street, all improvements. In­ Improved enforcement of the pro­ 331 Center street. Established hibition law in the District of IMPORTED BOXED handkerchiefs appropriate gift for “him” at derful gift. It can be enjoyed by Studio. Dial 8383, 9 Johnson Ter­ quire 46 Walnut street. Telephone since 1922. Columbia is the purpose of a bill to 25c to $1.95. Hosiery, beads, scarfs, Bray’s, 645 Main street. the entire family every day of the race. FOR RENT—COMFORTABE room 6472. year. Schaller Motor Sales, Center at a moderate price for one or two be introduced by Senator Howell, pocketbooks, purses and novelties. SOME MAN WILL appreciate a SEWING MACHINE repairing of street. gentlemen. 31 Laurel street. Phone FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement. Rep., Neb He said today that his Also a hat. Practical, inexpensive gift of. ney» tools. We have every­ all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ PERSONALS 3 3041. Middle Turnpike, all modem im­ measure iri general would provide gifts. Nellegs, State "Theater Bldg. thing. The Manchester Plumbing plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward provements, newly renovated, new the equivalent of a state enforce-. and Supply Co., 877 Main street. 105— GIFTS FOR THE PALMISTRY — Your fo’-tune in street. Tel. 4301. garage, good garden, chicken coop, ment agency for the city of Wash­ LINGERIE — The smartest gift, HOME. your hand. Have your palm read ington. step-ins, dance sets, chimeses, RONSON LIGHTERS by Madame Wald. Call 4675 for BOARDERS WANTED 59-A rent $25. Inquire W. F. Lewis, 11 slips, gowns, pajamas of crepe de $5 COURSES AND CLASSES 27 Vine street. PRACTICAL GIFTS are truly those appointment. WANTED—TWO OR THREE m ^ chine of finest quality. Also nice HULTMAN’S w'orth giving. Such everyday neces­ BARrlER TRADE taught in day 300 MILES .4lN HOUR line of rayon, flannel and quilted Men’s and Boys’ Outfitters boarders, near Center and mills. sities as clothes fiampers ($5.75) and evening classes. L Ctsi II CIS Smoke Shop. land; finance . committee for 3 regular $14.50, $9.50; $25 layer room tenement $25 month. Apply 1 Day ...... II CtSi 13 CCS years. Burton J. Bell; trustee for James 'F. Roach, Jr., 36 Walnut felt $18.50, inner spring $22.50. J P. Tammany, 90 Main street, All orders for Irregular insertions FORD—A gift the whole family street. Dial 5921. after 5 o’clock. will he charged at the one line rate. three years, W. A. Strickland; will enjoy the year ’round. All supt. of Sunday school, W. A. THREE RE-CONDITIONED vacu­ Special ,raies tor long term every FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, second day advert isiiig given upon request. models delivered completely equip­ Strickland; deacon for two years, um cleaners: Royal $21.50, Franz- EDWARD J. HOLL, President Robert J. Smith The Sunshine Sewing club will floor, all improvements, rent rea­ Ads ordered lor three or s days ped. . New prices. Manchester Loyd P. Schonhaar; deacon for two meet this evening with Mrs. Annie Premier $15, Hot-Point $15. Two 865 Main Street, 1009 Main and Slopped hefore llie third or fifth /M otor Sales, 1069 Main street. years, Charles Ot Strickland. cedar chests $76 and $28. sonable. Inquire. 219 Summit day will he charged only for'the ac­ Cassells of Edgerton street. street. Telephone 5495. South Manchester, Conn. Real Estate Insurance tual numher ot times the ad appear­ Watkins Furniture Exchange ed, charging at the rate earned, but RADIOS—Stenlte, Grebe, Radlola, no allowances or refunds can be made Bosche and Colonial. All models. on six time ads slopped after the Make it a Radio Christmas. Get GAS BUGGIES—Shifty SpiDs It By FRANK BECK fifth day. yours from Radio Headquarters, No •'till forbids"; display lines not Hess’, 855 Main street. I'VE SEEN A HEAP O' sold. IF MY PATHER IT WAS The Herald will-not I'e responsible T R A G E D Y IN M Y D A Y , HEM / FOR SEVEN YEARS people have WERE ONLY HERE HIDDEN UNDER for more than one Incorrect insertion B U T I V e n e v e r F A C E D THE POWDER HOUSE of any advertisement ordered for been giving Barstow’s Radios for 1 KNOW I (iOULD GO THE EQUAL OF THIS . WE more than one time. Xmas gifts. Barstow’s Radio Shop, T O S L E E P ------^^OH THAT BERT WILEY The Inadvertent orn.sslon or Incor­ d o n ’ t d a r e t e l l TH A T BLEW UP WHEN rect puhllcalion ot advertising will be 20 Bissell street. IPoOR PATHER ------1 N E E D BOY HIS FATHER TOOK DIGK WILEV HE COMMITTED rectified only by cancellation ot the YOU-- NOW-^ __ WHY HIS O W N LIFE-.--IT charge made for the service r,.ndered. THE GREATEST BUICK of them LIES SOICIOE ! • • • Y O U C O M E WOULD BE FATAL all. What could be better, for S IC K AND All advertisements must conform ME ------A N D Y E T ------" fn style, coiiy and typography with Christmas? Or Marquette built by EXHiatUSTED rrr7=r?i'f#f|. regulatlo’ ; enforced by the publish­ Buick. Bulck-Marquette Agency, W IT H A ( iV'.% ers and they reserve the right to I Main and Middle Tumpike.i BROKEN edit, revise or reject any -py con- / 1 eidered ohjectioiiable. GIFT SUGGESTIONS—From' the BACK. CDOSl.N'O HOURS—Classified adS .to be published same day must be re­ Conran Shoppe, Depot ' Square. 4 ceived by 12 o'clock noon I Saturdays Page and Shaw chocolates, the IP H E U i 10:30 p.m. famous “Nut House” salted nuts. COULjD TELEPHONE YOUR* Home made pies; order early. O N LV SLEEP, BUT EVEN ' WANT ADS. GIVE A CROSLEY Console-screen- HIS PILLOW Ads are accepted over the telephone grid radio and make the whole at the CH.AKGE RATE glveu above family, happy the y ea n around. IS HAUNTED as a convenience to advertisers, but Other .models and makes,' Watkins B Y TH E the Cash r a t e s win be accepted as HORPJOR OP FULL PAYMENT It paid at the busi­ Fuiiiitt^e Exchange. ness office on or before the seventh T H E • day following the first Insertion ot A BBSAUTIFUL Chevro^t Six—a T E R R I B l !e each ad otherwise the CHARGE wonderful gift which cah be paid b o m b RATE will be collected. No responsi­ - for •% ,the month. .WjHI please bility for errors in telephoned ads ’B'XPLOSIC^. will be assumed and their a.ccuracy everyone. The Mackley \Dhevrolet pancot be.guaranteed. Co., 527 Main. MANCHESTER EVENING'h EKALU, SUUTH MANCHESTER, .CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929.

By Perry "L (.'roshy • F l a p p e r F a n n y S a y & ’ SKIPPY SENSE aodNONSENSE w«i.u.wp*T.oFr. ' SOM SBodV NVyST HAve t o e ' s I p o n 't S u PPOSS ]■ 1 The Installment Age *TuJO Coys FRoi^ YA ARe ORoPPeO TMOSfi Vdu F^LLCRS AR6 V6H, lue'-i Tu;o All the morning the teacher had TH6 s k y , so t COULO been trying to teach her very email T..TT.'S, r DON'T ' T.T.T.’S . UHAT T 0 U 6 H -'-X COACF TK6M uP To JOiW pupils the mysteries of simple ad­ a b o u t it T H e - : ' s u p p o s e TOIK6Y5 I dition. T h^ T€LL-TH€ -t r u t h One small boy seemed far behind CLUB 7 ■ ’T T I ' the others at grasping even the sim­ plest of ideas, and with him the •! . 1 li harrassed teacher spent-quite a lot i i' J 1,11 i; tlf« It inl|«nM 1 11 )•' 1, of time. MjljH Wi'iVii'liiii Iill! '>tll-lY:l “ Look here. Leonard!’’ she began j I > H j h; 11> ' 'Yi for the fifth time. “Let’s suppose K ' mttM ntfltitfyiib l your father saves $5 every week for ; %1,1 111 1 ii- four weeks. What will he. have at 1 J the end of that time?” | ■ 'I P iiilil Leonard had his answ-er ready. | I i “*■ unBiiui “A phonograph, a new suit, a j trtnfi!;; radio and new furniture for the | house,” he replied proudly. j

X Christmas Greetings i i i r .. C- May over you The Christmas star Keep loving watch where’er you are bt. And may this season find for you ) Percy L. Crosby, Great Britain rights reserved. The way to make your dreams come ^ ^ ( King Features Syndicate, Inc. true. one* OUR BOARDING HOUSR Mrs. JWP: “Jack is so crazy ] Some women keep a man at a r Pathetic Figures By Pontaihe Fos By Gene Ahern about radio I can hardly drag him distance by marrjing him. aw’ay from it. i Mrs. RTH: “ Excellent training for ------(----- ^ ^ a husband, my dear—listening.” “ I have never seen such dirty towels POOR KIP WHO HAP WORKEP ALL PAY OM A PO<3 HOUSE W tlA Tiv^l’M WgARiAis -^-- in my life, and I never can find any AiU’’ S A Y , ^ soap.” A N P H A P practically PERSUAPEP THE FOLKS TO LET HIM KEEP A FALSE FACES'^ WELL I ’m in an awful hurry but noth­ kulovd vaJi4o v o u SAY v w ing can stop me from wishing you “ You have a tongue in your head, X l ik e TMATf fJoul haven’t you?.” retorted the young THAT STRAY PUP, Mali AliOPT kJo ■r e a l l y r e a l l y a Merry Christmas. lady. ■ » ^AKi-r/ CLAUS’ ■REAL SAlJTY LISTE/Ut I WAfJT You “ Yes.” replied the traveler, “but •A traveler in the tropics came to KIPS ■To SCRAM AU’’ I ’m not a cat,” ALYlU"5/ UUCLE 'SAKE CLAUS PoUrT a charming little creek and, want­ q u it FOLLOUifUO ME ! ing a swim, asked a native: “Is it viooPLEJ '^ Y o U M(<3I^T HAYeTA, UlEAR safe here. Are there any sharks r ’ The piece the contributor brings TCOL UTY lE k ip s VJHIAT A TAUSe Pofce FOW aT “ None, I assure you.” i in and wants printed just as it is - “ J t^/Joul muci4 ■, BUT ■FACE ME SAMTA CLAUS The tourist undressed and went I written is usually the one which ,w\'< \ \F Y"SAY TWAT AEAfd into the water. Suddenly he become i needs the most editing. pmKV AlJ’' ME WAS USES t^lS afraid again and asked the strang­ ToLP ABOUT You { OUJM F A c E v to. SPA/UKTtT PACKIAiO er: “You are sure there are no The average cat shows more AU'' BESIPES, SAMTY ^ AJoT a OUT OF You f- sharks?” judgment than some people-----It ■f a l s e f a c e The other shook his head im- Is at least willing to.give some af­ CLAUS AlUY BOWLEOGEPJ . patiently: “ No, there are no sharks. fection in exchange for its food. LIKE VoURS * The crocodiles have driven them all 0 ^ /x>6' CA--R- 7?AM /= away.” • Whatever became of the old-fash- / i ioned firm letterhead that showed |i j V A man is that large irrational i cut of the factory with three stories creature who is always looking for i added and stretched out to look a Sk home atmosphere in a hotel and I mile long? hotel service around his house. Radio and golf have produced! Guide: ‘This, sir, is the Leaning . . .. - __ T'rYtT'nr rvf WiGa more monumental liars than any 1 Tower of Pisa.” ' American Tourist: “Pisa? Let me two other agencies. think. No, that doesn't sound like the name of the man who built fny A man staying at a hotel in a house, but it certainly looks like his 'small town went to the office and said to the young lady in charge: work.” The colored, talking, moving pic­ tures have everything except the midnight supper with the stars after the show.

Examiner: (To Scout taking Life Saving Merit Badge test): “How 0 2 much can you carry?” (22 Scout: “Two hundred pounds.” & Examiner: “ Suppose there was a man out on the water drowning and he weighed four hundred pounds. How could you save him?” Scout: “I ’d make two trips.’’ r ^ /2-6- A corset cover is something the girls wore over corsets when they wore th e m ...... In other words a nEa.u.s.MT. OFF. ei*29. ■>' Nn snvict. INC. ' >mi corset cover is something that used (•Pennine Fox, 1929 ' (B to be that now ain’t. Is that clear? By Crane Waiter; “Here is some very good VVASmNGTON TUBBS U Tough! canvas-back duck, sir.” Business Man (after some chew­ NN VIORP. MR. Tu b b s '. OOVOO tiOT ing): “Here, take the canvas back MR. 6MUJP iAAS VAlREP MS To DEFEMO VDU ^ AsW, To BE SURE, TO 8£ SURel » 0 BE U. S. PAT. OFF, KMOW TvAAT I AM TO BE TRUSTED WITH <3£E >N\Z! and bring in the duck.” AT MOUK TRIAL, SIR. PERWAP5 NOU WPsP 1 SEATEP. AS VOL) SAV, SlR> VT WAS MOT I SAiP MOUR s e c r e t ?. PERjAAPS f CAN SEE A not e\/em my BEST COME To MV OFFICE AUP PELATE OUS-fy PEAU'^ MURDER. AU ACCIDENTAU 1 tJEVER PONE \T WAN vNttEREBV VOU MAV PLEAP SELF 0\MN UAWNER. V^iAOVj NOO MUPOEREP TrtE PUKE VUUUMCr, LET US SAV. MOU iMTEWPEO OMLS TO . F R IG H T ^ IM AMV DEFENCE OR \NSAN\TV, o R , AT LEAST^ eruevES m e '.^ UlM. ^ PASBiON. REDUCE SOUR.CWARC»£ T o ------^ t l ' BUT 1 MANSLAUOrtTER.^ =>'ir AT*

m u r pe re p WlMl ^ s ’To n v A r


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By Blosser FRK( KLES AND HIS FRIENDS Willie Was Confident N


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DANCE "Mysterious India" will !?• subject of Mrs. Clarence H. Wick­ By ham's travel tsdk before Orford THE-HAPPY FOUR Parish Chapter, D. A. R. members Santa Glaus Will Socthelive Keeney St. Dance Hall set their regular monthly meeting SATURDAY, DEC. 7 tomorrow afternoon at the South Be in Toyland Tomorrow. Monkeys in Toyl^d [ WEIR’S ORCHESTRA Methodist church. Mrs. Wickham • J L

Professor Beebe, Prompter has traveled all over the'world and k. a a a a a amm w ^ m ^anta -will be in, Toyland tomorrow after­ IpiOlif7 Admission 50'c. made an extended tour of India. In DEPARTMENT STORE * SO. MAMCHESTE1^,CONN, Children! Visit; Toyland toraonpw and addition she will tell of the patri­ noon from 2 :30 to 4 o’clock. In the evening ^ ; ' ' " ' . ' ------otic educational work of the organ­ from 7 until 8 o’clopk. He will have a pres­ see the live monkeys play in; their cage. ization ot which she is state chair­ ent for good boys and girls. ' ASK FOR AND SAVE YOUR DUO-DOLLAR COUPONS. Older folks find them very amusipg, tod. ABOUT TOWN man.

Lloyd Schonhaar Is chairman of Mrs. Christine Shearer of Hil­ the committee from the Boy Scout liard street who has been confined troop council which is sponsoring to her bed with illness the past the benefit whist for the newly or­ week, is showing improvement. ganized Troop 9. The card party will be held Monday evening at the The regular monthly business meeting of the Manchester Green Manchester Community clubhouse. Thousands of Gifts Await• Your There v\'ill be the usual nunjJjer of Community club will take place prizes for the winners, with a so­ this evening at the school hall i cial time and- refreshments. It is promptly at 7:30 to allow time for hoped that a large number of card the card party at 8:15. players will attend. They will not only be aiding a worthy object but Enighet Lodge, No. 42, I. O. G. At Hale’s—The Friendly Christmas will be assured of a pleasant eve­ T. will hold a poverty social at ning. Orange hall tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. Refreshments and a so­ Give Humming Bird The usual bi-monthly W'hist will cial hour will follow the regular be held this evening at the Man­ meeting. All members are asked to chester Green school, under aus­ come garbed in their oldest clothes. pices of the Green Community :lub. First prizes for the man and Mrs. James H. McVeigh, presi­ Pure- Silk voman . making the highest score dent of the American Legion auxil­ rill be 82.50 gold pieces. There will iary, and Mrs. T. E. Brosnan, sec­ .)e four other prizes, two door retary, wiil go to New Haven to­ ■irizcs. refreshments and dancing. morrow for the presidents and sec­ retaries’ parley at the Hotel Taft. American Legion auxiliary mem­ bers will hold their regular busi- Mrs. Philip Magnuson, formerly “pair nc.ss meeting Monday evening at 8 Miss Ellen Lewis of Highland o'clock at the State Armory. A street, entei;tained the Petite Christmas party will follow and Bridge club of Highland Park at each member is reminded to pro­ her *iome on Broadview Terrace, Hartford, last evening. vide a ten cent novelty. The answer to "What Shall I The two German churches, Con­ Give?”—Humming Bird puce silk F. E. Bentley, chairman of the stocHings in a sheer chiffon or me­ Highland Park Community club's cordia Lutheran and Zion Lutheran, will be the guests ®f the Luther dium service weight. All pure silk house committee announces an old- from top-to-toe; square heels. We fashioned and modern dance there League of the Swedish Lutheran church at 8 o’clock tonight. The are shoi^ng the smartest Parisian tomorrow evening. Friends and for­ shades. mer members will be welcome. program will be presented by the Case’s orchestra will play and Os­ visitors and the social hour will be car Strong will announce the old- in charge of the executive commit­ tee, Sherwood Anderson, president. time numbers. Silk Negligees Hosiery—Main Floor, right iiiiiiiinum iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiim iiiiiiiiiKiii^ Silk Lingerie $4-98 to $25-00 will bring pleasure on Christmas A negligee—an intimate gift for the smart Give “Her” a Pair of ^ | r ONG*ponderlng upon what give a feminine friend^or woman. We are showing ostrich trimmed S r o m f ^ ^ o a ^ relative is foolish, when a gift of lingerie will satisfy models for feminine women. . . mannish styles I S iw p p in ^ = so thoroughly! Look to many ribbons and rosebuds to for sports girls... .comfy, quilted robes for Imported Kid Gloves suit the youthful; to delightful heavy texture to please more mature women. the more mature. Here is a great variety. pair Dainty Silk Always a charming way of saying "Merry I GIFTS I Christmas”. Fine quality, ImTOrted French kid gloves with embroidered cuffs. Stitched Crepe de Chine backs. Brown, gray, mode, tan and' black. I for cute little wee folks | • Underwear Gloves— Main Floor, right I Hosts of them—all | $ 2 .9 8 I attractively priced | We are featuring an unusual^ fine assortment of silk Gift Hand Bags lingerie at this price. Heavy crJpe de chine undies trim­ med with the new ecru lace, ne%t hemstitching and dain­ Baby Bunting.. 2.98 to 5.98 ty ruffles. White and pastel shades. You may choose Baby Dresses. . . 1.00 to 5.00 Gowns Slips Step-ins 3 pc. Knitted Sets 4.95 to 5.95 Dance Sets Bloomers Sweaters ..... 1.50 to 3.50 Panties Chemises Short Petticoats Silk Costume Slips 3 pc. Angora Sets 4.50 to 8.98 Silk Underwear, $1.98 $1.98 to Blankets...... 1.00 to 5.98 A smart hand bag is sure to Tailored and lace trimmed stepdns, slips, please, especially one of the new tap­ bloomers, chemises, dance sets and panties. What girl has too many costume estry and leather bags we are show­ Hand Woven Carriage slips? Choose either a tailored, em­ ing. The newest styles and color­ ings in back-strap and top-strap R obes...... 2.25 up j broidered or lace trimmed model in the new, snug-fitting style. White, flesh pouches as well as the nev/ zipper Hale’s Silk Lingerie Department— and peach. models. Rayon Drawers 75c and 1.00 Main Floor, rear y Rayon Combinations.. 1.48 Hand Bags—jMain Floor, front Crepe de Chine Slips .. 1.98 Hand Embroidered Pillow ...... 1.00 to 4.00 Christmas Blanket Specials! Baby Shoes ...... 1.00 to 2.50 Hale’! Carriage Boots 1.59 to 1.98 100 Percent Coat, Hat, Leggins ...... 9.50 to 19.50 Plaid Wool Blankets Dollar Gift Shop I Also an excellent collection of Toys.. Bas- I I sinetts, *Bathnfets, Cribs, High Chairs, I Is Now Open I Auto Seats, etc. ' |

= Second Floo* ^ S (Second Floor)

One of these all wool, double blankets will be appreciated for iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif I many years to come. We are offering one group of our high priced, 100 per cent wool blankets at this special price for tomorrow only. Hale’s Dollar Gift Shqp is Open! • We have epUedted Choice of stunning block plaids in rose, blue, green, gold, lavender, tan and gray. Sateen bound ends. Full bed size, 70x80 Inches. new and unusual gifts for personal and homo use Tomorrow only— 88.98' that you will delight in giving and receiving. You WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. will find great joy In shopping here for you will" not have to travel from one counter to another; and you have right before your eyes gifts Funeral Directors at a dollar that are suitable' for many‘bn ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS Part W ool your list. Make it a point to come in and CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. visit this shop soon.

Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 5171 It ‘K l Funeral Director Residence 7494 Solid -Golor Blankets

FOR SALE ^ SHOE REPAIRING The warmest, prettiest note in a bed ensemble Is a plain colored, SWEET CIDER-' ^ Ladies’. Flexible Soles and part wool blanket with sateen bound edges. Beautiful solid colors Rubber Heels a Specialty. in blue, green, gold, rose and lavender, Full bed size, 72x80 inches. SAM riTLYES . SchaUec Cider. Mill i 701 Main St., So. Mamoheiter Hale’s Blanket Department— Main Floor, left. 352’ Woodland St; ~ Tel, 6432