Wehman Bros. Song and Joke Book No. 3 [Microform]
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WW PUBLISHED BY WEHMAN BROS. f« 126 PARK ROW NOTE. "TWO THOUSAND PRIZE JOKES" is the title of book from cover of which the above illustration has NEW YORK been reproduced. A copy of this great book will be sent postpaid to any address for 15 cents, by sending your order direct to WEHMAN BROS., 126 Park Row,N.Y. .-..'".«. i : v''i : USEFUL AND FOR PLEASURE ENTERTAINING AND PROFIT. Any of the books mentioiied below will be sent, by mail, postpaid, on receipt of tlie price marked. Send money by Post-Office Money Order, Express Money Order or Registered Letter. Postage Stamps taken same as cash for amounts less than One Dollar. When sending silver by mail wrap same in a small piece 1 of paper to prevent tearing through the Envelope. Send all orders direct to ^ WEHMAN BROS., 126 PARK ROW, NEW YORK, N. Y. :M PRICE. JO EACH. PRICE. EACH. PRICE. 25 CENTS 2S CENTS CENTS EACH. ; Modem Etiquette for All Occasions. Golden Key to Business Life. 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Numlier 'i, ;i, 4, 5, and morous Readings. Confessi<ms of an Actress. By " One of Them." German at a Glance. French at a Glance. Hrudder Gardner's Stump Sj)e«'che8, Comic Price, 50 Cents. Le<rtures, and Negro Sermons. Spanisli at a (rlance. Itahun at a Olance. Chicago By Night; What to See and How to Secrets ; Elite Letter Writer for I.^ies and (Jentit nun. Book of 400 or, How to Make .$10 a Day Find It. Price, 50 Cent.s. Juno's witliout Capital. Madam Dream Book and Fortune- Teller. Natnre ; or. Men and Elxposed. Prof. Banm's ('omj>lete Instructor In All the Human Women Wilson's MfHlern Price, »1.00. Dan-jes. Society Dances of America. Bitter's BtK.k of MiK-k Trials. The four alM>ve books will be sent for $2.00. Real Secret Art and Philosophy of Wooing, PP~ Burdett's Patriotic Recitations and Readings. Winnmg and Wedding. Secrets of Clairvoyance and Mesmerism. Genteel Behavior, a Hand>)ook of Modern Eti- A Descriptive Catalogue of the above books Black Arts Witchcraft. quetce, for Ladies and Gentlemen. will be sent on receipt of a 2 cent ftanip. ADDRESS AIJi ORDERS orBRCT TO WEHMAN BROS.. 126 PARK ROW, :£i NEW YORK, N. Y/ ; ; . ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; CREOLE BELLE Dear Little Cenevie'^e Copyright. 1901, by The Whitney Warner Pub. Co., Detroit, Mich. Copyright, 1900, by The Lampe Music Co. Words and Music by Harold Z. Frankensteen. Transferred 1901 to The Whitney Warner Pub. Co., Detroit, Mich. Words by (Jeorge Sidney. Music by J. Bodewalt Lampe. Where waters flow so peacefully, where shady nooks abotuid. Where singing birds and perfumed flowers, and natures art is fotmdl« • All coons are prancin' singin' and dancin' go wild with glee, In the heart of all this sunshine, so pretty to conceive. ';,. as be, fill heart with ecstacy ... I'm as happy happy can my ; Dwells the sweetest of the flowers, little Ghjnevieve. .- ;;-''* :'v- < All over the nation, a celebration surely will be, V.; ,- I'se gion' to be, to my Creole Belle. Reprain. f 'Cause married I would never leave, tell you do believe; CaoRrs. Dear little Genevieve, you me I'll love you, will you my heart relieve, for you know I would grieve, ' My Creole Belle, I love her well, around my heart she has cast a .spell If me you would deceive, dear little Genevieve. Wnen stars do shine, 1 call her mine, my dusky baby, my Creole Belle. No sunshine brighter than her smile, no stars her eyes outshine, %> See them rehearsin', for this rejoicin', that's going to be. Her tender heart and modest ways, make her appear devine the weddin' 'tween baby and me, oh, my what a jamboree - At A lady to the manor born, she never would deceive, ..... r . -v ••'"•'' presentations, is to be • ' Congratulations and made. Fairy queen of hauty mien is little Genevieve. - Wine, beer and lemonade, at this weddin' will be.