X . NET PRESS.RUN AVERAGE DAILY C3IRCULATION for the Month of November, 1989 5,488 Members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (Classified Advertising on Page 18) VOL. XLIV., NO. 57. VARE DENIED SEAT IN SENATE CHENEY NAM Q) Rescue Five Seamen NEW REVOLT VARE IS EXCLUDED. FOR NATIONAL From Sinking Vessel IN MEXICO FROM THE SENATE SEKNEAR 0 __(AP)—Thc^sea made it impossible to hoist it TRMCUNIC New York, Dec. back aboard ship.. BY VOTE OF 58-22 rescue of five seaman from a dis­ The message, dated 9:30 a. m. abled schooner in a heavy sea was Eastern Standard Time, said the reported in a message received to­ Baltic came upon the schooner Defeated Candidate at Elec­ President of Local Mills to Northern Light, in a sinking condi­ By Another Vote of 66 to day at the offices of the White Star tion and dangerous to navigation, ir. tions Calls on Friends to YOUNG FORD’S SHIP Line here from J. Kearney, master 45.54 North Latitude and 42.32 West Help D iapose and Cor­ of the liner Baltic, which is. due in Longitude. 15, His Democratic Op­ New York Monday from Liverpoo:. The sailor who was lost was' Rex Arm Selves on His Re- GOES ON THE ROCKS A rect the Ills of American One member of the schooner;^? Parson. The schooner, owned by Job Brothers, of St. John, N. B., was ponent, William H. Wil­ crew, a youth of 20, was drowned, tani from This Coontry. Business— ^Hoover’ s Plan and the Baltic's lifeboat was ca.st enroute from St. John to Bonavista adrift, supposedly because the heavy Bay. Crew Taken Off by Coast son is Also Barred; Vote San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 6.— (AP) One of Manchester’s industrial —A “ manifesto” calling upon his LINDBERGHS TO HAVE His dramatic plea for a seat in the United States Senate was finished, Guard— May Try to Re­ Ends Three Year Old leaders was importantly recognized and here you see the ailing Senator-elect William S. Vare for Peimsyl- A HOME AT LAST supporters who voted for him to at the beginning of the great in­ arm themselves in preparation for vania as he left the capitol in Washington vdth his wife and daughter, MERGER OF ROADS Mrs. William Vare Kipp. A few minutes before he had stood in the Senatorial Controversy; dustrial conference meeting at his return to Mexico, has been issued float Yacht Today. New York, Dec. 6.— (AP)— by Jose Vascancelos, defeated Antl- chamber of the upper house and read a prepared address defying the Washington today under the aus­ The Lindberghs are at last to Reelectionist candidate fOr the Senate to exclued him and challenging anyone .to produce evidence of pices of the United States Chamber OPPOSED BY TODD fraud or conspiracj^ in his election three years ago. Pennsylvania Governor to have a home. Mftcican presidency, according to a New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 6: -- of Commerce as a reflex of Presi­ Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. statement today by Dr. Francisco dent Hoover's policy of bu^ness Lindbergh have leased an apart­ Del Rio Canero, former secretary (AP)—The steam yacht Siafia, own­ Appoint New Senator. stimulation. One of the first things ment on East 57th street, ip the to Vasconcelos. ed by Edsel Ford went aground near Head of Bangor & Aroo­ exclusive and high-priced Sut­ Vasconcelos, Canedo said, is en- Hen and Chickens light, off Niw ton place district, owners of the i route to Los Angeles for a confer­ Washington, Dec. .— (AP)—Ex­ GEN. BULLARD SUFFERS Bedford Harbor last night. 6 building announced today. ence and will arrive in San Antonio cluding Senator-Elect William S. Seventeen members of the crew, stook Co. Says It Would It is a five-room apartment, in within ten days. Vare, of Pennsylvania, from mem­ a studio apartment building just Dr. Canedo, who lives in San one pf whom was reported to have bership, the Senate today left the compled. Antonio, returned here Thursday SEVERE HEART ATTACK been injured were taken off shortly Not Help Shippers. night from Nogales, bringing copies seat vacant by then refusing to de­ of the manifesto. He said- that Vas­ after seven a. m. by Coast Guard clare his Democratic opponent in concelos is in the United States “for patrol boat 287, Woods Hole Base, in the 1926 election, William B. ^ Wil­ New Britain, Conn., Dec. 6 — self preservation against the ‘gov­ charge of Chief Gunner’s Mate Gor­ son, elected. ernment assassins,’ ” and that the Commanded Third American BANDITS MURDER (AP)—Consolidation of tbe New SCHACHT BLAMES » don Disbury, according to* a radio The vote to exclude Vare was 53 England railroads into a regional leader will return to Mexico as soon to 22. as his people have had ait oppor­ Army Corps at Second report received at the base. The vote on the Norris resolution group would be better than tieups tunity to organize for armed op­ BANK MESSENGER Distress Rockets. to exclude Vare was opposed only of individual roads with trunk lines ALL ON POLITICS position to the government. Distress rockets sent up from the by Republicans. outside the section, in the opinion of Battle of the* Marne in Sialia were sighted early this morn­ On the other hand, 25 Republi­ ing by the steamer George W elling­ cans, 32 Democrats and one Farmer President Percy Todd of the Bangor ton of the New Yofk-Boston Line. and Aroostook, but consolidation of Labor voted to bar him. German Financier Says Poli­ th(? World War. Shot Him in Busy Street and The steamer sent a radio message to Long Dispute Ended. any kind would offer disadvantages. STATE UCENSES the Naval Radio station at Chat­ Two,roll calls in quick succession, President Todd, President J. J. Escape With Bag Con­ ham, which relayed it to Woods ended the three year old Senatorial > Pelley of the New York, New ticians Spoil Work of the New YorJc, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Major Hole. controversy which has cost the gov- Haven and Hartford, and Vice Pres­ FOR 3 5 DOCTORS General Robert Lee Bullard, retired, Coast Guard headquarters at Bos­ efnment almost $200,OOO- to investi­ ident N. W. Hawkes of the Boston suffered a heart attack in his apart­ taining $34,000, ton have been asked to send a 125 gate. and Maine addressed a dinner of Economists. ment today and is in a critical con­ foot cutter down to pull the yacht First the Senate doors were fin­ the New Britain Traffic Association dition. off the ledge on which it is ground­ ally and definitely barred to Vare, here last night. General Bullard has been ill with ed. The 17 men were to be brought veteran Philadelphia Republican con . 1 Medical Examining Board heart diseasq for three weeks, his Philadelphia, Dec. 6.— (AP)— Charles Cheney In his discussion of Berlin, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Dr. Hjal- to this port. leader, on account of his expenditure solidation President Todd said physician said, but his condition did Cameron (Jook, a messenger for the of more than $785,000, and charges it mar Schact, president of the Reichs- The Sialia, according to informa­ done at the conference, which is be­ that in certain ways Announces the Names of not become critical until after the Bank of Philadelphia and Trust tion received by the Coast Guard, of fraud in his race for the Repub­ would be undesirable to either bank, believes European “politicians ing attended by nearly a thousand attack. He is now too seriously ill company was shot to death today was bound from the shipyards at lican Senatorial nomination in 1926. of the country’s manufacturing and the roads or the public. "I doubt are trying to spoil what economists to be moved to a hospital the doc­ Then the-Senate adopted a resolu­ very much whether the anticipated by three men who seized Ms bank Neponset near Boston to New York. business notables, was the selection carefully constructed,” and that the Successful Applicants, tor said. There was no. member of the Ford tion declaring that Wilson, his foe of a committee of forty to confer economies from consolidation will General Bullard, who, as com­ bag containing, it was estimated, in the 1926 general election, had nations concerned should get back family aboard. with the chairman of the Board of materialize,” he said. “The revision mander of the Third American $34,000 in cash and checks. The failed to receive a plurality of the of pay-rolls particularly would have j to the Young plan as a basis for cur- Directors of the United States Army Corps at the Second Battle of bandits escaped. legally cast votes for the seat. Chamber of Commerce, Julius to be upward.” rent financial arrangements Hartford, Dec. 6.—(AP)—Tbirt3r- the Marne in July, 1918, wrote the NEW YACHT. The vote against Wilson was 68 No Aid. To Shippers Cook, who was about 50 years Detroit, Dec. 6.— (AP)—Edsel Barnes, on the choice of a perman­ j In a formal protest issued over his five physicians have been ^proved famous message, “ we are going to to 15. ent committee to survey business Turning to the shipper’s view­ counter-attack:’, is 68 years old. He old, had stepped out of a branch Ford’s y*cht, the Sialia, which went The Roll Call point, he declared, “I doubt glso I signature, the Reichsbank head, who for state license by the Connecticut postoffice at 17 th and French aground last night off New Bed­ progress.
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