Generalassembly Di Slr

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Generalassembly Di Slr JNITED 'lATloNs GeneralAssembly Di slr . GM{ENAL A/ 42/'t s7 17 November 19 87 ORIGINAL: E}{GLISH Forty-second segsion Agenda iten 69 RXLATIONSHIP BEI\^IEEN DISARMAIENT AND DEVETOPMENT Reoort of the First Comnitlee Rapporteur: Mr. Kazinierz TOMASZEWSKI (Poland) I. INTRODUCT I ON 1. The iten entitled ,,Relati.onship between Disarnanent and Development: report of the Internationai Conference on the Retationship betl'reen Disarnament and Development" was included in the provisional agenda of the forty-second session in accordance \,rt th General Assembly decislon 4l,/ 422 of 4 Decenber 1986' 2. At its 3rd plenary meeting, on 18 Septernber 1987' the General Asserd)lyr on Lhe reconrnendalion of the General colTwritteer decided to include the item in its agenda and to aflocate it to the First Connittee. 3. At its 2nd meeting, on 1 october. the First Comnittee decided to hoLd a {rcner^'t ,tabatc on the d'isarnanent itens aLlocated to it. nanely, items 48 lo 69. the folLol^red by sLatements on specific disarmanent agenda itqns and continuation of generaL debate, u= t"a"""u.y. The deli.berations on those items took place bet!''een the 3rd and the 3lst meetingsr frorn 12 October to 3 November lsee MC'L/42/PV'3-31)' 4. In connection wlth item 69, lhe First Comnittee had before it the folLowlng docume nts : (a) Letter dated 14 APril 1987 fron the Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Republics to the United Nations addressed to the secr e tary-ce net aI (A/ 42/228-SlL8811) t a7 -29'7 gr 0560P (E) A/ 42 /157 English Page 2 {b) Note ver}laLe dated 16 June 1987 fron the permanent Mission of Mozanbique to the United Nations addressed ta the Secre!ary-CenerdI, transmitting Lhe text of the final con[nuniqu6 of the VII Sumlit Conference of the Heads of State of AngoLa, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, l"loz amtl ique and Sao Torue and principe. held at Maputo on 22 r4ay 1987 @/ a2/352-s/L9930l i (c) Letter daled L2 June L987 from the Permanent Representative of the cerman Denocracic Republic to the United Nations addrpssed Lo the Secretdry-General, transmitting the document on efimination af und erd eve lopme nt and lhe establishment of a new inlernational econonic order adopted at lhe session of the Political Consultative Con]Inittee of the States parties to the Warsaw Treaty, he lal af BerLin on 2B and 29 May 1987 (A/ 42/35 4-E/ 1987 /LAct) i {d) Letter dated l5 July 19Bi f rorq Ehe permanenr RepresentaLLve ot [,laf aysia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-ceneral, transmitting the texl of the finaL statenent of the flfth session of the InterAction Council, held at Kuala Lurnpur fror Lq Lo 2l April 1981 tA/42/407)i {e) tetter dated 6 JuLy L9B7 fron the Permanent Representative of Zinrbabwe to toe United NaLions addressed Lo the Secrerary-ceneral, trdnsmitting the text oI the pyongyang Declaration and plan of Action on Scuth-South Co-operation, adopted by ihe Extraordinary Minislerial Conference of Non-ALigned Countries on South-South Co'operation. held at pyongyang, Denocratic people's Republic of Korea. frorn 9 to 13 June 1987 {P,/ 42/ 4L!} i {f) tetter daled 23 JuIy 1987 frorn the permanent Representative of the Union .f s.'uiaf s,r.i,al iqt Ranriblics to the United Natlons addressed to the Secre tary-cene( aI lA/42/4L8-S,r18994) ; (S) I-etter dated 13 August 198? fron the Pernanent Representative of Thail"and to the UniEed Narions addressed Eo the Secretary-Genera l. transmittinq the text of excerpts frorn the Joint Coiru'ouniqu6 of the Twentieth ASEAN Minlsterial Meeting, held in singapore on l5 and 16 June I9B'7 tA/42/47'/ -sl19048); (h) Letler dated g October 1987 f ror0 the pernanent Repr e ive s of Argentina, Greece, India, Mexico. S\,ieden and the United Republic of Tanzania to the JIlited Nations addressed to the SecreLary-General. transmittinq the text of the joint statement issued on 7 October L9B'1 by the President of Argentina, the Prime Minister of Greece, the Prime l"linister of India, the president of Mexico, the prime Mlnister of Sweden and lhe First President of the United Republic of Tanzania lA/ 42/652-s/1920I) i (i) Letter dated 19 October L987 from the permanent Representative of Canada io f,he Un.iced NaLions adCressed to the Secretary-ceneraL, transmitting the Vancouver DecLaration on World Trade, the Okanagait Statenent on Southern Africa and FrogramTre of Action. and the cc,nmuniqu6 of the Meeting of the ComrnonweaLth Heads of Gcvernment, held at Vanccuver: fram 13 to 17 October \g\j @/42/611) J (j) Letter dated 23 October 1987 from the Permanent Representative of z-Lmbabwe Lo the United NdLio"]s addressed to Ehe Secrerary-GeneraL, transm-itting a A/ 4 2 /'157 Engli sh Page 3 copy of the final communiqu6 of the l"leeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Heads of Delegation of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries to the forty-second session of the General Assenbly, heLd in New York from 5 to 7 october 1987 (A/a2/68L), (k) Letter dated 2 November L987 from the Permanent Representative of Czechoslovakia to the united Nations addressed Lo the Secretary-General, transnitting the comnuniqu6 and the docunent entitled "Towards IncreaEing the EffecLiveness of the Conference on Di,sarmament in Geneva" issued at the session of the committee of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the states menbers of Lhe I,larsair Treaty, held at Prague on 28 and 29 October LgB'l lA/42/708 and Corr.L) i (1) Letter dated 5 November l9B7 fron the Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist RepubLics to the United Nations addressed to the Secr etar y-Gen er aI (A/ 42/'71.5-s/I92521 . II. CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT RESOLUTICN A/C.L/42/L.74 5. On 27 October 1987, Cameroon, Canada. Cuba. France. lhe German Dernocratrc RepubLic. India. lndonesia, Nigeria, Norway, Venezuela and Yugoslavia submitted a draft resolution, entitled "Relationship between Disarnament and Developnent" (A/C.\/42/L.74), v/hlch \.ras later aLso sponsored by Austral.ia, Bolivia. the Congo, Greece, New Zealand, Romani"a and Rwanda. The draft resolution was introduced by the representative of India at the 32nd neeting. on 4 November. 6 rn fhie i^r t\a se,-rpF:rv-Cp-rarFl qrlbmitted on the ^^nna.t a statenent progranne budget implicalions of the draft resoLution (A/c.1/42/L.83). 7. At. its 44th meet.inq, on 16 November, Lhe Comrnittee adopled draft resolution A/C.L/42/1,.'74 without a vote (see para. B). TIi. RECOMMENDATION OF THB ITIRST COMMITTEE 8. The First conunittee recomnends to the General Assernblv the adoption of the following draft r esolution r Relationship between disarmament and developnent The ceneral Assenbly, Recallinq its resol.utions 38/7I B of L5 Decenber t9B3r 39/160 of fZ n""*mnl?-Td8 4 and 40/155 of 16 Decenber 1985f iLs decision 40/4'13 of. 20 June 1986 and its decision 4L/422 of 4 Decenber 1986. A/ 42 /15'l Engl l sh Page 4 Recalling the provisions of the Final Docunent ot the Tenth SpeciaL Session of the GeneraL AssembLy, 1/ the first special session devoted to disarnanent. related to the relationship betvreen disarmament and development. Stressing that the holding of the International Conference on lhe Relationship betlieen Disarmament and Development in New York fron 24 Augusl to 11 September 1987 constituted a significant developrent in the proc-'ss of the muLti Lateral review, at a poLitical Leve L, of the relaEionship between disarmament and deveLopment, t. l'lelcomes the adoption of the Final Docurnent of the International Conference on the ReLationship between Disarmament and Developmenti 2,/ 2. Decides to have the report of the Conference brought to the attention of the Preparatory Con'nittee for the Third Special Session of the General Asselrbly DevoteC co Disarmament i 3. Requests tl'lat Cominittee to include in the agenda of the third special session of thc Ceneral Assembly devoted to disarnament an 1l--m enti',1ed "Relationship betneen Cisarmament and develoFnent. in the liqht of the action prografiTne adopted at the Tnternational Conference"i 3/ 4. Requests the Secretary-General Lo take action through the appropridLe organs, wirhin avai labie rescrrces, for the inplen'entation of the OU L IUII PLUYI - . dUUl./LTUAd..l6,l nr fha rnfarni.ional Conference. L/ Resolut ion S-L} /2, 2/ A/CONF. 13 0/3 9 . 1/ Ibid.. para. 35,.
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