FIIA REPORT 52 The North Korean Conundrum International Responses and Future Challenges Elina Sinkkonen (ed.) FIIA REPORT 52 The North Korean Conundrum International responses and future challenges The North Korean Conundrum International responses and future challenges Elina Sinkkonen (ed.) ULKOPOLIITTINEN INSTITUUTTI UTRIKESPOLITISKA INSTITUTET THE FINNISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS FIIA rePort 52 Reports can be ordered from the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. +358 9 432 7707
[email protected] All FIIA reports and other publications are also available on our website at Language editing: Lynn Nikkanen Graphic design: Nordenswan & Siirilä Oy / Tuomas Kortteinen Layout: Kaarina Tammisto Printed by Grano Oy, 2017 The Finnish Institute of International Affairs Ulkopoliittinen instituutti PL 400 00161 Helsinki Finland ISBN 978-951-769-542-8 (print) ISBN 978-951-769-543-5 (web) ISSN 2323-5454 The Finnish Institute of International Affairs is an independent research institute that produces high-level research to support political decision-making and public debate both nationally and internationally. All manuscripts are reviewed by at least two other experts in the field to ensure the high quality of the publications. In addition, publications undergo professional language checking and editing. The responsibility for the views expressed ultimately rests with the authors. Table of contents AckNowLedgemeNtS 9 LISt oF ABBrevIAtIons 10 INtroductIoN 13 1 OvervIew oF the North koreA ISSue 23 Elina Sinkkonen