

OPEN FORUM 1 Old Coastguard Cottages – representations were made by a neighbouring home owner in objection to the proposals under 2483/18/FUL & 2484/18/LBC. Copies of correspondence with the Georgian Society and to the applicant had been circulated to the Parish Council before the meeting. It was suggested that District Council should be noting the views of Newton & Noss Parish Council despite the property being in Wembury Parish. Reference was made to recent planning appeals mentioning the “valued landscape.” The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) referred to such landscapes being protected. The property was a very early Georgian coastguard station and boathouse - a listed historic asset in a largely unspoilt historic landscape. Under the NPPF any harm to such an asset would require justification. Access remained via the beach and steps for most of the day. The deck would only be capable of being accessed at high spring tides of 5.4 metres for a couple of hours - on 8 occasions this year. It could not be accessed at neap tides. Reference was made for use as dinghy storage. The outhaul was not fit for purpose. There was no justification for the planning proposals. and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report February 2019 - PCSO Andrew Potter gave apologies for the Council meeting and had sent the following written report: Newton Ferrers 2nd common assault CR/019226/19 6th nuisance telephone calls CR/020306/19 16th common assault CR/023536/19 28th common assault CR/019226/19 Noss Mayo 1st offensive communication [text messages] CR/018591/19

50/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Blackler, Cllr. Green, Mr. Tubb, Mr. Parry - Smith and Mr. Hussell.

51/19 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. None were declared

52/19 DISPENSATION REQUESTS – none was declared.

53/19 MINUTES - the minutes of the March14 Parish Council Meeting were approved as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign.

54/19 VARIATION OF AGENDA – RESOLVED: quotes relating to maintenance, clerk’s employment and pre- planning/planning enforcement should be considered in committee. (Vote; unanimous.)

55/19 DISTRICT COUNCIL(SHDC) 55.1 Councillor reports i) Cllr. Blackler - had sent apologies and the following written report: “PCs and SHDC are working together to try and keep toilets open. Residents are reminded to recycle clean items if not they may not be reused. The JLP has been adopted. Working with CC we got funding for £3m for broadband infrastructure to include GP surgeries, hospitals and public buildings such as Council offices. The £60m we are able to borrow will enable a new build development in , office development on a brown field site in , £8.5m for community housing. The waste procurement contract with FCC has been signed. Finally we are able to acquire 10 acres of commercial land in . Sadly this is my last report as you district councillor having completed 12 years, firstly for and , latterly since the boundary changes for the larger 2 - member ward with Keith Baldry. Unfortunately over the last year or so not being able to attend some evening meetings as not able to drive at night. Hopefully I have been able to carry out my duties for the benefit of all the communities. I still have work to do over the next few weeks.” ii) Cllr. Baldry reported:


Parish Council – he had been District Councillor for the parish for the last four years. He wished to congratulate those who were not standing, Cllr. Green, the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Mr. Hussell and Mr. Rogers. He had enjoyed working with them and they would be greatly missed by the parish. Waste procurement contract – the new service had been introduced from April 1. There had been some teething problems with five complaints from the parish of non - collection four of which had been from . Special collections had been arranged. He hoped this would improve. Directors – one of the SHDC directors, Ms. Helen Dobby, with responsibility for WC s / cleansing/ refuse service privatisation, was leaving at the end of the month. Together with Cllr. Gilbert, who would not be standing in the District Council elections, these were the two people with responsibility for major changes who would no longer be involved in SHDC service provision. Planning enforcement - he had attended a meeting with planning enforcement and pressed them to get on with one particular matter in Newton Ferrers. Assets of Community Value (ACV) - he had been in contact with Mr. Sekula at SHDC who had been dealing with the application. The owner had been contacted who objected and had advised that The Dolphin Inn was to re-open. The owner had made reference to the availability of the Yealm Yacht Club (the council meeting noting that this was not open to non-members), The Swan and The Ship (members commented that both were not easily accessible from Newton Ferrers.) Cllr. Baldry accepted that a public house did not need to be closed down to be listed as an ACV. Reference was made to the Cornwood Inn. The Dolphin Inn was an eating and meeting place - a community asset. Cllr. Baldry supported the application to list. It would offer a moratorium to enable the community to fund raise. Mr. Sekula had advised that simply being a public house did not mean it had to be listed. The application to list had been at a time when it was thought the public house was to be closed. Mr. Sekula suggested there had been little communication between the parish council and the owners. If there had been, the application may not have been listed. He could not support the application in respect of The Dolphin Inn. The Chairman advised that Mr. Sekula had been asked for an update but it had not been received by the time of the meeting. His response to the parish council was awaited and would be considered. 55.2 Public Toilets – Cllr. Baldry was advised that a response from SHDC was still awaited regarding clarification of the information SHDC had used to base their decision to close the toilets in Newton Ferrers. Cllr. Baldry advised he would press Mrs. Aubertin for a response. Cllr. Baldry suggested that there would be a new District Council in place from May 2 with a new leader and new executive members. He suggested that the matter should be revisited after the elections.

56/19 COUNTY COUNCIL Cllr. Hosking had not yet arrived. RESOLVED: To put County Council matters back on the agenda until Cllr. Hosking arrived. (Vote; unanimous.)

57/19 PLANNING 57.1 Community Land Trust – Ms. Adams advised that a public meeting would be held in the WI Hall on May 21. The land proposed to be used would be unveiled. An enabler was helping the CLT to apply for funds from Homes for surveys and legal costs. Planning decisions 57.1 Riverside House Riverside Road West 0440/19/NMM - non-material amendment of householder consent 1994/18/HHO for addition of window. SHDC: Granted. 57.2 The Mooring Newton Hill 0647/19/ARC - application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 5 of planning consent 1543/18/HHO.SHDC: Granted. 57.3 Briar Hill Farm Court Road 3962/18/ARC - application for approval of details reserved by condition 7 of planning consent 1581/18/VAR. SHDC; Granted. 57.4 Grey Tiles 3 Church Park Road 4163/18/HHO - Householder application for rear extension for bedroom, bathroom and en suite and enclosure of front porch. SHDC: Granted. 57.5 17 Yealm Road 0194/19/HHO - householder application for erection of a powder coated aluminium glasshouse with cold frame to one end, sited on a dwarf brick wall in keeping with existing brick work within the property. SHDC: Granted. 57.6 8-12 & 14-17 Peters Field 0195/19/VAR - variation of condition 3 of planning consent 37/1714/15/F (Proposed housing development comprising 16 dwellings and associated access road, car park and landscaping) for slate roofs to numbers 8-12 and 14-17 fixed with hooks rather than nails. SHDC: Refused. 57.7 6 Butts Park 0200/19/HHO - householder application for proposed extension and alterations to dwelling to create first floor bathroom. SHDC: Granted. 57.8 92 Court Road 0396/19/OPA - outline application (with all matters reserved) for erection of detached dwelling with associated parking and landscaping. SHDC: Granted. 57.9 Beacon Hill Crest Beacon Hill 0506/19/AGR - application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development - proposed barn extension. SHDC: Permitted Development. 57.10 Waters Edge Bridgend 3302/17/FUL - READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received.) Application for replacement of Waters Edge with new dwelling (onsite of existing outbuilding), refurbishment of Hillside Cottage. SHDC: Refused. 2/11April2019………………………………………………………..Chairman

Appeal decisions – no appeal decisions were considered. Planning applications received including; 57.11 Even Keel, Pillory Hill - Request for a TPO - Ref: 1045535.South Hams District Council Parish of Newton & Noss No. 976 Tree Preservation Order 2019.Serving of New Order. DECISION: Support the confirmation as served. (Vote; unanimous.) 57.12 1 Old Coastguard Cottages Wembury 2483/18/FUL and 2484/18/LBC - READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans.) Listed Building Consent for construction of a new quay to improve access (resubmission of 3078/17/FUL.) DECISION: Objection. There was no alteration to the readvertisement which changed the reasons of Newton & Noss Parish Council for objecting on 13 September 2018 ie : 1 . The adverse visual impact on the waterfront – Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan Policy N3P-2. 2 . The adverse effect on an important Listed Building and heritage site – Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan Policy N3P- 8. 3 . The proposed development provided for a deck rather than a quay. 4 . The Parish Council supported the objections and concerns raised, particularly those from the Georgian Group dated 5 March that the application was in breach of National Planning Policy Framework para 194 The Parish Council would add: This location was highly visible to walkers on the Wembury and Noss Mayo sections of the coastal path, to the busiest section of the (i.e. the Pool) and Yealm Road, Newton Ferrers. This benefited far more people than a sole occupier with seasonal holiday lettings. The Parish Council would support the Georgian Group in requesting a structural survey to assess the damage in proposing to dig up the Victorian cobbing. (Vote; unanimous.) 57.13 Land variously to the South of Stoke Road. Request for a TPO - Ref: 1070393. South Hams District Council Parish of Newton & Noss No. 981 Tree Preservation Order 2019.Serving of New Order. DECISION: support confirmation as served. (Vote; unanimous.) 57.14 Tamarinda 11 Yealm View Road 3041/18/HHO - householder application for new boathouse. (Resubmission of 4421/17/HHO.) The Council considered the queries raised with the planning officer by the River Yealm District Association regarding tree works which had taken place in advance of the planning application being determined. There were no Tree Preservation Orders on the trees on the site. It was agreed to contact the planning officer to see whether it was in order for the trees to be felled in advance of the planning decision having been made. Appeals 57.15 Land at Sx55294781, Stoke Road, APP/K1128/W/19/3223484 - erection of a dwelling with associated access and landscaping. DECISION: to write to the Planning Inspectorate to draw their attention the Parish Council's objections to the application reference 3255/18/FUL and the Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan approved at referendum last year. 57.16 Development Management Committee – no matters relevant to the parish. 57.17 Wembury Parish Council – an invitation had been extended by Wembury Parish Council to a meeting with South Hams District Council to discuss planning issues. A date was awaited. 57.18 Tree Officer meeting – members were reminded of the meeting with the Tree Officer on April 30. Mr. Carter had offered to take the SHDC Tree Officer on the river to view the parish from the water. The clerk and Mr. Rogers would also be attending.

58/19 ADMINISTRATION 58.1 Events i) Noss Green - permission had been sought to hold the St. Peter’s Church Fete on Noss Green August 26. The risk assessment and public liability insurance confirmation for the bouncy castle was due to be provided in August. RESOLVED: to agree to the application made by St. Peter’s Revelstoke Parochial Church Council to hold St. Peter’s Church Fete on Noss Green on August 26. (Vote; unanimous.) 58.2 i) The Green/Big Slip Quay land registration – the completed Statement of Truth to support application to register ownership of Newton Ferrers Green outside the WI Hall had been sent to Curtis Whiteford Crocker. ii) Noss Fountain – Wolferstans Solicitors had suggested there was doubt whether the land could be protected as a Village Green unless it could be shown that it was used by the village for sports or pastimes. The alternative was a caution against the registration. Members were reminded that English Heritage had turned down the application to list. Members suggested other activities undertaken at Noss Fountain to support registration as a village green. Wolferstans would be advised. iii) Gigaclear wayleave agreements – Wolferstans had not heard anything further since Gigaclear’s email of 15 March noting that they were still contemplating whether the wayleave was required or not. The solicitor had chased for an update. iv) The Green - triangle. The transfer was still pending at the Land Registry. Wolferstans would send copies of the title documents once received. 58.3 Parish Council elections – the Parish Council election had been uncontested with eight councillors having been elected. It was agreed to advertise the four vacancies to be filled by co-option as soon as possible given the next Parish Council meeting would not be taking place until May 16. The deadline for applications would be set at June 12


with the new council to consider any applications at June 13 Parish Council meeting. Mr Rogers advised of that he wished to apply to fill one of the vacancies. 58.4 Emergency Plan – was under review by Mr. Carter. 58.5 End of Year Accounts 2018/2019 - i) Cashbook accounts - the reconciled accounts had been circulated prior to the meeting having been inspected by Mr. Parry-Smith and Mr. Carter. RESOLVED: The Council received and approved the cashbook accounts for year ending 31 March 2019 following the financial year end review by the accounts inspection working group and subject to the internal audit. (Vote; unanimous.) ii) End of year budget comparison - had been circulated prior to the meeting. No matters were raised. iii) Internal/external audit arrangements – the internal auditor, Mr. Vassallo was coming on 15 April to undertake the internal audit and to collect the financial documents. It was anticipated that the internal audit would be completed by the Annual Parish Council meeting May 16. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2018/19 needed to be submitted to the external auditors PKF Littlejohn LLP by 1 July 2019. The statutory common period for the exercise of public rights was Monday 1 July - Friday 12 July 2019. The clerk hoped to display the notice for the exercise of public rights Monday 17 June - Friday 26 July 2019.The statutory deadline by which the AGAR Part 3 and signed external auditor report must be published was Monday 30 September 2019.

59/19 CORRESPONDENCE 59.1 Dementia Friendly Parishes - Mrs. Hirst had sent apologies and a report for April. Their next meeting was being held at the Parish Reading Rooms Friday April 12. Council members were very welcome to attend. Earlier that morning they would be holding a Development Morning for project members where they would look at ways to continue to improve their service through discussion and shared information. Later in the afternoon there would be afternoon tea at Kitley House Hotel at 3pm. On this occasion they would offer the opportunity to gain feedback on anything arising from their Development Morning with those attending that either had dementia or lived with someone with the condition. Last October Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm had been successful in its application to the Big Lottery for an ‘Awards for All’ grant to fund the post of Support Worker for the project. In February Judy Milam joined as Project Support Worker. Details of the monthly activities were given. Judy would be attending all the activities listed ensuring that volunteers were supported along with people with dementia and their carers. To know more about Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm or if they could help contact Maxine on Tel: 07450206312. 59.2 Grant applications – no applications received. 59.3 The Community Right to Bid (Assets of Community Value ACV) – Cllr. Baldry had provided an update earlier in the meeting advising of the likely view to be taken by SHDC. The Chairman suggested that the matter should be pursued once the formal decision had been received from SHDC. 59.4 Care home - a parishioner had written to the Parish Council to advise that a meeting was to take place Tuesday April 9 with other interested residents in the parish to address the concerns from seniors and care workers in Newton & Noss regarding the loss of Rosemont Residential Home and the need for a new retirement/care home locally. The aim of the meeting was to see if a plan could be developed to find land and a developer to create a new care home with supporting services and surrounded by a small retirement village at Collaton if a site could not be found in Newton & Noss (in the form of a community land trust.) No members of the Parish Council had been available to attend but the parishioner had been asked to keep the Parish Council updated.

60/19 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS – cheque payments were checked by the Vice Chairman authorised and signed in accordance with the schedule prepared by the clerk and listed in Minute 61/19. A refund to a parishioner for outhaul fees for Big Slip was authorised. It had been ascertained that the River Yealm Harbour Authority had already allocated the vacant outhaul to another parishioner.

61/19 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS Balance in Unity Trust Deposit account balance 31/03/19 £25,113.22 Santander Current Account balance at 28/02/19 £45,504.99. The balance includes: Monies held in respect of the Butts Park Play Park Improvement Project £1,383.32 Monies held in respect of the maintenance of the Revington Memorial Seat £390 Big Greenspace Challenge £59.43 Monies granted by Parish Council/ Revelstoke Community Trust/RYDA/Community Rights Programme for Neighbourhood Plan £248.39 The following cheques were authorised totalling: £3,640.39 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 2590 S. McDonough Net salary March £1,272.80 2591 Village Hall Hire fee NNPC Meeting 11 April 2019 £30.00 2592 Vantech Media DIY hosting package, annual fee newtonandnoss-pc.gov.uk £95.00 4/11April2019………………………………………………………..Chairman

2593 River Yealm Regatta Grant; 2019 Regatta fireworks* £75.00 2594 Yealm Electrical Services Ltd Call out 15/3/19: sports pavilion showers £40.00 2595 Came and Company Additional insurance premium; sports pavilion £69.85 2596 S. D. Jones Sports Pavilion Legionella Risk Assessment £120.00 2597 D & C Surveys Sports Pavilion asbestos survey £247.00 2598 GeoXphere Ltd Parish Online annual subscription £36.00 2599 S. McDonough Expenses reimbursement: stationery £54.76 2600 Post Office Ltd Postage stamps £131.00 2601 DALC Annual subscription £456.74 2602 South Hams Garden & Property Services Grounds maintenance- March £457.00 2603 South Hams Garden & Property Services Spare padlock keys for Butts Park Playing Field x 5 £10.00 2604 South Hams Garden & Property Services Noss Green- removal of damaged tree £25.00 2605 AJ Watkinson Newton Voss and steps cleaning March £82.00 2606 AJ Watkinson Noss Voss/ steps, Popes Quay, Crocker’s Quay cleaning March £50 2608 Ace Maintenance Services (SW) Ltd Sports pavilion: 2 x fire extinguishers & signage £153.24 2609 Wildlife Management Playing field; mole removal £195.00 2610 M. Jones Big Slip outhaul fee refund £40.00 Total £3,640.39 *Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 payments: £75 total to date; £75

BACS HMRC Clerk's Tax and National Insurance March £291.07 Payment 9 May 2019 2607 S. McDonough Net salary April £1,272.60 BACS HMRC Clerk's Tax and National Insurance April £291.27 March DD EDF Sports Pavilion £10.00 DD B & CE Holdings Ltd Pension payment £42.42 SO Reading Room Storage facilities £40.00

62/19 MEETINGS ATTENDED: 62.1 Harbour Authority – Mr. Carter advised that the RYHA had gone out to tender to effect repairs to the slipway wall adjacent to the Malthouses at Bridgend. 62.2 Halls – the solar panels had been put up on Newton & Noss Village Hall. Ms. Adams advised that the Chairman of the WI Hall had notified his intention to resign. There had been a meeting that day to look at website improvements. 62.3 & District Association of Local Councils – no members had been available to attend.

63/19 COUNTY COUNCIL 63.1 Councillor report - Cllr. Hosking reported: i) Wig wags - had been requested over 12 months ago. Cllr. Hosking was trying to get them back on to the work schedule. He saw no reason why Newton & Noss should not have them given they were widely used throughout the county. ii)St.Peter’s Church – he was aware of the report regarding the condition of the lower steps of the public footpath, and it being slippery. He had also received a request for funding to improve disabled access from the public footpath to the Church. He would be meeting Mr. Colton to discuss and consider budgets. iii) Drains - he asked that any standing water, of more than 24-hour duration, be reported to Mr. Colton, the Local Highways Officer, and himself. Timed photographs showing a 24-hour duration would be helpful. The Vice Chairman raised the issue of the drain by Meadow Close. Mr. Lyndon advised a gully sucker had been there the preceding Tuesday. iv)Newton Voss footpath - the deteriorating steps from Riverside Road West to the Voss were due to be re- bedded. v) Double yellow lines - the new lines at the bottom of Passage Road had been completed. Cllr. Hosking was advised that the new lines for the bus turning bay by Noss Green and at the bottom of Wrights Lane were yet to be completed.


vi) Butts Park Road Traffic Accident – investigations continue. Consideration was being given to the police report and an assessment of the 30 mph speed limit. Mr. Colton had advised that the SCARF meeting had not yet taken place. He would try to get up to date speed data beforehand. vii) Yealm Road- Cllr. Hosking was advised that the road surface near the junction with Newton Hill was very poor. It was suggested this was due to the volume of building delivery lorries and contractors’ vans. 63.2 Highways/Transport – i)Gigaclear– an enquiry had been raised with Gigaclear regarding the cable laid below the land outside 1 Butts Park - being land owned by the Parish Council. Gigaclear had advised they would investigate. Gigaclear had also been pressed for an update regarding reinstatement of the surface of the Collaton/Butts park permissive footpath. They had advised on April 5 that the contractor managing the section of the build would survey the area the following week with all remaining defects to be rectified in the coming two weeks. ii) Road closures – the Council noted the proposed closure to complete SWW utility works outside Lyndayne, Stoke Road, June 24 - 28. No issues were raised. Cllr. Hosking advised that a proposed road closure for had been cancelled and put back to the autumn. The diversion route would have taken drivers through Newton & Noss Parish. iii) Winter highways update – the Chairman would speak with the volunteer driver to see if there had been progress with insurance to tow the salt spreader. iv) Devon Roadworks Permit Scheme – Cllr. Hosking would make enquiries about the scheme. v) Highway Safety Awareness e - learning. It was agreed to nominate South Hams Garden & Property Services to receive the free training. vi) Parsonage Road bus stop – Mr. Colton would be speaking with County Hall about a new sign and post and notifying the bus companies. vii) Butts Park parking - the meeting was advised of parishioners’ concerns about parking difficulties. Two households had eight cars each. Residents access to their garages was being prevented. Cars were being blocked in. It was agreed to report the concerns to Livewest who was thought to be the organisation with responsibility for the access road to the garages and play park. viii) Public bus transport - Cllr. Hosking advised that after investigation it appeared the inter changeability of tickets used for the No. 3 Service running through Yealmpton and the No. 94 from Newton Ferrers had broken down. was to write to the respective companies to ask them to reconsider.

63/19 MAINTENANCE 63.1 Maintenance working groups. i) Sports Pavilion/playing field: 1. Moles - four moles had been caught to date. There could be one more to catch. 2.The earth from the mole hills had been used to address the tyre marks following the football match. 3.Two new fire extinguishers and signage had been installed in the changing rooms at the pavilion. The extinguisher in the kitchen had been serviced and signage put up. 4. The Sports Pavilion electric showers had been checked by JB Electrical Services following the Legionella risk assessor having difficulties in turning them on. 5. The Legionella risk assessment, at the second attempt, had been undertaken with a suggested management plan. Copies had already been forwarded to members. i) The management plan involved regular water run throughs, temperature monitoring and showerhead cleaning. The clerk had met a potential contractor on site who may wish to quote to undertake the work. The clerk was clarifying the public liability insurance position with the Parish Council’s insurers. It was agreed to seek a quote to undertake work to implement the management plan. ii) Legionella advisory signage had been put up in the kitchen and changing rooms. iii) Hot water warning signs had been placed on the showers. iv) It was agreed to send copies of the Legionella risk assessment and management plan to the football and cricket clubs. 6.Following recommendations by the chartered surveyor, the asbestos testing had taken place. The asbestos report had been forwarded to members. Chrysotile had been identified in the ceiling room changing rooms, ball store cupboard, in the damper pad beneath the kitchen sink, away team changing room fuse panel, the external flag store and roof tiles. i) A draft quotation invitation had been circulated to members based upon the recommendations of the chartered surveyor and asbestos surveyor. Members had been advised of the budgetary provisions for the Sports Pavilion for the current financial year was £2,800 with reserve/contingency provision of £5,000. It was agreed to seek quotes. ii) Asbestos warning labels had been put on the changing room ceilings, flag store ceiling and under the sink. iii) It was agreed copies of the asbestos survey be forwarded to South Hams Garden & Property Services, the football and cricket clubs. 7. Mr. Lyndon and the clerk had been through all the risk assessments for the pavilion which had been updated. Signage regarding electrical usage and defect reporting had been put up in the changing rooms and kitchen. 8.The resident from Butts Park had made further comments regarding the Revelstoke Rangers football match on March 10 which had been circulated to members regarding the predicted weather forecast for/the weather that day, the use of the field for car parking, the cricket square, rubbish, grass cutting, use of the field by the community/sports clubs with supporting weather charts and photographs. The comments were noted. Members agreed no further action. 6/11April2019………………………………………………………..Chairman

9. Spare keys have been cut for the playing field gate and the cricket club had been invoiced for the three spare keys requested. The clerk and South Hams Garden & Property Services had tested all the keys. 10. The cricket club had sent its risk assessment which has been circulated. The cricket club did not intend to apply for funding for fencing/sight screens. The club had been asked to provide further and better particulars regarding comments that the kitchen, showers and toilets would not pass an inspection from a health and safety officer. 11. The clerk had approached two contractors to see if there would be interest in removing the granite rollers. There had been no interest from either. Mr. Rogers offered to remove them. The cricket club would be advised. 12. The smoke alarms appeared to be working and were not "chirruping" whilst the clerk been up there. South Hams Garden & Property Services had also checked them. 13. Reports were being received that the Dogs on Leads order was not being complied with. Enquiries would be made with the Dog Warden at SHDC. 14. The council had agreed that the report of mouse/rat droppings in the roof was to be held in abeyance until the work planned for the pavilion had been undertaken. 15. Insurance coverage for the Sports Pavilion had been increased. ii) The Green/Dillon’s Green – no reports. iii) Play parks. Butts Park Play Park – the Primary School event at Butts Park Play Park with Ms. Tess Wilmot had taken place Monday March 18. Ms. Wilmot had advised that the event had gone well. She had had 30 children from Year 1 and 2 and then another 15 younger children came afterwards for an extra hour. They had planted snowdrops on three sides of the site, wild strawberries, primroses, some honeysuckle, mullien, violets, and other wild flowers. They also planted a couple of hazels and hawthorns to fill gaps and extend the hedge where the elders were planted (SW corner). She had provided the plants from her garden for no charge. The children also did some plant ID skills looking for patterns in plants. Quotes had been sought following her recommendations in respect of the following; a) The Elder hedge had been mulched by carpet. (Hedge by the gate to carpark and some along by the houses.) It appeared the carpet was mainly wood which was good for breaking down, but the backing was not biodegradable so she suggested it would need to be removed at some point, sooner than later. A quote had been obtained but the contractor had suggested leaving the carpet as it was good weed prevention. It was agreed to take no further action at this time. b) The new trees could be mulched for about a metre around each tree rather than just mulched inside the tree guard. This would give them much less competition from the grass and feed the soil. The willow dome – had been mulched inside but needed to be mulched outside the circle as well if possible so it would grow stronger. The contractor who had been asked for the quote advised against this as the wood chip would be spread all over the park, the weeds would grow through the mulch and look untidy. It was agreed to take no further action at this time. The annual play park inspection by Allianz was awaited. Noss Play Park – the annual inspection had been undertaken. Two category A defects had been raised; a)) Pirate ship - the upright support post to the right hand side of the angled climbing net was rotten and disintegrating. It needed to be rectified within one month. b) Timber basket Swing - one safety (non fence side) chain had worn top links. To be renewed within one month. Both the emergency and full report had been circulated to members. The Clerk had sought quotes from Earth Wrights (the original manufacturer) and Rhino Play (following contact with the SHDC Locality Officer) to remedy the Category A defects. Mr. Parry- Smith had met the representatives on site to discuss. Various options and quotes were being considered in conjunction with the Chairman, including potential equipment replacement. The Council was reminded of the history of the play park refurbishment and deterioration. The budget provision for the financial year 2019/20 play park routine repairs was £2,800 and reserve/contingency funds £13,989. RESOLVED: To delegate authority to the Chairman and Mr. Parry-Smith to consider quotes to remedy Category A defects raised in the Allianz Report for Noss Play Park dated April 5, including potential equipment replacement, subject to a maximum sum of £6,000 plus VAT. ( Vote; 6 in favour, 1 abstention.) Concern was raised regarding a white van parked by the play park. The clerk would make further enquiries. iv) Noss Recreation Areas – members raised concerns about cars which had been left in the tennis courts car park for some time. The registration numbers had been investigated and the cars were taxed and had MOTs. Advice had been sought from the SHDC Localities officer. It was agreed to seek further advice from Devon association of Local Councils (DALC.) It was agreed that the Parish Council would organise the Community Orchard Apple Day for Sunday 6 October. South Hams Garden & Property Services had advised that the fencing by the play park was in order. Given the good condition of the road side hedging for the rest of Noss Recreation area there was little merit in repairs to the wooden fencing. Newton & Noss Tennis Club had advised that the total monies held in respect of non- member hire fees for the courts for financial year to 31 December 2018 were £2,502. This was ring fenced for court maintenance. 63.2 Collaton/Butts Park path – issues regarding reinstatement of the footpath surface had been addressed with Gigaclear. There was no update from Devon County Council regarding negotiations with the Collaton Management Company regarding the permissive footpath status. 63.3 Footpaths –


i)St. Peter’s Church public footpath – it was understood St.Peter’s Church was applying for Locality Funding to improve disabled access from the public footpath to the Church. Devon County Council had been asked about the path being slippery and repairs to the bottom steps and maintenance. A request had been received to include the path in the Parish Council maintenance schedule. A quote had been obtained. No budget provision had been made for regular routine maintenance. It was agreed to wait to see if Devon County Council would take action. ii) Newton Voss - the condition of the public footpath steps leading from Riverside Road West had been reported to Devon County Council by a parishioner. It was understood DCC had issued a defect report for repairs by their contractor. iii) Court Road - a parishioner had reported concern about the slippery condition of the footpath leading rom the entrance to Briar Hill Farm to opposite the rear of Holy Cross Church. Devon County Council had confirmed that it was not a Public Right of Way. Mr. Colton, the Local Highways Officer, suggested it may be considered as a verge and would look into it further. 63.4 Parish asset inspection – a schedule of annual maintenance work, to put out for quotation and based upon the inspections completed by members to date, had been circulated. The schedule was agreed and would be put out for quotation. 63.5 Area by Malthouses Quay – the River Yealm Harbour Authority had written to the Parish Council. The Authority noted that the Parish Council and Devon County Council considered the re-instatement work required to the collapsed wall at the slip adjacent to the Malthouses at Bridgend to be the responsibility of the Authority. Notwithstanding the commitment referred to given by the Authority in the past, the area concerned was neither owned nor used by the Authority which did not consider itself bound to maintain it. However, given the sum involved, the Authority would carry out the reinstatement work on this occasion, provided the cost did not exceed the estimate already obtained by Newton and Noss Parish Council. The Authority had authorised the Harbour Master to proceed accordingly. In light of the fact that the only use of the area concerned appeared to be as amenity land, the Authority wished to make it clear that it did not accept any future commitment to similar work, although it would always be prepared to discuss any problems that may arise. 64.5 Any other areas for consideration – no areas were raised.

In committee 65/19 MAINTENANCE. RESOLVED: To accept the quotation from Natural Solutions Ltd for the supply and delivery of 8 x 25 litres of Algae Remover in the sum of £570 plus VAT. (Vote; unanimous.)It was agreed to ask Devon County Council to make a contribution towards the cleaning costs of the vosses which were Public Rights of Way, and which they had done in the past.

66/19 CLERK’S EMPLOYMENT The working group had reviewed the clerk’s terms and conditions of employment and had taken into account budget considerations. The clerk’s salary pay scale had last been reviewed in 2014 and prior to taking on additional responsibilities following the transfer of land assets to the Parish Council by South Hams District Council. RESOLVED: to amend the clerk’s contract of employment and job description to increase the salary pay scale, by one level, to the current NJC salary point 26 (old SCP 32) calculated by pro-rata reference to the standard working week for local government staff of 37 hours. The change would take effect from and including July 1 2019. Apart from this change the clerk’s contract of employment and job description would remain unchanged. (Vote; unanimous.)

67/19 PRE-PLANNING APPLICATIONS/PLANNlNG ENFORCEMENT – The latest SHDC planning enforcement list and potential planning enforcement matters were considered.

Meeting closed at 9.05pm
