MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING OF NEWTON & NOSS PARISH COUNCIL Held on 11 April 2019 PRESENT; MRS. ANSELL MR. COOPER MR. CARTER MR. INGRAM MR. LYNDON MS. ADAMS MR. ROGERS ALSO, PRESENT; Cllr. Hosking, Cllr. Baldry, 2 members of the public, Mrs. McDonough (Clerk). OPEN FORUM 1 Old Coastguard Cottages Wembury – representations were made by a neighbouring home owner in objection to the proposals under 2483/18/FUL & 2484/18/LBC. Copies of correspondence with the Georgian Society and to the applicant had been circulated to the Parish Council before the meeting. It was suggested that South Hams District Council should be noting the views of Newton & Noss Parish Council despite the property being in Wembury Parish. Reference was made to recent planning appeals mentioning the “valued landscape.” The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) referred to such landscapes being protected. The property was a very early Georgian coastguard station and boathouse - a listed historic asset in a largely unspoilt historic landscape. Under the NPPF any harm to such an asset would require justification. Access remained via the beach and steps for most of the day. The deck would only be capable of being accessed at high spring tides of 5.4 metres for a couple of hours - on 8 occasions this year. It could not be accessed at neap tides. Reference was made for use as dinghy storage. The outhaul was not fit for purpose. There was no justification for the planning proposals. Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report February 2019 - PCSO Andrew Potter gave apologies for the Council meeting and had sent the following written report: Newton Ferrers 2nd common assault CR/019226/19 6th nuisance telephone calls CR/020306/19 16th common assault CR/023536/19 28th common assault CR/019226/19 Noss Mayo 1st offensive communication [text messages] CR/018591/19 50/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Blackler, Cllr. Green, Mr. Tubb, Mr. Parry - Smith and Mr. Hussell. 51/19 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. None were declared 52/19 DISPENSATION REQUESTS – none was declared. 53/19 MINUTES - the minutes of the March14 Parish Council Meeting were approved as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign. 54/19 VARIATION OF AGENDA – RESOLVED: quotes relating to maintenance, clerk’s employment and pre- planning/planning enforcement should be considered in committee. (Vote; unanimous.) 55/19 DISTRICT COUNCIL(SHDC) 55.1 Councillor reports i) Cllr. Blackler - had sent apologies and the following written report: “PCs and SHDC are working together to try and keep toilets open. Residents are reminded to recycle clean items if not they may not be reused. The JLP has been adopted. Working with Plymouth CC we got funding for £3m for broadband infrastructure to include GP surgeries, hospitals and public buildings such as Council offices. The £60m we are able to borrow will enable a new build development in Kingsbridge, office development on a brown field site in Totnes, £8.5m for community housing. The waste procurement contract with FCC has been signed. Finally we are able to acquire 10 acres of commercial land in Sherford. Sadly this is my last report as you district councillor having completed 12 years, firstly for Cornwood and Sparkwell, latterly since the boundary changes for the larger 2 - member ward with Keith Baldry. Unfortunately over the last year or so not being able to attend some evening meetings as not able to drive at night. Hopefully I have been able to carry out my duties for the benefit of all the communities. I still have work to do over the next few weeks.” ii) Cllr. Baldry reported: 1/11April2019………………………………………………………..Chairman Parish Council – he had been District Councillor for the parish for the last four years. He wished to congratulate those who were not standing, Cllr. Green, the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Mr. Hussell and Mr. Rogers. He had enjoyed working with them and they would be greatly missed by the parish. Waste procurement contract – the new service had been introduced from April 1. There had been some teething problems with five complaints from the parish of non - collection four of which had been from Membland. Special collections had been arranged. He hoped this would improve. Directors – one of the SHDC directors, Ms. Helen Dobby, with responsibility for WC s / cleansing/ refuse service privatisation, was leaving at the end of the month. Together with Cllr. Gilbert, who would not be standing in the District Council elections, these were the two people with responsibility for major changes who would no longer be involved in SHDC service provision. Planning enforcement - he had attended a meeting with planning enforcement and pressed them to get on with one particular matter in Newton Ferrers. Assets of Community Value (ACV) - he had been in contact with Mr. Sekula at SHDC who had been dealing with the application. The owner had been contacted who objected and had advised that The Dolphin Inn was to re-open. The owner had made reference to the availability of the Yealm Yacht Club (the council meeting noting that this was not open to non-members), The Swan and The Ship (members commented that both were not easily accessible from Newton Ferrers.) Cllr. Baldry accepted that a public house did not need to be closed down to be listed as an ACV. Reference was made to the Cornwood Inn. The Dolphin Inn was an eating and meeting place - a community asset. Cllr. Baldry supported the application to list. It would offer a moratorium to enable the community to fund raise. Mr. Sekula had advised that simply being a public house did not mean it had to be listed. The application to list had been at a time when it was thought the public house was to be closed. Mr. Sekula suggested there had been little communication between the parish council and the owners. If there had been, the application may not have been listed. He could not support the application in respect of The Dolphin Inn. The Chairman advised that Mr. Sekula had been asked for an update but it had not been received by the time of the meeting. His response to the parish council was awaited and would be considered. 55.2 Public Toilets – Cllr. Baldry was advised that a response from SHDC was still awaited regarding clarification of the information SHDC had used to base their decision to close the toilets in Newton Ferrers. Cllr. Baldry advised he would press Mrs. Aubertin for a response. Cllr. Baldry suggested that there would be a new District Council in place from May 2 with a new leader and new executive members. He suggested that the matter should be revisited after the elections. 56/19 COUNTY COUNCIL Cllr. Hosking had not yet arrived. RESOLVED: To put County Council matters back on the agenda until Cllr. Hosking arrived. (Vote; unanimous.) 57/19 PLANNING 57.1 Community Land Trust – Ms. Adams advised that a public meeting would be held in the WI Hall on May 21. The land proposed to be used would be unveiled. An enabler was helping the CLT to apply for funds from Homes England for surveys and legal costs. Planning decisions 57.1 Riverside House Riverside Road West 0440/19/NMM - non-material amendment of householder consent 1994/18/HHO for addition of window. SHDC: Granted. 57.2 The Mooring Newton Hill 0647/19/ARC - application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 5 of planning consent 1543/18/HHO.SHDC: Granted. 57.3 Briar Hill Farm Court Road 3962/18/ARC - application for approval of details reserved by condition 7 of planning consent 1581/18/VAR. SHDC; Granted. 57.4 Grey Tiles 3 Church Park Road 4163/18/HHO - Householder application for rear extension for bedroom, bathroom and en suite and enclosure of front porch. SHDC: Granted. 57.5 17 Yealm Road 0194/19/HHO - householder application for erection of a powder coated aluminium glasshouse with cold frame to one end, sited on a dwarf brick wall in keeping with existing brick work within the property. SHDC: Granted. 57.6 8-12 & 14-17 Peters Field 0195/19/VAR - variation of condition 3 of planning consent 37/1714/15/F (Proposed housing development comprising 16 dwellings and associated access road, car park and landscaping) for slate roofs to numbers 8-12 and 14-17 fixed with hooks rather than nails. SHDC: Refused. 57.7 6 Butts Park 0200/19/HHO - householder application for proposed extension and alterations to dwelling to create first floor bathroom. SHDC: Granted. 57.8 92 Court Road 0396/19/OPA - outline application (with all matters reserved) for erection of detached dwelling with associated parking and landscaping. SHDC: Granted. 57.9 Beacon Hill Crest Beacon Hill 0506/19/AGR - application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development - proposed barn extension. SHDC: Permitted Development. 57.10 Waters Edge Bridgend 3302/17/FUL - READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received.) Application for replacement of Waters Edge with new dwelling (onsite of existing outbuilding), refurbishment of Hillside Cottage. SHDC: Refused. 2/11April2019………………………………………………………..Chairman Appeal decisions – no appeal decisions were considered. Planning applications received including; 57.11 Even Keel, Pillory Hill - Request for a TPO - Ref: 1045535.South Hams District Council Parish of Newton & Noss No. 976 Tree Preservation Order 2019.Serving of New Order. DECISION: Support the confirmation as served. (Vote; unanimous.) 57.12 1 Old Coastguard Cottages Wembury 2483/18/FUL and 2484/18/LBC - READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans.) Listed Building Consent for construction of a new quay to improve access (resubmission of 3078/17/FUL.) DECISION: Objection.
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