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affirmative action 131 see also quotas Green Alternative Party (GAL) 33, 36 Agacinski, Sylviane 98 Liberales Forum (LIF) 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 Aho, Esko 79 Social (SPO¨ ) 21, 22–3, Alberdi, Cristina 186 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, Almunia, Joaquı´n 187 38, 39 Amato, Guilliano 149 Bundefrauenorganisation der SPO¨ 25–6, Ameline, Nicole 103 38, 39 Amsterdam Treaty 22, 216, 234, 262, authorised representation 3 291 autonomous feminists 47, 148, 149, 224 Anselmi, Tina 3, 140, 142 Avice, Edwige 93 Are the Social Democrats a Women’s Party? 209 Bacchi, Carol 7 Association 9 68 Bachelot, Roselyne 98, 99 Au pouvoir citoyennes! Liberte´, E´galite´, Parite´ Badinter, E´ lisabeth 98 98 Badinter, Robert 99 Austria, consociational democracy 20 Barzach, Miche`le 99 Constitutional Court 27 Becket, Margaret 231 corporatism 20 Belgium, autonomous feminists 47–8 social partner organisations 21 consociationalism 41 Austria, debates Council of Ministers 44 equal treatment in the civil service, Council of State 44 1981–1993 26–32 integrated feminists 47–8, 54, 57 public party subsidies, 1994–1999 32–7 political representation in 33–4, 41–2 women’s access to the cabinet 1975–1979 Walloon Region 42, 43 22–6 Belgium, debates Austria, employment associations quota for advisory committees, Employers’ Association 21 1990–1997 50–4 Trade Union Federation 30 quota for electoral lists, 1980–1994 Wage Earners’ Association 21 43–50 Austria, legislation quota for the federal government, 1979 Law on Equal Treatment 26 1991–1999 54–5 1992 Law on Equal Treatment of Men Belgium, minister/ministries and Women in the Civil Service 21, Minister of Equal Opportunities 48, 49, 26–32 51, 54, 58 Austria, ministers/ministries Minister of Labour and Employment 49 Secretary of State for Women’s Affairs State Secretary of Social Emancipation 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 48, 54 Austria, political parties Belgium, parliamentary bodies Austrian Freedom Party (FPO¨ ) 24, 28, Advisory Committee on Equal 32, 34, 35, 37, 39 Opportunities 56 Austrian People’s Party (O¨ VP) 24, 28, Advisory Committee on Social 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37 Emancipation (Lower House) 53

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Advisory Committee on Social Danielmeier, Inge Wettig 111 Emancipation (Upper House) 54, D’Ancona 156, 158, 160, 163, 164, 169 55, 56, 57–8 Da´vila del Cerro, Pilar 190 Committee on Institutional Affairs of the debates, scope of 262–3 Upper House 55 De Miguel y Garcı´a, Carmen 190 Council of Equal Opportunities for Men De´claration des droits de l’Homme et du and Women 49 Citoyen 89 Emancipation Council 48 Dehaene, Jean-Luc 44 Flemish Women’s Council 47 democratic representation 17 Francophone Women’s Council 47 Den Uyl 158, 159 Unit of Equal Opportunities 49 descriptive representation 3, 15, 30, 43, Women’s Consultation Committee 47 134, 165, 166, 167, 169, 227, 236, Belgium, political parties 266–7 Christian Democrats 42, 43, 50 D’hondt, Paula 43 Far Right Party 45, 52 difference feminists 137 Flemish Christian Democrats 44 Dingell, John 246 women’s organisation 48 Dini, Lambertini 144 Flemish Social Democrats 44 Dohnal, Johanna 30 Green Party 45, 53 dominant frame of debate 23, 26, 27–8, Green Women’s political organisation 48 33–4, 41–2, 51–2, 55–6, 65–6, 70–1, Liberal Party 45 75, 87–8, 92, 111, 116–17, 122–3, 134, Social Democrats 50 139–40, 145, 155–6, 160, 165–6, 178, Berlusconi, Silvio 145 184, 188–9, 204, 207–8, 222, 227, Bethune, Sabine de 55 232, 241, 246–7, 251 Boe¨thuis, Maria-Pia 208 dual presence 138 Brussels 42 dual response 14, 77, 113, 147, 158, 160, Council of Brussels Capital Region 42 163, 164, 168, 170, 181–2, 185, 201, Bumpers, Dale 241 205, 209, 211, 213, 230, 234, 253 Bush, George 250 Duhamel, Olivier 99 Bustelo, Carlota 181 Dunwoody, Gwyneth 232

Campbell, Anne 231 Eagle, Angela 229 case selection 12, 64, 86–7, 107–9, 132–3, Electoral College (UK Labour Party) 227 154–5, 176, 196–8, 220, 240–1 Enestam, Jan-Erik 79 case studies 6 Engler, John 248 Chirac, Jacques 86, 95 European Convention on Human Rights 218 Ciampi, Carlo Azeglio 140, 143 European Union (EU) 145, 216, 218, 262, Clinton, Bill 250 291–2 Cloward, Richard 252 exceptions 286–7 Codaccioni, Colette 101 Coleman, Peter 227 Fawcett Society 233, 234 Colen, Alexandra 52 feminism, definition of 5, 16–17n Cook, Robin 231, 232, 234 Feminisme en politieke macht 161 co-optation 14, 48, 53–4, 57, 101, 119, 190, femocrats 206 243 Ferna´ndez, Matilde 181, 186 Council of Europe 96, 145, 216 Ferna´ndez de la Vega, Marı´a Teresa 189 counter-movement strength 285–6 Finkielkraut, Alain 99 CQ Researcher 252 Finland, debates Craxi, Bettino 133 change in electoral law, 1972–1975 65–8 Cresson, E´ dith 93, 99 gender quotas in the Equality Act, 1991–1995 74–9 Daily Mail 236 gender quotas in the SKDL 68, 69–74 D’Alema, Massimo 140, 143–4, 149 Finland, legislation Dales, Ien 169 Equality Act 69, 77 Dancausa, Concepcio´n 186 Finland, ministers/ministries

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Finland, ministers/ministries (cont.) Parite´2000 95, 99 Minister for Gender Equality Affairs 74 Parite´Infos 99 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 64, RPR 93 72, 77, 79 Union des femmes franc¸aises 99 Finland, parliamentary bodies France, political parties Council for Equality between Men and Front National 86 Women 68, 72, 77 Fumagalli, Ombretta 140, 143 Equality Ombudsman 74, 77 Finland, political associations Gaspard, Franc¸oise 98, 99 Networkof Women MPs in parliament gender 6–7 79 gender mainstreaming 148 Finland, political parties gendered divisions of political labour 2–3 Christian Democrats 64, 67 gendering 7, 8, 34–5, 46, 52, 56, Democratic Alternative 73 66–7, 71–2, 75–6, 87, 88, 92, 96–7, Finnish People’s Democratic League 111–12, 117, 123–4, 134–5, 140–1, (SKDL) 64, 66, 67 145–6, 156–7, 160, 161, 165, 166–7, Finnish Women’s Democratic League 178–9, 184, 199, 204–5, 208, 222–3, 68, 69, 70 227–8, 232–3, 242–3, 247, 251–2, Finnish Social Democratic Party (SPD) 266–7 64, 67 German Democratic Republic (GDR) 115 Green League 64, 66, 74 Germany, Bundesrat 107, 121 Swedish People’s Party 64, 67–8 Bundestag 107, 115, 116, 118, 121 Finland, public bodies 74 Federal Constitutional Court 108, 122 Flint, Caroline, MP 233 unification 108 Follett, Barbara, MP 229, 233 Germany, debates Fouque, Antoinette 98, 99 quota rules in the Social Democratic Fraisse, Genevie`ve 99, 102 Party of Germany, 1977–1988 frame fit 16, 26, 31, 74, 213, 285 109–15 framing 2, 7–8, 112, 157, 158, 159–64, 187 reform of German Nationality Law, France, debates 1998–1999 121–5 change of the voting system for the local Second Federal Equal Rights Law, council elections, 1982 87–91 1989–1994 115–21 change of the electoral system for parlia- Germany, political parties mentary elections, 1985 91–4 Alliance 90/Greens 109, 116, 122, 123 parity reform, 1999–2000 94–103 Christian Democratic Union (CDU) France, ministers/ministries 107, 110, 116, 123 ministe`re des droits de la femme 87 CDU/CSU 116, 118, 121 ministre de´le´guee a`la parite´eta` l’egalite´ Free Democratic Party (FDP) 107, 108, professionelle 103 110, 116, 121, 122 Secre´tariat d’Etat a`la condition feminine 87 Greens 107, 108, 110, 116, 123 France, National Assembly 95 Party of Democratic (PDS) France, parliamentary bodies 107, 110, 116 Comite´de pilotage pour l’e´gal acce`s des Social Democratic Party (SPD) 107, 116, femmes et des hommes aux employs 122, 123 supe´rieurs des functions publiques 103 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialdemokratischer Conseil constitutionnel 88, 90, 91 Frauen (ASF) 110, 112 Conseil national des femmes 95 Gertzog, Irwin 254 De´le´gation interministe´rielle aux droits des Gibson, Anne 229 femmes 102, 103 Giroud, Franc¸oise 98 France, political associations Goldet, He´le`ne 93 Demain la Parite´ 95, 99 governance 217 Elles aussi 95 Gradin, Anita 204 Femme-Avenir 93 Griffiths, Martha 249 Femmes pour la Parite´ 95, 98 Guigou, E´ lisabeth 99 Parite´ 95, 99 Gutie´rrez, Purificacio´n 185, 186

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Haider, Jo¨rg 32, 39 Parliamentary Committee on Halimi, Gise`le 88, 89, 93, 98, 99, 101 Constitutional Affairs 140, 142 Helle, Esko 71 Italy, political associations He´ritier, Francoise 98 Conferenza nazionale delle donne comuniste Hewitt, Patricia, MP 235 136 Italy, political parties Institute for Public Policy Research, UK 235 Christian Democratic Party 138, 143, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 149 USA 254 of Italy (PCI) 132, integrated feminists 47–8, 54, 57, 137, 140, 133, 149 143, 149, 150, 224 Communist Refoundation (RC) 134, issue cohesion 283 140, 142 issue priority 283 Democratic Party of the Left (Partito Italy, Chamber of Deputies 132, 133, 139 Democratico della Sinistra) (PDS) Constitutional Court 132–3, 140, 142, 132, 140, 142, 144, 149 143–9, 150 (Democratici di National Assembly 139, 142, 144, 147, Sinistra) (DS) 133 149 Coordinamento delle donne DS 136 138 145, 146, 148, 149 Women’s Charter (Carta delle donne) 135 Lega Nord 140, 142, 145 Italy, debates Liberal Party 138 change of the voting system for the Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) members of the Lower Chamber – 140, 142 quotas in the electoral law, National Alliance Party (Alleanza 1991–1995 138–44 Nazionale) (AN) 146, 149 creation of the Democratic Party of the Republican Party 138, 140, 142 Left, 1989–1991 133–8 Social Democratic Party 143 Italy, minister/ministries Socialist Party (PSI) 133, 143 Minister for Equal Opportunities 145, 147, 148 Jenson, Jane 88 Ministry for Equal Opportunities 148 Jospin, Lionel 85, 95, 98 Italy, parliamentary bodies Judge, David 217 Comitato per le riforme elettorali (COREL) Juppe´, Alain 101 138 Commissione bicamerale per le riforme 138, Kalavainen, Meeri 67 144 Ka¨lela¨, Reijo 69 Consulta delle elette 148 Kandolin, Salme 72–3 Equal Opportunities Commission (Prime Kansan Uutiset 71, 72 Minister’s Office) 140, 141 Kekkonen, Urho 66 National Commission for Equality and King, Oona, MP 233 Equal Opportunities between Men Kingham, Tess, MP 233 and Women (Commissione Nazionale Kohl, Helmut 119 per la Parita`e le Pari Opportunita`tra Kohnstamm 169, 170 uomini e donne) (CNPPO) 137, 140, Kortesalmi, J. Juhani 66 142, 144, 147, 148 Kreisky, Bruno 21, 22, 24, 26–32 National Commission for Women’s Kuuittinen, Tuula 78 Emancipation and Liberation Kuuskoski-Vikatmaa, Eeva 72 (Commissione nazionale per l’emanci- pazione e la liberazione delle donne) Le Gall, Anne 98 (NCWEL) 136 Leijon, Anna-Greta 200, 216–19 National Committee for the Le Monde 90, 93, 98, 102 Implementation of the Principles of Lembruch 165, 166 Equal Treatment and Opportunity Le Pen, Jean Marie 85 between Workers of Both Sexes Lincoln, Deborah 227, 229 136–7 Louekoski, Matti 64, 66

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MacTaggart, Fiona 229, 231 Women’s Contact (Vrouwencontact) Mancina, Claudia 145 156–7, 158, 160, 170 130, 143 Netherlands, political parties Manifesto of the 7, 103, 122–3 Christian Democrats (ARP) 158, 160, Martı´nez-Ten, Carmen 186 162, 163, 164, 166 Mazur, Amy 5, 12 Communistische Partij Nederland (CPN) Melkert, Ad 169 154 Merckx, Trees 44, 54, 55 Green Left (Groen Links) 154 Merkel, Angela 117, 119–20 Liberal Party 158, 163, 164, 169 method 12–14 New Left 155 Michigan Women 249 Pacifist Socialist Party (PSP) 154 Mitterand, Franc¸ois 87, 91 Social Democratic Party (PvdA) 154, Morgan, Sally 235 155–9, 160, 163, 164, Mussolini, Alessandra 140, 143, 146 169, 171 Mustakallio, Sinkka 69 Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (SGP) 164 Navarro, Micaela 189 Nikula, Paavo 74, 77–8 Na¨ytit 69, 70, 73 no response 14, 64, 67, 93, 124 neo-corporatism 106 NYTKIS 79 Netherlands 3, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159–64, 165, 169 Occhetto, Achille 133, Atkie m/v 50/50 162 134, 136 Beleidsplan Emancipatie 167 Ojala, Outi 70 Concept Beleidsplan 162 Olympe de Gouges 99 corporatism 165–70 Onkelinx, Laurette 58, 59 Desert Law 167 Outshoorn, Joyce 12 Netherlands, debates equality policy plan, 1981–1985 157, Palme, Olof 202 158, 159–64 Papon, Christiane 93 Netherlands, parliamentary bodies parity 94, 144, 188 Commissie-Bisheuvel 154 parity democracy 42–3, 55, 56, 183, 185, Commissie Corporatism 154 186, 190 Commissie-De Jong 154, 165, 166, Parker, Fran 247 167 party debates 287–8 Commissie-De Koning 154 Pelletier, Monique 87, 88 Commissie-Deetman 154, 165 Perrot, Michelle 98, 99 Directie Coo¨rdinatie Emancipatiebeleid Peta¨ja¨nieli, Tuulikki 78 (DCE) 160, 161, 167, 169 Peterson, Thage G. 200 Emancipation Council (ER) 166, 167 Phillips, Anne 2 Emancipation Kommissie (EK) 158, 160, Piazza, Marina 148 165, 166 Pitkin, Hannah 3 National Women’s Council (NVR) 166 Piven, Frances Fox 252, 253 Tijdelijke Expertise Commissie voor Pliatzky, Leo 221 Emancipatie in het nieuwe Adviestelsel policy environment 16–17, 26, 31–2, 37, (TECENA) 168 49–50, 68, 69, 73–4, 79, 87, 91, 103, Netherlands, political associations 115, 121, 125, 138, 140, 143–4, 149, Federation of Women for Economic 158, 159, 169–70, 183–7, 191, 202–3, Independence 161 207, 211, 224–5, 230, 235, 245, Kamerbreed Vrouwenoverleg 158, 160 249–50, 255, 278, 284 Man-Vrouw-Maatschappij (Man- policy outcome 24, 29, 35, 46, 53, 56–7, 64, Woman-Society) (MVM) 153, 67, 71, 72, 77, 88–9, 92, 97, 112–13, 156–7, 158, 160, 163 117–18, 124, 135–6, 140, 141, 146–7, Red Women (Rooie Vrouwen) 157 157–8, 162, 167–8, 179, 184, 189, Vereniging voor Vrouwenbelangen 162 200, 205, 208–9, 221–2, 226–7, 234, Vereniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht 162 243, 247–8, 252–3

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political representation 3, 261–2 2001 Socialist bill on mandatory quotas Austria 20–1 for all parties, 1998–2003 debates about 3, 21–2 188–92 Finland 62–3 endorsement of a 25 per cent women’s France 85–6 quota in the Socialist Party, Germany 94, 106–7 1987–1988 178–83 Italy 130–2 endorsement of a 40 per cent women’s Netherlands 153–4 quota in the Socialist Party, Spain 174–6, 187 1992–1997 183–7 Sweden 195–6 Spain, legislation UK 200, 216–19 Fourth Gender Equality Plan 190 USA 239–40 General Electoral Act of 19 June 176, 188 pre-emption 14, 90, 200 Third Gender Equality Plan 186 Prestigiacomo, Stefania 145, 147, 148 Spain, political associations Prodi, Romano 148, 149 Convergence and Union (CiU) 187 Delores Iba´rruri Foundation 185 quasi-WPA (QWPA) 15, 25, 38, 136, 158, Federation of Progressive Women 185 160, 170, 201, 210, 212, 220, 228–9, Forum of Feminist Politics 185 236, 253 Women for Democracy 187 quotas 43–55, 56, 94, 108, 109, 116, 137, Women’s Institute (Instituto de la Mujer) 140–1, 175–6, 177, 184–7, 203–7, (WI) 24, 185–6 268–9 Women’s Liberation Front 181 Spain, political parties Ra¨sa¨nen, Leila 67 Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) 187 Rehn, Elizabeth 74, 79 Canary Coalition 187 Richard, Alain 90 People’s Party (Partido Popular) (PP) 174, Richardson, Jo, MP 222 186, 189, 190 RNGS 5, 17 Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Partido Roudy, Yvette 87, 90, 93, Socialista Obrero Espan˜ol) (PSOE) 94, 99 174, 175, 178–83 Ruddock, Joan, MP 233 United Left (Izquierda Unida) (IU) 175, 177 Sahlin, Mona 209 state feminism 4, 10–12, 260–93 Schalafy, Phyllis 242, 244 Step by Step 203 Schmidder, Philippe 165, 166–7 Stetson, Dorothy 5, 12 Schroeder, Gerhard 109 Subirats, Marina 185 Schroeder, Patricia 253 substantive representation 3, 134, 165, 166, Segni, Mario 138 167, 169, 171, 227, 236, 266–7 Servan-Schreiber, Claude 98 Su¨ssmuth, Rita 118 Short, Clare, MP 227 Sweden, corporatism 196, 203 Sicard, Odile 88 Sweden, debates Sineau, Mariette 88 establishment of a women’s party, Sledziewski, E´ lisabeth 96 1991–1994 207–11 Smet, Miet 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, greater democracy and more women in 53, 58, 59 politics, 1967–1972 198–203 Smit, Joke 156, 158, 160 quotas for elected positions 203–7 Smith, John 226, 227, 228 Sweden, ministers/ministries Snowe, Olympia 253 Minister of Gender Equality 206 Spain, Balearic Islands 175, 177 Sweden, parliamentary bodies Castile-La Mancha 175, 177 Advisory Council to the Prime Minister Congress of Deputies 178 206 Constitutional Court (Tribunal Sweden, political associations Constitucional) 177 Fredrika Bremer Association 198, 202, 203 Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) 175 ‘Support Stockings’ 207, 208, 211 Spain, debates Towards Equality 198, 199

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Sweden, political associations (cont.) Sex Discrimination Electoral Candidates Women’s Equality 198 Bill 219 Sweden, political parties UK Manufacturing Science and Finance 202 (MSF) 227, 229 Centre Party 195, 198, 202, 211 UK, ministers/ministries Christian Democrats 211, 216 Home Office 220 Conservative Party 195, 202 Ministry for Women 220 Group 8 202, 206 UK, parliamentary bodies Left Party-Communist (VPK) 198, 206 Equal Opportunities Commission 219, Liberal Party 202, 211 222, 223, 225, 229, 230, 234 Moderates 211 Manpower Services Commission 223 New Democrats 211 Women and Equality Committee 220 Social Democratic Party 195, 202, 207, Women and Equality Unit 225, 234 208 Women’s National Commission (WNC) Social Democratic Women’s 219, 223, 229, 234–5 Federation (SSKF) 198, 200, 201, UK, political associations 209, 210 Bow Group 235 Swift, Al 251 Charter 88 217, 235 symbolic representation 3 EMILY’s List 233 Hansard Society 232 Taina, Anneli 78 Scottish Constitutional Convention 218 Taylor, Anne 231 Scottish Women’s Co-ordinating Group Ter Veld, Elske 169 218 Tey de Salvador, Miriam 190 UK, political parties Thalin, Ingela 209 Conservative Party 236 Thatcher, Margaret, MP 221 Labour Party 219 The Times 222, 232, 234 Labour Women’s Action Committee Tobback, Louis 44 228 trade unions (UK) 219, 225–30, 235 Labour Women’s Network 228 Tuominen, Eeva-Liisa 72 National Executive Committee (NEC) Tuominen, Terttu 64, 66 225 Turco, Livia 135, 140, 141 one member – one vote (OMOV) 226–30, 236 UK, all-women shortlists (AWS) 226 Parliamentary Labour Party 231 Assembly for Wales 218 Women’s Budget Group 235 Greater London Assembly (GLA) 218 Women’s Committee of the NEC 227 House of Commons 211, 216, 218, 231 United Nations 145, 203, 206, 216 Leader of the House 231 United Nations Women’s Conference, quasi-autonomous non-government Nairobi 1985 203 organisations (QUANGOS) 221–5, USA, debates 236 ERA Ratification in Arkansas, Scottish parliament 218 1972–1977 UK, debates National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), modernisation of the House of 1988–1993 240, 250–5 Commons: parliamentary sitting term limits in Michigan, 1991–1992 hours, 2001–2002 231–5 245–50 reform of public bodies, 1979–1981 USA, federal bodies 221–5 Congressional Caucus for Women’s role of the trade unions in the selection of Issues (CCWI) 253, 256 parliamentary candidates for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Labour Party, 1993 225–30 250, 252 UK, legislation Governor’s Commission on the Status of Human Rights Bill 1998 218 Women (GCSW) 241, Sex Discrimination Act 1975 243, 244 28, 230 House Administration Committee 252

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USA, legislation women in elected office 2 Civil Rights Act 1964 242 Women into Public Life 225 Equal Pay Act 1963 242 Women’s Liberation Movement 224 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 239, women’s movements 260–2 240, 241–5, 256 characteristics 16, 25, 30–1, 36–7, 47–8, Family and Medical Leave Act 255 68, 73, 78–9, 91, 94, 102–3, 114, USA, political associations 120–1, 125, 137–8, 140, 142–3, American Association of University 148–9, 158, 159, 182–3, 187, 191, Women 244 201–2, 210–11, 229–30, 234, 234–5, Arkansas Women’s Political Caucus 244 244–5, 249, 254–5 Common Cause 246, 248 impact 14, 25, 29–30, 36, 47–8, 53–4, 57, Federation of Business and Professional 64, 67, 72, 77, 89–90, 92–3, 113, Women 241, 244 118–19, 124, 136–7, 140, 142, 147, League of Women Voters (LWV) 241, 158, 163, 168, 180, 185, 189–90, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252 200–1, 205–6, 209–10, 225, 230, Michigan Women’s Assembly 249 235, 243, 248, 278 Michigan Women’s Commission 248, women’s policy agencies (WPAs) 4, 15, 256 25–6, 36, 64, 67–8, 77–8, 90–1, 140, National Coalition Against Domestic 142, 181–2, 185–6, 190–1, 219–20, Violence 254 223–4, 228–9, 234 National Organization for Women activities 15–16, 30, 48–9, 54, 57–8, (NOW) 247, 253 72–3, 93–4, 113, 119–20, 124–5, Women’s Campaign Fund 247 148, 158–9, 168–9, 201, 210, 243–4, Women’s Political Caucus 241 248–9, 253–4 USA, Supreme Court 242 insider 15, 77, 78, 102, 113, 120, 136, 148, 158, 163, 164, 169, Van de Coppello, Kappeyne 158, 160, 163, 182, 186, 205, 210, 212, 223, 170 228, 234, 244 Van Dalsem, Paul 245 marginal 244 Van den Heuvel, Ien 157 non-feminist 16, 54, 78, 190 Van Thijn 169 symbolic 16, 58, 68, 69–74, 90, 113, Varis, Tuula-Liina 72 125, 186, 210 Vedel, Georges 88 capacity 15 Veil, Simone 99 proximity 15 Vogel, Hans Jochen 111 scope 15 Vranitzky, Chancellor 32 type 15 women’s representation, assessment 2, 4–5 Wallstro¨m, Margot 209 Woods, Gloria 247, 248 Winberg, Margareta 209 women and policy-making 5 zipping 140, 141

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