,1,^ ,. ..., • ^^-:: • y •••:':• Sow pit .Co py-

V : ; r ; : '•:"• [v; 7. X..•-.•'•^7-''•: . —^Z - ••'•"•—-".' v'V ••'•/:-••;;•,~J ?t^;. ::::..,•:, ,V ' • •'•ti, ••••- •• '••'/... The New44«wspap«f

BeUeiL ••'-•' ••. •-.-. Jh ••• : : Pi ; ; •'>'-: >>•.'•••7• .77'':;:"•>>,;.;;.7" ' /.-•W'7:.- ^~r:.". „•7:.:.7 :- -2 \t .•.'• i -

.•:•*•••' •y^rmf^^:^::^-^^,:^ •;,,<,..

1 : : >y> : )AY/JUEY-18rlfl63\;::v-.;^; •••'. '{;•, '•• '^yO.$V. - " •'" :•'/':•;••:• .'- ••/, ".'' ,•' •''•'" ;VOc per copy,.;; ,''.v a^m1;.),^M..;ii:;: •• ;,i_ v,^^^^^»^ifey^^fi.i^ ' '' .:•'• : •.•.•

ing bridge Football Area e in Spring^ FalkirY-M^keJ'Plea; ' sHBoririgs OKd E|'%^rk^.uV'':::- '.-V'; - ;^;l^^H "zSee'k Support Frgrn...'..,•:.'l..ilf. v ;';•' Park Cpmrnissio,n_/ mHorx ff'. ' •Snririn'flnl'ri' '• /iConiitriicttnn of a -.,Bfld((e inrty'snd-Arr-fir|flimril Board o) ' . '. over'the nahway River* _wMcjn Ctif.Mn•• sn>V P.VP IrtVyc-Tjl)*-'."^ -jt WIN lead, to the" widening nlulil/in-.lbif •pi'ip'iNltliin "W ••• ' •' Mllltown". rd. In 3r>rlngflelH -nnd' liuliiiiB^iriMi;!'' fff/nri. -ni.id in.'itn;—' Union "will not tafiltUbefortUalo. inln impi'in'i>nn,'iir'nint' niiilnjnn' • . . 1 sprinng ~fyM,fy, accordin g JJo a liiji'i!. of. HIP MI\IKI?I nv.p.Jleld W '-j— "SV/i.' ." ': J for (hi rounly Ti\jtfl • ••• ;•) ggJccMnan for (hi rounly- iTi\jtfl- K|>i'in(!fn'-ld," nidi im•.(•'c.iaxjnii «d- , fieer'n office.;"".... ";• •• dillOMfll~>,ffVfiif"a1)d-,t.i)onff,yy,fi'i^™';-^-':-- ^4VV'W by the ihii-Unirin CViunly, Parl< -CninmU- *''V i ; Bar.} T^eeholriers •. : ; ha*B not, benun arid' th& bri'dge Llvlnwilitn '• lii'' ^nnnHje designed nnttl fh» Iv ilaafe7:;.:a ; i»q of soil irt'thB^rea'lit 'dotdrYnl'n'p.'d'. . A.tl ,t:

b'f •lBj\WrfSftt.ill., Newark,' Wfow- n'rinyion"- my.. Bvolr, hnnchedulp for' IcstliiR KSS" 'IVut whiCjh has fallen Into a stnte' •-, • ,_^ be«n llrtlBt, ^Thc^cjimpaoy',, ^has df. rilsrepali*. '• . ,- .; . ' ptjSriifsed lifcn, a.nesri' with'''the. Sprlnsfjctd'1 Mayf.ir.'Arthur MV-.... Catkin presKtired, rajnlcd n'rto -- ••-', rrton, whenr Its scihedulfi Is" cl^j •jplnnripd with HJP Srhonl boarii ' .'"•• < •''"' fe1~fr"thB~hnlitKR w» •^'i'npsrtflv-Tiight^fr-Ho-nv-hfft—il nl- ,±r=-~r — wwfetiE..;jBi;./olbwl.nK an airr'^ 'iajadjf.hadjajnlnd In dn-vname' '• MBivf. With., the. munlcipalltioii.?% - 1Iv. V I Iftpivt; Siafi.»ifv'i,Wlitnichi'bfc -.iWni'reti ,M'.,'.'-'DavlS-.al>'ead,\ ""' .;• • ' offeiv"(ne7#erf eelTieHUij;, for »--qin«l' chunk. Jtaiftj t 1 :*- '•-•> Jonathan DaylW'JReirlonal Hl&h School Pln.v«rr6rtnd' iiccr W«Hfr KoMib -cxpriwwijd 'Iririi.flcri n, lcllel fni'i tjebofil boarc' *' .' ... '„ "M.:..J.—i_i^i-,~«-—-—,:.;./-WJ.— ^U—^S-:^ •.-.~v^^q~±r.*,--rfrt**r~;r i. .."™r'_ disappointment. Ihnt, hi'ldtff wot'JT ' com- •' • **••'.'••* "•' »ja-••"*^¥>.: '•" . "|. IwoiilH • put: b« '. uliii'ind-' until

' tlm'l; •SprlnjjfMd y 7p (>cl» In.llir'fnll.."Riwih' unld.limt .DJ . Kt>l''IIMflWS fll iVHV Milliet"llt*"Ul • •••4-----?i'i4-«.,i; Tin-" II'I'IPI' S. liirt. Muil-tlii (If I'd 111. ' ' In ii'C nlilil .l\p winifhl . llm TtiiiK I'lillt'M'ri In tH.i* '. 'Aiiuibw .lei.|l'i:-.l*.i!!».J.l(LJw«ly ii ..'iii l*»l- - rill jimi ;!,1 'ilfiil.:." I'n'lli.lilli'lilK ic, ptrrni 1 - ...itf ! l'K« ...-TmPHii|.ir|i. •' l jo'Mi'iiijuil ««<•%. IJ'ip. y>llli »jlthi1".HIiili;ii; .•. ('ii)in'- I'liiiililiiin' nf ul.l wnlllil' Illivt' "In

• illHl—mH-l—i.i'f .tlt l4 , ,iv.ir Vo. n.f. nn ". iit'ii«ti'Mi u>iiimT:i«i.,- '•_~ Ivunv 'Hliiji.ll*5>)T7wlM!«i'« !''' II.' ftirlliiM' • pvnpoHtw! -"Hint l,«',,' ••- »ii»lvd,.lii aprliiiifliild It. will Iw •iinil tho -Sp«lucfl,y-woiildn t—want and Bpnnra '. hh>lt^:'iVfinlii (Iw of. this, facility bj ' , JiTrtflhanip'TiViyicW Wlir'nllow nn"'" nron hntwaon Shunplkc. rd/ nnd 'Bonrd. 'thr.oiiRh. thir '•aeldltIo'AaP1"4fln'"riiomb .Onhpaa Springfield': "liistrmonth for pomplBTtmns •lineal,.house iiond wortF-hi-iB?";triwnshinl :Ko- isii.b jfkkL4^sma\l poi'tlnn, :t J3or»ky--iR- tor-.ia;- ; thirli l»r ""rrVrn K^b4 *20(i(li|il4b y- Ciiii'i ccfi'.!it.:.:.ncSi^Ci5J's4* '*I ;Mrnincd sua»'dfi' and ! In ';'sltlownlkjlTal(JmF ovenrlmif hniHes, -ba» been'Hn

i $lnlr \a > y.. 'Plie RvHt*Includ R r Its piirchnco o(J In the Conimll.tco. Include' Spi'liiKriql'H, •."",; Onln ^ Jtilo tho Inpp of 'tho n<>- . A Mpok,o»innn.foioi. tho:HIor)tho: HI'oc)||i Bonrd. membei-- •nibhard', TownshlPi-'Uttloa''Cnlijily,' Unlo'i ' pojwl"' ofiMiii;nfioin Uw)lc ih» M.IKIOI admlnTiili;iitli)n-' fFaJkln'stil'd. No land l?lolli|l ' pojwl".' of,. iMiii;nf.ioi 1 has'- 1)0011 . nt'tiiili'cd wpsl '.rif Wfirnnr kirtd that.the detfiy-cnulrt. Cmint6 y .Piirk Confiifltolon i«nd Tur»lny'iI'upi|luy7 jilithjiltfhtt .•.by by. an Ki'otip. i>f to , Jnjik for 'fnljlnu tn liniiui a •-•-I Rr\imi>Ilu>'Vfli. or Misl'of Mniii si. elTont Ihbdafofy nf~jRh|lrii'orr, .* thf> Btale. • •' •*''.•;.•.• 1 '• l>m'*AtS,/iHO!illy frnin'.Mqunlit'lni* Viiledlcldi-lan, , naUilfttorltin, :•;»'' ll «nd c-splnlnrd lh'»l hl p't ll«l of. lop I.I' li lh •|ikr.'-. jid .h. nyl Mi .tncp>ilK'ii/f6'.; 'ttiom' ittflve. for.ini «ppnlnlninnl» rlo

Hi. liupprlrttnntlctu .of ' bv-'lhp' 1'loiiTd1' of :J5fhn-Htlnn- ,»l .'. •snid liio Hchonl •'sysltihi\Vtin 'iWitii\ieHi.V .nlifht'la R "mwlliiK.., • -•' •• ,r- •• Eniof -it: oiVc-ynnr to tlii> 8pi'intjffif>lfl .v;. ".Appulnlrfl'Tor "tWi* TDnSVTDIff

Vmu' fc>y-r~ • >m>f>ti n>% *fcfa »iii iitn'v"' ^^ii^i''-1 ' series of (iiieKtlniu ]— Benripr.nxp|a,|npd Uiat It "ni|-at lhs e'nd-of thtinehool yenr $n.-100. ••'..Mired as a ..pnrl-limt Fnmlly t,lfn l(Vi_«n thnt In ' m«(iy--(vn.vii tlVrmml). 'llio n- school plvVclclin 'was .Dr. ,Vlr- ! n.y. tMt.vilU •ftvem- ()thbV,,'bQard lii'cinbcril \vnnls1 of civic '«nd Borviwrbrr ' ' n rnto of -'- the. .. iit-jUii?". I'entlilliir I^ink , ." ii yimr. Dndobhor Wii Sd)»wni«lx, • ni critic . of mo'pllnij'' ' but-aime individual b>; Botiiler nnd tho • arehltfot, ; QT'll Howard .15 plnnnlnf!. • ' . ' . /' 'pcndpi!f., , ^pwportwi^ibli^ t the boiliid • .tinier Dr, Dnvls, cxplnliH'd to Dr._FlDr._Frlede a who, ronlanwl. I.railer rrofllo • In( a l.olilor to'llio boafc-Vroiul 1 had ;«Kre«(t' that t'he ftrchltoct ihu board Hurt o.vercmp)in)ils,op, n bocaiiso' of Illmws,, , Mayor Artliui-M. nt-Tuc'sday's inoeti'nB, Sdhw'Wtz Boy Escapes' Injury Khotitd. bo !«ho one ^to coniparfi'Uvtt' jbads,.-i'.l6 ..'Mrs. Miyrlo .M.OI'I;IK was hired I'liv.vfctouinl NiswK-,. Jj". mwlc'lt clear .that, ln...hls~3'pl».- SpHwhtf/s^UitfH , build* 1 iibl ! as n p«ft-tlm« Kc'hool iuirse at a-u ^.11'. tnho.offcct iipori cinle- lo be. nn- I l ' Inn, the sshrto'l board was not \p Gar-Bike Accent inj, "b(?oauii« fii In ou* Biildff In ij child will tako Winy t'ourses In Annual ntte. of,^2,400. She xe- M 1 Sotilal inlprnlited., in thl'" •• :prdcr .In; receive: bli^K ' ' 'places Mvs.'t^iB Schpch-'who iiouiictici'by.'Elie L'endGi- and continue foOB "•'" " •'' wBaifed i %•' ''A r' , It U "tif' flfl'.Shtinplki ) rd., '.Sprlrtg'tleld,' T toiriarf," '-. ;\ *.. ..",•>••" '.ill . • DUNijHiiuii' '.Tl. uwowiJiutvir . SlaU) Senator Slartiler .'.. ,14 ph ' Bejider,'chairma,h n wa* shaken b\tt oih'e'rwlra* urifn- cepft6h'e'.. proposal as Mn Bskud that: tho flnanc«l commlt- Tercentenary Talei ot, the plannini g jcommlttBHjltt tek. teak .jUred •wharf h«. r,od« "I will not accept »i this pWnt, 'He '.likened'^ ,lt,.. W pne and ran 11': ,'• r t«a InveAlgala the poss'lbHllv oj By .Tphrt t. Cuonln»h»m tssiie with Schww-te'K jtatwpnt. Yl •blcyclb B into the .aid* • i>f w ike- viewpoint pt, Qn«'•perjiojV';, once put on .perfecefet t .^tcdn uncln.l Becuflty covernge ior.oer- •'!•>.;'' i ' 1 1 •*:(): Enclosed fhid .JS2.' Today') HomemsUw— polnttntt out, that meetlnS* n«« cari ai' Mo,ifnUin ave, and.Cald- iUr. Bfirtjarnln H, '•,•'.Tosephiion recftrdn., has bften. dti-onit laln' profesclnha) . ~*"* *'—**-* «•>•-—•—.. • *'.->• . By i.>Iat;y Arm»troni .. well, .pi., floeotdlnj trt police,/ •'.,', ended. Iho' dltcuit»lon by point? pha8l*ed;".liv recent •yearn,' •' 'he «» nol covered:tn.piflvme pr Hirih'. Himlno Xld C>MQ;Mlir/l ssldj, ''heca.us* phl|t>reh,'. would :(•"•); Bill-^e.upon 'effecttvo date. i',l*l ,"'.J_L.J.JU Ipfjllj. ' timDR 'it'^Bkl».3J|Jt .; . l*.il.'.Uilloi_i Co.'j«^,l .

1 1 1 1 l ll • ' • • • • ... i ... <™^T. )' • i, . ,"•-' , -,. • -'.'•'..,,•••;, ,, jl • . »l-, I i ', ,' 'U I ' I • ' y , .•• i> , •• ',',•' . , H ' ' > •• , ' .1 ' I .•••*• Vr- '' 'M'•'*iti IVViV S'fcj WiWliiElil •** ll* "'"" « '"'|l 1 i '-•• Tr—fVjMi—nrf> i.»/,ji' -' • ' -i' ,•'*'• V . • i ,-YA |'TTiii. I'J.T.-.i;1.. ;'j«'V !•'

l^i^iiif.W.llr,^! /,";'••*' * -^.',. .' *•,-.. _•',,, .^'-, * - V i '•• V' J r*y-—-".'.' ' '/•' :' - •'- —"~ •; ' •'.*. J' •" ' '", <*-./


AW IIII.MIt Hi t liie.i'iillM' Hl« • Hearing wl which.'1:'opened lanl Tiuihiiloy la (Midi ni'dlllftKl'i" Id 'ItlVl'iMtlis nn'iiH <1. Ulllll .U)i Couirt todmy..on. « being "iHiggnl down'', br.cauno fi.v 401) III tumuiM IhO lie •uilllmiUtflt'lira. or five of. titbhulcjilltlc!*, . nt<'i'i'dlnij (n t^rninlllat I'ould by ilio.'J S&rtngfld'd lnvlfi Wtilnbcra. nlornov fin T at II» . It C;>m«iltioe'and Build- oompiaTitaht' • ' :. *l'«(!HJayrj—v— • v^r Uniird, -. • •'-••-,• •' 1 Act on 'a I'dofliniiHindaiiob ing in»p«ctiir- OlUfTwulpr >«,.re- • to pjl OtHei . l)H»lnw« will lm, 4Ue laid, t«: « vurliinie ..far-Evergreen oonUnu«.l|on of IJIOJIIH h^rlilgi. by lhn Bnard' p{ AdJwrtme'nl re- 1 Ej ji'iipy Jamei Rf, wnlj|e, The show esuw an smfliulnieiU In .the. «0r"r TTTW Cnivley, Ihe'l li*(trt»Jf-j la being hous'o .!>-. aim expected to ,bo carried over lyenjise ih«ra WM ,..- .Jrmnee,. _and a variance .«• not i-uftlclent lljne. lg'»t_w»elc tftlc*rHiiik«d,. of the' «prln»fleld Splaih, * mliBiorraphed publication »tte»tlnr: to the ppPMUrjJty of the ' memberlhlp''rnade use pfT.thfl: ftf.,05-Evergreen aye.,' Frank 0. x pooJ; while, on' .cooler' days the him for- hi*. crod'enUhls.. The' BiarHff. of : 2 Gharlty' lane, Slit' ,. cnmrtiunU,v'«-ii)»\v hiunlclpul swlmmlnyr pool.:The editor, Mri. Terry Saleiky (third from . man'arrived'at hircir, which ' . .left), conceited .an assimbly- Una" method Of ittlin/c the Job doner wfrto'rlihrSre Ro«» figure was ZS/Pcr jjent. He^-sald, i Waltmafi of, 21 tohaHtylane, M»a_ IHaCfbased on -the figures both • liijd beon~pa»'ked--nt Mountain' Sclma. PoTter'-'pf 2l TMn. bnks ~. [Bml^-JBonnle .OrMtlfejt^.Mrs, Saleskx, Elletf Mltnltiky, Terry Schwarli Itnit;,' Llndi . aiul llbnshiw.avcii., Judt as the Jtecreatlon ' Dlrectorr-Ed—Ruby CiJaiMr2M4aI!ogdmjui ' ' Strtun,' -ji. ]••••' . ••:•':'•• — '.'•..'•'" •••'•••••• ':'•."' •<.. • ' • .;•'•'' ".:'':>_" .'..•. ']. '.'i •officerwas placing « summons a^^--.i- and-.PdbrMphagor.LoD De-Hora of-Jfl-feuiFrey 1. .said that membership could be -on It for being fjnrkcd ,in'i 1 ~~ zone; iiHTliiri said. '"•'' • -The, group ii-askTn^ . that ihe increased'. by -.400. >~-.', , , court- set aside and rescind the 1 •,Catapat)o:rargiied tha+-he feit • . MeltoifjvaTfiined ?R./'jr the yarianqe granted by< the Board J. betlBr. attendance rate could •parking offense arid , .'$$'. for of'. Adjustnienf. last month and be—established after ten weeks refusing" to. -show,credentials' •' rallfled on Juno U b,}t the/Town- Tit pool, opolra'tlonj-aot. after two. ship . Committee, .The1'suit' alio, ApMuniclpat J^pol weeta^a puitlmrpf which was' s«!ekirto~"hav phlldren have 'atarted* a newsrf '• adr!">l«. ,„• with lit In' K[,rlnilinjt fTJ' pjjvroom —' '("quipped with special educational toys and' playthings—was. dedlcat«rMon- day it* (he, John E,'-. RumwH«- :. RoessnerrEoessner Hiispital For GhqstiDlacHkds ln: DMkflfvJlel«l"l» ' •'''-r-^

1 Officiating .at^-ribbiin. ;p_r(»ldertt: of the Spiilngflcld •Pa' JHorold SoarteH'. was1' rcoliojcd. 1 ccrcrnonlei.- were Dr... Eugene • •*!• jft: *thor .m'atters' baime. the 28-y.car-bld party gp-or. -trolme'n. * BenovrtentrAssoclatlon to" f iJjTeo-year term as delogafe isTarglellpr-.- sUperlnteHdwt^—and Whlto • Diamond • tSAtaiirqlH on eo'uHj'utames A, Reaves,"20i "of at:a meeting hBht^recehtly.. His- to~the State PBA and JoHn TtiW- medical •.director' of the luwpltal,1 1 D'om MTTIdiescX was:ennllng'lhls" Morris •ave..'receiitly/ was fined ...... W.HS.'Jfint'd >20 „ fot; 1heffls '•• - ' "ii!*Union- County jail •bfothe.'r,'"nidborf~ R<3e«sner,_ivi» rdF^Was elected convention arid Mrs. Azeglio' Pancani Jr.," CLEANERS elecled vice president^—-— delegate. \" c .. , : "525 .and sentenccOiilU' days 'sp'.oo'dl'p'a; at..65jjffi.lUSs._.per_Jiour; ,tm&--weiilejiili:jtcu pf._$loo;, bail president qf thc ,Ladics of;Unlcq " 'Other officers elected-.for the in • thb .Union;: dpuntyi jail by on"Rt,: iS- June .iiB,'and his ll- aH^'ti. allegQdly. threatening ; his , Honorary life membersjiips, iin Springfield, the .organization rMa*iijfete-w'5himBs-jA.rrJ{Lrgyjii! lhe-organl«tion~wcre-presented .whl,vihlch"raligrt'iundgi . for' the hew ; In -iiwnlelpaI.TP-;court-i,}ijp!wlay-' Slght other motoi'lslf "were on dthe towrishlp^prosfioutor, alltary>Eaward-DajJme*. tteasuror, il a Silver .Life..'Card Dlnnpr addition.," ' ' ',•-; •" • . '.-'. • '-••• • In', Spiingflfeldi ahd Harold Scarjess, sergeant- hold' recently, at1.' Mountainside, : Mi's. Paneanl.. Jr....Blon|<,-with" 1 ed tav speeding, :as follows: ••''The ,'..I'M''Sentence.• was SUB-^ ^tenry' Kulpn^a' Newark, 5T0; Thred Inn. Honored were Police Chief Mrs. IfreK-Puorrtii past president iaTvF.^ArrdnsoriY^fl^Far Hllli,- yi. bfeen flled'agalnst Wilbur C. Solander, fpttner Po- nf the'Unlcq-group. were part of i; J.eOnB.(M. Lovftt, 20, Soulh Kai'l S, .Fard of 583 'Bound lice Commissioner TUissollSlbole, .eominltfoc which .'collected Brodk-'rirh;—Middlesex Bnt'pilgh; Troopl83 Holds' Ihnn Sl.nnn for the nroleci; anji'dj;- JZS!' Wlllavd" A. Stltt,'. "" '" -Searlcs, Domlniet_Ittb. He also.Is wanted oy.police ,(n A plaque' reflecting the gift • to Iwo .VerdnK;;-$25!-'Albert.M'. Nl- brnco, :gn owner, of ..the.Coltinliil Pluinflcld on a non-BUppoi't- lvfotil, foi-nsslslimec given to-lho HIP hnspilal waann plncod on the )a:.;42}, Orange,".$l(i: Gloria.. .charge', " „ idtttM-ti'Sfl, MoHt)|t(i.lii!ild«,> $1D!1 PB-A.and j'lHIr'etl PoMee'U. VIM- Wall'nf Ihc new ',. Tljp- ,rtlnnrdoi'ly ' ••f'vfttt)-fiKH.V win- "ffij'ni t(n)>iiiimiin('.«tjoftjm!.lltcj[llniin*nllra. ii^(nidv:;Xliiri, 'ivIcDnrrtfejj", 4-l! Ih'o- rcslilonco of Ills liiothci-lii- put 'Is tltr- nnmiiil.-|ilcn](i_lo lie Idijiilis xv-liItili ' Unlnii hm IIIWJI.VH Inw initl.'slsler, Mr, .'and' Mi'Kt TOld.ivAtiB,. M ". ill. ' I tin; pi'ni'lli.'iil 0 IVIIK, •Ptjguy-.'. *l.H»fF 'witd • Mm, ' ill,, Sprliiiiflnkl, 'AddjHtMtlnned nt «ttntl - MttlHTTtTTfRiii, curli"i)iif,'l'i liL-tha- (ilrtniiwi "'ivt(', rtt'tr.tit, "iTJri ; slfinaajifjliti WiLitlcuHul-luy* -1nt ; f |i|i.lli'ti .lidlHlillml'IriiK, iiolli'e KKliI, 4 : l > ..li'fibl)- wvvfi" nlrt^ld; In .nrytiiiahitt: l'!y»t'fi''m ir1.iitln<". • -. • \\\nti !>''-' nti'liiHHlc rhH'ilrnn. tj 111. ivi- .-if,. . (iWv jilii OTHT i—At^iji'illHM -tn-piiljce, •|< .oi d..biB> Produoe .ehHw»!!i.V'-iVi*W #1111,'rOiirtrl,y.'Cfi i:ltf1nV»i;;fliimiii ty lwi'iihiti,(Uiil|ilvi< tirt lSiV. ''•'Hit 'MlltrtllUtr'I'i. Krti'fllV Jiiiiti fTiilvtu'HiiH lluwmd Kllll* -itilil '• HiiHtllt- VdU»'«, Avih* »l)li'll l M^m lh« ttl 'l . .rlii, l'|. ••wrfr.l' (HI'IIVI) fllV t|Vl»|l F'-' I'liulli.m mi!* "Miii'ditj: •Tiriei'-t'iiM.m will' li« an, -\: Vi,, wliiuil Ho'Sll iiiji'- liidl,- I'hunce In "wllii«»»- »'-. In •Mi1" i"''1 nf IJi'ar "I'oimli'y-titil.ll -kftor 8«.ulcfl wlU.v li(jdil,v Iwinn, • . • SorvicB U Held • ^: H/mv ' n'l -look nl Snliii'divv's, 1 i..wiii.nijrii« totni, ..'.1!U« wiiriplnhvU. ward HJUitwl w\\t «i;U'i«i« with t'hs nokml PAMPER WITH ^.•/"HpymTnu'^-PnirritniHii' Tiubtiv For Mrsj Ersfcio :' : ; l(t thlii Ri'ifft. Only .' n.ye in* •Uirhush dnrlc Klnsmrs. 11 nd. lVtiNuwilor Molilul, A hnnV- . HH.7 i.xtr •c'eiif or 'thirs.iin'ii JUU;-T_ r•'blind you pennftnonlly ln« will--hti. held- In miinlHp.nl face .will bo eulijwBd—by'.lhe your .Vputprdny /(iiL^MM—iiiUJa.-vyi'^ l' courl AUK. la, A dolwlnof wn»uliln \it. Ifl7.'r.iiiulef) avc,,',.Spl;ii)g "TTOnvTn. tttt pissii«pnii|wocn COMPLETE (Hod l>y.Pln.|n(l&ld pnllM, "' ••••.; field, whn d.lod.'SBluitluy. Iiit.or-" .C.srtli '.-.ami sun. uic . iuniiei—: vpn mont vvap IH Holly'wpod >Routl) one goeS4fjve Kb?wcr the • itis. ihnri a s'econd,, - • ^ rial Park'; ' . """ _ '•, ,..r. '.perL^utttoef but it will 'b'e total_ Tliis^wiyMnii., coined from ' Services' Yesffirday • ~Tl^e wlrlfnv-'nf' Mr,' Leonardo .for • viewArn , Jn.'.Mnlhft:-' • '• '< '• for ••. viewers, Jn'Mnlhe. Society of Ne'-SIN8IN(> ~ foi' MI11.1 Antonia (joan*t'«) sa-r •Schmidt of ••' ' —6MMRICS* fARAKKTV.)- lerno o£42-Bsrkoley. r'c field1,;-who1 rifed.. Siindti' •Therfrr-jif about -one. totaT" The - tnlal' !7 *^*"*T.T va.. .Ji.YBi-.jin~. ^^•Sfwwrtlid^Jz^-Ci'andchiK t|he Took ,'placa Febr Wrs/Ida .ffat-iltaTWriirMar^ ir SulUrdU.v s ocupttC, .inpro vtnr-Za- Will- not JjC-H - Lunchroom ivldlbleyr TJdjjdji,. ,of HglH- omt TA-Hllbuuh-J. V -li a. [ren.rtfrnt'iicverit, Itiar.tttif 1-*^ • 'bmtheT1t| AUreti1n]ofieph"anrt~Kd- Shows'Pratiti 'tiitmHy: '_ c'ult-Ttft. .TiCMirve. Thei . luncJitHtoiYi revenim r \iinlfi only (t (ow.m'niulcK\ ViiMi Mnnv, •'•R • 'abndcos • wn'ggT, held•-'•' in -nifif 1 i ••• in A*.Mr***—»—rx% .• • • ftlloTf'-d 'ifJ' the mcrnth ^of .v "Is visible only frii.iii a_y('ry'* "Smith & ;Smtth Kmwol-Hbme', Vohualandl-Jb*. brlglft «tnr«' W»J. Jl finl., Id A.M, In 8 I'.M Sprlng-Holcl. • , , •iTutljitljie '"'" ^'py^f. "f $I,-;r "Hn'mll. s«(*TIi>n ofTTiT'onHhi— QQi.Hi.H ,wa« rcnH7.o(l dmn'Iiig 'thethe' Prillux, Ganlor anil Pi'ocyon: KurfnVe, Alter lhl«-otio,_tlnv'B bust schooh l y.(!nr,,Dr, Ben'iimli1- win-Do^vliil'ble In the sky as- a "willmil -bo. nnotlw vlSlbla H, Josiiphson roi'oj'tott nt.Ttici- blffckfll'ound. for the; totally 1 day's meotlns of the flonril ol eclipsed nun, The au'n will' be Education,' „• - ' . . .' .low In the sky al (he time, Two Cars- In Craslj For Summer Oomfort ^t-'oritracis ware, 1*1 for'.'brn'ad,' "While It may «e»riTlmi)oNgl- jnilk and ife cceanV', tm> th» hlo ,/or Ihe.' moftn, » nutellltt. vdriven, btf linymoi'id C.j Brand New lmiM ihv' "iiu'; !g>tW. '.milas. In dUifaim;, to .-IH, (if, BijA:a.:Sp)iln'aih'

i-Fiileii;' '63 RAMBLERS 5 • ^ye'urlitijfiofl 'Ropalt'ed ' • nhiim B»»'( '••»•' •••«•• »• Al No Extra Oosl ",,'...^toj^ifit;''•Service'•'•'.' • itUmt.' ' "•""" •" hom«.l««it ol STEAKS 1 World Pttmogi 24B; MORRIS SINAI KOSHER 48 SMYTHE RAMBLER MORRIS 51 Mmlr A"*., ,ip i75 Morrli Ave.,Sprlnftn.sld ^.ITOPlyPM,,,. ['•••:•: •••'DR1..6'5940';.1-i-.1'1 ^.. :.:r..77r~*grrr.ww^

'*.'",'•'_* " y.I'l'':.'*'*" '"•—••-•-•} """•,*"*""" '''""""..'*.'."'JV<*''"' •"• ""'7""'"' ' './?,'

• • >,

..4., ' 4 ounds billy M i»ji«i(oti)8>i.-(ji,',u-'r aiitlvliy. •. Slit Lynn Cilun^lnuK, t'liTiVI, nj; filiniD of knock'-liM'ktiy law. plny- mid ,ilih c.'aiiiioii wins MuUdlur and. . Kmhy .ra^|(AdTcla...fiaiii,e parllcijianij • . ptrg Nancy, and'J,ean Daunnn ..frcrtiSSi.JpMjvwIf. TJiu VliHrtrnr , jj .ui o: -p'retUort .-^ "first, won: aellshiurt with; tliuUc uc- Gone Fccko;' second,' Kath.v to be n: pojiul!(r,x>ast- 1 v. Jlvltlos; and the ittteniliwicc Tpr tlme at li'W.lti Piaygi-ouiHl;, 'i'Jiij Zlegler; ihird,' '.MJsscy Purklfecif Patty/Shcehan,' Jef fry. .Marsh'. > ., -these .events was.- far above av- loader, Carol Me^ho, reports and 'Sharpn,_J|>hiisb)); ' funoieet all; Etfen'AleXiV •SteveR Flock erase,, neeordlntf to , Recreation thai a HootJiarrfy'Sons; -Sftow .—' first, Cindy. Serjl and Beit>' hardl,; Mlksy fiurfcufo- end Nan ' ., nept-, officials. V. Attendance at was ^presenited TO thp hlldi Mi'pnvprn' :j»,v,,,ri M ^ ,cy Weinborg..; i '•,, •.:•'' -

jiacr, i^li^ii,Tui{ niji^iijj. ,uiO' nut 1 Brennnn ., msters, The ':;„_. spoil,'. officials' explained. Hpwi' (ilstor.s, David Arnold, John A, Cliccko)s Rkll^' at £tterr.,-:.ttiey^-Wi|d,.-,.|n-tliL ))«aV V Na9£y uaurino' capture the ,week flic,—aUeadante" charts thin, $ersl, Missy: Sheeji'qn'v Bet- girls clown, Wlttjo:Robert •Am'- t wtsre:'. B.rad /SniKh; Stevi .hairfl. ,$cJS^up:-ro, .where: most' ty. • iMcGovern; Join'. Dlp'auson- old,won 'for! Uic boys. 'Phillip fy. Rtck \Vonkv Hotic-Ft Ar- c ?f "*!» pla'fr h 7lfl;~PiUy •: Shoeha^;. arid- "" •" CoHep,- T6ni McGoveni and nold, Mark. KiarshaU, Jeff'''i/ffee~Z "functioning- at capacity. 1 Ronnie Toll enjoyed- an" Uhcle shall, Gene Zo'rn, Brad Liciitpr.'." . / ' • IRWIN STREET , V;v, ... . Wlggly fiame.: • -••••• ' ^;--;^.'^' Va] Def Vecclrioi .Tom" HbisKei'' 1 i "y A tothorball rally, was-hold nt Thn Virgin ' plnyga'Siiiid. cos-' lrvSTn PiayBrpund k n .-• pop-- and AVarrcn Danzlnjjch Jflola- ' .Jwin :ejirly. liis|. wonlc. Those lume parade •proved .:io bo an. ular nrca. for the i'mnllor qlill-, tjiiu -iioftball .Is also, it populai' ,.children finishing hltfh In Iluv '.o.vorwhelmtnK , siic'CMis. ; Coii- drcn'•an, w6)\ as those oldiir boyji' BoUvity, wjth-(hi-bi»ys at Ir-. •' event wore: -, Robmi-Arnoid,' tcsUnTtn In thin whow vieftTW In and ulrls: This.fact is shown .by \vin, •Gai>- Woincr.-Rlc'h Folk- k Nancy nfld Joun • Daunno • arid •number rind ;fill «sery talented. the jiojralBriiy'pf table and dr- •in. Gene fconv Kenny 'flock- 1 Linda Bttrrotl,. Tennis' Dotiblos- Til* Judges • hnrt^g^oat dlffIcult ele, ^aiues. Thoso • populur clr- harat, Mlk,e Shulncr.-Jofin Fiiili-1"- 1 ,..iy«re aKttgln hiiihllKh'ted at Ir- I4n,ie in' detqrmlnirig, wlonet>, clo gamy- are^.ii|)ud, dodge nrl- errTVal .Del. Vecchloi'T'ony. Me- • - • . biit the filial results \werei_.ai; ••-••'• * • i•- ITICTTCII, uciwCUJl VtU rton~t>aU.. Uskot-a-lasket. • and Govern - and *'Stuart' Falkln ex- . r-J!M: V««olilo and Gerio • Zoni Pat'.Burnedei* and kafhy Brec- otheVs.j.' Knock-hockey Is .pop* ••-'(Continued on Page 9) —•—' jartd Jim, Ohnnon,, and., Linda •no'n;; second,- Jonathan;-Fisher;' ular'alsd: and-ls Aified-ajmost1'- Bl—

;,"•••<•• •'

Hchattir^l^m±Mef:^rpimTiivi/f,,t, »u at-flB Garden-O'vaVS»ylB

MI HIUVI TNI IIIMT Tl UMtT IHUrfmil Open' Dally 9-10, S< Sun.9-4 ,i,IMlr Ttj w«i«L»miM»«

'The. Sprjn^flold .'Publlp Ll- bi'iif.v'p. Stimmoi' roadl.ng -clubs

, ona noor .cniiaren s qapqrtmunt fg nyj ; More tliat. 200 smnll" fryy,, II- tidi W l tal fora single- day. '•" l)l'nry>i5ntr6Tis" are signed "up lor . Kcllov also . notes thnt Tho BdQkwockLCJuIll'.-QkwoLCJuIli the,'va, - catiot n readindi g program forf - chilhil - young readers arc showlnii!! iriorr o dren Inthe-jprimacy grhdes. The In'tefcst In non-flctlon IWs sun - ; till i th flld "TTrii p A^ffSH-5Se^WbrlA^ffSH5S^Wbld GlbGlub"", mor; particularly in the fle-ldi of-- or readerJ^ln the fqurUf^tht'oug'h sclbnce »nd Clearance seventh grades, hns a rfh : Headipgi club;:members me • 2S-9UART SIZI ship o"f about.350, drmwn from -a'11-fivo'ipiibllc ,'cle- SKOTCH reading club .nrnnr-am he- mentary .achdc><-.;iii nnd \vill qonllnun. TiSTwclI HJ SI. Jamfi Parpchlul hrouRh Labor' Day. On oppn- who have reached th'elv qi'mtnir will bo"?lvcn out by Mrs. Kel-

ON M/WN STRffTS C A lltjlillntf olnvw Mi nil Kiwanians He&T- BRIQUETTES 9 9 - ^i H I ftin'i piul-iif » cL-tu-mluTOlalt-jti eul Unt»ttTr[(~ Reporl On Confab PICNIC LlGHTtR lift (In In Ilij liiwnnhlji ruin PATIO TABLE *»nulttr nl WrtlloiJiftrllilJiiA nl\ I JUG. CHARCOAL FLUID- In UWI H/ Uuht t tiiillml IMIUiu In llu Mllllii 4 •r'llnj) In Mil\ni Afllilii M !(|iiht«!l>'lil IMufihln I lull nil Uin In oi xnin>f HKMVUUT," _- ' I In u nnl rnitw ulii'H hi Ai GARDEN TOOL SEr 29c iihiuul of DIP I'tlili liinllii t 111 I llu liiiflj Klmuiln»n >\ nil" tin IP "' Mli\ I nil |u IIIIIMU of tllii l|HVHhlilp I)* tm ullli litf tlli|(un(> iMhri at Home nnd abroad, imiltiiwnVi It'ttlWtt nttlrl III Allnnll ^fverain Lawn Sprinkler 4.99 hi d MTfilvllnil ti! Iliii tiHUi v u t W 4.JJ •——ill.. ••» m———mA^mmmS ( ItV wnld I'lnwl Wrtll(U_iui(l •id - DiAuirtit main WAIL COLDINQ AVUMINUM || AI I tilinni K ~ L 1 ^ VAtUt V now ami Inter (Oil lit illliiln HlWl IIIH 11 uI• In HI il«inlln III* Icnviisllljm UHI\ BEACH BAG iTiil t huuli of Mllll-iuin u/a* liuliui CHAIR dl lulu mtinluiBhlp Cm I J 6t DOlttt tJt V S W(l> iMi ond Back niilnaiin wna ploilod n

(Cqntlnucd (mm page 1) CHAISE mitslonei of education had been AffiMATTKSS_ LOUNGE

jle IBniB HS 11 t

ll be irari o\ ranwl BANANAS l cuinmgrtt in each-pubHc whool 'WfVfnfltliiy —7 1fcn upumng tyf uver tatter suiiulnuffitmt ' No lous hdviLe m o\{ 11 iwr-^x- HOME &' the tendlnir of tho Utblc OFFICE and the iopon.tlni{ of il\i 1 oid» shiill be hold In nliv school ipt. MAXWELL HOUSE >i»i<»^snty tv mo ..to ction nt ^ moetinK which fol- lo\Ped the Supreme Cotirf de- liA;uthtS ber« said, they \voro awnltinj! Uie ' 2*2 MORRIS AVENUE dlreptlye-'otUhe. educatldn-'comi't 5PR1N0FIEL0 mtssloner .and .the report' of the Servlc... DR 'i attofney general. :. ". ., . ' ! INOEPKNUENT SUPER,MARKET i;35 ,volu» inSTNT ' NOXZEMA SpiUnanoid mqtbrititei. Worn nn th»;.mvJtl(iir6f"MlTT'dT' |. Il«tlrttf-i thl»- ,; ataawllnfto fJ»t| Jj Par ^gff^^



; •"•.-'-.'•••'". •'. •'•'. ' '. ,. Li.",!: '."..'..'„ .'" " 7;..--- '••'"..' ,' !.••:••._•..:.,•"".•' ' ; .L.1+..'/,)':,. •...•. ' :•'..,•"" \'/.v ,•'••- •••'*•?' •'" . • ^ ~, ••••••• • •'•>•" ; ',••- '••,.'-, . • '1" . ,• . "'• '• .'• • ; •>' ' • •, '" .• ,. ' .-•'••—"•• .'".•,'•

J J •'-,.' -.'.•• ..•• ,.••..:.'•.• •...,_•.•' •' . , ' \| '• . ^ ' • , • •••;/,:'• • •• ;-*- , ' • '. -:'~ . •-.. " , .•..'*.. ."7;':v •.""."•: .. • • .'•.'.•'.'•"••' . • •'. • " '. :. : ,—,-' ''".•' ' •' ., • • •


:--?y$$ -•/;•::. uriifinnni living In ii.vcn III NfW Wney ,i'o p«r- Tim,, worjoc^itiili jMHImir ttc- vettCTOQOQNOUR Jewry l>ftyi> IHM^H Invllwl i*, #nrt. I' i'nngritliilnte tlln i> Cniliily' AH tVfi* iVwi'; /of th'ir ^shMlDju_wll[ nliii? rr«li.|inl nil ctfiilcvei HIKI lh«» hy • Bnvpi'iior H.li'lm>'l. ^ unrt'ViM, bn iiliiimltlM l» U'i».Nnwiirk.'Mi| VACATION mHAVE mm- fj.tnvttrlv M-ilnnmri -for Cnllnfia, Hiti'ltwtlmV tniim fol'^rtivtixtollfin fn !l Tl'l- iii .tli»iprtiit«'ii HtWIh Whin kitinirtiiihf r' ivliiliratliih, Which.; wild.1 jjlul.l, Now -Hniyuwli'k, H'ub. .V iii)l«l BililbllloiV: t*nttttlviy l I'JI; fMi'luliih-nU'ltlii^'ii Uiilvni- for. April j .;«K(un(iVqr| .exhllilllmVi! fro„...,m, riilT.V,' ^tuu.iMi^fi i\uv.,'. in-uac..' fi,' May go7 Tl.iia Will' iliirt -fealurfl a Ji-mry CUy Muieiini, Awwlatlnn, yniUp-of Irtvlted wo|-l<« an a Irlh- ihlsi. ftty>lt • .'Ptiblli' Ubr«ry Bulldlfjg, IIIB. to, New Jtntey'von lt»'«nnlr 01»sslK!liu. January; rt<14; Ctylre 1 nc?(l .war.'.'••' ••*?'\.r^-< '• ' ' ' '" Fety '3-Ma'rcli 1.;' Hidgawood Art Vei'Mry. _. . .,, .' '; ',,' - The •goyei'nnr'.imixninced .the)*, Vox ArJCI»|lery Wd:, Th# Ti-Ry- HANS CONRIED retumi to ; Awiot-Jatlon. Bergen MiHl'snop- more,' Atlantic City, ' ilan.' '2B- . .Artlita' nlay ''obtain- intry" the Paper, Mill Piayhouie )n wouid-bir nine i>xhlbltk>tU In dif- plns Center. .paramUB,', - - Fob. 1; Guild..(if'Creative Art, blank* at Hi«-BrtH;ent*r» ln their Mlllbum for twtf week! b«itnt fprfi»t,J*partn .n ft!ie .mate, WhlcK 15. :•'. ' : '•': ' ' ' . •.. ; "will demonstrate. ttie'.;Ya!usble Shreivsb(ir>j'. Nov..2-24; Tr*ntori . • . . . , . reglorn. They may tubmit oil or, , nlnf Monday a* the ioonfuaed WBTerbnlor .: fiilntlnBii, father" of > girIrl juat'jeoterinjuat enterinig rt'J5t:®Hrit:tH'e:1'ritte?tfxfiSa;? ;'.li .diy to plot...rhpr,' 3714000,' nB by a Jury.of awards. Win- artlit rpay »utonit.three;>hV •way ooniedy hit for'all mem- f?ur,'Hn.i ln'ili< >op»n,fer only'$J.40. nj^iff- artists will be : awBfdfed but bnly,;on«:;will be ci«jsen' beta pf-iha./^ttilyi."Take Her, Ttt' MdlK ' ''J" TVJ "


On the W«il>|)oUnd lan^ of Route 22, leaa than- 3f ml leg off the-Gar- jdan • State Parkway — open_H) •» nf.tb 0:30p.m. every da -Sunday, .'' .: • •<-':'.'- Watelrmeloti xu jijat.ii nuw to cope nest with Watermelon.cubejc and [ " -Qq\jg WeAi — almttflfr;£^1teg"paartherTIarn6rr:..-,UolRg'ESi ~ take the thirdseft-hand^irn- the heat^urn to the tropics. And Vhunkii 'are icaUered. "'bveF'^a among warm weather, refracberts, |.mouna' of cottage cheese' on-'t- ..; V:-Staif-' Parkway fatpfchnngm-•'-Tv^y '•••; ••'' ' Ho^'nrcrJnhniinn-'B' ttLgefr intSTiM-Vestb' J*ls|!M[etf\ic« • cup. Serve . with'. BAMBERGER'S 1 i; wat'ecme^ona, ."natfo* •• io. (msinai •.•'•• ..'. V '•••'. .'. -V '.-'•..•• . • • ..|.'...'...j.''-''.;-" V'-" 3~rlariBT '•'.• •• .'•. •• • ~ Africa,^, at,e sure".to hv much In jm^ybtfri'a'Uo «weele»ed \ylth plna- evld»riie,-»ay» 'iM^ry, 'W. Afni.- apple.or watermelbn Juice. AUTO CENTER Btrohgi'home agent.' -Watermelon* Watci"m

TJ.J3," fiflpBrtnicnt nf AHrlt:uHiKo'« list of curi'firinyiplentlfiil fnnrls. «6Nt THAT- WOM •wWi-«r>Wan»-Ai), DlifTng'.Tuty mosl.Tif-tUin water-. Only lie par word '(mln. W.40). Coll melons In o[tr_jTm,rket.s noiric 37N3d rom GeorfiTa, .feoiith Carnllnn ind' TeJcaa. New Jarrii ln(er ln"th« Hummer. ,_.._,,,.^»a!ity^-aB^»iut: iVBleriTielon Ist a HHlo dllilcnlt even for an experienced buyer. Lthfl ol; .yoii'vo-.jfol'- n; fine inelnn.' lonhm of*ll»,inn.i 'nrxt' to the. In a:',- him bnhh _x ;•.;.

litrtliwttutxUBiit lltl L'(|li!i. Din. luin*' Wwtipn-ntnrltiriii • . * liiflim In llm.'j'ttfliijiiritlni1, It \vi!)l.*T»'.|itll WilXitf.l |'lH|it*r Ihi'iiiil imi'lliAi. ". , / 1 • '{•'••- ':'• ' Titil rr-'|l|i\v' (•Hlu'fiM In;


- im 2639 MOlffilS AVISNUk

^•^- • 'Mis^ Slenderize" A'NU "Mrs. Slendarlia'

W'u. 'M : ^ujgrijW'"^^''' r^ •'-.: i r "•".'" PI lbTe .won fW.lhe w K M •;;.;-MUFFLERS •,;••.•••/•. iti»y ^ HUtifctntdad for th'» Ufa of your cwr* WSBsSmuBBrnmamamm lor th •:.:'• wdlCES RELrNED ON ' •' l*"vn*l ,.*, ,.,•,...' .. .'.,';•. •jln-'fl^,.,'. ., 'ij* ,,,;>, iii ALL 4 WHBBLS ; "M'UII New ( Jer»ey'»' WW .•{;'••••'•• "y •••'•• |M-]iU,.'.jar unit B. .. ,.. I n.nn •',fiiii» .....'••..",','.','/.',','.;'.',',;•"!! 'IH.'IWI!!!"!! n '"'"' fl,mi f 1,Wi Cmlily ,ifront) ,,,,,\,, ,,,, ft7''nn,..;,• 11 H.I)!)' Mil ^ntt''^'?.::;;:::"^^;!!^!!!!;:::::'!;^;!:' n,mi . •JIHISCII mi — Benuty, ....%'.."..,.«.,;...... v. »! '', ' fltur*, ,'ptrinVt, pdltur* and troo'mlnj. 'Wymouii,''.y:,\\\\\',\\':':,W!'- '•SS^S;;.1!!'{Sit a;::;: y^i&pyr^^

'•"•••'•••;••''"•''•':'"! '' Wv '' r": ':'''^ ""-' ' ' '' '' v~V' '; 0 '"

;->,-; : ••.;:".:• >/••/ -;. -.'-•,• •-•••—-• ',•-< -•-,•;• ••• -- •• • v.'. •-•—•.- ••;•<•••-<-•:-

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i. .•J.VZ1.-.V e

f«V .;..,„...#„. Tasty, l«an> Fresh Genuim Smokeless Cole Slaw, Macaroni or Leah, freshly Sliced CHOPPED HARDWOOD -*•,: . *..: '•< '..

.'.' Save Saw 41e: 20e T — Mlou.t »M Irvi !l0« V «•«. td'wwii' ':•: -CHARCOAL iiH STUFFED OLIVES^..;—,. 8 SAM AIDEKMAK* White 6 DeliciourFliivors Staff Good Deal All Whit« Meat (Good Deql'i Country gay) I.*-•.u-~r^* CHIGICEN FOREQUARTERS SaVa s.- B^^Ihrow Oieeooktout they'll taJkjBout b0l5. 20c meal b. ,b f" •3» longr! Invite the nei 20c ... ee —relative^ yoirHarenTieeh' lor years, tKoss'"• I * charnUng'eouple« you, alwnyB Iritertdedip '' FRAKK~ k ov«r! Good DealfOM alt-out fof %7fr' . , ,; than ;e^er; ijeiore Tor tnla Alt JTHIS |RtUS ,i_qiiRlHxJL!-you'lI hay.e a hanquet fttk^fuStrTi f-buckii!- Good• I)eai-su8(te«l«—I '... menu« that-.rwibire-no worlc';— yOn'H . .hardly- have to lift a finger except', to , »cknowieT|f«^>o!npilipiilur frtSnt . £Ver- *Sam Aldekmanta Good Deal's president, ajid the best friend a housewife ever had! '••,'•'•• •'.••.. ' ."..•-.•



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I. '•..'• ' ' i •' '.• • • •. .' .' • '.,:..'.'._ • '. '. J-'' '•' ' •' *• . , -.' . AOAB->-lvt' . I i 'HI ' " .. •" . . ;' " ..' • ' , i MMAK ' - .' - •" . I-'.'1 ' '.'i • • ' '. *v ' • •-•' i • •' .; . •' • •' ' ''_ -•'•" • .'. fc •-*•',. ..,'.• . *

• , ""*. ''.'•• . •\'~ "' '• . ' ',''-J '^| i__ •• yvyP ;.w .. . . —;.i • 111 .'.i • i ' .' ii y.*^-- •...... ,.....! .-,•••..-,•.. '. ---.r 'H .- .. ^ 0000 •' """ ~^~' ' ''• Se^Jlow^Murft-Vou Save.1 Ken: I Ration Steak Sauce D.*, Feb.. sy Red Heart B"LDo9F°»d -6 Chock Full 0'Nuts Corned Beef Brb«d"'i Metrecal Liquids 6 P4 Savarin Coffee HeirtiAppreSauce 3o< ^OTdenjCoffee-'^nr ;s«. m B&M Beans Heinz Ketchup Nescafe Instant lb l0 prince Spaghetti 5' Heinz Ketchup ton Tea Bags °*»4J.."' Pork & Beans 4 M D Macaroni- Salmon °""^ "" He;inz$oup:^^bi.-2^- •31* IcyPoinfSalmon Cornflakes dleS "•.P»n'nfiJy*jBtirpij'Teh •'.JI ib^ HeiniBeansyjg Creen Split Peas Cornflakes Spaghetti A^"' ; HeinzRelishes^ 4 r Variety Pack Carolina Rice Kraft Mayonnaise- ?> °<; Heini Gherkins Evap. Milk WlinuteRice HeimP4 : : l l < PetEvap.Milk 6- Buitoni Sauces 4 » Chili Saocie "± P» M -Heinz Vinegar ^it«. :' "- Tom. Soup 1 Chunk BoK Dog Food M /] oi, Heinz Vinegar Onion Soup Sauce . .^T^" Cod iI ICK__S In' Heinz Vinegar

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• • 4 ' (SOOD • :.'...• .-.'^ -.'-:'»-'• -•.••'^•'•.••-•.:-'-:. '«l.;..PB0flfc. |:.-'v-:r -. \.: •/'"..;••. '^,. -: .:,•'••• i.;'~. • ••'.': \ i..t'-V'woi> \^- fO'-^'J:-.-. :: •".',.• •.•.:>•....'':'..•."•.• " ,L".. rannii. \-^.r- ..'• '." .; ril'lili

3JVE "A" ow "PRICE -- •' ' "; '•, •' . T^..-' ;-r': Aniittdmtr WindejtBlueMist Mott Apple Juice 2 » i. •; . iV 3 C 1 53' Mott Apple Juice 3 ' e: Green Giant Peas 2 «'" j 43 . ;-8f •I, it.. e 5 Fr.nct, . f 27* 6 Cranberry Juice S^; nisi Potatoes 7ol. 29 .lib.) "-J -Oc C Gresolvent 10' Juici^rink ^ ^7 , 29T Potatoes "*'!v». 21«: ; £ , Comet" ,.,•,!«• v"«'.'" 2' ^ 31' 4 AeroWax ».. Welch Grape Juice u <•*• •4*: LlbbySauerkraut 2^ 41 ei e J5 (Span: •. ";>';-^«: 85 ReynoldsWrajL^ ' IE Welchade \**m^ Tomafoes .f ¥<-•• st««i u *• 23' 17 oi. Scotties - .'"..)• • :J^ Hi C Drinks Hunt Tomato Paste >- C r v;.^1 ••••• •:-:v: 34? ir 33' 28 *. Freezer Papet ;•>». DM Drink-n Puree k e a* 2 . 39' 4^ 55 Tomato Sauce 89e "3^ Lunc 35! c ;i w 29e Sandwich Bags « -»'^ 4*: Dole Juice n««rei. FruiKockteJI ^ 3» C r •,;'. SalyQ Tablets i Napkins ,^f*^-j£» ;,»,«•_ 35* Gold Medal Flour «i> 59' Scott Toilet Tissue 4^ Matey /_^J'4 ^j It »i- .*).•,, e Toll tTi ut C Matey Liquid 59 Waldorf * " 33 Niblets 33' Pillsbury Flour 10 It. 99e 12' r^r:--:,^^-- Save 1.13 on these ifems^ Save 1.01 on these items!^ •" -: 7 •

1 -

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.. r Del Monte Solids Sunburn or Ehler's Holland House Pack, White Meat or Chase & Sanborh


same high quality and +o detaU as you'vTT^iia3n thbf yrWhhq ? Vq




e BuSerlrt .foil'•.A.^^-^;- ,25 : Bromoielfter ~ Shortening 3^ ALLn .1INUM FOLDING

Afso. *. See our Colgate K ^ \Jelection ol Crest ;: highest quality Micrin uduhJufJiituie Spray un^j; at discount prices

11 : 1 1 ; i 1; • ',-' ' ''V. .'; A'','•.'••• ''•' "'• \ '„':,•.'•,! '•••• •'* *'' ••:'''' • '*'' •'.",'••• ' '' "* •»';-• • \ , •/.' '|v*-' •', ,' r •• '». , '.l'; ; '•'••vv-Cr] m

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if''.! " - --- — .; -" , a|||H -, —•

T- •••*-.

A Pan Ready, Whole F



-SAVE c- pkg



: : Save 6a-L. Southland " ',.'<.,"'• \" J:' > •••'•* S*ve 4«r-- Blue Bonnet, ,:, j- it- !*•••• tprti on the Cob Jf 49^ Margarine of 12 Say«:3o>^ Stiff?. .- '" \ ' ]^"': ' Sav. 6c•-!fleliehhiann'i C«r» OH W btgV.: argarine


Juit wait Until you TRY Allon'i baked goodi . . , dellelgui tfgl»y plsi, taite-t«mp»mg layer and coffee, cakej,, tcrumpUoui bunj, eup ' eaicel, and coSkiei . .:. IW of them baked In tmairquantltlei for A BAG OF ROSY RID A BUHCH-OMANGY •that real hom«-klt«hen flavor. The finetf Iwgredlonti, the greateit .kill^ axd-loiiTof we all tombtrie to wake AUEN^tt^lt vliM baked g'oodi you'we'EVER, eaten! . ••....'

fi;,>^vv:v^4. . ' Ally; haskelhail player* or ;' ((•ami ;1nter(vslrd"Tn Joining* VI .

r.iinlirt Hcntt D/innln«liiii il (rortj Page.3) . A buj.ktlball nairijtr i>1trronnl" down' In• the p -lit*. MUnlrlp«| Kiilldlni In. cell.Jn ihu.activity. Hick W'nek .Sand.metcr l«»t .vvefk week* auddrnly pi,cked-up Rvrltifflrld. Th» 'rmuf, In bi> •T" in OCDXC* Gai'iici., John; I' .»•» (|I» imr.ll (Jary ana Kicnci'a rr«iikli(i ft now, v»rj; htgh, Many of. UIB tlrparlntfitl, u'ill HIM llinMifli- mrf Va|l tj«| V»cchlo Iwit n tpnni '.mnippiird o( f nw»,|n .uswiii'double*, Abaidi- Mary nnd; ' Clalrp,' Kian are l,n lhi> |IIIM-«U< (>f fornilni! • uul 1J»» nltiiilli of Alljiiiri, »llh _flMll "tlVcwitw w.1 held at tlrniifa Wrl«ht, Tlinlmii'.,i. U> romp»t» * ort» rorti|iifli> found (11 li» Drop tiel($m.5(Xl , Tolls', gam* uf noli ,om| «t'at. .'I'wl'My. ' ;. iitih. FI'IHII Utt '1**"- lilaycd f»nU «'#»k 11raii(flumr wnn tt^foiir-VhiuiMiig . , \ knoolihg a Jong aiid " port"-Hii'Mc "IJityi Itiokiint' lur 'I'llB ^linudi'lil MIluililm'H, |l<'iinl» Urt UirriH In H Uie j-onlrnl. PUrlng behind JiiUn In ¥ Kama*'Included Joe HU«'I,fiirnlr hlt(cr foK-tllo. •Mimi.lomeri,' N- (hi? evfciVl wrr«'"jury" KUiwar)',. 'J'li\ic.id«.v df't'eHM;tl. ii,n twlnti and a tfhnrt, co'iini* Hliccl, Hlthy . Campbellp , . Kwf ( . 4ii(j it'linvnl 111 Mlie lavt- lniilng rt g , <-)minp|itt>-*-l Jt'pvtma ,'or i point, The wli)iiBi'ij nf ihr";Defi,' l',- Hrooken.'' and.. Kii.uen ,U»t»r "by *Kdl) -Biythfe. • ' Blytiie w|u»..-. !« wftj* built • '"^If;!. 'Verc: T^o^fr*'''ArftrltL ,•*">"""'" S*i»(-^-a«i|»» wftrfc binl nle Buehrir.' Zorn Triumphant wias .on With 'iwn.ifien \.on .•»•-' *•' by • le, JluHJV.H'nH . DeriUe it \'y~}tl, IfiiT'SubTlnKiii' , . »nd ba«i 'iiiirt iipbixly "out;.proeee<)ed •:• • :"«iiF'Uel' Vecbnlo, thini". -'.,•—n; Other Arti and Crafts li popular !,.n!vitig-iheni,a '*eu— of one . vk-lorv omi; to >ci down the 'ride'in order. •V' 8ANpMdlER,SCHOOL ,-, i i'ikU^di T <*adori ^ "AJiHi*—"^*"n3*^np nod- j ,. hi*.- •-. : Edrfi • Franiclln, Judy. .Baldwin •Fred £u«rtp repomhit horte- trips- ; and-SherU Bald-vih. •" ;•. .'. ;'' JlwieS 'is -.a/,' popular. ';game .•_* l ; »*-- f^t;5)wS»rThfs^was;by never • e,':' '\yho aeoiirn»mi;rtv;; h jilLs we're dlejivercd • Bill Novim-was" the wijliioi!" lar.ohcc of thfc bK[.cvtn[ct U irrff the gy $ i/"/imt«gii — fini Vi i i;--'v* ttffv Vi; jTotjcri "mm priied .lip ..tile V'.cuory'..ai!u"'..1i>a ag'. tcc(jhfiy ' I . _ '.. . Jf >.V . ' ''i". . Ih '' ' '* P.- .'. . . chanipdo»«hlp,'- played last Week dj-ei'ied 'jit'a .''fcaciy", w'oh''allr' - DDart* / BiBilll "Ne'vjw k • wa-< lt','l,r\yin Sf, Piaygrtiuiid. the .wini'it-r.-,- .'h': '.Tinj .pliile,"• cT _also 'the- vSinrtcr" or an "U-U. rwir/d Wwt',.'.prlise. ' Haymond - S *—wn won tlie^tltl'e by dpfcaU,,h leefln« tw» 'lilTw' ln,"|Bo.r'\ffp'ii luiiicd- in'toiiiB ipaikiini; -pla.vi t 1 conjoin. In,Oily'.••vent' Slfaibti aift) iTealef): • a dlay • »ombrerr5, Sinple'y .Yab1onsky,-i\Ar \tnm iJiei sJiaW. of the.year. p.m.' at the Irw.ln st". tqnmr score 'tl-ll, ihe^MlnuJenion "pick-. W««.Biiir'i.' Ri «riii was n. 1 nun,.; Knjfli)i){>r",".btK"eF Ttie clilldxeh V/orkied • very bard parl.lclpjinl*^ ..were, as ^ollowi;: ed "up two.. runs whtn ]Iaii;v •Mid their Tournamcnui. for', bnyg.. Under Uanseri jgot on' by virtue of a Shcchaii ,cf '.'•,,,.' . •riinherV;- in . the 'events,..were:' Uielr ifhow wen lerrl- l.7..ycari-ol age-ar*. also, sched- ••' — :MJiHonir~Famri.rb, Hl(icy—fcole,; Seymour', ffr-Vf ffcr'Tlrst-pliic'e In °tli|i" leyent uled next week, . : , sending a Black '-CnT,. Janice Siiiilh a itoent "to1 Gail'.-Wlladii fbr'".hc«r oVthircf, Man.sdn If - "' "' Mike"'•"rankfin,' Jerry' O'Neal,' l i ..was' safe cm aiv cr- 1 Gypsy, Spoiicei-jj'noane as, Flsh- .portjaya", of.' aj PoodleV-. Julie Tli'imwkms 2b '. . 'David MHdieli, .Kevin Ml.tchel' ror, Hansi'n :• crossii'ij^ Vhe pU'i'e 1—.'• ' ' '"' Wilburn, an- In- .BlauXax '-"anfl . Sandi : BlaUfox pet ' turtle to the playfiround t^ 2b McCIaln, .'••'ilii.,. ..'^L MI'"("l'ftl'tlEU's_-.'nil'al. .were sftiwid place finishers. 'Victor' exhibited Jils_tuille_and ; scoro''nhrt Levitt' liikinj,' second' fcW.McCiirm^ JIuey' Colo ;"jl ' Cowboy, Sheila' The "sisters w.ere tightrope walk- Told "tlie many~cHII3rc-n"all about Colcp • • 1* 0 0 •the'- life.' or: a.Tliirlle. .HIs~Ljlk on-tiic'tlirow lo th« plate. Then Gardurj. p -j\" horseshoe ."Klnger" contest Koane'D Gypsy, • Hg.s'el ia -Mi'C la in erii. Sisters,' CJndle.'and' Diane : : wa« informative qnd_in(e'res(- after; '-MiUte;; grounded —Ht)b was held., The, objective here who; was, ''Little-.Red 'Rlding- Ma zei kn, won 'Utlfd. prize for ingig . • "la i.-iutfl('rl;• Ly\jlt_.Imiiic. ,'; 2(V 2 5 "W.ns -to- thrftlv We' mnstr ringers' Hqod", ,p'ar,v| Jlobliijgn^ii "Cpol-r lhc,lr rhosTSaltractiVe • costumes . Tptais • •: of dnhcefl!. Jla'ndlJMeijBorj dress- .lmiy.l p di Davjjd -Ba'ckanowr-i ;;:S|i}-lnk(io.r!t, ' jUrfc-eH .rnnn'iirsi «k'i .'botili-; paini t ^nU^p i on bnsc-rlii' t.lio sixilriinfl m-v:- .. 'den_was. the winner;'. Stephen ind.Mnrk'. Se^hiour a Skclton, • ed as n signcrrtrnthis ,c6nto«t^ 1 1 and • aoem •..(<> :foavo . a flaio ..for r'!Bl"Qoky, .tarry : Stewart., and li|KNS«AW. iP-LAVOROUiyP — Bober't ' Fish, Pamela '.J ^ Nari- CiTtrrTiTiTViTTii^butn I \oy ,-\vtcri? Sw'li'lt1 us 1 color paintings,' Pictures pf--|ec brnscd 011 K •i»nltjilji)tiliik'.d"mibli> Brnnda Wright finin^ed.-in that ~7'ether-bBll, continues' Ui bit .a ,ey -VV^Is.',-and ""Hcren; Victor,'all ii'/'liTT 2 "TO-d for a prize- as 'the' most' cream Sodas' tfiid ''fancy' colored- plnyw. • ' "•.,' • • : -'•'"-' .. order, behind Larry. ; •-;••• io'piilnr' aclly'ly'-' lit'"' •llens'haw.' L 1 l in If, . coin'onl.'-' Robert' srrtd PajneTTI parfeitq"werparfult? "were driiwdffiwnn b';" '" AI)I)l-It Ol "l fCN|SS^ perT' liift..mid I''rcil UTTTO'II, _' - Another-, horseshoe "tourhar ''liiygroiliicl, ' Mlk.c Lester arid ilind""^triV"y MT7PtlTn,"l,l fi»lliSM(- •";'.- : "^~^7vA7i;rnriifi»,iiiviiiB. ' .I'rinrlh S-ll'li.K '11/ KlhHior. -Nancy artd. Helen-were TOid .b»tii'r~t>avls- are the .host "Cinei'Ke as tlle': '.'eluimn". Bfrriil thlj 'gflme with siliicjJor ability." ehamitlnnslilpn, are plntiirr'd at h'pi'inirik'lirN Aluniclpiil' Inylc p " us. Gynlihla 'Lnurlnce.lfi! wna domlnqe players, on tho plny- 1 1 •> ,'Brooks- placed second, . rlrt/ca A tuiiniailient-in telhrr-biill.' was Tool, sltf of tint com|t(UHInn Hclicrtuli'd tt>r~Suly-ihj- l. fni l.hn Inn! Ihrrr li'ihliii,'!;. 'l' tph, Robbie .Ijaurlncoile wns Krou'nd .ii'iitl thoy nre."'nclK'ti In beid for girls last week. lHormifc- • ' ' • "*•'•' . . ,''•'[ photo'.h.v. Biilj 'Hiixfiu')- , SI'u Knlltln Cvlcnili.'d his hilling , ' Smith wn» IWHV-mn.!":. Vincfti'it nlciort, Hose. Aim Wygltiji- this, iictlvity for- liours. Tolhers : , '(•' Millftr' • was .vU'toi'lonn'_Jn.... this lftk lo Ihi'L'r' |4nnii'a,--'^~7 —r ." DnVIs• .JMtihoAi- fallI'.fli(I,J,• C!lli'!p dowski. played the part of H)I ImM .Is-doinlhiitcd-by.. Oi'i-'w MJH- Moore ',1'b ilium* wwcpopuIajiiydLh-aLEiu; rournamenl,...Group'. .slnKing., Is CT' anil l^tvld' . BhekJTrihwsli''rRmniiilng"'im lliv -Voiill's '', • «on,^ Bnbby SffrrriTTjrciB, "(3,vri.nj fjWiShtlvn-Thpse. 'boys • and.-. gtVli- v—mjt-sKindliig plnywij ' ni wli^hilcnrck thcdvpi'i') .in tin- 1 -plnyod.the part of. _• Sanuimwls ,- Orfegory- McClain, 'wlio ptirtlclpaled iii ,a. gr o.il 1 v ^yjte)jEtt7aiTeiiii7 W"climb—the, bole Miller ,, .i^vtivy Tli .vvus a .cowboy and Jphn-,. 1 S>Oot.t.l)oimihiiloi!,''coiicli,'.; ..•'•' -~ 2 10 b" Claire.-Por- ll i lt All - 'M. Briftl Hipge 'chl'idrwi ;nr>> tndtns oMJr wr pr4iestor .Fischer Broll\cVs Miotiiinueil,' to l'iintorB,^0iher" big, iilli "weiV 3-0 0 nd—Vlnbont John" Ehr.hmidt. In ArUi niw a liklngrfqr arl .work, 1 ; c co.itum,e«.-.:Rrlics>.such as, domlmite the- Adult ' Soidi'nll i-iellverca by' MiirsWpn' ,A)iHiiin.v,' —Wv.Ts, -third — Carol-Nevliii; Grafts- • work 11 !• 1rcn'iiliaw--tlie- ARTS. . * Crc/tfF-t-fr-^A.trrtvrilv : „ Tli.e Voronu gyiwcV»pes, baseball bubblesuin, I.WRiic, ns they downed SpiTng- liiid-Vln' P'nliila'. Bfllv Klnirlinrrll,', p-ss • -and", fourth ,v-v,Billy ^Nevius'r' *liiWlenniBle.iiKK : Mrs] •Mnrynnn Weymaii, 'tlio l»"»yiMl'; on • the 'opponent.ic.*cJiinu.|.SiHi>'n 'if " Kuclin, -'Alfred Wilburn,- Ml- were.- done by JNnncy,-wad.c'i A nature eocpcrl,.'Victor'Blau- Springfield; Rfc'rciiltloii.,' bcp'nrt- 7 l r f< j a defctit. • Jy...liitl ing 'were:- A fink~ L~ies • JoliTi Ohe|e McClain and Jerry- O'* fionnle Miller and 'Opnnlc Mil— 'ox, (vho .Is ;iil«o.' a regular, play- mKIIlt h.til'l n 'plate t«ilnllng eon 1 first; Lies and Stan Cofiiflcld,' 1 Carlson 1b . Weal; — * ' •' "" . • ; eiv AttendHnce at'--HenshaW' round—^artlc'pntqT'b'roiig'it his test • ai~' the—f cir^,—Pischermen game defent Livingslon,igsln ' .-Holly-H'H '.Bullderji broke ,i|ie K!:iiiiir|i!|(|. ni,..' l;lrili .\V(i/imM'ini.in 'Wfrty—;fit'At;—tvl*ii*rr,- iil'od' Monitf-ril'im'l'y liinInu. lilt.' l.llg' IjUloj'S-^UI!— III!!,•'•iOfiljlg .i'lun imi ll.u'lr KIIIMI; An HN. i'h(! iiKwt-1 eri'iiti'vo' 'prii'iii't:' Hiivrln lul'i'lcil n,N!i"iU!.||ini»' ui'y ' ntuhi. ''whi-'n I I'M f ..j^JithAJ'l M ijfhjh i p;.tti|lilt|l n A. liv-l-lHs. oiilruinry tu\il.'l''i'»nHlff I.HHItlll' HtlllMlllllt* —-—r ~ irtxlii BiU't't'HR'.df .llie M!ii.iiin,"l|lrl\ :'lililiisli I ,lining- tlcluw' wnii lihliil'. '/timriiiM' Tlisl Ai i plny-il >|t' •••W-itflunmVir Pin II. lBnFi jiaiiii lijiii wtei'htid ilm inoyl. TmTimriil iiitlii.",- iilii'i1 I|rlia_4'ifivr4 ' J'lui. \ylin v v'h licrits-miHTtfirW^truiv.v hV ,','•; !MUV., •ttiiri.iiimi t-(— Ill it.. "Nil I|I)'I>IJL rJIiiiftl II plliiini I nitij. \Viinli\t_,lii(vi'll.'fii ' ,• nlr.'".»i>ly' slim' In .tin? •ill'il hltl'r,'.Whlln:|;hlliJ*l|l«i'n>"Wtli|. ClHH'. ,. ' : ,'."'* I'Oilnir 'i ' Comfort Conditioned Apartments wttHll't-iT IVi'Oiilih. WVnjity ilinvi'iiM'V, liinl Vfii-i^ .'..!' ' DK'./lff AVl'Hi.J|nli»'{i ii\- Ihi,- " I If if rr\it. i'lmlu|iHi itml nil lUn'.lij^l.N iiT'iwu iiufi. wns ITI>- !('! ).v\i• • ••hi 1 ;-.pllVlilii|( of .'IVitiy-IInt" ."nn«|i|1HIIVt>'(li!.RTnU, Uilllrtl lilliill if- n'r iiiii|l.ii'r,. UHitu1 IlllWIhll • ;|.f.'Ki)i..':TKi' l>li'.^iiilic'i« ni'mctl iwti l : l.li M'ni>' i»il'nfoil h ri _'^IU. fc"l''lii ' In: Kill un ,1I41I • IIIII'I 'iin-1 .Uitll. l'nTo i.'- |1IIII*T' IHi1 I'll• '.IDIMI wf Mint. v.im Ami , ..Inly »••- .Tlli'H|luy •— Milllliuru nt Hprlnuflolii (niln) ^ |int|inffonisi hp TSpringfiofd Sports^; !tf .Inly K Mp'rlngllrlil:' •'•.Oi' tiiiiii'ttd » iuilcintliil dnnblii liy—ii All kiwri* i'(-lciiKi!K ciinrern-' , .lulV. 11— TliuiKiliiy .MoeltBi—b«ll«f .In Ilia' jiist'lii-. Inn S|irrii«lli>ldV iilhlcics, unrl •'.Inly IS" ' Moiul'ny ., siiiiuiiii,' . nlng. with' tlio iviwiwrluiracd. Hinl '.-'..fiflyTn"-' nthletle* tenmK• sliiltild—be for-. . Wi'diiiMidiiy I-lvliiBtitiiii at Sprlnjsflclil'- July 18 Tluirmlny •"'Sprlnirdelrt |it MlllhiiriV • ns.sjsteil (loi||)ie-phrry, .iTrijni". Sl- , '..Tilly 32 : - Verona—ar'Springfield " " iivm' pliiylhg.jn iiistlrst game fiir Sprlinrileht-Lr-ailor. 1 Wesley otmtrlbiitod thrftc' fills id Sprlncfl'cld lit' SuinmU For AVAU, Swiitr — .Tilly.:!!) Mohilny _ SprliiKfleld nt -A'eroiiii - the winnlnTfn : • closes Monday Union, NV J',, 07083 ' f l.lViiiBslft m " ,'- .the.New.,1 craw State-A.A.U, . Mil 6-77.00 —^=~ ''.Aiilj-. I Thursday •"" Springfield Hytlfflinlng chjunplon(iiilj.i.i -to-Ke i'li'.v, ICat'A, In the Jiififiest Ktime of Kelrl -at . the Ttnwsi •flis'.'• week. ;drdnn'ed-~t*T« jviulier ''o'pl in Lln('en,incxt Tli Ciliovi'olcl.i.JayooeB-OHt of a tie. if 7-1» n ^T~ ' • t :.<;The.-s\viirrmrr*-riTirnjp(iin'StilP- fr siu_Aa-5—SnV, P'An(ifielo--leel the.,v'Er.org.-.wi.th-hk 1ii»i.v hHtnvr^- *^mV1 - ihp- K'Fricdrnnnj

tho "Ofiivcei's ntlucli V * : B.»..g...UJ ». a o 6-n- : ^.•walking-<3itian*e» of Mi[(6ul*ri a,nd Sprtng-fiel'd ihbppihq..ateain~ OO^arA rbuIl«V.fbr:evcTTWor. ihn till! .InyT't'eii,.' ±M}. junioi r i An li'p.sel vlciiirv ponied .by 2VJ r^om-Apartments, privflte entrance, "forge" living room,-"bad- There wi 'iifso* bn fren-sty.lo the I'llblicullim Printers wiion ovi'nls /ui' boysrundd" girlil s . IIn Iliey (mik tim 'im-imiro ,of l'hr-' .*JBOBJ' CAtt VMA-Tt ;room, color, coordiriafad kffebon, ;btttn, ;pWty; bf closets^vbn[y.;; both 'Iho •'H-IH and 1H-M' ngo Imrili I'MA'lrnnlcs liyilvo'Vm-u iif 1 $I'IO<00 ptM" rnon>hplil| utilltieJ. '. ' ..• '.; •'.'..." .' ".'"• bl'ni'ketii,."; -,-.:'•»•• *. •;•• . !0-:5.. ''.',1x0 •lyiiitoi ^, lip iiiu'.-dmv'ii Ail .onlVlos sjiniilcl.bn. s'uluiill- nil ,Hi.in.siil), iniiy, yet IU'IIVO to ho tcd' lo Oo'orgf' T, Crcm, sl.iper- i|..stroni! teiuii YIS tl'ioy 'lirii'siuj't-J , Enjoy These Plus Features V in'tenrlont .nf <'«ei%iitlnnt Unliin cminji: ••iniilvftfiinlly . .# Wfl»hoh» and Dr - . Wfl Hwttjng with • Full Insulation — Storm Wln- littilVidunl |Ft

BofrifioriUok' • of JTrtfi I'

i".' : Tlie.Crlnnls dinvued 'the Fin.ks W,edi\e«dny and Friday, J ( -fl-a-Mi»Htlitj-'-in^t-hn'.nfit'nli.jj J"!il""B your lireal Continental rc^i-esenlativo, ' * ' . ol (he Spl'liii((|eld '• Swim Pool Puorro hnllodjUie. plnylhu of Hi|( I•,"': O|»(MI fcr ln«p«tHon paHy f A.M. to 1; P.M. Touch'Fontblill UiugUff./t'ho' loa- Murphy, Lnrry Caffrcy, ' Ken has a few low mileage Execiitive Cat's (never registered 4— ^_ t>lreet|6«»t >»*»eJ»ahte's»rit», o« Main SHott, gtie, whlsh was orgniiizecl by Brnvermah and Donnls Lcody.- Revreiltrm, Oopnrtment' eniploy- Gilry Fo»7 'Who. Kccovercd a and carries .full warranty) in stock, A dlscriminajlng buy-^ .wfimn. fumtjle npd ran 20 •yards for tho v '• i •' ees T0red''nnd. Ron Puorro, con- 1 V !'" '• slsls ot six tenmti. th6.follow- •only '- touchdowiv was also com- er can npW own one at a tremendous saving. . ing teams will- piny a ten game" nionded by Puorro.' . ' . ,, A "tvophy. .will he awnrdcil lo. •.5)(••' FLETCHER LINCOLN MERCURY CORP. _ MtLLilUlttN, NEW JfeRSIt ened field at, the rohr -hf'-.tlw this activity at the poo) should, pool urea.1 The.league, which-1* according to."*eci>tA(lon Oopiirt-' .1 :*,',',..'.,; made, up of' hoys, between the mont Dlroctof Ed Jtiibyi "e'om- v "HI"" J?!: ,1';.,»'Hi :i4;,, has "g»me»' |ilote the W.ogrttlri »o)iBmned, (or - -.'.;;. \ ;;'•',roWN^lvl'NiNo?^;,^'^ •cheduled -tot *vttyTi~ '

•:,;„• ,1.'"... ..i..* 'V' ^ iiii^^ ^*.;>^j«^"fW^3^C!3fo£|, •/'•rj,:.-1:.:,™™

v .':•: •'•: '•" .*^p V,—. j -•;••• .:,;.._.j;.m'Jl!..|..i:*r.. h^

ii 1 •"• ""^v.,.,vv_Mi ha|ill.i .'ni'o .,(JWi»nnliippshilling" .(twin WlUr'iniil- *nn>r i! pliltuj ,vnti , Mnn.V oIKIiill ill' llilljltni*', n 1112 <( n n I « '|t>tihnt April, ill \nH \••)'yt mill Inn lifted urtft turn i ONK niomt Tl n ^^WjWToi Your i.'iiil,v(ttiiithfhniii)ii.,wlll IIP fill*. mid HJI thp.HiWl.'fi' for 'li»vlim'...liiirt . mil, d *m7*liwflt) onW IrtM (jliwli til III" irttifrtin. • I'V "liitlmlim .VarlpllMHCmi liluum ukn nnil •|irliinl(iit A lu You ('(in;|i||Kih iliwti nny. lime Hpi'ilfiiiliw, yiiiir flnnl jildiil It mum attnirllw «inl run hiWrTHit miitil.v nu IMw I fiat? (lllll'h: I* liVOUMlP ~* ' ' IMHUulHi flinvnio ilinil Dim Hi' fir h*Vr~ iiM •-ri •••;,• July ad If yvtHVifiNNiyvtH-VifiNNil « full ((iii Thin tiiUlrii (Niiim« l l and lorly j Off fflMverflMvrii f>ti t'ninpm'inpmt plntiln. lilil il'.'.^jU'iiy, -hKltlL. ii^u'h 'liiiun , piiuit. win p.i.rfii i,,,;,'!, rt,,|l n. Vo)lqw «r«M If Wll'I.V,. If'pliiWllnllu II""- HHPUHP U' IIn .voiir Ifn'iiillilfl sppWffIli.spnilffira1 7Vnn Hiittli'ij tofH-HlHMlk (>IIH Kl'lH-l'IIUh lithlll- A'|i|>t-.H,i' . llio ,l»»vei,' Piilt 1 i|iiiiilifjjr »f' 5-1 (I-t'l) frn(f]ly.ttr, rir T •vm-thHliiryl , l| i ' wlm nrJ ''"ir'intiini:' I and get'/irt i)l(iill! j I)n- -U>nv(!«. flower -: KOR. PK8TH . ; fiini .volluw ;;i'ni( Thrse. • CvlHh(4r. .spray or.^m'•wliK.pi l -SnHv «ltlewaj« jhntwrri , NKKI) »AHKNESS '.'.'.• J AptViris - Illlir tfrccn. i>mwn jlons ./rom Dr. Spencer H..',.v_". ; :'•' Z^~ fj or, black'.plantblk'lf ' lili.rt—Oflhh suck IJie D'•'••.' '*•• ' ••'"•• 1 Pavi^VprantfSiwMe sp^ciVlIiit '•<'^"~ .. Wat,i!mlBPji(iniall, blown blls- Ruigpra." •;'.... .•••;.

! ^<-r-'f;--ia»r,vtv;*'i'' '


oXvskJ.'leconfl from left,' and^^U:'

lilf U*s.J~/l^^..lbtt_sceond 'motorist, 'Cnranrr: CHUCK A". "*«W.fm-n ^/ PCT QUALITY^WeiliVimiTied ' '" " 1" nollco^ <'''•' .Sp»-(TTCIIOM, told ..pollpo she Injury Sunrlay when ' i t.wil UllUllT. GROUND BEEF 1 , , . . .. - L :• , ':•-"• - ••'..•, ' •' . '-- P61lco *wllrt Ilie-B'&iisley cnf, CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS ' »h>.: nwung. fl.'al-bro lhn|.. Iliiw •'•;-. .The worn nn, Ilulh ~U, Bi-ns- , WIIIT trnvellnJK—XvimtrrnrTWHI" i .. POT ROAST '"OUMTMOliHISS CHUCK ""Into'hyr car, Iwrranlml pf tK; ley, Mi, wan inken .to Ovinr'loolt ' •'' l»wn rd., SpHnRh(!M,-jivhn'ri~|~^ , 69 CROSS RIB ROAST -H'nr '••ari*^*T")i^"<1i-n.r;:i'nlov llnsplliil'Tn- SiimnVH Wil.li-.nn «boJLoif.co,Otrf>i: Holl, cn'rs- IMPORTED CANNED HAMS .: _' . ' -•••-• - tqwctl-frfini-the-sopn 3 L 2*' CUBED STEAKl'.oSi'Ar

• - .1 • .f^^li'-'X. ^f^W, •." • •; ... *>>&-^":^1«r!:-*r^5s<&''

'jtra-Sunihier- -School. Wlll_ prcnont •n program,of llRhl concert mu- sic At 8 p.m.•'tQdny at Ihe'wai"- innrico. Park .Stadium. In ••Elisa- beth."....'. .'..• ~ -;•• Irr'dnsn' of 'riiini'"will be'al. |.' A-Ataham tlnrle.HlKh. School iln RoKclltiT It'will He iiponsnrod by tho U|vlorrCmml,v .Tcroenlen- ESSON nrK-Goinmlltdii. ' . •.-.-;••:• '' on . ihe honeymoon — free? of travel . 'XUin fl(l-p|i-'cc biinri, \yjilr.i» n.nl ITALIAN T •ie». Why/ Because their honeymoon rii' ^••-'"Uorvli.or ,.,f.' ,, iirr(.)U»ttwliiy.froiTrv.r , ,: ||TamiiidT'''' *.'.:'•.'; l i)1( H ~ftU»tl»A|ij|N».-—r-— DAIRY DtPT. SAVINGS Stop for Not. 8 - OTl : 14J- |4ft lldly'iluilinin'ii uiin liiillvliluiili lira I _«il lo ofinius llu.frlilny ilfiidllm ol _^_ mw UUT» . • . • '. • •• YOUR TRADING STAMP tWi—n»wi|iii|nr (or .ttlimi_-lhuii i|i»l ..^u.*. Ml...--.I—' • ...... cAUfowiiA-sKdLWj- -' •, : ::»J|, fUnn^r A DIME 0 «-»•• *fti GHZ SGCK SPECIAL


toward th« purthw-ot- 1" I Alliu riiiM


APPETIZING DEPT. SAVINGS SPRINKLER 1* .Our AJumlnum' pol«, «iv«ri 900 m, (t,

/••• •<•:


SCOTCH WHISkEY CHICKkM BARN* V* Adlliiwt r": jmpoK»d Iran; • <•' *% - TWO WW MlWfl itdCI^^^1 =8BB^-mmiim*- ?*%&mJ Proof • " '.1OW STRAIGHT WHlSKgy"iag'"y^ ««Wk'l

fSSlmJitifjiiiWhtit.y a

. ••• ... ;• ••,:" ••!• ••-:•! w» ^v 2037 MORRIS AVE. Wi6P\' ROUTE 22, UNION NEW CARS: MU 6-0040 USED CARS.

:> v : ; : :W : >: : : : : ; < ii : : 1 l 1 »|M^V'^'^;''V ;',. I--:';-:'/'..-. •, '••;'' '.• i"-'-.' • ••,' ::: ''' .' .:•• T" M^-. '•'•'.••" r-' vJ ^- .•'••'•>'• '' '' ' ''•'V' ••'"•"' ••oJa'--1 ••'•' '•'• •''' -''•»'••" .•'•''••• ''•• '•• '•"'.••'''«.••• ' '•••••; •-,•'•• •• ' , •'''.'•'•',', :'••' ">':''-:'•'.' .'.•'••.•''";•• '••'•• • ';'' ''. <'.'':/'•' ••'' .* --' • .''"••'- •• •'..•• •';•..' •: \ ,--. •.;•;,.. •••••,••. • ' ' ' .!''r '"' '. V/..'v. H|

i ] f : : J ; 1 : :: v i; : 1 !l : : : ; : ; : : : M^$§ if^'^'S-'' - .'•'•'•^••'•''•••' ..;:•"'.',•;'•"••'...'•• '•••' *! '. •''.••••'• ''' '';'v'- •;•;.•;'•-•' x' : \'<.:'i~' ••'.;•'•! '•'' ••'vV'^'. 1';"' ''- >'; . ':<. .:'.•;.•',• .,; ; :' ^;':. '.-« ••:, '.^;>;/'•'•••'>''• ^': ".; ; ".'; y ,'- ' ':''::•• ?~~'-;"';;'-. '.," '«0,- '"•'' '•^.•^• >';v-- ' '.'->'•'' •!iii.;,:.'^'' ^: j^v-vV-vH ...,,Vr '-,..•' . , (. I . , 1^. ._ ,;,,•••.

fBy. Jufy :1f. ^

fn> lull Hip ulirnlci' |i(/|Ml,lflliiui .jyllh- , Urtlnti • f*o ii (i I ,v ^fomilill" • . Tli* hmvlPM tiu(«H In Mi«•. ( "iilUti.bnnUi-.-djioit ' nni((« ill' ', «t»ji| CiMnmiMliinnr •nfiT)*jT;W. Helm r'nfihiy In «cMSrit1IV r#|lnrM In' In inn'.t In o (n»--and'lie'* nut 'Hi* K!l«Mb,ttllH.lnflMi.|la|iWj«y ' lifilliirN H|H'I| nKIH'I'Inifllln ii|| ( III, UiMK'li' mt ...... 'f filnff Hi b«\ eitlieiT"7 '•'"" " '•-•' fly. '• in fl,'). ('J'|' "-fine ninthly hint owHtlfil mil -HMHIt-Ti. Hfiw f«r 'J'lm -Coun.lv'' 'I'niiti! 7-HI- WIH'tiHi'*, In mlil-jiil'v.ir black illy >moke iri.ihp'.hopn1 1 literally, worth" j[|t,pi)O In' Aujt. • ;'• K"r'*lhp mn'menli hnwfiyor.L. "MiwicjulloIndu*' . records dale th'e 'IWW'I' erTecHve-wwinmt. It it-J o? ' ftlillbji mosquitoes, I'IV at,a1l the way. hark; trt .1D32 and u«t, Th«- pwu f iM>t chulnc thmn away. Mo»t an a)»Htilua rate!. J^i ^lllC'ih they iDdlrale AN'at (he liligt' the'. mosqultoDHJBraed, : .of; NBW. jer«eyV, 31 tounty ^nearly .outnumbered the ro- wm tiTyta-liop" .eitis per Mo«q«(tn.CQitiml«slon« depend rtg'.: oil ,mi thrt surfHce, . dent* Rome ycfli-i, 'aRo, Th,e *' nff the .air, Mipply, and-'.!' .on foSKifiR truckirai their main record "• «"* I" <*i» jumrner- read,v.inr hltlngt, HK 1 otliBiR-lhB p'g«» before.they •'.; artJUcry.in.Jffis war.H^ilrtst the: nf 103B' whfh' the Jnriex j of their own, 1

-ran . ha,li:h.. . 'jTh.cri'Coivimisijion'^'•;•' •'.:••••'#> Mmmmm ••iii'.thi" far,- fntelnatin); 'fu-• An outspoken opptjnpnt n( • '«Wy be-»,i- .-• all liroolvij streams and drain-'. "fogging," Helm -tlalmf -ltiat : • ' njte ditches;' R'H welt «s t'o'no- , 1 flV^p>icl1nd,hriUU.Iiir^rrRnd;^>r;'Rnd; evi'rt •lire ruts vyhern watnr can : • holdA a mHnlcr'a dngree frwjv •'. .'• Thi-fnlldwUiit 1I»UHie «Vi*» ' (•(ilioi-t ••"• ••'•/•• ; \ r \ i'i\- 7 1DSI—II... utjtcrt .TJnlverstE,v.:i • , ;< 4aie,"WoWjUllo Index" forL.theV> M436—fl'." 1 Allhoii((li Iho COmmls.vioii .Jtmi'.. Spreading ..dn^lfldert . ^rtiotfih • •. laMl' 30 RenaoriK; a^corrilnit''in ' Jl» own' army of.collren ,hoy« .«-, tine way jo .clear. flyiW—Hie. .record*-.^ot_;lhe' Union . I03R—3tl 1054—; 3 . In \rt*Kr-w.ar ofTIhe Hiiirnnnr- .iwndla'-from en Honed areas- dJ County'MomiliUn Commliaian. I05S—IZ, , ymn pcsi/i,' Helm RlllljBUfll-, "»B.VI iar-fxaniplty the linld of.: Thii "Index" ln.hMed nn the •(nso— •» •JtiSfl—10-V nupond on -tho .efforts oj ,tho •• * jihlp," ,ndris Holm,, hill.' ll'» averatre numhrr fTTTiugp rumht' ins7— 3— honjefrOnl to knop thp-cnemy fir a very feeble .leehhlf|ii> /or nrr . nl«ht In lrap« . plaperl— J .•innn—^. n li-oiilcd.; Hnok.vard • w S/Tj 1050— 3 pnnlHi "If Impropnrly' innin-, " 1H<3—35 , IDflfl— 2 iajneri, hrc (de»l niifsoilcs ,ior •in**— I'- BUT. CKNSIIS »- HUdhMirropko of IJ'nlonr-a-County Mo? '. . iqultock' .with fogjjinK r— "the ID3Z— 5 1D4H—3(1 lOffl—111 mostjuJtnes. ' Any tinnHelirlcd 'aquUn'Gammjaiil8n-»fde; •iinliiatr« a

• 5 > ••* g—rcfteetlyt. MumiuUi a I —along .nia.'.|t-'lhecauwi!"igf-"1M •psycnoingical-':-efIecl~on resi- dehlji< not mosqultass;'! '.'••'• BUV THIH PREPAREDAS YOU LIKE THEM. lion.Couiity .Mosquito SPLIT-QUARIER£D_-_WHOLE or TMIElE - p on a, synlematlc SMOKED WHOIiE el WAIT iltit iig breeding destroylnR mnaqultn -eRgs SEMI BONELESS HANS m«t>- l.it wail., ikto »w» * »,-only im|ll etntw ben» for* they .can, hutch. HAN. V8. MOSOtl'TO'— Kut««r« College student Jerry Van- t«maln». Thf n«>». l«rv. o deluio Imitl. The program pnya-off,. Ilotrn - de .Rande,- a variation employee «f the Dnlpoi .County Mem- VNOUr..4-lb>. . . a'ullo. CommlsklAH, Sprays oil on a'Jitacnant' iiltoh.neiir . - „ been u«e""U(1lnn. Mnrrln n\r. lo prj'Vf'nt jnoHq>iltae« fr;om hreedlna~. I'nlon ' Ct»;unty_JiB)i tlie-Jftwcui f'Mos- ROASfiNGtHICKENS v CHICKE#BREASTS - : Indcx" Inthe slate,' "Thl* ... •CouhtyHiaii-lhi—lwon«l "Alrisrullto' Index'.' In the ' "' r ";'— Without 'ilulnif "foj/V •.'•- '•'•, " ••!' StQlJ'BTIjr SlS'nlfleant bl>-- , ^a'lSe we am-In a geographic —" lili'li -wmtf 1 FRANKFORTEW SLICED BACON highest: index ih "Hie "stare".! - It AN, q BEEfllVER mw^W^W^^^^ • the Commljslon's weekly ''re- SPARERIBS ^ port •card'Mo.She public, an rBMH-NATIVE SumtnertSfie official;barometeffiilb r of jwt how : pesty the bugs have been. Jifr in collisfiians altend class- - Thp-BUrvcy covered • ahoul fli HOt WEATHERTAVORITES.SWORDFISimEAK. . PICK OSf THE CEQP -3 .•es tn.Jhe! .sumnirr?- percent'of lh.e.4l)p.'alu'denls en "hased oh the average •number- iyi.ostr^f iiicm sre prTifiBrtly tn- "foiled "In" UfiTon Jiihlbr Cnllcge1; of;-bu»» caught each nljfht in , tci-ostcd lii completing theltnol- summer • session. About halt 'ol trnps;throughtaut the- area. The' • Icgo^-sluttips 'fldontr, a survey thtise enrolled Teeularly -aitenti nurferii Inrion for this, section made jt Cra.hiro.i;.d's XJrilpiv Junior UiJlGll1 hil thnf the county Is. 3—very llfeM." j An indwhfttwenn 7 and 1.V Collegfl icat^^r. . olhcrsreffulaTiyattend more thai 1 while . -Fifty percent (i| ,nf I x'ptltl Iliry j irnli.ui CniiiiVy.' l.liii|lili_Offlni«r'i .lir-i-.i)l|iir. • iih- 'AiWiFIinifiTI1 Itmnl III f Hinr>l I lit |i«*t

l' MCH In Ihtt.'HUiiiinm1' U i ltl GHAPE JUICE | fl'i)' WATERMELON to IHl<> ttil'ijr nf JIIM'.V W.niH lliM _AUU!III(''H|IH IIHl'ln llf -|'ll»l- III ll|iUI'H'lrr ' •*impt«>'iil«u1l- -nr In iiim iiiiilldirirf'NHlilh IIVMI VHI'I'IIIHIID! »,' mill _ u'llkK CREEK BEANS *H«U 4 Sr UNION VIT0HCN 0A»DeM-r«0HN A formed I'miimltlrV inc puhilr SPINACH '.W ' Oite TYPEWRITER CO. lcei.. Snjoiti -jRentuls WAXEITOHIND OAUIB BEANN S »«».« WA Two bnndsiof the't/nlnn Cdiin- BALLARO BISCUITS ' Oi-cheslra,. Sch OKAND umow—ilm. OIUKD g CHEESESLICES- « of Patsy-FII- Cr^.J In rithnlcolar ..,Band- the hSton'^oT Hrtbert Jonevs .oCilaplBwoodT

DRIVE-in ROUTE 22 ^••^^^,,^^^m,^^..i,-,-,,^\ . "luKiH annnxiriltfi.'iiV-. Jiii-VMk K l I.. • - '••of ffliotograffiy. "_^ - Unliart Vrolnn • ' ft.1, "IHMNh nK MVt" V'' FREE 50. 'STAMPS Now It (ho tint* to ttotU up on • fc-'i 1 1111.10 K1IITL' TUNA T° popular wanttd Ittmi at Lew * PORTRAITS^ Sol. Print.., and g.t TripU.5 WAIT »ISNKV'IL ' . 1 SWISS SLICES ,i •;' Blue S4omp«, tool ; : CHICKEN of the SEA : . "«»VAOK HAM ! ' -,' Cllll.rOf INN :rf: Ullla' r.4'-n - - ' ^WEDPW6S BONED CHICKEN ALL PURrOlC *01L PAINTINGS AJAX CLEANER FRESH CHERRY PIE IHCSIIFAK •u PfllVj-^, THr^TUCPAHKWAVl^lOB PRUNE JUICE

00 SHAS CMUAMOK TWIST . 6 forl TA BEVERAGES^ K t c e ; : WH-V. VArJDYKK' -^-xoraE-CA«E~. MILK MUD » - SWEET PEAS p' W'29 ' pECrVNsANbws'i;'-49 .':' ' -••' 1 |'gfi.ve;;-y.oiic-fl lifclinie of loturineniimit'K' Anrl looli IRA.1CI) AMtNICAN TENbtn TOUCH ,u tden • uttnn "' - *A» ' 'M'i -^Hhr-*l CHEESE BREAD lli:i:i - CIIICHLN ,„ , $ c ; .(XTKATRIPLLSltUISTAMM . MIISIIKOOIM BJTHOIL ^ 1|? CHOJ.tfHIpDi.orjyt:49 |l

.•••.^••.•.•«iW-.'-,.'-'- ••"'....•.«? IKAM! UK A,Ml ? i'A FACIAL TISSUES VIENNAriSdm. ;tJ.-39 JET SPRAY . ^ 118V: Chestnut St., Roselle Park BIRDIE" UYROll, «.45b Wt»TOM0KItl ' h "A M ' •,^:.rS *4 — •'•• •.'•* Malt • •::•;.!•.'... ,.•:•.. .;CH 1^312.,'.' ;..•;;•. ^v^ / -"IIIAND, or | yN'ONl~itPplnTtSho|»|ilriB;CiiriW«itt!h*iino)$V , , Gtir Time Payment Pliin

r i > i > n#r 0 i il 1 j-.' •~7 J ' '"^O! '^' ''? T" .9'* l ;l0^*w»'ShppplnB .X»nft^'/M^r|t','*''Mau^ •'•.hf.!^V''-'Mt.?/ftj»»«.''''''.''v'\.'i.r' ••'•' V '':i .'.''•.'• '•*'•§ '•' i ' < ; ' •• , »• y /••^•.'"'•'" '•• •y'*'^V^Vf'. J' ':;•.,'•iTM|»l?. ;f••^d*ttfp|loii';C«(iJ«r.i of J**' ^elrrla.Ay*nU*i*'filrlnaAiiildt-.Qpvn'-Pridtly'.•jlll,i».p.m. All^Rodehiption C«nlon ur* iloiid"Monddjf*, ' , , . li

', . I 'l' • t' • > iraMMi^ l' .-• /•.•.•-.-•B, •.. • '

• ':.^,^.-->iite^*h^^ . +•'• ~'}'~'•''•':-~~"'U^..".^C^.^L^^^

MAYOR.ARTHUR M. FA C)n Ckpitol Th'evepn tampn of 'ihi telephone'conp « :V*riatIpn, which httd concerned the 1n- .. lUllatlbh of B plwquo, Tiuitijonly chanpod. ' •;«£''.' . '"HthJ '-ptpirHTn U beyond eyorythlnir . sa Un« mlOnllruM Thin thoiUh'a liotyslelW la a tii«, nft»o»Ho» »l • Cmmi'gm hv : at . •| ImiHfJnod—«nd I've been, (n on It •from Join*-" ri»p"uTt.. by lha pafttvitttnt*. wurKifiM' 'l« flfcniitni' Cwft>>' nf*" IIIJMHI Jntpmi yitfn, Nr-w yM guvmnmew In »arvlng a dsmo« ihel: be«lnnjnft--ltV-^vwwhelniintf«!'... tha l»r,rt Prtigrain. Thre*-: 1 «rilla«i: seniors, a- sr»du#lfTitu- of tliij Htinfilt),, This .wtftliU *. ti* CnniiinW. '•"- --.'• •• ' '• Ci>iigr«sa,,ls. an liUi'l«»l<*i and-Case, perform ih» riifftrultbut . 'd<£rt.' «nd u high school •iclanea to lithe back a rmow" rtlallHllij Mmy-. miii:a Inpli'i ar».i'i|V«i- nomotlines—tricky prone**.' Hills fawwqifaL-uik' nf riwpohilblii • lfta to-take you on_a uuidsi) tour 'pertpn- teacher dlncjifn thoi? >Impre»-, linrtrrtUMCllng trf nitUuiiai «f- Tirrin"thai mall from Rimniliiitnis, .can badafeaterl even hafor* they, roptoentallon. - •-•"••. ' •' : reken Ihe /lopr: W> tieva -seen- • • Htephen, V>- Vryen,' Pannsaii- • ., ; ally, »d you can «ee what a' {earn-ttn-awlnv ~ alpns "Tt>f, work- on CapltoC HIM, falrs.. • '•.•'. '•-•• .".-•• 'Individuals from other : states, prmifrani with 800 kids taklnif part: really wiior* the Senate and H<>ilie~are . "O/flce work ha»i of course, _ .membera• of Congr^.n, and ,«ivep committee.a' and -.8iibconrnil!flB»» ' iteii — nulgw'a '84.,: •*'•',-'. 1 lie up leglalatlOrf hviitnunier-'- : " .located. Thcty .a'gree It bi quite, inclndcd. .some routine duties, "irrtcTBsrejt parsons from foreign C. Christopher Ha-gyr West-• 7-looks iike\.••.••: ••; \ •••...-, ~^.;-.- able .jyiyi,' In conditions' Tike' : -a cbanglt from the; classroom..'.-.. auch»as handling'miil^-OTUdh of, Handling .this•' mall; , field'.~._Wjlliam» 'M " ,'!,••: . —r^ =Tjtjidlnff tours for visitor* to muniei-',, bur work,- hOweveri' has inyolv-, . Gary AT^'Bclt^vniWr" Scoic.b could alorte oocilpy. the tlmg.af . th6s« ,_ ; -' .•! pal-ppJ3ln^i8 not a typical function -of n . ' _ ' ' ' ifo;fett; Islnllnn la ,-dl«Jcuit. • It seem*.: to Plains'. ^- -:Ceiumblii . 'W • • . ; ; v .-•••:. '-:'hiayor of' a .rapidly -grQwbxM 'community..:. ite fuja. irine£«Worklhgs of mijr. letaVos aod other- Jnfo««*t*v< 41irs"!'ls'. oni? 'one of>:ihe 'dowtis '.Vis jLhntr there ,ls a; real oetri for : riobsrt; ZagoriaV-'ftlainfieH^i, «pt ' In Iho .LaBiiaiV* "material. In ;discl|sslo,n9rVjjHrthft "of...4i^^di^n>1,th|sm..' An';«M • BrjncofOli -'«!»•;• ;:^--;.xj;- <;:•:; :';••::•:: —;":L;. wnen •we -)ii«s noitre a- luwijnf ai the.Expcallve bVancb; 'and' 'His1' efceeu'Uve'stof/,, 'dent',offioe7'8taff-'.Hoips-fliiioniVhii"'"•Scrialftt"?Case'-lvai- advocated. peHBtorandHis eSiu.. 1 ".•-".Rlc-hard'''•;•&--.B'i-Vt«-W«r«,' job, but those wlfto Im.ow-'.hin) M' uable WB '• have 4he tip • we /have,.', become ' aware. of the burden, but v)e seriously won-.' . " pur experLw^e "thlavsumrtiir Slirewahury .—"Taach'af |t: A»» mfe:it PBteSiJrih'Rfjfoid'iiJMayor •p^„l.d,r:^^:t^l^m^amI^^^I^7:;•.«r^^tetnl^:^-^^^^^ ^ry^^High.;|chool . . ^~i gTi)i^ : : :: : i-«nRii4. • ',•,•;•• ,•••'•• '-. •• ' ••,'.,.' "y>n.-j.'Hi--aw^M'Kr-i |* ^v; '"''' The. mart' reallybus ';» Jtest '.'for the.,.WAVOB ARtiiujt si S^^aSeipaftllC The'iilirht pfvthe at-hoitie Intisrvlat w ....M-,.,,,,,.,.,,,i,',,',i.',,,,.,,i,i;,i',i :that lnsted »lW0Ht till midnight,, Jet jrjmr^ htrmwedly. ho ah.«wej.'«d ft rapkrT we niusl all take » hind In de- -£_•". •,*..• ... •. .> ..•.-.• .... n(fthe br nk momentai'lly •^^ "^community whichilike. '. ' .; , • Jlni:" aay •another;'Here. ' ehe»)otrs raise ambltloria: the am- Ing, the. fact that an' apprentice- "0 Top-frequent mowing may. ,• un(oHunatethaugh timelyJK _.'.^._The--inay.oil- explftinetepa that, are belnr'ta- ^lichool, cagerTo carry.MTTT .eeu-PBeTF ^lawn^gp.for'tWo-WSdKji, his 1"?;," : Congrcas," with'COnuretB as an ken to help rehajbllltale'-thent.,, . ; Eneouraglng=J_ • . 7 tile giilf separating school ttbiA-. ..wreh auggestsMhii. grass will JMIK^ with. iht^T^ Conn., it wasTflrpartinjE of the ways for work.—1.THE ' Cpmm&nlca(.bns Keno l leatirf no alterna- as useful cilhens. ' .£: . Hlgber-'Goala-•—.-T• -.-•• -'.L L-L_ '-.. ' ••' slate of• rtlajlons Wwecn:• tive but hasty action.1" •, • .: him so .far aH thetenute of h1» forme'iwlifa Part IV The' trade .schools are taking- WofRers of AmerloaTs one aiich' " i) MjelhodJetUjf. clearing the•• ~ executive and legliladvji branch- mare down-tor.eai-th- loqk_,. setter,. It. worH» hantl-rn- As It (Mncerns^Congress. and ~wttH^coneern,edp-In-St-ftmfoi:di-be-fowl-ab~wttHconeernedInStftmfoi:dibefowlabrr _JLast of a new, q Imwi nf BTJuari'U'nnlniiirdgni'iyBt osof ttoverjiment, ; ...'-J School counselhiR nnd guld , amTlha rwllh. the Bill system,.;(or.; has.'setin, thl«~(1ir- -l^ J^'esldtwtrH^eti'alr'iail w4w»^- Horbed himseTf in his business'; .casually "~~»ncB.serv'lces are now Irylng to "aTlh.wiiy ethe coursey teacs hthcy them. . he sipecifled that he was the.maniiKer of 'fnr a Ions' tiny,- iustt._ keep, a finger- on the juilsosps - of-..area that has ofton been uhdor ,;• problem* and WashlnKlo'u-\vltli charges a dlvlHlon.of> wholesale .plumbinjr supplK —faltwln._ g sttidontj .-- |1.. JlreJ3ifth-in«lde, and trouble spoil have- be- •dounselor* .hplp-^Ji-Ongster.aPrlrn'"' y,. si'hool.systom. - the.. normal loss '.among "failure," "Inaction," and "lack ' '.company. It was-theiaeconrl tlmo^tho «ul)r 1 •-choose ajocailon andVivork out "It exists In a kind of.fairy- —:. ,781,000 employees. •• - ~- , • •Uke-mw^-. Hf aceumpllsliKVettt." The qllr'.,- -"Tefct had .comclip, b'ui ntilthcr tlmo^dld he' the high -school •prqgram that' lnnd that hasnH-tnuoh relation to . The unions In pookland Coun- tlon. a falr'n.mc,. is. imiuimHy'. -botherrto mftntlon, the ntvme'of -the firm. —!will bcslj^iepare Uiem for It. -the-ronl, world; of work," say ty, New York, nfFTrtso .bl'aVslng lienni IIUIKO da'ySfJiVVMiy alln'iitn n " q thi~ciiufljre,ii . lie 'riioy-'.-glvO' them pointers .on . Mr.ij.Mary''Cbnwsy Kohlet_Ml-sr* a trail. They not ohljThelp^iha Ifer WWphmm number,''a "' thntrfrnr'.IRWSSgovcrnlnn"labors. '-TYnmuvriillft' Corturocs. with • « l_wh&4^'°.oM°V^^b-)m44K>w—JColUtry^-ratlrod judge fr;qm'l|iar_.tpufltyls '.voiingiilors master a- neiiiociiillc .'President , ai:l,ilnv«. teato, .ivacr the.' nature fiOihiS ! ^•iwl»l ioourJty numbci-»nd, of—^nuinuKbmont--rdl,aWoH)i;ln^ultitUy- ( to apply for it. :,•';'.'•'.''• •• .-' 8an Francisco Juvenile Court,trade by ' supplylng-^qualiflod ~Wh thnn. lh« prdeodlnK .'Urmfi- ... appeal In jj-to him. for"' ItiT ' Tlic.trouble-lirtliat a' gap^x- l-ccotltly1 completcd-an" 18-month toacbpxs, '.but, In the case .of the course, oar license-and-hnnie....<~jmpnrliinl Industries: am -not »s .cinlit; t'ontrtfta avhlovnd wllli (•'..' addresa 'numbers.".Remember•'"'effective-m they shouItl-Jic. Bui.. t 1 ^ffd^BMdth£^ -'r-tttfT'-hntWc I'dtal ratlu ofr .'.lilucly'nf youth omploymcnt: for ulei-.tili-iaiij* uiilon. tho >"i'U 'Hr'" ii-^^-n'"" T> r-pn- iWS =t* ; l ! i Keneity",- ho. found; •Batiiil'iod'Iflfi '.nuldance, personnol :to .tutV lures of convicts w|Mi thaact In- . on' the linrVjjT'tlftrPrc.'irtlrit, ih -'• K'iV»*-i(Hill.v-Bii"<;iiBrgt H;-- l lii!r*r a .wide vaviety of hurnan'obntact eneorn-- Tho rinUtma'l..av.br,ag?Jiowj.Ki»nd.s._ i arc IWII HUteH to 'this, qiicstion.- 1 .., ... .. jfjally. acecptitfis- apprentices the •^titutlonaMiBca'lookini^^BUm vi^-canHres*-Tnt-pVCTumably~iti«6ng- ¥ pap«inir people-of-varipus creeds, origins* nl sllKhtl-y~lc.s!i thaivctne, to-.60u.~ ber In front pf thepiT ^ •""Tiller.people; on w'hat (o (Iw on'. ^_ Sonic 'fteis&HS/WIiy "•'•Bjit Ihe 'ictenl Is• -conajdored^ont "botwee'•• n the' skins the ,tride gridijates of the training.,pVn- r 11 "'. • • :—' ' ,' . „ .'' ,-., -~. whe'theji free pollcctWa 'brgnln-. LiiBt ' iji'olt, for- evanfiJH;, six. and; backjfI'olrtttbr- lo.300'. 'I'hc/•gap'""is, bs'lh'g'nar-. Joa.cbrandHhe£BBtual-re=—^TSIVTlt" sponsprsTnid 'drastically months ufl'Cr.'.Contfroaa convened, : •rowed, however, • largely throujh , ents 'tor job ent?y." . . •reduces their Initiation fees v. •' •'.'.' -- • '•• - • • . Ins should be qurlailea at some- 1 •By. tha,-sam'e token, *'-commuriity in'" Amorlcans view with dlnmay . irit rindx-compulsory nrb)ttln- t)ii* most VUB! piece of .leslila- which he. found it an e'nrichintr experience funds mBde.Byallabloilo.Ihe state" piweT'lif suclfcritrclsms; .' from,'Jl'25 to $20. Thanks partly • pn tlon the iBadcrahip could llndfor -'grrlriii-niii.'. iL]jnl.yrn« "VW" ftuTtSfa- trade. Schools are over- to Ch.il. program', only . 20 per tbe 'liquid behavlour-'of-ttJiuufl—tion Tcqulred,-or whether (mile, the House lo consider 'jvas a bill to llyi? was the- one-fhe: wanted "as the : or'j? defroclted preftld-ent'artd tht; jjy - bargainings procediircil~can- tlonal. -D6lf.on»«'- Education 3ter"of ,pg.;ktli(!lr systoiYll nfld clear- .cont of Rocklnnd County's »lu- e nellmc safply standards; for. au- fiither of,three- ydunj? boys.' ; / .'..,,:".:.." •n'g-^-Gtii; this dpndwooar WbbH '.dents-quit high school V)e[ote . clrcunistances loading to his re-'—fo strengthened, oi" whether ^OTsB.''More' than 7,opoirncw.'e»un- : : •.-..-tomttbilB ufiil hxils. Thlu'wppk, Afito; he/ addH phlloaaiiMcally, "I .pAi'e^ .._ac)orsi;hoye, beeii >ddea since the ...High. .School In . Inaia,napollsi.'.i(radufltltvn ~ miicti'less'thnn (he' con^domlsc. Such ,i jltuatlqn In', olner nosalble artorna'tivbs should , It's a bill to exlwtl for t\yo ..fiPJEA/waspaSiifid. Many schools..±liid., for example! pioneered In nntloh'g nyoragoPfitlVer' unlohr- the White House 'Is unthinkable,-, |jc tj.iet), . .Vear»—tho '(lo/lii[tlor£ o( ;"pea- X rnatured beypnd.the Htago. at heirtpr a.. are switching counwlors Into the- s'etllnif-up-couraos In. barbcrlng, around the country aro~rdn3fn8 •evat.it'lhfciyoBtnce of ih> Am- ••• Much.-tho snnio"lndeclKlon. ap- 1 : •Jiiitsl".;',. " '•' vji..."...', :. : .sinjrle-niinded onoVtracn'bimih^ssman." , lower grariesrwr-Well'as In. |Ker ' "•'•"'iiB, bcnuly^Bjiop.worJj,... the messFBo-loud,nnd-clear,,. . mcan president- .often has a ynnrs t0 h(|ve p,n.fryj.,ori tho ICK- 1 ; fiunjfcthlng lesA Uian sobering "f- — lu'lative process on otHFr fronts ..There me almoslliS'many dl- ^ ho h/is a' healthy.. nPDi'ecia- —usual VHh^and-lZth grades. Too and.; auto--bod y. . cleaning;_. ,Job;«•.""•.. . ' industry is'.takingg 'ncp soc/i r ,~inany studbriU,.ault;.in..thti 10th- feet nh'.people Blsewhere. njd '•„ clvll-T|Rhhrrrmiiix-lMiisporU- • nifiVOBes fiuagostcd fflr, what nlla. tion'qf the~!irrijioi'tance of'- buainbisp' and 1 3 are ronllftlcnUy. genrcd-to T Cpnurojis as thm'o~ai'« -Congi-ei.il*- grade, before t)Ie" eouHi8l5frcB|t the commuhltyls. job openings, nniiitnlgy-In4muth employment^- yo,u notlc8^ i".«.-.fe• lU w, ,we«• W, ,ago ||,m,;ctliiciiMon, )iS well as lnb.rr- •indiiMtiJii] do.vblonmfilit to t '.Other schools'ai-e -now follow- compinlos, We- ripe"ry,^ oy -hfuJnTtto: aiiath.v and • ii. mii'iiiiUiilty. 'Art ii iniittei' vt, iusi»'. t-'m 1'h'flnc rmiu.tnut incret.v .liulilliit ' lim -..,... IOKOI, Jicrcuics vowaor, aim JjtrilH.k. il HfaOUII.. WB p 1 1 .Ilir pronto niul their ri'pl'oiicnta- (homo of jjjjpcnl Inltltitod a»a proinotlon- actHphs llhillsd l.tF3tr«t..lh» •ntnt!')' •*T4j>t-,Wa are liiiilly (luitens niorc Hi * how'uncciuriig-. .io..r.UU .- . '" . tliii"T'l'<-'i'l|)lccliT|.. o.of. |i|. ' a 1 dev ltv«h£uw»tly d u'r-.l ii(^-)tiit^ticiittIn-lit I ra- . .nioath aadiisnili: term" Mflh,y'pli-"M.f Wc-thiink.-l'h* lie) ,ing. h.liih schuoU to saj. up priv- "nailontiT rrlilInntciirrlitls. Inntciidd of'of,'.;; coicoiii - - [Win .« llifk of 1-MHfdimilir iills riecltUrSrirltiK-viiciilliin. t.hnt- ' thin' probloJii •'by In the "nture than mm Av»y i .nn' tlw J tfr>n—-it. ono yoar-tm'Ht.'jvblcli' b'e'ttan tlnn-. 1 vjoi'niioitjal COUMM, . Thoi'sr .Vmys -frontltiiHHtiitT.nvarjty tlli'gutlv and • ihpywtthtfrot*, out oj milinnl: To s(rys E' loirn- the busies of wolilluu mirt t» «kfii a nit ilrr.«rtm*nl," tlin hiniinerlng oul. »i> ehfecllvo pm- , too many I'roaj II.I'Iry. l-—lti a MCIIIO Hhnwliitf. pi|Ual;-i;pfll- plug tills In'opb.olo, nqhutil • rlrop- tor Of "rffiu'hlun sh'Mi firnr.Hiia, '• ley | i tnHviiMi'ii-i.r sorliiuif IHi\(l)ln. ilflltlni , doiiluncU .Jin t'ri|igl'r«»; ' 1" N.'i- »i»i* oiimti* 1i>"Wot tliujnan t •Siontlnl niifl.oiirnmoVfiiil "WBIK)IU," . . '••' imwramit- : 'lea, Unil'limlflhiniUnTiU fin nnliiUiiii Al Ihn-rlvll I'liihlr'cnn'lhwI'l's.v; tin -Trttd'lhtl. Miiit,_MH's it ilnU'botMb we all -In mtnllii'njicriyilr inmtl a.'tiua'lHtMi'.inti hl i •- ic...fti!.iUA v l(|^ • I . ' IVIlllb n .t»"'» TTT F-" ^ . • hv.Ml.-l.ni •'IjavB-tn.-talit* « |>»iut In defining sui'lv an Snwny, • li» -%v»iUaxl.—1»». iU« ** a •. ; tit 'C.'imtirBNs; <:iilhlill«nlni) '• union," " III* rUllrnliil ili«wi(B wim nn inil h V ll rislilamio.Thilmal til' ' ' ' ' ' ' www- .— — • . , _. .. . • Urn BfitijinOiftOl) mat'k.. liwirrt. nf mlJtutrnwU. y Thmv IK/pi'iibiil.l,v*i(.,ii\wiiiiii'«i •inn1 , 'awl. tinn' Illviir l Mill*' oflw —I'lii! niiiyitt' wnl.il iii!.liiuMi ""LJ!la»»eii_UL..«rli« H'!.loii' Hint Win.'* Varlalli!tL.llu.. IIIIIIII run- "-i.f' Irulb Jnlli«m MIII'IJIII tlni" ,ilml In wliiinl : nt -I,II|M yniii'i but Id' Ilieir plmil " iw—what- lix m inr uylf i»i »i(miiilnin|U'i>v> i'r « I s I n I I v i< lit tlilltll*. l'i']tf'f (In liiflinhiliili'rrlfiniiU .In. »,|j|ilit|itl'lnl>L, " •••'••' ''•"" '»'t:-'' jii iimnmtr mm. HTIII fc .piisnex Urn D'i'OUi'liltl v nif art- MM iiHiiiiiiilii.iir. ii HjlhuiluiiVlUrilraiiW. lHl. l.y" Iliu' f'rnlileut la. fri'iiwlh—lln miiiilmiits'iirl Tliiirtlii'i. Imyii- minilmn' Miillly of fulluift, I. ( iiiWlmi.tiUlm Hll'l.|> M".{jHh'lHil'|nfB.lllill'll«N.lllM lii't'H Xllttl'KVtti- Ami wlml ubmil Unmet. uiUllmiv ' fnm the -.l-ulv i'Ji not—uuraa—with—H\UJ _ .ix^iAssiSt,; 'llrtVT • .ili.in .lilli ;,tf^?!,iii fr Ilijll mid" un«ini>ln,v«(l .vminai»tt»i»«-who , ',-i'A^K A'h;t».Ut ' dIHItmll. ||niu_(||( u UTll "•''• whlahii...' hi... i hits;* nlriMiil.y i|iil[ Kcluiol? . T "Cm'tnlnly, tho 1'rnKlclonl- ha.a tonMMltonMMl'k niul Orrr^VjwiiHlii|i \!i\\\\\n\!i\\\\\nIliIlilml ''I'lw siiilpuvl' of;.-.tlw.,; Aiwlirtln- • XXm '\5roiff-lipWav'mnHnl f iiiBiit' 1 Kchimi»l :.A...mnlbeiv,.«vlt!ontly., •:ProuUloi-'itlul iiiHi prui«l.ol her »bn who liail i'ullniadij, niul ihn unloin,' cnii- • right <-iuitl icspoiisdmHyto. pro- . fill'"a.t.iiii,v...p). ()blimiMi iiiid (,'oni|)lalntHl .K '-''Kbruiikoci off. In cltl«s—fi'mur-: JIOHC n'oiimlrcs which lie mid hla nimily. exlujidod' tu Ihe N«iiroo». '.'Uaolal Blsin'lmlnutlTni~ciihjii. Jiilif hocn • urari«atl(ut~fjcxim_JicN - nitii be pimlimiiodi Is. rnsh In^. ne e9 llujli'iil'iuid. -:--^.''"V--..',•"" . ...__u .• •' • .' In ilielr current ulniuiilc ..'oi' ,No Way D« JiimifIed,"^vVe:da- " cdkdt—to coast -'Uiey;.aiS .'being of* len«c brought a, home-prepared dtietl. "*.Cunc«IVubl,v"f"."""Co'ri|tw»i) -Admli'iisrrntlon-'foDl_;ai'*T e -~ WbiMi Iho •rrtltSl^Tri^\ya'H;.VulHe(] nf jiinti--. fered' «:.second Hinnce, Mllj|iJrni ri'lonsB Into tha., iVow«paper;v4'hfi "HS'ffttlit-iihiplbymoiit oiiport'uHltles . ,plpre; discrimination • uncl con-, 1 1 1 , might' rise trrtjva-sme.rgencyv but -'.-'* .(eontliurodon-Pag* li3) " ' silili; lirconsilKteii(!yOi>otweoiv- encw.iVa|f.intf'; -'4n.*;a ' raleaait-.mjirie.. public ,.\by.' doinnrtlw prejudice) hv -\vl)jc![i It •nt dolLnrs ar^bolnB spei)t to cbii- rolonsd romtl, In' Part' ,.'. .; the ll ; ", vert-them.from useleiis mlnusos, yoii'lh. mnlntttmed. a' straight" '.'A' ..ii]f!. )M»l i»'ow.t,h~\yhlcli, himinii K1HO' »t^ - ' "Archbliiiop •Thomns-A.-fioUijtl;;.;. '•lias Its ,Jr^Dia_,Tn Jha prcisofi^cti'- 1 Into iiivM pluses.' DdMnsjrf-rV— jtiitkraK^Vn'nf-Untt^.lfl ra n\r # -••••••- •M f .- tiitrwwic. w ,Lll!u-iitl^m ^X-rinJ^Kiiini^r^—' tjMl " "^""^TulT^TuhllliOI. "w UlVli &]!>u JSIJ^ -m* : : 'Mtbr-vlmpfore. toll -..Ciithollc ,t havq worK-study th'e' attitude ..ollJJifl^wn 011, ajjnrtment S O hllcl)., for .. and.-.iig$taiu'a"nt conrtyuStloii,'' he fepllod. r .,'ldea u. that these pVat)'|enifl^'ainH-«»i'mii>nw ! WolsV* WisJT4^1yl^^nTOIT!r6al'"1'1&M.U denials hnva ^ieri^-^IZ0^*!^^^ -- pi'i'iygii in at-sfates, Mhis wmitil vrr^—^ '^llrf' " * UuUni ;j:.t|pii^nifh> tbwni^aifonrlyat,, .{'rtcallo'd tlio.rUTOlilE=liyii^(!^pv > •:i':^e'r- odiit- JeyeV, which Is Iniyuijil OiV ,-1 K- -nrctnrrrt ^1 ll_i f*-Tmdoi'-.wajii.'rh»,P'B Ktund fnu r-lai'Ke forobodirig'lettei'i: 'Think ; C(miitlUlU0ll,';|i«Url'lgnmi)!iU , AvtiuTd'turn ' .^.».,., -i. •'"-tl;^ »....>.*.A •-• if - fy•..«!]' hnil.qult sehftoj. *,»r«,.invlttti.| to' 'thn* t'Uii'k hiiL'k niitl 'reduce our. ylr't"wt '• • • Ty-.T'.":: •.;'.'.-..'.:,"-'t*i.i-j.-. T.M'^..'^l:'1'*'* trlh

.' • .W*7-' • V a It • ' .,"• .JllUUUOn. •'• .•/ , •' . - .,.._,. '.., i.'. !_•„• ..-.i.,i I [„ ' '"''^'Eiunblflih, i/uum "court,; '***&*"»^ ^Inn^i'hiliorcnl.ln llOAUD .OF EDUOATlbN, nini'lo up (Vf state Chief JtiatiatjK, mir cluiiidcrniiy -wouiil . bb dn->' v 1 ihiiidJrucaclni!KiILwm..lGBidlwj" v,hlob —coulrf-^ivftrru !*—lht)7-lKSw- stroydct arid thn national Interest : wouTtl give' w«,V to (Re primacy. N;-,T.' Tho'lOllS flguro^ls'teiipectml to turejiulWlng. forMN Ardhdlo-. ' criilftctr onif could he :appli«d, School, - „•; ••'" . ..'. ; Supromo Court.- '' ' ' Springfield;^ : •:• , • •; • of stuto cltheiishlp. «v*>v Tliui.doy'bl )««4 Mnirlt suborn Unlly. exc.oed-. that ceso of Newark and Ittf nifillntbs 'towi>r.d UIKU schttal- 'diplomas.' M^hen Jarsoy. la'w.makers'-iub'- "iZ""he ""''T'"'\M' . i • iV i- amount, •• . • -^ architects', contractors, unions 'Thrc^ days a: w«ok, l-liey'work- nOAHI) Ol;1 ADJllSTMKNT scmfcntly discussed; their hasty •:':•' .f. unnerving^tliinKls'.thot '.'••• linlon, rJ. J^ ' • - . - ictlon-thcy reiillzod Us U1OH.- with so many "of our natltmal Ardiblsnop Botand's official,;.nnd all other wrfrkors of'..any.•Ka.c.4'.In.tho. ktore as sales clerks r h**lthUyuhl t Next mecthiK, Sept 17 at, 8 p'.tn,,. li'^li'c-lrripll|.)|Hops ^na-!.lwVn----'-lMd« *-j^ •;•. '.!The position.,of thV. fiathollc •' iWiaonabii eifprt ' W; 'proceod • jQbj- £ac|l.\vaa {taldi-t'l an'hrtur•' •Church as *prowoter of inten- /without- dlscrlnilhatlen -oi any to. starts "Each'was • befrlond'ed' .'rcadjj..''i)ifldOi such headway. ^'; racial-'Justice.ul» nlfeafdy. wall,, aort, wh*tb»r based on color, and gatded by ono of the, storaV , IS the''dar]lrig of several' nnUon- Porlmps 'th'o' rf., ^''Senate,' .10* pir"<«j>y which had the wisdom to entcr- known. In the.4flc«n«a of •Her:: fKe'Vdr-lhiit!6W«ny~'We looJrTUtrtoT *xenjtives,"CM :.theJ-'orf- ' BOARD, first • al groups of rlghtrwlng extr?m- i . ist».\ ,•...•.-••'• >;.' • <-.;•.'• .ta'ln second thoughts, Should ask Founder. ^Jesus'. • Christ,' the forward to r«c«lvlng wIlllnB ani ' clnal. ,50 who' began work, 3d p.rt,, (Souncll Charti-' 1 pi , ymnly . Church has."preached and taught • .*lncera oooperatlon on this score became full-time .employees' at MuSlclpal - 'It^was also disquiatlng for us Governor HugheV to propose ,*t . •'. ••'.'.• "'. Ul':M«ti|nUl, .Idltor. " ' the basic, dignity.and; aquaflty '{Kim -all.Immediately conoerfW Carson Plrle Scott \vhlle' othws ,• to •isai'h^'thit at pnesenl.one, two the Na.tlonal Governors'. Confer-, Of, m«n before God thdlr Cr»a- 'with-the planning,. pwiparatltttii are. :en'Tptoyed' ^lsawbero, and or• threei^I the proposal^ hsM rilGtt-SOUOOt ;.pas««d' orio or both legislative review-', bt un'dcrtiiksri by-«iach' of.the.statefe WhicKhas approved Mtiiy ',ttm««. and M third jTun- b«4!»», In n, state*, .thg.-ioill-^i volcejLjtha" "' . V' •..-..•!• • •0 :—r*

•''.'•' "•.-.

/)..:-- / .-•' ."•',' ' •~7T': ^ ' .-•• •'• •' , •'•: (• A", .•/"••-

' ' '': • • -'y:r -'-.:• - •.".'• j^V-, '. ,-r

<•••:'•'< PARAKEET" The

Or The• ' •. .,...... ' tliHiiltlli tli<«. jili«Tif.tti)|, Hnwifr KH»iVtill fur. iltutiliiur iH. anil I ; Jift.ppiiy Wuiwi iti IIIHIC. njw . IT4'JB*n_lol'u tlHIiilj, .MI .July . I'lllitti'.'J "Ul ItltLln ilfl'l I))I!JJ< ' IIIDII" attT^nr-fiiiin'irif, I'miiii • • inihiti, -wtill i.'i'iM'y «IWBVHIKI" •—O.( t|l» »« —a flying, I'» (lyhig flair dr » (wiiiiminjr - tuo/TvnTTOIririniuh, \vHn'liho • rloii •lumjauc, Ihu jiollcu Jiuimr • bird. ••'..• ' ' •••:,•• million rlsh or- d invininvtng bird,;——- . ,1vbLiWlfe.Inoipt' a aowl'^wjin-' an ,' iiidi«iianl. • (fubb)o liittt. 1 ; "TMt- P .' Thei:-Mlndnlcljt, %ti$/ afier : DM - a'toi »owo : (HfHfculty . sounded -,ama£lniily .Jik.e . n . i U > .-Mr, Mlridhlch's wt'erit retira- ^' nianpsed 4p fiot on. ih'e • ixrat •' parakeet corfiplsirtliig of llv-, Fifaivdn Satt Sunday with Kuril's '•: • •»nd.>Kot tjri • mel»rTxo)»r^Ws position n« 9' ('io,Sinking' oar :'ajid;.W(is.., i»K .tpndjtloiin,.' ,— •.•'.. .'•:'' ,lom»-)« look f|>r.. f[nd out wliy i "—*' JUbenfUojp .*t WhiWil^- "••• '••'Owqrf !»• by.i.sjjcotatofsvWhor • A filni, "White WoWer.'V'-wllI .mdy* K«ar,< bvi can't..ynd«r»ta : ', :':'And liUi-jj^'enoHBh-'tiieL-rf-'was- Vyilt jutasiy jr. n hlming aid hit i' nii'CW-hlm'iitr»npaB Tll-n.'^rnTiT'- J •ed by,'tying two .tow. chains .•pBi^C^nililion'SiTVallside Na WHI qnylKint •«'?' -chased a home ih^West Palm ,:J. ThcQinllce lab's report "cV/sd- .Beach.- gla,..'.driave 'soutliward..-.. ogetttor. • ',.••-.',..•: • •:; .• ••' , liirh dnd SHence'- ue'nter • lry "the, ;_ilc'd. jili''..silvv(,vit.'-to: ,tlie - fact:: .-\gatchung-' nesfli-Vation'-'SuntiBy. .'Inild* Slofy of , N«rui- 0«>«i -^th'ni' • JSli"-If jycHtriJf'.-'ofiBj:: wa« ,n\. 3; p.rii,. II 'doplcls.:the , story- (.«)!• what yiu ;««n, do_ yovrwlf: 1 , -•'•^ -,««—«- wH.w..-t-7«n^nu.cB-', ;-ine ivnnanwns were rcioa$eti ' hiadc''ot.'X llg^ht' woprf which of-:SaH 'aiid the niothods of. i>b-' loaded In their stoUori waiion,-- /from -the; Baptist Moincrial • floated.ln tiie w?lor and "sJn'co, lalnlng, re/jjjlnn and. dlstribtit.-. p

rt-—:—- ™-~


: MORE MEAT-M)K LESS AT SHtiP^HltE! WllY I'M MQREP " I ft .IriK in the cohRrassioual.offices ".The RlaiJu "Is scFfor^pcrk'™!- ,on' h "non-pnylng basin, obso'i'v- iTices-by _players,-of the Woofl""began, n unique teiichoi'-ihTern- hiK nnd.helping-wHh' onice' ac- GRAPES brldjc Summer- Diwmi Festival shlp prnftrnin at tlio. olllco o tlvlllos, altondin»:comttii-ttei Cpiwji'esiuianwri ' .Florence • 'P,. mcofmfis; and ROMlons—nl-'the:

PRE-VACATION <[rttlity Ol^otled •,,-'t».>ii..<;u> . .-•-,—:.. • . • Beef Liver Floundsr Fillet » S9' Cl«nj«ulh'(l.«k.; ton Sk mm: bf^ltllloll $PORT COATS .wHijj^ii w.i.i'SLACK* v * Si nitiijf»

Cl U bs-Gjye-." iCmJ-DefBinsekk'itS ". r" i R*tarb:SiflEft£ UnltuLtha|]jhrcc'."or:the natloirt1 lav lending woniah'is liiuup.s :—' the' General FedN;nilpn of AVoiViori's Clubs, the • National Fcdorntlon :if Business and Professional FRifiT SALE! ;.' •' •;,. With Better CKildveii»s and Wwnen'8 Clubs, «ni1 the AtnerV PURPLE PLUMS COCKTAIL can Lesion AuxHI«rt-,v -u are dl«- trlhutlng ctvll defense Informa- ; Infants' Merchandise Iftn kits t« their local unit lead- M^.K.U^,,,.,, M».!.-«I..I«..IU.DU.11...I Provided. by'Jihe Offieeif, Ovil I'fcAKi 2 ;." 43c CHERRIES 3 'L\' M Dofcnse of. the Department w "Sargon" - "Qlengyte" - "Tom SaWyer" nofonje, lh« kits Nintaln' b«»lo mopMQNANiAll v lnfnrm«Unn' for': an orwnjiiad or Ubby Um^d. ot •: • • Mlr.ut.MqW acUott.,.p»tfrttm-by-lo«»l-|tr«uti«- to support dvH" dy{ons« Infh« O'Shanter" ivnvu>iunity. > • ' ' • "Mlllbrook" , 1 Gets as '"Gordon* " - "Carter*" « Etc. Chili Otek.,

In Dr««ie«, Polo., Slacks, Shorts; Mm. Pasquale Nalflle, tmmedl- ito-M»t president of the Ladle* > SweaUrs/Blouses, Shirts, lAislUaVy of .ih*..' Kenllworth ..»«.•' l:'£liltlJl' fFW' .post, recently •reoalfred » on* pin awarcTTt' the regular ivaeilnR of ••(hio'-"itt*i(p. -.The nwM Is;given,to all auxiliaries which maet their tjuolaii oh •' yearly UNION CENTER ROUTE 22, UNION ; h0SELLE PARK! SHOP-RITE M 963 Stuyvosant Ave., Union Route 22 & Springfield Rd. X report on thu recerit-.stBte' • H«KI to th> Nallondl family Dluoiint C«nUr . ;onvenilon Tn ' AVIldweodv w«« : ureserit^d by Mrs.1 Ed\wd ply •<;.::*fta^fi SUNDAY e ,• ;.;: M, .presldentr an« Mrs. WtUlefiri ifonah&n. The •l«tf«.';.«aitt lib* ; 4 tV0Nf SHOp-R|fE • !.' RAHWAY SHOPRITE - : w;}the bell;awart'Ior Mm. :";"' .;,'• W '|{1AH .OC .STUDIO AT" '.'^ •'• ''.'. j'-,,' 327 LVoni Aye., Newark ".'i:; 1064 St. GeorgeH Ave. ^ 22S*.Georges of 1227 Morrlt Avenue^Union •'•» OPIN SUNDAY » ';'l-^0l»iN'v4UNDAY '/• ••;•••-;•; WANTS - ytuf- M.vt,' U 'rli't^m, l|l lU

;;.^':: r;;'f^;pr;i Iteisiiiii •:.r,. t'r)imtry c;ili;lip land, pg, Hirry A. Miller, Or. Banfprrt !• '''•'"'. .v"'?" ''",!ll."i'"'5ii nerved a> a hi jr jri»»urtli d lint S*t- Mlllw.'-Mr. and.'Mrif. ftertilml-!Wm ll'r »f, H'>'turf <-ld.-will- linv* Jltnl. nrtlirnvd'. liimi Ih tu-day »t tlm w«ddln| of mid chtldifn.Mi.iKi!"1 | .'fflHEt "WtiBIB llll'V W|l|'n-Tt i-mrli'lii* Ann Mt ~ mill jtaH V, • lUjk J, PtAMinkn, m.Kl,ton , ...... ,, , „ j Mr.--fljlil Mm ^ t~llvll. T Thrl'i1 o'lhnt'ioll null .| lnv. Klolurtj M. 'Narflane ; I'l'iinlon, Hit) rliHt In ai'ma Hevet*!-brand n«)w!' Sprlnj- e|ght ytari old on Saturday, u" wlM h» "'til-* M'rnijiiK W(ii.-.lil|i ! • HlirUiii . l.nv*y -mid bin' wl/« neldltetl ; m«djr=thejrrdBbutr)Brt at>' tatiptr party on fll?-B'p.m. at tlia •iiii. u<,V( WllilirniwHiimu ' T. •»"•iiriitilliwr jh wy hi Iho Hrlllih Tuaiday avennAiAijj withith, u bo'boy Sl«ii(l«rllSl«ii(l«rl«ln eatabllthmenteatbt . .? I?n r ii-s' Siiiwln.v ,7, -II, I), 1", week »t Overlook;Jlotpltal,.Sum- * . ' ti\V. .Vfeie.VVlllO H ft p t I » I U «rn. nnrt t^ noon. 1lol.vriny«: Talcs ". where- he ,rild (irariimte mit. A daughter^ Lori LyntV, wa« frltnai:; GGary," " whf»h. \vllllll b« f .four trahu in thtjiirst, cpn: Sa|.|irflH'y,s Kcei. tcil'Htc) (it phl'UiRtipliy. Ht ./amtiii D. Juiy 'tr was al5rt"Th« birth will ba .11 o'n.Autf."J'Wf n(ij«t bi 18. or»ov«r.' Contestants' v K^ Mblthd Svnt.be' J'jitlseur.?6rl,c;i .'• j UnlOeiisl.ty of Soijth'cio . l.llinols. • "ApnilMtlnrf and .hirthtr InfoNy.. ; ' 'BaptiBnis: fiv»ry'Siit,Vfi»y..»t'2 Watklns have ahqther child, .Ty-- : ,**lilldj cu UlidiT tho. rtiiVctlun n[ A!*b(hd' his B; A. degree a wahria,- whij is a,U- ot' 10 months mallnn. may be obtained at .th» l>t:MVlJd pldar;;^'"cr^:':':-v^x::--•:;-•:•• :)ieajth studio at ,g8Sat-MpVrls ' . , >. 'pt. ftutgerS iteQM$me£>^ VriiVqrslty, Is now. Ii) U)e- ad- (lie George. R, Sehrnmu, ,of < 40 plnrrnlng department—at Jfembill rd.,; have chosen for>thelr. 1 1 • First Presbyterian. Industrie^."of. California, clght-pounri son who waa, bnrri . Two - 'Stimliiy;-M'irninii Wi.r- July 8' at Overlook. Jaftn J61n« •'•Cars; riirWnn 'by >wrr,y A, ;iar* -: ^7 "Hervfct*-, a'vin.nl .si'+tHjiin • M(irrl« avn. ul Main »t. o SprlnMllold I p *- ScrvlHi'tf '".lii" iiilijuiiHIon tlttfe:, iori..'>amo,!ii:.' rrieafn*^ 'Channe'I..JUgmbar .Co., "Springfield' -with IJii' M'^hmflsl t'lHiich. will da.'uRlStdi;.;. of: 'Mr.V and • ltlr*,. Ja.c(i p'nlltfc"|i«po|ittd.'.Nn/.nna ;t'BCi iln« will Uf:i •jjjl ..w ridonK,forrriat|;ileliii^i .^*rshllj In llil.i l\|[.lorlc 'church;. ..'••' U^V. .'Br.\V; -at!Uir .-^ ^^ 'iStl'ests'.'at.Uiei children^ Rarty, , fsunrtay^-lO a.m., Ji.lnl Uiiinli In Jolif-ilie IJn Ion, Sjfrrmior • Scrv-' held; at hbfhornfei Included :Xa)jh. y 1 • - Sumrncf Stiryk-ps withytliij-^lrsf. Zleiler.^Jlmrny.-MkiZleil^Jlry'Mkii .isri'srid vdaiydi , ;! Pjed1no_fl'i''' '-;'J,'..'v;-.-' •"•'"••"' .'jr.'...' • PrfesByterlan- 1 pgiitfir, Ri>*i (rlH)oi'l, ;:'7App0xlm'arely''35'rfllatrvre s'aht) Annual WINTER JACKET *4I1 Vttndtict thn-hcHi'r-Uwft spry- B0iti'G;HM.;^biay)pm\'. •frteTjdB.altendeiI'HiJJ"*iinilJy-:jiBrly,- /••>,77t • Klnor'ty. \i\f.\ WriloH '•-.' hel<1.Ju|,V:..4..Bt Ch)5u.l{6me ot her; • itev, D:' F,- AUhcuou. n»«toii^- JiriaridiriotJiev; ;A^isJan^Ffea'' .Today—»-tl;4»'.. a.m.; D.V.B.fiJ' topics .at'.t'h'erfljia;!.- mft6t|ng-..V v'• '*?£$*: I thts Mcth^Ust Cbjircli, The-serv-.' torMv''\wuh-B«V;r;cl»nd-fpji-v:,,'!l:S|)^lft :';'t.SHurces., ai: Ihfortntttfen';. foy'i tb«i li-t's.wlll cMf'-t".*t,ht 1 : wiis.ljijdi.-ljy': lv!lrfij;:(Vl;((i1li,yn.'"H(ir«e dlscusslortVi^Mrs.;. .:ftii!-l^t> i..-'*aid, -l>yt-eriHn-tMuiK'h ; on ! 1 > r 1 : \iiin}' 'Aljottl'^'ii'' a!tiendcd,' tii,?: r»'' ..itte' '!racl' «ite? j«.; pWiila'red, HPy n-.k M °M».m'"t'J wlnlti Hnk»lt,-J.b iihilll d«poill will hold l; 1 : Moctinp' open.,l(i -.boih-. tnomb^W ..." i.-i. ''iJ^JgjJUO ilf. '« -' '-- Bt '

; 1 1 grto;.::.'.: •'.. ..-,•;••••:^'S-*..& ,';':7-'i-.::..'," 7i' ' )p«e,^ioftis\OT.r*to •'HI t pw p yslns, .Lynn- ;Frecm«n v' , •Gcnci'l(l harJd Froodniati~MRT8rid vly(tJ* ^jjl.njulj.'tho MlUpn- Al •Duj'ayeriyMr.^nd :'Mrf\,;S, );; ; fiii »f Mnntiincturont PrKoj)iimrMr,.Bnfl Mfe. H. DaVlfiM . tUull Ml tilt lilt MUM} ;6f ! dff;,;.Mrs. Bea'i.dharMlijk,- fjhiriey ; Brt.d;'.ElTflfla-.rti .'>MmBn, Mr.-iwi 'T059 SprlngfUld Avenuo, Irvlngtoh ContoP ".'V-VtjjiiiUir' -irvintf •KrSjn*!"fim«n,v..i"-! MM. L,trcied(r!ani--Mir.;4im»^.r». "••'• »-;• • ••'Bfl.' 'JfitllUHMIOl.;'

1 i^^a-.. ^* Jhl^MU IWIIIUfl'^ h i' »lll W |^ P. ,'- d ...I^'I.UII, iiiini,j.|fly;j3.fc' .. . tb.'ro'ftd-. p.t.':hprn6''th-ls. ^^tit^iJW^^i^'t'jflJlowahin'i^V^ilU _ SfcvRofijfl'rrS^Pft'J I' '3iitl".>3VFfltv i 1 --;—->.-'--.;• : at. •7,-' fl'.rn',,';hnti ••'BVi's'.;p5nv,-,,]'5wa' •• ••• \i !Vrt:'( •• teoi I (.'K"'- n wP-ftrt^^iWiTrrp: :fteC^"l^rra8r^¥lowili"s;.'Wln' .pe.- : l..tficlmlq.UO wlth..,to6th-, hHsiic-bl the-^nrWcflold Pub-• : Suh'tJilJ'-sito'ytife'wIll be~at>fl.B;m: 'iPcllo.wrhlp." 7 -.pjii;i-.v .K^onl'iift/ y< dic(Uca ,H^;tli^.''fllpr^-of. Gfx) ' liioliri to rvpnto -it thrio d)men- . .• lio^LlbrnV.V: ahddsi ' "" i *r? •py'..>ifjiif.V.I(Ulian..MawJn^y..\—'.!;:.•:•;.' ..jilnnl))._.effect,...hav/j" been' •$\\t,.i ',j'B ,'nn empiwye^ of^.-ttHJ"..^.''J. ^•'•toiSWHA'-'A'frtti'jiloi^iWllv.'K'.-iijn; •;' nn exhibit..fill:.u'.'.niuiill|.l;i,'il.life •' Nowberr.^ Stoto. . ' '•'•••''&^. 'fei'^iiliAn/.l^RiBiil.ftgv'.wlthi'SiiUir- ;•.nrl'-gall«ry'• of- IlieV-.-Papar'^MIll- •—r— .. . "——. -. : .tfHy'of. IMS •w1iS«lj"j(ri i/JtwW.wbflks,' ••;\^.ahla. Sliunpllin -koiid :• Pln.yhoits'o In MlllHijrn.-!" . .± ff'yritt • wish lb;-i'i>hch'''lli(i1 Pna(«ri '.. ;, Jo^ctetttej'..those .soml-bas-! WedriWttliy --. fl p.iVij, Pi-flyor-- •formally ^important* nifttter,. It ^an Itnbbl Isrnrl *K. Drcsny'r •' • willofa Miw!-• LIivdcmnn filueg l>ic, t|fijVo"~^Htc;ltly^>,vT::(;Sl!liij!j ::.E1-^ ('olored ionllipfcRjr"f^"hcr- csn*- • 'tn worship ->vllh'-iiK.,tn nur .i-pin-' doj- Wlllimi) • ScHhiilJcl (MU n- Mviltli, ?)crvie,0;.Jor•--tiib-Aveck 5 ri .vases,- After— the- - cadUbiUou- To>tnl)1oj>ir-(-ori d 11 i i iHctl aifcl I i or -, •ions); w E''K "" "fUTiihy j<»nlt- will- -bn"cnndm,'|.ecl by' tihiivles" •hoi'fl tho pnlntlnKH will bo' sent" .lurn. Jiri'i.m.",' TT'lillrh-fn's tillilp i Ini! (M.U, . flilfi.'t-i).. ..Plonsr cnil nanjrlKoi',-' of 1.22 Jeffci siin...ler. . fur exhibition -.at .the "'" -IStar.yl-aiicl-U^w.voi;, linio In )lb- Ihcm osiiw.lii'lly-'lf.. Ilim-n Id an Cnnrllo JjIght.lntl'.Jtma. .is ffjQ'V Ac!jBlh ry_L:in Bovor'ly ••Thu deadline ^nr 'a'ppilcollpn l.iri. ^ ' •' • . ' \a 'the . ijnit.Cmiitt C4wfrd~tlB»' inns', ' •; ''f'rilll'KHl :elli!^lH. AKBTJI..libeHliii! S«n> 2 ,fli. tHh'.C'oliat ffiiimi lUwury TilIt)Tiig' CStTtWYorltlctwii, V :: Appllrtinlji muitt-'liVi" Iwtwtieil .: •"'.• r Mir, fl^iikjof ill nwl J(l nml "IIM ^-firi with us now for yoter- l B .I'l'iiiSinlPir'ii (U|ll >«*> ; .' < . , Tim T/iw'mOt OC8" I'liiiwit In* BIGGEST value buy on a new ronnt.""(lutird ni'ltinl.nllnh " m jaljllnr.v- littiirlhif. lUw'h iiiiul im*nH'«i« 11 uoninilMliiintit-rtid In-Urn llli\l)li!U'.y • Hm-nnniwl, |iyncin'WMi«l\t nfflne,' rnrim •'• 1SH1, CHEVY II NOVA jCiiutbiii . lUiimct, 'Nnw Vor.lt,,• 4'. l>l»in« •Ul!-n7n(), f«t, Bill!' SPORT WEDDING i. --V

INVITATIONf H^ycrftln In a" CORVAIR MONZA I——•...: r...\. " •~\'^^^^''^"''iw£?:yy9*'.-•-• J. 4-Do0r^)«(tan 7; •*:lHtt!$zz*m BEACON HILL CO. Jlullorno .^Olllti luppll.i • OUR SUMMER SAVINGS DEALS ARE-TH^HOTTEST AROUND-V Yc« ;. . n« lMftllcr.whnt yoiir pcrsonni Joan iU MohRlS AVINUt . YOU ' ..MONTHLY'-PAYMENT IPRINOMILD EST, 191* needs mny be, Tho Fliat State Bunk hiii^ « plan PORROW *tl2 Moi. 18 M«>i. 24 MM. DR 4-U5* — MU i^Wl Top Trade-ln for your old car •• COME IN NOW! to. fit nlniost any put-He. : . , , ~'. ' ••'• Pc.i'sonnl tiKfnrr'/nmy-.Ke quickly sn^lfconvch« $;ioo ' ^'siy.•-.„' $ 6,oaL-/-''"," ^:-~

"•• ***' •••'. •'••"•• THE SELECTION'S GREAT • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' icntly hiink Intwefit yn'tctf, „ jll you ropny in-eonvi'oiir fiimiu-iiil prohl^ now—with "n. ' ' 600 .53.20 ' 36. REFINISHINC ,.' —• ... "V, . "~^ PerwoiiHl Loan from Fit'ftt SUtlc; ^- • •• ' w

v - • ••'

ih«>njt*«L a rowing Odd Pfe««m» ,, :•, ^ UNION-

.•»•:•..;.MAIN CORVtTU,-CH(VY-rr Morris Ave* at Route 22 at purke Parkway Factory '.* Showroom ' tRUCK«,, OK UIID. CAR beAlllf for UNION, PRINOFHID Monroe Street 57 Branford St., Rework •xrti KtNitwoimi '

•'•' ',•'•.'. ,'•'.+"" " ' '•''••• DECORATING MORRIS & COMMERCE AVE. Townley Branch - Morrlg Av«. at Potter Ave. SERVIGCS I'M • Cu«forri-rno«l*. Furniture -i: •: MEMBER FBDBRAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE ••••

11 / • '•. -," ' ," ', . CbmpleU Rdom l,oy6uU,. MU6-2I EVtNlNOS

,... —i-<- HH-IBBHM ^mmm

. . ••*•. .'•;..-.••; ;','-•::;:>;, ;^^'':.,V'v:v;:''>.:;;• ;"^V', .,::;.^,.,.,T^,.^,...™.^.,_,.^^^ ^

. ••/;-». •••;";;. V,'\ (•3 ;••;• " ••• t> ft . •• i

Commentary "on


Etthtwnlh Of A ,/» 4B narlmlttiM* with ,.«.,•' TANGANYIKA ;. Mlut*mlini. THMi. at i t, Iji InrtimlrlKl •iit'0n,y»,Vr> ili (rtU4 life; liar M Salaam. JUnkhar, r ^ ."Whiit-u it?" "Wh«no ii. it?" ', r II— la lurprlijng how qlVn '. The mtfln .^rnpii •Ar« «'l»»r, . cHtlbii ,i»nd '.:f'ofl' 1* nfw "SUPER-RIGHT"-SMOKED i-A i when'.'thoia two , nan\M are-. ix!c*t*d by icinntUU thnl Rum* • -,. mentioned. • . _ • •»•' *• ' of the Seat dlanionH' mlhyfc ma'y ' * Well; ,Dar e« Salaam. 1* a •" •' /" city; It; Ii not' only a 'dty, It Is' • • pMwent,*.' Hj'e ,K>urlft trade 'Si. -•$.; ;*.:. leaped', .ft- |s- " " ' "" Vfalr mwrciyii: income; 'W((h' •'Xahxlhar'/''jij'st off•'• the coast; "me 1th gam«}.rj«erve|i.5UCh asAhe Blantyre, artd , it.vwait, .high" 4 . p.hwm-rirt^TarikanjjIk* TH.enlt. - ragetrtn wTh7«-n i :pnRpw -CEater,:*ndJmth JT\ow,n- ; ;And rrelf: we'fy'>XJfa^a; SlaleVrshr;" ! rr:-rc;,iWabr"Haveii''dt--]fea£i -tor,'-'tha{ '"' la|ris.;,,;*uch i- «s-4Kiliniahiarp,,-- r Ah"' eloctiK iX'"kXnriii-'c«p)e' '•tip'T >• wiiat the name, "Dar. fauMiU. aw.'eager-..to••'go. ort. while we wore"there,delaying < Saltain". :mein's;. lfiiramU.^ •'sSWria^BrTanganyikB. irnrbbut.two (lours, b^t Ihflt 1;"'" >Mt coast of Africa about half 1 1'It ri|i-e and cool, an.d th« Tarr • . Way tlviw .ter., \ bour*e, . i •' :•. nf-nur~ Memorable- m-cnf-' can-'t any wcTiTfroriKt tWinfh in nr™r Tmo. °« Seedless M4ti •;'• 1 tlt UlP'ldiit ; ., on •.< th^tam^ua^^V,'- ' fc^fimd!^ Gatajins In to Lou .Antielni. It '•'.«»..rt..«:.* ^.^-•':.;.', • ' •yiJ**'1. I"n tHoUWiiflornlriRfoi-ixtornlri*'.fp! =Thn •'' DAR Ifleld' ;•!» a 28 minute fllKhkfrom the 'nnfl. Syere.jsjM'ycd ,ln' lilk.' o{ty to the liland, . • ,, 'nam we ere-siiiprljcd j'miri syhlle living room an< «. In. V1 h thV IS KHrrAfcAAM ami 'Zanzibar wef. the next .«ch«-- "Super-Right" GENUINE SPRING LAMB ww, ,r Either N.K dl ^S^^ iftudy irtju'ston. sroup after A low, ; rambly1' and', vAWf ;?nd> '.An,'A 'drum, Ovm Ready '•'•• Johannesburg;;.. South Africa'. thitchcdrqof motif, F*)r>all •Sefo^.^B'left'we >ieard »o psifri ttifi'ie; moder'nesa ofithe iwlga.HoteT : L_j_rnariy. '.forbWlnK' rumors, ais^ut sfood''Just.'liwrde 'tiiV'fr(),nt'i)5ii'- (that moans'.'® b>»r." Iri'' (' •h rtn»ncc,;'b'Ut'Shj.^'^pV. of im rr~w?wraiWFuir.u'--w«s:;.'B(>frtB'.-io. •;• iiinguagcr of-RwahtiW,. thr el-"

' b« ,to 't to It,, lhatwe.nl! al-r 1 Re dgsneo of the-prosidcnt]s.,homc, A *«.« J>||i H^fta #W A'I #1 C* iTVi*1 j3 I *» ** h^J* .. *Bt t t4t*- jnaaLjtayed in Johannesburg, 1 — Leg oi* Lamb PrieM «raIH«cHva In >le^"Jeriay StoKe* Only. arid tho Kwahknciui " ofT~roSf with black fringe : gafdon offices., in - a new; firtlce ^Jyerore. wore • » ^-bujjdlng, Dar' es Sala?m looked— dentlsl-lype-jaokel and ho \ya's .'•>aid -.la; ",n will »«' «' umair" like a., cotiniry boy who came : .African. •Irl'lne.V. :>7here"fwil1 smart, 'for, h'erc' H" W/VS .hot-' tfrtSe.blg city-, biltlwho forgot.,' hot-hot. As_a mattct-of' fact.'.it '. '.-be •two'. gtopiil"'tri'"hoof In .the ,', to.piit hi^ dtii^oltics on1. ,••-/— r~ jnlddle of- Southern Rhodesia was.so Hot, Jt got..the, best of :,..-l;t'hl<('.;niay be the way l.he . me_and_Lsat /orlotiijly pn'the FRANKFURTERS —c~»nd.; • Nyana^uil'. •aiiii'v.'-,'wiiv"" ^;~UnAws \Wicre In the' wilder-' 'kilt/' looks, but- that Is not Iha'. • Rold sofa In tha-Hwnfc room, -whllo iB^eryond—ol«»—chaHcd— -BOMUM- f .And ^-voices went on; nnd had tholr plctutt. (aken _ wftTi;iho pl-csldont-on the tor-' -4- pno' >f the' youngost prcsl- rni'c, He was very gracious Brisket Beef li" c:" 65 f Roasti aYror~Afflcn._lKls ovor . fly* hf>'i*UETUj!, ,i,i,".j . lit. V»0* In iheevpnllyg wij^worfl 111/ ( fc Beef Short Ribs ?• I C#p.nJohfll JM| t**fl'' *jm W ' ' la'aM ILUMJ <'»lav*i"i>«*-Alii^''', ..•••!i11'"'V • • ',•'"'•' ••'•• •;.'•• •.'(.•••'•'•'•• -Lconhart..-\Vlth all this yoiilh- ' |,,ii(»w;.'i, .well-lervlcarl • and air- •, 7f(jl. ch*eFgy, Dor! in' bound to. ooTidltlpned, ail most ,of-theni ; -Aga Khan Glrls| School -whore be ttummlrlg, "Wo wnnt t(i do , nothing .turned out to bo 1OR«" Veal Cubed Steak ° Hreally;. are; .In. Africa. Mi* , in 10 yearn what has bocri loft-"

•-. Happened to ; •."'inosf of the cniortainnimn .WHS, raid in hln JriduguVal >iy the boys;, ttrwas a-Moslem :i • • olty;'-.Qt.^S«Hs * -6£hjnQ.l, (Aga ,Kh«n.:-nftet^-niJT;)- ^M(e:BefwM^i»^ t^ : .looked .for aM,tharworSi Tike and the dlnnpr was .Irtdlnii; •,•••• Ohio or Indlviau(ItiJ».*-a:.corft-.^THE.RE. ; is noon" ulannd,d (i(jn _U was. a hot "niiii humid nlghl •DpMe>fluie$J&jaK '•• Tang'anyika , bui -It, is "'tike yw-:-U,.A)LWAySJii In Dar.'and •'• -.- (trowing-, dalry.ijjmjjnrf'area, so p ^ou cfcn see WKtRti Jt would.) '•doughnui"'i'w|th all the' sfood "^/the permanent pnlntlrig'on the Tomato Soup Pfie""w)lds" of"iSJyisaliwdr was lnnd'''JTrrii'md the frdg(*t."Thrro ^ nro' not njnny^ White ' (settlers; ii mow. scene of - deepr—da^k-, • witkph..»'i.'uoi,v'•'"'* "•«'•'.'"; but a few East Indlnns., Still ' ptSrk wlntcri Malnn••.•at ••least, :•"• i- • .1)8% of MID penpio n_re AfrUrans' . .'.farm house, riial) box anH. nil. i\i $pagheti]iauca ?• - ?£j59»..; SENIOR CITIZENS . wi.tlV;j.some;_J"l'? . trl.hc'r. ),'pi}ro ».•:•I bS, there. wasn't one native wh(i could hftlieve thai ..s,nch-tB !o«a:^ «fit«| iy fairly. trim' of;. trlbsl . s1.rifcs,_:. •-—•••••Hr ,1'IJB 5jwirrllirwll(j!V br»'lavtvi" -•'.. .As ' for.' (lin-.'hoiiai.DJilorl-B.lii'?" Prlyala RttlitiiiiaTParl.,, 'Hna'Oon. of ArrE. and- Baiilu, Corned Reel Btl£l—buck— "arid ••—whiell' ;WAnri(s • "const.... havo bollfcvpH It ifilild' nx]i;.l -n sitp^f-Bight-w: c Instant Chocolate Deink^ FOW II. It. «>a« n iVilli' .,.:,;•..•,..• v-r =•'!;• Y All) i«t«rn,Afrli'arbiit A T^Stt- Qt JUMMW> 1 iKiniyilifl. M •'••''•.--' ';•': ••• -V . • Inu liHIrVc-ll-nV-nnl,. nf illffl*-; ...,,1_MBIIIIJIII:! » , • Mil I'VslflPiil N'ywffl'f t1n«pl).Bi|il>i^ PIPIMI'II' jilillinyi, mm.'r.ili:lli)t' 'I n|ilrllB, liflji. ;ii>flily...t*h;li»,~ TMiu.|-fi;\ii...>w|yyl|-njf' IOlV(>f;r

> ••.;>,^. IILUAR GLEN CITY *;. ;i I't>r W'»Vw>*t. •; Hr« • rWn.'rMN*,'' V^ 1 ryV't,v'|ii« hinVti"!"' 11"•**" linntt' I BREAKFAST COCKTAIL «->"- yp |f im \||1 ;-;•.";;.• .'::."''Bi."uijl ^rrtrrminlwTv~.VTTll'' tin;' loJ .in**- WMI'III, tnii. Hi n» ivUlm •ywHrli itiul n'lll;lil»i Mfhiil,nl« ' 'I'JIIN •-",-tll. HIM nj(ilil|i»"^f ••14"glk:'

•|lii>.iM\ly.^.t:«^i!Wi<,,.; .;•,• > -ft««fit-.lH*laitt; ' »!f/8

By f HYLIIS O»tB«R . . wcw'iBea PACK ••• • ..-" Gold Squdr* Cak« AAP~ eradoA ' "• , , tlfa Stata Unlvoriljy WHITE POTATOES M Crumb Coffo* Cak« Whola «r-S(ie«d- "^ 35* "Hi Sp.elall.f In Human: R«laHofl»Jiili JlUUlM!ltt«d:'»t

• •• . -,.-.• ert,y. He "mny VebeV and'become, . "ion! You're gotnlj -HtmlftB niriiii^ • '*• • flRMTMnUT •' HAnVPL to-do - whnl. I tell' ,vou, whether '»• and" disobedient, re- ^ViikoitGlub Ww D. ''I* ••I J w i\.—— .1 1 t ^u • <~i^ I "Illll'ii * ' -^"•.OTe. — - ... •> laiithnrtTy. Or thr chthl-iiiH.v . '29«~ •••••,•• .i,-- ohllrTTtrlw—t

FROiSN FOOD VALVES: PAiRf VALUES! f:. SdmeUines . .__,_...., ii, Turtay .or th«'|r' chlldriftVivre not their ,poi(- itmniiiiiiitttNiimiiitiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiHiJ iis, no mattor how vahw Banquet Pinners --:.':•• INJOY Cliutljeii tiiw, flTst oi ffl 1, ^ticed American * 59 hunyan beings — iv*l Just poii- Bible COFFEE -MILL ol.t^lr parents. Sliced Muenster Cheese ";J!z "• 59* n««ppU Ofini«, Nni. A 4»i. i iml . V CQn -FLAVOR - Possessive 'phreivts often a,r« By MILT HAMMlk. n3f Konulnoly, Inteixsfiled . In . their. Sliced Swiss O.m.itU Chtti* .''••' ohlldren. U,n,#o'rtunately, what WIIO* SAID »tr j pnrent think* Ifi'lovs fw the •Potato "MottiliTSSS;' 12.' Store Cheese Clwd.do 404 OoU lt.(; , Hfllmv ar«< sttrtl*. qun ... .. V . • A . , t, w.f WTIl. I'MB .-iihi the iitble. .t^ntv you rtn Cott Ef 3^)110 hhlld l»"hotgvahinble. for .. correctly t.h,* ? who 1 '•1 self niooe;' but because, Is «.penklnj(f . •• • '". . Tree Tavern flna ^ Sr^ j^aawlla Slleet Sgi H|ATINfJ nnrf COOLINO the .parents child, J . '..-' '. 1: My punlKhmant Is m'eii^v1 ; It In thjs piwidCRrivi" pnr«m( wljp than I can bu»r..dLCW', CAIN. Freeiw Queen Beef Steaks w 79* -JACOB)T-T-— ' ' •> Sl'X .»m'_ iiloW.Mf s • 3. An' foivm* , and my hx»\fi, BORROW 2500 •iPlOUL THIS WBCKI w«'w>lll »ei:v« the Lord; (JOH- BREAD BEANS i mi-A. .ibsmirr. A '""^fV 4. Thy peopls- isl\nll bn my UNY* AT.IHOrO »AtK». people, and thy God my Gml. (RBBBKAH, RUTH, 3M1HAIH); , : Your Bllli hito.O»i« Lew Monthly Payment t • •* .'• ' i j8;-.Mi0i'.l» 'hoim unto* trouble,' (JOBAfl—BA'iBAICpJ08)'li^ri-:T Cohret Cfeawer AMOUNT^ |,18 Fabric Softener WWiCWorU. (quid Gleaner ForcUjhtng tnl •!'M'..' $70.43 Qel - Lib 1000., J4.((3 additional Vn!HS0b ''fe T0l» ,D) G • t •: . •'' *; , ... B.OOQ.' ,|',, 40.86, joash BOW '8 "(IB!> '«»») .*tiyo' 'I. _!. ,,,• 10,000 '•'••.. I ;••'• Hi»ii ' Itt., July- JOth Iti lujiar 's Fab , Dash Detergent OR WHITI -t/k mv eoi»*t Mirk«t» inJ J«l». Buz Detergent NOW 351-3401 tanilM -• t • r* ti •TATEWIDI MORTGAGE CO., INC. >hl> mwi(iii|ni ftr. olhaC. thtin Metapt'liomH»W'SUmp«tf« • • :;' '•'^k ; 4l l h i-.,-fc ;••-... ::;^;;:;::::;;;.;;.:.;:i.;^r^..:4. •^

^^^ "-j«l': y SESE;

I. •• „ •

.••i '..••/. ipeichefis ioy Vil

; • By" RfjTII \VAKTKU. • liillrtt In thjv'ntWnti ^fu0 the brunt of mii'h in- have'* Kofi li.«>U'p imtilniliiity 1 JiUbt. btwwilpftt ui iKver*' *l'Wn. • , ,- W h|il«|ii« 11'B! liuhtlnu' Ktu'i, Twin N'. MIIVP ' . ln-i'l'iim U.-io|lMc(t nu ttunl In t»Hpi'U ' & -lilt* -'.vllltitip ttfU't Wllligfnl p cllf.. ' jil«»inn ((, utuior wiiv ilmr ' V|('B •"!- ^" i'on»tnirUi."i—*tf • -'•' l.% '(hf, "•" Htsi'ftflf, Ijillll (if WttlPllOtl ''llltf ' WidP"l'JOlt ' I'K" Hill |irwuiT(T((f-IlKiltllltiJi (in j "''•.:,; . -w-UI never «ff<*ct. iliiS' vim '. H1." ^"jiS'iiw 'burial," KJAilrh- ' hard, uneven - planes, i.t^ain- liroi«loaa_ji£ Ilia ,-llll-lt) rtnir.- liiiai'li, IhVi liNifl'li'N .•cniixiiHi- PIT 11 uu!. liimriy'.invialiiiu iiiu-tionii • »lali»tlci un ici.ufd in ihe mU» i'* '- "'W'-iwftrdwl the Uronte ' blcs in rivMnuMlern Jeulptlu'tf . uJiM,._ llu )uui-.ilu£tiU(uuuly. du» . &.-' < nictpftl bullainjj','-• ^.. . •• - .'.""— Medal with u_pm><>iinl'let'ti»r hewn from stone/ ! VlSuil tt IJjtllUtU lt#WHllH Hjys- 0/ c»K«. «nrt SIK.IU 'i>f •.•'Car.-; s rhfv) n But1 lh« aintli. nf j* ' lem;»o that wiih 3'; >t inm™ ,-bsc > ' >, •'•' 1 .-tfanvy •tiffiea" 76-voar-nld. • u(iH "L.TESC-- durable- arUi>! was" crushed With Vlie dusk over Che'little.ic'hurch- '."• hi'ldKos,! die Iionrdwnlk w'lth. • <••-'-™^ • " ' - ' ycar • - m^n mJght ' have weakened '.crushing, of a hand::.^ the tararid • houttg/^tiie., .Idyllic . ' •1U miillnfinntvof 'TacnUohcrs. ,' faille is' soft.. And•'. hi*, eyie

oachk;'•'! m .will ,'accordinfiy": ri 'from • J32« to alb9HM350. A* -I* fk« "TTB

. XftJtgrown, flom their crea- '-. . ••• .top*1 bruin, in'.the"torm- ot-v hookey pliyer^Jlhoy chase'a .':•. . iiilwoKcoplc puck ftvmr-a lake ' ._-,th»l'« Jflaisy-smoath, as -be-- • • • cbmeii a frozen lake .made ,of- 1 v ^ tnii-roto;' with , real cracks,: ' painstakingly' traced with-*•-'•-' 11 ' _, daUcate'- Tnstrumcriit by: ' incredible mm ill •,'' .planner.' •-••'\ ' •. ' ,'; .'•-.' ••" •'*'•' .. . SpfflBher;"71». probably the ~- .•' "•only ijttsler. craftsman on'-'' L.--'T.,V. ".',"'• , record .whj« hhw the .'use. aV •' -r-. gnly,'/our flngers-i-jhe' thumb H-3^ht\p^y'' S. on Hli left hand,"TKal w.as. al-' -r . j-:::?#40 • -uptopj.-:' tfepls. -, 'siich'-- "as ". '-rtiost pli]verlzed;'.by a' ichild- |;>,'-p)|«iri. -Uliil'.clHAipsr'OhrcmIti::..l . •; 7 hoO<3 accident-,' ^ndMhree fin-— t^tlrig •labor.^k^':..up':it -.-,ltfiI-e.''.'. : 7 I';;:.".inorq-o.f,'.'.lhe,;;,SJ#!^,-•Kkc•Ithc,• • , , sors on W'right-iiand, which n ^ : Ulll...' .LH.t(..ll.; ^.l.,.,M •-.) ••'•l-..^l'—,> II a';l '-'rrint,t,fri'*:Af.''tl'f^|'p'p n nnli- {nur'.'<'i M rtfrtly 'Spelcher. had , a .clqso ' ^ji^fe.5-"1 with deat'h itt.>n accidefat'su'f- ,• .,•,, - 'w^JnJigtsr^itell':!vi;;:jj!iii^;1- '-' •:*•:::"-.: ' ' ^

l:"''.^,.)ihipi>''^fntor;.«a.>We>-'j~1--iii'.7B!"':.i |'-i:>;\pi;0d.lict:J«ft, lKiWdferijdy-crJ'-sth".' - ••

>»>•":. 'Ttid^iliitUC'cl; iii.ioiclimv-..l_i;(:ai;li'''|rtft^i[>Uiurwl!*B.wMs.'Tcoit- I',? - 'IJo^has inflnUo luallen'us-lu1- 1 Diyfc his. kiss, Tlio" "^ Wm'KihKE-with^-si t ip'l Ir .:• ui i It i) "• R'l/pt'c inrKor • oiit',i, niJKM't' bo ch 11 die n'» .' Wflji-^ II ."electrocuted.'.''';, •beyond "Ills .•.stroiTiJtl..'''-TJio , ; ;l,)roiid. that,bin. vii*. ; ?T . ....,,.,. l&:;l>ol'-;thie.'iletha,l; • lanippnsta.""'. jrpT-^lio- vllian'o '- recomnionded, m Mm:'U/iiii •''klf' h'v 2.300 -VfilU Tif--- r-^ftm«_-nll^-thp- 1 1 made. Ironi. Vlil-Kiiiv. sp.r'aj'prs,";' ,riiin:;CjiuEi:Eij.nL'J.tfei!U)WHt;li- inon.t -position In, hlsf vilium . by. - lictirolog'isljt' • Tin;' -boardwalk' is '.'mntfe. of; -.'rlihgT"' yvilift.','eVfJssiSd ,rj'«s.on- . Aflor the. slnniuK . of tin? • Idiv- youiiuslnrs with' mental • .Irfiiil'r^rii.y.cr -(ofi~fl Pt-rrr rmi-flirlfi oi"~'jj/toi" '.seHous -•••.'-.s'tMps' 'frttih ilh,ccs'« liiJxe'ii, a'. "' "iheic/hlKli'tlictr. hlii.l^' i)cj-'c!he/i'r-lhi|)cj''c!he(i'r;lhir.whol(j} .whole1. mangor in .n'.eiar'istiHu'ii'.sccno "effect'•oyor'h.inlif: With, nli CCUPV (•IJliia-TcSirdO in tlio Pre.iby- 'br/iiti .optM'iitlons. ' -' ' ' tcriaii. He recalls iihnt-Atm-itax-W Sn mi' adjo|n|n)(. . di'diJIay^.l,'.' "-•••'"-'- ' ..the. :rea.'lfty ol a'r ••belbw'. after- -bbling hit,: was" •""'"••'' i'-'.Ih* istoms' Si" "cry~im the "Ell Eli.noa^ts from • 'hnd • a .total of fill- children ' 'partlaily' paralyzed -rjjn^-iris: the ilttle synago'iiue. -~. nl' onqe visiting tho. village. .'•They weren't too-ninny for right'"tide-'tor a while, and so irpnv his ovy For'Sj>clclicr7jivluils so re- severely burned, thnt h> syU- : ' ''JNTKIIKST me," smiled the" ntnliil)]|r wart ls'vn iunlor. - ..'""•-,"'' , . by*-a special'.'process. Iti Wie,' sponsive.- -lo ' cliitdrcn,. .lhe_ •Kuidc, who novor tires of, feels palh In his;..heel' bonasi •' -As_morc concrete evidence of circus scene,'in,- llro-'iml'eroom'- .ill. the is. The treftiendqus force '«I the 1 'responsible /or' one hlgfipnlrit o! his.,later-life.car -spniiMy conducting 'tours... , his Interest: |n_ sports, -he. men- of "tho simk'oi 'fairyland tier , rrar. was rcaclu," •Sp. tlio • Ho 1 jiwcii_pa_H7tTHy parnl-yxed chil- •••-*•- be" too tunny."" ' consumed his . shoes 4I>«—•comiMtTtiJemcn, were now Checkers iTi-o vfsed for, "'.the •.and..' led the .3hpe~nalls SQ 1 ' im. ttitr—1TTT=~ nvifrcte-of -I)" ''burned I UK, tjrpyemoai of the foivtlmir flchl • no _, ...is .ctiii4. .x . .-- . uiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiJixiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiliijiiiiiiiiiiitH the, hpe}'bones, . ! "XhU; p.r.D vj's'l o n, flint- • tho."'FnuTk,ftl!l''' ','OplUihBl nl" liu.MUm Hl^li, The »lhi'f. p'nr- "cd from tytu'W wlvy-. '/fii'r"" .A'1'.l.er yj"tMa ^iH'hfflli ''"•"' "•' Ctjhrlor—farni—he tles.to lliosOiiri!ollnl|n,n« nro'tho from tltp hiiiiiio lij' nir old. »i ^-VVlt...*•K* .««^-. ^-v-LI l'l lift \/l '%i'- tv\* v ^ nlly adbpted'ron jlulv 2X wll I'mrk U)iiiini,wion,' (.'UMiiolV. .'.oh-diry ^')'iH;»r- In. fop'Inter' / : .Uio.' proprrij' "Iin : it.Htloi)(iV prosit, • l]t ^"tilic_" wcfrciT |wn*tlV^-«pftf|ril .•• i!o(i«lrirrii'ti(i,n- ;: ::' :'!_. ,.*. . on* nillllo.tj youitD»lof» Oti'ichoblod, Untklllod, Unemployed' .., paflr'.ii|>jjiii:[iUiiil nfr ihi l,' niiij .llii'/iiiilnn'r-Ctjimiy" 7 "rivrtrltlil" hniln -bbon .cun'ojit ; tl lllVllld lif • IWllll'llllMII, Kiefllijiiiti'cijiivpiilfinj/! ni HU n ii KO1; ^..d c'^rimTt-tti+WrtvW 'I'V t-pii el it'll IIH l'k;l|ilit!T.-l)i-:-llie_.' -.Minn, ilia paper's m.lnht -httyif rithni', X«' 'IjcJIi'VfiN, tf liUilillD «~i>cw (siiiilhim Hrm\. lii- tlo ,JtBetom, •i •• •-'• • • form of • 111-1 1 >iwin ti\ hl '•• • n ••'• r :UIIIC!I',I.|:|I.WUIO "filmi.i imilm'/'diii* v'Jl'e ;.htiB. itm Vliii'BilJM ^ wjin, •wfirrtt1~T!\(H - "tTi|il|Oli' ' - lt:" hltKTfrffiri): •'r-,' »M:I... j. I, "It iiK|id('(n wlidl tlnvor 4j 1 1 11 1 will I'M'," •- •• •"V l '^ •"' '" 1 > I, "inrir'J'rpnlitTnit-'imimfe; ; ^: " * '>>' '"^ .i.«.'""?.« t': rrnt~rli)iii iu«,nii nil ] hUrtrriT'liihi a, ••hniiiioi\ri n-' .I,'. ",i,.iMi>ril,.,.li' .lirTT***'?'!"'--.11 "llll.ll'l . 'I'liw.• w3vni'"M'- W'» pu'i'iyiiiiiur'" i 1 '•••'''-'•- Vhii' ijui mi|l.-.;;rif' lU'ijij.; ^.IIM IIl-o lilt* liinl Un ln li' 'li'llhlllii i i i.i I li ui' of nor 11ttt' 1 >n»Ii'.y>»iI— -.t)5).Hftlitiiintmti(>iis ~nr~ |i»'i»t»l« Whir lil'ifiil nl" lilin 1 i.i'iiii.'liilii'l 'llnmii ii'inuiiiv '.riiniiiiii 1 ! lli'.lhi* tiill.ti't JI. w\i.'lith "itiitilttr MI'llll'll . t'n .. . Hh-n l Io 'Im 'hTriyTrmrl".iinYl 'rii'ii|'" "Jin 1 ttB*ttiH.I HiwuhlTtfl 'I'llIII \-IUIIII' l ''IM|l|O Vltll'irni|l|'lOl'!» ittlii«.•.ut,j.tft{*i'l«i luf-::. '"•-•••••• ••••••' ' (H'Ul'Il... l ... • I'liijillliMiin nl Hi'ln .u'hnhl, \\\, IJl!l-..Jl"roin-«—.Tup- i .j'miC • i-'iii'^HMi-^fiA' «n 1 iiinviji1- Tiiuii'ii iiiiii thiiucL. wj'ii' lllli|t|)rti'lwi..'iir (HIMli, Win iiiluiiiinni It IIII.IKI-• I'IIIIII' |iiir<'i'!ii|n l Vi.uL_.luu, .Iwil limy liutitiiiiilil.Jlifi |ll iiHrillli-; I'l^m fliyij UIIII -|luivi.'.iiii|. ty ihf lh^" Wdl'Uilll'Klmi,. Mini llui In* iiuniifi' -.I'liHiltUwM-, Irohi1 lll'lln an , oii'..|'iiii»ji'iTr li'iiUtlnit 7rm}ttt D.iimi,l.U;ijoT»i8ri''- • •'/• '•' • .',- (im1, • Wllmi'l W, I ai.vtitt. Onlv 'I'KiOTilrtl l.o,.woninn ~ln iitu fu- :T'",' t;tinto iHiil"'l'i.:twiii..' H .(riiiui l n .in 'nViVi'i'iTIfiiiin;"liij(l""|irlyiil.i'' lit- .Ihl'iiHUli--IIK*' jihlllllpM* of. ttuHi llllt»'H'Hii||.lV.i,S|i(nT||itl'' llli'ivtllm r (jvf|M #i(Yiu|iii v .«i>IJi ' ri'mm . flml- ''y'jfitfi't'l'r "ii~ diwlry. fni' yoiitlitr'linlwtimi tin i':'f''ir?JB from vaAjji 'ninuin irni'ti^i In 1 n.^l1)j.". v"iii»i.i'Miitu1n\. <\t • Hi Irt irrthmrovn n I«, • hituMil'itrt;i I,' n ni "iTi uiir.'i nl III imd ill, Tl.ii! iiiiiii"nu'. JI;« it (ioi'iTioi. -'ftrnnimiiy nrnrr" i<> 1 ,^>*l''l( .tfi'Olli/ ILK l'llilll|ll.lt)t' , III I iiiliiMniii in tiiiU _fnini nt UIIV- liiiu.no illlll, On llm IIHI.UOI' ofrfffr ro a1j|jj*;|»/atrtli'.ft|>v>'.iii' liiniH now- trtpH. 'thii. • rhuiVff. • •wjTjTn • M>t t li'flulifl l hil/if .,lliii porutuiinl it|V- S.'nutiui'vatluii.Coyp'ti (i ,! tiv'w. In' h'lr llilahhB^ii , Adliinily his i.iwn' (III* of may- ijlini, which I'dvoriKl (iniiilliu'iir . hflH fl.liMhp Mk« a huwil rmjii lUtvifiunfi HiiiiimiiM'D imii nh nt.'- .niirf WIIH rnconlly "(Icfoitli'd nt. ; fjoini.ta/ft'-""'"'"'! no'liiwyiirn", , ^"•Qlh(ii ~wrii)cl«'n'i'B'. hcWjitiinij in ! HHUH'la MiiiMri .tiythe'fiiilniii /. Twlinlenlly-, liii In'.pimply Iliu polls, 'hi) htat(! -Iwlcail,. level,,. j'hjr wntil.«< that ' jiirlHilloiJous' 1 nn '.oleutod olinlnnan of-. hnrrrn^-TlMivrvcfl- IIIH - t'tt- pnrtii of tlio Mld(41o Atiamiiv llnlltid 'Slates Emploiyjupiit Serv- **i tTj^^ MU' fMP T>HV ti_il \^ruiI1*!.. IIIIRIH.UIUIHI Jiiiiiuiimniuii111 trrT filves- tho jicopc of his'• planitlnt! arid rcf^nrchlt-hnd put .rests "ii'lho>-i'iict that It tsi' in- play n In wiping mil r Hii "his own - cnn<;, the'-Depart- , wicio»tCpo,isihlB Inlterprntii lnJo'ils proposals'.' The iwiani's '.iQrtw'ined.ln a deeply personitl'i|4«i'ti- .UllcnuiluwneTit. .-• Its (Contiiuiffl /roin PnBe't_2)' ' " iho~-Jait-.]WEsible ""»l«o.-whon -riVmanfl IMUU mTOin.iioi.Hi.n!uTMl^ inc baiifJli''iiihbbecnuse-jif-J'ils' po'riiinhbl iuk proposals icliAg' nnd' np.tiludo-test snr.v.'And Ih6re.'lms hf.pn-II.O_1HC1I especially dispuls and ni' the" clerk"and-nther -perw --'aublle. nffnira- He feels,- heclTusn they 'worn "too'. lif^ . 'J.'ho ' lakes with theli which could beoonie. under his supervision 't'orosf p : surylcos nro 'rcachlnR. out "to U\- "s: in. fact. LMlh tpwniihip.Rtlorney, bi'uuiilit.' ini coiivpi'diensl've, *to'o ^-rivuch-'-'-at •picj-.' i arid cijsliio- and' hnppj .' liabilities, Concrciialon-- tlink. aboii't•: »0'- Jeet- clovtri/ 1 y—-eludeelude',• the_jliQOQUJ.s. rtiiiC' snys Prcsidnnl is oornlo n'HU'ism-nn Ayh_a~t;aT»penren' to bfe- a• j-5llh';vtfikn-TVirnrnl B"^ rartri • becfltiso/'-lhey-wert carelrcp vtsuors- •urc-ySpeleh" | tiaES~DlrcctBD r WllllanftJ.N responsible' foV ' teo ,--forttt-~:of7T;overnrfnmt—left : en mulinlui.n...V^h_pn thcg?rplCT : Which '-also . invoives- liaill lit mLjfa 11 BHimfiud ?mtiiStlUhii''Ti'',b'e desired, on .the COjjtaetS onfh rlav hy. (i-m'c~ iibjfr-tp-- do matters. o(ii,\ui){.responslblliJJ el ol ill Konilwortrr tn to imr-nhd tl»it^ , tot ••much arthi ft ot-chferrrtont isn't"hi CllUUlihi" • • • roi'https-mnnl tiWnill ^ndteycnipia A' ryiuft. ^1' htjftna -nre commoii I Tn "tncH?—lllii.-i t!!tfart—times '(llfiWSt-'iMWlluoT purposes. ot-4U«=;lH iti«Lac:Jiia«liaU(fi-i'oiitlci'n jt'wanU ^SKRbe amended' to "afield," . uje since, ht^wdirk (iflc'ii lakes him tllp l'1'OA.tllRlll'.i ... Knir\c","ln '.lho_ — it«,r.». "A Icrt'ibld wnile;''.Jitii) of to TrwUw-to.ronfnrorr witih sucsuhc d.itianccs~ftnf KOII|II-|. in til whlirlv.'are nut, Tb'oHCIIMIIS' nf .-nfilhloir.'.nn 'iiioriy tit.. .bureaus -as- the Hlglnyiiy Dc his duties its' ..a Vnnyoi-, nitd oven ..with'"it.'I mwior.nli ^•Uiwri'' culled '.it. ,"S(,icl,i)l "dyiui- falriiio1 In pnsii ,n had. bill i-:an tlio blulswit.'s. While thjirola' no pni'tmcnt., Lato'ly ho has bei>n nellvHlMi. nf Tem|)ld Btfllt Ahnl ntsaliisl, tlic* ult.v,, Wnslilnnton'd . ho as' po.'illiyt1 n-(.'(inli'lliiitloii In stronk dciliaiul, Tor tixainplo; to ' \ ' • - ' ''I -' ' -T'I ..I, I,', I.., i— 1 dlreetJtiK h.ls . nllentlnn tn thnwhero he Is vico. president of liDini! at Mi. ,'Vuriion,. thu nld ijtind iiilvornmrnlHror o[ -iitn. 11 , i iiMi|cni.n piniiiOTil, Olympic AMUSEMENT: P«k lnlpr dcpartffienT'ln nn Vffort'fn Hto.. -ennitfcBittioif 'imd n'.,mn|or fishinirpier lit' I'Oiijf B'rnnch • u worllt.v •rum, IIV|IIH'I; IN U'uii't' .-ii'iiy piirtlctilcirly.'' hove thn' proposed roiite, of fiind-rnls(M*-Knlinn has hls-nio- now .iJBrned '.down "iu,ul_ re- CONCERNEa vltioKiUH'oppimllldiitn 11, .-.,.. '-N,'.I.- •••' :. rt renllKijcd • to avoid -rrrottts ol' .VIIMeuHy .In kCppltiK plncc.d. The Cal.liollc.' ffiniml- Moi't'oviny. tiytui l.hi\ii|jli- Cnii-. \Vo. mein Wi ho m\ n piiiionli,,fiC tti'o...future oxpan-. 1 : his Sflljichllo-its hiilniyoml »» lli» t'wni'oditn'i, - n * •".'..'i(ll)-vpiii--'iilf| ti'fi;-i-lin:' I'lin'ipirlifd" -'-•' millonnl ITiilonlnltur -whuint 1 ...... me .rcn-vii^Hip «,.ijinustljnl ftl''l Spr!iujt'(f!J«\SVl'(lfji n i mm •; iltcru' luindtul1 qjl."l(>fjt!iimloit m nl--mir puV|iof.|)s "iind Hbnitl tliB tohnnls.- • " : . ;•.'• ., > flflnl jtlei'nl. lip '(JNllmntiid Hint on'iur..it>liiUd.SI)ll mllo.M "ill. lir fur this •yciii'i' It Ini.'i heen busy ninsi ' hpproprlii.ln • liioiuiN .with 1 | BIGGER THAN EVES l hlmnelf- lih" «»mn '<"' .lift."pills' in- IVII nvcraiii of. :!il -to Ihn , Alilnnlfd :Trotti' ilu'.' tili- -r, IIKIUKII not' nlwii""? nn' tluV which to ui'hliivii lltoni.-iiin) t|il» MBUHI..WMI< Doyi .7 p.m. i« tlollfio Suii/i:H»|li)«yi''. J pirn, to' Lhn- .baclcKi-otind . of n posslhln jlft1 IWlft^VSH" )iiut;lijpaV ntfnl're. Incvllnbl.v. has hrbtr rnlinctod In liuHliiBiaijiclmlnlii'trnfov Ha 'wns triiiico .In lijio. . im*l.-tifuoiit'TiHitlors,- 'It'ild lii'.tlnl ,U|»t. wenli.'/or ouiniplc, four .•ilo works .wllh j^tsl s't'ssttin-. (it ii'imw Cuhjli'c.'is IIm bnhnvlor'qf C Y .tutlylii(tlnUili!floldatNi-inK|r|ni:||.|ir il r« hnn ii Imt'lnt, Miv to itlll'l III I Im -linitlrtnlnn .--Mmiv SK •- £t ' ; ,-,.-.-.-•••"•. ;-.. ..'"^-''.'»\",",,IJIi • '.'!. .H.Il'K! ,'n "ciiJilniil'' lolllUIIIUi'iii. Ihlit la...... lulling tfty. tiwu, 'iiitd :the nopesHliy i'if v a fnmlly. linpnllod his h6..v se.U nslrie ' In 'lib- \v"lt"h" 'lilt ncl'ually '(.'luu'n.s'Ircnlo'd wlUi have lic'en iituctlriu on niiulmo.st. CALL :1hU iH1Ujl boys, lids «tHw«Jil^o.'*w,H&^*iJ«rt „ ...... , ihV.vlHijiU! unll.v cohO'OVerkinU The work o't ^m.lllcaBC of ..is, 1'nlkln'ro- lightly 'bewildered ...,.v. , st'i'tio which arc really us .sol-' 'prcpat'Ullun . lakes more li'nic eulliv ho was active in spor.ts as she- said—itiKt It soutitled like a U|" us,, they, look 'nr(i mndo'of than tho Until act of nasslim- 1C.K- Ji 23 f iw u •tstntiun. 'j1 ; '.'•— • :—~ fflSBUBLtlL •«hattt ^-- 'Fririny^'nitKht.i~~nTOl "presspti,. curdbnnrd: Tliny hntl and basebaH,, and oven led aweoktends," And as In 'a ehttirt, to be solid cnotiilli to. hold KiO u. tho rousons ftjr Cmi- 'somUproffeislonal has k"o t.b a 11 ho t'opk lip." " ' -poiiflds, sliicci1, Spulclior -'lio-, litesa'.-jioor record to'^dntt), the 6 20 3T 56 t3 tenni.. Though he wa,s athWllis- ; : •'I**.- • Last ^Saturday and Slinday? ci»lls Jie spont.lone'-hours, till- ' civil, viShts'rtKht hns lately bp- ally'Inclined, his active .pnvtlcl- Well. ... ,' • • i • ling on thorn as ho-worked;ln cofne n pt'lnelpnl t'Otulblock, In I patjon wns restricted bocn.use of 1 1 A", sensible itiMirliitch ' Iny In* Schaible. Oil Co. 29 ill 63 'Th'roUBlioul. the Intoj'Vkw h' Ills llltn!- "coniunmily' •< ai'-" .' 1.ho wa.v.bf Vithui' bills.' Southern 35 ,a Jjad Irtioe. .;. '.'..;. ', rather paimcliy little black-and- and DetXticrtits, lislnu thetr'-coinnitt- 192 Mounjftlit Av«. * pontljuihtg. 'Iniorool1'- ;ln .biith tco 'cluilrniflnslilps .umlthu •power I il white dog Mn'jiwind .on thoeoft- litniicd collootlq'n of Htones on J s ,.l bubbled (iver .at rtVf'e- x'Brpcted floor nonv )ils master 1 -r-' Scilll tW Olir BK of «(»Hltirily,'iVrO'piirpi)soly ltold CAN"BB"'wo>j tlio'gi'tihnd of tho people limp -., eop"\itrfll(te^nieetjni{ when Muybe It was tho wa\ a bliiik '" IK." 1(l-' ^Yft" nl'lo to No (»>.( in uhllj.nllonu Inn biuk li^'sliitlon In an effort onul . IlJHj QIL ' coH* W**kday* FRFF.pl AV Sun> * Holidays he called attontlon to the mil-aien sttnounded hli jrluhl" oyft tn ami out <>P build- . Ho dlsioiuauo thobe who favor M ' 8tftiiriln« record of the'tcnin mt Hint i/uve onclho Illusion that ings vin0O.7i90 nhf. • •*••"! fclli 2tOO-2j30pW» Dnvtnh neulonal-Hlfih, whoio hit Vl Iheri lut wtnlted DONAN ft Co.; Ind r The hiui—UwJufKlund i,f hit \nothct liulor Is tho humnn M'Mliilr tt !. * i * Oary \\t[$ Just gindi nni lljdii wni ito tiiAibi u)m V\"e his middle jiwn "Sle"" *(tno i ltd in ii dP^lu> to. ii\olcl illip"tlc» mid IIIH Chambtr »l Cemmtru , wn« the coach In this -Iioli6(i ilottd elina In his bu(fk' ) toluUd tondoucy to put oft de- i * i

•'ft"' • ' . u ti ' ' » M,, ' I , £•; •••'•' , :r.,^~~ :«-•'. S •;»••••••-. BRAND NE' AndBo j ."Iflill in Ilii* IIITII, smniirl ••*?.'; ^imil-'Htlil ijivfutp, lit! "ijUji tor* , il:i(i!(I Ilittt by qilu Ulllll 0/ Ihn ill»iui»(i<> Na Ilkllil-, if \vyirr si'l mi pxJ 2-DR9EDAN • 'i Jutnti|iur,. Sam ciM'TTnit no' 1 .Ovm;1 . Ca^Hii" It'll"* wont •' lllll.V Ma Hlimipt 10 WPIWDI Mil ' Jlltd ll(i'"ptl'llHi"llltr'\V«lt'r~U-1(+>~ liicriHillila fulilii. HkiW I'ttU'h'. • « .lyliunliiK niimiih, . ,' Sain ii^din, OI.I Any. . i!t -UlljH."'-, q , AniiijU Irii wljlliiii )ii!ci|i|r ;. ," i in |iei)|i)t^-i|iit rilliini»di wliy" u lum Iminiirtuliutl .''Hitiy • /tiuitti'—KtHii'M liiidy-nn Thi» uidrk n( /ljiriu'lu lHDft SI: 1'aU'iok'n ,',V>ny "• l.rrtWO,,, )\v - wiim imlifugcd. The- editor ••• ig, Sam."lirilnor- frozen' In •a'mogk of Ice, Hy ' ^/lillfl rinin—I*iilL'Ii,nf' I'at'iir.sniiJ of tin;. . "gl'lMibeih Jountul" innuljI'lWlB'B.. hyj, tiidfl "'.the'-' ., Jil|<'\y lilt* Villl.-,!lli;tiuU 'of'-bclflg. . .tlemtintld; [Jim, he -wn.ili.% "in— over Niagara again " ..o..,-,.j;.i.. .,_ _» ... . Pout" hod :1hu.»lv nolftl -ih.-lhe "M:itup» • pi-rfi'i'iiv KHrii.". Hp - Jumped ' .days'.-litter, "''•' .'•'• ' • . taken • (i:r''Calling him "-a mU- ^' DEUVCRED PRICE complete

"Fred Oiordano't."

: q.ri f"'~ Hi • U-p-is nil'. -''(ilVV tl Nil I '''iiiI •' W'.%'V' •• "" '"•" ' ''-.-••• •• - ""jyn'l'"'*- '<>ver--.-jiiiy; IHIIO; ijO'ch;1'1 It' liiid, txi he' MERCURY 1 l V/M> r i ; i w lj 1 1 MU: ¥•':.'• rS.i'. •';•'•.,;-..,u\«i"ri'•'•'iii(ilil'i!r- >iiim "ki^im'il•'••'' ¥•'!•' K:. "'':'"''" ^' ?^ ^.i ::? ' f ''.•wUi*' ^'-'-'.' .$$-*? ' Mread', "fhqro'..ii....oit!y_jfflt_ lHtalcB" ii»v-S«fri:.,•PpXt*.'1" 'Foiv.v MAPLECREST INC. 1 -i 1 11 1 liian who jumpH Mer flK' i.t '-rijH-,-':-•. jy '--SfU'i - hifJ *'l)O-i • bh'UidjrV ' ''V, *? -.-^^'' iivul•"•)lHii'p[j(l:''*K''0r...,' iimf. - yi'.tini/.i!iioim-..'iuni^i.1..cMn, "Auftiarixcd Lincoln Continental-Mercury Dealer 1 : 1 : 1 • -on<)"iit ii JJ«'' trro. )iVhny,h . JT"TS-""••if^"' . ' tiiiia";iL(,iiKitiii;''.nlii? viii'•'•oM-iiiw' '••• -:-li«u'.''-llviJNilm'liii( (.''niiiirMt'itticI'- ''-''i*,'"'li'.b'v.VJW. w.«ll..:aii rtihcrs" , 1330 Springfield Ave., Maplewood, &

^1 'tt*;^m'..


proybrf Ihn

... , .. . , „ .., _ peop'lo' rtt RiiohCijtei1 1 riliiif r.r-Hfl : ••• fi<.mi\ ri'uy.whi'jT'- ' wlUcli .^r|t;e—hiid, «nn«d^hliiv:-. -.^woiild., gij ,on'ii'o' ' rn'oft 'fiif 4|ie n-hi;hfmi''iV(*u:Hni '- •' '-—•--'•-,-•.-• • — TnoiV-iji'i'ldiiy, Nov. .idihl Fi;i- lo'- " • "nv«. "(i,ii!iVUyli1...; ,'l'h.(i...,' ^, >S/' /jJ/;-^i'i"«. \- -^"y tKo'li'tth.: raro-ig. tho per- (;(in:lHl»Uy i MIII ruifhiin STfi'iliKh - t«"'JiiuTj'i' Vti/ui'dV'jh'ftt ivor Genetioo Fulli 'on touch a day.;".. . ,'. . •.' -•—••-..'_ :---' Miisl. nf l'iilrrrti-in Mi i-JUjiin-ftHtnli- ';S!inv .. i, nniulr iin Iliat t'l'Utu.y' A -—•'-•; Hic-__r. • few,' ;s;iid t'luit '•' Iliel"c6l(| '..air. , • ,'•••'.liiiiriii'il" n'r. 'Cim*fH?rr«" (.•liiljcdjjilm ''vylthnut Wiu.')ilh|iv 0 will b. h.lH to W.I.'IOIIX Vti.-tuc^ W| ... •. jKiiti'rl.Uliit Sfi.ni limk >>f ()lhff'fl .jil\iuli'JcVccl .nl-tlie-rtatti.' v • _ciJHt, vi'iil und shoi'.H, "luViT'TIilil ~At ->»ny .rate, Sum Jurnpod, ';.;_•••, ••theiiv.piM'DlvOly by, 'tis If- do-' "A lu'iHbnnil enn qiiHily bo- --: .• ..': batinu'"Hio. 'micstinn ' 1 " J ciunc hiH v/Wii fflyorltc nu- NEIGHBORS WANT /.dim ui.d li.m., TOr fciiitli, ruiw u f;linvvinr>i!, nitVfl""'o n, ' "thor-by Writing cliccka." ~!&!z2£Z%&^r ''"''''"'

£l'!lllllllliinil^Lllil)IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII •I"! : : : = jm::; ': ^~r= T~ '-a IANIGAS-TER;- BRAND '

_. i Prr-°»] MARY ARMSTRONG, CowntyTHomo AootiU

lj)Ultlllt'5L_!i!!l!lll I'l'l'lll". _UIMl " .I.Mi'imlry '..iliiltn--nfiil' wHiilil'nM niliilUrMI Bi'iviinlil lilt.' U'HhU- : ELE ('iinrriili'iii'ii Impm hull iiiiirliliii'ii jiiifr^ryi>i » .«i-n^- _fri'« . K niirl 'MryaiiK H\i? luumlVy. . IMiif.i.t I'IIOIH^ \\\ Iln1 liujun '.iiui'iilly. 'iHii-liori'rl in iiu< Jiiii'k . :.. lii_- liigucn M'llhiiill , - IUIM"1 J^._ li't'r.'v' ,'i—turnout—WHIUIHUILUI!!'^- -M^tJ'—i'l*— Imii'iilfiil—in1—iltmiHtf,—'Anii-iil.s-rrir—liiriinviJ"'Wii'in TITii •Tin' j'Y'.'inll l«» •Hintt lli.illi.ni .wni'ltlyy •• Hemi1—»miirn- In in'iiiltihlii, lliV 7 •' hiiif II lii'iiu .ilFiTi' ''v.iiir liii.uW w .'nil *" TTTi'il 'TT'TlTrnTI llllll, • IIIIIII.V'.l'llliMV ill'.'lllll,'ilU|l 1 CHUCK ROA •. ttry liiiiill hull H't fii.o Hrit'.t" .' Hlll.l ii.'i I'lhlUhul ,,1-illlllT Ulllll ' 'fill J'im IlllllllUml., |ll«|l BlU'Clij l ', "• lll'in'lltlv,' l.nlMl.l,', ,i mill I * lillil ' i.Viii'vuil.-' • .-.—7_^--- ' ;• .•• IIIMI'H In Innliill wiuililnd'tiliii'li- APPLE JKHCE '**' Hlfiyiiii'itiiii Iwiv. '!"•;Ti ruMiln- ] y •'.A',,,!Anil ' H'-'h'hiiuiiiMV' ivi.'we • HMV-miv '"'..tiinniilnv ^ • ^I)'"' IIMII.WIIIIII'H rli'.viii:.-!l'fri'hiv : A • ' •' • 'ili'-ol.v MHII lu|i.lii(i.,lj,^!i!ii'ni»l J,;I7' »,. rnrrin'II Tm « iii uhi~ .J'.'l'.'iHOl'K '.miv* liilVlln i .-- t- -— ' uil'i. .iiiHwJ.wi, l.,.,iv.v:.iMni..ir • V-';.V'"^ •".|,''':|,: ;i')"ii' • I, Ji'mi^iyliucwnnirii'mil IDEAL PEACHES rtti.

1 i nr Mil IHIIMIV hlllili'tl 1 )M 111II rt III IM.' III Illil'll :' r'i l|il'\ili'l'|lU|iU...'lll l.'l'll'ii'.- lliiiPTrfF""i'lliiii!iiflll 'p.lnli •I'IH'I, Iw : L ; n IDEAITUNAFISH ;•"" ^ >- 77 t ~Unxvirin^yjTrr' nld-m-IU'ii" ill > 'll iti/'nUlllI1 ui'PIIUJilU' lo \'Jh|I._ '; in. n.iiwnyn'U »f jiin-'yjtt'inTii iHjIIMll'.V. ",1'llTiiiln", •|'lll|..|f Illlllli . I Mil MiiTTifiu1 iilli'iilu .Iln.' IIHI^K- iniiniH urn nri" iiw**ii(l'.'. rkujjJL- dii{lI iityorM,IJIVH hriHirtiHM, ilui .• fjf*iijivl.ij)II'H, iLi'ii'j "luui i|iniii-y( niii-I •iwipuliir. liii|nili',v niniir -....Uli(-r,u. iriM'.'llilrn.'iiVii' miii II j. ,.•': • Wup hii\'liiu ,Ui\' iinjllii'i'ii • Iff MADE BONE HEMOVED 'Im'iiHim • lin'uiillv • iljlu1; HIMIIIII"." rii'n • I'lunjliinii ".lillil t'luKlrli't EBI.I STAMK! '-•fill' lu|ii|l,v'.\ " "irliillTiTTD" .lillil l'rih)ll'l\l InlVi, ~^. ' , iim VVlNdly . LANCASTER tolAN*. _: ooatT5 _Jiiiil'6'lii.ild • lii.'ja; lnl.i"i ;,piiiw;_ If m'iiiiiri t'w IUIIIKII',1-fur- UA«' MiilMon k> tagulai ilj^ti wWi BROCCOLLSPEARS :.\:, • (ilv."ii iinj' 'ui'Miii'iiu .iiujTrrrvi!-' [7-.- ISTu.-'itillTt-i.il l|i,. itii - IIIIVO 7 ' tli-H I n vm'y.lliiilind,,"!rlllrt" ! h i J BONEiESS ROAST A $10.00 PURCHASI •iiii-ilft-'. 3_ rmri'ii- -iiilviip'inui.«:' if' U-- piny.'" HUHII wii!ilic r-7li',y.ur iTnifc.li(i yluil .fiu'llllli's UIKUHV. W'HII ^'liiiin'tl mill • iioucb, ~ 1hP'(HlSWM',T If ~(ni>~liTjinyy~ liTn'tljT" | Nokia fni"JiMnm huinili'v h.'liiVI.'>tnn • iiml iiHinr. liiittii l» hu run In '•Hi: mil'llllnll UKIIUtly, tlllly;', in'. .ni'i'" .MllJilGf.'IHi_ V you .o<|iil|i- -P61YNESIAN PUNCH' I Wdreu—rr.v.-.-..i,, :q^, •-;/. until ,j.li(j_ pUL I'liilirfMlTvlialiime , ilfiw'n.sliiii'.i,. yniiT l for miMit can -ivl.HO ho tlmo .tiiiviiiKi iriiiUMt«_: 1 Coupon.-p»r " ' nillflllini .,s|l.llttl!i.'l HI" Klitp";..' n Tint' miniiti.u -pirtv- nln^hi'w (•nn W ' |Wir |n • 'and tht-dliils set, GROUND CHUCK BEEF U^IU(M>ill bllslDhss. In lcsw Hum nn hnnr LGREEN BEANS «-"^ I'SSz >jjJutfulilwl.7 um —~0jit whether - yiHir- jnimdry ' ai,'ea consists nf rinn .pl'wn nf-*- STEAKS re<|tilpmnnf - ov . pceuplos ....*.- NMWT'S \vllblfr ••t:fioml^lt-rqn|rboJTfiipi TRUCKS fill,' MUWHIIM - tuiq iJinsfliHhrmTciYy mnc\ ^•feP-^T ihniSplnn'Inmiy -. bnskot. aiul-4(ay~fl(jiii'od, ptuk*- [.nlr»l inl.July 00 llllV ii''-fnliitf- CH" ' pop 69« -worn .with1 nil- Ci - . wliHo 'cniilp'm'ent. Bill don't- IDEAL CORN ** **** H**«- You It So.-Fretk! - r \ D400 SWEPT LINE EXPRESS nvorUmft Ilia potmlblllty of col- , orol., wiiil]>mcn'l,,. •'• ' LARGE SIZE CALIFORNIA I fdal bod/, li.nlJr.-ijratllonul il(|iioli, oil lili.r The' pliiciiiK (>' Hio1 miijur ociulpifTtiiiC'iiuii. ndtl uroutly to •_ the iHinvlinliMH*. |)f llf • (iso, IDEAL APPLE SAUCE'^' 'VyhTiiTi ili)>-i..Qntitl' fur 'w 'nnw, >

wHfhlnii muchlvjo^AviJJ lirovldo • *»' your (Hiiiiico lo,,iiild Mtli ^IIBBU' V D400 tOWNJPANEL nnd . eniivoiiUmi'b' lo, thb im*. BING CHERRIES 37- . nvnldabTa' •' and ' e'vei'laHlLnK v FRANCO-AMERICAN P**p«i*d uaUr, dli.illoiuil tlgnuli, 7ilO y lJ1lr.i ! ' ' h(>nmJnun$1 POWER MOWER 49.95 WSTARfeR, IOTONE MUmE •RIGQS..A' STRATTON-ENGINE. ,•' UNION MOTORS - DODGE DEALER { ••• ,1. I .-,'• '- '- *> ' ,. "Not HM1 gwlf t 880 SprliTgflald Ave., Irvlngtoh oP.n MM. ihrit thun. t id^ "iii.trM. MII \f." 2661 Morris Av«., Union o^.n W.TW« til » *.m.i:»ili 't|t It ;»J|-; ;•• 7.9NowSt., lrvlngtono .nM»,;w.d, F,I irv '•; • . \'. ^ 1106 Liberty AV«K, HlUtldo o . w.d K, p|«iiU you dun't P pm P n 1604 StuyveBBVit Ave., Union MU"6-4il4 ii,, W»d,',- TKur»" 'til »i fiK- '111)9. ,, .>, f, , . Rout* 22 & Mountain Aye., Springfield • ! -:'-i'l v : ; '*'>^,/^::.:;-''i.»'''.S';:'-' : ":'' . ', i • ''• '• ,""•-.• • '. •' '•' ' • ".' ••' ' I1' . '-'I"' ' ' • • ' :^M:^^ >:^f:t';;;j|;:r-'-T~^ * • __ ,—. r; ; i -'T«, 1*63-* .; -;•:• r. "*v> : -•-;.^-.i!' /..^,. : • '•' • •_. •• .'•• •••"' •" -.' • [-. '.J • Si »' '• ' . • . • (•• V


- , , i ,• iiffii, i r i HOUMS for Sol* ir mum. r Htrbe. p.* ," "Harry A. Schuman — Realtor " MIM*M . lfillMl|AlltiA* • fiitnu.tn. OnCSYCA AGENCY •': : rlklitiH ' . , • •'•"•••.'•"•"•••.. il.KNTI*".. AKl'l PlfprlWI A, AHUJ/ln, llll'l'ld 108 Chmtnut St., lto«cllt IIOMKH • • •..'. ' ^ _ArABTMENTrl , ..•. Kg li-IHllil or. II! H-7;it)| until*. I IJDJ NritlNGFIkM) AVK., IKVINOTONrrr, J, Wtsabell IMINHMJ, iiitmloi -mil mniiii; c«i ..! ". .. ' "•' ' ' '._.'. .: (Al Klmwnfld lit,}': •'._,.': ., iwit ••• •tMllU!j,< Illlllllll, rltilllif, Itsilnn., itll U ttathr ifpalalra.^fj i•e Mttmarta, "t-sm . orrioi *QiiirMKN« , , ,- Jiiiiiui- rltansd, wllli Irlii. lull hl.uianne.. i<-a»t*lll0..' U-/U/I £MlJiU ..O/VJI framaa l«r .B-plat«, Call m-I-WKI. ymi » «.m..fl p.m.. .;•, • •• • - H.'ivi' 'TCIIKN *• baliifo»in remoiaUM." AIT . 'American Olcara ccrunla til* «*•«. VAIUsWRO-a rooms, sun 'porch,'-mi fOOt TABLt, •!«• U.l), 7>"»«3", |»r- Piw lift tile A: d.cxJiallnl kit w M- _Vallab«ra, Part, available ,,\a bu>" lect condition^ fully »qulpp«ri. »mo^ BEST. T 43, 54 It 31, 130 elKt'lc, Hew oil burner Help Wanted Help Wanted ruKNITititg auU Pianos polished, II- wi-iK,, Bjin .fT*V. •fhtlinrili'l '. 'Interior n vfrtlud in ';Beiur Homea tt, Oaraeni. . unit. ,us,»oo.- Principals only. • E8 J*"A 30Ua 11 T f PRICE - " "; pairing of broker! -fgrhtture. a-'rk'peclally.'ExterlUri X. <». BONIKACIO. CM 6-7930 Prtn MtlmatM. HI) ^76». . J/T/Je I-444A.V .. :,r , ',, R/^fi/B' «l)QB—MOHAWK FACTOrtT bUTCWF I ALL' MODERN BEDROOMl .LIVING Antique* rtatored and reflnlahed, Uenry ROOM! nipruagrtAToii; OININO RUff, UU 8-6GG5. ' ' • •*-" futorlnp' •• Help Wanted — Women Help Wdnted •—' Women . noom-iU). ruti trom «10.88i flroad- .••'.• T. TilOHPgb'1 N Irojn $>;»»,, Wfadmain. Broi.,' 3»5 nOOMi_-KITCIM_NrrTM:.' BTOV.RBr Interior. Exterior, Huai.,'Coin.. • iRrid-, ' ••: • Btfi^njjsv Ptjbr. Rspolrf,;,;, £.,-'• Klil.ly Inmrej, _Avva|ai • ~ Hoiftt TUTORING of moder» „ v maUiemallea ui "*}'"* . mtau Uatntr nimi; lauiiu mmlun CLASSIFIED, AD ROOK ENCYCLOPEDIA A UETTtK CABJI t OARAGE .DOORS IniUIIed,- jarate ex- ^lfcff^N^la)E. A.O ti traditional math. Cad MU 8-nM, ;', . DlnlriB 'Roomi, Living *•' tepilona;.. rtpalra Ai .tervlce; eledtrlo Krw Ettrlnata.'— Iniurrd !'• •, infarwtln. wofk in a cBn 1 • ,««(>;«'• PUnn. , nhlff. rfcrflu -acar'.OBennra fmtallej. |t|cu- tellii.ati.., '..-. : •> -"—J/B/la OftOl.i','-.-1- - Help Wonted — Meh • IF .It'B. WOVJENWOVJEN_m_ r ALPESN'i HandcraH Arli PRKE UTIUATEtV-Sllp coyeri, Jf Tor CC08T00 W BUOP.At.UOUt D«£or_- •. hnUtary . r^palrlni, cuahlona ' rebout, :V.:- . J, •'. • •tor Barvlc^ for DHAPIB, BLtp-cop ITEINVVAV,. Knabe, Maion; llamlln, THOMAS G: WRIGHT Iqwtil prlcea, ' all »ork , iuar»mj«; Career Opportunity In,the. ''. ".• : W ' dun. Chlckerlnf or other aood planoa, LOOKINO roll UNIQUE QlrTt Rbthbloom'a Uph. MU a-7134. , J/I/t TAINSI . A .phon.pno callcall' brlibimm ou rour , A nolect line .of Imported hand«- Tap Quality WnrkmahiMp • ' w «:aaat.. • -tin. PI «.3i»: 1 DoHa:"Wrl8hf *t Tlw • "Wmht" Prloe ADVERTISING. SAJLKS, ni-oorator, wllli Sampl»». AWTtrr: and -• -•••... •: •-. |.-;'- ,- ••-vrt/r eraftrd ••Itoma-.of good dMUn. Ruler. CUSTOM HA-ViNQf) EXAMPLE: WORLD-WIDE'. HANDICRAFTS Call' "Wrllht" Wow UU 7-34»l ' Weather Jjiripping ' '. Mneq.pDripei, UeMiurtd, Ilupt on new 33 Il«Ji«y St., Newark, MA 3-M17 after ft, -JTree Katlmatea, '• •' . .-•' - •••••'• • -T7P tiida,; InaMilted, :>3O by »« Inchta, 7S.SO ••;:•'_. W* BUV BOOKS" ••• ' ;• AL'tlrllNUM, WINDOW* cr,mpl»t«. flimUar «avln«f on all fab- ... - r, M. Book ahoD rlet and alui, from tbsiiuuiLjelee- ISO Park Av.. Plalnlleld . PL 4-3000 PAINTING, )nlrrlnr-**d extdrlor, Jn >~tNa METUL WEATHER BTRIPPINO, llon and color rinne. ALPKIIN'H, iloute Iron Railings '•ur«d, A. BCIIEUKHMAWNEiJ3i± Maurice Llndiay. •' Eloiwood.Ter., Irv, ' WABHinaTON;IKHIOO)L.--H«|m(|lur • : .•.•'.•.•'.•• q/8/33 IRVINOTON. N. : V/1/18 •EB 3-1837, :/ V' r ' >•.-!-„• . ,. .Oftd buntmlowl e.uam,fill; heat: "Ifr and aoJirrtiDTri»Tr«ln«. JEH-i7i8. Oloied .on—aundaya 4)iru 'Summer^ Till • X. J. PIKOR BO»» a.BELLI ' IRON BAILINUrl. llothea. polei, "fla(H PAINTING TVITB DUT.CII finvi'l,rAM- Labor" Day.v " :-^—' . • T-r Batter Grade Uaed Kornltnr* . polei, expert WeldlnB,! A'.A^s Product! ILY, .Tlso; 3, t3sO; 6, ,$3W' HQQMB "ANTIQtlEK. CIIJNA, Bftld-A-BRAO Q». . •..'<"••••• . i HALLWAYS, 8TOJU5S,- «ja. COMMEn- P«t» EL 34531 • UU 6-0051. ' CIAL HI8IJRED. fv/K 6-J073,, PO .V-4JU4. I. at., Onion. ' .''^..,' ' " ' • ' ." •'•V/8/19 NOTICE OP APPLICATION ll|| Worrl> »»», Union 1 " . • .O/B/33 • Take notice, that application hal 1 AKC Puppies, kittens, Para- Lahdicaps • Gardening' __ JV(J..l'AlNT4lfflIlBJlflUBl!,..0R WILL bfen »fiade to • ilie Alcoholic BavaradT T • .iitriwa* : ...... -'W ' 'kAU, Canaries, Fish, Supplies, etc; Control Board 6T the ,Tawn of mine- ii CA»II FOB BCRTtp - DELIVER. TOP QUALITY' PAINT KOIt • '• ,0P«N •.', ; •"•""-,..•" '..VAILSBUnCFiS:.,. , UosepHtt-PET siior—MA :.tia»n NEW LAWNS MADE'- PiTONtNO.. ^- WHOLESALE- ' PRICE.' ,'T^RM PAY tpn to Iramfer'lo WVOIOTON CENTER 1 311 Market at;, Nwk. (Opp; P«un.-R.n.l LbadVrar car. Cait Iron (1. per 100 Ih, kti~ -WENTS. '37H-8J131, •'. •• r.^J-.". Y/7/21 LIQUOR, Ino-, tmdlni- ai IRVINOTOM AN • \' . darrfar aaleawej are VariTeo by your local weekly newspaper. Ifyoii ar« ,' Nnwipapenr'Mio prr , 100 lb.; Maus- Monthly Maintenance - Repairing, «To CBNTEILi-LJQOoff Inc for pr'emliu ' it Jpara, old, or oldprV'you can earn apendlng mohey.lnyour apart " ~ • ' ' O/7/35 It. TANGO GARDNEIt li, SONS B «lnic>,25c per. loKlb.; No. rcoppcr, iMc • loc»lrloc.lrd at 1000 SprlrlilleldBprtn«7|eld'. AVe.,' IfrIrV- - lifr lb.,. hfBvy'brAMs ISli'prr 1b,, raBr,''3fl Cl( »,?I91 or CH A-tSHO or, ]IV (1.21(11 Puino Tuning ':',.\'.' .•.' "• •"" ' Country: Prot»ertl»» For 5bU PARAKEET' and canaries — ; r IIJHIUII.IllUIIIII."- MN. T—rki.'nUK.J.Tihi. plenaryH ..«alriUHl dlitrl'jl•.•!_•. , _ (Q' Wr.l^CH^ES'ri^oM^AtTER' '3 r30:'. P-M per lb, Lead Go and bnUTlri; A i P .• -C- t. .•'~ . .' .0/7/35 •—'-A '••' '•-* V • •' '•*-•'•'•'•' • ll ,.'.,.•! '--— . niultt vitamin seeds; »l"TrnT-- 1 buUon_l|r>THc 'n-13. heretofore. laauad ' pellvgrluoflly'onada'y.a tlaakj, . ' . ' . T&ere, art routes ettU. open. ., 1 Hou'si ^aner Slock Co., 01 Su, aotirst. , Irv Ant',' prATJOB TTJNBII,', L hltPAJRED fpod necessary. The. Parakeet House, J^'COHPLBT!".' PIANO SERVICE- to CARL H. HEIDORN .ml- IMOAIID • B 3-045r 1 n, HEIDORN. ..tradlruL u -IttVINOTOK- 5»,?,- °i.-.'itt-jt.,Jl«r—' "- New jLawns Made I. ItUDHAN,, PO J-4S68,', MAPLEWOOD. ..CENTER .LIQrjOR-irt6B, for pr«mll«a- PLUMBERS,. A>.T | N TTd N-l Sell your Monthly,.Malnt«hanc«. . : ' ' • - •••••••"•• •• - T/P IIOTO-TILLINO . • •'. [jo»ted,at 1000 Sprlnafleld Art,, l»jtnrr_ WANTEB Jl .HOMES FOH TWO'KIT. •ervlci Jo 30,064 lo'col families yllh tt TENS; HbUSEBBOKEN.8 .WEEKS OLD. - ' Line, Pcrtlllier. .se«dlp> • :.' • riANO •' ru^iNti' *• REPAIRINO | low^oil Wrfnl *J, Call 3W-3000, now Sprlnn Cloanlnir4 Uepatrliitf ' . Ob)e . '1-3.3' Years Expa lenet. . ImmtdliMy . In wrlUni .to_VaJanUn»_ oALtMR MjjitdK '•• t ""'""JfrToWn OlJrkr^nrrniton. W. f. ... —oALtMR, MjjitdK ...; ,CR v-3 blgiwor • . • '• Hd*rlyP*t»i?ni Board >•: Help Wanted — Womefv . Aufoi For Sale_ : •OAHL H. WEHXIRN, "prealdtnt.. : • -:SO 3-6054 :;; % , PlANtfl TUNKh; <• REPAIRED ... 3 Marahalt. St., Irvlnilon, H, gt." .- • '•$ VUOI.HT- Vllfil Iinpafa, .convertible, , IRMC1A-RD B. IIEIDOBN, - TWIH '—•.•-/• C GOSCINSKI- l ^8, AutomaHci -power, atee.rrtifr,• A8K-. DIKE* . Secy Ai Tr'eaa,, • I . llvlnf, '*p»cloui-«c<:omo(l.tloni, cip» u 1 •V • / EB 8-«)8 • '3 ManhaJI St., irvlnjUtn, K. I, Ic, but not necoBBary. Matufn woman —Lapdacape .-(Gnrdertep. ••: •.: J1' • • •. • ... . • o/B/Ji P ckurckn, itoru Ji-Iraniportttlon, C LISTED BY CLASSIFICATiQN, 8PR1NO Cl,EArfmo ;; vy~ OtlEHTHKIt .1(, HEIDORN, , ' 7 fAl.l'ON, »"•' M"" deluxe, standard 1 . 1137. Valley View Drive, '-'''IJJUJj-,.' *•'•.•••.•:•"'"'<• ' T^ . ./_-,... _ .... Must—be-—RftW- , Lime • rjnod,_«. •Pcf Plumbing- - Heot Hhuxv North-Dakota •—'. ,-• OCEAN GKOVX — LOVBIV- I'coitd Horn cmra^CATiE"^ thU Week, Besf. .of f«.r. Call 371.8380. :'.wH-,;uiX\MB-*-aatrvMrm]i July ||, 1».' 1»«3. . 7^,iMn, lunntftg W«1«K: ne»r b««ch;- : Appliance-Parts-Repalrsv' . Cd'rpentry TOP BOIU r SHlmnlfBltY !•• JlR.UrltrJCJ DON't IIVK WITH THAT DRIPP - -(Pe.:. «i».7«) Blili. IJM "monthly. pjioiwW '•—•'--'• n^aionablo *' 'Ddpendnblc " ' ' OI.nsUKfllll-^ UK Holiday Sedan, 4 door . ' L'AIL IIERIIERT TR1KFLEU 7T " THIS SUMMERv9-':TO 6 ' pdwoV -' brakei, Nt^erlnK.- • automatic WAMIPII*, nnVrnir RECJ1IOKRATOH*H CUSTOM' AVTMUTIONK' PlUmblni Ai healing, >bMM|t, HTW,. A BUSINESi OrYO,U(l OWN. . * n ..n'"ir «w. . ..i,irl . MM iinn» AIR CONDITIONERS * DIBIIWASIIEBH tlnna Ai contracting. '114 nr, phone gerv. n r ~- ' addliloW; fullji Inaured'; all Vork, eiir foe, 35(1 Union Av., Irv. EB 3-OKO, I\l} It-lhtoupli lk» Wmi aJ ^t[| -ELfeA'BANi\HAVEI) ' SEVE" i'Vfe.L'V.i'ttN 'YEArEt -'••B/7/H "•"LT'"'7-4142 "or ES 4-2800: antetd. FEEE ESTIMATES. , Bond cllmlltlon, (US S'CHOOL:; DISTRICT, RtFCli 5.6380;.,.'' .. ••'"•• ••'•' 7/18 Cemetery Plots .{PERMANENT. • r.._. .•, .,.MAKK K:BAif.».6ON-.> . M«nll Aiphalt Driveway* Ca'U JOK J-;Plt 4-ooon - - • 4 —J-LEO KANTItnWITZ ii*. .—'•for drtyMoUnd-*»ln.i!nu. Jno. •" SEIiLEr-PREFER HOME I'LYMOlJTIi- STATION WAdON, loss •" . •;'.,'. ;.• • -i O/7/II) . ,ptiiiSmNO * TI?:ATIN(I -Classifo ^» ''•• .:••• fr^JBi-MWrt-r1^'-•y-^"--- 7 Ci)ftUim*4'door Buburlian, pownriteer- Altemtlom -v- Itrpelr* — Jnbblnj W ITH PLAYmATE" OR,Inii. \^«, puah mrtuni ririvn naoa. oan I). PATEBNO NKKD ('ABII, 4 OltAVKS 111 ,Durl»l») 1 ASPiiALl DniVEWAYB, HEAVT nOLt ' «a3*:j3raceund Memorial Park, TOP SOIL •— .'HOnKKNIili » RKOUlMU Prompt. aarvlce, Call MU t^ljao.. T-P bn aeetl nt IVotilirffTarklUK tot^oit-fiitr^ llworthi Perpetual Car«. EL. SAkK •AGE;' P.L-E^JE ER, , ALL CONOHBTCNOHB B WORK ti \VATEn- "•.,: *•'•-•• ,TI[KN!;(IIN«:.- • ••.-.• TtWfeHATIONS, ' or oil Acivertisitig; Offlte tpote to *TIOOFI»TIOOFI»O oil l ncUinn~" WARD -&:Wi7j: • ^urvefc-nflj enmtiatea; Llcerned plumtier. CHESTNlfr 5-3288, EVES- P-~rA|ICALK ITTAr J, GENIS . HOIXYWOQD MEM0ttI4LPvHlK,IN0, CI/7/11' •;, Auto Pointing '_, -Water Prooflni And Maion Workj.. "Thej Cemetery naulltuf"; stityveiant Call Vrerl Walter«, ES 5-S0J3;.... " T/F' Ave., Union — MU ,8-1302.^*ceirrOtflce, IIAKKII, any ' car, any color, Call WU G-1437 or MO 8-4B1B to- Vark" PI,. w»'»»r«—MAT3-3BBtLj_ COUNTT.lt -_ . ,..„••..' •••• . . •'. •.•;a/B/i i or moro corigeo-. ' ; ^ 4 to 16 P.M.: experience, "not neu , ' 8S3 Ray Ave,, Union ECONOMY At/TO. PAIHTINO b/a/39 TSt^SMOWfR,, «rlndlll«' Itrvlce, . khlvea, ... TV -RADIO.- PHONO iltjve Insoi-tloni 5Go net1' nary. -..t»il'a.inkwy. I0S9'.stuyvmuint, 4SB Oranva St.,' Nwk, JIU 4-4441. ' W,failbri,, - s&rdes&rden ttinuttinu; frefrea pldk-uipldkuii "AIR CONDITIONERS '' .• '•' ' ' '•'. • " .- • n/7/33, ASPHALT drlvewaya, parklnt loU' built. Cefdtril* and 'dliv'deliveryy . Cir"l>3,((l3Cir"l3((l3, , n/B/i MW'KATKH "-SALES V.SERVICE J« ;or more XpKRiENcen XECRKTARY, ihorthinn All work .Up to 10,000 Sqi' _,. lyplati onn Blrl ofUce, Salon organlE. klnda.of maion work. Jamea LaMorseae, BPE6IAL1ZIN0 ' IN. CP.RAM allon. W. T, Dtlvor, -1007 S IB Paint ave,,; Irv. ES 3-3023. TE kitchen Ai' bathroom repair's.', tub . ; air-conditioned shower enclosures,' block celling* plaster- — "Refrigeration .... 1 ;p*r;' office space availabl«"iiailabl«iiii ne neww . iKOOKWOOD BODY 8BOP ASPHALT DRlVEWAys-Xl Parking Lota, ing, .carpentry, -f «-•>«••• W MnsoNRfi nnicrvj STEPS: SIDE- Complete Body A Pander Work ~ New Ai. resurfacing, curbing Ai cement WALTCB: JBELK EMHLOVED AND 1N- JIMMY'S UEF«IB(]I(VTION. Inlmtim JIa ,— 4 linen $2.40 x&nrv, grading h top aoll. frea esti- ^tuildiri^tpbtilditb e builbilt for tHe HELP— WOMEN ' 1S3 Brookwood St.. East Oranga. .; Coal & Fuel HWRKD.'WRKD'PLABTimlHO• PLA i WATERPROOfp .•or 1 C. NOLLEH iST. oRarija 4-86B3 ' ' matesInateB.. All work DilaranicodDilnrAIUcod.. jnilcfflln "Tjhioh Leader at 1291 Stuy TIME ON YOUK irA?JDS(r— . ' • - . „„. ti/B/n llroi. Conteactdra-vMU .6-8878 or MOT utt*b*r,-af ._isar41atu vesant Ave., . Union—Kr J Nnw .thai, your' fauilly,' haa • grown^ j'/o/iu OOAI. _1 £iS' On. I Pour anil' you have a|1_ that IrUure- lltiie LOW iO , tlm. I Times Contact M. Mintz, uhy'noL 1110 It IJI* a pleanant, profit- Automotive Wanted HIBimnAN PAVINO COMPANY • . OiaitANTEl _. fc'frora3a.W...- „. . »iSo libie"' vAyf Tlircijinn' an "AVOW Reprri- ~ MU 7-3133 rRKBH MINED gORANTON COAX - Bm«n Joba Tot • ReaaonaMa J.no tVEI.L APPLIANOsi - HWy. II. UNION -,XBf>: " ESsex-r-3000 aentallvn' anil M(Jny yourvVr while'" Parklnv areaa,' drlvewaya, ourbtns,. 1 ilohiw MU8i7f II llnea '.l.llrj- "•sga? '3,00. you" earn. Ann In lift barrier tthd.ynu 'Afiti'JVNK' CAKS WANTED rre< «itlmatei,- Work «uarai)lrki|. .." . , !.•'.• /, "'.••• —.'n.-.T.M "Tllniu 4.30' -for information. TOP IIOI,I,AR CABII WAITINO .1 -'• • . • . . • .' o/7<;ai> Nut or Sfoye-v '. v$21>00- ,'K'llth'* ; 4.1m 44* 7,110 Mr*. Hart L'al) rll**3.BJ0l Hie, OH PISA $10.00 .PtlOKMV $18,00 1I.-A < I IIAI'VINI 1i(l|\H I KllV I IUN .jctt?n/ii »»VK, BIDRWAI'Kli; BLOCK : ' STOKKIImen ?n.oo- VOi INC,'.MAMON WOIIU.', Al.'t'lftlA- _. _ ~T~T;JC'1_' /",••';'• ••"o-!_ itlMDtT' j),ii">|_£a . ItnlCK WOHIt, AUO.OAIII'KN. tlONB ti JlOOM AI.IDITIONH\MU il.-irilKf OIIBllUV • liit.li Sintr'*rl(i'hm=*W lha rt/t/in JUNK, YOtlll <1AR OR ,. tttY WOltlt, .171.03311, '. '-Vta^y contract rataa on vequaaa jrom 300, JH.-fl'.'- la:, - •(•JUAHANTEK eAi ••r -' ' •» :'•••: -,..••• J/«/l» J»U«I jilUil .'• llftllfwl—- Itniiih.ltkV at. aq. , ft., lilral location, heal. (iim\M»rt 7 IIIOII HI llddl, (Hill, •> iniiljwt'a'lielii Top tliilkr Palil - r.H. nm-olallits •M'A-*-7ii»s •— ittA Zle miiOi't' ;• iJ;i In (A (Utlitovei): Blio clii-iry amnla' . parkliii. ailtij Mnnli Avij,, n al, I-IKM>< li'mii' AiiullM'' Int. In 1,«biir . AiitPotiT' AUTO wnpfflKKiMi- " -ifeV:;1j1(J(|7:' in/in tlhlwi. . Ml) il-om'l, -; .tl'7/il UT7ai ' \1\'M ninniiiK s-iion —•—JIUV ANto BAVK, « hitler, itnttHate 'Work| (r«« y'l'ttamtV'>.<«£*(;• ftr!Nt"irivMi!';~ I' MluwT_»lli-JB-31!0'( _-:. •' • - '•-'• . •' - -•'«•# JN «'l|>f. roN(!RllW lulu l 'rtlrlriufi- fm nlilni'lV mi-Jii In'l Hill. *• U' Ittlll'xr- ,> 11 <« lur |iKrl Mini' .pill Delivery Sorvle Jl- In .1 -fYMiiuui lice wn^li. N» U, UNION—•Wrtllall—1l»IH»i "••", ituL—r'rM' Iwliiliiu fY.an |wr linilr. Kilt IH Nnwafki 4 nr » «II«« id n«tiii»nur~li>lwilyli>Yi mitv null , • r«n«-t1«(ir,. Will hllf«r hiilliV IH(«MI . HICKIIM '- -VVINISH - iu;ilKPimN\»i' I.ltJDOHH, M'Hl,' ,; It I'ntnl liltiiuir Mint

milml ||H|I< Mine, MHW .lliiiirliin (1,111111 VNO HONK "'.'• K^I'KIII', liilniaiilrKil '>,lntn.rf|liil(« (ill aliiaiarini, al)ld_»l!ttUiill«l.'.Hh •'n/n/iw 'l,AHtrrtrHMII. lll(l!'|( rtTHI'H, .Hlt'l'AlK' j iimiisilsilr [i»iT.ririT»i"(iiiiif>y"•"iiis'iti.iit[i»iT.ririT»i(iiiiif>y,iiisit.iiti HUlll'U, 'IliU Ka*|tlt4i| IUl >(ILUUllfe.-lliUl!l»ri!!»L»' 'I'liy ___T«)I,(N1'«IN- VAMN' * Jlim ' .- INll AVAIjlAVAIjtl,, l.l.'ltMIIMIitXl ! MtKW W|- WaTflf—rmiilljunie,' llhlt Dllrihlirir' ' lili) ) 1111(1 (IIMilun AVt.rlrvi t>iiler. Oni-JiHh ind mn*«TVW*- VM vaiiiiriivw «•» Mill,ill",, . Miillll'lUMilllllU)) IIIIMMMUM l I|U«||I|I|IMII : ~ , • " .'. r('u.;n TIMA'I'WIMA'I'WI . Will"Will"." IIIIAIIANMKIIIAANMI I " l. Ui'inr-fn—iiuall. • ,' Illlilll,llllll . HH',' --,ll, IlK'MUIlil,IlK'MUIlil . lll'lli'l d II- MAIITINO ' • (HI 'J-UUllU,. (I'll/Ill IIOIIIINII, KH 4 AlVl'fi TH"milriu.wini|iiw>,"v ' ••• • hllleii;. ('HANI.Mi ,* III£MJ,I.)I(M;H, • Illlll lll^iUC'lll'IH, millitlI lull Walur •JJ, - tlillVINd WdTTlloi, ——RTIIOUMKH * NtlN We,*—'•"•" lieslllnr ,«f the ad.. Knurs'rk au«- lilt MIHIHTAm AVW, NI'IIINIII'IUU.V tii|ii|i*u T11 iiiinit i'wytilalum».'. hlnal tur -INrH'fHItTmHHT-—-•— U NcwKin l'lui:e_u.vfii||Uiii, N. ,1. ' eeeillnn Isiuas mint !•• tkllea-lrr-lar It.'ili ', .. • • ' V/7/lri filiua nr iilrina,. Han ha limit' hu hiiini) . -UNION, N, J. • .. .ONO IHMTANt'H, <,0('AI, i KtllHAOf XSS B-8I3O. Hiirvlm N._J,_H|iica 10JB, i'nrr«Mlnn by Ifii advarMser beler. wllli liii'itml ulr" lifrtliuu kyiitsm, Avull- . -. •ii/7/an (IK Vaara DeitDnilalile Mervloe' 1 • '_ \LifUl_ Tuesday, naan «f, weak al nhllea> ApWlments\, WOMANII wuiii «k ulniniiiirnittMr'Tiail ( ~ virtZt hnv Nuhtbera May ka used fer rscalr- 111 'J: Bid.day* .|uii'.*Mki llvn In nr inllro tllewiimi« ' AI.LIKD l01 IVK .out; umiit |inv. niiiulii...,f unlfiiriimi •tmiilry, inuniiry, aliimlmiiii, fir/w Ing replies - for a fe* . af AOo 'and' O/B/83 ._- «» »'Lead*rs—Repairs. replies will b«." forwarded 1/ 'apa^l- """8ri* Kx lAIlt vui:ulloil. Call 'JdJ-hOrtO. . V/7/111 rplaatorr' •• • —r -j • • .- KRAVET rre* tutltnakea • Insured .' UMRHIrt RUAL'l'V COUP. liUIMVIO -MVIIAL Hi ChHitmit St., Union l OrberllrJ Ct., Haplewood. M. J. 1 I % ll b JJi i MODIRM APTS. is 1-aoDi, myi^*v»i., K» j-Biinf ' " ; t'OB MB1KH HEKVIOE. Econohiy -MaveS- - .^r ?."""''"- " - "- " Dome»tla Hefp Wld, •— Female : _: ' 0/8/33 n QUICK * • 11 ( j.B itOOUB ' • »7B.»t3ft i Jow. Hint Used, Alt Hllies. plminuntcd ,»Tn Dmivery . t/m d WOMAN •'- - Lluht homework', • *mall ts'.'and accessories.. on different •MU7-"D035 or MU 6-6635 Survoyof* family,, 3 mornlniul a'week; sMlOan . .ilebu'of WfiH known Amorrcan'and ,-Mri, 0-lOi. Win, I »,m. tog "^ - '. •••••-- o/o/io uir.' 1 blnck-frduv No,'J« brjif. CJall KanlUh bicycles ron display at Low «,MIXER, INC.: -snilBoall Kve» '• ni'i/n Discount- Prlcen. ^ Bdld with our -and jroo fmilory uunraiitee. 'ivlctory Uleycle, OAMERAH, taiie recorder!,- repalri ti •.TOTH" PHARMACY " . AUENT, -BOTVeyora "" .. • :. ~ mntali. WOI.SXKN'S, PRO*,: littlME •".' 433-Nortll Broad. Stieet—~.— "VACANT BOOMS OK APTB.T 2S!tl -'Morrli'".'AVO.!—"" " "PHIIU1uiauoviN' VAIJLiBa T Meji, Women ciomd wmi. . Wft-8TORAUg4- J71-3000 WH¥LOSE NLQNEt? "Tf«rp|ckTTJSni.ria"Deliver* service, -AB:3-«m-a-C. AQ,3-44118, MH.I.MI'S MOVINO ~:mn QALLINQ -ICU 1-3UUU mtu uai.; aar r]PCfssary^^.^}ftH. aimmarJa KeraT'Clothlnir. for, ohlldren; • Hire Serv|c» T»ti»"ai(a (H*-t«tlraat(< •— •PECUL COMIUNATTON .RATE ii4 — .— -----7/18 all qlaos, Overalls^ Bheake>rsn , .pla ' local 4dlth AD APPEARS. IN 3 SUBflkHAN- urtvay.-- wartfc— to- "!i Help —Milt. Sonuone?' .Wajlt-'arUrlp "lo-tlnr w hl «.Mac)iln il ahore? Oroupi or. »inBljr;;-WjinS_»iir)ie< SS* «. »frl#!»j-«'airmlm 9««.- ona- l» do "liillr -tlmnptm'£-3TewH°.at BE—( VoornX^arjir-fl., 3 faintly, VOB, WORK "In Paint -J>»*lory. Mperl wed-Tiaiiy •"Ufiv "adtnrair rSi«ln«ss cotiple. No •need irtah of, middle- age preferred. aiKl.Kttolnnd , Nov- fi.ir vft ^•tnpw"• - — SHBriafnTTTild, ,cfll "fcL^B-sias BiTow JnnulrJ.ailr-" " ' . Radios, $ a.ln. or alKri K • -Lt3 rwrM-oiji Hook D . M»VV PRESS OPERATOR ' : aoodwllf. Mission HUfrT^- THREE BOOHS - to bath, all utllltlea, Xxptrienced .-In. att-uni • M . running' • ' ' «8.-te.:pi»»ii-atT--= B. *Tt.Tir(lVHl*"Tt.Tir(lVHlM i, ItTOItAnItTOItAnEE , auppllad; ; privet* imtmncei—rnlcely;- otwetvi.' IIIU'JI.'. tluuil.'Uttua:—rrln« • ' Nowark, ,N.J; . Mttt natdntd, Local Ai LonLo g DDlalanoal " fumlVried, Available Ausiut l't,. BR neHU. APPLY •-' ... • • ..Open dally 0, to H30 MR. KI.1EAN CAB WAKII, 36» ElliaUlll Electrlt - at iirLABiivtiirLABiivtoao ! a-BBSB. ... • • V/7/111 ;• RKVI.ON IIHPLKMP.KT CORP. , ,. ," Wed, 'ill B ava,, Newark. Mon.-'niura., 11,00; Prl., KU.4.0970- lll« Cult Ht-• . Irvlmilon, N. J, Anliila parking; J»rea Deliverieas at,, Sllll., 11,'Jo, m 3-0400, It/7/35 1 tINION—AvalllbW w.lth a ltkse,. 6 ... ' V/7/18 KLROTRIOAI, UONTBACTOKi OALti POII Unlon Ua^r' ,.*lrvlno»oti Herald *Vollibur|( room apaftjnwit, ami tl. In a family OUR LOW.' KSTIMATEB, ON ANY horn*. 3_ bldrooms, Hollywood bath, MANAOKR, ntoderU paokitge dairy atnre,. REDUCED, VOll Carpentry, MfjaOTRICAIi WOUK. PIUUI Ultimate). Odd Jobi Sprlnofloldleddur 'Suburban leader *Th> SpedaUr garage, aupply own gas baseboard licnl Union area, u«id upiiortunlly. llino O C'AHH - EL 4-!M34r O/n/311 at own cost, :l(iU of oloseti, 'I\> sea la toK. Bt. acorga Ave, l.liuliin, JIU •.•-•''QUICK SALE ft . •' ODD JOIK - nobliUh-Dlr. Ridioved .appreclatsi. Itti.i par nionTh, Call «very A.'BARTL & SON- ..... ELCOTIUCAL _ UpaqftUiBf SpiOOd'l'-'mnillcM TSiich-'Webk- iii Union, Ii'vjH«ton,' lay,this waek MU 7-3(ltln 1) a.m."" v-^- An" Krtuctitlori Ih n 'Bonkcnsof Cellar Ai Yarrtu Cleaned. Uump Truck 1 1 . rtltclmii Cabinet!, Alimilnum .mdwi.. , Carlyle .PI.J, Union,. N, J. ". for Hire; (tall Any That, ,-'. ' , VMsbiiVJ?,,.«i» !ii«;.|'ie](l,-K.onIIworth, R08B1I« and Ro«eil« f, ... apartment, also all rlav Bat,.' •<» ,1'rjyutr, Pavlv Will. Hell «l)i.r Wlrlp ,tt">iift?t i mi n TMIVJ,"- '—• o,'7,"jii iuiiT1 ' rr \ ii/7,-ati w»i'wmi< u»i|i iduwi" mil aim mi't ?°°'''..',''"mg, no, ' """roowM. • W.«l)i NIW •IHHtWd" ' ,- Ucualra inc. Experience 'iTone'flclal but not j-e^ Hfe "ft ...... EN J-K38D CI/ll/8 FIVD (n) WOI'IIM Of.AvnniKo Lcu«lh Will Pit On.On* "On* r*» VAIUint1ROn-Ut 'Tlour. ..» room" >1» imtxd, CIIIAItI4l(''A. ItKMLlNOKII, 7(.» Polrttlno A Papttrhcinglno . garage, • heat lUppllun, newly ^Ivmic- Vlomitalll. AVev,', HIMUM(lMB(,n, JL.J, .AMERtCANA ' KxliirLoiiK.Wmtln Allow Two (U).'f3|)nw!«.•..(«»• Siiw To Count »U(1. .AdUlU, KB 8-b»44. • V/7/U) /Coinplolo net of **> AIWKItATIONK,' Attica, ftaiementi, etc, 1 'Ni.upe, ArlrlrcNfi'fliHl PIIOIIB Numbers A* YMI Wnnl' It To AMIW l i iD SAVE MONKVI A(ll) ^ rooms, AH.KNMAN *t* lf ? WW«'ll a»»d Work au«r 1 * W I'.XTKttlNATINO COMPANY. •!'." '^''Kiii'o Ymir Ctjst By Multiplying rfho Number Of ' - 'HO-VOLUMES' ••• after • t MX. ' ' ' 1 _'' Y0.t> CAN 1)0 1TI _ , i.lombobiast.-lieal-MU] JiQor- VCA '(DoLiixA-JWlttort ' '•, ^a,4()fm)Mv*lif qj I'i Apli. Wanted .to Bnnt • --*- — plus — Inu, I-OUIIIIB;- reaaonable, No -Job too fmtt t/r 'I'muso.insert the following Classlilod Ad' on the.'rjate(«) ghMAii hnruuiih . Iruliilnii, • llburnl flnunclm ittiafl. ipayw ,L, Key ,.1l4d.fl'J4B .)l/7/H 4' OR » RtvoMK, ami II.. -ai' tamlly 'nul'dravf), iirotin liiiunnic.e. honinial; BOOK OF KNOWI.KOGE J v IIA1,I,AUII « VIIAKHKV houif, dUl»t adult couple. With or ur^lcal ami major meillcal.UcnndLi, If (30 'Volunlei) , ' f)A.lP8NTUV . OK ,AI,L KINIIIi COLONIAL PENCE CO. Intarloi* - nxterlor 'palnt|ji«. Qnoil, ,--••-»,••. 11 '<>Msl Hilhtiul h»atl larai* optional, K8. on ate itniiltltis H Cttrour ..Snnorlunlty 0 1 iM lieildtntliU, lndtiitrlal, Chain Link. 'Iran w»rk; rr>r,iimkl>le, local raddence. • a)' 1 4.J133, . . ,.. .. • . y/7/lB illlliig -to —plu»^- '• tNION, MU JPloor Waitlno PaTnTln_g AAi Decoratluii£ ; Interlnr and ,") ."•_ \'..J*:(B))"-''" h>tw> w 8 P M K/t/i ork for It, w» are Inmrostea in ,h«ar- -BOOKOASKT Ixterlorr - HB Quabeck-Ave.; - Irvlngtmi. ' * , " .* ' ' • . t» from, you.' (Our- premium—aolliw- C HH-4-8873, , .. , .r- : ; -Urt- 1RV1NQTON —. 3 or 4 room*, no attic,' i»n»,«ri>. on a mall In haxlH>. call Alll. In ExoeflenEolle s JAW-ENTER 'WANT« WOUK!"MVIIB. MNyMOOIMVtAiCM -•• for 3 nulet adulti, ueamfunet, ttoress >H .1-3733 for appolntmtnl or send Condition • "' MABKMBNT8. KWOIIKNI '• WICIIENS ia.no AINTINO—IiH(irl6r li txtarloa, paper VaV . waiaonabhi, ••«-•«< .'•••• 1/ in our, resume la m38 K Evamreenv ' Pi.', Ham. Orlglnhlly rout EXPERT (JABIXKT MAKER • ALSO WINDOW WAHHINO • liamlim .jyf Plastering.. AV»r._l_lr«m». " N, • J, , yoUr1- ifiuuliT y WAIT \HaRn«4j) louse 1175 Ai up,, Insured,, No Job Too In atrloteit conlicleiion, $125 • . */•/>' BIO oriBMALL. On 4-9479. V/B/33 Rooms *RANH» WAXINO BKRVICE ras I,-3ODO .'' any kitchen waxed — I3.B0' 'AINTINO ., AN0 . SlDlNO, li«AVA¥«MrNtoili,y. ran-. • .'.,; commercial "Ai raiM«nn«l" •"" . Vmib ROOM NEAR BATH.' m CTRBONALS VKNMNO- MACHINES.—13- COLUMN ff, fl-BT.t, Hepalrar-•Jts*atlonsriaddl=: PRIVATB HOME. • ' V/7/1B CTaARBTfB MAOMNBy ,» 'COLUMN -.•B, .-Tfi-Mlls,1 patlpa, -Btt),. Ko Job too. 1 CANDY MAOIItNES, USED. MU e-0743. »!», or •*» •"»». f»r «ruastlina(e»/ PAINTING, Interior A, interior. Also „.. room, for a busl- ummage Sale 11 spray Painting:— Wi OJV« txaas • . '... • • • .. U/7/11 jail MU 6-8330 tvaoFngs,. ' J/B/t Flo Waxing KBTIMATEB. t)7J-liS8S, • ; . V/D/8 riau woman., h> nrlvata . honii. .call T Glly i\.:,'.::^> , MO 1-tMI aeMottrO ,V1!-

, ,7" .>;•/,,;, t> ...'. • '\; : •' '/; 1 !h ' '

i-^^M^I^^^^i^^ >;3V;iV'#3

•V • .«=<

legal Nufices Legal La^tjf^itjes

A- rJ « _, ,- WMYI ACBOaB. eu 744• DIVU QK-j

Bavlima Institution, a cotp, of; We ap,pl- rulillo Vendue ll •fiflou "-- —* ' - Bruit «1 "At II aUndl niOH limtnuu nnnr tH'Atrpmi wfili »i» fia.iii noil. Hall *( Hmmiu, nmm iim IPIw Ina Kooitft. la 1 Ne*4rk. on •alair. <1,4|-14,M pVertlllAf ratei • . WILLIAM H. WINTWW me Join da* «t July, tlUt emUO P ill Union I.nd»r--July 4, tl, It, IM1,- UlllltOt ItcttfVejry •• »», »lrW «f en Order of ttie. I iri'ialllni, Ttnili, all Dial I (id or • •'. , . ilreei IIOJII IFI inland and pitraliia In Die VI tor. ntijli on the. lit u>r or Juir inin, m • «f rt.iuth Oranif In the ecWiily ol nil) Artlon *hfrelr\ IMotee Winter! I .New. lejf ante IT UlauM th» puinutf one! you «i> ihe delmdit't, . \o th* *rr» >«u frfl. hwe*>.r i»«iHr»dti>--»iie*enmH»1 in imr rH uti .. MtloWNloWN, amii d»l|nal#(d»l|nalJ1" mi 'a final is «mnti(i>f| 'ilii-i.ilii1 rrrrniii c.Y N pllritiun,, July 31, '1»«J T«r tpnl lu (It of the puiiilifplaintifff IImMi or betMb a t lUllllUlMy.'illlll y lllll»ll l % llii ull Inr wi •Iroit.ir m»d« fM-Jro day ol i pKnili'r, HM! uyacre liam, duilea and' tnlnlinuni quill nr JiirT 'flH lij» ah Anaoir n'ilii'nW.BIatli m.,lb« '.HfiliMr of *Pfl) lit, 1110, llohii l.inlr.Io Oe«*tt»»»ni •( Rl ••••' • a»rnie, »l»le Heuiii Tranloli, K ii« Bivc.11 . pl.lnUlfi antornaj,.. wlune adytreii I 1 The. itrojin''conimeiBder-U Col *M Broad air«i ,N.»»II. K4* Jer.ey, al 'a uolnuolnii In lha «•>! HI ' ' 41BlopU lha PtttkJ 1 '•Bd-Itr-defauH lllneol tuth luitiin.n nt nnf.f . HHilili yy rirata» dltdlltant t 111111,111 Open lo aliiiini, -II mentlia raiiiiwT •<« nf r-M A: OaVeifnIa of Nail/ark."" ahall ba reudirad aialnat you. aa,-Ilia f»f ll •nulr•nulrnrln y frorom tthi »outh«(ly lint In fretIrlniMin- , , ; a-Atftrtc Ooart .efiall Ihmlr equitable and lu.ttiltndrlddd ' off WarwfrWarwfrk Av>nut! ihfne DI«uiliiTr"'aUliry. (tOou-KBOD per bran M '• ;. 41 Pill*' You ihail file your Atttwar and iimnf o •outlttl** &!t&!t*ntr.(rt«t i o mlutu tail IM *x< • • : • ' Indian '40 Man'n n«ma llemi other ihew, apt) B«W», wb- airrlte/ vp duplicate. wHh.'lh. Clerk? o fin;, ihancf iiSjlhJJ *»!••" )?• mlriuU: Laboratory Technician, laUrr., aJUOO- 1* Al|ow»no«, •he *iperlor Court, Bute Itoiu. Minr>, ••»i. 134.31 tell touu ^outhtrlr Una o isooo pir yer, ihanW V* {<• Trenton. New Jeriey.ih accordance »»h Warwick .Avanuei (h*ncr alnot tlm yn -ir*. Her«l«—Jiily 4, 41, ll, 1M3, < SQTow»«ry ", our efflco by hMmy !• Injjijf piAIUi- - n»tb 53 .d«Brtci 41. mlpuUfr «MV 130 1 (r«ei it.io i Clinpttir, Awoflcan.' Red Cro-is, Sf)NNV URTON niakri hla •he ruin &r (irti prattlcn and'prpcrUuic. f*«l to a point of nifvij-lheoca1 on a at'SuoeiiUrtt PQ#N "!_ 2(1 Pbillco .' • nl4 ..candirinlcii will bo exfreit- flr.t world'hfavyweljlil^bo 'tlpn In Jhavnoxt biu*.' ' ' , *' -.' ;' -.1) no. cur»|n» lo Dirlifl wllh t,r«ni 7 m»le o of Jfl f««t 3l43lMl tHl«"f 27r"«.m«l«bf .55. Storm' rf-^.'to ..: complei?."!' oi(l«WTrtn»s rtnp cjiamnlnnihlg/ dnfrnse «t 3l.43.-lMl toHl«-"af,uj||i)i w;« lSulttbU' , rud.flour. tyi.iiiflr~uf;.;ti»tii-)r,-«•«. *w lufj Jtt4',V.-.0:w.ri° .^B; >• wdtoy "-/ttffety Mf lhtp*t1xfl^*"r ,'„• 84 Pi bk ' |iuu[ i 700, Broad atrtel, . IA mlliiuinn*n weMtn »105.I •UnveTninfS felt tho TthHe plicHwwr*t. f«_aitd cou ' Itoo'm (OK. Hall of. Rieor» ' (Mard. 1 40 Btmalnlfle; 35JII|h Otftl daya and Frlriaya fi;.om 1 to 4 *a«t' at •Branford THcalre. W> Mir.'TT •."•"•. • 1 44 Hl»ii of tho' rol'.lO-.Ualll. Heatlnir itoomj: In Kewark BB T "':' ,'wivahlp,' . , 37 I.me tub , 63 F«mal» ruff ' pm, . ; •--.-••• — _' . ..' ._: .: Newarlt. Tlckftn now, arc" in\ W to Arthur- 0. fiallier "and. Tlili Martllte la mhlect to .euch.elata day, the Ith day .of. Auiuif m>t at' ' .'ztfdlao S Small .natot 38 Sloknoaaoi . SS An|lo4axoa T. linker, trtdliti aa.i Urinar endl. Rleanor of facia . aa %tt •Itovn 1:30 p.m. tPrevalllri(f Tim*), alall l the einln .at thu theatre box office?, Irrtntun'IIIVT dated Ml 34,'T«M,"maite'by BbrriV'.i f>ll or pareel of land ,U\<1 .- 4S Fat . • '• ' • Part In'*.- 40 Pit . • '. • o61n ".• fit) c'imillrnotitH for tlio cnui'sn »ra»a Co,, for ... I'M l fnllo»fni tract or parcel of land ,, .4«Cpmm«i(Haw.y Hearing Aid Given gluyveieni. AVi,, mlifi loeiled «i n«jKraln«r, '- rvayon, • v , the intlMi halnalleheralnalleff parltoularloardoula y nlav - •' 41 Thtnlueia . t» To fondlt wtll BiHeWcep^. B,fler the flr«"t. ixriiirltiiifor!r«lniioni iN, j" iht Toor — with all.'a'nd alntuliT ma dMorlWid,, iliuatediltuatad, lylni and. belni in. 47iMUi« jo L,ubflc»Uni MBJrmbol , BOSTON, Maw., Juty 18. 'l ' SHI •'••"«• Dliirltiiifor'i- the miy of?jiewof. Newarki , m th. e County • U»U«OU«O- lo.Hmllo.Hmlli.-flrJli.il l lUtlirtJrf r O«»dit«' . liquid . '. 43N«*atlv!l for ehi»« on Mohrliiyjjjcnordtng lo jlmlnary ..rc«l»triillon fnr • lh A niofft HiiJque frse- offer of Hfl nancei IHereunlp beionalni, ':ie»» andd' •tat»"-ot-rmr»t»rt-ofrBinrrjerieyTJeriey!r UtctlnUctlnt tktk Irvltiiio or In .any M 11 aunt Cl]KhC lrii dj can be /obtained from _ 'orjirt lM l jrlae appertalntnit, and thr'eVfialoit' or . niaiNNINWO on the'-"••••'theWiiHTly• •'nm" o•'f »t ' --tairlaium ., . pedai^_lntcrcs't_tD_ those who , reveralona, remainder and rrmainocri Jor)fi ilret-it V point 950 (in dli-_ Dor ot, i&ttiy aorvlc*«, 'Newark- -KfleflU—and- from .Rpol and Die rent', IIMUM anil profile there' nut, from the corner of, laid ilre.it hoar but do rnot" undersiand of, Which, km nireby »'«|ireiilyp'»iilirhed ind Ul* Toid [eadlnf from Newark, .to "1 Cron;.intormHUori.»nd. pr«K Harold . Scotl-. words has. juit been announced ltohollo Miy rariiferred and. »U frveri and- alio at Mouth ,nmnir frutlarl IhV goiith Or- by Audlvox, Inc., itlcccssor«. to 1100 BoyJtvard, lic-eltate, rltrit,. (ni«, inieVr>t, urpo. anie Jloid} i thenee rnnhfaf -tinttit *»-«!>« '•poaai||iHlon, 'chthri' and . demand •reel Weil 134 ftrt •« Tnohcn ihenee Wotlcrrt;: Electric • Hearing. Aid w»|l-|n, l»w aa In euully, South 30 .deireee 49 rhlnutei Weit 00 -. .—...„.,., Oir' In '.and to- the1 aame /ee•J •l ••-'•IP Jnehaa;— 7"-eitta-'iou''iherit*ii6u'rir'7m 73,de«ria3 .d i IAutoNee(js? Don't Worry. ..See Murray! Division'. ; , and every-part and parcel- tharaor,'with iait. —— - - Ul— — .i. fli- .•-•-t» «r VBVHVT^nchaWi to.Jnnrir^ 7 i WlrnTi tft the; ijipiirtiriaiici'ij [rlcludljii* all' 1 Ulurn Ioreiald;.thence alonjf,lh* lame.Jtottli A true-life actual lize.replica affixed so the lame.'or tntendud lo.to, IK dalreaOO mlnutee fiat 30 feet to 6T the ama.Uest_Audivwf- evei'-.- ft**, taera'Idr-July 11, Catio'at).equipment iiiid'Improve' plarc of- nEciINNintcL; . i' hia.de' will be given abaoliiiilr _ .ne>w Iti, upon or whlr.lv max heft- ' MCfNO alao* known aa~9rjbiiaa after'be Ihetaolid or placed-'ln-ale ll LI KOY'J, DALOIA, BHERirr. !Te~,3, r«]4,»«) nince, and *it'« all at ear level, lha coin of".tnla'»iUe. • Xitaiaof ANTCrNl JtAJAO, dacataed. : J5L0HQ unit.' Nn"\yli-og. |»nfl fm ' . TtotUTr-ONioti TROBT COMPANY WtfrNewarkf , W.J.WJ ,J June 34, 16H1 . •."''QUANTITIU Mt ri|VK*-«MiTiP AT A-A" AUTO-SIOHH—*>—.rr m paWd: June 31, • 1883 . : 1--.f _EllIlUinl to the order ol DAVID H, W1INEII, Ilirroiate of the. Oeuntr - of : : 'lSly.-. to iiciid, ITore Is truly new HUT. BIUNNO .* TOMPKlm, Attorney* ChanalUf Lyswh-A; Uktoney," Attornaya. Kieex, thli day made.,on tha .applies- JOB.Broad Street ' . . •• rv, Htraid-Muly 4, 11, la. 34,—Wtla, •tyturray-Says; '••" '.••" ~". -• -'' .•'•.^VJ; lope, for tho hnrd of hparlnc.'•'.. . '.,"' (rework' a. H,~J. ..' ' ' ia, *i J of. . thhe iwderdjnediwdedjnd,, -lieeuiolieeui iorr of : 1 Ii, 35, •.•I00.«4l - daoaaiedd, n'otlo'tle II hbheebryy.civit i n Tlio«e InaTtlvf modi-l. airer iru o_Ui4 cisdtudtullldu ildd«ciaiidUied iid.. Ue» "Please drive catefully. ...: we tow our lhlt to (ha a ber, under oath'or. 'Her 41-lille the JJinlleil aupply Boiled propoilll^wlll^be („, «.inrm«tlon,--thflIHlloith r clalmllt l andd drdemindia he Miinlctp.al Council; of the .Town _o.f -customers iiNtj,-«i) woniiKgcNt you come" In .' aualnat . the -filate* of laid decflaied : i,—New—iJerify,- at '• a' rraulal r vlthln «lx ninnthi from thli date, or .all 4i>r->'onra ifmv.--Vuu' riinv" of the Council at-tlw-Munfclpal .lii)y~>TIt',be fnntvpr-barred from -nroi., nulldlnii, - ow- TU"Hdny uvfiunuN Auatiai •niitliiB; or' recovarlm-lhe rtnir aji»ln»l- 'fr:.-S 'Tiliiiii;'j.'miv Wee trul'-llfo* facul- ! 13, 1D«S at COO P.M., D.8.T, or al aoctl he aubicrlber*. '' ' 1'-,:''. ',.. .0 .,.- lu (rf'llto Audlvox Phnntom thereafter, aa ' tioailble, ,at which lima 5kte^f'Jtjf)« 37, 1003. 1 hey-will be publicly'opened .and read, Illf? 1IOWAH0 BAVINOS WKTITUTIOH I UNION COtlNTV in-AltlN'fi furnlahr ' ' . v • MT«R .0. piimnuoH/l •;•".„, _ ELIZABETH ^-NEWARK inatallallon of tlectrlcat.sJi'v. JHEBTEB L..nO»AK,-Attornay .' -- PUZZLE NO, 745 -—..-- i«a'.llliabalh-Ave, ii7 lo,- Orunp.-Av.r t Ice Penii|~iT-pnllee Headrtuavl" inn -lath Avenue |0or,'7tli Hl.l Ave,, Irv- . ' ' •• fCor.' (lrov'r. ill.)- • vE^^TS,-; vston—CENTEIT~ , ._... New Jeney, l; Answer to today's pu«le "will appear In next week'« paper II a-9H« pr II 4-4133 " 1% 1-Wb or ES 4-B397 :rV, Herald^-Jul'y i.-lLJi^JI, Dally t'ltl- I>t. Mill' . Dally II too — «nt. l la I NION, NI'.W 'JEJISfcY: Mljr-. " 1 tarn X ncplaceipent of broekere anil J«ck->-363(l. ABnlnj,,'mn.y wb' te- - ~ latallatlon of dlitrlbuUou ,•.'.• :, Auili'j,,, i»«3. Legal ISoHces . A BUSINESS or .Your OWN J fin. •on. 0 a.rn, •.•-^110-pritk- ;iijn, I ».m. (o. ,|.|I|IIQ p.m. at. the • Wunkliiil t through tha WohrAJ Sectlo W'al^_thcrn_ Is tin,,'ooai ami. car'-''

,' In a'ccordlanee with ipeclflcallona a wrtNin, iurroiate tit the loounlyof Ealate ofrHERMAN' I, nOTllMAN, form of propoaal which can be Innrjti Kftieit, thin day^iijidfi on the applloa- edr and ooplea Obtained.at (h« Offlc« "lion I of ^hMa undarilHwedudld , K*uExecutot r of __ NOTICE of JKTWKMENT; lli« ruilltnillll Aieut, rtuaui attHitmr lVlfr~'dcc"eiie3', "hoticr—ii, heretiy ilvi Ipal BUllrllnar- ' ' lo lha creriltora of iald-defiAud-to-ex.. 'counta of the^aubacrlbrr, .Kxecutdr rropoaal. mint be accompanied by hlhlt to tha .aubicrlber, under oath or. tlm-Xait Will and Teatamem' of ME certified elteok In', tha amount of 10 affirmation, .'their clalml-and demanda MAN I, ROTHMAN, deceated. will )> . ..Utal-.inioilifW bid. plleck ll audited and-, itated by ' tlie~Surr rln nnt-to Edward Popnelr, Actli ajtalmt Ihe eilate of Hid .deceaiad J J r -Elthin_ilx.-monthi...from trill, rie.ti.-ot ,ajid..r«porled for aflttlnmrnt +rr the Town- lVrajaw'n'i. PiupiflTBt~1r~tQ be they win be forever barred • from pros- County Court Prohatn Dlvlilon,. u doied In a. aealed envelope! airSd 1 dlitlnotly ahof tha. name of.Jhe_j)lddi ecuting jar reooverlni the aame. -irtalnit WEDNEBDAV.'th'e 7th day Ot.AUGUS and marked: • • Ihe aubkorlber', , ' ...,..j Dated! JUNE 11, 11103 ' . .: ; ; PrtANK B. W15Xl,ER ,—.—_.Bisstfijjj^wjfij, ,tOi Dated: June 37, 1IM3 • '-- and • addreiie4 to tl "Municipal CoUl ALFRED It, KINNEY, Attorney PRANK 8, WEXLER, Attorney —We ierve SI ell, c/o .Purcliailnliailnii AienVAnenti . IIi6omn6om6 'r 3|! omed Cloml & Cldn on Ihl. 1000 SprlnKfleld,'-JU*nue ... HO Pack Place- ' • • ' ' BLUE SHUnER INN '.forl.' Miil nildiuiiMnildiii»,,-uviii——ir wl lhM)ii* tb»,' , -A-.:M, irvirvmiton-nm ; N;' J," "' .•-•>••—- }yri r Almknn 'Grab ' Clow. loblla: b delidbillyered. beforf e :Jry. irv. Herald-Julr., 11. IB. 38, attO-Mbrrla Av»., Unlort . . NeWdrk.-Ni'.J, Broiled Molne lobil.n . SleoUi time itated above, . . ; .July 4.'. U, tl, ISB3, :., ,--1.....', . .•..,,.'•' AUI. -.: JOO: Saualbralen T-mf MunlelllanooUncH t-eaarvUnif Ml) MHO ;yiA'«e»*'»8 und many _ol|i.«r Conllnanlct Daniels CoiMoll foitlae Dllhel, Haht' tq accent-or reject any or all bid Xatale of JACOB 7SAYI0, dooiaudl . rlua to any defeota or.;iniatmilltlti.. ahi Ddlly ''" .(JHobmiiAvoilabJj) Al'-Condllionoc) -Ptinnant-to-iha order' ol DAVID H, Eilata 'ot . n'i tunth- WlUNtri giirjoiaji of the, OoulltV . of to tln'ordrr of DAVID II. th|»-'Ma-'- • y• mad• 'e •th'e ali|illci. W1ENEH, I im-fitywu <>r- |h» countycount: ' Alio" .Clilltlien' Clollera : o»'«,-iovtnaa'oi hr.iiiihr irattt" daceaifit, jintlce u 'heriiiiy ttjviri' CKNTHAl, •(•UltCTIXHll, to the cretlllori-nf inld dereaaeiLlo-nn* itld .dutatidi • notice': Ii haraiiy ilver lllMlii • Clioiu'. mln . Ubilur Ttiili toN: NRW j»niir.v, • ««'|i'»M(y manured1 from-th* I1h.il hioji. • DaUltiJ:^^' hllilt la ilia 'uiidi'r nalli" KENILWORTH INN ^.-O):m-HUR)H-CHA|!."nAI niv iliiitlimt tin «»l»le of tald deu*ai«d AM, Ilielr iljriTtia Mill dninam Wfil. , . • ——-T,... Ibe-iitlla fit • Mm ri*«ia>i BRASS 41) Wdll H Tilml. m (i^Kot »i 1 ,ua X Wllllln lit"'nlillillil (filll. thli. (lat.ii,' 1 .IH«y Mil ilUumit-biitiidil'rrii • .iliey will be luiVm 'luriml ftnhi |>|'n • • ~ ^ ninliieMiiiaii'i luhiliai ' . me iinia aialnit or mnovwrlHi Hi* lain* anaiu Car, Charry filvnl* HumUU-Avul'leilib rar All Ou AH[>ekliUrili.e, 1 NIOHlLy.,, '-•.•--•-fh» 'Mll M Held* Amp ' rir>la.S''ffl^r"^*'.>*>r«II.J Jlkw.j,^r>ii,> r& 4'B»»- tf 'AyHUmiii r*Tw|f •*' a.MtunhrW "AH NiMYi .in. ; •• " Jiiff iili;:N»WH|lii.llBi!...t4)li;Ave. -.- nriHi KINGSTON II.II.V*-yitiiV ilnl.D|HilBi>BllyJj(i_ lry|i|\il«|ifmlv»>liii 4'd Elutvt, «*< ilnlr «ilii|ii«il 11V n iiiBliiillv iiCn I4III3 'fflKii; -''•••.' :•!"";»' ,HU««llllili'.|L.Illim-In KUIHIMi t lulmillllrl II . .laU»rliil^l.j«i:;«|i.irtt!IH«H-ijl- [inly 1*11,14J •:t'\llnliaoM'. Cill.iil, ..bliinai . tujiji.C ;'. 'Kelilf •! • t«ulli ,r'(vV'«" mi.1 10 WjnfiT/. '.III'.I *,,,,».,*,.\ -' l|iCTi,?.EgZ ^iJL^'.'k.,.',,,, ...... •..:„. •,....f... ilt ^- |J ,' If T. • np ^*l 1 j 1 ai 1 ii]!11 |W lli"l fill pi V a] II •Ilia lire Illltl'e lit 'laid tlwuiatd Ii) •«•ll|lll|l< III ttrlCI .. I HI M»nl> A^.-lj lit. In til* aiiluiij'uiiii', HHilfr iialli ill: 1 MJIUvtl til Ililiatliili, lliirp''illalim ami ilniiiHilili JIM Mil,. 1 liinirr *|jl»te thill—Ulu- aiUta—ut- MI.U^IIIUHUHI u»tit Mii |I|MIIIB;.W . i fun..-• \arvr\r~ mm nil»l»lf.i' i lit. UK iiuiiuii' mid nt I1I11 1 iiinimi ipiiiMil Mo .Hilt V : rom,>.:• \,mt kuiiwii..-aa (!IIIIIII»|I«» w, JIIIIIHIIJI in -leiuiVotMliV-W* imiia Mtllltl '.iniiiiiy i','il,,,'-Fil, t Jot, UnllL.4 11.w RESTAURANT i 'N)h'K : : >H, • •": [iminli • il|iiit-,.v»r- ... Molel iirl|u<»nt lo Deilouranl ' JS4?. Morrji-Ave,,, Union Mm rite tiepiiiiiimil Iry, Hnralil.-Jiily II, IN, SIA, ', ... itt. lleiiilii-'Jilii -:»liii:i,:--— >4 fM'J" Urrlli, Air, ConV. • , 3, jj.lil. «nil. 8 p.in,.li30 a,m;| St,jJ,lj- inii:r, •-r.'':V"' " • '••'•;' •" '. j/id/10 •MeWlal. .'.""'•... r'-- -. ; •', '.., ' *'"''•]> ».' WiHf- .'•:.•';' ' ilo. U'f, W *ov#iy room—T^ .• noon;- 11»;w.rn.y'Jtfn^' iJ «Oor)'» 1 Vp.m, iily'4, H I • •-•: -^—Ordx'riTo..Tnka'Oui"* " T/F'M,V.:,A RALANCK , DoUCATEIStN I RUTAUBANT ."T-.,^. », «'r", >M . wtni -Tour ' Tour No. I Clah and InveilmtnU' _>.•.;....'., t B,4i».ji4a,jiB <(»,;niti'4ote "Na.' *•—— Tave Ameumanta and Lima Receivable. Spetlo]lili|8 Ir» Exck ntouronl IJ1Y • Off Ullly- Otl n»«»lVablei ; - Coiidclern. Trayi «»il Celel -Pl.lleri 10/4 Brood (I, d. Day VBa.v Dff.Quiy otf.Duly "' 6,14,11110.0(1 DELICATESSEN IS ' off nuty Property Acquired~Yw-TaW-^'Aii'iM^'valuV''-,'' '• »43!»ri5.oo' Iloppy Joi Innoailinu "for a|l Qitoilon. : -n»y ' .. . off thuy_. AiaNnDierili.1 RKDlvabla — vitH'yA ' ...:-.•-—• i«mn Newark N J *. " 3rd;oaj, ^^—^Kllfl^—— ~rt?l airt) Cold Hora D Oeuvrei oil fluly -WlMI, tldUirt'•Brrd~Beir~l •" •Otr Duty O.tHDUtV. WA t im -j D(..n Illi qn W Day. : e O B/1S Complai* r-oar ' • Olf. Dilt)" Day "•—•» T,W7.miii.4!r *_J^d-APiir«iprlalloH~*H*i ~^;'3M;-I»»H» ^nav— • -"——* off.Duly ' " •' Off, Duly" ' ~ nu—L__ ipnclal, »rundi-Aclnilillllal.irl: ; . rv.d bolly_ y ... - Ni«nt. Qaldan Brunch Soojn «T "oiX.nutii- nnmovtrnfiH- Authnutairnm- ,•, . o-"-W«7 "^Z. 584,838,110 i XI I y~ ;.'OffTluty Ntfllll.—- " itMer.vim -''. nff nriity. - Off Outv Nluhl -,' rer ictirta'lii Amen. Heoeli'Jible .7:,.; . : rn iiina^ • a4B,-ji)ji,«( Binifltr.r'.tciUllei for «ny bicoilon NJuht -'" -nil!' . ' \ O« Duly For. Acquired ivooorly ..— ,, ., Ma.nin.no ' BH4,lwo.ov 'NiOhf • m ," A^onimodnlloiu'lo 100 Off billy Off. niny For Other •Purixuai ,,.,,-.'l,- 'l9«,37T.aii ••.'nD.WU.3al • Ofr pmy ii 7• 3,4™,niixm CA)(RlrJO oft Duty n«.v j , ; a.nwiut.io.-. Of fi Duty Oil. 'Duly MATUHINO ITALIAN BUfrlt 'Joltl Uabllltla'i, Ueiervaa attirl. BuiplUia « 0,^7,11(111,«T) a';n,344,IU'J.3a 'Bay - i-. off. ou)v Null! ' TOleiluurtint * Cocklcill loyn • Vlav The BJIII In Cdlerlng Off Duly • air Duty p rrl j luhtlu 3 f in ,la -10 r xi (for Smull ^ luge. 1*6(11.ij .Oil Duty Day . .ail Duly • BEVINUE (Cllh : Veiar.' MM; Y4ar Ml luirk a»i lU Huumioiid a {"Bjli.'.'. .•'•:• Day' . IJtAUKANT - 10UNOI ot;.nuiy CeiVlalt-tminoa snj Demtjutl Koalu iur. ">il A lul Nl^lili Weddlnii. Beje , .llahtrice jl ' 1 Untiiliy Ava. Vullibliij AU U » * >ashi'.ijay, .1 NliilU 'tax tlelrjH' ' r.'. ,..,,..,...•;.::...••.,,.•,.• -. . ttltfi Dty Day . on nmy Nlglic . ' MWtton nt tiellnnuaht.'raxil and Tax Tllle.-|,l.ii» aworb > IStau Fully Air tUtldlllDiMd MV+ '.'»VA;-SJII. Day, oil Duty off Duly. Nluhl . '-. Kltrht -i .'iHlrcHnii ol curriMt Tax Levy ,...... I... ' < f.lfin,33n.H4 i,in:i,4:uj o'ir nuty . ,017 i)i|ty ril»r(uiiil I,Mm Returned .,.,.,,.,._, r ,,.,.,,.. :NI«IIINlal.iI ' • .IUV' •'•.•• . o.lUB.Ifl »•• . mUOII.! Aulli.rtll. llallun SPOIIOJ. • ,. »• • ctir ouly >ut)i«nialy iiupuud pnd ierved Ijolfy ol %• Oli iffi. •iVi'Al 'pimdi •,,,,',,,' I..,,,,,,,,,, PrrdoTJmUy Dlnlii« Spot apliv fay off; Duty . ' onMiilly u,»n'nB4.io Tr,4oi>,i3p,st) SWISS YODEL --40tli-Oay- —£-'-".—OltrUUU^ —Ni^rn r,it DIGIORGIO'S fl ^^p^^^^^»^iMj>-lMMy^*wr»4^>^p^^^CAJ^wJiy If I." JL 1 ^ fttmiln pn>Unn It,'I..I ' H|,WI «14t Oiy llllhl . . !'*>ay ,011'Duly' :•• pi"*fiVit.v _. • ,'Wlal Adjuilad ElpanrlHurei •'•• • •jliv"j;_ . • BiWI.IrJi.tia l|,310,4aB.lli) IS r We Jerva lunthaon and Dlnnlr • ' •''."••'••','':.'.'"'..''v.f..o.'vy;MiiY.ii'/'"..,'."..;.' S!i"i.' S.",.ul*~ B*' ••'" oil Duty • l'rtMiV»>Al,ANO» DKCKMBcn 31 . r i ;, 7^ U'iiiutiiuj " iHi^tf-Tnf~ On .DutX-—7".."ilhl ..Day ' ', O(f "Duty '. TOWNLEYS CRIME RIBS Of. BHcTTtiie Very B.it) toleilrig In your.home or oji our pie 'RtlNTAl HHTAUItANT '. *J! ii»k!"tt_don«-on premliiiv o!i(Duty . o|l r>uty ' Night*. Day »ICOMMKNI)ATI(IN» »0 North '.Ay*,, UliLbalh ' fof r every ««oilol n • Ibeclql bannuel fmllltlei 1,t\n 10 ll. Ho yi»niln>.lhan|worl( twnity.four lioure contlnuouily at: ai\y i>niJJVJJ!«_J.'.»»-ili,ni,uili,.iliii,unnr-wlilcli-iri-»oUfi!.. • _J—,—J— ftiferrld^errei ;t» aWrpIui yitth. lha ipprova.l of tha ;aovarnln| 100 peopkt , ordlnanmi or parti (if ordlnanoaa Ineoitiliieht wllri'tha ''fJrVlbmbti-.DlMVej Club' • LXT/I"*--• \i , • . ; ,•' '* V li.io«li>anil*»l)e;;anit.th,i Jam*-,»>'«,'hareri)i,itMieiJi.dv» '- Op«rl. IS noon 'ia . ei'.ni: < i UI J (»> •*T*1t tfoliiotor i on ur*rnliei y ?kV ""' '* "' " Ilf««VuVon, lln.r.pai,ar.pai,a1 e and publlcapu . 'Pljactsr tohtlnuV'ttforfi tfl":rollemt' unpiiir) buil'niiii and' J... « tthat Iht-itoUhldiili Council-of. »ie t.iwr ol Irving :HRitTiNi tin i -r»T P ton, Nnn. Jeru. i Tueiday evaj\ln| Auiuil 13, .1883. at »;00 O'clnclt'(|.m, 'ria ffit Iftte'riini'bl IHUIrialtd :bi) ac'oulrlitii 'till, to Hie »V. '•-- INTMTAINMINT NIOHtlV • " litPiej'PjiUiiclliOhamber, MbnlcfpaifclfcHdlil Sulldlini , ClvioiWo BquartBquare , Irvln>tonJrvlngion7 New Jarie'J«riiy fp* 1 it %l>lcn ttitie ahd place,, or at"«nytlma aitd-piaea'Ipi - which aucn ineetlnff br>th« ...... J payment duo on Mia one delinquent Uorliteje, lie-enforced. ' •-•'• -•-'•• Wild' SMIIHON -••.' -V- •""( A ^nfaMef bar Mnjjderatlon of iueh nrdlnanci ihall frifrn ifniV to time be adlbuuiid all I That conittoratlon be liven to the adoption of 'an TOlnanoa eitabllihlni IAS UGHT ' •"i'wl ef Plane aud ain»" feea to b« charted for/urnllWm of police and nthrr tLepaitmenta) retioiti '" Anierloan, fourl , ' tH, IntVrMted "will ba liven an opportunlly to bo Heard tohcamltil au'h •>*»nva mmmar/or lynopila wai prepared fiom lha Reimrt ol Audit it tha Cherry II Plannlni ParlleaV lain lha Vun^leava tha Al Clvej ^olnti, Union, N )" nance and at itich rnMlltil- or adlWMied maatmia aald oidlhaliM will be ouni >un In Da—our CatarlNir lervlri lt*i he A IA CA»T« MKNlli afurther conjldir.d tar n«o»d and final rcidlut ilp of Union, County el Union for tho calendar year 1U8J rnli Jtennrl of imill, entnl Ihl fhaitt-ol Intll hoaleiiri * VALEN11NE P MMSKNER lie tl lIlllM/le. Party Room Anlllble on Premliea MU i 0707 Alitt thlldren*e mmii " Town clerk, ' MAIIV » Mill her luunaje. |>rlvatt Parllali Onni ' (nfornnllon to •t IL t-W* Yf/U/5. •»• ' , — UTHI 14*14) injon C1#rk Cloitd lundny t Monday t/Vf U'lDtfo pw «al 'in ii UMir-Wll, u. l.M. rtilll •"""""* yi <

\ r r , s •—r — • \Jf...\ i 11*\\ „ > O D S N V

! ~S" > ;: ***;•:

1 -*^Hiiiia«^*'~

: v: J f^2flCi:J^M^;^;^Jy';j^^'' ^•^i^u^nj^ J^AJ^^ :::s*»rii^fieid;::;N.T:.3. .,/"'."•' J;,!;'^.^!—^';; ^;V,; ;.',•'; : " man 1 ~ln*£i£H&

-.'-A.Dillon •yinlrtrej'f'li*:imtrnlninli Organized By Cancer^ocietyi•• •. complained of' InJ'urlM Innl wwli tiP \v» in ciiis rUlvtjuJln I lilltin rK niul "tlitlnit Cunnly 'tn5J" I f •Dif /VhlM'ltwi ,f'mi» f rulr 'l'*iiii|iiiiim, .iiini'i'li '•)• CIM HIH-JPI.V, llm rti'Hl lui'ttl TPNI'!>«. Or, Williliii. mlit, ' •MM AdviniM'.v tiiMlliiln will I MI rolled ih 'ttw -Summit YWCA-V mv nf. SI(lt!|.I(mit* itv»<<. milii hlu liurk wiif •Irilnrcil mid lifiM I H will MimpUdft.- thnir*ilB,vtiini|i IIP. »nf..ui0>d_jjliKH''"1"' 'nf hU tomorrow, '1'lvo Brnuiir.'hm'r li/^'ii' iifiuclili-n uiul .viiOtl—fiUww H(I«I; ;-'TJ?. 'ICuuxji ) Wllkl.im,' preujrtoHf flvr-;anrt-1ilx-y«»i>(tM—few HJK1: his cycle )!i'ii«htid Inlu llm runi1 of Nnwiuli Htflli' Htiri- ReporJsU3rbw!h nf a"car. dfiven'in' MfifrlH avf. C.'nimty ihl I'.fdiii'ulliiii Frank M: Pill, •[ihrtildenl nf -Uv lln, - -nfrUfand nine through !i-.vfai«' IIIH pui'piwe nf fclidoU (n Newark; SUter Marls ;, • by Dh%- ilttntw, 10, iir iJ;.(•li(t|i'mnti,. , thirst State Bnnk of Union,'ye* i 1 _j>ld-fllrlli, Moce.'thBn aj ch'llrt'rrn1 Sprlntffleld nve.i^SprliiijflsId, T Hfc InsfMtilc -.will,' be, tn. \irjilnlp te.nrlny' annpunred 'hat tin tota "WaTter^of Mt.'St. Dominif "Aeaa-/ .. -- have participaied'.{A ,«

als open house :at'.tn'eVwCA' 1,1- collision, .Hid. officer said, ari -^lsu for Iha^'lassioom leach." $13.7 million,, he noted. .Slstfcif"i Mary VirglrijaVirgni;; and Sister 11 ^Lt~—iL ,111.• iu-^KiJ1 it ttl"biti ' •— Flrsl "' '- ' " ;o{. Andlln! of BeiiedicUtw;3teadeibi jl•m^^an^3l5Tili2«lM^hi•-Mist£:hario'ttc.,.GalST Jrara. cJcmonstralir|B Ahp ; i Uyitles, 4n .whjeb •'.ciirvipctf. hnvi> ilrtK: st flSt^..\vll,l;Jj)cl.i-.de , ..seycj-al, • ai)d-| >yer: ex'panriinp^ fnFWtr''' "'" -—•"•"—"*- ; 'Rtie'sit ilneiiKers., *I"hero wl'll'. also tleii In-ordeli r to give flic Town-< - j7rhrTSwca'sJro:f5ort»ihBrt tori 'willW :/l'tHtrn-«l,ol),lBCussfo4is and Himship of 'Union* lh.e. bosf bankltiK Dayton :'H«Elonal Jitgh' Scjiftol,, 1 old group,.will have' opetfltnuse I 'ji«.)i'.ti'rttt. IKfe'Poat of a '.rf,if.; bnr (jxtdndlnf! ayrosn 1 omnhaslii. . .';' ' .' '"• sTiowlngs, ..Previously, a slmllnr seryico available," PiM,.>*id, S /or _ thtiK'-frtnilfles toinoi-'row. *HI 11:SO a.m, A domonVtrnHpri __ L J^iiiilori ..OiTTiil whkb envelopes A tnW operilliKti"ili;e Available Mrmo.U':»ti\raipilwjjilcd. •S&7 WllhUnirciTrt-ijirtilhetecrit'jjilihrthli ; will two-week. «emixw biiiilnnl taHAm\- be ' mrniiraleil;; froitr- .untreated--- day. Retcrvallonii. i.'an lie niade piiill' lit nii\ /ty.or all nito (if, 3ft,pot) at'th^yWCA. Cnn)iv;ri! inoet nt psr''bn,t(bL,—Jt ,lhe. tests ;are su1> in« JWUA from 1) n.nk'I'to''ritrtm,, rcsftTul, eycnlually . all.' Marnps' ^| 'Mondays thro.HKh-i'rlflii'.vn. .Ac-: >H);bofipipl)orHi«ko(J'': ':[; tiyltles Include, crafls,: inltslc,'. : •gdmos, nature study, storlcK and -~A -small, 'blaok',box added to dr'airtallcs, wadlnR '.forlthc S-'»nd the ' Mark , II- facer-cahcelJIn^ m.ii'hinc will : "recognize" ancT Instructjon (or.the older ... . . scpnrnlc speqlnlly-trentcd -alr- n i K oailUstampi;-in: the,, field tests. Dne.:bu»r trip to' a pliitu 6i in- : terest ban Wn planned: Kniiinccrs, said the jirioellflca- llon_li-:,rclatlyely-'lnexpenslve. It 1 1 obtained by phonlns Mliiit- Mary 'wnk conceived-and Is belng-dp-, ' Jda-GJrdrier,. young—adult "prn- \'c((JpeH by de-partmerit research gram director, at Abe. YWGA,- CR' selentlaU working in with-the National Co. -In. Dayton, and elintaxes wi- "pci'lm'onts that have been Property 6arndg|£- on.for more th«n" three yeurs. iBy Car li " vinlel. sentilnK. dpvw«T-wlll save ue_af-U)ne=.hnlf hour In ••Lawn, "hedgeii and . twft trei* thr dlnpntch of alrrnallr^It also on the . properly of, Merle 1.. at least one manual IJuinn,. nn.lv Minute Ai'ms ' ri\~, •tlnloni-wore damnned last weiiii pcy(!l(i|)tn«nl of h. fncpr-cnii- _by;» (Jar drlven_by~Geoi(!0 Moli^ cellcr, which went inlo.opcra- -aln, 53, of 3(10 Minute Arms.-rH^- llon in Illlfln7~cl|mlnrilcd, for who lost . control,'. DHIICU rc- l),, n slow and oxpenp * ^ported. ' ....:'.'.-•:"... . ' •' • • . j 1 Mokaln lold pollre ho IONI eon- liiind'-sprtlnfi operatloni jjie=-^ trol while .blicklni" In'bin dr'lvi- foru ninll could be fed Into old-

nnd into. tbo_l)i'«|wi'ty of'Mn.rlln (if. mull coinlioKjoiit of pouches, iit -all- oiwclopnsi—worb-or— and .then onto; the utiljn pro|i- ron'tiud ,otj_ trtiyif',. with ',r.tiimp» crty, police saldrr—r ' -fH-'thc siim'q^posHion. The> fiicor- I i:t>nce,ll(!r "''UJyw. "photo-clectficr FREE DELIVERY cells to" "Re-;ii'ch-piii" stamps in- fotir ,posslbie-rf;ombi)»a-. TtioTOr~nf"Tposiitlons" of B' letler "piisslnK the device, LbttQTJLcan be. fed Into thp faco-cnnceiler With stamps .uppcr..riBiu on up-' side down (lower—leftV, bnck- wiu^ls wHh-Rliimni' lower left or

^Plioln clcut'rle..'o'yon pcvnil letters with ntiimpa m_a .. . A, flflii iiiui'ntnrt"tB' fiir cjdcls,.—mull Wllhdfit, «l.anlpli( efpi'WI mhll ••whlclt In .Urn IJuhlly, Jtiltinl:~tn— ni'l.Iviltn • tilt: Hl' ll, tttntil|(n ~niv ill O1,1 'Hill

I'tMininiiii • Annul.-.l-r" __nf mllll I'lliTimllV -HI.. % H in'ii mli .-;uip. .[iu,'L'):.ij!itii'i. ni!l' fiirl^

I'i'ii'i'll'i'i' T^'iiiit tiniliii'i'iif

Will Vi.'silll-Vlii'li iiir.ii|iini|m HI'ft.• Ilili'MKil.' Tir-TiiilU'iiln tint V. Montelnlt* || nit din f j'HUi.'i'lllim mm lil)ii\ llm hliuii|i u iiiii'itm m1 Hie Uito'tH' Inn 11.1 Iliii I'IUIM nf

SHOULDER- tire troubles out of trips..

URKEYROLL I OOI>1 OH7V rit|?S|I PH0MJCE SWEET, JUICY, GEORGIA PEACHES r'.Prlcts plus ..lav (nd 2 old tifoii/om your, car1 .


2530 Sprlngilttld AVe.r Vaux Hall, Union SAVE • SAVE • iAVC • SAVE • • SAVE • SAVfcj • SAVE • SAVB^^SSvB-^ SAVE

: i *•• •<• ^-rT--¥*V:^;' ;',-:r^Sf^^^^^^ ' ' '-v-'r'^"'^ ^v, ;-'^.;'v^;,-':v''-T^P''vV'^^^^^^^^^