Table of Contents Becquerel, Henri Blumgart, Herman Bohr, Niels Chadwick, James Compton, Arthur Coolidge, William Curie, Marie Curie, Pierre Dalton, John de Hevesy, George Einstein, Albert Evans, Robely Failla, Gioacchino Fermi, Enrico Frisch, Otto Geiger, Hans Goeppert-Mayer, Maria Hahn, Otto Heisenberg, Werner Hess, Victor Francis Joliet-Curie, Frederic Joliet-Curie, Irene Klaproth, Martin Langevin, Paul Lawrence, Ernest Meitner, Lise Millikan, Robert Moseley, Henry Muller, Hermann Noddack, Ida Parker, Herbert Peierls, Rudolf Quimby, Edith Ray, Dixie Lee Roentgen, Wilhelm Rutherford, Ernest Seaborg, Glenn Soddy, Frederick Strassman, Fritz Szilard, Leo Teller, Edward Thomson, Joseph Villard, Paul Yalow, Rosalyn Antoine Henri Becquerel 1852 - 1908 French physicist who was an expert on fluorescence. He discovered the rays emitted from the uranium salts in pitchblende, called Becquerel rays, which led to the isolation of radium and to the beginning of modern nuclear physics. He shared the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with Pierre and Marie Curie for the discovery of radioactivity.1 Early Life Antoine Henri Becquerel was born in Paris, France on December 15, 1852.3 He was born into a family of scientists and scholars. His grandfather, Antoine Cesar Bequerel, invented an electrolytic method for extracting metals from their ores. His father, Alexander Edmond Becquerel, a Professor of Applied Physics, was known for his research on solar radiation and on phosphorescence.2, 3 Becquerel not only inherited their interest in science, but he also inherited the minerals and compounds studied by his father, which gave him a ready source of fluorescent materials in which to pursue his own investigations into the mysterious ways of Wilhelm Roentgen’s newly discovered phenomenon, X-rays.2 Henri received his formal, scientific education at Ecole Polytechnique in 1872 and attended the Ecole des Ponts at Chaussees from 1874-77 for his engineering training.
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